Speech therapy project “Cheerful breeze. Speech therapy project “We, while playing, study, speak and understand Speech therapy projects in kindergarten for preschoolers

Project "Difficult Sounds"

Project name:Difficult sounds.

Project Manager:Timoshenkova Nadezhda Georgievna

Project type:creative.

Project participants:speech therapist, primary school students, parents.


Sounds are the main building material of human speech, and only with their clear, accurate transmission can speech be understood correctly, and therefore serve as a means of communication.

Correct pronunciation is necessary for a child for confident communication, successful learning, competent reading and writing, and harmonious development. According to scientific research, approximately 40% of children in our country, whose speech should be formed, incorrectly pronounce the sounds of their native language, and the number of such children is not decreasing.

Violation of sound pronunciation is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious obstacle in the child's mastery of written speech. It negatively affects the emotional state of the baby, his self-esteem, the formation of personality traits, communication with peers.


violations of sound pronunciation in children lead to the phenomena of dyslexia and dysgraphia when studying at school.


correction of the sound pronunciation of children through entertaining visual and didactic material.


    Arouse children's interest in remedial activities.

    To develop a sound culture of speech in the relationship of different speech tasks: the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary work and coherent speech.

    To form and improve the sound culture of speech in children (to develop articulatory motor skills, diction, intonational expressiveness, phonemic perception).

    Contribute to the formation of a sound culture of speech in children with OHP in all types of activities: in the classroom, in games, in sensitive moments.

    Develop children's communication skills, develop self-confidence.

    To form emotional contact between parents and children, to enrich parent-child relationships with joint creative activities.

Project stages


    study the experience of well-known teachers working on this topic and the experience of colleagues;

    create a developing environment in the group (speech corner) and classrooms;

    prepare educational and game material for individual and group work with children;

    conduct diagnostics of children, questionnaires with parents.

Main stage:

    develop a sound culture of speech in all classes and lessons

    to carry out speech development at school and at home, using entertaining material

    involve parents in the process of automating the set sounds (doing homework, the corner "For you, parents", consultations, conversations, open classes)

    design of individual folders with tasks for automating sounds

The final stage:

    diagnosis of children.

    Parent meeting.

    survey of parents.

Description of the project: strategy and mechanisms for achieving the set goals (methods, forms, means of implementation).

To implement the project in remedial classes, we use the following methods and techniques:

    verbal: (pure words, proverbs, riddles, sayings, poems, stories);

    visual (demonstration material);

    practical: (board, didactic games and exercises, crossword puzzles, puzzles).

The use of riddles, stories, crossword puzzles, rebuses makes the lesson more emotional and interesting. The use of such learning tools as a computer will help to make the process of implementing the tasks set more interesting. Each speech therapist has computer games and programs for the development of sound pronunciation.

Without the participation of parents, I think it is impossible to achieve this goal. Therefore, I hold parent-teacher meetings, at which we tell what successes we have achieved. We also conduct workshops, consultations, where we teach parents how to study at home. The school has a corner “For you, parents”, where recommendations are given both on the development of a sound culture of speech, and on other sections of the program. Surveys are conducted periodically.

Calendar plan for the implementation of the project.

Estimated date of the event

Name of the event




Parent meeting "The results of diagnostics and planned correctional and speech therapy work for the year"


Master classes for parents on automating sounds. Design of the stand "For you, parents"


Making individual folders with tasks, with crossword puzzles, with pictures to automate sounds


Consultations for parents and teachers


Open classes for parents


Participation of children in a festive concert for mothers


Week of Right Speech


Final lessons

Expected result:

    increase the interest of children in educational activities;

    the quality of sound pronunciation will improve;

    the level of development of mental processes will increase.

This project can be used by speech therapists in working with children with impaired sound pronunciation not only at the speech centers of general education schools, but also in correctional schools, as well as in kindergartens, as the number of children with impaired sound pronunciation is increasing.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project implementation:

The diagnostic examination revealed a positive trend in the development of:

    sound pronunciation;

    mental processes;

    communicative functions of speech.

Further development of the project:

    project publication;

    holding a master class with teachers on this topic;

    development of guidelines for parents and teachers.

This project is expected to:

    in work with newly arrived children in the 1st grade;

    introduction of innovative technologies to improve the correctional and educational process;

    exchange of experience with colleagues.

Nomination "Work with parents" (in preschool educational institution)

One of the most important areas of my work in kindergarten is working with the parents of a child with speech disorders. The practice of working in a preschool educational institution shows that such an impact is a rather complicated process. Not all parents adequately perceive the speech problems of their child.

Some try not to notice speech disorders in the baby, ignore the homework with the child recommended by the speech therapist teacher. Others, on the contrary, show excessive anxiety, making increased demands on the child's speech. Such a position “slows down”, delays the correctional and developmental process. Therefore, the development of this project has become relevant.

Deadline: 9 months.

Members: speech therapist, children of senior preschool age, parents.

Objective of the project: increasing the level of competence of parents in matters of speech development of children.


  • to study the characteristics of the parents of the pupils, the level of their pedagogical competence on the issues of the speech development of the child;
  • develop and conduct a system of activities for parents on the speech development of preschool children, through the organization of the club "Rechevichok";
  • compose and publish a periodical children's and parent magazine "Speech meadow";
  • create a file for parents to study with children at home: “Your home speech therapist”;
  • develop and adopt uniform requirements of parents to the child on the general approach to education in the process of speech correction.

Expected results: increased parental competence in matters of the child's speech development, assistance in adopting the position of an "active parent".

The implementation of the project involves work on the III stages.

Stage I is preparatory (informational and analytical).


  • questioning of parents: "Does the state of the child's speech bother you?". See Appendix 1;
  • release of information sheets: "Assess the speech development of your child." See Appendix 2;
  • sliding folder: "The role of parents in the development of children's speech." See Appendix 3;
  • collection of methodological materials for the card index and the journal; development of events.

Stage II is the main (practical).


  1. Carrying out a system of methodological measures for parents on the speech development of preschoolers through the organization of the Rechevichok club. See Appendix 4.
  2. Presentation of the card index: “Your home speech therapist” (based on “Home notebooks for speech therapy classes with children” by Yu.B. Zhikhareva-Norkina).
  3. Carrying out parent-child events: poetry recitation competition: “Spring droplet”, a holiday of correct and beautiful speech “Birthday of sounds”. See Appendix 13.
  4. Issue of the magazine "Speech meadow" 1 time in 3 months. See Appendix 2.
  • For inquisitive parents.
  • We talk and play - we develop speech.
  • Read it.
  • Our hands are not for boredom.
  • Announcement.

Stage III final (control and diagnostic).

Activities: to analyze the effectiveness of the work of a speech therapist teacher with parents on the speech development of children through a survey, feedback sheets, reviews and suggestions in the guest book of the Rechevichok club.

As a result of the implementation of the project “Your Home Speech Therapist”, the desired result: so, according to the survey, 85% of parents began to better navigate the issues of speech development of children, 60% of parents took an active part in parent-child activities, 95% of parents learned to complete tasks from the “Your Home Speech Therapist” file cabinet. Parents who could not attend the Rechevichok club were offered materials of events on an electronic medium (disk), memos. See Appendix 11, Appendix 12, information sheets, magazines "Speech meadow".


1. Bogomolova A.I. Speech therapy manual for classes with children. SPb., 1994.

2. Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children. M., 1994.

3. Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech: education and training. M., 2000.

Project "Your home speech therapist"

Magazine "Speech meadow"

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Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten" Firefly "Sovietsky" Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

LOGOPEDIC PROJECT Topic: "Little literates" Speech therapy games in the development of phonemic hearing in children 6-7 years old

LITTLE LETTERS Practice-oriented project of a teacher-speech therapist Karavanova Irina Anatolyevna

Relevance of the project The lack of a full-fledged perception of phonemes leads to the following violations: the phonetic side of speech suffers; the syllabic structure of the word; the vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech; the formation of sound analysis and synthesis is impossible;

Type of project According to the composition of participants: individual-subgroup (for children), group (for teachers and parents). By implementation period: long-term (1 year) By target setting, practice-oriented

Project participants: children of the preparatory group "Kalinka" attending a speech therapy center Group teachers Parents Age of children: 6-7 years old with FFNR, OHNR level III The problem that is significant for children, which the project aims to solve: underdevelopment of the phonemic side of speech in children 6-7 years

The purpose of the project Formation of phonemic hearing in children aged 6-7 through didactic games

Tasks For children: For teachers: For parents: To develop auditory perception To form the skills of perception and reproduction of simple and complex rhythms To learn to differentiate speech sounds by hardness - softness, sonority - deafness. Develop the skills of sound and sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words. Teach syllables. Get to know the letters. Training in special methods and techniques in conducting games and exercises for the development of auditory perception, phonemic hearing, the development of rhythmic feeling, speech breathing. Involve parents in corrective work with children with speech disorders. To acquaint parents with the use of speech games to develop phonemic hearing at home.

The novelty of the project Inclusion of games and exercises for the development of rhythmic feeling It is quite difficult for children with phonemic disorders to perform tasks for the assessment and perception of rhythms, due to impaired auditory perception. Even when playing rhythms consisting of one rest, they make mistakes. It is difficult for them to count the number of claps, blows, and then reproduce them. Games for the development of rhythmic feeling create the necessary basis for the development of phonemic perception, they teach not only to hear, but also to listen, compare and evaluate sounds by the force of impact.

Expected results For children For teachers For parents Perceive complex rhythms according to the teacher's verbal instructions. Perform sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words. Divide words into syllables. Differentiate sounds according to sonority - deafness, hardness - softness. Determine the position of a sound in a word. Know the letters of the Russian alphabet. To enrich with knowledge and skills for carrying out work on the development of sound and sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words. To enrich and supplement the knowledge of practical material necessary for the development of phonemic hearing in children

Project product For a speech therapist For children For teachers For parents Prospective planning of didactic games and exercises for the development of phonemic processes in children aged 6-7 Didactic games for the development of rhythmic feeling, phonemic hearing Collective album "My favorite letter", individual notebook "Competent notebook" Card index didactic games for the development of phonemic hearing, master class, consultations. Showing at the parent meeting the methods of conducting didactic games, photo collage "We play", folders, sliders, master class, booklets of games.

Form of work with children Didactic games and exercises Work in "Competent notebooks" Compilation of a collective album "My favorite letter"

games Games with children Development of phonemic analysis Evaluation and perception of rhythms Development of auditory perception Development of sound synthesis Determining the position of sound Syllabic analysis and synthesis Differentiation of sound in a word Isolation of sound in a word Acquaintance with letters

Form of work by parents and teachers

Stages of project implementation Diagnostic (speech therapy examination) Main (project implementation) Final

Stage 1 Diagnostic Terms of behavior Type of activity Responsible September (from 1 to 15) Speech therapy examination, collection of anamnestic data about the child, individual conversations with parents, observations of children Speech therapist teacher

Stage 2 Main (during the school year, responsible teacher-speech therapist) work with children DATES TYPE OF ACTIVITY RESPONSIBLE September-May Didactic games and exercises Speech therapist teacher, teachers September-May » Speech therapist May Final event “Visiting the ABC” Speech therapist, teachers

Working with teachers Deadlines Type of activity Responsible September-October Designing a card file of didactic games for the formation and development of phonemic hearing in children Speech therapist October Consultation "Peculiarities of the development of phonemic hearing in children" Speech therapist November Consultation with a presentation "Games for the development of a sense of rhythm in children of the preparatory group "Speech therapist teacher December Speech therapy workshop "Sound analysis of the word" Speech therapist teacher February Workshop "Phonetics lessons" Speech therapist teacher March Master class "Development of the skill of sound-letter analysis in preschool children" Speech therapist teacher April Teacher's report- speech therapist at the pedagogical council for correctional work with children Speech therapist teacher

Working with parents Deadlines Type of activity Responsible September Questioning Speech therapist teacher October Doors open days, speech at the parent meeting "Speech readiness of the child for school", memo for parents "Calendar of speech development of preschoolers" Speech therapist November hearing is the basis of correct speech ”Speech therapist teacher December School of speech development “Phonetics lessons”, memo for parents When studying with a child, remember ...” Speech therapist January Speech at a parent meeting “The impact of phonemic hearing on school learning” Speech therapist February Consultation in sliding folder “Developing phonemic hearing in preschoolers” Speech therapist March Consultation in a sliding folder “Introducing children to letters” Speech therapist April Speech therapy workshop “How to help a child if he forgets, confuses, writes letters incorrectly?” Speech therapist teacher May Speech at the final parent meeting with a report on the correctional work carried out: “Our successes”, photo collage “We play”, memo for parents “Check at your leisure ...” Speech therapist

Stage 3 Final Month For children For teachers For parents April-May Final lesson “On a visit to the ABC”, sections of knowledge according to the method of V. I. Yashina Questioning Final parent meeting with a video showing “Our successes”, photo collage “We play”, questioning

The results of the work The analysis of the study of the level of speech preparation of children for schooling in the section of studying the level of practical awareness of the elements of the language showed the following results. % Positive results noted at the end of the year 78% Violation at the beginning of the year 100% Positive results noted at the end of the year 95%

Literature Altukhova N. G. Sound Mosaic - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2000 Bondarenko V. I. Didactic games in kindergarten, M: Enlightenment, 1991 Bugrimenko E. I., Tsukerman G. A. We learn to read and write, M: Knowledge, 1994 Vasilyeva S. A., Sokolova N. V. Logopedic games for preschoolers-M: School-Press, 1999 Vygodskaya I. G. Berkovskaya N.V., Zvukovskaya, Bukvograd, Chrysostom M: Linka-Press, 1999 Mednikova L.S., On the problem of developing the rhythmic ability of preschoolers with intellectual disabilities / / Defectology-2001. No. 6 Special course: “Teaching preschoolers to read and write” / Zhurova L.E., Varentsova N.S. et al. Edited by Durova N.V. -M: A.P.O., 1994 Shvaiko G.S. Games and game exercises for speech development: A book for kindergarten teachers: From work experience. Under the editorship of Gerbova V. V-2nd edition corrected - M: Enlightenment, 1998 Yashina VI Studying the level of speech readiness of children for schooling / Special course: Diagnosis of children's readiness for schooling. M.: Association "Professional education" 1994

Appendix Questionnaires for parents Table of examination of the phonemic side of speech A promising plan of didactic games for the development of phonemic processes in children 6-7 years old Card file of didactic games for the development of phonemic processes in children 6-7 years old for educators the skill of sound-letter analysis of words in children of senior preschool age "Consultations" Acquaintance of children with letters", "The influence of phonemic hearing on school education" Presentation of games "Games for the development of a sense of rhythm in children of the preparatory group" School of speech development "Phonetics lessons" Collective album "My favorite letter "" Competent notebook "(individual notebooks of children)

Working with children We distinguish sounds by sonority-deafness The game "Fishing Rod"

Games for the formation of sound analysis Fairy tale "Turnip" (definition of the ordinal series) Sound analysis

My favorite letter Letters from pebbles and shoelaces

Children's product of the project Individual children's notebooks Collective album "My favorite letter"

Working with teachers Master class "Methods of developing the skill of sound-letter analysis in children of senior preschool age"

Working with parents

Speech therapy workshop with parents How to properly perform articulation gymnastics

Thank you for your attention!

Speech therapy project "We play, study, speak and understand"

Completed by the teacher speech therapist

MDOU d \ s No. 5 "Poplar"

town Kokui

Zlobina A. A.

Section I Informational part

1. Passport project

1. Abstract project

2. The relevance of the topic and the problem the solution of which is directed project.

3. Goals and objectives project

4. Novelty project and practical significance

5. Anticipated risks

6. Expected result

7. Effectiveness of these results

8. Participants project

9. Duration project

10. Stages of work

11. Plan-scheme project

12. References

Passport project

Name project"We, playing, studying, we speak and understand". "Development and use of gaming tools, methods to increase the motivation of children in the system logo-correction work»

Type project Short term, practice-oriented

annotation project

The project aimed at providing corrective developmental speech therapy helping children through the use of play methods. Project designed for children 6-7 years old attending speech therapy group in a preschool.

Project"We, playing, studying, we speak and understand» wears open character: having studied traditional and non-traditional forms speech therapy work, relying on the material and technical equipment speech therapy room, at the beginning of 2016, I have planned work on the use and development of game methods in speech therapy work with children of senior preschool age with speech impairment.


“The child has a passion for the game, and it must be satisfied. We must not only give him time to play, but it is necessary to saturate this game with his whole life. His whole life is a game».

A. S. Makarenko

Every year, especially in recent years, in the process of work, one has to face the fact that the level of speech development of children is declining.

As a result, children face difficulties in the learning process, they poorly learn the program material. In this regard, it became necessary to use effective methods of teaching and corrective work that ensure the successful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by children, provided for by the program, and comes to the rescue. a game, and becomes an important area of ​​corrective work.

Make activities with children interesting, but not entertaining, effective, not spectacular, educate, playing, not just play These are the main issues that need to be addressed speech therapist working with children in kindergarten.

On my still short speech therapy In practice, I met many children with a feeling of infringement from the consciousness of their defect. The child has a different attitude to himself, to the team, to the assessments of others.

Working with the use of game techniques, we can draw some conclusions about their significance in the development of children with speech disorders.

1. Games distract the child's attention from the speech defect and encourage him to communicate.

2. They free children from tiresome, unnatural for their age immobility in the classroom.

3. Help to diversify the activities of children in the remedial lesson in all sections of the program, including various levels of regulation in the work.

4. Develop general and fine motor skills, the ability to navigate in space.

5. Help to work on the development of prosodic (melodic intonation) speech components.

6. Games develop and normalize the emotional-volitional sphere, which is especially important for hyperexcitable children.

All this contributes to the better functioning of the speech organs and has a positive effect on the development of correct speech skills in children. Task speech therapist together with parents to convince the child that speech can be corrected, you can help the child become like everyone else. It is important to interest the child so that he himself wants to participate in the process of speech correction. And for this, classes should not be boring, like a lesson, but should become an interesting game.

"For preschool children - games have an exceptional meaning: game for them - study, game for them is work, a game for them it is a serious form of education.”

Krupskaya N.K.

Engage in speech therapy classes, playing, fun and interesting. As a result of the growing interest in games, the set sounds are quickly fixed, speech becomes grammatically correct, and boring and uninteresting exercises in inflection and sound analysis become exciting tasks for the child.

Using games on the system speech therapy work can reduce fatigue and increase the emotional interest of the child.

Application of game methods on speech therapy classes interesting, informative and fun for kids. They attract attention, which we sometimes cannot achieve when working with children.

All these facts served as the basis for the development of this project. We need to develop new game approaches, means of speech therapy work engaging children, their parents and teachers.

Creation and organization of conditions for the use of game methods on speech therapy classes to improve the efficiency of the teacher- speech therapist, as well as the effectiveness of gaming technologies, as a means of developing motivation and increasing the cognitive interest of pupils on speech therapy classes.

1. Get acquainted with traditional and non-traditional game methods.

2. Use modern gaming technologies in the learning process on speech therapy classes.

3. Improve the subject-developing environment.

4. Increase motivation, interest in speech therapy classes.

5. To systematize the knowledge of teachers in the use of game methods in the classroom.

6. Share the experience through active forms work: Internet resources, mass media.

Novelty the project is that it presents new approaches in game methods of correctional work.

Practical significance

Practical significance the project is that the conclusions contained in it will provide a qualitatively new approach to working with children both in the correction of speech disorders and in various areas of the educational process as a whole.

Estimated Risks

1. The administration will not support the idea of ​​​​implementation project, since this event involves material support.

2. Some educators don't get the relevance project.

3. Parents will not be interested in the topic project are not competent enough in the formation of children's speech.

Expected Result

1. The use of gaming methods in correctional work will help increase motivation and the successful development of children's communicative and creative abilities.

2. Increase psychological-pedagogical competence of teachers and parents in matters of the impact of the game in the speech development of children.

3. Creation of a rich piggy bank of game materials for corrective work.

4. Presentation project in the form of entertainment.

The effectiveness of these results

Positive dynamics of speech development (decrease in the number of children in need of speech therapy assistance);

Development of sustainable motivation of children for speech self-realization;

A positive assessment of the activities of the preschool educational institution in "eyes" parents;

Acquisition and use of knowledge on the issues of game methods in the speech development of children;

The interest of teachers in creativity and innovation.

Members project

Members project: preparatory children speech therapy group, parents, teachers speech therapist, educator, music director.


Duration: 4 weeks

Stages of work

1. Definition of the topic. Arouse the interest of children and parents in the topic project.

2. Drawing up a plan-scheme project

3. Discussion project parent meeting with parents

4. Discussion project with a tutor, music director

5. Collection of information, literature, additional material

6. Development of gaming complexes for different areas speech therapy assistance.


work with children, parents and teachers to implement project

1. Preparatory -

January 18, 2016 - Conversation with parents "Introduction to project» (Parent meeting)- teacher- speech therapist

January 18, 2016 - Studying methodological literature, selection of games and game methods - teacher speech therapist

January 19 - Questioning of parents "My child's favorite games"- teacher- speech therapist, caregiver

January 20 Consultation for teachers "The role of the game in the educational process"- teacher- speech therapist

2. Practical -

January 21 Composing poems together with children about hedgehog for the use of massage balls in the development of fine motor skills - teacher- speech therapist

January 18-January 22 - Adjustment and holding of individual and subgroup speech therapy lessons on introducing a game character into each direction speech therapy assistance - teacher-speech therapist

January 25 - January 29 - Joint creation of didactic toys: frogs, gloves, tongue (articulatory gymnastics and the use of bioenergetics)- teacher- speech therapist, educator, parents.

February 1 - Activity-entertainment "Our Games"- teacher- speech therapist, music director

February 3 - Together with children, inventing and making game materials for breathing, articulation, as well as staging sounds - teacher speech therapist

February 4 - Organization of special games and exercises to develop the ability to use prepositions in speech (didactic a game"Dog in the House"- teacher- speech therapist

February 5 - Creating a memo for parents "Teach playing» - teacher- speech therapist

February 8 - Master class for teachers "Game techniques in the education and upbringing of children"- teacher- speech therapist

3. Final

February 9 - Making a photo exhibition for teachers and parents "That's how we do it play, developing"- teacher- speech therapist

February 10 - Presentation-entertainment "We playing, do not miss, even better understand" - Teacher- speech therapist, music hands

February 11 - Summing up the implementation project at the teachers' council - Teacher- speech therapist

February 12 - Implementation Report project at the general parent meeting - the teacher speech therapist

January 18 - February 12 - Update of the subject-developing environment in speech therapy room - Teacher-speech therapist


1. Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. Program speech therapy work on overcoming the FFN of speech in children.

2. Tsvyntarny V.V. « Let's play, listen, imitate - we get sounds " M., 2004

3. Borisova E. A. Individual speech therapy classes with preschoolers: met. allowance. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

4. Gening M. G., German N. A. Teaching preschool children the correct speeches: A guide for kindergarten teachers. - Cheboksary: Chuvash book publishing house, 1980.

5. Krupenchuk O. I. Finger games. St. Petersburg: Litera, 2008.

6. Ivchatova L. A. Su-Jok therapy in correctional and pedagogical work with children// Speech therapist. – 2010. №1.

7. Novikovskaya O. A. Mind at your fingertips. Academy of finger games. M.; SPb., 2007.

8. Tsvyntary V.V. Let's play fingers and develop speech. Moscow: Center Polygraph, 2005.