Come up with a team for the day of medical workers of the diagnostic service. Scenario for Medic's Day "People in white coats

holiday program dedicated to the Day of the medical worker


VED.1: Good evening, Dear friends!

VED.2: Good, summer evening!

VED.1: June has come. Month of the gentle sun. It's time that gives us a lot of good mood and various professional holidays.

VED.2: One of them, we celebrate this week.

VED.1: So that you can guess what holiday is coming I'll tell you one anecdote.

After the operation, the patient, still weak from anesthesia, turns to the doctor:
— Doctor, tell me, can I have a beer?
Doctor (angrily):
— What beer?!
- Well, what about in the future?
- What is the future?

VED.2: Of course, everyone guessed that we are talking about the holiday dedicated to the Day of the medical worker.

VED.1: And now from our stage, we would like to congratulate all doctors, nurses, nurses and all those who help people restore life, maintain health and treat diseases, with professional holiday– Happy Medical Worker, and wish prosperity and happiness1

VED.2: Today, giving our hearts to you, our guardian angels, we invite you to the stage with musical congratulations ...


Glory, glory to the doctors,
Nurses, paramedics,
To all nurses, optometrists,
Obstetricians, prosthodontists,
Dentists and lores
Glory we sing all in chorus.

Even if someone is healthy
After all, life began with doctors!
Take the Hippocratic Oath
She is faithful in her work.
Glory, glory, doctors!
We bow low to you!


VED.1: The medical profession is one of the most ancient and one of the most necessary for all mankind.

VED.2: People of this profession always enjoy honor and respect, because from their bright minds, from their patience,

VED.1: Not only health, but also the lives of many people often depend on endurance and quick wits.

VED.2: And now we invite you to try yourself as a medical worker.

(bandage your head)


VED.1: Doctor - to the patient:
- I'm sorry, but I deleted you healthy tooth. We'll have to remove the patient now.
Sick (with relief):
- Nothing, nothing. Thank God you're not an optometrist!

VED.2: Imagine that you are a doctor, and the life of your patient depends on how quickly you cope with the medicine.

(pour water with a syringe, from glass to glass)


VED.1: Modern surgeons are able to do miracles:

VED.2: The most complex, microscopic operations performed by them allow maintaining the health of all people suffering from serious illnesses.

VED.1: Thanks to biologists, medicinal chemists and pharmacists, there are drugs that every day help people avoid pain, relieve suffering, cure and prevent a variety of diseases.

VED.2: Are any of you strong in the knowledge of drugs?

(name drugs for headache)


VED.1: Dear friends! Do you know why some medicines are made with alcohol?

VED.2: Because for a long time, doctors have tried all medicines on themselves. That is why tinctures and balms are made with alcohol.

VED.1: And we suggest you now try yourself as an ambulance.

(relay race with "victims")


VED.1: Patient to doctor - doctor:
- Doctor, you said that I would live only two weeks, but now the third month has passed ...
We're treating it wrong.

VED.2: All patients are brought to the hospital by ambulance, which is accompanied by the sounds of a siren.

VED.1: We suggest you now depict the ambulance siren signal.



VED.1: The doctor thoughtfully flips through the results of the tests of the patient sitting opposite.
- How old are you?
“It will be forty soon.
- Will not be…

VED.2: Yes, doctors have a hard job. In addition, they have to constantly put on their gowns, some of which are fastened on the back, like surgeons.

(button shirt on back)


VED.1: Many doctors work in almost complete silence.

VED.2: And we would all really like to know what they are talking about.

COMPETITION 8 "Voiceover"
(comments on doctors' actions)


VED.1: Today we congratulate people of a wonderful profession.

VED.2: Everyone, from orderlies and nurses to highly qualified surgeons,

VED.1: From students of medical schools and institutes to professors and candidates of medical sciences,

VED.2: Today we congratulate and say the most sincere words appreciation and gratitude.



VED.1: Dear friends!

VED.2: How good it is that there are people in the world, such a wonderful profession as doctors!

VED.1: Today they have a professional holiday.

VED.1: Let all the people who come to them for help leave completely healthy, happy, and in a good mood.

VED.2: And they will always be grateful for their responsible and hard work!

VED.1: Congratulations to everyone on the holiday!

VED.2: Health and good luck to everyone!


The presenter hands the participant of the competition a card on which any medical specialty is written. For example, ophthalmologist, dentist, ENT, gynecologist and so on. The participant must, with his gestures and facial expressions, explain to those present which doctor is indicated on his card. The one from the audience who guessed first gets the next card with the task.


Participants compete in pairs. Each pair, blindfolded, must put on each other things that are in the bag provided by the leader. There are two gowns, two pairs of shoe covers, two pairs of gloves and two medical caps. As soon as the "surgeons" are fully equipped, they shout: "Scalpel!". The pair of surgeons who "prepared for the operation" faster than the rest wins.

eye diagnosis

The facilitator takes turns calling the symptoms of a particular disease. Which of the doctors with fewer listing of the number of symptoms will be able to determine the diagnosis - he receives a prize. For example, fever, cough, runny nose, headache and joint pain - influenza; fatigue, short sleep, complete absence feelings of rest after sleep, difficulty falling asleep - insomnia; partial memory lapses, lack of control over the amount of alcohol consumed, a severe hangover, binges - alcoholism, and so on.

Bandage, bandage, bandage...

Participants are divided into several teams of 2-3 people, one of which is a mummy that needs to be wrapped in a bandage. At the start command, doctors must quickly, deftly and efficiently wrap their mummy in bandages. Whose team will do it faster and who will get the best mummy, that team won.

Medical plaster

This competition will require several volunteers, on which the host or person responsible for the holiday will draw wounds with the help of iodine or a felt-tip pen (in the same number and in the same places). Each participant receives his volunteer and the same number of plasters (small - disposable). At the “start” command, doctors must find wounds on their “patients” and seal them all with medical plasters. Whoever completes the task first, wins.

Stethoscope of intuition

Each of the doctors can test their intuition in turn. The participant is blindfolded and given a stethoscope. All other guests line up. The participant is taken in turn to each of the guests, whom he will have to listen to and determine whether it is a man or a woman, and maybe even guess who exactly is standing in front of him. A doctor who can guess more guests with the help of "listening" with a stethoscope, will receive a prize.

The language of medicine

Doctors are divided into teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives sheets with the same phrases, but written in Latin. The phrase can be absolutely any (compiled using a dictionary or online translator). The team that completes the translation first and does it verbatim first will be the winner.

Medical opinion

Each medic gets a pie with any filling. On the “start” command, the participants, using a scalpel (small knife), must open their pie, find out its filling and sew it up (using a thread and a needle). Whoever copes faster, he won. After the autopsy, everyone must voice their medical opinion and whoever gets it funnier will also receive a prize.

hit or miss

Each medic takes turns pulling out medical cap a phantom, which will indicate any very interesting action, for example, draw a fly on the face with green paint or put on medical gloves and walk in them for an hour, rub your back with medical alcohol or drink a glucose solution, in general, all the most unusual. And then either do everything according to the phantom, or drink medical alcohol.

What do we celebrate? Any holiday related to medicine. And there are not many such holidays. For example, Medical Worker's Day (Medic's Day) , which is celebrated annually in Russia and Ukraine on the third Sunday of June. Or world health day celebrated annually on April 7th. True, on Health Day you can arrange a sports or environmental party, but once this holiday is worth celebrating medical party because our health depends not only on ourselves, but also on health workers.

But this is not all holidays. Let's look at the calendar of holidays and find in it World Anesthesiologist Day (October 16) International Day of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (May 8) international day of the doctor (First Monday in October).

medical party , by the way, you can also arrange in honor of the birthday of a friend or relative working in the medical field. And let the rest of the doctors are not, but at the party they will be able to try on white bathrobe, hang on the neck of a medical stethoscope, pick up a blood pressure monitor and feel yourself in the same team with the hero of the occasion.

And you can also take this topic for the usual theme party- show off and remember childhood and games in the hospital.

As we celebrate

Party theme: medical. We choose the concept and name: “Party in white coats”, “Intern party”, “Aibolit party”, “Clinical case party”, “Ward number six”, etc.

Entourage. You should not try to recreate the atmosphere of a hospital or ward - after all, white sheets and empty walls are not conducive to fun and good mood. Let it be a casual or dressy environment, where you can bring a little "medical" decor. For example, hang posters and posters on the walls with first aid instructions and slogans: “Wash your hands before eating”, “The doctor is a friend of the people”, “Get out the healers: they do not treat, they only rob and maim!” and so on. In general, everything that can be found on the topic.

You can also make "medical" garlands by hanging various medical devices on a thread: for example, tint water with gouache different color, fill disposable syringes without needles with it and hang them up. It turns out colorful garland. Stretch the rope and hang x-rays (fake, of course) on it with clothespins. Make a huge fake thermometer. Prepare fun things for your guests medical masks. Be creative, but let the atmosphere be not hospital, but festive!

Dress code. Options are possible here: you can have a party in white coats - everyone comes in white, you can also wear doctor's caps with stethoscopes around your neck. Or invite guests to choose who they will be: orderlies, doctors, or patients. Patients can come in a straitjacket, with a bandaged head, with a cast on their legs, etc. Nurse girls, of course, in white stockings and short white dresses.

You can prepare badges in advance with cool inscriptions. For example, the host of the party might be "Dr. Nalivaiko". The girl in charge of the table is the "Cooking Nurse". More inscriptions for badges: “Doctor DownHouse”, “Nurse-proletarian”, “Nurse name is Tamarka”, “Nurse-hysteric”, “Doctor Gennady Urinovich Malakhov”, “Doctor half-litrologist”, etc. Distribute badges to party participants at the entrance - let them match the inscriptions.

Event progress

Dr. Nalivaiko and his assistant (for example, "Paramedic Secular Lioness") meet guests near a specially prepared table with a potion poured into beakers (aperitif). They hang a badge on the chest, give out shoe covers and affectionately persuade them to take the “medicine”. When everyone gathers, the first toasts are made in honor of the health workers and the entertainment begins.

To begin with, you can invite guests to diagnose the lyrical hero of the song. Short fragments of songs are turned on, and the guests are trying to determine what really bothers the patient, that is, to make a diagnosis. The one who makes the most correct diagnoses is entitled to some kind of medical prize.

Fragments of songs and diagnoses:

1. "And my heart stopped,

My heart stopped” (diagnosis: heart failure).

2. "If you don't hear me,

It means that winter has come” (diagnosis: otitis media).

3. We walked with you,

I roared, oh, roared (diagnosis: hysteria).

4. We honestly want to tell you:

We no longer look at girls (diagnosis: impotence).

5. In vain you scold the rain, in vain you scold him

You stand and wait, but you don’t know why (diagnosis: sclerosis).

6. But if there is a pack of cigarettes in your pocket,

So, everything is not so bad today (diagnosis: nicotine addiction).

7. She even wanted to hang herself,

But institute, exams, session (diagnosis: suicidal syndrome).

8. I know - you want, I know for sure - you want,

I know for sure - you want it, you want it - but you are silent (diagnosis: dumbness).

9. It hurts me, it hurts

Do not relieve this evil pain (diagnosis: pain shock).

10. And his wound rots,

And it won't get any smaller

And will not heal (diagnosis: gangrene).

11. Every step through hurts,

Every gesture hurts (diagnosis: broken limbs).

Games and contests

1. Enema. Several participants are called. Each is given a syringe. The facilitator invites the participants to guess what they will have to do now. Then the host gives them a tennis ball each (instead of balls, you can take very light paper boats) and announces the start of the race. The balls are placed on the same starting line. Participants must move the ball with a jet of air from a syringe. Whose ball reaches the finish line faster, he wins.

2. Medical gloves, or strong-willed doctors. Volunteers are given one medical glove each. Their task is to inflate the glove until it bursts. To participate in the competition, it is better to involve men. Whose glove breaks faster, he wins.

3. Dentist. Volunteers are called. The host says that now they will implant dental implants. Gives them each a small piece of wood, painted pink or red (gum color), and a nail. The task is to drive a nail into a bar. The hammer is of course not included. Each participant finds his own way or uses the material at hand. Whoever hits the nail faster is the winner.

4. Competition "Dress of the doctor". Couples participate. Each is given a white shirt. big size. One of the pair is a doctor, the second is an assistant. The assistant should put the doctor's shirt on backwards and fasten all the buttons on the back as quickly as possible. The pair that completes the task faster than the others wins.

5. Pipette. 2-3 people are called. Each is given a medical pipette and a beaker with alcoholic drink. The task is to drink the contents of the beaker as quickly as possible. However, you can only drink with a pipette, drawing liquid from a beaker into it and pouring the contents into your mouth. Whoever empties the beaker the fastest wins the prize.

6. Procedural. Couples participate. Each is given a bandage or a roll toilet paper. One of the pair is a nurse or a nurse, the second is a patient suffering from flux. The task is to bandage the sick cheek as quickly as possible. You need to bandage until you use the entire roll with a bandage or paper.

What do we serve:

Various dishes with medical names. For example, vegetable salad « Vitaminosis", meat " Protein sufficiency", Seafood Cocktail " Dietary supplement", chocolate dessert" Tranquilizer" and so on. It is better not to give the dishes themselves " medical view”, as it can cause a permanent lack of appetite in some participants. For the same reason, it is better to use ... dishes as dishes, and not medical supplies.

Have a fun medical party!

On the day of the medical worker, our valiant doctors arrange celebrations, we decided to collect for them in one place a lot of holiday scenarios for the day of the doctor. These scenarios will help organize events in hospitals and clinics, even students in medical educational institutions will be able to arrange an interesting corporate party in honor of the holiday.

We have found scenarios for you in different options: playful, solemn, fabulous scenes, even in the form of musicals about doctors. Of course, we do not exclude competitions for health workers.

Scenario for the day of the physician "Hands that give life"

1 block
The curtain is closed. Fanfares are heard announcing the beginning of the holiday, the curtain opens. On stage Brass Band "Silver Trumpets", leader: Sergey Dzhioev.
Host from behind the scenes: Solemn event dedicated public holiday- Allow the Day of the Medical Worker to be considered open.
Hymn Russian Federation performed by the brass band "Silver Trumpets".

Backstage host text.
VED: Who influences our fate,
And in whose absolute power are we,
And our fragile life bowl
Whose is filled with participation?
That mother who gives us to the world,
Beloved - it transforms,
And the doctor, who at a terrible hour
Both life and happiness save us.
Him this day - words of greeting,
Let it get younger year by year
And may God keep this fidelity
Serving your people!
"People in white coats" soloist of the orchestra "Silver Trumpets"
There is a film about medical workers on the screen.
At the end of the video, a video film with congratulations to medical workers and patients on the screen.

Music sounds at the exit of the presenters

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear friends!
Hello, dear health care workers of Chekhov municipal district! Dear friends, today is your holiday and it is very pleasant that the first holiday greetings, You heard from the lips of your colleagues at work, people for whom this year has become an anniversary.
Let's applaud all of you on your professional holiday!

Download the script for the day of the medical worker "Fable for the Day of the Medic"

jumping dragonfly
Everything jumped, but baldela.
Suddenly fell ill -
Tears tremble in my eyes,
Itching and pain appeared.
There are no more bright days,
When under every bush
You can "twist your tail".
Everything is gone. monotonous
Day after day goes - wanders.
And who will come to mind
With a dragonfly to walk contagious!
Illness dejected
She crawls to the dispensary,
Knocking on the office door
He sits down in front of the doctor.
Doctor, it's not my fault
My temperament is damned -
All I want, I want, I want
And then I fly, I fly!
You don't leave me
Deliver me from my misfortune!

Scenario for celebrating the Day of the Medical Worker

Music sounds. Leaders come out.

Moderator: Good afternoon, dear friends, guests, dear healthcare workers

Moderator: Medical Worker's Day is one of the most significant and revered professional holidays in our country. It is impossible to imagine the civilized world without specialists in white coats. And it would be completely unfair to deny the titanic work of doctors, paramedics, workers of middle and junior medical personnel who daily fight for the health and life of sick people.

Presenter: The word for congratulations and the opening of the holiday is given to the chief physician of the Central District Hospital Ubaychin Viktor Vasilievich

The anthem of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Altai sounds.

Scenario for the Doctor's Day "People in white coats"

Script for adults. Scenario of the evening celebration, dedicated to the Day medic. Contests and games of a medical orientation are inserted into the script, any musical material, or close to the topic, can be taken.

The tables are covered with white cloth to the floor, they are vases for flowers. Lottery tickets are distributed to each guest at the entrance to the hall. Tables are designed for 2-4 people. Pleasant music sounds in the hall.

- Words of gratitude to you,
Nurses and doctors

Medic's Day Scenario "Good Doctor Aibolit"

Script for children. Designed for middle group kindergarten, or senior group. Spectators can be both parents and children of other groups. This scenario does not require much preparation and is easy to perform.
Dr. Aibolit appears in the hall and nurse, you can use the music from the cartoon at the exit.Nurse:- kind doctor Aibolit will warm everyone, heal, Whoever hurts something, He talks about that.
(The doctor sits down at the table, the nurse prepares everything for receiving patients. The first patient comes in with a bandaged cheek, his tooth hurts.)

- Hello, most respected people our city. Today we want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday- Happy Medical Worker!

In our country, and throughout the world, this is one of the most revered days. none civilized country would not have survived a day without people in white coats. And to deny their titanic work is completely unfair. After all, medical personnel daily fight for the life and health of sick people.

Dear doctors, today we wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly congratulate you on your professional holiday. We bow before your courageous, noble, wise and good work. Not many professions could earn so many epithets. Moreover, they are very modest and very fair.

(Sounds congratulatory poem addressed to medical workers).

- And now, when the first holidays beautiful words said, we will gladly give way to more significant and more weighty congratulations.

Congratulatory speech is given to the Head of our city (Full name of the head).

(Mayor of the city delivers a congratulatory speech).

- For the presentation of honorary awards to the stage is invited chief physician central city hospital (name of doctor).

(A ceremony of awarding doctors, nurses and other workers in the medical industry with certificates of honor and gratitude is being held).

- So the solemn official part of our holiday has come to an end, but it's still too early to disperse, since we are moving on to the second part - entertainment. And now you have to be in the role of patients, and we will try to cure you of fatigue, blues and boredom. And your treatment will be carried out non-traditional methodsfunny stories, dances and songs.

(A cheerful congratulatory song sounds).

- real doctor is a calling. We wish you all good health and longevity!

(A dance is performed as a gift to all medical workers).

- A doctor accompanies a person throughout his life. From the first loud cry to the very last breath. Very lucky for those people whom nature has awarded with excellent health, because this is not always the case. And then our dear doctors come to the rescue.

- Doctor, doctor, doctor! In all ages, people bowed before them. They have always been loved and respected, because they made life easier, helped to believe in the best. They still free people from pain, and sometimes give the wisdom that helps a person to exist in the world.

In order to become a doctor, it is not enough to learn all the concepts and terms, you still need to feel love for children, for people, a desire to understand them, help and serve them.

(a congratulatory song sounds to the doctors).

- And now let's check whether our respected doctors are capable of symptoms and appearance stranger make a diagnosis right away.

Held fun game. All participants are divided into two teams, each is given a list of lines from popular songs. According to these lines, the opponents should make the most accurate diagnosis. For example: I will never see you ... (blindness), etc.

- Well, thank you. On this wonderful day, I would like to wish you great happiness. We wish you never for a moment doubt the benefits that your work brings! Happy holiday, dear medical workers.

- Medic Day is a holiday not only for employees of polyclinics and hospitals, but also for those who come here for help. Words of sincere gratitude and appreciation of the patient are the most high award for a doctor.

- Our joyful meeting comes to the end. Let it good mood will be preserved for everyone for a long time, may there be happiness and peace in your home, patience and success in work, good health and calm patients to all of you!