Jokes for adults Santa Claus. Congratulations to Santa Claus in the office for adults. Leading: The holiday is going merrily, someone is missing here The one whom we have been waiting for all year, we will call very loudly

Good day! Like it or not, but Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are loved and wanted to see at the holiday not only by children, but also by adults. And, of course, they come as without them. They do not come empty-handed, but with gifts and congratulations on the New Year.

This article is written to help you - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Download Happy New Year greetings and replenish your stock of cheerful and perky congratulations on our website.

See also articles for the New Year 2019:

New Year's greetings from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for adults in verse and prose

Happy New Year! I wish you
Lots of joy without tears.
This is my congratulations.
Did not recognize? Father Frost!

Have fun this holiday
And get up in a round dance,
Just go to bed in the morning
May the whole year go like this!

Like Santa Claus, I tell you all

That I live not only for children.
I congratulate you all too
And I want to wish you adults

So that you believe in miracles all the time,
Then your dreams will come true too.
Then your burden will be light
And the sea of ​​beauty will take over life.

Santa Claus open

The door is wider in the house,
I go to visit everyone
Even those who don't believe.

Too fast adults
You forgot your childhood
How did you believe in me
Loved the new year.

Laugh, have fun
celebrating the New Year
May you happiness, joy
Enough for the whole year.

Like Santa Claus

I wish you happiness in the New Year
Let it be clear, kind,
Surprisingly wonderful.

Let the magic come into the soul
Joy in her, warmth reigns,
Snowfall will drive away sadness
Gives everything beautiful.

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
I will save you all from tears,
I will give salary growth
And I'll get the stars from the sky!

You only believe in me
My adult friends
Dreams will come true soon
What were you thinking!

Money, passion, love and happiness

I brought you in my bag.
To everyone who believes in their strength,
Handed over by Santa Claus.

I wish you a glorious holiday
Move forward, dream
Never lose heart
Do not give up in a difficult moment.

Santa Claus came to visit you

Open the door soon
Adults, congratulations
I am like children today
I will give gifts to everyone
I am your Santa Claus
I wish you a lot of happiness
And good luck to the whole cart!

You - I see very clearly - are already big kids

But Santa Claus loves you, what to hide!
I do not offer you cookies and sweets -
Let's open the champagne!

And yet, my family, let's believe in a miracle,
I am a very wonderful Santa Claus!
Open your heart, open the doors to a fairy tale,
And I will arrange a miracle for you seriously!

Every adult is a small child! Santa Claus, on New Year's Eve, wishes the fulfillment of all desires. Incredible gifts, long-awaited meetings, love, understanding, friendship, harmony, prosperity and prospects and the achievement of all long-awaited goals! Be healthy, open, surrounded by good people and always believe in miracles! Happy New Year!

For obedient adults in the New Year, Santa Claus wishes happiness and love, high flights of the soul and brave achievements in business, undoubted success and confident strength, great luck and bright hopes. Although you are already quite old, but I ask you, never stop believing in me and good miracles, and life will be happier and more fun!

Funny and comic congratulations Happy New Year 2019 from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at a corporate party in verse and prose

Santa Claus wishes you all
new initiatives.
Happy New Year to you guys
You are a great team.

Let work always boil
And let the income grow
Let the new salary
Bring you the New Year.

Santa Claus came to congratulate

Your awesome team.
Until the morning let him walk
Your crazy corporate party.

I want to rest brightly
But please be ashamed
After all, with each other you still
There is work to be done.

Santa Claus drove deer -

Rushed to a corporate party.
And now congratulations
Happy New Year team.

I wish you a salary -
To carry carts
Understanding from superiors
It's a good thing to love.

You have gathered as a team

Meet the New Year together.
to you about this
Santa Claus is coming right now.

I wish you guys
All for the glory of rest.
Together you still have to work, -
I beg you not to forget.

I wish the team
I'm in income a sharp increase,
Be a well-coordinated team -
This is my toast today!

I am a good Santa Claus,

And I brought you gifts
Payrolls in money bags
Champagne, sweets and salad!

To make your corporate party a success,
I'll say beautiful words
Walk people from the heart,
And let dreams come true!

Let there be a slight hangover
And don't lose your temper
I wish you joy, goodness,
Happy New Year to you friends!

Happy New Year

Everyone who has worked all year
I'm watching you
Surprised and proud.

Together as a friendly team
You have achieved many goals
Share the positive
Santa Claus sends you fun.

I went to you for a long time to congratulate you,
I will praise your team
I want to wish prosperity
To make your life sweet.

Santa Claus has been coming to you for a long time! Bring happiness and smiles, joy - collective and personal, solidarity of the corporate spirit and love for work! I wish all the employees who gathered at this excellent corporate party to achieve their goals by plunging into the winter freshness - to be renewed and rejuvenated. Let all the hardships of the old year fly away with sparkling snowflakes, and let the new and desired be painted with fantastic patterns of hoarfrost! Happy New Year!

Today I was in a hurry to visit you at a corporate party. I hope, not in vain, I overcame forests and mountains to congratulate you, because you were obedient girls and boys? I wish you that adult issues are resolved easily and simply, I wish the sincerity of your feelings and great success, I wish you bright happiness and a real New Year's miracle. Believe in it and it will definitely happen to you. Happy New Year!

Option number 1

Letter for Boys from 0 to 2 years

Grandfather Frost of the far North is writing to you. I am a kind magician who congratulates all-all-all children and adults in the world with this wonderful New Year's power. And I hurried to write to you before anyone else to congratulate you on your first New Year! The stars that shine all over the world look into your window. They told me that such a wonderful little boy appeared in the world!
Your mom and dad have already talked about the most fabulous New Year holiday and you watched how they decorate the Christmas tree, showing you colorful balls and garlands. Still carefully holding you in their arms, they brought you up and said the word “El * ka”, which is not yet familiar to you. But you probably liked the smell, this is how the forest smells in winter! Lights are flashing around, beautiful and so bright! And they also showed you a photo of an old man with a white beard and a red hat, it's me - Your friend Grandfather Frost! Now every New Year I will come to visit you and give gifts. And over time, when you become big and learn to write, I will be glad to receive a letter from you.
Happy New Year to you, baby (name)! Grow up big, handsome, obedient kind boy! After all, you are the best gift in the world for your parents! I know that you have already become (.....). Let your eyes see something new and interesting every day—
you will soon find out how many miracles there are in the world. May they all come true for you and your parents!
With love. Santa Claus

Option number 2

Letter for Girls from 0 to 2 years


Hello my little friend, (name)!
Santa Claus is writing to you from the far North. I am a kind magician who, on this wonderful New Year's Eve, congratulates all-all-all children and adults in the world. And I hurried to write to you before anyone else to congratulate you on your first New Year! The stars that shine all over the world look into your window too. They told me that such a wonderful little girl appeared in the world!
Your mom and dad have already talked about the most fabulous New Year holiday and you watched how they decorate the Christmas tree, showing you colorful balls and garlands. Still carefully holding you in their arms, they brought you up and said the word “El-ka”, which is not yet familiar to you. But you probably liked the smell, this is how the forest smells in winter! Lights are flashing around, beautiful and so bright! And they also showed you a photo of an old man with a white beard and a red hat, it's me - Your friend Grandfather Frost! Now every New Year I will come to visit you and give gifts. And in time, when you become big and learn to write, I will be glad to receive a letter from you,
Happy New Year to you, baby (name)! Grow up a big, beautiful, obedient and kind girl!
After all, you are the best gift in the world for your parents! I know that you have already become (achievements).
Let your eyes see something new and interesting every day - you will soon find out how many miracles there are in the world. May they all come true for you and your parents!
With love, Santa Claus

Option number 3

Letter for Boys from 2 to 4 years old-

Hello baby (name)!
Kind Santa Claus is writing to you from the far North. Your mom and dad told you about me. My job is to give miracles to all-all-all children and adults. It is I who have prepared the most beautiful gifts for you, it is I who light the lights on your Christmas tree and draw fabulous ice patterns on the windows. And I am very happy to congratulate you, (name), Happy New Year!
For 3 years now (insert age) my assistants have been telling me about you. Cheerful titmouse, which you see on the street, fly to me in the North and bring news from the city (enter the city). I watch how you grow, what toys you like and what songs you sing. Every day you see so many interesting things - everything you need to know, touch, try! You already know what bright butterflies and flowers are in summer, how leaves rustle in autumn, and streams flow in spring. And of course, you know that the main and most fabulous holiday is the New Year!
I'm glad you're such a good boy. You already know (this and that). And how much joy you bring to your parents! Grow big, beautiful, smart, kind and happy. Listen to mom and dad, don't be capricious, smile more often and of course, believe in miracles! And I will create them for you every day! And I hope one day, when you become big, you will write me a letter or even come to visit me, in the fabulous Northern country.
Happy New Year, my dear (name)!
With love,
Santa Claus

Option number 4

Letter for Girls from 2 to 4 years old-

Hello baby (name)!
Kind Santa Claus is writing to you from the far North, Your mom and dad told you about me. My job is to give miracles to all-all-all children and adults. It is I who have prepared the most beautiful gifts for you, it is I who light the lights on your Christmas tree and draw fabulous ice patterns on the windows, And I am very happy to congratulate you, (name), Happy New Year!
For 2 years now (insert age) my assistants have been telling me about you. The funny titmouses that you see on the street fly to the North to me and bring news from the city (enter the city). I know how you grow up, what toys you like and what songs you sing. Every day you see so many interesting things - everything you need to know, touch, try! You already know what bright butterflies and flowers are in summer, how leaves rustle in autumn, and streams flow in spring, And of course, you know that the main and most fabulous holiday is the New Year!
I'm glad you're such a good girl. And how much joy you bring to your parents! Grow big, beautiful, smart, kind and happy. Listen to mom and dad, don't be capricious, smile more often and of course, believe in miracles! And I will create them for you every day! And I hope one day, when you become big, you will write me a letter or even come to visit me, in a fabulous northern country,
Happy New Year dear (name)
With love, Santa Claus!

Option number 5

Letter for Boys from 4 to 6 years old-

Hello (name)!
Santa Claus is writing to you from the far North. I have a whole bunch of things to do here: let go of the northern winds, walk all over the earth, scatter snowflakes, sweep deep snowdrifts. And also, with my helpers, little gnomes and funny snowmen, we have been preparing gifts for children and adults from all over the world for a whole year!

Of course, you know that your toys come to life at night. Do you know what they do? chatting among themselves, riding your typewriters. And write letters to me! They are also my good helpers. They say that you are a great fellow. Although you sometimes don’t finish eating porridge for breakfast and soup for dinner, you try to help your mother, put toys in their places (they really don’t like those who throw them at random). I know you can even (achievements).
I wish you lots and lots of goodness and joy in the New Year. Remain the same glorious and cheerful boy - please your parents, believe in miracles. The world is so big and interesting. Try to learn something new every day - you will soon be very big, you will definitely need the ability to read and write. Without it, you will never become as wise and strong a wizard as I am! So try not to be lazy. And of course, remember that there are friends around! Share toys^ help those who are weaker, smile! And I will always help you with my magic!

Your friend. Santa Claus!

Option number 6

Letter for Girls from 4 to 6 years old-

Hello (name)!
Grandfather Frost is writing to you from the far North, I have a whole bunch of things to do here: let the northern winds go for a walk all over the earth, scatter snowflakes, sweep deep snowdrifts. And also, my helpers, little gnomes and funny snowmen, have been preparing gifts for children and adults from all over the world for a whole year!
And today I hasten to congratulate you, (name), Happy New Year!
You, of course, know that howling dolls come to life at night. Do you know what they do? Chatting among themselves, drinking tea from your toy dishes. And write letters to me! They are also my good helpers. They say that you are very smart. Although you sometimes don’t finish eating porridge for breakfast and soup for dinner, you try to help your mother, put toys in their places (they really don’t like those who throw them at random). I know you can even (achievements).
I wish you lots and lots of goodness and joy in the New Year. Remain the same nice and cheerful girl - please your parents, believe in miracles. The world is so big and interesting. Try to learn something new every day - you will soon be very big, you will definitely need the ability to read and write. Without it, you will never become as wise and strong a wizard as I am! So try not to be lazy. And of course, remember that there are friends around! Share toys, help those who are weaker, smile! And I will always help you with my magic!
Today, when the clock strikes twelve times, be sure to make a wish. Say it in a whisper - and then a breeze will fly into the window, pick it up and take it to me to the North. And I will certainly fulfill it!
Your friend, Santa Claus!

Option number 7

Letter for a Boy from 6 to 7 years old -

Hello (name)!
Santa Claus is writing to you. I know someone told you that I'm gone and to believe in a fairy tale is nonsense. Do not listen to anyone: everyone in the world knows that I exist! I live far from your city, in the North, in my ice chamber. I have been busy all year preparing gifts for the next New Year, because I need to congratulate the whole world! And today I congratulate you, (name), Happy New Year!
You are already quite big. Just think, for six years you have been pleasing everyone around! And parents, and friends, and of course, me - Grandfather Frost. My assistants, invisible elves who live in every house (yes, in yours too), constantly send me letters about your successes. Congratulations on your (achievements) this year.
Today is such a night when miracles happen, and I want to make you a New Year's prediction: soon you will meet new true friends. And the most amazing adventures that you will experience together! To do this, you need to be brave and cheerful, but you really are, right? You're a big lad. I'll tell you a secret, I look after boys and girls to prepare little wizards from them. I think you are perfect for this! Let this be our secret. I give you the first task: learn to count and write, and every day read at least a few pages of a good book. Without this, one cannot become a wizard. I'll tell you a secret: all magicians started by studying diligently, obeying their parents, helping those who are weaker - and of course, they believed in miracles! Do you think that all this is very difficult? Don't worry, you will soon go to school and meet good helpers, teachers. Listen to them carefully, it will help you become a real sorcerer. And of course, I look forward to next New Year's letter with a story about all your achievements!

Happy New Year, (name)!

Option number 8

Letter for Girls from 6 to 7 years old-

Hello (name)!
Grandfather Frost is writing to you, I know someone told you that I am not there and that believing in a fairy tale is nonsense. Do not listen to anyone: everyone in the world knows that I exist! I live far from your city, in the North, in my ice chamber. I have been busy all year preparing gifts for the next New Year, because I need to congratulate the whole world! And today I congratulate you, (name), Happy New Year!
You grow up, become a real little beauty. Just think, for six years you have been pleasing everyone around! And parents, and friends, and of course, me, Grandfather Frost. My assistants, invisible elves who live in every house (yes, in yours too), constantly send me letters about your successes.
Today is such a night when miracles happen, and I want to make you a New Year's prediction: soon you will meet new true friends. And the most amazing adventures that you will experience together! To do this, you need to be a cheerful, kind and brave girl, and you really are, right? You are very smart. I'll tell you a secret, I'm looking after boys and girls to train little sorcerers out of them. I think you are perfect for this! Let this be our secret. I give you the first task: learn to count and write, and every day read at least a few pages of a good book. Without this, you can't become a magician. I'll tell you a secret: all magicians started by studying diligently, obeying their parents and, of course, believing in miracles! Do you think that all this is very difficult? Don't worry, you will soon go to school and meet good helpers, teachers. Listen to them carefully, it will help you become a real sorceress. And of course, I look forward to next New Year's letter with a story about all your achievements!
I wish you much joy and fun in the New Year.
Don't forget to congratulate mom and dad. Say hi to them for me!
Happy New Year, (name)!

Option number 9

Letter from 8 to 12 years old-

I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year! Yes, yes, do not be surprised, I am writing to you - the real Santa Claus, a powerful kind wizard!
Are you still looking at the return address on the envelope and wondering whose joke or prank this is? But it's all for real. Now is the New Year, the most magical time! And I am writing to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday.
We have a lot of things to do in the North now: work is in full swing in the gift shop day and night. After all, it depends only on us whether this year there will be gifts and congratulations for all adults and children in the world! But I, and my assistants, elves and gnomes, and even deer, my faithful team - all are satisfied with the work and are willing to do it. After all, it is necessary to make people happy!
Although you live far from my northern lands and do not work in our gift workshop, you also know how to give happiness to your parents, friends, teachers (if you are not lazy) ... I know from my invisible elf helpers who live in your house that you are a great fellow. They say, for example, that this year you (achievements). I am very happy for you!
And I am especially glad that you have faithful and reliable friends, such as (names). In our fabulous country, everyone knows that those who believe in friendship and are always ready to help are lucky in travel and adventure. Harry Potter, the hobbit Frodo and the Jedi (the characters may vary - choose those whom the child loves) send you greetings and wishes: do not quarrel, do not be afraid of difficulties - you can always do it together! - and never offend those who are weaker.
Soon the chimes will strike midnight and the New Year's lights will be lit. Have time to make a cherished wish - and I promise you to fulfill it!
Happy New Year, (name)!
Your friend. Santa Claus

Option number 10

For guys from 13 to 16 years old


Hello my dear friend (name)!

I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year!

Do you know who writes to you? Santa Claus! Sorry that I don’t call you on Skype and don’t write to you in contact - I’m old, it’s hard for me to master modern technologies that you and your friends (names) understand with such ease. Yes, and technical innovations reach my halls in the North with a great delay ... I hope you don't mind receiving such an old-fashioned paper letter?

You are no longer the same kid with broken knees who once wrote letters to me! You can already talk to you like an adult. Previously, I only sent you gifts - in vain did you think that this was the work of only your parents, together we took care of your festive mood. And today I myself want to write to you, dear (name)!

I am very glad from afar to follow your progress and even in your small failures to empathize with you. And I want to convey my congratulations and applause to you! You are a great fellow (a story about what exactly). You put a lot of patience and willpower to your favorite business (you can enter a hobby or favorite school subject). I wish you not to forget about these wonderful qualities of yours when it comes to unloved subjects (write in) or orders from your parents. Yes, being a superhero is not easy, but you may well succeed :)

I'll tell you a secret: every person has magical abilities! You have them very bright and noticeable: fidelity in friendship, the ability to be yourself, to have your own opinion. And, of course (here again about hobbies: virtuoso possession of the guitar/computer/beautiful voice). Develop your talents and multiply: I, the main New Year's magician, will sincerely try to help you with this.

My gifts to you are a happy new year, overcoming all obstacles, many joyful discoveries, fun meetings with friends!

Your friend

Santa Claus


Option number 11

Letter for Hobbyist-

Hello, my dear (th) my / my (name)!
Santa Claus is writing to you.
Yes, yes, I really am and I am glad to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!
Of course, I do not write to all adults, but only to those who have not lost the ability to be surprised and believe in the impossible. And you certainly are one of them!
You believe in your dream so much and give it so much strength that seasoned and experienced wizards never dreamed of. Even I have never seen so much talent in my gift shop as you show when you do what you love. (There are a couple of phrases depending on the specifics of the hobby). Soon I will start sending my elves to master classes: you have a lot to learn)
Take a break from everything today, even from your favorite ones. Look around the holiday! Lights come on, snowflakes fall and wishes come true!
Under the tree, I will put strength and optimism for you, and also patience for your loved ones. The fact that they live in a house that you turned into (doll workshop, sewing and tailoring shop, bike garage, rehearsal base, etc.). Looks like your whole family is extremely strong in spirit and cheerful. I approve! And you also have great friends and like-minded people (here are a couple of names). Another gift of mine is the spirit of the fortress to your friendship. Let it become even stronger and hotter!
Do not turn off the path, continue to look at the world inquisitively and vigilantly.
And I promise you: all your dreams will surely come true, and aspirations will certainly lead to the goal!
Happy New Year: the year when everything in your life will change!
Your friend,
Santa Claus

Option number 12

Letter to Parents

Hello my dear (names)!
So the New Year rolled up like a cheerful trio through shaggy snowdrifts. And I, kind Grandfather Frost, hasten to congratulate everyone in the world, from young to old, on this holiday. And of course, I could not help but write a letter to your friendly family!
Being a wizard is not easy, but being a parent is a thousand times more difficult.
Previously, you, (names), thought out fairy tales so that your children would be joyful and interesting to live.
Now your children have grown up and want to thank you with the same wonderful fairy tales in our everyday life. I am writing this letter because even my halls in the North received words of gratitude to you from (children's names). Let us all sometimes be embarrassed to say aloud to a loved one how dear he is to us, know and remember that you are the closest people for (names of children) and they sincerely wish you that everything goes well with you!
I myself am an old wizard and I know how much strength it takes to please every little one. And I only work one day a year! You take care of your children every day - and you do it with such love and patience that you yourself can already be considered good sorcerers!
You had to go through many everyday problems in order to keep the warmth of the hearth. Let it not go out further, and with it, the love that made you one family flares up brighter and brighter. Drive petty quarrels and troubles out of the house, always try to hear each other. I wish you good health, prosperity (so that there are more blessings than gifts in my bag), pleasant surprises every day, and that kind words and joyful laughter never cease in the house!
Good luck to you, (names)!
Happy New Year!

Your friend,
Santa Claus

Option number 13

Letter for Mom

Hello my dear (name)!
Following the snowstorms, pre-holiday chores arrived. But today I want you to put all your worries aside. No matter how you hurry to please your family and friends with the New Year's celebration (and I believe you will do it perfectly, like no one else!), sit down for a minute to read my letter: I. Santa Claus, Happy New Year!
Although I live far in the North, even news about you has already reached me - another such beauty (more beautiful than my Snow Maiden!), A good wife, a caring mother, a wonderful hostess can no longer be found! And of course, I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you all the best and joy. I admit honestly, I myself might not have had time to send you news (old grandfather, so many worries, so many congratulations to send and give gifts, but your loved ones, (names), love you so dearly and speak so warmly about you that their love and affection for you can melt even the most icy heart.Let it not always be possible for us to say out loud to a person that he is dear to us and necessary, know that for your children, (names), you are the best mother in the world, a real kind sorceress, and they just Words are sometimes not enough to express my gratitude.
Stay the same beauty, keep the warmth of the hearth. Peace in your family is your merit!
Let your loved ones keep you and protect you, and on holidays and weekdays you feel next to them, like a princess from a fairy tale.
Happy New Year to you, (name)!
Only good news, only joy, tenderness and warmth!
Your friend
Santa Claus

Option number 14

Letter for the Pope

Hello my dear friend (name)!
It is probably not so easy to surprise a respectable man, the head of the family, husband and father. But I'll still try! Santa Claus is writing to you - the same one that you told your children about, (names), and maybe even portrayed. Hand on heart, a cotton beard doesn’t suit you too much) but what’s true is true — you know how to give your children as much joy as even I don’t have, in my bag of gifts.
There are so many awards and titles in the world, but the *Best Dad* medal has not yet been invented... But, I'll tell you a secret, your family would love to give it to you! But there is no such gift in my bag. Among the tinsel you will not find love, trust, respect and care from your loved ones - you earned these gifts yourself, without my help. And I, only wish you that they do not fade away from time and worldly troubles.
Smile at your family, they all love you. Read in them all the good thoughts about you - believe me, there are so many of them that their warmth reaches even the far North.
May the New Year bring you only happy moments! I wish you (and I will try to conjure, honestly, from the bottom of my heart) good health and inexhaustible fortitude that would help you, (name), overcome any hardships and remain support and support for your family.
Happy New Year, (name)!
Your friend,
Santa Claus

Option number 15

Letter for Grandma

Hello my dear friend, (name)!
Winter has come into its own again, the most magical time of the year has begun - the time when I, Santa Claus, do my favorite job: making people happy! Adults and children, faith in the good would be alive in the heart and a light would burn in the eyes. And you are just one of them. That is why I hasten to send you my congratulations today!
No matter how many years have passed since our first meetings, I will always remember that girl in multi-colored bows who wrote letters to me in block letters about her innermost dreams. I did not forget you and when you became an adult independent woman. Although it is immodest to brag, I will say that those joyful meetings that you now tremblingly keep in your memory did not happen without my help. Success in work, peace in the house, the birth of children (names) - these are all miracles that make the world kinder. I helped you with them as best I could. And now, you yourself have already received the most honorary title of a sorceress: you have become a grandmother! Now the most interesting fairy tales in the evenings begin, secrets in the ear, broken knees and candy in the palm (here the name of the grandson / grandchildren is possible. Whose palms and knees). You see, you also know how to tell fortunes, no worse than me!
And I wish you: Let the warmth in your hearth not go out - after all, you are its keeper, and you deserve only peace and kindness and all the best.
May all storms bypass your house.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
Your old friend
Santa Claus

Option number 16

Letter for Business Person:

Hello my dear friend (name)!
Look up from your papers and don't rub your eyes so amazed: it's really me. Grandfather Frost, I am writing to you to congratulate you on the New Year!
Do you remember how you printed your first letters to me and asked for the fulfillment of your most cherished desires? Now, you can achieve everything yourself - rather, I can ask you for help (there are very few such wizards in our country, alas).
Of course, all people close and respecting you will raise their glasses today so that (your company flourishes *here with the name*), no crises are terrible for you, competitors admit their impotence and all ideas, even the most risky and absurd ones, bring profit . And I'll put you luck under the tree to make it all come true. But I myself wish otherwise! My gift to you, (name), is the ability to be surprised at the little things and enjoy every day! See how soft snow falls in flakes, how the lights on the Christmas tree burn, how your loved ones smile (*here you can name family members, if any*). Forget business! Launch fireworks, perform an incendiary dance and have fun with might and main! Right now - put this letter aside and celebrate the holiday to the fullest!
I hope to see the results on YouTube later.
Don't forget to congratulate your loved ones: hug (name), peck on the cheek (name), call (name)
And hurry to miracles and victories in the New Year!
Congratulations on the most magical holiday! All dreams will come true. With a guarantee!
Your friend,
Santa Claus

Letters to adults

Option number 17
For a man:


Hello, ...!
Here we meet again. It would seem that just yesterday you, so small and smart, stood at the New Year tree and loudly called me - De-dush-ka Frost!...
And today your own children, with bated breath, are waiting for me and my gifts, as you once were waiting for them. Yes, a lot of icy water has flown under the bridge!… But I haven't forgotten you, ...!
Looking into my magic mirror, I rejoiced at your victories and experienced your sorrows. And this is what I want to wish you, ..., in this New Year:
You have a Family... A family as strong as an iceberg at the North Pole is the best thing that can happen to a person! Believe me, a 2000 year old man who has visited every house!
After all, every year, even when the New Year's magic gradually gives way to everyday work, your family gives you its boundless love and support all year round.
I wish you, ..., in this New Year, love even more strongly and be even more strongly loved by your dearest people!

Be happy!
Father Frost


Option number 18

For a man:



Letters to adults

For women:
Option number 19

Hello, ...!
Here we meet again. It would seem that just yesterday you, so small and smart, stood by the New Year tree and loudly called me - De-dush-ka Frost!...
And today, your own children, with bated breath, are waiting for me and my gifts, as you once were waiting for them. Yes, a lot of icy water has flown under the bridge!… But I haven't forgotten you, ...!
Looking into my magic mirror with rhinestones of ice, I rejoiced at your victories and experienced your sorrows. And this is what I want to wish you, ..., in this New Year:
You have a Family... A family as strong as an iceberg at the North Pole is the most precious gift in the world! Believe me, a 2000 year old man who has visited every house!
After all, every year, even when the New Year's magic gradually gives way to everyday work, your family gives you unlimited

I'm a cold old man, every insect knows:
My proud profile in a sledge rides under the moon.
He came to you from afar, shelter the old man;
Dress up, feed, put to sleep under the Christmas tree.
I wish you for this: happiness, miracle, longevity,
And be a hole in your Epiphany and heat, shallow!
Drink in moderation, do not get sick, rest more often, laugh!
And let love be red, like a snowman's nose!

Happy New Year, I congratulate you, Santa Claus!
Impressions, I wish you strength! Here are the gifts I brought you:
Children - citruses, sweets, but for adults - cognac.
We cancel all diets, do not get up from the table!
And having eaten enough, you can dance a hot dance,
And a funny story to tell.
I am a magician, I will conjure the sea of ​​happiness and love,
Every day to appreciate and take care of each other!

Tangerines smell delicious, Olivier is cooked.
And they got champagne, the guests are all tipsy.
A stately uncle with a huge beard comes running.
This is the glorious Santa Claus, an amazing hero.
Eh, they tortured the poor fellow - I want it, give it as soon as possible.
I'm going to the Bahamas to have fun over the edge.
But, working hard, I expect good in return:
Be happy beyond measure! Always enjoy life!

I, as the first person of the coming year,
The real Santa Claus, I say to the people now:
Show off from the heart in New Year's banquets,
Receive from fate only gifts, compliments!
Always be happy, smile like children,
May the sun shine above you every day in a clear sky,
Let your life be easy, very fun, beautiful!
And meet this year super-brightly and playfully!

Through the snow-covered steppes, I hurry faster.
I will be able to fulfill all desires and plans:
Diligence lazy sunu under the pillow,
And I will wake up the dull ones with a joyful cracker.
And I do not allow to grieve in vain.
Santa Claus I am very cool - a big beard.
After all, I have long had magical power,
Quickly with festive fun I will warm everyone now!

I am a cheerful, kind Santa Claus,
Cotton beard, like fluffy snow.
A deer brought me to you on a sled,
From the sky I poured thick sparkling snow.
I decorated the earth, dressed up,
To make your holiday the brightest.
I wish you happiness, vigor and strength!
Everyone will now receive sweet gifts!

Like a middle-aged grandfather, who has already lived,
Which New Year I'm already while away,
I can say: you are a decent person!
And you can't argue with that, congratulations!
As a million gifts gave,
Which sometimes were not enough,
I can say: you are the person who discovered
Only good, even a cover!

I live in a far northern country,
There was time for me to think.
About happiness, I concluded this -
In love with life, we always keep fate!
I wish you this will to live,
I leaf through the book of recipes for happiness,
Ah, I remembered: take care of your nose in the cold!
Your kindest Santa Claus.

Santa Claus is warm and wonderful in his soul,
If you read the verse smoothly and beautifully,
If you play a fairy tale by notes,
And believe in it in spite of worries.
Then I will give everyone a miracle!
I can magic, I want and I will!
May all goals come true, my friends,
To live just the way you want!

Welcome! Santa Claus speaks from winter!
Take my words, people, seriously:
I hasten to announce that the most excellent year
Already on the way, meet the people!
Let everything turn out only on "five"!
And there will be a chance that you want to take!
And if you believe in my fairy tales,
You will be enough in the world of love!

I flew to you on deer today,
I managed to grab gifts for everyone,
Everything that they wanted, I brought in a bag,
Your New Year's Santa, wizard Frost!
We conceived the islands in the New Year,
Love to be wonderful with you -
All will be! But it's worth the effort
I will help you achieve your dreams!

I am Santa Claus from a winter fairy tale.
You called me - and I came to you!
In my bag - gifts, songs, dances.
For this, read me, baby, a poem!
I'll light the sparklers on the Christmas tree,
And while you make a wish!
May your joy last for a long, long time,
Eat sweets and meet the New Year!

New Year's greetings: According to the Eastern calendar | In verse | In prose | Short
Ukrainian | Cool | Happy New Year | Happy | teacher
Accountant |

What did you ask me for the holiday?
Money, cars, jewelry, fur coats?
Just about this, I hope, forgot
And you rolled your lips back!

You accept from Santa Claus
Good stream of congratulations to the beautiful,
I give you joy, good luck, not tears,
To add happy days!

Waiting for Santa Claus
Finally I came
I wish you all a Happy New Year
To fill your table
To sparkle champagne
All wishes came true
May prosperity be with you
And life will be fun!

Santa Claus came to visit you
Open the door soon
Adults, congratulations
I am like children today
I will give gifts to everyone
I am your Santa Claus
I wish you a lot of happiness
And good luck to the whole cart!

Santa Claus is a little tired
All desires to fulfill
But there is still strength
Congratulations from the heart.

I wish you a new year
Happiness, money, good luck,
wish fulfillment,
Passion fiery in addition.

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
I will save you all from tears,
I will give salary growth
And I'll get the stars from the sky!

You only believe in me
My adult friends
Dreams will come true soon
What were you thinking!

On this festive night, I will consider it an honor
Read your wishes
From myself I want to wish
Do not know sadness or sadness.

Get pleasure from life
Live in abundance and never need to know.
Know how to have fun to the fullest.
And after the rest, it’s not a sin to work hard.

I wish you more money
And vacations more often and longer.
In the soul of peace, good health,
So as not to shake his magnificent feast.

I wish all dreams come true
And amazing mood.
Everyone keep your nose up!
Good Santa Claus.

I have a frozen nose
And a bag of gifts
I brought them all for you
Choose yourself!

To whom - fabulous success
And career advancement
Who - in the house children's laughter!
Choose soon!

Like Santa Claus, I tell you all
That I live not only for children.
I congratulate you all too
And I want to wish you adults

So that you believe in miracles all the time,
Then your dreams will come true too.
Then your burden will be light
And the sea of ​​beauty will take over life.

Santa Claus today
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
He brought you presents
And hurry to give them to everyone!

I wish this New Year
So that happiness comes soon
May your income triple
Good will come, evil will go away!

And all the cherished dreams:
Car, villa, yacht, house,
Fulfilled without fuss
After all, success awaits you in everything!

I came to you, friends, from afar
And my mission is quite courteous.
I want to congratulate you and wish
Live in pleasure, but honestly and beautifully!

Do not offend someone who is dear to you,
Love, appreciate and honor any good.
Divorce will be a hundred times less,
More love - that's what you need!

If you drink drinks, so that for two
Their feet always get to the house.
And believe that happiness is to live
And celebrate every New Year with dignity!

Woman, keeper of the family hearth

Hello Olenka!

Here we meet again. It would seem that just yesterday you, so small and smart, stood by the New Year tree and loudly called me - De-dush-ka Frost!...

And today, your own children, with bated breath, are waiting for me and my gifts, as you once were waiting for them. Yes, a lot of icy water has flown under the bridge! ... But I have not forgotten you, Olenka!
Looking into my magic mirror with rhinestones of ice, I rejoiced at your victories and experienced your sorrows. And this is what I want to wish you, Olenka, this New Year:

You have a Family... A family as strong as an iceberg at the North Pole is the most precious gift in the world! Believe me, a 2000 year old man who has visited every house!

After all, every year, even when the New Year's magic gradually gives way to everyday work, your family gives you boundless love and support all year round.

I wish you, Olenka, in this New Year to love even more strongly and to be even more strongly loved by your dearest people!

Be happy!

Father Frost

P.S. Olenka, I know that you have a best friend, Valya.

Man, family man

Hello Igor!

Here we meet again. It would seem that just yesterday you, so small and smart, stood at the New Year tree and loudly called me - De-dush-ka Frost!...

And today your own children, with bated breath, are waiting for me and my gifts, as you once were waiting for them. Yes, a lot of icy water has flown under the bridge!… But I have not forgotten you, Igor!
Looking into my magic mirror, I rejoiced at your victories and experienced your sorrows. And this is what I want to wish you, Igor, this New Year:

You have a Family... A family as strong as an iceberg at the North Pole is the best thing that can happen to a person! Believe me, a 2000 year old man who has visited every house!

After all, every year, even when the New Year's magic gradually gives way to everyday work, your family gives you its boundless love and support all year round.

I wish you, Igor, this New Year to love even more strongly and be even more strongly loved by your dearest people!

Be happy!

Father Frost

P.S. Igor, I know that you have a best friend Vasya.
Convey my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year to him!

A woman with an active lifestyle, a breadwinner

Hello dear Lucy!

Surely you will be terribly surprised when you receive this message. You might even think you've been played. But no, this is not a joke. This is indeed a letter from Santa Claus. I, an old northern grandfather, really exist, regardless of whether people believe in me or not.
Remember, Lucy, how many, many years ago you waited for my arrival every New Year and were terribly offended by adults who assured you that Santa Claus only happens in fairy tales.
A lot of time has passed since then. House, business, worries, girlfriends - everything turned into a solid wheel and there is no time to stop and remember about the fairy tale. Or rather, about the truth. About me.
But I have not forgotten you, Lucy, all these years. For example, that important meeting that miraculously changed your whole life (I hope you understand what I mean) - know that I arranged this meeting.
And another time, remember, you racked your brains, painfully thinking about what you should do in that difficult situation. And suddenly ... as if someone whispered good advice in my ear, and everything worked out. Lucy, that was me too.

I will never leave you and will always remember you and help you to the best of my old man's strength. In the meantime, please accept my congratulations on the upcoming New Year and the most sincere and heartfelt wishes of happiness, health and success!

I love you very much.

Your Santa Claus

P.S. Lucy, I know that you have a best friend Katya. Convey my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year to her!

A man with an active lifestyle, a breadwinner

Hello Misha!

You must have been surprised to receive this message. Maybe even thought you were being played. But this is no joke. I, an old northern grandfather, really exist, regardless of whether people believe in me or not.
Remember, Misha, how many, many years ago you waited for my arrival every New Year and were terribly offended by adults who assured you that Santa Claus only happens in fairy tales.
A lot of time has passed since then. Career, business, projects, worries - everything has turned into a solid wheel and there is no time to stop and remember the fairy tale. Or rather, about the truth. About me.
But I have not forgotten you, Misha, all these years. For example, that important meeting that positively changed your whole life (I hope you understand what I mean) - know that I arranged this meeting.
And another time, remember, you racked your brains, painfully thinking about what you should do in that difficult situation. And suddenly ... as if someone whispered a solution in my ear, and everything came together. Misha, count up, and it was me too!

I will always remember you, and help as much as I can as an old man. In the meantime - accept my congratulations on the upcoming New Year and the most sincere and heartfelt wishes of happiness, health and success!

Your Santa Claus

P.S. Misha, I know that you have a good friend Petya. Convey my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year to him!

Woman, intelligent, creative nature, with a sense of humor

Hello, dear Nastenka!

Santa Claus is writing to you. So, I decided to shake the old days and pick up a pen. After all, the epistolary genre is so romantic!
I have everything in the old way. Slowly fiddling with my simple household. I fixed the sleigh, it’s a long way to go, the New Year is on the nose and the kids are waiting for gifts. What a kid! And don't forget about the adults too! Adults - you know, Nastenka, they only pretend to be adults, but in reality they are mere children. At least for New Years. Or maybe I think so, because I'm already too old ...
Yesterday I was going, as usual, to the shore to feed the polar bears. I’m wandering through the snowdrifts and I don’t understand - what a cheerful polar people they are today ... Everyone who meets me rolls with laughter. And he came home, looked in the mirror ... I hastily put on my fur coat inside out, and so I went! All seams are exposed and the Glamor Fashion tag is on the side.
That year I bought myself a Santa Claus carnival costume on sale. I threw away my false beard and wig, and I wear a dressing gown when no one sees. It is light, on a synthetic winterizer. Not like my real Santa Claus coat. But it turned out like that ... Now all the animals are giggling, they say, and his beard, I suppose, is from some image salon. …
And I, Nastenka, are real! No matter what outfit you dress me in, I'll still be real! Do not believe? So let them serve as proof, firstly, this is my letter, and secondly, those many successes, good luck, joys and just HAPPINESS that will accompany you all the coming year. Surely, Nastenka, you will remember me more than once and say: “It couldn’t have done without Santa Claus!”

Father Frost!

Man, intelligent, creative, with humor

Hello dear Dima!

Santa Claus is writing to you. So, I decided to shake the old days and pick up a pen. And then all computers and emails (yes, these achievements of science have reached us at the North Pole, however, sometimes the connection here is junk). And the epistolary genre - it's so refined!
I have everything in the old way. Slowly fiddling with my simple household. I repaired the harness, I have to go far, the New Year is on the nose and the kids are waiting for gifts. What a kid! And we must not forget about adults, too. Adults - after all, Dima, they only pretend to be adults, but in reality they are mere children. At least for New Years. Or maybe I think so, because I'm already too old ...
Yesterday I was going, as usual, to the shore to feed the polar bears. I’m wandering through the snowdrifts and I don’t understand - what a cheerful polar people they are today ... Everyone who meets me rolls with laughter. And he came home, looked in the mirror ... I hastily put on my fur coat inside out, and so I went! All seams are outward and "made in China" tag on the side.
That year I bought myself a Santa Claus carnival costume on sale. I threw away my false beard and wig, and I wear a dressing gown when no one sees. It is light, on a synthetic winterizer. Not like my real authentic Santa Claus fur coat. But it turned out like that ... Now all the animals are giggling, they say, and his beard is probably artificial. So much for the "image of nothing"...
And I, Dima, the real one! Whatever you put me in, I'll still be real! Do not believe? So let them serve as proof, firstly, this is my letter, and secondly, those many successes, good luck, joys and just happiness that will accompany you all the coming year. Surely, Dima, you will remember me more than once and understand that Santa Claus could not have done here!

Happy New Year to you!
Father Frost!

Woman, active / courageous / business woman

Dear Galya!

Santa Claus is writing to you.
As an avalanche, descending from the mountains, sweeps away everything in its path, so a strong person stubbornly moves towards the intended goal. Having melted, the avalanche spreads in a thousand streams. Streams flow on and on, skirting all obstacles, both large and small. So a wise, purposeful woman knows when it is better to go ahead, and when it is easier to go around an obstacle. Our age-old northern ice thickness is strong - but the will of a truly purposeful person is even stronger!
These are the images that arise in my gray-haired head when I think of you, Galya! All year I watched you, with what perseverance and will to win you went to your goal, how stubbornly you overcame all the obstacles that appeared on the way. And I’ll tell you honestly - I haven’t met such strong-willed and energetic women like you, Galya, for a long time, although I have been living in the world for many millennia!
In the coming New Year, I wish you, Galya, new successes and the achievement of all the tasks set for you. Health, prosperity and just HAPPINESS!

Father Frost

P.S. Galya, I know that you have a true friend Nika. Give her my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year!

Man, businessman / extreme sports enthusiast / winner in life)

Dear Alex!

Santa Claus is writing to you.
As an avalanche, descending from the mountains, sweeps away everything in its path, so a strong person stubbornly moves towards the intended goal. Having melted, the avalanche spreads in a thousand streams. Streams flow on and on, skirting all obstacles, both large and small. So a wise person knows when it is better to go ahead, and when it is easier to go around an obstacle. Our age-old northern ice thickness is strong - but the will of a truly purposeful person is even stronger!
All these images pop into my gray head when I think of you, Alex. All year I watched you, with what perseverance and will to win you went to your goal, how stubbornly you overcame all the obstacles that appeared on your way. And I’ll tell you honestly - I haven’t met such strong-willed people like you for a long time, although I have been living in the world for many millennia.
Alex, in the coming new year, I wish you new success and achievement of all the tasks set for you. Health, prosperity and just HAPPINESS!

Father Frost

Orthodox woman

Dear Matronushka!

Santa Claus is writing to you.

Every New Year I repeat the same desire of mine: I so want to spend the coming year “a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity.” Matrona, now I give this wish to you! And let it come true!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Father Frost

Matronushka, I know that you have a friend Seraphim. Give her my best wishes for the New Year!

Orthodox man

Dear Alexy!

Santa Claus is writing to you.
There is a heated debate in Orthodox circles about how consistent this indispensable attribute of the New Year (that is, I) with church teaching. You can hear the most polar points of view: starting from “this is all occultism” and ending with “why not, because it’s just a fairy tale!” The assumptions are the most unexpected. Someone suggested that I was one of the Magi; someone - that Nicholas the Wonderworker served as my prototype. Even such a term appeared - "Orthodox Santa Claus."
So now I myself am confused whether I still exist or not. But I know one thing for sure: if I still exist, then I was created by the One All-Merciful God, the Creator of all things, and I want to serve Him alone. And if I'm just a fiction, well, then I agree to be just a fairy-tale character. Because where there is a fairy tale, there is a miracle. And only a person who is able to believe in a miracle is able to believe in God. So, it turns out that not only my existence, but also my non-existence will still serve to the glory of God. What else do I need as an old man...
Every New Year I repeat the same desire of mine: I so want to spend the coming year “a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity.” Alexy, now I give this desire of mine to you! And let it come true!
I wish you success in Christian virtues and God's help in all your undertakings.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Father Frost

Alexy, I know that you have a good friend Nikolai. Give him my best wishes for the New Year!