Scenario of the fairy tale-musical: “New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya. Scenario of the holiday "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya Adventures of Vitya and Masha's Christmas scenario

Elena Churilova
Scenario of the holiday "New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya" in kindergarten

Matinee script

« New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya»

Cheerful music sounds, children enter the hall, become a semicircle

Leading: The old year is leaving,

His last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away

And the worst cannot happen again.

May the new year be generous

Let him not skimp on happiness

Let the stars light up on time

To make all wishes come true.

Happy New Year everyone! I wish you happiness friends! Today celebrate the holiday together, Fun, joy is not melting.

children poems:

1. Merry winter has come

With skates and sleighs

With powdered ski tracks,

With a magical old fairy tale.

2. On a decorated Christmas tree

The lanterns swing.

May the winter be cheerful

It doesn't end anymore!

3. Snowball flutters, spins,

It's white outside.

And the puddles turned

In cold glass

4. Where the finches sang in the summer,

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On the branches of snowmen.

5. Winter will cover with white snow

Houses, trees and bushes.

And there comes holiday followed,

You and I know about it.

6. Frequent forest, blizzard field

Winter holiday is coming to us.

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

This New Year holiday!

7. He will give songs, fairy tales, He will spin everyone in a noisy dance. Smile, wink.

Best New Year holiday!

8. Called New Year's holiday,

There is no more wonderful person in the world.

He is with childhood we are all very dear,

He gives people happiness light.

9. A Christmas tree came to visit us,

Lights up for us.

Let our guests New Year

Meet with us!

10. We will sing, dance, have fun,

And in a round dance at the Christmas tree we will go,

Let our Christmas tree sparkle with lights

We'll light all the lights to the top

11. Well, the tree, just a miracle,

How elegant, how beautiful.

The branches gently rustle

Beads shine bright.

And the toys swing

Flags, stars, crackers.

12. Hello, Christmas tree, forest,

Silvery, thick

You grew up under the sun

And on holiday has come to us.

13. Golden balls, decorate twigs.

And they play with beads, Naughty squirrels.

14. You came to the joy of the children

We will celebrate the New Year with you.

Let's sing a song together

Let's have fun dancing!

15. Near the Christmas tree in a round dance We will walk slowly. Let's love, let's see

How good are you!

16. From spruce paws,

The smell is so wonderful! We will sing for the Christmas tree, Many sonorous songs!

17. Hours go by, days pass -

Such is the law of nature.

And we want you today

To congratulate with new Year!

18. May the New Year, with new happiness,

Will enter your house as a master

And along with the smell of spruce

Success and joy will bring!

19. Let the frost play more fun,

Let it freeze your cheeks.

Happy New Year to you,

With a year of joy, happiness, love!

20. We are a lot of happiness in the new year

We would like to wish you.

Laugh sing and dance

But just don't get bored.

21. May the New Year that you celebrate

A happy year will enter your life.

And all the good things you dream of

Let come true and will definitely come.

Leading: Anyone who wants to be cheerful

Got a New Year

Let today be with us

He sings a resounding song.

1. Song "New Year is Coming"

22. New Year is knocking on the door

With real magic

You don't notice him

Because you fall asleep.

Exactly at midnight - ding-ding-dong!

There is a quiet chime.

23. This fairy tale comes to the house,

Round dances quietly lead,

Unless you're sleeping

You will notice everything, peep!

24. Winter's fairy tale is all of miracles.

Offers adventure, mysterious forest,

River - frozen banks,

Baba Yaga - bone leg.

25. It seems that if you touch the trees,

Wizards will all respond immediately ...

What will happen to us - no one knows

But everything is interesting, everything is interesting!

The children sit on chairs, only Masha and Vitya remain. Masha is decorating the Christmas tree, Vitya is counting intently on the calculator.

Masha: Look, Vitya, what a beautiful hall, what a Christmas tree! Everything is so ... so magical, as if we were in a fairy tale.

Vitya: Of course, the hall is beautiful, and the Christmas tree too. But I don't see anything magical. My dad denies fairy tales and all sorts of miracles. We are currently working on one invention with him.

Masha: Me too, professor! But I still believe in miracles! He takes a toy Snow Maiden, puts it under the Christmas tree.

Eniki, beniks, fairy tales, miracles, hello, Snow Maiden!

The real Snow Maiden enters to the cheerful music.

Snow Maiden: I am cordially glad to see all the guests and all the guys.

Happy New Year, I wish you a snowy winter!

So that the sled rolls you, so that you play snowballs,

So that snow blizzards sing their songs to you,

So that they are not afraid of frost, so that they grow and harden.

Masha: Meet Vitya, here's a real, magical Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Hello, Vitya! Snow Maiden! (makes a curtsey).

Vitya: Very nice, Vitya! What theater are you from? If you are real, then where is your Santa Claus? The real Snow Maiden always comes with Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: He was kidnapped by Koschei the Deathless! I wanted to arrange a New Year for my evil spirits. He knows that Santa Claus only comes to kind people, and without him There is no New Year's Eve, so he locked him in his underworld.

presenter: How to be? We need to help Santa Claus. And we can't do without New Year…

Snow Maiden: Certainly! Only to get into the kingdom of Koshcheevo is not an easy task. There is no way for me to go there.

Masha: I'll get through! I will help Santa Claus!

presenter: And the guys and I will help!

Vitya: Excuse me, could you take me to the fairy tale too? My mother tells me that girls need to be protected.

Snow Maiden: OK then. Go to the fairy tale together. And the stars will show you the way.

2. Dance of the stars

Presenter 1: A difficult road awaits you.

It's no secret

To help you a little

Here are three tips for you.

Presenter 2: Do not wait for help in a fairy tale.

On your own on the road

Try to help

To everyone who needs help.

Presenter 1: A long way awaits you.

And besides, I will not hide

Evil to know under the mask of good

It's not easy at times.

Presenter 2: Kohl on the way will be tight

Gotta not get lost

And stronger for each other

You, friends, hold on.

3. Song We will find Santa Claus!

1. So that they can fly to Mars

People without fear

WITH childhood learning to dream

We are at the old fairy tale.

Let the road be hard

We know without a clue

That good is stronger than evil

Real and in a fairy tale.

2. We will find Santa Claus

In the kingdom of the thirtieth

To come to every house

New year guys.

Let the road be hard

We know without a clue

That good is stronger than evil

Real and in a fairy tale.

3. We will overcome the enemy:

Is he on horseback or on foot?

Get out of the way Yaga,

Get out of the way Leshy,

Let the road be hard

We know without a clue

That good is stronger than evil

Real and in a fairy tale.

4. Everyone in the world, finally

We need to be reminded

One hundred miracles daily

Makes friendship.

It's important not to forget

As an answer to decisions

Everyone in life should be

Kind and magical.

(after the song, the children sit down in their places, Masha and Vitya come out in the middle).

Masha: How can we find the way to the kingdom of Koshcheevo if the blizzard has covered all the tracks, all the paths. Vitya, let's ask someone to clear all the paths?

Vitya: Whom shall we ask?

Masha: Well, the one who has a broom ...

Vitya: Yes exactly. In our yard, the janitor Uncle Mitya sweeps the paths, now I will call him ...

Masha: What are you doing! We are in a fairy tale!

Vitya: Whom shall we ask?

Masha: Snowmen must be called.

Vitya and Masha: Guys, help.

The children are calling: Snowmen, help.

Mark the paths.

Rescue, rescue.

Clear paths.

4. Dance of the snowmen

Masha: How beautiful!

Vitya: Nothing special!

Masha: No, especially!

Vitya: Think!

Masha: Went! Since we are in the Magic Forest, then you must obey me!

Vitya: Stop imagining!

Masha: Oh, Vitya, you hear some kind of noise, I'm scared.

Vitya: Don't be afraid Masha. I think the wisest thing to do now is to hide. Come here.

B. Ya., Goblin, cat Matvey come out

5. Song of the Wild Guitars

1. Oh, lamb, sweets, rastabars

We are forest "Gems" - wild guitars

Goblin takes the wrong high note.

Cat: Can't you take a dominant seventh chord?

Goblin: What?

Baba Yaga: I took one and a half octaves higher!

Cat: Yes, he took a rooster!

Baba Yaga: No, yes, you Kashchei. Do you know what he will do to you?

Goblin: I'm sorry, what?

Cat: I'm sorry, what? Yes, Kashchei to you for such amateur performance. no There will be no new year! I'm sorry, what? Come on, tool, that's what!

Goblin: (Crying) Oh, my miserable life, everyone scolds me. In the native team, in the native cave.

Baba Yaga: Yes, okay, okay, although evil spirits, they also have their own feelings.

Cat: OK.

The sound of a thunderstorm is heard, the light is flashing

Baba Yaga: Alarm, someone has snuck into our forest! The alarm went off.

Goblin: And who could get through?

Cat: Who got in?

Baba Yaga: Let's see. Eniki, beniki, panicles, brooms. Who entered the forest - appear before us!

Goblin: They probably follow Santa Claus! Well, that's it, our New Year is gone!

Baba Yaga: It was their Snow Maiden who thought it up!

Cat: Yes, we will get a bite from Koshchei!

Goblin: What to do? How to overcome them, then?

Cat: We'll eat it! (arguing)

baba yaga: To defeat them, we must separate them!

Cat: And then eat it!

Baba Yaga: I rushed to myself. I'll lure them into a hut, and then I'll fry them. Let's have dinner together! And now everything is ambush! Fast! (scatter)

Masha and Vitya are walking through the forest, singing. Hut of Baba Yaga.

6. The first song of Baba Yaga

1. I like birds and fish,

The merry trill of the brook,

And I can't live without a smile

Watch the flight of a moth.

Chorus: Dinner and overnight are waiting for you here,

I'll fire up the stove

After all, boys and girls

I really love.

2. I Childhood friends with Snow White,

Everyone knows my kindness.

Hurry to me traveler, do not hesitate,

I can smell your spirit from a mile away.

Masha: Vitya, look, hut,

And in that hut - an old woman.

Hey, hut, don't be lazy

Come back to us!

The hut turns.

Baba Yaga: Ask! Baba Yaga treats them with pancakes. Eat, drink, dear guests! And how far are you on your way? To which countries, overseas states, for trade, merchants. Ali who are going to fight?

Masha: We are going to Koshchei for Grandfather Frost,

May the New Year come to every home!

Baba Yaga: Oh, my killer whales, Koschey will destroy you!

Vitya: We are not afraid of Koshchei, in my opinion, you exaggerate his capabilities.

Baba Yaga: I? Do you know Koshcheev's strength? Who killed Ivan Tsarevich? Koschey! Finist the Bright Falcon who has exhausted? He is back, Koschei the Deathless! My killer whales, and do not dream of going against him!

Masha: Thank you very much, everything was very tasty!

Baba Yaga: And that's right, sit up, talk. Go to bed, little ones. Morning evening is wiser!

7. The second song of Baba Yaga

1. Cooking dinner is not a toy,

From the mire of swamp pancakes,

For the first frog soup,

Datura henbane salad,

Datura henbane salad,

Datura salad:

Chorus: Boil water, burn the hearth,

Boil water, burn the hearth.

No wonder I don't sleep

After all, boys and girls

After all, boys and girls

I love you very, very, very much.

2. Burn firewood, burn,

Shoruy stump of ash,

Roast of Masha and Viti,

Today I will serve to the table,

Today I will serve to the table,

Today I will give:

Vitya: Masha are you sleeping?

Masha: No and you?

Vitya: And I'm not sleeping! Masha! In my opinion, this is Baba Yaga ... mmmm! And she wants to eat us!

Masha: Vitenka, the water is already boiling! Vitenka, I'm afraid!

Vitya: Don't be afraid Masha!

baba yaga: Go for a walk? For appetite!

Vitya: Gone!

Masha: I don't want to be eaten by me!

Vitya: Calmly! My dad is a PhD! And I won't let you be eaten by an illiterate old woman! I'll think of something…

Masha: I forgot, we are in a fairy tale, but in a fairy tale you need to look for something magical. Here, look, Baba Yaga's broom.

Vitya: Are you going for revenge? Found the time!

Masha: This is the broom on which Baba Yaga flies!

Vitya: Flying?

Masha: Sit down quickly. Eniki, beniki, panicles, brooms. (run away)


Masha and Vitya: HOORAY!

Masha and Vitya run away from the hut. They walk through the fairy forest. The oven is worth it.

Stove: I baked pies

For friends, not for enemies

And there is not a man around in the forest.

Open the door, traveler,

Try my pie.

Thank you, too, says Pechka.


Vitya: It's dangerous to approach her,

You know great!

Masha: We must help on the road to everyone who is waiting for help!

Stove: Masha, help. Baba Yaga has stoned me, open the damper, set me free!

Masha and Vitya open the shutter.

Stove: Oh, thank you, children! Help yourself, my pies are delicious! (takes pies)

Stove: Here's a hot coal for you, Mashenka. Wherever he goes, go there! He will show you the way to Koshcheevo's kingdom!

Masha and Vitya run after the coal.

Leshy appears, sings Leshy's song. He sees a coal, hides it in his bosom.

8. Song of Leshy

1. Leshem lived freely

For fame I walked

Neither mounted nor on foot

Didn't give a pass.

But in the city by chance

I got it - that's the trouble

Since then, I've been a dense wilderness

Hated forever

Chorus: Believe Leshem -

I-she-she-she doesn't lie.

But still live

But still live

I can't, I can't.

2. That light is a teaching

Winter and spring.

I affirm without exception

All the evil spirits of the forest.

It's a shame to live shaggy,

And drink from dirty puddles

When all the forces are in the atom, and

And also in chemistry.

Goblin: Oh, coal. Yes, let's get it up!

Masha: Uncle, hello! You did not raise our coal?

Goblin: What coal?

Masha: Red.

Goblin: Oh, red. No, I didn't! (burns, drops it)

Masha: What have you done? Shame on you!

Vitya: Well, what do they teach you only in the forest?

Goblin: Now you are kept with your parents, you eat apricots, but I don’t know my mother. They say a witch, but who, what kind of witch, where did she go? And everyone slaps you, everyone shames you! Everyone demands villainy from you, but maybe my soul is tender, like a flower ...

Masha: Uncle Goblin, we didn't mean to offend you, please don't leave!

Goblin: For your kindness, I can show you the way to Koshcheevo's kingdom.

Masha: honestly?

Goblin: Who do you take me for? Just leave this boy!

Masha: No, I'm without Viti I'm not going anywhere! Let go!

Goblin (turns to Vita): Well, you got in touch with the girl. A? throw her away! And I, as a man to a man, will show you the way to Koshchei. Agree?

Vitya: Agree! Deal?

Goblin: (takes his hand, glows with electricity). Boy, let me go!

Vitya: Tell me where the road to Koshchei is!

Goblin: I don't know, they don't let me in there! Let me go boy, let me go!

Vitya: so be it!

Goblin: Thank you boy, bye! (runs away scared)

Apple tree appears.

apple tree: My branches have grown,

Branches bend to the ground.

Someone to take care of me.

Are you tired on the way

What should you come up with

Taste the apple!

Have pity on me, Mashenka!

Collect my apples!

Masha: How can we deal with this misfortune, Vitya, advise!

Vitya: It's dangerous to approach her,

You know great!

Masha: We must help on the road

For those who need help!

Masha: Eniki, beniki, panicles, brooms. Jump, apples, from the branches yourself.

9. Dancing apples

apple tree: Thank you, Masha and Vitya! Take another apple, throw it on the ground. Wherever it goes, go there. It will show you the way to Koshchei!

Masha: Thank you, Apple! Goodbye!

Masha and Vitya run after an apple around the Christmas tree to the song "We will find the Snow Maiden ...". Matvey the cat appears and eats an apple.

Cat: Everything, kids, everything, chickens. Get down, come on!

10. Song of the cat Matvey

1. Game over: I am a wild cat

My first move is my last move

I am a cat Matvey, my method simple:

2. My pupils are a nightmare

One jump, one hit.

I don't need a second pass.

I do not like to pull the tail for the cat.

No, of course it's the other way around.

3. I only hit once, I'm fast and bold

I ate the dog on it

I am a cat Matvey, my method simple:

I don't like to pull the cat's tail

Cat: Wild cat Matvey! (holds out hand)

Masha: Masha!

Cat: Matvey, wild cat!

Vitya: Vitya!

Cat: After all, I have, guys, in a simple way, I have no these things, no tricks, but I immediately offered them to eat you, and I will eat you! You, my dears, for now say goodbye to each other, cry, want to howl? Howl! I love passion when they howl! I also love being told stories. Come on, girl, start a fairy tale!

presenter: Dear cat Matvey. For now, sit down comfortably, and the guys and I will now tell you this tale and show you ... Guys help out. Who will be the grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse, come out ... Come on, Masha, start ...

Masha: So, a fairy tale about a turnip!

Cat: About whom?

Masha: Yes, about the turnip!

Cat: About it is possible! I allow! Let's!

Masha: Grandfather planted a turnip! A large turnip has grown! Grandfather pulls, pulls, but he can’t pull!

Cat: Weak, so grandfather got caught! Understand!

Masha: My grandfather called my grandmother! Pull pull, pull can not!

Cat: They were weak!

Masha: The grandmother called her granddaughter. Pull pull, pull can not!

Cat: Yes ... Weak generation!

Masha: The granddaughter called Zhuchka!

Cat: Who is she?

Masha: Well, Bug, the dog is so small. Bow-wow.

Cat: Pshhhh! No need for Bug! Let's skip!

Masha: Skip. Well, that is, let's continue. She called the Bug, that is, woof-woof, well, the one that we miss, the cat!

Cat: This is a completely different matter! I approve! Come on!

Masha: They pull to pull, but they cannot pull it out!

Cat: That's what I can believe! I'm sorry, but I don't believe this!

Masha: The cat called the mouse ... The cat called the mouse.

presenter: Guys, what, no one wanted to be a mouse.

Children (in chorus): NO!

Cat: What-o-o? They decided to leave me without a mouse! Well, that's it, kids. All chickens.

Cat: Oh! Mom ... Guys, save! Chickens help out...

11. Game "Cat and Mouse Reversed"

At the end of the game, the cat runs away into the forest, the children sit on the chairs. Masha and Vitya are walking down the hall. To meet them Old Man-Lesovichok.

S-L: Old man - Lesovichok

Caught on a knot.

I've been sitting here all night

I ask you to help me

Masha: How can we deal with this misfortune.

Vitya, advise!

Vitya: It's dangerous to approach him,

You know very well.

Masha: We must help those on the road

Who is waiting for help!

Masha and Vitya unhook him from the driftwood.

S-L: Oh, thanks guys! For helping me out, take a ball. Wherever he goes, follow him boldly. He will lead you to Koshcheevo's kingdom. Happy, Masha and Vitya!

There is a throne near the Christmas tree, Koschey is on it.

Koschey: I am the insidious evil Koschei!

I'm with childhood I don't like children,

I'm with I don't like good childhood,

I always do only evil.

Guys, are you alone here?

Why did you come to me?

Masha: You know why you came!

Koschey: Yes, of course, I know myself ...

Vitya: Bring back Santa Claus!

Koschey: I won't return!

Masha: After all, soon New Year holiday. All children are waiting for Santa Claus!

Koschey: I I can't stand children's laughter,

And I won't let Santa Claus in!

Vitya: Come on, Koschey, let's fight. We will sing songs to each other.

Whose songs are better New Year's, more interesting, that and Santa Claus on holiday will remain.

Koschey: Well, well, I agree. My turn.

Let's see who gets it!

Come on "Wild Guitars", get out,

And show me your song!

12. Song "Wild Guitars"

Koschey: What are you afraid of? Hooray! I won!

presenter: To be fair,

Look at our wonder!

To welcome the New Year

The whole group will sing a song!

13. Song "New Year"

1. Does the New Year fly from the sky or does it come from the forest?

Or does the New Year come to us from a snowdrift of snow?

He must have been a snowflake on some star

either he was hiding with a fluff in Frost's beard. - 2 times

Chorus: New Year - 4 times.

2. Maybe he got into the refrigerator or to the squirrel in the hollow,

Or did he climb into the old alarm clock under the glass?

But there is always a miracle: the clock strikes twelve,


But there is always a miracle: the clock strikes twelve,

And no one knows where the New Year comes to us from! - 2 times

Koschey: Well, well, indeed yours took

Bad Koshcheev affairs.

Go, Santa Claus, go

AND give a holiday to children!

I remove witchcraft spells,

I release Santa Claus!

Santa Claus leaves Koshcheev's kingdom,

Father Frost: Hello my friends,

I am very glad to meet you!

Oh how grateful I am

You are real friends!

Santa Claus hugging the Snow Maiden

Father Frost: Hello, granddaughter!

Snow Maiden: Hello Dedushka Moroz!

B. Ya., Goblin, Cat Matvey quarrel, swear, blaming each other.

Masha: Quiet, evil spirits! Keep quiet!

Baba Yaga: Oh, forgive me old, the demon beguiled! I'm old, have pity on me, I won't do it anymore.

Goblin A: And I won't. Please forgive me.

Vitya: Well, guys, forgive them?

Masha A: Sorry, of course. Just on holidays should be fun and not do all sorts of dirty tricks.

Father Frost: Thank you, Masha! Thank you, Vitya! Well done!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, without you, the Christmas tree does not burn, does not glow.

Father Frost: Light up with bright lights

Green beauty!

Flash your flashlights

And light up the faces

Light up on our holiday

And make us happy!

fluffy, elegant,

Shine, shine, burn!

Children: Shine, shine, burn!

(Christmas tree lights up)

Father Frost: I escaped from Koshcheev's captivity.

What a delightful freedom!

And now the New Year is sure

It will come to us after the old year.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus has returned to us, children,

There is a song. Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Get up together in a round dance,

Now the New Year is coming!

14. General new year dance(Polka)

(sit down)

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, would come up with a game,

Made the kids happy!

Father Frost: So, attention, kids!

There is one game for you.

15. Game "Yes and no"

Santa Claus says a phrase, and the children answer in chorus “Yes!” or not!"

Is Santa Claus known to everyone?

Does he come at seven sharp?

Santa Claus is a good old man?

Does he wear a hat and galoshes?

Did Santa Claus come to you?

Did he bring you gifts?

What grows on the tree? Buds?

Tomatoes and rugs?

Does our Christmas tree look beautiful?

Red needles everywhere?

Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?

Is he friends with the Snow Maiden?

Father Frost: How fun you played!

And not at all tired

I'm an expert at games!

Now let's play like this.

Father Frost: You drove me

I'll rest, I'll swear.

presenter: Santa Claus, we love you,

We've been waiting for you all year.

You swear. To you we

Let's sing a happy song!

17. Song "Santa Claus - red nose"

1. Just before the New Year

Santa Claus called us.

And told us a secret

That in the forest is completely frozen.

Chorus: Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

Santa Claus - red nose. 4 times


2. He said on the phone,

What gifts will bring.

And toys and candy.

Even sing a song.

3. Where, where is Santa Claus?

How much longer do you have to wait?

Come quickly

We are waiting for gifts from you.

Father Frost: Thanks guys. And now the time has come

Waiting for that, all the kids.

He takes the bag, but there are no gifts in it.

Oh, where are all the gifts? Looks like it fell out somewhere. Wow, what a hole in the bag.

Well, nothing, now we will conjure gifts together.

Goblin: Well, here it is again. Eh ... Our New Year is gone ...

B. Ya .: Quiet ... Help, Masha

B. Me and Masha in chorus: Eniki, beniki, panicles, brooms, run, gifts yourself here.

B. Ya .: And you all help us.

It is necessary to clap loudly to everyone - one, two, three.

And stomp everyone with their feet - one, two, three.

And turn around everyone - one, two, three.

And smile at each other - one, two, three.

Something doesn't work! And, of course, your parents did not conjure with us. Let's all get together again.

Look around, have any gifts appeared? And here they are!

18. Gift Dance

At the end of the dance, Santa Claus distributes gifts.

Father Frost: Time is running forward and forward,

Here on the threshold is the New Year.

If there were failures, it was difficult sometimes -

IN new will be different it happens all the time!

Happiness, cheerfulness, success, away from illness and trouble!

Fulfillment of all desires in the coming year!

Snow Maiden: The past year was a glorious year,

But hasty time does not wait.

The last calendar sheet is torn off -

The New Year is upon us!

B. Ya .: Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you!

Goblin: Let for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries

It will not just be new,

And Happy New Year!

Cat Matvey: Let poems and songs sound,

Let the cheerful laughter ring.

Yes, and adults with us

Having fun is not a sin!

Koschey: Let them come in the year to come

Good luck and success to you!

Let him be the best

The happiest of all!

Leading: Well, it's time for us to say goodbye,

It's very sad to say goodbye!

Under this tree New Year's,

Where songs flow, ringing laughter,

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

Father Frost.
Snow Maiden.
Masha, a schoolgirl of elementary grades.
Vitya, elementary school student.
Baba Yaga.
Cat Matvey, wild cat.
Apple tree.
Koschei the Deathless.
Servants of Koshchei.
New Year's preparations for children. Masha and Vitya are arguing about fairy tales.
VITYA: - My dad denies fairy tales and all sorts of miracles, and my dad is a candidate of technical sciences.
MASHA: - Professor! Are you all bespectacled people unimaginative?
Masha brings Santa Claus to Vita.
MASHA: - Meet, here's a real magical Santa Claus!
FATHER FROST (introduces himself): - Santa Claus.
VITYA: - Masha claims that you are a real magical Santa Claus, which means that you are supposed to
a real magical snow maiden.
FATHER FROST: - It was stolen by Koschey the Immortal. He wanted to arrange a New Year for his evil spirits.
MASHA: We need to help the Snow Maiden. Yes, and we can not do without the New Year.
FATHER FROST: - Just getting into Koshcheevo's kingdom is not an easy thing. And there is no way for me.
MASHA: - I will make my way, I will help the Snow Maiden.
Ded Moroz: - Aren't you afraid if I push you into a fairy tale?
VITYA (shy): Excuse me... But could you take me... into the fairy tale too? My mom says that
Girls must always be protected.
Santa Claus: - Well, go to the fairy tale together.
Masha and Vitya enter the fairy forest through the Christmas tree.
Fairy forest. On the stage are Baba Yaga, Leshy, Matvey the Cat.
Thunder rumbles, lightning.
BABA YAGA: -Alarm someone made his way to our forest, the alarm went off. Let's see right now. Eniki
brooms whiskers brooms ...
Baba Yaga, Cat and Goblin in chorus: - Become a transparent wall!
Vitya and Masha appear and sing a song:
Song of Masha and Viti
(to the motive: “Man is a friend to a dog” m / f “Bobik visiting Barbos”)
We will save the Snow Maiden
And we will take Koshchei prisoner,
And though he is cunning and selenium,
We'll still find it!
Let the road be hard
But good is always stronger than evil!
Transformation awaits ahead
Now that's adventure!
Masha and Vitya leave.
BABA YAGA: - This is their Santa Claus sent.
Goblin: - What to do then?
BABA YAGA: - To defeat them - you need to separate them. (Everyone laughs) I rushed to my place, I will lure them
into the hut and fry, have dinner together
Baba Yaga sings and dances in the hut:
Song of Baba Yaga.
(To the motive: “Chatushki Babok-Yozhek” m / f “Flying Ship”)
Come to grandma Yozhka
Pile yourself up
Disassemble forks and spoons
Eat, let's play!
I didn't understand myself
How did I invite guests?
For naughty children
Koschey will reward me!
Vitya and Masha approach the hut.
MASHA: - Vitya, look at the fairy-tale hut.
BABA YAGA: - Please (leads into the hut, sits at the set table). Eat, drink dear guests.
And how far are you on your way?
VITYA: - The purpose of our expedition is to penetrate into the so-called Koshcheevo kingdom.
BABA YAGA: - A-ah-ah! My irises will destroy you Koschei.
VITYA: - In my opinion, you are somewhat exaggerating the capabilities of this Koshchei.
BABA YAGA: - Me? Do you know Koshcheev's strength? Who killed Ivan Tsarevich? - Koshchei. Fenista
Who brought the Bright Falcon out? - He is back, Koschei the Deathless.
MASHA: - Thank you very much, everything was very tasty.
BABA YAGA: - Come on, climb the kids on the stove (helps the children climb on the stove) Morning in the evening
Baba Yaga boils water.
VITYA: - Masha, in my opinion, this is Baba Yaga, and she wants to eat us.
MASHA: - Vitenka, dear, I'm afraid.
VITYA (stuttering): - D-don't be afraid Masha.
BABA YAGA: -Go, or something to take a walk for appetite?
Baba Yaga comes out of the hut.
VITYA: - Calm down, my dad is a candidate of technical sciences and I won’t let you not be eaten
smart old lady.
VITYA and MASHA got down from the stove.
Vitya pushes the door: - She closed it. Quiet.
The children are looking at the stupa.
VITYA: What kind of apparatus?
MASHA: Yes, this is the stupa in which Baba Yaga flies.
VITYA: - Flying? Do you know how it starts?
MASHA: -I don’t know about it, nothing is written in fairy tales.
VITYA: - (opens the door from the bottom of the stupa, takes something and sniffs). Ordinary RPD.
Jet powder engine. Get ready, key to start (climb into the mortar), ignition,
stretching, blowing. Five, four, three, two, one. Start!
Masha and Vitya fly out through the chimney into the street.
MASHA and VITYA: - Hurrah! (landing)
MASHA: - You know Vit, now I won't call you a professor. Want?
VITYA: - Well, why call it, I don't mind.
MASHA: - Then I won't call you a bespectacled man. Want?
VITYA: - You don't need glasses. Thank you.
Masha and Vitya approach the stove. Song of the stove:
Song of the stove
(To the motive: “Tired toys are sleeping” Program “Good night, kids!”)

And with cabbage and potatoes,

Come to the door, open it!
FURNACE: - Help Masha, BABA YAGA laid stones on me, open the damper, free me.
Masha removes stones.
OVEN: - Oh, thank you children, help yourself to my delicious pies.
MASHA: Take Vitya.
FURNACE: - Here is a hot coal for you, Masha, where he will roll there and go. He is your way to
Koshcheevo kingdom will indicate.
The children ran for the coal.
Leshy appears. Leshy sings:
Leshy song.
(to the motive: "Songs of Vanya Pechnik" m / f "Flying Ship")
I am a simple person
I don't like talking!
If you need help
Get back, I'll help!
I'll take it for you
Even a mountain stream
And my soul is bright
Delicate flower!
Lesha picks up the coal and hides it in his bosom. Masha and Vitya are running
VITYA: - Uncle, hello.
LESHIY: - Great. What do you need?
MASHA: - You did not raise our coal?
LESHIY: - What kind of coal?
MASHA: - Red.
LESHIY: - Oh, little red. No, I didn't. Ah-ah-ah (a coal burns in his bosom, he takes it out and
drops into the water).
VITYA: What have you done?
MASHA: Shame on you?
VITYA: -And what do they teach you only in the forest?
LESHIY (plaintively): - Now you are kept by your parents, you eat apricots, and I am my mother
Don't know. Everyone demands villainy from you. And my soul is tender as a flower.
MASHA: -Uncle Goblin, we didn't mean to offend you.
LESHIY: - For your kindness, I can show you the way to Koshcheevo's kingdom. Just take this boy.
MASHA: No, I won't go anywhere without Vitya.
Goblin approaches Vita
LESHIY: - Well, why did you contact the girl? Throw it away, and I, like a man to a man, give you the way to
I'll show you the cat. Agree?
VITYA: Thank you, I agree. Deal?
Goblin: - Hands down.
They hold hands, Leshy is shaking from the current.
VITYA: Stop shaking. Submitted by whom?
LESHIY: - Baba Yaga.
VITYA: -Goal.
LESHIY: - Separate you.
VITYA: -Tell me, where is the road to Koshchei?
LESHIY: - I don't know, they won't let me in there. Let me go boy, let me go.
VITYA: So be it.
LESHIY: - Thank you boy.
MASHA: What's wrong with him?
VITYA: - A trifling electric charge. And why is he so upset?
Masha and Vitya notice Yablonka.
APPLE: Have pity on me Masha.
Apple tree sings:
Song of the Apple tree.
(to the motive: "Songs of the Engine" m / f "Engine from Romashkovo")

My branches bent to the ground.

MASHA: Take it.
VITYA: - No way, it's not washed.
MASHA eats an apple: - Uncomfortable, eat uncomfortable.
APPLE: - Thank you Masha and Vitya, take another apple, throw it on the ground where it is
roll there, and go, it will show you the way to Koshchei.
MASHA and VITYA: - Thank you Yablonka, goodbye.
APPLE: - Goodbye Masha and Vitya.
They meet the Cat, he picks up an apple and eats it.
CAT: - All the kids, all the chickens. Get down, come, sit down.
The cat sings:
Song of Matthew the Cat.
(to the motive: “Tail by Tail” m / f “Walking the Cat Leopold”)
I will destroy your friendship
I will destroy your friendship
From tail to ears!
The cat can't be good
The cat can't be good
If requires Koschei!
Tail by tail
Tail by tail!
Eye for an eye,
Eye for an eye!
You still can't get away from us
You can't get away from us anywhere!
Tail by tail
Tail by tail!
Eye for an eye,
Eye for an eye!
CAT: Wow! After all, I have guys in a simple way. I immediately offered them to devour you, and I will devour you.
MASHA: -What to do?
CAT: - I love to be told fairy tales. Come on, girl, start a fairy tale.
MASHA: - A fairy tale about a turnip.
CAT: - Oh, you can about it. Allow me, let's go.
MASHA: - Grandfather planted a turnip, a large turnip grew. Grandfather pulls, pulls, does not pull
CAT: - Weak means, Grandfather got caught, I understand.
MASHA: - Grandfather called Grandma, they pull, they pull, they can't pull it out.
CAT: - It was a weak generation. Well.
MASHA: Grandma called Zhuchka.
CAT: Who is this?
MASHA: - Well, Bug, a little dog, woof-woof.
The cat hissed: - No need for Bug, let's skip it.
MASHA: - She called the bow-woof, well, that is, which we miss, she called the Cat.
Cat: - This is a completely different matter, I approve. Come on.
MASHA: - They pull, they can't pull.
CAT: I don't believe in that.
VITYA: - Masha is ready (launches the mouse).
MASHA: - The Cat called the Mouse.
The cat chases the mouse.
VITYA: - Masha run.
The children saw that Lesovichok was hanging on a tree.
The woodsman sings:
Song of the Lesovichka.

MASHA: How can I help?
VITYA: - I came up with (climbed a tree and took off Lesovichka).
LESOVICHOK: - Oh, thanks guys. And for helping me out, take the ball, where is it
boldly ride there after him and go. He will lead you to Koshchei.
Masha and Vitya go further.
VITYA: - Here we are.
MASHA: - And nothing special happened to us. We are not afraid of you Koschey!
Masha runs ahead, and the gate separates them.
Masha finds herself in Koshchei's palace.
Koschey sings:
Koshchei's song.
(to the motive: “A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass” m / f Adventures of Dunno)
Let me wither over gold
wandering through the chambers,
And maybe boring.
My whole life is flowing.

I am immortal and eternal!
Imagine, imagine
Though heartless!
KOSHCHEY: - So the main thing is calmness, like this. Are you afraid of me?
MASHA: - Not a bit. Why am I afraid of you? I know everything about you, death is at your end
needles, a needle in an egg, an egg in a duck.
KOSHCHEY: - Well, all right, all right, all right, I've been talking. Here I am for you now (gasps for air), oh-oh-
oops (grabs a tooth).
MASHA: - What's wrong with you?
KOSHCHEY: - I'm struggling with my teeth.
MASHA: - And what will you give if I cure you.
KOSHCHEY: - I'll give everything, just help me.
MASHA: - Release the Snow Maiden immediately.
KOSHCHEY: - Oh-oh-oh mommy. I remove the witch's spell, I release the Snow Maiden. Raise
MASHA: - Bring me a spoonful of salt and a glass of water (bring). Rinse.
KOSHCHEY: - It doesn't hurt well.
Baba Yaga, Cat, Goblin appear in Koshchei's palace.
BABA YAGA: - The combatant is standing at the gate. Boasts to take off your head.
KOSHCHEY: - Who is this?
CAT: Yes, boy.
Koschey: - Armor to me, a sword of a kladinets, a spear of a dildo.
BABA YAGA: - Our father O-hoo!
LESHIY: - Well, Dad, you give!
KOSHCHEY: - Tie up the girl! I'll be back, I'll execute you right away! She forced the Snow Maiden to let go.
Vitya mentally outside the gate: “Let's see how you resist my magnet Koschey
Koschey with guards and evil spirits come out to Vitya.
KOSHCHEY: - Ha-ha-ha! Needless to say, found a duel. I'll put it in my palm, I'll slam the other,
only a wet spot remains.
Koschey is trying to strike Vitya with a spear, then with a sword, but Vitya with a stick with a magnet
KOSHCHEY: I give up. Oh.
VITYA: - Let Masha go immediately!
KOSHCHEY: - Okay, okay, let your Masha go, just let me go.
Masha runs out, sees an unarmed Koshchei with his hands up.
MASHA: - Vitya, it's me. What is it with him?
VITYA: - I killed him, let's run!
Masha and Vitya run away.
KOSHCHEY: - The sword! Catch them, grab them!
The evil spirits are on the run.
VITYA: - Masha, hurry up!
Lesovichok sits on a tree and throws cones into evil spirits.
LESOVICHOK: - Well, wait, I'll show you! Here's a BABA YAGA for Masha and Vitya, that's it for you.
Oh, you green evil, come here, here you are. Received? Wow, Leshy, here's Leshy, like this, like this.
Well, Cat, come here Cat. Here's a cat, you'll know. Here's to you all.
Vitya and Masha run and meet Yablonka.
APPLE: - Do not be afraid Masha and Vitya, run, I will delay them (throws apples into evil spirits). Here is the cat
Matvey, here's BABA YAGA, here's Leshy. Do not touch small children, you cannot touch Masha and
Masha and Vitya run up to the Furnace.
FURNACE: - Masha, Vitya come here, hide behind me.
MASHA: - For the stove Vitya!
FURNACE: - Well, come, come, well, well (burns evil spirits with fire).
The evil is running away.
MASHA and VITYA: - Hurrah! Hooray! Victory! Hooray!
VITYA: - That's because everyone helped you, because you are kind and good. So be it.
Masha and Vitya come out of a fairy tale. Holiday!
SNOW MAIDEN: - Hello Grandfather Frost!
Santa Claus: - Hello daughter, hello dear. Thanks Mashenka, thanks Vitya. WITH
Snow Maiden: - HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Final song "Snowflake". The whole class sings with flashlights in their hands.
Snow Maiden: - And now, Santa Claus, let's give gifts to children. Come on, kids!
Song of Masha and Viti
(to the motive: “Man is a friend to a dog” m / f “Bobik visiting Barbos”) Favorite songs 37
We will save the Snow Maiden
And we will take Koshchei prisoner,
And though he is cunning and selenium,
We'll still find it!
Let the road be hard
But good is always stronger than evil!
Transformation awaits ahead
Now that's adventure!
Song of Baba Yaga.
(To the motive: “Chatushki Babok-Yozhek” m / f “Flying Ship”) Favorite songs 24
Come to grandma Yozhka
Pile yourself up
Disassemble forks and spoons
Eat, let's play!
I didn't understand myself
How did I invite guests?
For naughty children
Koschey will reward me!
Song of the stove
(To the motive: “Tired toys are sleeping” Program “Good night, kids!”) Planet M / f 3/19
I baked a lot of pies
I want to treat my friends, not enemies.
And with cabbage and potatoes,
Though with a basket, even with a basket
Come to the door, open it!
Leshy song.
(to the motive: "Songs of Vanya Pechnik" m / f "Flying Ship") Planet M / f 3/17
I am a simple person
I don't like talking!
If you need help
Get back, I'll help!
I'll take it for you
Even a mountain stream
And my soul is bright
Delicate flower!
Song of the Apple tree.
(to the motive: “Songs of the Engine” m / f “Engine from Romashkovo”) Planet M / f 2/02
My kids have grown up as best they can.
My branches bent to the ground.
I ask you children to come closer
Apples are sweeter for you to find!
Apples, apples for yourself to find,
Save twigs, twigs from trouble.
Song of Matthew the Cat.
(to the motive: “Tail by tail” m / f “Walking the Cat Leopold”) Planet M / f 3/15
I will destroy your friendship
I will destroy your friendship
From tail to ears!
The cat can't be good
The cat can't be good
If requires Koschei!
Tail by tail
Tail by tail!
Eye for an eye,
Eye for an eye!
You still can't get away from us
You can't get away from us anywhere!
Tail by tail
Tail by tail!
Eye for an eye,
Eye for an eye!
Song of the Lesovichka.
(to the motive: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")
The kind Grandfather Lesovichok walked through the forest,
But the evil spirits raised, hanging on a twig.
I weigh alone here, for the second night already,
I ask you children to come down from the tree to help me.
Koshchei's song.
(to the motive: “A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass” m/f Adventures of Dunno) Planet M/f 3/01
Let me wither over gold
wandering through the chambers,
And maybe boring.
My whole life is flowing.
Imagine, imagine
I am immortal and eternal!
Imagine, imagine
Though heartless!
Snowflake (final)
When a young year enters the house
And the old one goes away
Fragile snowflake hide in the palm of your hand
Make a wish
Look with hope into the night sire
Squeeze your palm loosely
And everything you dreamed about
Think and wish.

Fulfill your dream instantly
If the snowflake doesn't melt
Will not melt in your palm
While the clock strikes twelve
While the clock strikes twelve
When the young year comes
And the old one goes away
Any dream come true
It's such a night
Everything will calm down and freeze around
In anticipation of new days
And the snowflake will suddenly turn around
The fire of a bird in your hand
And the new year that's about to come
Fulfill your dream instantly
If the snowflake doesn't melt
Will not melt in your palm
While the clock strikes twelve
While the clock strikes twelve

Sections: Extracurricular work , cool guide

  • Masha (gaiters, sneakers, short skirt, headphones)
  • Victor ( spectacled)
  • Wolf (in tracksuit)
  • Fox ( dressed in the latest fashion
  • Baba Yaga ( in a wedding dress, without a veil, with a hairstyle)
  • Koschey (in a suit, with a tie)
  • Snow Maiden (in jeans, with a diadem on his head)

Music from the film "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya"

Lead ( behind the scenes) They say on New Year's Eve what you don't wish: everything will always happen, everything will always come true:

Believing in this secret of the New Year, Vitya and Masha again at the beginning of the 21st century went to the fairy forest to save the Snow Maiden on New Year's Eve:

Music from the film sounds, Masha and Vitya appear on the stage (forest).

Masha: Well, what are you going?

Vitya: Masha, maybe you shouldn't? Well, why should we go after the Snow Maiden??!

Masha: Why? Do you need an excellent certificate? Needed. And me at all any.

Vitya: Masha, but that's not fair.

Masha: Honestly - dishonestly, what's the difference. He is Santa Claus, he must give gifts to children for their good deeds.

Vitya: For good ones, yes, but if you cheat? Mash, maybe it's not worth it:

From behind the Christmas tree, at first hesitantly, and then showing off, the Wolf comes out.

Wolf: ( throws up his hands, very happy, surprised)

Bah, what people, straight from Hollywood! .. Oh, and Harry Potter is here ?! (pointing to Vitya and approaching Masha)

Masha: ( defiantly and confidently, patting the wolf on the shoulder)

Listen, Greypelt, I have two suggestions for you. First: you just show us the way, how to get to Koshchei's castle or the second two blows and you are knocked out?!

Wolf: Got it, got it, hold on ..

(Moving away from Masha, he holds out a piece of paper on his outstretched hand. forest map).

Masha: What is it?

(looking at the topographic map, he is surprised and turns to Vita).

Wolf: Take it, take it, your Harry Potter will figure it out.

Vitya: ( with dignity and pathos) Elementary, Masha. We studied this in the 6th grade in geography. Look: here is the north, here is the south, west, east ( runs his hand over the map and points to the side, where they then turn to go with Masha)

Masha; (sighs, says regretfully) Who studied and who walked ...

The wolf goes behind the tree.

music, but they do not have time to pass, as the Fox comes towards them, dressed very defiantly, with a handbag, showing off.

Vitya: Madam! (admiringly)

Fox: Mademoiselle, sir ! (Flirtatious and stretching out his hand for a kiss to Vitya).

Masha:( slaps Lisa's hand and displeasedly, warningly).

Don't show off, redhead:

The fox continues to preen

Vitya (coming closer and admiringly):

Sorry, mademoiselle.( pushing Masha behind her back).

Based on the information we know about your high intellectual level, we want to invite you to participate in a very informative competition to determine the location of the Snow Maiden and given your high IQ:( does not have time to finish, he is interrupted by the Fox).

Fox: Stop, stop, stop: Can I say now. ( stop flirting) In short: You see, you need to find out from me where Koschey lives? ok, and me (in indecision): You need to pass a college credit in economics. Here is the problem (looks questioningly at Masha and Vitya).

Masha: (drawing himself, says, referring to Vita) Are you okay, professor?

Vitya: Easy, ladies.

Masha: So the debit and credit converged ..

Fox: Well, thank you. You have to turn, and there is a bridge - and straight, straight :( waving theatrically).

After seeing the Fox off, Masha and Vitya continue on their way, music sounds and they see Baba Yaga sitting on a stump, who wipes her eyes with a handkerchief.

Masha: Who are you?

Baba Yaga (with irritation) Who-who? Baba Yaga I.

Masha: Why in white?!

Baba Yaga: What, what, why? My bride is Koshcheya .

Vitya: ( with interest) I see, why so sad?

Baba Yaga: What and why? It's always like this with men .(waves away, not wants to talk)

Masha: Where is the groom? ? (sarcastically).

Baba Yaga: Where? Where? How do I know. He himself said that he would fly for the Snow Maiden. Well, she's a singer. I wanted to steal her so that she would sing at our wedding.

Vitya: So what?

Baba Yaga: What, what? I didn't see him again. Where are you?

Vitya: Yes, let's go to save the Snow Maiden, and then to Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga: Save? It's still necessary to see who needs to be saved.

Vitya: If you want, come with us.

Baba Yaga :( sighs) Okay, you turn left behind the mountain-stone and go straight ahead.

House of Koshchei. The Snow Maiden, dressed in white boots, jeans, a tunic, walks around the room. Koschei is sitting at the table, dressed in a suit and tie, writing something. Enter Masha and Vitya. Masha goes to the Snow Maiden, and Vitya goes to Koshchei.

Snow Maiden: Write, write, Koshcheyushka.

Masha: Who are you, little piggy?

Snow Maiden: Snow Maiden. What didn't you know?

Masha: And why in such an outfit? ( with a smirk)

Snow Maiden: It’s the 21st century, and you suggest me to wear a century-old fur coat? ( drawing)

Masha: What's up, young people?! ( surprised)

Vitya: What's going on here?

Koschey: Yes, I argued with this indigo child. And she accept and agree. She said that she would go to our wedding with Yaga and would sing. And she offered a condition: if I write two sentences without errors. Well, I agreed without thinking.

Vitya: So what?

Koschey: Here I sit, write, think. I graduated from high school 300 years ago.

Vitya:( addressing the Snow Maiden) Clever-beauty, or maybe I'll do your task instead of Koshchei? And then after all, you and us need to be in time for Santa Claus at the Christmas tree ?.

Snow Maiden: Try it, maybe it will work.

(begins to dictate, Vitya writes, and Koschei watches, Masha stands at the blackboard where Vitya writes (tablet)

The grass is green
The sun is shining.

Vitya: Look, right?

Snow Maiden: Great! Well, what? You - to the right, I - to the left ?!

Masha: How to the left? How to right? We are going to Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: No, I still have time before twelve o'clock, I will have time to run to the disco and dance. And you are in a hurry, but tell your grandfather that I will be right on time (sends a kiss). Everyone froze in bewilderment.

Vitya: And what should we do?

Masha: Of course, we go to Santa Claus at the Christmas tree, and we'll see.

Leading: Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Good fellows lesson!
Happy New Year, we wish you success in life!!!

Music sounds.

Participants in the play.

Scenario New Year's Eve

in the senior group

"New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya"

2016-2017 academic year

To the music, the children enter the hall and line up in a semicircle.

Leading : A wonderful day is coming

The New Year is coming to us!

Festival of laughter and fun

Fairy tale holiday for children.

How beautiful in our hall

We called our friends

All the people are having fun

We are celebrating the New Year!

CHILD. Snow is falling outside the window.

Snow is fluffy, New Year's.

Happy New Year everyone-everyone-everyone

We congratulate you today.

CHILD. There are guests in the hall - we welcome them.

Our tree has grown

Surprises us with an outfit

If only she would go dancing with us.

CHILD. Oh, how beautiful our tree is,

Toys are gleefully burning

And how many lights on the tree,

Probably more than guys.

CHILD. Kindergarten in the morning

Music and singing.

Dressed up kids

Like for a birthday.

CHILD. New Year's is knocking on the door

With a song, a fairy tale, goodness.

Everyone now believes in miracles

Every house is waiting for gifts.

CHILD. Frost shines on the trees,

The garden in the snowdrifts has been sleeping for a long time,

On the long-awaited winter holiday

Santa Claus looks out the window.

The song "Oh, what a Christmas tree" is performed

1. Coming soon with us

Our beloved Santa Claus.

He won't forget anyone.

Will bring gifts!

2. Together with the Snow Maiden

We'll start a round dance.

And spin under the tree ...

Hello, hello New Year!

3. On a good day, New Year's

Let the cheerful laughter ring.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

We hasten to congratulate everyone!

General dance (all together), after the dance they sit down

Leading. Outside the window the snow sparkles

On the eve of the New Year

Let a miracle happen here -

A fairy tale will come to visit us.

The song "The dispute between Masha and Vitya about fairy tales"

boys : There are no miracles in the world today.

Girls : For those who do not believe in them themselves.

boys : There is no Koshchei - even children know this.

Girls : And in fairy tales live here and there.


All : Lukomorye is not on the map,

So, there is no way to a fairy tale.

This is a saying, not a fairy tale

The story is ahead:

D. There is a hut on chicken legs in a fairy tale.

M. It's funny to believe.

D. There, a frog turns into a princess.

M. What makes no sense in our age.

M. Science will give us answers to questions.

D. And the Snow Maiden lives in a fairy tale.

M .Rockets are sent to distant stars.

D. But there is also a magic carpet.

Children sit on chairs. Masha and Vitya remain at the Christmas tree. They decorate the tree.

Victor: - My dad denies fairy tales

And all sorts of miracles.

All these stupid stories

About evil spirits in enchanted forests.

We came up with dad

One invention

It is, my friends, believe me.

To everyone's surprise!

Masha: - Nu, here – professor, and only!

I don't believe you at all.

Look, under the Christmas tree Santa Claus ...

Now he's coming back to life...

Victor: I don't believe in these fairy tales.

Your story is just lying! (leaves to decorate the Christmas tree on the other side)

Masha : - Well ... let's try ... check ..

It's fairy tale time!

One two Three,

Fairy tale, come to us soon,

Sounds "magic music", "Christmas tree comes to life"

Dance of Christmas Trees

We are forest Christmas trees,

They came to you from a fairy tale

Message from Santa Claus

They brought it to all the children.

They take a letter, the presenter reads ...

Presenter: - Trouble, the Snow Maiden was stolen,

They chained Koshchei.

Without it, after all, the New Year

Nothing will come to us...

Masha: We need to save her.

And bring to the holiday ...

Presenter: - It's not easy to get to the cat,

How can you not get lost there!

I'll tell you one secret -

I have no way...

Masha: - I'll save the Snow Maiden

And I'll see Koshchei!

Presenter: - You won't cry alone there,

If you get into a fairy tale?

Victor: - That I'm meeting you, I'm sorry.

Let me into the fairy tale.

I will help Masha there

And I can do a lot!

Presenter: - Aren't you afraid of Koshchei?!

Victor: - Yes, I do not believe in villains!

People just say

Women must be protected!

Presenter: - A difficult road awaits you -

There is no secret in this.

To help you a little

I'll give you three tips.

Do not expect help in a fairy tale.

On your own on the road

Try to help

To all who are waiting for help.

Kohl the way will be tight,

Gotta not get lost

And stronger for each other

You, friends, hold on!

Song "We will find the Snow Maiden" (1 verse) with the song Masha, Vitya and Santa Claus go behind the Christmas tree.

Sounds like magical music. The light goes out. When the light turns on, the “Wild Guitars” appear in the middle of the hall (Matvey the Cat, Leshy and Baba Yaga with guitars) and sing

"Song of the Wild Guitars":

A siren is heard.

Baba Yaga: - Anxiety! Anxiety!

Someone snuck into us!

Well! All for me!

Let's not be scared!

The evil spirits are hiding behind the Christmas tree, and Masha and Vitya enter the stage with the song “We will find the Snow Maiden”.

They go around 1 circle and go behind the tree again. Evil comes out of hiding.

Evil appears.

Cat: But what about our New Year? I promised Koshchei to arrange it only for us?

Baba Yaga: They are following the Snow Maiden! Well, that's it, our New Year is gone!

Cat: This is their Santa Claus sent!

Baba Yaga: Yes, we will get a bite from Koshchei! What to do? How to overcome them, then?

Cat: Let's go! ( argue)

baba yaga: To defeat them, we must separate them!

Cat: And then eat!

Baba Yaga: I rushed to myself. I'll lure them into a hut, and then I'll fry them. Let's have dinner together! And now everything is ambushed! Fast! ( scatter)

Evil spirits scatter in their corners.

Masha: - Oh, where are we?

Victor: - Here around all the pines, spruce ...

So, coniferous forests.

Masha: - Ah, what miracles!

The only thing missing is the river...

Oh look!

Victor: - Yes, it's a stove!

Stove: - I baked pies

For friends, not for enemies.

And there is not a man around in the forest.

Open the door, traveler,

Try my pie.

And the oven will thank you!

Masha: How can we deal with this misfortune?

Vitya, advise!

Victor: - It's dangerous to approach her.

You know great!

Masha: - We have to help on the way

To all who are waiting for help !

Stove: Mashenka, help. Baba Yaga has stoned me, open the damper, set me free!

Masha and Vitya open the shutter.

Stove: Oh thank you kids! Help yourself, my pies are delicious! ( take pies)

Stove: Here's a hot coal for you, Mashenka. Wherever he goes, go there! He will show you the way to Koshcheevo's kingdom!

fire dance

Masha and Vitya appear. Baba Yaga meets them and sings "Song of Baba Yaga":

Appears in the window baba yaga

Baba Yaga: Ask!

Baba Yaga treats them with pancakes: Eat, drink, dear guests! And how far are you on your way? To which countries, overseas states, for trade, merchants. Ali who are going to fight?

Victor: We are going to the Koshcheevo kingdom,

May the New Year come to every home!

baba yaga: Oh, my killer whales, Koschey will destroy you!

Vitya: We are not afraid of Koshchei,

We can easily fight him!

Baba Yaga: Do you know Koshcheev's strength? Who killed Ivan Tsarevich? Koschey! Who slew Finist the clear falcon? Back, Koschey! My killer whales, and do not dream of going against him!

Masha: Thank you very much, everything was very tasty!

baba yaga: And then, sit up, talk. Come on, kids, get on the stove. Morning evening is wiser!

The children go behind the tree. Baba Yaga at this time brings a large cauldron and begins to stir in it with a ladle.

Music sounds.

Baba Yaga: - Burn, firewood, burn!

Shuruy, stump, ash!

Roast from Masha and Vitya

Today I will serve to the table ...

He runs away with a laugh. The kids are coming out

Victor: Masha, are you awake? I think it's Baba Yaga!

I think she wants to eat us!

Masha: I left, I don’t want to have dinner with me!

Vitya: Calmly! My dad is a Ph.D., and I won't let you be eaten by an illiterate old woman! We run.

Leading. Guys, we need to help Masha and Vita find the way. In the forest, you can navigate by the stars, they can show the way. Stars, girls, help, light the way.

Star dance

Victor: - Masha, Masha, look

The apple tree is up ahead...

Apple tree appears.

Apple tree: My kids have grown up

Branches bend to the ground.

Someone to take care of me.

You are tired on the way.

What should you come up with

Taste the apple.

Apple tree: Have pity on me, Mashenka!

Masha: How can we deal with this misfortune

Vitya, advise!

Victor: It's dangerous to get close to her.

You know great!

Masha: We must help along the way.

For those who need help!

(Masha picks apples)

Apple tree: - I know where you're going...

Take my apple.

It will lead to Koshchei.

Follow him forward!

Apple tree: Thank you, Masha and Vitya! Take another apple, throw it on the ground. Wherever it goes, go there. It will show you the way to Koshchei!

Masha: Thank you Apple! Goodbye!

Masha and Vitya run after an apple around the Christmas tree to the song "We will find the Snow Maiden ...". Matvey the cat appears and eats an apple.

Masha throws an apple in the direction of the curtain, but Cat Matvey grabs it.

"Song of Cat Matthew":

Cat: Wild cat Matvey! ( extends his hand)

Masha: Masha!

Victor: Vitya!

Cat: After all, I have, guys, in a simple way, I have no these things, no tricks, but I immediately offered them to eat you! You, my dears, for now say goodbye to each other, kiss, cry, want to howl? Howl! I love passion when they howl! I also love being told stories. Come on, girl, start a fairy tale!

Masha: A story about a turnip. Grandfather planted a turnip. A large turnip has grown! The grandfather began to pull the turnip. Pulls - pulls, can not pull. Grandpa called grandma. Pull - pull, pull can not. The grandmother called her granddaughter. Pull - pull, pull can not. Granddaughter called Zhuchka. They pull - they pull, they can’t pull it out, Bug called the cat. Pull - pull, pull can not. The cat called the MOUSE ...

Vitya releases the mouse, the cat chases after it. children laugh and go behind the tree with a song

Koschey appears with his retinue

Troll dance

Vitya : And here is the Koshcheevo kingdom ....

Masha : Look Vitya, is this really Koschey? He's funny, not scary at all.

Koschey : Are you afraid of me?

Vitya : Not a bit, why should we be afraid of you Everyone knows about you that you have death at the end of the needle, the needle is in the egg, and the egg is in the duck.

Koschey : Okay, okay, let's talk. Here I am now. (Vitya shields Masha, Koschei takes a breath, wants to blow and groans). Oh how it hurts)

Masha : What happened to you?

Koschey : (lisps) Damned teeth hurt. I have been living in the world for 2000 years, nothing worse has happened to me.

Masha (fits): That your teeth hurt, caries, probably, overeat candy?

Koschey : Leave me alone girl and it's sickening without you (groans) And anyway, what are you doing here?

Vitya : We have come to free the Snow Maiden. You act very ugly, leaving children without new year holiday.

Koschey : Beautiful - ugly, my servants also dream of visiting at least once new year holiday so we will have a holiday, I said (bangs fist and grabs a tooth). Oh how it hurts!

Masha : Well, I told you that he has caries, he ate too much candy. Do you want me to heal you? But for this you must let the Snow Maiden go.

Koschey : Good, good, it hurts a lot! I will do whatever you say...

Masha : Bring a glass of water and a spoonful of salt (guards bring). We mix everything thoroughly and pronounce the magic words. On the mouth. (gives a glass to Koshchei)Koschey rinses his mouth, he is getting better ...

Vitya : Well, Koschey, Masha cured you, give us the Snow Maiden.

Koschey : What more! I changed my mind! Guards, capture them!

Masha : Well, you promised, shame on you1

Koschey : You never know what I promised? I'm the king! I want - I give my word, I want - I take it back! Grab them!

Masha : Vitya, I'm afraid! What should we do?

Vitya : Guys, help us!

Leading : Come on, glorious heroes, help Masha, Vita and the Snow Maiden

Dance Heroes

presenter: Come on guys, let's help Vita, Masha and the Snow Maiden. Take snowballs and throw them at this evil spirits.

Snowball game.

Koschey gets scared and runs away.

Leading. Snowflakes - girlfriends, help, with your dance, return the Snow Maiden to us!

Snowflake dance

The Snow Maiden comes out from behind the tree.

The Snow Maiden leaves Koshcheev's kingdom, Koshchei leaves.

Snow Maiden:

Let me be from snow, ice,

All the kids know about me.

Looking forward to the new year

Me small people.

Everyone calls the Snow Maiden,

They dance and sing with me.

Thank you my friends

Saved me from trouble

Let's continue the holiday

we will sing and dance.

Just one question

where is Santa Claus.

We call D. Frost.

Santa Moro Z: Heard you, what was my name,

And I hurried to the tree to you,

But the blizzards delayed

It snowed on the way.

I went through all the bad weather

To please the children

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Congratulations to all guests.

D. M : My granddaughter, how glad I am to see you, who saved you from the evil Koshchei?

Snow : And here are my deliverers, here are my saviors.

D. m. thank you Masha and Vitya. And then I'll skin the evil spirits of the forest.

Snow Maiden: - Stand up guys.

Everything is faster in a round dance!

Song, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

Performed New Year's round dance

Games with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Father Frost: You drove me

I'll sit down, I'll rest - I'll.

Snow Maiden:

And you, too, rest

Read poems to grandfather!

Poems for children

Snow Maiden: It is known to everyone, on New Year's Eve
Each of us is waiting for a gift!
Someone in the morning Santa Claus
He brought them in a big basket.
But for you here in a good hour
Gifts Santa Claus in store!
D. M. (looking for a bag): It can't be!
What's happened? I can't find the bag!
Snow Maiden: Or maybe you left it in the forest?
D. M.: No, I know for sure that I hid the bag somewhere here, but I can’t remember where! (walking, searching)
Snow Maiden: No, the bag is not visible here.
Grandpa, what a shame!
Is it without gifts?
Are the kids leaving the party? (looking for gifts)

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year
And we give you an order:
So that you are all healthy
Getting better every day!
D. M.: To have in your life
And fun and laughter.
Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!
Snow Maiden: - In a year and at this hour

We will be with you again!

D. M.: - We will come without delay!


Children: - Goodbye!

All the heroes are leaving.


(Staging based on Russian folk tales
and k / f "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya")


Madam Morality, Vitya, Masha, Snegurochka, Santa Claus, Koshchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Goblin, Cat Matvey, Apple Tree, Stove, Old Man-Lesovichok, Apples, Pies, Cones, Retinue of Koshchei the Immortal, Dance Ensemble.


All music in this performance was written by G. Gladkov, lyrics by V. Lugovoi. The recording contains instrumental music. Lady Morality comes to the fore.

Lady Morality. I welcome you, my young friends, to our long-awaited New Year's holiday! Today, on the eve of the New Year, I want to tell you one very interesting instructive tale! This is a story about friendship, mutual assistance, the struggle between good and evil, striving for the intended goal, in general, we will tell you an old story in a new way!
Before our story begins, I want to introduce you to two very good guys. But here's the problem: Masha believes in fairy tales, but Vitya, alas, doesn't! (Calls.) Masha! (Masha comes out.) Vitya! (Vitya appears.) Here they are, our main characters of today's story, which is about to begin! (He waves his wand and leaves.)

Picture 1.

The song "Dispute of Masha and Viti" sounds in the recording. Masha and Vitya in the song argue about whether miracles really happen or not.
Masha(after the song). Still, in vain you, Vitya, do not believe in fairy tales!
Vitya. What miracles can be! We are surrounded by real miracles! And you are all fairy tales, fairy tales! Our century is the century of rapid scientific and technological computer progress! And you…
Masha(interrupts). And I - I believed in fairy tales and I will believe! For example, now, on the eve of the New Year, I am more than sure that Santa Claus will definitely appear and some miraculous miracle will happen!
Vitya. Nothing like this will happen, you can’t even hope, let’s go and play on the computer!

Suddenly, the sound of silver bells is heard in the recording, and then the melody of the dance of snowflakes. Here Santa Claus appears on the stage, surrounded by beautiful Snowflakes. They dance around him, then disappear from the stage. Masha is very happy, Vitya is surprised.

Father Frost. Hello guys! Hello Masha and Vitya!
Masha(joyfully). You see, I told you that real miracles can happen on New Year's Eve! But you didn't believe!
Vitya. Indeed, miracles are miracles!
Masha. Grandfather Frost, where is your granddaughter Snegurochka?
Father Frost(sighs). No, children, our dear Snow Maiden! Koschei the Deathless stole her, took her to his dark kingdom, locked her in the basement! Hear it singing!

In the recording you can hear "Song of the Snow Maiden". She yearns in the basement of Koshchei the Deathless.

Masha and Vitya(after the song). Poor! Pity her!
Father Frost. And the worst thing is that without the Snow Maiden, the New Year will not come!
Masha. But what to do now?
Vitya(decisively). I know what to do! Go help the Snow Maiden out of trouble!
Father Frost. You are a brave boy, Vitya, but if I let you into a fairy tale, won't you be scared?
Children. No!
Father Frost. And you won't turn off the road?
Children. No!
Father Frost. OK then! So be it! Hold on tightly to each other and in a fairy tale only listen to good heroes, and I think that you will be able to defeat Koshchei the Deathless!

The stage lighting becomes mysterious. The recording has amazing music. Santa Claus waves his staff and says magic words.

Father Frost. Hey, Blizzard, come quickly
Take the guys to a fairy tale!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5!
Let's start the story!

Metelitsa appears on the stage with her assistants - Snowflakes. They dance with Masha and Vitya and disappear from the stage with them.

Picture 2.

The scenery of Baba Yaga's hut is on stage. At the back of the stage there is a stove, in the foreground there is a table with two chairs. There is a big screen in the middle of the stage. The recording features "Song of the Wild Guitars". Baba Yaga appears with a guitar in her hands, Cat Matvey - with a guitar, Goblin - with a drum. They sing their song loudly. Now the song is almost finished, but Leshy continues to beat the drum with all his might. Baba Yaga and Cat Matvey plug their ears from the roar.

Baba Yaga. Leshy, Leshy! Enough! Besides, now you are beating your favorite drum very out of tune!
Cat Matvey(hisses). Sh-sh-sh! Once again, this will happen again - I will scratch it!
Goblin(whines). Well, again, in the native team, the orphan is offended!
Cat Matthew. Ish got pissed off! Stop immediately!
Baba Yaga. Hush! Let's better see what's going on in our forest, otherwise we'll inadvertently miss something, then Father Koshcheyushka will give us a beating!

Turns on TV. The recording sounds "Camping song of Masha and Vitya". They appear on the big screen, go and sing together. Evil spirits begin to rush around the stage. Baba Yaga turns off the TV after the song.

Baba Yaga(terribly to Matthew). What else is this?
Cat Matvey(terribly to Leshy). What else is this?
Goblin looks around, helplessly trying to convey this phrase further, but, unfortunately, everything ends there. He throws up his hands and sighs.
Goblin. What else is this? (Whimpering) I don't know!
Baba Yaga(nervously rushes around the stage). Look! They go singing at the top of their lungs! I know them! These are nasty Masha and Vitka! They will find the Snow Maiden! It wasn't there! What we shall do?
Cat Matvey(Leshem). What we shall do?
Goblin(looks around again). What are we going to do? (Whimpers again.) I don't know!
Baba Yaga and Matthew. Stop whining now!
Baba Yaga(orders). Think!
Matthew and Leshy. We think!
Evil spirits begin to walk around the stage, think, think and, of course, scratch their heads.
Goblin(Looks like he figured it out). Or maybe it is...
Baba Yaga and Matthew. What is this?
Goblin(shrugs). Forgot!
Baba Yaga. Yah you! Think!
Leshy and Matthew. We think!

They walk back and forth across the stage.

Cat Matthew. Or maybe by force? (He jumps and crushes with his paw someone very small, imaginary.) Once and for all!
Baba Yaga. Nope! Here a subtle approach is needed! Here's a trick that might work! Come here closer to me, I will tell you the plan of action! They need to be separated!

Goblin and Matvey run up to Baba Yaga. She spreads a map of the forest on the table.

Baba Yaga. Masha and Vitka are now here! (Points on the map.) Surely they are already tired of the long road. Now, with your help, I will quickly turn into a kind, kind fairy! We’ll lure Masha and Vitka to my house… I’ll give them a drink… I’ll feed them… I’ll put them to bed… And when they fall asleep, then we’ll take them…
Goblin and Matvey(rubbing hands and giggling). Let's eat!
Baba Yaga. Absolutely right! How understanding you are! And now let's quickly help me out of the hut and transform me into a good fairy.

The recording sounds “The Good Song of Baba Yaga” (“Dinner and overnight are waiting for you here ...”). Goblin sweeps the hut. Matvey puts a samovar, cups and saucers, pies, pancakes, bagels on the table. Baba Yaga dresses up in a bright beautiful outfit, ties a bow on her head. Then he looks through binoculars.

Baba Yaga. Masha and Vitya are approaching the hut! Hide!

Goblin and Cat Matvey disappear backstage. Masha and Vitya appear from the doors of the auditorium. They see the hut of Baba Yaga.

Masha. Oh, Vitya, look, a hut on chicken legs!
Vitya. Optical illusion!
Baba Yaga. Oh hello guys!
Masha and Vitya. Hello! And who are you?
Baba Yaga. I? And I'm a good fairy!
Masha and Vitya(in disbelief). Ah! It's clear…
Baba Yaga. Dear little children, what are you doing alone in the wilderness?
Masha and Vitya. We're going to rescue the Snow Maiden from Koshcheev's kingdom!
Baba Yaga(clasping his hands). Oh! What are you! You wouldn't go there! Koschey will immediately devour you!
Vitya. Don't dare! We are strong and brave!
Baba Yaga. Well, okay, okay, I'll help you a little, show you the way to the kingdom of Koshchei the Immortal, but then! And now come on in, refresh yourself a little, rest, because you will need a lot of strength to fight Koshchei! Come on! Come on! (He sits the children at the table.) Eat, here is tea with milk, here are hot pancakes, here are pies! Eat! Eat! (Rubs his hands behind the guys' backs.) Eat! Eat!

Masha and Vitya are refreshed with pancakes, pies and tea with milk.

Baba Yaga(carefully). Now climb on the stove and get some sleep. (Covering Masha and Vitya with a blanket.) Sleep! Sleep!

Masha falls asleep. Vitya pretends to be asleep. Baba Yaga gives a sign to Cat Matthew and Leshem. They carry out a cauldron, a hearth, flasks with fly agarics, grebes and wolfberries, as well as frogs and spiders. The recording sounds “The Evil Song of Baba Yaga” (“Boil, water, burn, hearth ...”). There is a dance of Baba Yaga. She conjures over the cauldron, adding various terrible "ingredients" to it. Vitya sees the transformation of Baba Yaga and begins to wake up Masha.

Vitya. Masha! Masha, wake up!
Masha(stretching). Well, what else do you want?
Vitya. Masha, look what's happening!
Masha(sighing). Oh, Vitya, this is not a fairy, but a real Baba Yaga! What should we do, Vitya?
Vitya(businesslike). Calm down, Masha, my dad, a candidate of technical sciences, was explaining to me how a powder engine works, and I just have some gunpowder with me.

Baba Yaga runs for a new portion of "ingredients", Matvey and Leshy follow her. The guys jump off the stove and run to the mortar in the corner. Vitya does something at the bottom of the stupa with gunpowder, then helps Masha climb into the stupa. Children join hands.

Children. 1, 2, 3! Let's fly!

In the recording - the sound of a flying stupa. The scene is dark, only colored lights flicker. Baba Yaga, Cat Matvey and Leshy appear on the stage in the spotlight. They follow the flight of the stupa, shake their fists, then whisper and run backstage.

Picture 3.

Stage lighting. Forest decoration. A stupa is lying on the proscenium. Masha and Vitya are near her. They rub the bruised places.

Masha. Oh and ride!
Vitya. But they ran away from Baba Yaga!

The oven with pies appears on the scene. The recording sounds "Stove Song". The pies dance around her.
Pechka (after the song). Hello guys, my good ones!

Masha and Vitya. Hello!
Stove. I am a Russian Pechka, very hospitable and I want to treat you to my pies!

(She hands out two ruddy pies to the children. Masha wants to take them, but Vitya stops her.)

Vitya(categorically). In no case do not take, suddenly they are poisoned!
Stove(laughs). What are you, dear, really I will harass little children from the world! Feel free to take and eat, they are very tasty and without any muck! You can be sure!
Masha and Vitya take pies.
Stove. Where are you heading to?
Masha. We follow the Snow Maiden to Koshchei the Immortal, he kidnapped her!
Vitya. Could you show us the way?
Stove. With great pleasure, I will not only advise, but also show! Here, take a magic coal, where it will roll, follow it, it will lead you to Koshchei!
Children take coal.
Children. Thank you, Aunty Pechka!
Stove. My pleasure! Be careful along the way, because you can meet all sorts of dangers! Hold on tight friend for friend! Happy journey!
Children. Thank you! Goodbye!

The stove is leaving. The recording sounds "Camping song of Masha and Vitya". They throw a piece of coal in front of them and, holding hands, walk merrily and sing. On stage, looking around, appears Goblin.

Picture 4.

Goblin(looking around). Well, where did this nasty ember disappear to? (Searching.) Ah, there he is!

(He grabs a coal. He burns it. Goblin juggles with coal.) Oh! Ay! Oh-oh-oh!
Appear on the stage Masha And Vitya.

Masha. Vitya, our coal has gone somewhere!
Vitya. Don't worry, we'll find it!

They search all over the stage and inadvertently stumble upon Leshy, who has just put a piece of coal in his pants pocket and is now jumping up and down as if stung.

Masha. Uncle, have you seen our coal?
Goblin. Did not see! Oh! Don't know! Ay! I do not remember! Oh-oh-oh! (Screams.) This ember jumped on me!

He pulls a coal out of his pocket and throws it away. A splash of water is heard. Children gasped and froze.

Goblin breathed a sigh of relief.
Masha. What have you done, uncle, why did you throw our coal into the river?!
Goblin(sobs). Ah-ah-ah! Such a little girl, but you offend the unfortunate Leshy! Orphan of the forest, restless!
Children(together). So are you an orphan?
Goblin. Yes!
Children. sorry uncle Goblin, We did not know!
They pat him on the head.
Goblin(Masha). Do you have a mom and dad?
Masha. Eat!
Goblin(Wite). And you?
Vitya. Yes, I have!
Goblin(sobs). And my mother was a witch, and my father was a devil! And yes, they have gone somewhere! Nobody cares about me!
Masha. Well, calm down, calm down, uncle Goblin!

The recording sounds "Song of Leshy". He dances and sings along with other evil spirits.

Goblin(after the song). Here is my sad story! (To Masha.) Girl, come here, and you, boy, take a walk for now, get out, pick mushrooms!
Vitya. OK! (Moves away from them.)
Goblin(Masha). Look, you're such a good girl, and you're friends with that nasty boy! Throw him away, and for this I will show you the way to Koshcheevo's kingdom!
Masha(pulling back from Leshy). What are you, uncle Goblin, it's not comradely!
Goblin(as if nothing had happened). Well, if you don't want it, whatever you want! That's your business! Go take a walk!
Masha departs. Goblin calls Vitya to him.
Goblin. Boy, come here, what I say, interesting, very interesting! You will not regret!
Vitya approaches and hides something in his hand.
Vitya. So what happened?
Goblin. Listen, boy, leave that girl. They All crybabies and tyuti! Why do you need her. And I'll show you the way to Koshcheevo's kingdom! Well, on the hands?
Vitya(thinking a bit). Deal! (Slaps Leshy on the arm.)
Goblin. Oh no no no! Oh-oh-oh! (He is shaking as if from an electric shock.)
Vitya. Tell me who sent it?
Goblin(shaking). Ba-ba-boy I-I-yagoi!
Vitya(without releasing Leshy). For what purpose?
Goblin(shaking). W-w-would you-one-time-separate-chi-chit! From-vacation-let-ti-ti, perhaps-perhaps-lui-hundred-hundred!
Vitya(Leshy lets go). That will be better! You shouldn't have fooled us!
Goblin(rubbing his hand). Well, we will meet with you in the dark forest! We will show you! We will arrange for you!
Vitya. Get out, better pick up, say hello! Otherwise, I will...
Goblin. I'm leaving! (He runs away, shaking his fist at the children.)
Masha. Vitya what did you do to him?
Vitya(calmly). Nothing supernatural, I just used a regular stun gun! (Shows it to Masha.)
Masha. You're so smart, Vitya! But how can we go further, because the coal Goblin thrown into the river?
Vitya. Let's go to, Masha, while at random, and there, maybe, some pointer will be.
Masha. Let's go to!

Children they give each other hands, the recording sounds “Masha and Vitya's Camping Song”. Children walk around the auditorium and sing. Appears at the forefront Baba Yaga, she has a pointer in her hands, on it there are inscriptions: “To the forest”, “To the swamp”, “To Baba Yaga”, “To the kingdom of Koshcheyevo”, “To Leshem”, “To Matvey the Cat”.
Baba Yaga(gloatingly). Now we will turn the pointer to them on the contrary, and instead of Koshcheev’s kingdom, they will fall directly into the clutches of Matvey the Cat!
Flips the pointer. Runs away. Masha And Vitya hiding in the doors of the auditorium.

Picture 5.

The recording sounds "Song of the Apple Tree". Appears on the stage apple tree, she sings, Bulk Apples dance around her. Come out Masha And Vitya.

apple tree. Hello dear kids! Take my liquid apples, taste!
Masha takes apples, one stretches to Vitya.
Masha. Thank you!
Vitya. What are you, they are unwashed!
Masha. Quiet, Vitya, uncomfortable!
apple tree. Where are you on your way?
Children. We are going to rescue the Snow Maiden from the kingdom of Koshcheev, but we got lost.
apple tree. I'll help you, so take my golden apple, where it rolls, go there!
Children. Thank you, apple tree!
apple tree. My pleasure! Good luck guys! (Exits.)
Vitya. Let's go to, Masha we need to hurry!
Masha. Yes, we definitely need to find the Snow Maiden, rescue the Koshcheevs from the paws, otherwise there will be no New Year's holiday!

The recording sounds "Camping song of Masha and Vitya". Children Hand in hand, they walk towards new adventures.

Picture 6.

The recording sounds "Song of Matvey the Cat". There is a dance of Matvey the Cat. Here comes the golden apple. Matthew grabs an apple. Appear Masha And Vitya, they see an apple in the Cat's paws.

Cat Matvey. Well, Children shki, come! (Laughs.) Now I will have dinner with you! Say goodbye, cry in the end! Well, I can't hear anything! Cry, cry!
Vitya(whispers to Masha). Masha, distract him! I came up with something!
Masha nodded her head in agreement.
Masha(to the cat). Uncle Cat, do you want me to tell you a fairy tale?
Cat Matvey. Fairy tale? I love fairy tales! Come on tell!
He puts Masha in his arms.
Masha. The story is called "The Turnip".
The cat listens carefully.
Masha. Grandfather planted a turnip. A large turnip has grown! The grandfather began to pull the turnip. Pulls, pulls, can't pull.
Cat Matvey(sympathetically). Weak, so grandfather got caught!
Masha. Grandpa called grandma. Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for a turnip. They pull, they pull, they can't pull!
Cat Matvey. So, they ate little porridge!
Masha. Uncle Cat, listen carefully and do not interrupt!
Cat Matvey. Okay I will not.
Masha(continues). The grandmother called her granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip. They pull, they pull, they can't pull! Granddaughter called Zhuchka.
Cat Matvey. Whom?
Masha. Well bug, bug! Such a doggy! Bow-wow!

The cat throws Masha off his hands, hisses, snorts, arches.

Cat Matvey. Frrr! I do not like this fairy tale, where there is a dog! Sh-sh-sh!
Masha. Yes, you calm down, uncle Cat, sit down and listen further, this is not the end of the fairy tale!
Cat Matvey(calms down and sits down). Okay, let's move on! Only without any dogs there!
Masha. Fine! Zhuchka called the cat Murka. Meow meow!
Cat Matvey(pleased). Here is another matter! It's already ours! And it's a dog, a dog!
Masha. Cat Murka for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip! They pull, they pull, they can't pull!
Cat Matvey. Well, you must!
Masha. I called Murka...
Vitya releases the mechanical mouse.
Masha. Mouse!
Cat yelling "Meow! Meow! Meow!" grabs a mouse and runs off playing with it backstage.
Vitya(winks at Masha). How we spent it!
Masha. On the mark "5" with a plus! Well, let's move on?
Vitya. Let's go!

The recording sounds "Camping song of Masha and Vitya", Children, holding hands, run away from the stage.

Picture 7.

A large oak tree appears on the stage, on the branch of which hangs the Old Man-Lesovichok. He's stuck and can't get free. Out of desperation, the Old Man-Lesovichok began to sing. The recording sounds "Song of the Old Man-Lesovichka." Appear on the stage Masha And Vitya. They see the Old Man-Lesovichok, plaintively asking for help.

Masha. Well, Vitya, help the Old Man-Lesovichka?
Vitya. Of course we will help! Let's, Masha, one, two, three, got it!
They approach the Old Man-Lesovichka and remove him from the tree.
Old Man-Forester. Thank you guys, I couldn't free myself! Where are you in such a hurry?
Children. For the Snow Maiden to Koshchei the Deathless!
Old Man-Forester. Here, take a miracle bump, it will lead you there!
Children. Thank you, Old Man-Lesovichok!
Old Man-Forester. Happy journey!

The old man-Lesovichok goes in one direction, Masha And Vitya- to another.

Picture 8.

The stage is dark. Lights flicker, very reminiscent of the eyes of bats. In the recording, the terrible laughter of Koshchei the Immortal is heard, then the “Song of Koshchei the Immortal” sounds. The stage is dimly lit. Koschey together with his retinue, consisting of bats, he dances and sings. After the song Koschey is mounted on a throne adorned with spiders and skulls. The scenery of Koshcheev's kingdom is on the stage.

Voices of Masha and Viti(from behind the scenes). Hey, Koschey Immortal! Give the Snow Maiden to the children immediately!
Koschey(laughs). What are those bugs squeaking there?
Retinue. The girl and the boy have arrived!
Koschey. A girl with a boy? Well, the boys, as a rule, are tasteless, and the girls are very personal - sweet! Submit the girl here!
Retinue. Yes, give the girl to him Koschey to the Majesty!
They run away and bring the stubborn Masha.
Viti's voice(from behind the scenes). Oh you, Koschey-The villain! Give Masha and Snegurochka back immediately!
Koschey(laughs). Oh, I can't, I'm tired! I’m also a hero on straw legs! Oh hold me!

The retinue laughs along with Koshchei. Suddenly, Koshchei's pale face appears in a grimace, which usually appears with some kind of pain.

Koschey(calls out). Oh oh oh! My teeth! Teeth! Oh oh oh! They hurt, they hurt!
Masha. And I know one good remedy for toothache!
Koschey. So speak quickly! Don't pull!
Masha. But I won't tell!
Koschey. Why? Oh my teeth! (Grabs his cheek.)
Masha. Give the Snow Maiden, then I'll tell you!
Koschey. I'll give it to you, just tell me!
Masha. A glass of water and a spoonful of soda!
Koschey. It's clear! A glass of water and a spoonful of soda!
Bring. Masha spreads a gargle for Koshchei and hands him a glass.
Masha. Rinse!
Koschey(with doubt). What will it help?
Masha. Will help! Rinse!
Koschey rinses. He is clearly getting better. He is pleased.
Koschey. Weird! Now I won’t let Masha go anywhere, and the Snow Maiden too!
Masha. But you promised!
Koschey. Ha ha ha! And you believed me and in vain, by the way, because I never keep my promises! Ha ha ha! Silly!
Viti's voice(from behind the scenes). I repeat, Koschey Give Masha back now!
Koschey. You will not see your Masha as your own ears!
Viti's voice(from behind the scenes). I challenge you to fight Koschey!
Koschey. All right, this boy All m brought me out of patience! Submit my combat gear here!
Retinue. Yes, submit Koshchei's combat equipment!

They take out Koshchei's military equipment: armor, a helmet with horns, a shield and a sword. They put all this on Koshchei, he can barely stand, because the armor and other items of equipment are very heavy. But Koschey trying to be proud and independent.

Koschey. Well, I'm ready to fight! Where is your Vitya?
Appears Vitya. He built a kind of spear from a stick and a magnet and a shield from a piece of wood. Seeing such equipment at Vitya, Koschey and his subjects roll with laughter.
Vitya. Here I am, Koschey!
Koschey. Well, now I'll show you!

He rushes at Vitya, who calmly magnetizes Koshchei, he could not resist and collapsed to the ground.

Vitya. Koschey, you are defeated! Give Masha and Snegurochka back now!
Koschey(subjects). Give that nasty Snegurka and Masha right now!
Retinue. But, Your Immortal Majesty...
Koschey. No buts! Give, I said! Oh, how bad I am!
The retinue brings the Snow Maiden. Masha together with her they run up to Vita.
Vitya. Masha! Snow Maiden! Run until Koschey didn't remember! Faster, let's run!
All. Let's run!
They run away. Run out onto the stage Baba Yaga, Cat Matvey And Goblin.
Baba Yaga(seeing Koshchei defeated, he screams). Oh, you are our killer whale! Who are you?
cat and Goblin. Who are you like that?
Retinue. Vitya!
Baba Yaga. Wow, nasty boy!
Cat Matvey. Quiet Everyone! Let's listen to the heart!

He puts his ear to Koshchei's chest. The heart starts beating.

Retinue(considers). 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!
All(friendly). Alive! Hooray!
Koschey. Of course, I'm alive, I'm immortal after all! Boobies! Better pick me up now!
All(friendly). Yours will be done Koschey majesty!
They raise Koshchei to his feet.
Koschey(groans). Oh-ho-ho! Catch up!
All. Catch up!
Koschey. Catch!
All. Catch!
Koschey. Break!
All. Break! Will be done!
All run up and knock Koshchei off his feet.
Koschey(lying down). Well, I have assistants! And like this All where!
The stage is dark.

Picture 9.

The recording contains the song "Chasing Masha and Vitya". Forest scenery on stage. Masha, Snow Maiden And Vitya run away from the subjects of Koshchei the Immortal. Stove, apple tree and the Old Man-Lesovichok prevent Baba Yaga, Matvey the Cat and Leshy from catching Masha and Vitya. Our heroes manage to get away from the chase.

The final.

On the stage, the decoration of the hall, decorated in a New Year's way, on the backdrop is an image of a large elegant Christmas tree. Appear Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Masha And Vitya.
Father Frost. Thank you guys, respected grandfather! Saved my granddaughter, snatched it from the paws of the Koshcheevs! Otherwise, the children would not have a New Year's holiday!
Snow Maiden. Low bow to you Masha And Vitya you rescued me! More All I was afraid that Children New Year will be lost, but now everything will be fine!
Masha And Vitya. Of course, our dear Snow Maiden!
Father Frost. You had a nice time
The story was well listened to!
Snow Maiden. We wish you good luck!
Father Frost. It's hard to live without luck!
Snow Maiden. On "excellent", not otherwise,
Learn and make friends!
Father Frost. I came to you again today
I like to see you!
Snow Maiden. Let the New Year's holiday ...
All heroes (together). Further continues!!!

In the recording, the song "He is the magician" sounds. Appear on the stage All characters of the New Year's fairy tale. There is a final number, after which the curtain closes.