The Don Land demonstrates best practices in hunting management. Congratulations to our fellow countryman! Bersenev Anton Evgenievich Gazprom

Yar_Bor 30-03-2010 19:56

Anton Bersenev has been appointed to the position of Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Field of Hunting and Conservation of Hunting Resources of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources

The corresponding order was signed by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Yuri Trutnev.
Anton Evgenievich Bersenev was born in 1972 in Yaroslavl. Graduated from the Kirov Agricultural Institute in 1994.

Previously, he worked as the head of the hunting and fishing tourism department - director of the Yaroslavl regional public organization “Regional Society of Hunters and Fishers” in Yaroslavl. The last position held was Deputy Director of the AUP Department of the Federal State Institution “Control Information and Analytical Center for Game Animals and Habitat”, Moscow.

Anton Evgenievich, accept congratulations from the Borisoglebsk hunters!

GREIFELT44 30-03-2010 20:07

We need to congratulate not only A.E. Bersenev, but all of us.

Averroes 30-03-2010 20:34

but also all of us.

Explain why?

GREIFELT44 30-03-2010 21:47

mik30 30-03-2010 21:57

A big ship, a long voyage. May God grant him good luck and less problems for us. Congratulations to us? Hmm... My mother said to the rise in oil prices after the crisis: “What, will my pension increase in the same proportion?” Oil gets more expensive - the price of gasoline rises, oil gets cheaper - gasoline still gets more expensive.))) And God forbid, energy professionals in the min. I'll be glad to be wrong.

Shniperson 31-03-2010 01:27

quote: Originally posted by GREIFELT44:

With the fact that this chair was occupied by a professional.

Professionals usually say “nothin’ personal, just business.” Even if the person is good in everyday life.

GREIFELT44 31-03-2010 19:55

solomon73 31-03-2010 23:09

It's good if something changes for the better! One person, even if he really wants to, will not break the system...

Gray wolf 01-04-2010 10:19

quote: Originally posted by GREIFELT44:

As the ancient Zulus said, “we’ll wait and see.”

Rather "chew and see"

rusPH 04-04-2010 18:20

Thank you, colleagues.

quote: One person, even if he really wants to, will not break the system...

Of course, yes, but port wine doesn’t flow under a sedentary ass, and if you all help with really thoughtful suggestions, then a lot of useful things can be done. For example, the list of “licensed” species has already been slightly changed so that woodcocks, stonefishes, etc. are not there, just a little, but it will become easier for the hunter.

sokol1 04-04-2010 21:45

For reference, the same Department issued the discussed draft “Payment rates per unit area of ​​a hunting ground”, by the way, after A.E. got there. The Yaroslavl region there is valued at as much as 45 rubles per 1 hectare. which is at least three more than any other region. or even 45 times, guess: who will pay for the land? Here's to you, fellow countryman!

Mr.Cat 05-04-2010 13:41

Licked, oh licked, “comrade” Sokol1!!! I think at YAOOiR they will appreciate... well, you know who. In this regard, the question is: is hysteria regarding Bersenev’s occupation of the position indicated above a prerequisite for working in OOOiR, or is it some kind of contagious disease that is rapidly spreading between game managers and chairmen of regional societies and the OOOiR itself?

sokol1 05-04-2010 16:33

Contagious :-))

Yar_Bor 05-04-2010 19:05

quote: For reference, the same Department issued the discussed draft “Pay rates per unit area of ​​a hunting ground”, by the way, after A.E. got there. The Yaroslavl region there is valued at as much as 45 rubles per 1 hectare. which is at least three more than any other region. or even 45 times, guess: who will pay for the land? Here's to you, fellow countryman!

The project explains in great detail where this figure came from. For elk, the limit is higher only in Yakutia, but for other species the request was not too bad. Who conducted the commercial hunts? Who broke the market price? Department? Before talking like that, they would take the trouble to familiarize themselves with the documents, fortunately now they are laid out for public viewing even before official adoption.

We know that you previously worked as the head of the hunting and fishing tourism department - director of the Yaroslavl regional public organization "Regional Society of Hunters and Fishermen", and also held a high position in a federal institution, supervising issues, including control information and analytical plans, in including those related to the habitat in Russia as a whole, - therefore, the level of your competence allows you to fully assess the substantive side of the proposed amendments to the Law.

To the readers of our portal, a significant group of representatives of the Russian outfit, tourism and recreational services, tour operators, hunting and nature users responsible for regional water use, journalists, and ordinary amateur fishermen, underwater hunters and other citizens of Russia, I would like to hear your opinion, both in general on the content proposed amendments to the current Legislation regulating recreational fishing, and your position regarding specific points, namely:

If the use of Russian water resources by any citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be unilaterally prohibited, except in special cases, and imposition of a virtual service, allegedly provided (but not assigned to a given period or unnecessary to a specific person, etc.) to everyone present in the territory of responsible water use (or another form of granting a special right to use resources), is an illegal way to profit from uncreated surplus value, -

People go for amateur and sport fishing, as well as for hunting, not for prey, but for peace of mind and unity with nature, including, first of all, realizing their historical traditional national needs and needs, which are part of the concept of mentality and identity of the nation . Profit-making by a narrow circle of appointed persons issuing permits for stay, access to nature, hobbies and recreation is unacceptable and criminal.

This bill in this form violates constitutional norms and basic rights of Russian citizens. Our readers get the full impression that having received a popular response in the form of so-called fishing riots, which swept across Russia several times in response to attempts to introduce paid fishing, officials, having formally reformed Rosrybolovstvo, decided to switch to veiled forms of the same actions, dumping everything to certain virtual types of social structures that they plan to create for indirect profit-making, and certainly not in favor of the state. We clearly see the corruption component of this version of the Law.The law is not a means of extracting profit and preferences in the interests of a narrow circle of limited persons.

According to the majority of our readers, they want to turn virtually all water bodies in the country into large paid parking lots in order to make a profit.

We would like to know your opinion in general on this document, as well as specifically on the above-mentioned positions of the government-proposed amendments submitted for public discussion.

On October 29, a large-scale all-Russian meeting was held in Rostov-on-Don, dedicated to hunting - an activity that is undoubtedly pleasant, exciting and requires not only the ability to handle weapons, but also knowledge of legislation and respect for nature.

Hunting is serious business

Specialists from the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, Tsentrokhotkontrol, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as representatives of authorized government bodies in the field of hunting and conservation of hunting resources from all subjects of the Russian Federation - the geography of knowledge and experience collected at this meeting is very extensive, but the location During the congress, the Don land was chosen. Why?

This is our first offsite meeting in the last five years. We chose the Rostov region because one of the most efficient and technologically advanced hunting farms in the country is located here - this is the Rostov State Experimental Hunting Farm,” explained Anton Bersenev, director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Field of Hunting and Wildlife of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. - Its employees prepared a special program of round tables, which took place during trips to hunting grounds.

During such trips, Don specialists demonstrated advanced hunting management experience. All participants of the congress shared their knowledge, as they say, in the fields, which made their joint work even more fruitful. Such trips to the regions, Bersenev emphasized, are planned to be held regularly, and this will not be the last time the Rostov region receives game managers.

Our Rostov state experimental hunting farm, without false modesty, I will say, is one of the best in the Russian Federation, and this is the joint merit of the Don government and the federal department,” said Vyacheslav Vasilenko, deputy governor of the Rostov region in charge of natural resources issues. - In addition to this, we have other demonstration areas. We have something to show our guests.


The main issue of the meeting was the registration and protection of animals. In order not to deplete wildlife, specialists need to clearly understand how many individuals they can remove. Last year, a landmark law was passed to expand the powers of rangers. Now they can again draw up special documents recording violations of hunting rules. And now briefing and training of rangers is taking place across the country. Based on the results, they will take tests on their knowledge of the law, receive special certificates of industrial hunting inspectors and distinctive signs of a single federal standard.

The scientific component of the meeting was the analysis of hunting as an element of wildlife conservation. Currently, game managers are successfully increasing the number of animals. There have been positive dynamics in this area across the country for five years now.


Rostov journalists, communicating with federal officials, could not ignore a topical issue for the Don region. They were interested in whether the wild boar would return as a hunting object to the territory of our region.

I believe that it is necessary to adopt a state strategy to restore the wild boar population and eliminate African swine fever in Russia, - Anton Bersenev answered.- International experience suggests that it is precisely such strategic documents and coordinated actions of all executive authorities that can lead to a positive result. Speaking about international experience, I mean first of all Spain, which defeated this disease. There, a royal order was issued in 1995, defining the overall strategy for combating ASF, which lasted ten years.

The number of wild boar in the region has decreased almost tenfold due to African swine fever. Therefore, today it is being replaced by other types of game animals, - added Vyacheslav Vasilenko.- Over the past five years, the population of almost all types of wild ungulates, except for wild boar, of course, has increased. These are elk, sika deer, red deer. There are more pheasants, wild ducks, and partridges.

Andrey Shalygin: Due to the fact that the conversation with Anton Evgenievich turned out to be long and detailed, to review such a pressing topic as Bowhunting in Russia does not seem possible. Publishing a transcript of our debate may not be a 100% good idea either. The logical solution was to break the video into episodes dedicated to discussing individual issues and provide accompanying explanatory text information. Please note that the text is not authentic to the video.

Hunting with a bow and crossbow in Russia - Andrey Shalygin NExplorer - conversation with Anton Bersenev, Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Field of Hunting and Wildlife of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia

A meeting with the Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Sphere of Hunting and Wildlife of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia Anton Bersenev allowed our portal to calmly and gradually jointly prepare a series of materials devoted to the analysis of issues that are important for many on the topic - Bowhunting in Russia. During the materials, it is planned to consider (and, if possible, practically demonstrate) all the nuances of this problem, jointly analyze and put an end to all controversial issues, and most importantly, resolve them, doing everything possible on both sides.

This opportunity was provided to us by Anton Evgenievich himself as part of his initiative aimed at constructive joint work to involve the hunting and sports community in practical work to improve the system of work of government institutions in the conditions of Civil Society. We ourselves have the right to any point of view, but in practice we must implement not only what we want, but first of all what is necessary and can be realized, while acting in stages.

Hunting with a Bow and Crossbow in Russia - Conversation with the Director of the Hunting Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia Anton BERSENEV - part 1

What do these phrases mean in simple language? To put it simply, then: Enough, dear gentlemen, (even if in your case this happens in a matter-of-fact and constructive manner) simply criticizing the Ministry of Nature and the Department of Hunting. If you are so smart, tell me what to do, and listen to us. Maybe you yourself don’t know something that we actually did a long time ago. And let’s finally move on from words to action. This is roughly how I could briefly formulate the main message that led to our conversations with the Chief Hunter of Russia. Constructively. Let's.

The fact is that the main problem of the current stage of formation of civil society throughout the post-Soviet space is the incompetence of the overwhelming majority of critics. That is, the lack of professionalism, specialized education and training among activists who readily point out the imperfections of any branch of government, legislation, the practice of its activities, the prevailing realities, and in terms of moving to the task of eliminating shortcomings - “there are a lot of violent people, there is no one to work with.” " - that's the paradox.

Perhaps it is for this reason that there is no understanding and process of interaction with the authorities at various conferences, meetings, editorial offices, actions and delegations, which with enviable consistency attack the Law on Hunting, the Hunting Department, the Ministry of Natural Resources and so on, including the Ministry of Agriculture, and primary public organizations, on the subject - How long?! There is NO one to talk to or anything to talk about. A well-fed horseman does not walk on foot, as they say, for - mine is not yours too...

As the Chief Hunter of Russia, Anton Evgenievich Bersenev has been known to us for several years. He assumed the position of Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the field of hunting and wildlife in March 2010. A graduate of the Kirov Agricultural Institute, he previously worked as the head of the department of hunting and fishing tourism - director of the Yaroslavl regional public organization "Regional Society of Hunters and Fishers" Yaroslavl. The last position held was Deputy Director of the AUP Department of the Federal State Institution “Control Information and Analytical Center for Game Animals and Habitat”, Moscow.

We, in turn, have also come a long way - not the first 20 years in Hunting, not the first 10 years in Journalism, and not the first five-year plan with Bow. And the largest audience of regular visitors in this segment in Russia and the CIS speaks for itself. In addition, more than a dozen websites in this market were created by us, and more than one specialized magazine of the all-Russian level was built from scratch...

Therefore, the Director of the Hunting Department had his own reasons to talk about bowhunting in Russia with us.

Game manager Bersenev went to work for Gazprom. Probably developing a new strategy for the development of gas fields or preparing his “reincarnation” as a leader of hunters under the roof of foresters. A lawyer was appointed to manage the hunting farm, whose last place of work was a plush toy factory.

Well, according to tradition, the editorial staff of ROG decided to gather leading Russian scientists in the field of hunting and ask them to comment on the events of the last three months. Events that probably concern everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of our country and the hunting industry associated with it. The meeting was chaired by the head of the joint editorial office of “Hunting Editions” A.I. Lisitsin.

Leading. Dear Colleagues! Our communication in this format is probably already becoming a tradition. Just as traditional is the position of the editorial board itself. The editors believed and continue to believe that the opinion of leading scientists and game managers who went through the Glavokhotov “crucible” is the most valuable and the hunting project called “Glavokhota” was the most successful in the entire history of the domestic hunting industry.

Four months have passed since our last meeting, and the events that have occurred during this time can direct the development of the hunting industry for the better. However, there is a lot in these events that is alarming and perplexing. For example, the appointment of Mr. Morgunov as the “right hand” of Mr. Bersenev to the position of director of Tsentrokhotkontrol, which in relation to the hunting scientific community looks like an outright spit. The editors and probably the reader would like to hear your comments on everything that happened.

What happened, what is it? Is hunting Russia taking the path of sustainable development? Are our “hunting resources” becoming the property of “all world humanity”? There are many questions, and they still remain unanswered.

As always, we will not set a rigid framework for the discussion, but we will still formulate a general topic. Firstly, “is what happened a “wind of change” or another Empire “squiggle” like Yeltsin’s “we’re not sitting like that”? Secondly, “resources of game animals - so whose are they in the light of the “unexpected” accession of Belarus to the notorious AEWA”? And finally, thirdly, “How do you evaluate the “questionnaire” of the Department of Hunting, proposed for consideration at the next council of the department?”

Let's give the floor to Professor V.A. Kuzyakin.

— Vladimir Aleksandrovich, you recently responded with a publication in our newspaper and, to some extent, have already spoken out on this topic. However, how do you assess the changes that have taken place?

“I wasn’t the only one who responded. The game manager Sluzhbin is absolutely right: the Bersenev team did not cope, is not coping, and cannot cope. Perhaps I’ll start with the last question you asked – about the draft “Action Plan”. I read it and was disappointed. One can still feel the same Bersenev style. Anton Evgenievich paid great attention to all sorts of little things, instead of dealing with the fundamental problems of the country's hunting industry. Methodological details of the ZMU, the invention of terms and concepts that contradict the Russian language, some crazy editorial details for the ugly instructions for drawing up the so-called “Development Schemes...”. This is A.E.'s style. Berseneva. The Action Plan says the same thing. None of the most important things. For example, international cooperation. Let's say, in the International Hunting Council (CIC) there is Rosohotrybolovsoyuz, IPEE named after. A.N. Severtsov, but there is no main state hunting authority in Russia. It stews in its own juice of little things or grandiose mercantile projects.
Kazakhstan is ready to conduct scientific and production cooperation with Russia in hunting matters at the level of interstate agreements. It’s more complicated with Belarus: they entered into the AEWA Agreement, which leads to a ban on spring hunting for their hunters in order to satisfy the insatiable Western Europeans. Apparently, Belarusians have the same concern for hunters as we do. Our hunting department doesn’t even understand that if it tried to recreate the federal environmental assessment on quotas, it would relieve itself of almost all concerns about monitoring hunting resources and responsibility for distributing production limits. Dear A.N. Durandin apparently did not understand what kind of examination was being discussed. I wrote that she must be, I emphasize, independent and, I emphasize, highly qualified, so that she can control biased accounting materials and conduct normal monitoring of resources. Since there is still no real monitoring and under the leadership of N.A. Morgunov will not be there.
The personnel situation at Tsentrokhotkontrol will not allow this. “Central control” itself needs control. The attitude towards science is ugly. Back in June, I called the Ministry of Natural Resources and asked to arrange a meeting with S.N. Budilin. So far there has been no reaction. It is strange that when discussing monitoring problems, the opinions of the founders of the State Accounting Service of Russia are ignored. There is no nationwide database on hunters. There is no monitoring of the resources of migratory birds, which make up 80% of all hunting resources in Russia. No monitoring means no resource management at the population level. There are cadastres of all natural resources; there is no hunting cadastre and is not planned. At least in the form of a Book of Game Animals, similar to the Red Book, but more serious and with the main resource component. In general, I don’t yet see even the beginnings of a desire for better.

- Yuri Igorevich! In July, when S.N. Budilin visited our editorial office, and in my presence Mr. Linkov gave him your books, including those dedicated to such an animal as the elk. Has anyone from the department contacted you?

Yu.I. Rozhkov, Doctor of Biology. sciences, prof.

- With me? No. And no one, I think, is going to read these books. Probably not necessary. It is necessary that the professionals who wrote them and who have been developing modern methods for monitoring game animals for decades, slowly, together with the regions, introduce these methods into the hunting industry. And all sorts of poorly educated clerks and other “long-distance runners” did not get in their way. As Professor Kuzyakin rightly noted, the mercantile tail should not control the dog.
I agree with Vladimir Aleksandrovich in part of his assumption about the motives for Belarus’ accession to the notorious convention. As for the questions you formulated, I will once again remind you of what I have written and spoken about many times. The main task of hunting science was, is and will be the development of mechanisms for so-called population management. And to do this, you need to “select” these same populations. Without this difficult work, “population management” is just a declaration. And stop our very noisy pseudo-hunting experts fooling hunters with all sorts of “hunting populations” and other gags. I cannot but agree with Professor Kuzyakin. We don’t have population monitoring in Russia, and this means counting numbers, counting production, but not at the population level, etc. I repeat once again, it’s sad that they don’t use ready-made developments in this area, don’t know how and don’t want to. It is obvious to me that the Melnikov-Bersenev team is working towards a crisis in the hunting industry.

- Nikolai Konstantinovich! You are known not only as one of the authoritative game scientists in Russia, the author of books on the fauna of the north-east of Russia, but also as a publicist who knowledgeably responds to the key problems of the hunting industry. Your opinion is always interesting.

N.K. Zheleznov-Chukotsky, Doctor of Biology. Sciences, Honored Scientist.

- You are right, Alexander Ivanovich, although partly. At least the previous management of the department was not interested in my opinion at all. I have already stated in print my point of view on the current situation in the hunting industry. Let me note that my views on the structure of the hunting industry largely coincide with what my colleagues present here say and write. And first of all, it is unacceptable and even criminal to keep ignoramuses in the leadership of hunting science. The crisis in the hunting industry has reached the scale of a catastrophe, largely thanks to the militant stupidity of these very ignoramuses, who even now “rule” departmental science. The accession of the Republic of Belarus to this convention after a twenty-year pause is truly unexpected. However, the fact that this is primarily the “merit” of our ignoramuses, in my opinion, is obvious.

— Andrey Borisovich, in recent months you have been noted several times on the pages of ROG. Is there anything to add to this? I remember that at our previous round table you said that the Hunting Department with its leadership is a headache for the hunting industry.

A.B. Linkov, Ph.D. biol. Sci.

- Yes, I said so. And with the exception of the new, young, energetic and adequate head of the Hunting Department, who seems to be beginning to understand “the whole complexity of the situation,” everything else is still old. And departmental science with its old-new Morgunov is the same headache for the hunting industry. Such personnel decisions will only discredit the new director of the department.

At Tsentrokhotkontrol, the old “ZMU games” continue, and its leadership is again at least “Pass in the eyes.” In general, “hunting regulation”, “quotas” and “rationing” without accounting and monitoring, “non-traditional” economic relations are the “creed” of our departmental science of the Bersenev batch.
Once upon a time, the opinion of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of Glavokhots was taken into account, because behind it stood the most advanced hunting science, which was done by outstanding scientists, and which was difficult to manipulate. Now Tsentrokhotkontrol is a branch of the department that controls nothing, and its expert potential is zero. The situation can still be changed, but tough personnel decisions are needed. I can only join the opinion of my colleagues regarding the entry of Belarusian brothers into AEWA. And the “father” has elections, as they say, “on the nose.” For added “legitimacy,” you can join somewhere. But the trend in general is not good. This is exactly what the “Curzon line” looks like. Did the Greenpeace people from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tsentrokhotkontrol screw up? Or maybe they tried? And will there be “our answer to Lord Curzon”?

— Mikhail Dmitrievich, you are our regular author and one of the leading Russian experts in the field of hunting. Your assessments and forecasts, as always, are interesting to our readers.

M.D. Perovsky, Doctor of Biology. sciences, prof.

“I have written and said more than once that the modern Law “On Hunting” is aimed at finishing off the hunting industry in Russia, destroying it completely and destroying all the wonderful traditions that have established in the country over the last century. And where in the “issues for discussion” proposed by the department is the draft, essentially a new law? I repeat once again that it is impossible to do without such things as, for example, passing an exam on the hunting minimum for a new hunter. This provision should be included in the law without any reservations. It is necessary to recreate the public hunting inspection. Without relying on the people, the public, the protection of hunting grounds in Russia is impossible. The admission of all hunting workers to the effective protection of land with document verification, detention, and drawing up a protocol must be the norms of the law. And for this we need to return to the principles of operation of Glavohota as an independent branch headquarters. I have already spoken about this several times on the pages of ROG. And I will speak out in the future, because the situation in the hunting industry is only changing for the worse.


Colleagues! I think the exchange of opinions that took place, which we briefly recorded on the pages of our newspaper, will be of interest to our reader. I have already said that we are faced with an institutional problem in the hunting industry. To solve it, we need a whole range of infrastructure projects in the hunting sector, including new, nationally oriented, understandable hunting legislation based on traditions and successful experience. And of course, the revival of hunting societies. But first of all, we must restore order, as they say, to the holy of holies of hunting - in hunting science. The hunting trail is nearby. But in order to see it, as Professor Kuzyakin said, addressing Bersenev, you need to learn a little. In the hunting industry, as in the country as a whole, certain breakthroughs are needed. We need victories. The country needs them like a breath of fresh air. The hunting industry needs its own “Patriot Park”. But without modern, nationally oriented, result-oriented hunting science, the hunting industry is doomed to failure.