How to iron a medical cap, gown, cap and other clothes? How to iron a medical gown, the main points and subtleties

A starched medical cap is not so much a tribute to fashion or a desire to look neat and beautiful at work as a practical necessity. Any things after starching are less polluted and wrinkled and better washed. And the medical staff a priori should look neat and clean. You can starch the cap quickly enough.

Preparation stage

First of all, it should be noted that any thing that you plan to starch must be clean. During the daily work of a nurse, not only household dirt, but also particles of various medical preparations, including coloring ones, get on the cap. It is sometimes unrealistic to get rid of them with the help of ordinary washing in an automatic machine.

In both cases, the stain can be removed using baking soda and vinegar. To do this, you need to pour soda on the pollution and pour it with vinegar. It is advisable to leave the cap in this state overnight. And wash it the next day.

The selected amount of starch is calculated for 1 liter of water

The next step is to prepare the starch solution. The concentration of this substance depends on how hard the headdress should be in the end. If you want the cap to be soft enough, take 1 tsp. a spoonful of starch; for medium hardness you will need 1 tbsp. l.; and for the fabric to become almost monumental, you need 2 tbsp. l. starch.

Starching stage

Weld the paste. To do this, pour the selected amount of starch into an enamel bowl and add a small amount of cold water to it, stirring constantly. The result should be a mass that is similar in consistency to thick sour cream. Boil the remaining water and pour the starch solution into it. If you wish, you can remove the dishes from the stove, because the paste is already ready, but it would be right to leave it to boil for another 3 minutes, and then it will become transparent.

Place the headpiece in the starch solution and leave it in for a few minutes so that the fabric is well saturated. Remove the cap, wring out lightly and leave to dry. In order for it to take the desired shape, it should be pulled onto a glass jar of a suitable size or you can make a similar frame yourself using glue, scissors and cardboard. Spread the headpiece well and leave until it is completely dry.

Sometimes at the final stage starched things are ironed. You can do this in the case of a medical cap, however, in this case there is a possibility that a wrinkle forms on some part of it. After all, it is only possible to iron a round object perfectly with the use of a steamer.

The traditional method is being replaced by alternative options, which are also quite effective:

  • spray starch for linen;
  • washing powders with starching effect;
  • liquid starch in bottles.

Their application is similar, but the whole process takes a little less time.

More recently, starching linens, handkerchiefs, tablecloths, blouses and shirts was the norm. All schoolgirls knew how to starch collars and cuffs from a school uniform. But, now this process has become unpopular, and the recipes are almost forgotten.

Medical workers and cooks are among those professions where neatness and cleanliness play an important role. A starched headdress is a mandatory attribute of their costume. Moreover, the starched medical and chef's cap is less smeared, it washes well and does not wrinkle much.

There are many options for how to starch a cap. But they all come down to one component: water and starch. The difference between the methods lies only in the rigidity of the starched things.

Fabric preparation

The first and foremost rule when starching, a medical cap or chef's cap should be spotlessly clean, which means washed. This will help to avoid unpleasant gray-dirty spots on things after they are starched.

Solution preparation

Starch can be taken as potato, and corn and rice, or all in a mixture. Starch is diluted in cold water and poured with boiling water, and for hard starching it is necessary to boil the solution.

There are 3 types of starching: soft, medium and hard.

  • Soft. The cap will be soft, but keeps its shape. Consumption: 1 tbsp. l. starch per 1 liter of water.
  • Average. The cap is hard and holds its shape well. Consumption: 1.5 tbsp. l. starch per 1 liter of water.
  • Rigid. Very hard cap. Consumption: 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.


The cooking process is simple and easy. Soft and medium starching is done in the same way. In a small amount of water, stir the starch to a liquid porridge. Pour in boiling water and stir thoroughly so that no lumps form. If they appear, strain the solution through a fine sieve.

A solution for hard starching is prepared a little differently. The solution must be boiled to make a paste. If the paste turned out to be cloudy, boil for 5 minutes so that it becomes transparent.

It happens that the starch is dirty, has a gray or yellowish color. So it needs to be cleaned up a bit. To do this, dilute the starch with water, shake it up. The water is drained, and at the same time all the dirt is repeated several times.


When the solution is ready, you can proceed to the main process. The chef's cap or medical cap should be immersed in the paste and held for several minutes. Then pull out, wring out and dry. For drying, it is convenient to use a glass jar, a can, a blank or a cardboard tube. The cardboard is pre-wrapped with a plastic bag so that there are no yellow streaks left. The headdress is stretched, carefully leveled to avoid creases and dried until completely dry. And you can iron the wet product with an iron from the wrong side.
You should know that it is impossible to store starched things in a damp room. Dampness causes gray spots of mold and an unpleasant odor.

You can starch a chef's cap or a medical cap with products from the store, since there are a lot of them. These are various sprays, bottled liquid starch or special starch powders. The choice is wide, from the old-fashioned method to modern household chemicals. But the main thing is that the result would be of high quality and pleasant.

The profession obliges doctors and cooks to walk in immaculately clean clothes. The requirements of accuracy and proper appearance apply to the headgear as well. In order for it to always be in perfect condition, it is necessary not only to wash, but also to starch the cap.

Why do it

Cooks and medical workers always wear snow-white clean hats, aprons, and gowns. Starched clothes look neat, beautiful, clean. But this is not just a tribute to tradition. Penetrating into the fabric, starch envelops the threads, creates an impenetrable barrier to contamination, and prevents dust from penetrating into the fibers. During washing, the polysaccharide film melts, and dirt is easily washed off with it.

Another reason to starch clothes is the need to give the headdress a certain shape. This can be done only with the help of dressing. For this, starch or other suitable means are used. Thanks to this, the desired shape of clothes can be given even at home.

Preparing clothes for the procedure

Before starching a medical cap and uniform, clothes must be washed, rinsed, and cleaned of stains. If bleach does not cope with pollution, you can remove them with ordinary household products.


Hydrogen peroxide removes even the most persistent formations. To do this, just apply a little liquid to the stain and leave the clothes in the sun. When the dirt is gone, simply spray the cleaned area with water.

soda and vinegar

Another effective method that copes with even the most persistent dirt. For this you need:

  • pour soda on the stain;
  • pour 9% vinegar on top;
  • leave overnight;
  • wash with clean water in the morning.

How to finish a cap, apron, dressing gown

Before starching a doctor's coat, chef's hat, other uniforms, determine the required rigidity of the products. The further form of the thing depends on this. There are three types of homemade starching.


Starch paste is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of dry matter per liter of water. This method is rarely used by doctors and cooks. It can be used to starch a medical gown, but a cap needs a thicker solution.


This type of starching is used to give cleanliness and shape to white coats, aprons, medical caps, if they do not require special rigidity. To prepare a sizing solution, a tablespoon of potato, wheat or corn starch is taken per liter of water.


To starch chef's hats, which are characterized by an elongated shape, a strong solution is required. It is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of dry starch per liter of water. Medical clothing is most often trimmed in the same way. The procedure itself is so simple that it can be carried out even at home:

  1. Correctly calculate the right amount of starch.
  2. Pour it into an enamel or glass dish.
  3. Pour a small amount of water, stir (the consistency of the solution should resemble sour cream).
  4. Boil the rest of the water.
  5. Carefully stirring the starch solution, gradually pour boiling water into it.
  6. If lumps form in the resulting paste, strain the composition through a sieve or mesh.
  7. Immerse clothing in the solution and let it soak well.
  8. Remove and gently wring out, running your palms from top to bottom.
  9. Do not wring out, otherwise strong folds and creases will remain on the fabric.

Then it remains only to properly dry the clothes. This instruction is suitable for potato starch. If raw corn is used, the paste must be boiled over low heat so that the solution becomes transparent.

Another tip: starch should be white. If for some reason it looks gray, it must be washed, drained, and dried. Then the powder can be used according to the instructions.

Finishing without starch

There are many other ways to give the fabric the desired shape. First of all, these are store-bought compositions designed for finishing different types of fabric. You can also use simple tools, like glue and gelatin. The only condition is not to use sugar. The smell of sweet syrup attracts insects. And this is absolutely not necessary either in a restaurant or, especially, in a medical institution.

Industrial formulations

Today, special aerosols and powders for dressing are produced. Some of them include a polyvinyl acetate emulsion. These products are great for starching clothes. They can be used for hand or machine washing. Industrial products do not require additional efforts to prepare the compositions, and this is their plus. In fact, the procedure of dressing is simple. You need to add powder during washing. Or pour liquid into the air conditioner compartment. If spray is used, clothing should be sprayed after drying.

PVA glue

It is great for finishing small items such as chef's hats and medical caps. But only light things can be processed with PVA, because the rest will leave stains. For hard sizing, follow these steps:

  1. Dilute the glue with water one to one (if the PVA is liquid, you can take a smaller amount of water).
  2. The liquid can be warm or cold (do not use boiling water).
  3. We put the cap in the resulting solution and let it soak.
  4. Take out the item, gently wring it out with your fingers from the bottom up (no need to twist it) and start drying.

Finishing with PVA has certain advantages. In particular, the adhesive solution evens out the texture of the fabric, making it smoother and glossier. Bathrobes, aprons and caps stay clean longer and are easier to wash.


Gelatin is perfect for finishing synthetic fabrics. To do this, make a solution at the rate of 3 tablespoons of gelatin per liter of water. Proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • dissolve gelatin in 100 ml of water;
  • heat the liquid in a water bath;
  • gradually add the rest of the water to it;
  • immerse the cap, bathrobe, apron in the solution;
  • let it soak;
  • gently wring out, do not twist;
  • start drying.

silicate glue

Instead of PVA, you can use silicate glue. The solution is prepared in the same way. For hard dressing, a tablespoon of glue is taken per liter of water.

How to dry and whether to iron

If everything is clear with the processing of the dressing gown and apron, then the cap, due to its shape, requires a special approach. To give the headdress the appropriate shape, it must be put on a jar of a suitable size.

With the help of a three-liter bottle, it is easy to dry a medical cap. But the chef has a more elongated hat, and it can be difficult to find a jar of the required size. In this case, you can make the form yourself. To do this, take cardboard, roll it around a three-liter bottle, secure it with paper clips or adhesive tape. Carefully straighten the cap on the form and do not remove until completely dry.

When using hard finishing, the headdress can not be subjected to heat treatment. If the medium method was used, exposure to an iron with a steam setting or a hair dryer is allowed. This will strengthen the fixation and give things a neat look.

Some chef's hats are sewn in such a way that the upper part is softer and more curly. Such hats need to be starched in two solutions. First, the whole thing is immersed in the middle composition. After squeezing, the part where there are no waves falls into a hard solution.

Starched clothes look neat, beautiful, less dirty and easy to wash. Therefore, starching has not only an aesthetic side, but also practical benefits. So how is a medical cap or a chef's cap?

Preparatory stage

Before you start processing the fabric with a starch solution, you first need to make sure that the cap is clean. If there are stains on it, it must be washed, as starching will not get rid of them. Also, before the procedure, you should take care of the availability of the necessary form for drying the treated cap, because it will be quite difficult to iron the round part. For this purpose, a glass jar of the right size or a self-made cardboard form is suitable.

Now let's look at the required ingredients. We need 1 liter of water and such an amount of starch that the fabric becomes the stiffness we need. For light starching, usually take 1 teaspoon of starch, for medium - 1 tablespoon, and for strong - 2 tablespoons.

How to starch fabric with starch?

Now we start cooking the paste: pour the starch powder into a saucepan and cook with a little water. You should get a homogeneous, viscous, sticky mass. After that, add the remaining water to it and mix thoroughly. Bring to a boil. Then you can remove the pan from the heat, but you can cook for about 3 minutes more so that the solution becomes clear. This is especially true when starching non-white fabrics.

After the solution is cooked and cooled down a little, you need to lower the cap into it and let the fabric soak well with the starch composition. You can leave the headgear in for a few minutes. Then you should get the cap, squeeze it slightly and pull it to dry on a pre-prepared form. You can also dry it in the usual way, and then iron or straighten the wrinkles with a steamer.

A clean and dense headdress of a certain shape is not only a convenient device, but also an indicator of accuracy, and, therefore, the professionalism of a cook or medical worker. To always keep it in perfect condition, you need to know how to starch the cap, how to properly prepare it and carry out the final stage of processing.

The procedure itself is quite simple, but there are a few nuances, the observance of which will allow you to get the perfect result. To influence the fabric, you can use a gelatin solution or PVA glue, but you won’t be able to achieve a better result than using traditional starch.

Fabric preparation and starching procedure

First of all, the product must be washed and cleaned of all stains. Hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with especially persistent formations. Just apply the composition to the pollution and leave the cap in the sun. After the spots disappear, we erase the object and proceed to its starching:

  1. For a liter of water we take a teaspoon, a tablespoon or two tablespoons of potato starch. In the first case, the fixation will turn out to be soft, but doctors and cooks use it very rarely. In the second case, it will be possible to achieve an average density of the fabric, in the third - the maximum possible rigidity.
  2. We spread the starch into a glass or enameled container, gradually pour cold water into it, constantly stirring the composition. First you need to pour in so much liquid that the mass looks like thick sour cream. Boil the rest of the water and slowly pour into the resulting product, stirring it thoroughly. Some people prefer to boil the solution after that for three minutes, until it becomes clear.
  3. We lower a chef's or medical cap into a slightly warm product, we achieve its uniform impregnation, but do not soak for a long time. Then we take out the product and wring it out slightly, running our hands from top to bottom. It is strictly forbidden to unscrew the fabric; from such an aggressive impact, creases will go on it, which will be difficult to straighten.
  4. The last stage is the drying of the object, which implies a certain specificity.

The chef's hat is very high, often of complex shape, it is recommended to prepare a drying dish for it in advance. It can be made from cardboard, fastened with tape. It is enough to put the headdress of a health worker on a glass jar of a suitable size.

We wait until the product is completely dry and only then remove it from the mold. Exposure to artificial heat is allowed, it is best to use a hair dryer with warm air supply.

Features of working with headgear

When working with a chef's or medical worker's cap, you need to take into account the peculiarities of hats and professions, otherwise the end result will be far from ideal:

  • Often, chef's hats differ in height and elongated shape. To keep such an amount of tissue in the desired position is possible only with the help of the maximum possible fixation. It is necessary to work out the matter very carefully, if even a small area goes unnoticed during the procedure, the cap will go and the manipulation will have to be started all over again.
  • If during processing the maximum rigidity was used, then the product does not need to be ironed. The average degree of processing from subsequent ironing will only strengthen and the thing will take on a more accurate appearance.
  • Chef's hats of uneven shape (with waves in the upper part) require the preparation of two types of composition, hard for a flat part and medium for a curly one. In this case, first the product is completely immersed in the middle solution and squeezed out. Then part of the object is immersed in a strong solution and squeezed out again. Then you can start shaping and fixing the shape.
  • For ironing hats, you can use only powerful irons with a steam function, this will avoid the formation of wrinkles and creases on the fabric.
  • Today, in addition to traditional starch, special washing powders with a fixing effect, profile fixative sprays, and liquid starch can be used to treat hats. The end result and the principle of working with them are about the same, but it takes much less time to manipulate.

If the cap begins to lose its density and shape, you should not simply re-process it, especially partial. First, the product will have to be washed, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve a uniform distribution of the composition. You should not worry that the fabric will suffer from such frequent exposure to starch, the natural product does not have any negative effect on the fibers.