How to treat a wound after a cat bite. If the cat has bitten the child. What to do if a cat is bitten on the street by a street yard

Domestic cats are rather headstrong animals, minds of their own, not to mention those that long time forced to live on the street. Therefore, when a person comes face to face with this sweetest creature, the ear must be kept on the alert. It is enough to stroke it in the wrong way, scratch it in the wrong place, and sometimes even look affectionately enough and this fluffy baby will turn into an angry tiger. One second and the cat is already clinging to the hand. It seems that the wound is not serious, but you have to think if the cat has bitten and the hand is swollen, what should be done.

The consequences of a cat bite can be treated for a very long time, therefore, if possible, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of such a problem. But if all the same the situation has occurred and the domestic cat has bitten, you can’t relax. Of course, compared to the street guleni, the chances of catching a serious illness are less, but this does not mean that you can turn a blind eye to this incident. In the case of a street cat, the possible consequences can be very dangerous, and even fatal. At first glance, a domestic cat has nowhere to pick up an infection, so he cannot pass it on to a bitten one. But this is not so, after the bite of any cat, various symptoms can occur with complications, and the consequences can be sad. However, statistics show that even if a cat transmits the infection through a bite, the number of bacteria will not be enough to initiate an inflammatory process.

Only if the immunity is already undermined, or the victim already has an extraneous infection the chances of infection increase. There are several options for the development of inflammation: this is a bacterial lesion, tetanus, and the worst thing is rabies. Let's consider in more detail.

bacterial infection

The most common bacterium that affects humans after a cat bite is Pasteurella multocida. In the absence of adequate treatment, it can provoke the occurrence of a disease such as pasteurellosis. These pathogenic microorganisms are also able to interact with pathogens of streptococcal and staphylococcal bacilli. It is because of this that the hand turns red after being bitten by a cat, and then it swells up. Due to swelling, these inflammatory processes quickly diagnosed and treated. The main thing is to see a doctor within a day.

After a bite from a street cat, another one may develop unpleasant disease « cat scratches» - lymphoreticulosis. However, not only scratches, but also bites can serve as the development of the inflammatory process of the lymph nodes. Even if a cat has bitten a finger, the lymph nodes that are in the neck area can swell. In the absence of adequate treatment, the disease can quickly develop and end with damage to the nervous system.

Tetanus or how not to die from a simple scratch

Even if at first glance it seems that nothing serious has happened, but the bite or scratch is deep in your opinion, and there is also a seal under the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor. After treating the wound, the doctor will specify when last time vaccinated against tetanus. If it has not been in the last 10 years, then urgent vaccination is necessary.

If within 10 days after the bite you become ill or begin to behave inappropriately, this is serious threat. In this case, the doctor administers a second shot of rabies immunoglobulin.

If the edema goes away and the released substances do not come out of the wound, then nothing more needs to be done with the hand.


It is important to know that when bitten, especially by a street cat, you can pick up a practically incurable disease - rabies. A domestic cat can also be dangerous if it goes outside or communicates with other unvaccinated animals. To take measures to save from death, the victim has three days. Rabies is transmitted through the saliva of an infected cat. Symptoms of the disease in cats usually appear almost immediately:

  • aggressive behavior;
  • severe salivation;
  • fear of light and sharp sounds;
  • inadequate response to the presence of people;
  • loss of appetite and excessive excitability.

If at least one sign of rabies is found in a cat, you should immediately consult a doctor for urgent vaccination. And the pet must be isolated for two weeks.

Bitten by a cat what to do?

Any cat, both domestic and street, is capable of biting a person's hand, especially if it gets angry. What to do if bitten by a domestic cat?

Most often, the consequences of a bite pass quickly enough, even if there was blood at the beginning. But so that after a cat bite the hand does not swell, you can perform a number of actions at home:

  1. When damaged skin you need to place your hand under cold running water and hold it for five minutes. This action will wash the wound and relieve pain.
  2. Use soap to remove dirt or dust, preferably household soap.
  3. After that, the wound must be cauterized with hydrogen peroxide.
  4. When the bleeding has completely stopped, an antibacterial ointment can be applied to the wound.

It is important to know that bleeding in the event of a cat bite is only beneficial, as a cat infection follows with blood.

If a day after the bite of a cat there are signs of infection, the hand is swollen, and the fingers are swollen, you should start taking antibiotics: doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone. From the above list, only ceftriaxone can be used by pregnant women.

When to see a doctor

If first aid has been correctly provided, then in most cases medical intervention is not required. If a cat has bitten and the hand is swollen, the blood does not stop for 10 minutes or more, the wound hurts a lot and there is discharge from it, there is an increase in temperature or anaphylactic shock. If it turned out that the bitten cat was infected with something, and the hand was swollen. In these cases, you must immediately go to the hospital.

Which doctor should I contact after a cat bite? IN this case you need to go to the emergency room. After the necessary research You will be referred either to a surgeon or to an infectious disease specialist.

Treatment after a bite

Treatment after a cat bite in a hospital standard procedure. After a cat bite and a tumor or slight swelling occurs at the site of the bite, antiseptic ointments are used. If swelling occurs at the site of the bite, and the fingers are swollen, then antibacterial drugs are prescribed. In case of deep damage, the surgeon removes dead tissue or stops bleeding by suturing the wound. After that, antibiotic therapy is carried out, most often it is injections of antibiotics.

How to treat a bite at home

What to do if bitten by a cat and there is no way to see a doctor. There are many ways to give yourself first aid. If a cat has bitten and a finger is swollen, it must be washed with running water, preferably with soap. After that, the cat bite must be treated with hydrogen peroxide, and then with an antiseptic ointment. You can use Vishnevsky's ointment. It is possible to cure a cat bite at home only if the wound is not deep and the animal is vaccinated. In other cases, it is better to seek qualified help. If you decide to treat the bite at home, treat the site of injury as often as possible, preferably after each contact with water.

Although rare, it happens that street and domestic cats, cats and kittens bite hard, and in this situation you should know exactly what to do and how to treat the bite site. It is equally important to know what to do if a rabid cat is bitten at home or on the street, and what measures should be taken so that there are no unpleasant consequences.

The article presents general information and advice that cannot replace a trip to the doctor, because it is impossible to say exactly what the animal hurts and what consequences to expect without an examination by a doctor, and the information provided is only for informational purposes.

What to do if a cat has bitten a hand and the hand is swollen, reddened, temperature, folk remedies, antibiotics

If a cat has bitten a hand and the wound bleeds slightly, then there is no need to stop the blood - the microorganisms contained in the cat's saliva will come out with it. After the blood stops, the wound can be treated with iodine or hydrogen peroxide, from folk ways- Rinse laundry soap, rubbing it into the wound for 10 minutes. If the hand is swollen, reddened and the bitten has a fever, you need to urgently consult a doctor. Self-medication and taking antibiotics is dangerous to health!

Bitten by a cat swollen leg, how to treat, which doctor to go to

When bitten by a cat, you should contact a surgeon or traumatologist. Treatment depending on clinical picture, the doctor will prescribe.

If a cat has bitten a finger, it is swollen, it boils, it hurts what to do

If a cat has bitten a finger, it is swollen, it aches, it hurts - you need to contact a surgeon as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct primary surgical treatment and prescribe treatment. Every minute of delay will turn into days needed for healing.

If bitten by a cat with rabies. Whether to get vaccinated against rabies

If you are bitten by a cat with rabies, you should definitely seek medical help. Even a minor scratch from an animal with rabies can cause infection and have serious consequences that are easier to prevent at the very beginning of the disease. The decision on whether the patient needs preventive vaccinations is made by the doctor.

Bitten by a cat how to find out if she has rabies, can there be rabies, symptoms, vaccination

Rabies in a cat occurs in 3 forms:
- violent - the animal becomes excited or, conversely, tries to hide in a dark corner;
- paralytic - the cat develops paralysis, and it stops responding to changes in the environment;
- atypical - the animal is prone to apathy and drowsiness. It's pretty rare form, but the atypical form of rabies can last for several months.

You can determine if a cat has rabies at a veterinary clinic. The method of preventing rabies in animals is regular vaccination. In municipal clinics, the vaccination can be done free of charge.

Dream Interpretation cat bitten in a dream by the arm, leg, without blood and before the blood what the dream is for

A dream in which a cat bites your arm or leg means that in the near future you will attract the attention of some insidious and cunning person who will try to give you a lot of trouble. If in a dream the wound began to bleed, then in real life should wait conflict situations and misunderstandings from relatives. A cat bite without blood in the wound means trouble from unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar people.

If I was bitten in a dream by a white, black cat, the dog bit the cat in a dream

If in a dream a white or black cat bites you, and in response to this a dog bites a cat, then this dream serves as a warning about some minor but unpleasant incident that will soon happen in reality. You will be indirectly involved in the conflict, but you will be able to adequately assess the situation and show prudence in time, so that the attacks of ill-wishers will remain without consequences for you.

Bitten by a cat during pregnancy and in the first trimester

During pregnancy, a cat bite should not be ignored, you should immediately sound the alarm and go to the doctor. Toxoplasmosis, ornithosis, rabies, listeriosis, leptospirosis, helminthiasis - far from complete list diseases that can be transmitted to humans from a cat and pose a danger to the pregnant woman herself and her unborn child.

If a domestic cat has bitten, do you need a vaccine, if it bites to the blood of a person, a child

The bite of a cat kept in an apartment is no less dangerous than a bite of a street animal. The saliva of a domestic cat, just like that of its stray relative, may contain microorganisms that cause a rather serious illness. Therefore, with a visit to the doctor, especially if the cat has bitten the child, you should not delay and try to get an appointment within the next 12 hours.

What to do if a cat is bitten on the street by a street yard

When a cat bites, according to inexorable statistics, the infection develops in half of the cases. Therefore, after providing first aid, the victim should immediately go to the emergency room.

The cat has bitten to the blood what to treat, treat, smear and relieve swelling and what is dangerous

A cat bite may seem harmless at first glance, but even a small wound should be immediately washed with water and antibacterial or laundry soap, and then additionally treated with iodine or hydrogen peroxide. If, despite the measures taken, there is swelling of nearby tissues, then the victim should quickly seek help from a surgeon or traumatologist. The tumor signals the infection of the body, and this is fraught with severe consequences.

A cat with cancer, stray, wild, bitten in the leg or arm, what to do and whether it is necessary to vaccinate against tetanus

The bite of a sick or stray cat raises the risk of contracting rabies or other viral infections, which are found in abundance in the saliva of a stray animal. Therefore, a tetanus or rabies vaccination, as directed by a doctor, should be done without hesitation.

Hamster bitten by a cat what to do

If a cat has bitten a hamster and there is no way to show the hamster to a veterinarian, then you need to wash the wound with plenty of hydrogen peroxide, and then apply a layer of Levomekol or Synthomycin ointment on it. Make sure that the hamster does not lick off the ointment, otherwise he may get poisoned in addition to injury.

IN this issue many have ambiguities that can be sorted out in the material of this article, made in the format of questions and answers. If os...

Pets do not always behave adequately, therefore they are able to bite the owner even for no apparent reason. However, the severity of the injury cannot be underestimated, because the saliva of the animal contains a huge number of pathogenic bacteria that can harm human health.

What should you do if you were bitten by a cat and redness and swelling appeared at the site of the bite? We will talk about this today.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

As a rule, people are completely oblivious to scratches and bites, especially if they were made by a pet.

At the same time, few people know that a cat bite can be fraught with serious complications. Pet saliva contains many pathogens that provoke the development of serious ailments. According to statistics, approximately every fifth bite of a domestic cat causes complications, in which it is impossible to do without medical treatment.

When infected, a person may experience the following symptomatic picture:

  • severe nausea or vomiting;
  • suppuration in the wound;
  • swelling of infected areas;
  • temperature;
  • fever.

If you find the above symptoms, you should definitely seek medical help. He will assess the depth of damage to the skin, as well as conduct diagnostics, as a result of which he will select the optimal drug treatment.

What is in animal saliva?

With saliva pet a whole bunch of conditionally pathogenic organisms can penetrate into the wound, namely:

  • corynebacteria;
  • Neisseria;
  • streptococci;
  • pasteurella;
  • fusobacteria;
  • staphylococci.

At the same time, people often wonder what should be done if a beloved domestic cat has bitten to the point of blood?

It may seem strange, but in most cases, infections develop just in the absence of bleeding from the wound. Together with the blood, not only the pet's saliva is washed out, but also all pathogenic bacteria that could provoke the development of the disease.

Risk factors

If you have been bitten by a cat and after a while your finger is swollen, be sure to see a specialist. Many people are held back by the fact that the pet is domestic and vaccinated, however, an infection can get into the affected areas of the skin and not with the saliva of the animal, but from the outside.

In addition, the risk of infection increases significantly in the presence of such diseases:

  • disorders in the liver;
  • diabetes;
  • peripheral arterial disease;
  • endocrine diseases.

If you see a doctor later than 12-15 hours after the injury, complications are likely to occur.

What is a cat bite?

As we have already found out, it is impossible to neglect a cat bite. Why?

As a result of infection, a person may develop such diseases:

  • Pasteurellosis. Pathogenic bacteria, multiplying in human blood, spread very quickly throughout the body and can infect not only soft tissues but even tendons or bones;
  • streptococcal infection. When infected, the arm and other parts of the body swell and begin "temperature". If left untreated, this will lead to chronic disease kidneys;
  • Staphylococcal infection. The symptomatic picture is similar to the previous options, but if the further reproduction of microorganisms is not prevented, this will inevitably lead to the development of pneumonia and even blood poisoning.

What should you do if a cat has bitten and your hand has already swelled up? IN similar situation self-medication is not worth it. The only thing that can be done is to seek help from a professional who will determine the type of infection and prescribe the appropriate drug to treat the disease.

If the cat has bitten the child

What should you do if a child is bitten by a cat? If you treat the wound in time, in 90% of cases you will be able to avoid serious consequences.

In order to prevent the infection from spreading, you need to do the following:

  • The first step is to treat the wound with soapy water. Thus, it is possible to remove the saliva of the animal, and with it the pathogens;
  • Then you should treat the bite with peroxide or alcohol;
  • If the wound is deep enough, the bleeding should be stopped by applying a sufficiently tight bandage to the damaged area;
  • After the bleeding stops, apply iodine, brilliant green, or an antibacterial ointment to the wound;
  • If the cat has bitten the child's finger, apply a sterile bandage and take the baby to the doctor.

In the event that you failed to treat the bite site in time, and the finger is already swollen, the child should be taken to the hospital immediately. If this is not done, over time, you may encounter complications such as inflammation of the periosteum or rotting of the tendons.

What should not be done if bitten by a domestic cat?

Some people scared possible consequences bitten by their pet, go “breaking bad” and do everything possible and impossible in order to prevent the development of diseases.

  • With little bleeding, it is not advisable to stop it. In such a situation, the risk of "delay" of pathogens in the tissues will only increase;
  • When applying a very tight bandage, blood circulation can be disturbed. Because of this, phagocytes will not be able to "arrive" in time to the site of damage to destroy the pathogenic flora;
  • It is undesirable to self-medicate, especially if the limb is already swollen after the bite. Also, do not put off a visit to the doctor if you are bitten by an unfamiliar cat on the street, which may not be vaccinated.

In what cases do you need to urgently consult a doctor?

Bites made by street animals, in most cases, are fraught with the development of very serious illnesses, such as:

  • rabies;
  • tetanus;
  • kidney dysfunction.

You need to contact a specialist without delay in such cases:

  • if you were scratched or bitten by a yard cat;
  • if the animal attacked you for no reason;
  • if saliva or even foam came out of the cat's mouth;
  • if your temperature rises quickly enough and swelling occurs at the site of the bite.

What should you do if you are bitten by a cat? It is best to immediately visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

Cats live in constant contact with humans and rarely show signs of direct aggression. However, at their core, they still remain animals, so sometimes their reactions to irritating factors can be unpredictable. It happens that even a domestic cat attacks a stranger (a guest who has come to the house) or even the owner himself.

It will be useful for everyone to know what to do if a cat has bitten, what the consequences of a bite can be, and how aggressive behavior of the animal can be prevented.

Cat bite - general information

A cat does not have the powerful jaws of a dog, so it is not capable of causing serious damage. Cat bites rarely pose a serious threat to life. This does not mean that they can be ignored.

Wounds inflicted by cats are quite painful and potentially dangerous, so they should be taken seriously. It is enough that in oral cavity the animal contains a huge number of bacteria that can enter the bloodstream and cause various diseases up to sepsis. In addition, if you are bitten by an unfamiliar cat, there is a risk of contracting rabies.

There are a lot of reasons why an animal is aggressive and attacks a person:

  • Insufficient socialization (lack of education);
  • Protection of the territory (any cat considers the apartment in which it lives to be its own habitat, where it is undesirable to allow strangers);
  • Desire to maintain control over the situation;
  • The presence of certain diseases (including rabies);
  • Static electricity generated when the coat is stroked and causes pain and discomfort to the cat.

In addition, the animal may simply have Bad mood, or it miscalculates its strength for a warning bite. Often cats bite children who, wanting to caress an animal or play, violate the cat's personal space or cause pain through negligence. Every parent needs to know what to do if a child is bitten by a cat.

First aid for a cat bite

Medical statistics show that in about 40% of cases, an infection develops after a cat bite.

So, if you or your child has been bitten by a cat, the following action plan should be followed:

  1. Be sure to wash the bite warm water using laundry or antibacterial soap.
  2. After washing, treat the bite with hydrogen peroxide or any alcohol solution then rinse again with water.
  3. Treat the wound with an antibiotic to prevent infection.
  4. Apply a bandage over the injured area to protect the wound from dirt.
  5. In case of intensive pain or signs of infection, contact the clinic.

Cat bites and scratches are quite painful in themselves, even if they are not very deep - local swelling and redness almost always develop due to bacterial infection of the bite area. However, if you know what to do if a cat has bitten, dangerous consequences can be avoided.

Medical care: prevention of rabies and other diseases

Seeing a doctor will not be superfluous in any case when there is an open wound and bleeding. If the bleeding does not stop for too long, a visit to the emergency room is a must. The wound may be deeper than it looks, so more intensive antibiotic therapy may be needed (for example, to prevent a staph infection). Another reason to visit the hospital is swelling, redness and swelling of the bitten place against the background of fever.

If you are bitten by a stray or street cat, there is a risk of contracting the rabies virus. In this case, it is necessary to make an anti-rabies vaccination (an injection against rabies). The drug is injected directly into the bite area or into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder. One injection is not enough - a whole course of injections is needed.

According to the rules of rabiology, penetration into the wound with sharp objects is prohibited (we are talking about surgical intervention) within 3 days of being bitten. However, in cases of a pronounced wound defect or bites in the head area, sutures are still applied. It is also acceptable to suture bleeding vessels in order to stop bleeding. But what you should not do is to apply too tight a bandage on the wound.

Additional risk factors are:

  • Age over 50;
  • Availability diabetes(in diabetics, even minor scratches and bites heal for a long time and have increased risk suppuration);
  • Pathologies associated with blood circulation;
  • Alcoholism;
  • HIV and other immunosuppressive conditions;
  • Passing a course of chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy;
  • Taking steroid drugs;
  • Organ transplant operations;
  • Absence of the spleen (removed as a result of the operation).

People for whom the above risk factors are relevant should definitely go to the hospital if a cat has bitten them.

Possible consequences

In addition to rabies, there are many other diseases that can be caused by a cat bite. A bitten wound suppurates 4 times more often than a wound of a different origin. In addition to getting into the wound of pathogenic microflora from environment, there is a danger of infection with microbes directly from the oral cavity of the animal. The likelihood of infection is especially relevant if you were bitten by a cat that lives on the street and eats "pasture" - food waste, mice, birds. In this case, the risk of penetration of pathogens increases tenfold.

Most often, as a result of a cat bite, infections such as pasteurellosis, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections penetrate the human body. Signs of infection appear in the period from several hours to days after the bite. The first signs of infection are swelling, redness, fever.

The consequences of infectious lesions can be the most serious:

  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Infection of tendons and bones (this can lead to loss of functionality of the limbs or even amputation thereof);
  • Inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs;
  • Blood poisoning (bacterial sepsis).

For the prevention of suppuration and intensive reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, penicillin medications. The appointment of antibiotics, even a short course, prevents inflammation and infection. Most pronounced therapeutic effect achieved, there is a medicine administered within two hours after the bite.

How to avoid cat bites

Even your own domestic cat can bite, so there are no 100% preventive measures against a bite.

However, there are simple rules, performing which, you can significantly reduce the risk of a cat bite:

  • Do not touch unfamiliar cats, especially homeless and street ones;
  • Domestic cats of some breeds do not like excessive affection - they just need to be near a person;
  • Properly educate a kitten from childhood, weaning him from aggressive behavior in relation to the owner;
  • Provide your pet with a special toy that he can bite as much as he wants.

Statistics show that most often cats bite women and the elderly (these categories are most in contact with members of the feline family). Periodic Inspection domestic cat a veterinarian will allow you to timely identify pathologies that can cause an aggressive reaction of animals in the future. These can be diseases such as ear infections, cervical arthritis, or dental disease.

No owner is immune from the bites of his pet. An adult knows how to deal with this situation and what to do after that. But children are much more vulnerable, and if a cat bites a child, parents may panic and blame themselves and the cat. Should I be worried if the baby is bitten by a purr, how can it be dangerous and how to avoid the consequences?

First aid

First aid for children with a cat bite can be provided independently at home. But do not apply a tight bandage to the wound site. There is also no need for a bandage if there is no bleeding and the wound is not wet.

Necessary first aid measures after a bite:

  • Wash the wound with warm water and laundry soap to remove the animal's saliva and possible bacteria.
  • Treat the bite wound with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol (if not available, vodka).
  • Stop the bleeding. If the bleeding is venous, you will have to apply a tight bandage and immediately seek medical advice. medical care. If the bleeding stops quickly (10-15 minutes), do not apply a tight bandage.
  • Treat the tissues around the damage with alcohol, iodine or brilliant green.
  • Apply antibacterial drug in the form of an ointment or powder.
  • Apply to the wound light bandage from a sterile bandage to protect the injury site from additional injury and contamination.

Cause for concern

Anxiety should arise in such situations:

  • bleeding does not stop for a long time;
  • extensive area of ​​injury from a bite;
  • there is damage to the joint or ligaments;
  • the animal has bitten the face or neck;
  • the child's temperature rose after the bite;
  • deterioration in general well-being;
  • progression of the inflammatory process;
  • tissues begin to swell;
  • suppuration of the wound.

One of the reasons for seeking medical attention is that a child has been bitten by some street cat or a cat that has not been vaccinated against rabies. Even in the absence obvious signs If you are concerned, you should seek advice and assistance from medical institution. Rabies does not manifest itself immediately, but is life threatening.

The optimal time to seek medical attention is 12 hours after a child has been bitten by a cat. During this time, the infection will not have time to spread and cause significant harm to the child's body. The most frequent recommendation doctors taking antibiotics. Tetanus vaccinations are also given to children who have not been vaccinated against this disease before. Rabies vaccinations are also given if necessary. This decision can only be made by a qualified medical officer.

Possible consequences of a cat bite

The most common consequences of a cat bite:

  • scars and scars;
  • bacterial infections;
  • tetanus;
  • rabies.

If the child has a strong immune system, then the body will be able to cope with infections. In this case, the consequences of the bite will be minimal. Particular care and attention should be exercised if the child has one of the following conditions:

  • liver disease;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of an articular prosthesis in the bite area;
  • vascular disease;
  • immune disorders and immunodeficiency.

If after a bite an infection was found in a child (staphylococcus, streptococcus, pasteurella, corynebacterium, neisseria), this should not be taken lightly. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the doctor in order to get rid of the infection in as soon as possible. Bacteria cause inflammation not only in the area of ​​injury, but also spread throughout the body and affect various organs and tissues.

To one of the most severe consequences infections after a cat bite can be attributed:

  • damage to bones, joints, tendons;
  • blood poisoning;
  • kidney failure;
  • inflammation of the periosteum;
  • inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • purulent diseases of the skin;
  • tissue necrosis.

Emphasis on thorough diagnosis and right choice treatment should be given if the child has been bitten by a homeless and (or) old animal. Homeless animals eat foods that are spoiled and may contain various bacteria. In older cats, teeth are covered with plaque, and saliva contains urea and a large number of pathogenic bacteria.

Even if a child's wound healing after a bite proceeds normally and without visible consequences, you should still seek medical help. If the cat was infected with rabies, then this disease can manifest itself in a child in a week, before that without giving itself away in any way. However, the appearance of symptoms of rabies means that the chances of a cure are minimal or non-existent.

It should be remembered that the animal may not be visible visually that it is sick with rabies. Often the disease does not manifest itself until the last stages.

Bacteria can be found in the saliva of even a domestic, seemingly healthy cat.

How to avoid being bitten

It is not possible to completely avoid pet bites. Cats and dogs bite their owners hands and fingers during play. But such bites are usually quite light and shallow, because the animal does not feel real danger and does not seek to harm its masters. To avoid a situation where a child has been severely bitten by an animal and there is already a potential threat to health, attention should be paid to the living conditions and upbringing of the animal, as well as instilling in children the rules for dealing with smaller brothers.

When a cat enters the family as a kitten, he grows and gets used to the rules established in this house. Therefore, it is important to pay due attention to education. little kitten. This will help to avoid aggressive and predatory behavior on the part of a grown pet. Cats have fairly developed hunting instincts, and their games are often associated with attacks, attacks, bites and claws. Therefore, with early age you need to make it clear to the cat that you need to limit yourself in manifestations of aggression, even during active games.

It is also important to remember that cats need to have own place, nook. The animal needs privacy and peace, its own territory, where it can be completely safe.

If there is a child in the family, then he needs to be explained that the cat is the same living creature as himself. A child should not play with an animal as soft toy, pulling him by different parts of the body or dragging him somewhere against his will. In this case, the animal may not restrain its instinctive defense reactions, bite and scratch the child. The child should be explained that the cat, despite its cute appearance, is a natural dangerous predator.

Be careful when interacting with unfamiliar animals. It's about not even about street cats, but about cats that can live at home with acquaintances and friends. Showing interest in animals comes naturally to children. But for the pets of your friends and acquaintances, you and the child are strangers who have entered his territory and encroach on her and his safety. Therefore, you should touch and try to play with someone else's cat only with the permission and under the supervision of its owners. This will help to avoid surprise attacks and bites.