The script for the Day of the Medic (Doctor) is cool. Scenario for Medic's Day "People in white coats

- Hello, most respected people our city. Today we want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday- Happy Medical Worker!

In our country, and throughout the world, this is one of the most revered days. None civilized country would not have survived a day without people in white coats. And to deny their titanic work is completely unfair. After all, medical personnel daily fight for the life and health of sick people.

Dear doctors, today we wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly congratulate you on your professional holiday. We bow before your courageous, noble, wise and good work. Not many professions could earn so many epithets. Moreover, they are very modest and very fair.

(Sounds congratulatory poem addressed to medical workers).

- And now, when the first holidays beautiful words said, we will gladly give way to more significant and more weighty congratulations.

Congratulatory speech is given to the Head of our city (Full name of the head).

(Mayor of the city delivers a congratulatory speech).

- For the presentation of honorary awards to the stage is invited chief physician central city hospital (name of doctor).

(A ceremony of awarding doctors, nurses and other workers in the medical industry with certificates of honor and gratitude is being held).

- So the solemn official part of our holiday has come to an end, but it's still too early to disperse, since we are moving on to the second part - entertainment. And now you have to be in the role of patients, and we will try to cure you of fatigue, blues and boredom. And your treatment will be carried out non-traditional methodsfunny stories, dances and songs.

(A cheerful congratulatory song sounds).

- real doctor is a calling. We wish you all good health and longevity!

(A dance is performed as a gift to all medical workers).

- A doctor accompanies a person throughout his life. From the first loud cry to the very last breath. Very lucky for those people whom nature has awarded with excellent health, because this is not always the case. And then our dear doctors come to the rescue.

- Doctor, doctor, doctor! In all ages, people bowed before them. They have always been loved and respected, because they made life easier, helped to believe in the best. They still free people from pain, and sometimes give the wisdom that helps a person to exist in the world.

In order to become a doctor, it is not enough to learn all the concepts and terms, you still need to feel love for children, for people, a desire to understand them, help and serve them.

(a congratulatory song sounds to the doctors).

- And now let's check whether our respected doctors are capable of symptoms and appearance stranger make a diagnosis right away.

Held fun game. All participants are divided into two teams, each is given a list of lines from popular songs. According to these lines, the opponents should make the most accurate diagnosis. For example: I will never see you ... (blindness), etc.

- Well, thank you. On this wonderful day, I would like to wish you great happiness. We wish you never for a moment doubt the benefits that your work brings! Happy holiday, dear medical workers.

- Medic Day is a holiday not only for employees of polyclinics and hospitals, but also for those who come here for help. Words of sincere gratitude and appreciation of the patient are the most high award for a doctor.

- Our joyful meeting comes to the end. Let it good mood will be preserved for everyone for a long time, may there be happiness and peace in your home, patience and success in work, good health and calm patients to all of you!

The tables are covered with white cloth to the floor, they are vases for flowers. Lottery tickets are distributed to each guest at the entrance to the hall. Tables are designed for 2-4 people. Pleasant music sounds in the hall.

- Words of gratitude to you,
Nurses and doctors
To those who saved our lives
Those who will restore our health,
We bow to you from us.
For the presentation of certificates of honor and valuable prizes to honored medical workers, (F. I. O.) is invited.

Delivery is made under solemn music. After the presentation, a girl enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers. She performs Alena Sviridova's "Song about a Doctor", during the performance, she comes to each table and gives a flower, which she puts in a vase.

- Winter or summer, spring or autumn,
Diseases come, they won't ask us
On guard of health, always on the alert,
They are always standing by
They pass our pain through themselves,
They always help us in trouble,
From everyone who has been in hospital wards,
Thank you people in white coats.

(The scene "At the doctor's appointment", with the participation of three people. The doctor is sitting at the table, the patient comes in.)

Patient :
- Hello, Doctor!

Doctor :

(The patient lies down, the doctor examines him.)

Doctor :
What are you complaining about, young man?

Patient :
- The heart hurts, the pressure jumps, the eyes burn and the head is spinning.

Doctor :
- So, so, so, heart speak.

Patient :
- Yes, doctor.

(The doctor listens to the patient with a stethoscope.)

Doctor :
- Eyes are burning, head is spinning!

Patient :
- Yes, doctor.

(The doctor takes out a photograph beautiful girl and brings it up to the patient's face.)

Doctor :
- Is it easier?

Patient :
- Oh, yes, doctor, it's much easier.

Doctor :
- Dress up, you're in love. It's not fatal, but if it doesn't go away in two months, you'll live with it for the rest of your life.

(Patient leaves, another appears.)

Doctor :
- Hello, come in, undress, lie down.

Patient :
- Yes, it's me, doctor, here...

(Holds out papers.)

Doctor :
- I told you, quickly undress, lie down, now we'll figure it out.

(The patient undresses and lies down.)

Doctor :
- So, so, so, what are we complaining about?

Patient :
- For a salary.

(The doctor listens to him.)

Doctor :
- Interesting symptoms, you don't seem to have any exhaustion. Sore throat?

Patient :
- Only after a cold beer.

Doctor :
- Dizzy?

Patient :
- Only after vodka.

Doctor :
- It seems to me that you are healthy, maybe you are a simulator, my friend?

Patient :
- No, doctor, I'm not a simulator, I'm a loader, sign the papers and tell me where to pour the coal.

- Everyone who is here received lottery tickets at the entrance. And so, not sparing smiles, we start the lottery.

The lottery is held with the help of those present. The leader approaches each table and asks to pull out the ball and announce the number. Prizes can be pillows with hearts, chewing gum in the form of jaws, vodka as a medicinal tincture, chocolate - the hormone of joy, lemon - vitamin C, and much more. For each prize, you can come up with a little joke.

- It's quiet time
All in their chambers
Only outside the window is spring,
A riot of scents
Breaking the silence
In a white robe
young nurse,
Twirled in a waltz.

Dance competition for all present.
The leader approaches dancing couple, and gives one of them a balloon, and starts dancing with the other. The person does the same balloon. You can break a pair only once, when there is not one unbroken pair left around, the remaining person with the ball is given the task to bring the ball in the palm of his hand to his beloved or beloved. A prize is awarded for successful action.

Next competition: "Nursing Courses".
Choose two women and two men. Male doctors give instructions to their nurses. After a certain distance, they tie a ball on two chairs and put two glasses of water each; you can get to the patient chairs only along the drawn squares. The first task is to give an injection to the patient. A disposable syringe is assembled and a ball is pierced on the other side. The second task is to give the patient pills. Five tablets are taken, the nurse must transfer all the tablets one at a time in a spoon. The third task is to make an enema. To do this, you need to use a small syringe to select water from one glass to another. The fastest and most agile wins. She is awarded a drawn diploma "Cool Nurse".

- You have chosen a difficult path, and yet,
Go without turning away from him boldly,
For you is the most precious thing
The health of all, without exception, people,
Treating people is not an easy task,
And you can't be wrong,
So may luck be with you
And the earth flourishes with joy.

Scenario holiday concert dedicated to the day medical worker– 2009

Before the start of the event, songs of a medical theme are played.

The beginning of the event sounds _________ song ____"People in white coats"

Speech by the Director of the Department of Health - Svetlana Viktorovna Vasilkova____________________________________________

Music sounds at the exit of Tamara Vasilievna Minkina _____________

Award Ceremony ____________________________________________

Svetlana Viktorovna's speech

Award Ceremony __________________________________________

Music sounds at the exit of the presenter ________________________________

Vedas - Good afternoon, dear, dear heroes of the occasion! Happy holiday to you! Happy Medical Worker's Day!

Today we have a very exciting and responsible performance for pupils and teachers of the GDDT, because each participant in the concert visited your skillful and good hands. We would like to thank you people who give and prolong the most precious thing that a person has - life!

And if tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, not at work, or at home you will have one smile more, if, returning home today, you remember some song or joke heard at the concert, we will be very pleased. So, we have not tried in vain. Accept congratulations from the City House children's creativity.

Room ______________ Yablonka, Crescendo ____________

It sounds ____________________ “Light the exit” _____________________

1 - Everything is in order there is no tail!

All - We chop off the tails!

2 - Then let's start!

3 - Agents, pay in order!

3 - agent X

4 – Agent xx

5 - Agent 3 x

6 - Agent xy

3 – Where is the trainee?

Everyone is an Intern?!

Intern - Intern Ygrek!

1 - Take off your hat!

2 - Take off your hat!

Together, take off your hat!

3 - We have arrived on a mission

Together - Harm!

3 - Why are you yelling, everything is audible here, quiet, necessary, quiet ....

Ygrek - And for doctors, everything is the other way around, they do no harm!

Andrei - From birth, a person falls into the hands of these people in white coats! And what?

Everything, that?!

Andrei - And what they are starting to do ... these are like them, the language does not dare to say ....

All Vaccinations!

Andrey - They are the most .... And we, as you know, are against vaccination, there is nothing to prick people with all sorts of nonsense!

Ygrek - Commander, what do you have?!

Andrey - Yes, so, the dog bit! What's wrong?

Everything - Nothing!

1 - Are you in good health? Temperatures, by any chance?

2 - Does the cramp bother you?

3 - Do you notice the grid before your eyes?

Andrew - What are you doing?!

5 – Why are you spitting so suspiciously?!

1 - Can you drink some water?

Andrew - No!

Ygrek - Everything is clear, we need an anti-rabies vaccine!

Andrey - I don't need any vaccine, do you want to fail the mission?!

2- Are you fatal?!

Andrey - I have never flown, and you won't force me to!

2- Agents, Commander, I don't understand?! Let's explain!

Everything - Come on!

2 - Well, in general, soon you will drop your hooves ....

4 - Glue the fins together!

5 - Move the horses!

Andrew - What?

1 - Why what, Khan to you, that's what!

Andrey - How is it Khan, I just started to live, I bought a hat, I sewed a twisted raincoat to order, I gathered you agents, and that's it, life is over!?

2 - It turns out that it is!

Andrew - what to do?

3 - We told you, we urgently need an anti-rabies vaccine!

Andrey - What are injections again?!

All - Do not want, do not!

Andrei - Did you tell the truth about the volatile outcome ?!

4 - Firstly, not volatile, but lethal ...

5 - And secondly, they wouldn’t know, they wouldn’t say!

Andrew - And what do you suggest?!

1 - Remove ambition, and as an apology, present some kind of surprise!

Andrey - Will dessert work?!

2 - Well, it's not for us to judge!

Andrew - And who?

Together for the Spectator!

Andrey - So, today we will cook an amazing dish!

Together - "Medical Dessert!"

Anya - For this we need to take 2 kg of youth and activity, the leader of the Shakhty City Duma Andrey Anatolyevich Ryabov

Olya - 2 tablespoons of the vast experience of the honored doctor of the Russian Federation, surgeon Nikolai Ivanovich Kopytko,

Alina - A glass of responsibility, seriousness and new ideas of Galina Ivanovna Chuvashova.

Vika - Add charm and excellent leadership of Natalia Semyonovna Pansurkina.

Andrey - At the tip of the knife of youth, prospects, responsibility for everything Igor Alekseevich Legkov,

Denis - A handful of undertakings by Inna Viktorovna Shevchenko.

Anya - Mix everything with the intelligence and commitment of Georgy Grigorievich Golubnichy,

Olya - And gratitude from the women and children of Olga Alexandrovna Shevchenko

Alina - As a surprise, put the efficiency, activity of Galina Eduardovna Belinskaya.

Vika - Warm up on the success of Tatyana Anatolyevna Koeka

Andrey - Bake in the diligence and reliability of Vladimir Mikhailovich Seizures.

Denis - And in the successful leadership, advanced technologies and forms of work of Sergey Vladimirovich Khlynin

Olya - Decorate all this with Anatoly Pavlovich Litvinenko's sense of humor and calmness and excellent organizational skills, an honored doctor Russian Federation Valery Petrovich Zhinkin.

Anya - Sprinkle kindness, responsiveness, responsibility, and love to the children of the chief pediatrician of the city, Nina Andreevna Shilina!

Alina - Serve on the table with many years of organizational experience, perseverance, reliability and loyalty of Mikhail Leonidovich Gorlovetsky ……………

Anya - With decency, diligence, and love of the children of her district, Lyubov Ivanovna Turichenko!

Andrey - Oh, and it turned out yummy!

Alina - Of course, because only the cream of medicine works in our city

Glory, glory

Together for doctors
Nurses, paramedics,
To all nurses, optometrists,
Obstetricians, prosthodontists,
Dentists and lorams.

Glory we sing all in chorus.
Even if someone is healthy
After all, life began with doctors!

Their caring hands
Ease the pain of mothers;
So that we can be born.

God forbid we catch a cold
Catch bronchitis or flu -
We will immediately remember them!

Everyone will tell you about them
How skillful and brave;

How to get attention
To improve the condition;

How, fighting for the lives of people,
Forget about theirs.

Take the Hippocratic Oath
She is faithful in her work.

Glory, glory to the doctors!
We bow low to you.

Together - Happy Holidays!

Number_ Dance "classic" _______ "Chinese" ________________

Sounds ________________________________________________________

Vedas - Birth and death - a great and tremulous mystery, the cover of which no one has dared to break yet. Each person comes into life as a guest, grows, creates, becomes the master of fate, but old age comes imperceptibly, the result of a life lived. They say: “both old and small” - both are defenseless, they get sick more often, they get bored, they are offended, they need joy more than we do, they yearn for an affectionate word, and the directors of Nursing Care Homes know this like no one else: Boguslavsky Anatoly Borisovich, Kilina Galina Gennadievna, Sinyavtseva Inna Alexandrovna. The most difficult task of caring for people fell on their shoulders. old age. They do not skimp on spiritual generosity, mercy and compassion. Optimism and faith in the future, allows them to cope with any tasks. Good health to you family well-being And warmth!

Accept congratulations _____________________________________________________________

Number_ Song______ "Chimney Sweep" _______________________________

Ved – In our city, there are five specialized regional dispensaries that work closely with municipal medical institutions to provide medical care population. And you always find mutual understanding and support. It is these specialists that we would like to see in the structure of municipal medical institutions. And on this friendly note, we continue our holiday concert.

Number _______ Dance ____ "Pa + Pa" ______________________________

Ved - Shakhty branch of ROFOMS and the Department of Health - the employees of these institutions confidently keep abreast of funding. Excellent organizers, quickly, clearly, smoothly solve all the tasks assigned to them, of course, under strict guidance beautiful women Svetlana Viktorovna Vasilkova and Elena Nikolaevna Lopatkina. Isn't it happiness when you are understood and supported! We wish you to continue to walk hand in hand, keeping warm relationship. happy holiday Dear friends, by right - with your holiday, the day of the medical worker!

And I invite Svetlana Viktorovna Vasilkova, Director of the Health Department, to the stage for the awards ceremony.

Sounds _________________________ Exit ____________________________

Sounds ___ Awards Ceremony _________________________________

Host - And once again accept congratulations from the City House of Children's Creativity

Number ______________ "Classic" __________________________________

Vedas - Let me, on behalf of the employees of the State Duma, congratulate you once again on the holiday. I see a lot of women in the hall and I think men will not be offended if I start congratulations from the beautiful half of humanity:

What does a woman need? We all seem to know

And yet, friends, we sincerely wish:

Good luck in job! Nice weather!

Love - pure, tender and repeated!

Children of different sexes! Fitted coat!

Male compliments

Silky hair! White teeth!

Wealthy and very tender husbands!

Love burning, as in the series.

Five series on each channel.

Perfume from Dior. Flowers daily

Desires fulfilled right instantly!

Wealthy husbands (as they say,

If you really want it, it’s not a sin to repeat it!)

Trips - not to the garden, but to the sea.

Cakes are delicious, but without calories.

Exhausting passions! Brief difficulties!

Diamonds no less than forty carats!

And so that in the morning you are not woken up by an alarm clock

And coffee or tea and a favorite protector!

On this day, we wish men:

Successful career, good figure

And just beautiful muscles!

Foreign cars, but the steering wheel is on the left.

Salon to leather and mahogany!

Romanov resort. Insane impulses.

But everything that would be - prudently!

Scientific papers, dissertations without pain.

Of course, a huge male willpower!

Quiet, beautiful and very family wives!

Hot and daily lunches!

Different intentions, but better than serious ones.

Five-room and five-star dwellings!

Salaries are good, well, just excellent

To proudly say: "It's not decent to speak!"

And it seems ... we forgot something else ...

Oh ok! Love! And sideboards without dust!

And yet, we haven't said one thing.

More luck, less sadness!

And so that patients do not upset

But only "Healthy!" you have always been answered!

Happy holiday!

Number ________ "Semyon" ____________________________________________

Screenplay by E.Yu.Sergeev.

June 2009

The mummers at all times have been a symbol of a real holiday, fortunately, this tradition of dressing up and entertaining the public on behalf of their character has survived to this day. And today, costumed congratulations are the most beloved and bright moments at any celebration: from a small family holiday before the mass festivities.

Particularly popular game moments, in which guests, dressed as different heroes, hold not only congratulations to the heroes of the occasion, but also active or table contests with guests. We offer one of the options for such entertainment - comic scene"The arrival of a nurse on a holiday"

Script for a joke

At the height of the holiday, the “Nurse” suddenly appears, a bag with a red cross over his shoulder, in it the props necessary for this.

Nurse (referring to guests) Hello my dear! And who is bad here? I see everything well. And what then called? There are not enough brigades in the city, and you are playing games here. Ooo! I look, it’s good for you today, but tomorrow it won’t be very good! Tomorrow morning, line up in a long line to see me. Only I can’t accept everyone, the reception time is limited, and there are so many of you. How can we be? .. Looks like we didn’t come in vain.

Well, first of all, let's not panic. Save your nerve cells. I will give you some tips on how to get yourself out of stressful situation. (Approaches guests in turn and gives advice and comic recipes on how to get rid of problems, each guest she addresses embodies)

Comic recipes for guests from a nurse

Get a hold of yourself (shows how to make a "lock")

swallow the hurt (offers a drink)

Treat yourself to joy treats candy)

Fuck the problem (offers to hit with a child's hammer)

End an unbearable relationship (gives sheet A4)

Stand firm on your (shows a pose: arms at the sides, legs apart)

Don't give up (shows how to raise hands)

Become a star (shows a pose with legs wider than shoulders, arms to the sides)

Whatever it is, smile (gives a picture of a smile on a stick and tries it on)

Catch your luck (makes it possible to catch a star on a string)

Look at the world with different eyes (gives funny homemade or purchased glasses and puts them on the guest)

Active game with the audience

A healthy mind is good, but you also need to look good. I will show you the simplest trick on how to put yourself in order in the morning. Exercising daily, you can gain health, youth and a flourishing appearance.

(background music playing)

1. ... Beauty, health and good spirits

Starts with a smile from ear to ear (shows, and everyone repeats a wide smile)

2. ... We disperse the blood so that it does not hurt -

Let's tap our palms on our knees (shows, everyone repeats)

3. ... To keep troubles from flowing.

We put belam and stress a reliable block (shows arms crossed in front of him)

4. ... It's time to shake off fatigue.

So that only pleasant bliss remains (with hands, as if shaking off water)

5 . We all listen to the rhythm of the heart, Good? (palm to heart)

Then let's clap our hands joyfully (clapping)

6. And now again at a faster pace to the music all the exercises: smile, knees, block, bliss, heart, joy (does with guests). And now let's leave only a smile and joy and clap for each other. Well done!

A toast from a nurse

And before I leave such wonderful patients, a few wishes and recommendations.

A rap backing track sounds or just speaks in recitative.

Friends, wish you like a doctor want

So that you all go to the doctor less often,

To forget at all what pills are,

So that beloved children are healthy,

To make your heart beat like a motor,

So that you keep your enthusiasm until old age!

So that you would not know what a migraine is,

Exercise every day.

I give the installation so that you do not get sick

At work and at home, so that the nerves are sorry,

So that your teeth never ache from pain,

So that the jaws in the mouth were not false.

So that you have a temperature of 36.6,

To keep your figure slim

Live like the doctors say

We don't know him, we never treated him.

I suggest ... let's pour some wine

Let's drink to our health!

By the way, I allow you to drink .. a glass ... another

(guests drink, if there is a hero of the occasion, then the nurse congratulates him separately and leaves)

All words belong to the Leader.

We congratulate the stars of dentistry!
You are remembered kind word many
For being so skillful, without error
You bring smiles back to people!

For the shine of teeth, their strong, slender row
All patients thank you!
And orthopedists who take measurements
Then the prostheses are tried on,
And dental technicians for hard work,
When dentures are "cooked" and "baked"!

And nurses for help and care,
For all their hard work!
For building bridges
For the return of beauty to people!
For strong, reliable crowns,
For your work, very competent and subtle!

We wish you great luck in everything,
To continue the creative upsurge,
So that all of you are happy, loved,
Healthy and sick need!

Dear Colleagues! Today we celebrate our professional holiday! We wish you simple human happiness, simple inhuman health and difficult human well-being! Let's congratulate each other with a song!

Performs a song to the tune of "Smile".

From a smile a gloomy day is brighter,
But she is not so easy to get!
And sometimes only with the help of doctors
Your white-toothed smile will return!


And then, for sure,
Suddenly the clouds will dance!
Our prostheses and crowns will save you!
Even old people are with them.
Can eat barbecue
And laugh like boys and girls!

Orthopedists, dental technicians
We want Happy Medical Worker's Day
And without expensive nurses
It is impossible to imagine a clinic!


Let the years go by
We wish that always
The clinic met patients!

From the blue stream
The river starts
And health comes from teeth!

And now let's identify the biggest connoisseur of dentistry, but not in life, but in art! A prize awaits the winner!

Who in the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" had a toothache? ( sharks.)

By what means did Masha Koshchei cure a toothache in the fairy tale “ New Year's adventures Masha and Vitya? ( Salt water.)

In what fairy tale did the size of the teeth of one heroine surprise another heroine? (" Little Red Riding Hood».)

In what patter in question about a broken tooth? (" Saw ate oak, oak, broke a tooth, a tooth!»)

What "dental" proverb refers to gifts? (" They do not look at a given horse's teeth!»)

Which aphorism of Kozma Prutkov directly applies to dentists? (" Look at the root!»)

In which comedy did the hero disguise himself with a toothache bandage? (" Ivan Vasilievich changes profession».)

Continue the line from the poem: To a woman with beautiful teeth ... ( Everything seems funny.)

What is the name of a comedy about an abnormal case in dental practice? (" Thirty three».)

Sings to the tune of the "March of the High-Rises".

We are not stokers, we are not carpenters!
But there are no bitter regrets!
Dental workers, yes!
Hello medical helmet!

The wind of change ruffled our curls,
And our burden is not light - yet!
But here everyone is a superman.
And our brand is high, high!

Do not deny us the favor
Raise a toast to medicine!
So that it does not remain in the unknown, yes,
That our holiday has come again!

May wishes come true!
Days without love and in vanity are not the same!
At work, in life, on a date, yeah
We wish to be "on top"! Height!

The rumor about a dental clinic has reached even faraway kingdoms!

The King had a General
He collected information.
Hide the face in the beard
And roam around the city!
And at seven, exactly
Report to the King!

Tsar (incoming General). What happened, General?

Ali fell ill with measles?
Ali bad news
Did you get it from a spy?


I don't know what's wrong with me!
A sick tooth is to blame!
Came to the clinic
And seriously surprised:

All are beautiful and slender,
Energetic and smart
All in white robes
And full of sympathy!


Anto how, your mother,
I'm sorry, do you understand?
I'm here toiling without a bride,
And the brides do not take!

Represents antires
And such a cut:
Maybe they will give me
At the same time a denture?!


And what do you need
Wife at this age?
Well, look, brothers,
No teeth to smile!


Even though I have no teeth
And I must marry!
The Shah of Persia is my age,
And he has forty wives!


It's not hard to kill them
Yes, the people are painfully cool!
How men know
They will grind you to powder!

The people have become bold now,
Don't put your finger in their mouth!
Like, no one without those beauties
They will not be treated!


To bad about the Tsar
The people did not talk in vain,
Act strictly according to the law
That is, act slowly!


All day General
Mind in a fist collected.
remembered at leisure
About an old friend.

Baba Yaga:

You're out of your mind!
Wow, and a pimple on my lip!
Oh, you're wasting your health
In political struggle!


Enough, grandma, I'm not sick!
Let's go over the hill!
About dentists, about women
There is a serious conversation!

Advise us how to be
How can we make them fall in love with us?
male orthopedists,
They say you're not stupid!

We are in a fistfight with them
Deal not with your hands!
They'll leave you with no teeth!
Forget about love!

Baba Yaga:

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather,
Three on the side, yours are gone!
Tell them a riddle
And let them find the answer!
And they can't fucking
So it's their fault!


The dawn just dawned
The general is with the king.


You look like a warrior!
Just here's what you get:
I am for the stars of orthopedics
Answer with your head!


They don't want your mother
Give us beauties!
So the trick will have to
Seize entih steals!

Tsar (present).

What are you, brothers, I'm calm
I respect order and law!
Solve the riddle
And, consider, the issue is resolved!

And do not find the answer -
There is no one to blame for this!
And then I lead any
I'm in a separate office!
Which ditty mentions a denture?

Those present respond:

"Dear walks around the village,
Walking smiling.
He says that he put in his teeth,
Mouth won't close!

(General). I would beat you with whips,

Four or five!
So that in the future it does not swear
Over serious people!


Hey Yaga, blow your brains out
Help the Emperor!
In general, all my subservience
Get to work!

Tsar: What do teeth and oak trees have in common? ( Roots.)


Oh, you old hag!
Not a fig comes out!
Give me another riddle
If the position is expensive!

Baba Yaga:

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather,
Three on the side, yours are gone!
Here is the final riddle
And let them find the answer!

Baba Yaga whispers to the General, who whispers to the Tsar.

Tsar: How to say correctly: fish have no teeth, fish have no teeth, or fish have no teeth? ( Fish don't have teeth.)

(General.) Save your face!

You see, they took us into the ring!
All doctors are behind the women's mountain,
Riot, in short, there is!

Leading: You in love do not hurt a lot,

They don't need a husband like that!
Every detective is young
And beautiful besides!


Okay guys, I give up!
I remain unmarried!
me with such big harem
Can't handle it, I'm afraid!

And because for me
My people are my family
Sending everyone on vacation
For the next three days!


Well, if anyone asks
Brazhki grams commercials a hundred?


Say: "Today you can,
Because there is a reason!”


Your holiday is only once a year!
We want to congratulate you!
Be happy healthy
And beautiful as they are now!


I have hope
That they will put my teeth in here!
Well, with a set jaw
How not to get a bride?


A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Good fellows lesson!
Come to us for treatment!
Here is the story summary!

The holiday ends with a song to the motive "Everything will be fine!"

If they tell us
That there is nothing to chew
We say: "May
Don't worry!

Our orthopedist
It will always help you!
This is the problem with him
No problem!


And good! Everything will be fine!
We congratulate our orthopedists!
Fine! Everything will be fine!

Oh let's take a walk!
If broke
The prosthesis is expensive
We will say directly:

Follow us on your way!
dental technician
Bake you another!
It will be expensive
Take a look!


And good! Everything will be fine!
And congratulations to the dental technicians!
Fine! Everything will be fine!
Oh great, we're going for a walk today!
Oh let's take a walk!

We don't have sportsloto here!
There will be teeth "one hundred percent"!
You'll hit the jackpot right away
IN personal life lucky!

We set the table for everyone
There is pepper and pickle!
Let's walk now
Praise medicine!


And good! Everything will be fine!
We congratulate our nurses!
Fine! Everything will be fine!
We cannot imagine our work without them!
We do not represent!