What can you give a small kitten. Feeding kittens, cats and cats

This article contains basic information that relates to the compilation of a kitten's menu for a certain period of time, as well as general information on choosing the optimal diet.

Menu for a kitten for every day

Basic rules for feeding a kitten:
- Always a clean bowl.
- Feed the kitten up to 5-6 times a day and at night for up to six months, then up to 4 times a day.
- It is better to feed every time at the same time.
- Avoid snacking between meals.

Kittens are fed premium food specially formulated for small animals.

If a natural diet is chosen, it should include lean meat (at least 50 grams per day), offal (3 times a week), fish (1 time per week), egg yolk (2 times a week), vegetables ( daily), cereals (daily), vitamin complexes, water.

Sample kitten menu for every day:
1. Breakfast: egg, cream, vitamins, germinated cereals.
2. Second breakfast: cottage cheese with kefir and vitamins.
3. Lunch: chicken (50 gr.)
4. Snack: beef meat (30g), vegetable puree (30g).
5. Dinner: buckwheat porridge with meat (10g).

Menu of a cat with a diseased liver

If a cat has a diseased liver, the diet should be dietary. Fatty meat, cream, sour cream are excluded. The diet consists of cereals (hercules, buckwheat), rice water. They add minced chicken or lean beef.

If the animal does not vomit, give boiled potatoes and carrots.

You can transfer the animal to a special therapeutic food for cats with a diseased liver.

Menu of British kittens up to a year

From the age of three weeks, kittens need complementary foods. It is introduced gradually, starting with 30 gr. per 1 kg. Animal weight (per day 50g.)

When the kitten is one month old, cottage cheese is added to the diet. Starting from 2-3 months, the animal is transferred to a special food for kittens or canned meat for children.

From 4-5 months, the diet is gradually replaced by dry food. By the age of six months, kittens are fed 3 times a day, including lean meat. By one year, kittens are completely weaned from milk.

Natural nutrition for kittens menu for the week

Breakfast2 breakfastDinnerDinner
MondayCottage cheese, kefir, vitaminsOffal 40gr. with greensBuckwheat porridge with meat 10g.
TuesdayEgg, kefir, vitaminsChicken 40gr. with greensRice porridge with meat 10g.
WednesdayRyazhenka cheese, vitaminsOffal 40g with herbsSemolina porridge with meat 10g.
ThursdayCottage cheese, kefir, vitaminsChicken with greens 40gVegetable puree, chicken meat 30g.Oatmeal porridge with meat 10g.
FridayEgg, cream, vitaminsRabbit 40 gr. with greensVegetable puree, beef meat 30g.Buckwheat porridge with meat 10g.
SaturdayCottage cheese, kefir, vitaminsOffal 40gr. with greensVegetable puree, rabbit meat 30g.Oatmeal porridge with meat 10g.
SundayCottage cheese, cream vitaminsChicken 40g with greensVegetable puree, chicken meat 30g.Rice porridge with meat 10g.

Feeding Scottish kittens menu

The diet of a Scottish kitten consists of meat (beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey), vegetables (up to 40% of the diet), cereals (15%), offal (liver), eggs, fish (1 time per week).

A feature of feeding this breed is to control the amount of calcium received.

When feeding dry food, they choose premium or holistic food, designed specifically for this breed of cat, then the owner will know for sure that his pet is receiving the right, balanced nutrition.

An approximate daily menu of Scottish kittens:
1. Breakfast: yolk, kefir, vitamins.
2. Second breakfast: chicken 40 gr., greens.
3. Lunch: beef 30g, vegetable puree
4. Snack: rice porridge with meat
5. Dinner: buckwheat porridge with meat.

Menu of a kitten of the Don Sphynx and Kuril Bobtail by months

When feeding the Don Sphynx and Kuril Bobtail with natural food, the following needs of the animal are taken into account: food should be warm, fresh, finely chopped. Complementary foods begin to be given, starting at 3 weeks of age.

Start feeding with 1 teaspoon per reception. It can be special cat food or baby food. At 4 weeks, canned food is added, it is possible for baby food. By 6 weeks, the feeding rate for 1 dose is 3-4 teaspoons, with five meals a day. The diet includes ground beef or chicken, canned meat, vegetable purees, offal.

Every day, a kitten can be given raw beef 30 grams, up to 3 months milk, then kefir, cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, cereals (herculean semolina, rice).

Several times a week they give boiled chicken and fish, egg yolk, cereals, vegetable purees, greens.

Kittens up to 8-10 months, sometimes up to a year, can be fed with special kitten food, both dry and canned.

Maine Coon kitten diet

The diet of Maine Coon kittens from 1.5 months to a year does not differ, only the amount of food increases and the frequency of feeding decreases.

Kittens who are less than a month old need a lot of milk. It is purchased in special stores. You can feed goat milk, first diluting it with water, then whole. Feed the animal 6 times a day.

For kittens older than 1 month, milk porridge, meat and vegetables are introduced into the diet. Up to 4 months kittens are fed 5 times a day.

Animal 4-6 months, you need to feed four times a day. Proper nutrition must necessarily include chopped bird offal, vegetables, cottage cheese and whey.

From six months, the animal is transferred to ready-made feed or seafood, fermented milk products - kefir and fermented baked milk are added to the diet.
Any new product is introduced gradually, in small portions.

A growing and developing organism especially needs properly selected microelements and nutrients. Therefore, it is so important for any owner to know what to feed a kitten in order to provide him with all the necessary ingredients.

Improper nutrition, in turn, can cause allergic reactions and lead to serious health problems.

Basic rules for feeding kittens

Any food for babies should be at optimal room temperature (in no case hot or cold). Until the moment when the kitten's teeth erupt, he needs mushy food.

It is also important how many times a day to feed the kittens. Overeating is quite dangerous for the health of babies. To prevent it, you must strictly adhere to the rules of feeding. A monthly kitten should eat up to 7 times a day.

Gradually, the number of feedings is reduced. By the age of three months - up to 6 times a day, from 5 to 9 months the pet is fed 4 times a day, and by the year it can already be transferred to two meals a day.

  1. Up to 3 months, kittens should be given up to 180 g of food per day.
  2. During the period of active growth (usually from 3 to 6 months), they need more food - from 180 to 240 g.
  3. Then it decreases again and at the age of 10 to 12 months, the daily norm is from 150 to 200 g of food.

Food for kittens

When choosing a diet consisting of natural products, preference should be given to the following:

  • Meat (lean beef, lamb). Considering that a cat of any age is a predator, this product should form the main part of the entire menu. Meat is recommended to give boiled. About 1-2 times a week you can feed the liver. Chicken meat must be boiled to avoid salmonellosis.
  • Kashi (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice). They are mixed with boiled chicken, fish or meat in a ratio of 1:2.
  • Vegetables (both raw and cooked). They can be alternated with cereals, rubbing on a grater.
  • Egg yolk is fed about once a week.
  • Kittens need milk only in the first 3 months of life. Then it is practically not absorbed by the body and can cause indigestion. Kittens need low-fat dairy products such as kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream.
  • During the growth period, the kitten's body requires a certain amount of vitamins and minerals. Before purchasing any vitamin complex in a pet store, you need to consult a veterinarian.
  • A bowl of clean drinking water should be available to the kitten at all times.

How to feed a newborn kitten?

In life, there are situations when the born cubs for some reason are left without a mother or the cat does not have milk. And then you have to make some efforts to feed the kids.

Today, veterinary pharmacies offer special milk substitutes. But a similar mixture can be prepared independently by mixing low-fat cream (5 ml), boiled water (3 ml) and glucose (2 ml). At one time, 2 ml of this food is enough for a baby.

There are other cooking recipes. For example, raw egg yolk and 0.5 liters of concentrated milk.

It is very important not only what to feed a newborn kitten, but also how to do it if he cannot eat on his own. This is usually done with a syringe without a needle or a small bottle with a pacifier. The interval between feedings should be 2 hours.

Diet for kittens from 1 to 10 months

As the babies grow, along with the milk mixture, they gradually begin to introduce solid food - boiled egg yolk, cereals, cottage cheese, meat, vegetables and fruits. When kittens are 1 month old, they begin to show great interest in different foods.

Some are very attracted to cucumbers or apples, while others cannot be torn off from a melon. The sooner the baby gets acquainted with different types of vegetables and fruits, the more likely it is that he will appreciate them and will be happy to eat in the future.

At the age of 1.5 months, kittens can be taught to eat on their own from a bowl. During this period, rapid growth begins, the formation of the skeleton and the gastrointestinal tract. Food should be especially rich in proteins and vitamins. At 2 months, teeth are already erupting, and the kitten can be given small pieces of meat and vegetables.

Each new product should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with small doses and bringing it to normal in at least a week. At the same time, carefully monitor the condition and behavior of the pet.

When a kitten reaches the age of 3-4 months, he begins to actively gain weight. It is necessary to ensure that foods that promote muscle building predominate in the diet.

Gradually, by 10 months, the kitten develops taste preferences. Nevertheless, you should not indulge his whims and treat him with foods that are contraindicated for cats.

What should not be fed to a kitten?

It is better to replace cow's milk with goat's. River fish (especially raw) is prohibited for kittens - it provokes the development of urolithiasis and infection with worms.

Sausages, smoked meats, spices, spicy and salty foods from the cat's diet should be excluded. Potatoes, legumes are not absorbed by the intestines of kittens, which causes bloating.

Do not give sweets, especially chocolate. Theobromine contained in it can cause severe poisoning.

Ready-made feed - basic rules for use

The use of dry food is very convenient. They are balanced, contain all the substances necessary for the full development and growth. In addition, they are practical - such food can be left in a bowl for the whole day without fear that it will go bad.

It is only important to know how to properly feed a small pet so as not to harm its still fragile digestive system. In no case should you mix natural products with ready-made feeds.

These are completely different types of nutrition, and the intestines simply do not have time to rebuild in this case, acquiring problems such as obstruction, gastroenteritis, etc.

Dry food begins to be given no more than 1-2 times a day and little by little, gradually increasing the portion. It can be pre-soaked in water.

The basis of the diet should still be wet food for kittens. Canned food also contains all the necessary vitamins, so additional supplements should not be used.

Most popular kitten food

Having made a choice in favor of ready-made dry food, preference should be given only to proven and reliable manufacturers that produce premium and super premium class products.


This is a super premium food, which is completely balanced, does not contain cereals, as well as dyes and preservatives. The range of flavors, however, is quite modest - it is fish, chicken and lamb.

Royal Canin

The absence of the super prefix in the name of the food indicates that it is not good enough. However, the demand for it is great due to a whole range of available advantages.

Royal Canin products have a wide range of flavors, there is a veterinary line that allows you to choose food in accordance with the individual characteristics of the kitten. In addition, it is quite affordable.

Pro Plan Junior

This is a premium class dry food for kittens, the main advantages of which are a balanced composition. It contains prebiotics and natural meat.

The disadvantage of Proplan food is the presence of preservatives, corn and soy, which can cause allergies in a kitten, and a large amount of vegetable protein.


The company, founded over 60 years ago, is one of the most popular on the Russian market. The composition of Hill's kitten food meets the needs of a growing body as much as possible.

He is able not only to provide good nutrition for the baby, but also to lay the foundations of health for life.


It has been proven that this brand of food significantly strengthens the kitten's immune system, has a positive effect on the development of vision and the brain, and promotes the growth of muscle mass and bones.

Preservatives, dyes and GMOs are completely absent in its composition. Purina kitten food contains natural fiber necessary to maintain the intestinal microflora.
In contact with

After a small funny fluffy ball has appeared in the house, all responsibility for its life lies entirely with its owners. Particular attention should be paid to the regimen and diet. Therefore, we will consider how to feed a kitten at 2 months, what foods are useful and what can be given to fluffy with a natural diet.

Many veterinarians and breeders agree that it is best to keep kittens, adult animals on natural products, since the diet has many advantages over ready-made feeds.

Benefits of a natural diet for kittens:

  • you can make a varied and healthy menu for a fluffy pet. A large selection and variety of products will help you choose the best nutrition for even picky kittens.
  • freshly prepared food does not contain chemical compounds harmful to the growing body of additives.
  • a natural diet is not addictive and, if necessary, without harm to health, a kitten can be transferred to ready-made feeds.

If you are planning to feed a kitten with homemade food so as not to weaken its resistance, immune potential, it is very important that the food, the diet can replace cat's milk, ready-made mixtures for newborn animals.

Advice! As soon as the kitten is four to five weeks old, its main diet can be gradually supplemented with new foods, giving them in small quantities. During this period, the body is able to absorb other food, in addition to mother's milk.

For complementary foods, easily digestible food rich in protein, minerals and vitamins is used. For example, you can give a kitten meat, semi-meat puree. At the initial stage, you can add kefir, low-fat milk, calcined cottage cheese to food. A smooth transition to an adult diet will not become stressful and will not cause a disturbance in the digestive tract in an animal. Add new products to your pet menu gradually. Watch the chair, the state of the little kitten.

To avoid disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, to raise an active healthy pet, the natural type of nutrition of the British, Scottish Fold, Persian, Sphynx, kittens of other breeds must be approached with all responsibility.

Homemade food for 2 month old kittens

Given that cats are carnivores, the basis of their diet should be animal products. But this does not mean that with a natural type of feeding, a small pet should receive exclusively meat and offal.

A growing body also needs plant foods rich in fiber and vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals, fats contained in sour-milk and other foods.

Products for the natural diet of a 2-month-old kitten:

  • Meat, poultry. In the diet of kittens, the basis should be meat products, poultry. At the same time, you can give the baby only lean meats (veal, rabbit) or poultry meat (chicken, turkey), which have undergone mechanical or heat treatment (cooking, stewing). After weaning from the mother cat, you can give beef mustache, minced chicken, finely chopped boiled chicken fillet, rabbit meat or veal.
  • Offal. Liver, heart, spleen, veal, chicken stomachs contain iron, phosphorus, magnesium B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), which are necessary for normal digestion, metabolism, development. Therefore, by-products can be given to a 2-month-old kitten, but not more than once a week and only after heat treatment. Unlike meat, they have a lower nutritional value and calorie content.
  • Sour-milk. They are the main source of calcium, phosphorus, essential amino acids, and other trace elements to strengthen the backbone, skeleton, and teeth. Cottage cheese, kefir, natural yoghurts without any additives, reverse, whey, low-fat, low-fat sour cream, cream should be present daily in the diet of two-month-old kittens. At the same time, their fat content should not exceed 8-10%. You can also feed kittens with cottage cheese mixtures for babies, small children.

  • Fish. Since fish is a source of fatty acids and phosphorus, it should also be on the menu of small pets. Two-month-old kittens are given stewed, boiled low-fat sea, boneless ocean fish, but not more than three times in seven to eight days. It is better to introduce river fish into the diet of cats only after five to six months.
  • , cereals. Feed kittens only well-cooked buckwheat, oatmeal, rice groats in meat, vegetable, fish broth. You can offer a mix of several cereals. For better absorption, add a few drops of vegetable oil or a small amount of low-fat sour cream to the porridge.
  • Vegetables fruits. Without fail, boiled, raw, stewed vegetables, greens are added to the diet of kittens. You can give zucchini, beets, pumpkins, carrots. Before you add them to the porridge, rub them on a grater or cut them into strips, small cubes. You can also feed the kittens with vegetable, fruit mixtures for babies.
  • Eggs. Kittens at the age of two months can be fed with raw quail or boiled chicken eggs. A whole, boiled into a hard-boiled chicken egg, should not be immediately given to a pet. Add the crushed, pureed yolk of one egg to the porridge. Mix the quail egg with vegetables, cereals, minced meat. It is permissible to give kittens three quail eggs, two chicken eggs per week.

Sprouted cereals (oats, wheat) are also useful for a growing organism, since they contain fiber, organic acids, vitamins, and macro-microelements. Cat grass can be grown from seed.

Supplement your pet's diet with brewer's yeast and fish oil two or three times in seven to nine days. Once every three days, the kitten should receive 15-20 g of vegetable oil, which contains saturated fatty acids (omega-6, omega-3), and other useful components.

Food should always be fresh, at room temperature. Make sure that there is always drinking water in the bowl. The animal should not be thirsty, and even more so drink some water from the sink, other places. Use non-carbonated drinking bottled or filtered water. After each feeding, do not forget to wash the bowls well with running water.

What not to feed kittens

Regardless of the type of food that the owner chooses for his little pet (natural, ready-made food), in order to grow a healthy, energetic cat, the diet must be completely balanced, nutritious, varied, healthy, fortified.

Poor quality products, an unbalanced diet will provoke stunting. Perhaps the manifestation of allergies, disruption of the digestive tract, other serious complications that may occur in the animal at an early or older age.

Two-month-old kittens, as well as older pets, adult cats are prohibited from:

It is strictly forbidden to give kittens salty, peppery, spicy foods, marinades, fatty cheeses, smoked meats, flour, any other products from our table that are seasoned with spices or have a high percentage of fat content.

Do not feed chocolate to kittens. It contains theobromine, a substance highly toxic to the cat's body. Even a piece of dark chocolate can cause severe poisoning, coma and death.

Mode and norms of feeding

In order not to provoke malfunctions in the digestive tract, it is equally important to monitor the feeding regimen. Two-month-old kittens should be fed in small portions at the same time. Kittens in two months should receive food 5-7 times a day. As they grow older, the number of daily feedings is gradually reduced and from the age of four months it is possible to transfer the animal to three to four meals a day.

Up to 3-4 months, it is necessary to develop a diet and a stable meal schedule, observing it in the future. Kittens in two months should receive food 5-8 times a day.

The daily norm for 2-month-old kittens, depending on the breed, is 120-135 g. When compiling a natural diet, take into account the level of activity, breed, individual characteristics of the kitten, and his state of health.

Kittens need a certain feeding regimen. After weaning from the mother (1.5-2 months) and up to four months of age, you need to feed 5 times a day. At 4-5 months we switch to 4 meals a day, from 6 to 8 months we eat 3 times a day, and then we gradually accustom the kitty to eating 1-2 times a day.

Once you have a kitten, decide what you will be feeding him and don't change the diet because cats can be heroic in refusing a new food. The choice is yours - natural food or special animal feed.

Natural food for kittens, cats and cats

If you want to accustom a kitten to natural food, certain conditions must be observed. Food should be varied. If a kitten is not accustomed to a product in childhood, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do this in adulthood. Therefore, offer different foods so as not to turn the kitten into a fussy and provide good nutrition. Never feed an animal from the table - human food is not good for cats, it can cause severe indigestion, in addition, you risk raising a beggar if you constantly feed the animal from your plate. Do not give anything smoked, salty or spicy, have pity on the animal! No bones, especially chicken. Such bones, when passing through the digestive tract, can very severely injure the internal organs. Remember that cats need weed to effectively regurgitate the hair that has accumulated in their stomachs. Sow weed directly in flower pots or buy already grown in a pet store. The kitten should have its own dishes, its own permanent place for a meal and its own diet. And don't forget your vitamin and mineral supplements. If you feed the animal with natural products, then you can not do without additives.

First of all, put meat in the cat's "grocery basket". It can be beef (it’s better to start with it), poultry, rabbit, lamb, horse meat. Give up pork - this meat is too fatty, especially for small ones, and besides, it can infect the kitten with helminths. Oddly enough, it is also better not to get carried away with fish - let's give sea fish once a week in small portions. Meat can be given both boiled and raw, at first it is better in finely chopped or mashed form.

Dairy products are the most native food for a kitten. However, some delicate stomachs cannot tolerate cow's milk. Whole milk can be replaced with curdled milk, kefir and other fermented milk products. An excellent product for a growing organism is cottage cheese. A small kitten can be given a mixture of cottage cheese with milk and yolk - a very healthy and nutritious eggnog, eaten with great pleasure. Also, do not forget to occasionally pamper your purr with low-fat sour cream and cheese.

Almost all cats eat eggs with pleasure. This is a real delicacy for them. Include eggs in the menu a couple of times a week, they have a great effect on the condition of the coat. Can be given raw or cooked. For small kittens, offer a mixture of milk and yolk.

Remember that the kitten must have constant access to water. When fed with dry food, water intake increases by about 4 times. The water should be clean, fresh, change the water every day and scald the water container with boiling water.

Dry food and canned food for kittens, cats and cats

Ready-made pet food, including canned food and dry food, is very popular now. This is really very convenient, because they already contain all the necessary substances for the growth and development of a pet. Each manufacturer has special lines for kittens, so you can start accustoming a kitten to ready-made food from them. Try canned wet food to start with, gradually adding dry food to it and changing the ratio of wet food to dry food to 30% to 70% respectively. In this ratio, you can feed the cat for the rest of his life, but you can completely switch to dry food. If you want to immediately accustom to dry food, try soaking the granules in water at first. It may be difficult for a small kitten to chew on these granules when dry. You can make a mixed diet, giving, for example, porridge with meat for breakfast, canned food for lunch, and dry granules for dinner.

There are also differences between dry foods. Experienced "cat breeders" categorically do not recommend buying cheap advertised dry food, because they are made from products of dubious quality and often lead to severe kidney and liver diseases. Choose so-called premium food (Hills, Happy Cat, Purina, Yams, Royal Canin) in specialty stores. Of course, they are more expensive, but your pet's health is worth it, don't skimp on food!

Artificial feeding of kittens

It happens that a kitten comes to you very small, still breastfeeding, unable to eat on its own. What to do with such a baby and how to feed him in the absence of a mother?

Most often, these kittens are fed from a bottle with whole cow's or goat's milk mixed with a raw egg. Strain the mixture through gauze and feed in the form heated to 30-35 degrees 6 times a day. Infant milk formulas can also be used, and specially formulated milk substitutes are now sold in pet stores. When the kitten is 1 month old, you can start introducing grated or scraped meat (beef, chicken), sour-milk products, liquid cottage cheese into the diet. At 1.5-2 months. kittens are already able to eat on their own and easily get used to the chosen diet. Introduce new products gradually, one after another, without mixing.

The health and development of a small kitten depends entirely on what and how you feed it. High quality proteins are essential for the normal and healthy development of a kitten. Indeed, in a short period of time (literally in a couple of months), the kitten doubles in size several times.

In this article, we will cover the following points:

  1. What should not be fed to kittens?

Kitten diet

After the kitten is weaned from its mother (on average, this is a period from 4 weeks to 1.5 months, depending on the cat's ability to feed kittens with milk), he is fed 4 times a day until he is four to five months old. At this time, the number of feedings can be reduced to three (however, it is no worse if he still receives food four times a day).

At the age of six months the number of feedings can be reduced to two or three if you plan to continue feeding your cat on a schedule.

If you prefer a free feeding schedule, let the kitten, until he is one year old, always have the opportunity to refresh himself with cat food for a growing body. After a year, you can switch it to regular adult cat food.

If you feed your cats on a free schedule, make sure they are all eating well and gaining weight at a normal rate. Remember to add fresh food from time to time and wash the bowl so that the food always looks appetizing to the cat. If you have multiple kittens, it is important to set up multiple food and water bowls.

What can you feed kittens by age?

Important rule: new food in the kitten's diet can be introduced no more than once a week!

From 4 weeks- you can give the kitten boiled eggs (only yolk), cottage cheese diluted with milk or cream, liquid semolina.

From 5 weeks- a kitten can be accustomed to solid food, it is better to start with chicken or turkey meat, because. it is easier to digest. The bird must be boiled and cut into very small pieces, it is better to grind on a grater.

From 6 weeks- Kitten nutrition can be varied with dry kitten food.

For more information on what kind of food to feed a cat, you can read in our article: Cat food: recommendations from a veterinarian.

If you do not want to feed your kittens ready-made food, continue to give the kitten chicken or turkey, you can start including boiled or scalded beef in the diet.

From 7 weeks- you can teach a kitten to eat oatmeal with fish. Boiled fish, very finely crumbled, is mixed with oatmeal groats soaked in boiling water or milk. It is important to ensure that there are no bones in the fish.

From Hercules, the kitten will always have a shiny and strong coat.

Aged 8 weeks the kitten should already be able to eat and drink on its own without assistance.

What should not be fed to kittens?

Do not feed kittens with raw meat, bones, butter, pork.

Never salt or pepper or fry food for your cats! Do not feed food from the table, especially sausages and sausages.

Milk can be given to kittens under the age of 3 months, then replace the milk with water so that your pet does not have an upset stomach.

List of prohibited foods for kittens and cats:


Cats love tuna. However, unfortunately, canned tuna intended for humans is not suitable for feeding cats. They contain a large amount of polyunsaturated fats, which are poorly absorbed by the cat's body. If you constantly feed a cat tuna, vitamin E will be excreted from the body, which can cause a disease known as steatitis, which is accompanied by acute pain.

Tuna-flavored cat food is high in vitamin E, which helps prevent this disease, but regular canned tuna does not contain vitamin E.

Raw eggs (protein)

Raw egg white contains an enzyme called avidin, which breaks down biotin in the cat's body.


Chocolate is extremely toxic to cats. Literally a few grams can cause the death of an animal.

And most importantly: follow the schedule and diet of your kittens so that they grow up healthy and beautiful.