How to make a craft about space. Space crafts. Rockets, moon rovers, alien landscapes, origami (video)

With your own hands in a kindergarten or school, you can create a variety of, unusual and beautiful crafts for Cosmonautics Day. Where do you get ideas for compositions? Of course, in our master classes with a detailed description and photos of finished products. Any materials are suitable, from colored paper and pasta, to plastic bottles, cardboard and plasticine. Simple work will take quite a bit of time, and more complex ones will require some effort and attention, but a bright, spectacular result more than compensates for all labor costs.

Beautiful do-it-yourself crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - a description with step-by-step photos

A figurine symbolizing the image of the first astronaut can be made with kids in kindergarten, using the recommendations of this master class with step-by-step photos. In the meantime, the guys will be engaged in the manufacture of crafts, it is worth telling them in an accessible form about Yuri Gagarin, who was the first on the planet to conquer outer space and went down in history thanks to this bold feat.

Necessary materials for beautiful crafts in kindergarten for Cosmonautics Day

  • silver foil cardboard
  • sheet of white paper
  • toy eyes
  • red plasticine
  • scissors
  • simple pencil

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a do-it-yourself craft in honor of Cosmonautics Day in a kindergarten

DIY crafts for Cosmonautics Day to school - poster "Solar System"

For a school on Cosmonautics Day, it is worth making an interesting and informative craft, for example, a poster illustrating the location of celestial bodies in the solar system. In addition to the aesthetic component, such work will also serve as a visual aid, helping the children remember the names of the planets and how they differ from each other.

Necessary materials for making your own thematic poster at school

  • thick cardboard sheet
  • set of colored plasticine
  • toothpicks
  • lentils
  • millet and rice (groats)
  • yellow paint

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a craft for schoolchildren in honor of Cosmonautics Day

  1. Coat a sheet of thick cardboard very carefully with black plasticine. It will be open space.
  2. From plasticine of different shades, roll up balls of the planets of the solar system, approximately adhering to their generally accepted size and color. For some planets, mix two or even three colors of plasticine. Make the earth in the form of a blue ball, and stick green pieces of the continents on top. Arrange the planets in a slightly curved row in the center of the picture.
  3. Make a comet from yellow plasticine. To do this, roll up a small ball and attach three flat plasticine blocks to it.
  4. Roll up a large ball from yellow plasticine and place it in the lower left corner of the composition. Color the toothpicks yellow and insert into the right edge of the large ball. This figurine will become the Sun.
  5. Under a row of planets, lay out the outline of a rocket from grains of rice. Inside, lay out a round porthole from lentils, and fill the rest of the free space of the body with millet.
  6. Take 15-20 wheat grains and scatter them all over the poster, thus depicting the starry sky.
  7. On the back of the poster, make a fastener from strong twine so that the work can be hung on a wall, door or window.

Simple paper crafts for Cosmonautics Day for children

With children for Cosmonautics Day, you can make simple themed paper crafts, for example, bright rockets on sticks. There are no difficulties in manufacturing and the guys can easily cope with the task even without the help of adults. Then it is appropriate to decorate the classroom with finished works: attach to the board and windows or put in cups with stationery. Such cute decor elements are sure to cheer you up and create a pleasant, festive atmosphere around.

Necessary materials for children's paper crafts in honor of Cosmonautics Day

  • colored paper set
  • scissors
  • simple pencil
  • glue (PVA and Moment)
  • plastic sticks
  • colour pencils

Step-by-step instructions on how to make colored paper crafts for Cosmonautics Day for children

  1. On a sheet of colored paper in a bright shade, draw a space rocket in two copies and carefully cut each of them with scissors.
  2. From shiny gold and silver paper, cut out small stars and glue them with PVA glue on the front along the base of the rocket.
  3. From paper of a contrasting color, cut out a figure in the likeness of the sun with wide, short rays and glue it on the top of the workpiece.
  4. From white paper, cut out a circle with a diameter slightly smaller than the figure of the sun. Draw an image of an alien inside this circle with colored pencils. Then paste the picture on top of the "sun".
  5. Turn the decorated part over to the wrong side and use Moment glue to glue a plastic stick to the paper. Press it firmly to the surface and wait until it grabs well.
  6. Coat the second fragment of the rocket from the wrong side along the edge with PVA glue and glue it to the back of the first fragment.
  7. When the design dries well, you get an original and beautiful craft - a space rocket on a stick.

Children's crafts for Cosmonautics Day from pasta - a master class with a detailed description

Following the advice of this master class, you can teach children how to create interesting and unusual pasta crafts for Cosmonautics Day. The material is very accessible and always at hand, and the variety of shapes and configurations of pasta allows the little creator to show his imagination and make a truly unique and original thing.

Necessary materials for children's pasta crafts on the theme of Cosmonautics Day

  • pasta of various shapes (tubes, shells, feathers, curls, etc.)
  • PVA glue and "Moment"
  • cardboard
  • box lid
  • blue spray paint
  • blue colored paper
  • yellow paint

Step-by-step instructions for making pasta crafts for Cosmonautics Day

  1. Cut out blanks from a sheet of thin cardboard: one measuring 30X40 cm and three - 20X15 cm. Roll up and glue so that they do not unfold. This will become the basis for rockets.
  2. From the remnants of cardboard, cut out four fragments and make cones out of them (one large and three small), matching in diameter with the base of the rockets.
  3. Glue the large cone to the large body with the “Moment”, and the small ones to the small ones and leave it for a while so that the structure grabs and becomes solid.
  4. Turn the cardboard cover over and glue it from the inside with blue colored paper, draw yellow dots or stars on it with a brush.
  5. Decorate the inner sides of the box with curved or convex pasta. To do this, use the glue "Moment".
  6. Soak the base of a large rocket with PVA glue and lay it out with long and large pasta tubes. Also arrange the bases of small rockets. For them, cut long pasta into three parts.
  7. Paste the tapering parts of the rockets with pasta-shells. Place the grains as close as possible to each other so that the coating is dense.
  8. When everything is finished, take a can of blue spray paint, spray the rockets evenly on all sides and leave until the paint is completely dry.
  9. Inside the cardboard cover, which will serve as a stand for the composition, draw a circle corresponding to the diameter of a large rocket and paste over it along the contour with pasta-shells. Glue a large rocket to them from above, and “put” three small ones on the glue next to them.
  10. Use glue to assemble alien figurines from pasta of various shapes and place them near the rocket.
  11. On the outer part of a large rocket, lay out a circle with shells, symbolizing a porthole. Allow the composition to dry well and put in a conspicuous place.

Crafts for Cosmonautics Day from plastic bottles - a master class with a photo

For a school competition on the occasion of Cosmonautics Day or for a gift to a loved one, you can make a very interesting and unusual installation on the theme of interstellar travel from plastic bottles with your own hands. The work is not too difficult, but requires accuracy and diligence. The finished product is bright, voluminous and attracts attention at first sight.

Necessary materials for creating crafts from plastic bottles for Cosmonautics Day

  • plastic bottles - 2 pcs (one - for 1 liter, the second - for 2 liters)
  • White paper
  • holographic paper
  • scissors
  • ruler
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • PVA glue
  • glue "Moment"
  • markers
  • sheet of black thick cardboard
  • paint set
  • brush

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on making crafts in honor of Cosmonautics Day

  1. On a transparent 2-liter black felt-tip pen, draw two ovals-portholes.
  2. Paste the entire surface of the bottle with pieces of white paper, except for the narrowed part adjacent to the cap and the areas left under the portholes.
  3. Paste the tapering part and the neck with holographic paper.
  4. Then cut out narrow wings for the future rocket from the same paper and attach them to the sides of the ship using PVA glue.
  5. Leave the portholes empty or paste your photographic portraits there.
  6. For a smaller bottle, partially cut out the middle, and connect the remaining bottom with the narrowed part and glue it so that the structure does not fall apart.
  7. Paste the wide part with holographic paper so that it covers the legs and forms a rounded dome.
  8. On a sheet of black cardboard, draw a space landscape depicting planets, stars, flying comets, meteorites and a piece of the globe.
  9. Glue a rocket made from a large plastic bottle with Moment glue so that it looks like it starts from the Earth.
  10. Attach a satellite made from a liter bottle in the upper right corner. Leave the work for a while to dry. If desired, glue a loop of strong thread on the back so that the picture can be hung on the wall.

Irina Kokora

For the manufacture of layout needed materials:

sheet for watercolor (A3 format)- 1 PC. ;

Watercolor paints (colors: grey,white,black);

Simple pencil;

Scotch (wide);

Shoe box or thick cardboard;

Glue stick;

Pictures on the topic " space";

Moon rover template;


Matches, straw.

So let's take a sheet watercolors:

Cut the sheet in half to make two identical sheets.

And we begin to sketch with a simple pencil the moon surface: depressions, crankcases, darkish spots or whatever they are called "Moon Seas".

In black, paint over to the beginning of the lunar surface.

Now we paint the lunar surface with gray, white, black colors. After empty spaces shaded lightly with a simple pencil.

Ours is already being transformed layout:

Take a shoe box and cut it to the size of the watercolor sheet.

We turn over the painted sheets and glue ready-made templates from under the box on the back.

Here's what we got:

Tape them together in the middle.

Here's what happened:

Let's start making the top layout. Printed from the internet Pictures: astronaut, satellite, earth scheme. Cut them out.

Glued on the dark part of the sheet.

I cut out stars from white paper, and also glued them on this part of the sheet.

Now let's put our layout, and see what happened:

So let's get down to the bottom. layout First, we'll fold it in half. Take some tape and laminate this part.

We continue our work. On the Internet I found a template for a moon rover.

I cut it out, and this is how the blanks turned out.

To make the lunar rover craft last longer, I glued the blanks onto cardboard.

And this turned out to be a cool lunar rover.

This is what it looks like in the background layout.

I think it turned out very cool.

So we have designed our one part of our layout. Now let's start making the other part. Flipping layout, this is where it is connected with adhesive tape. This photo was listed above.

At the top layout glue the finished picture. I wanted to name it first astronaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

Glue the finished one below picture: the structure of the solar system.

Here's what we got.

This is how I got it multifunctional layout" Space".I think it will be convenient for children to consider both the solar system and the first astronaut, and crankcases, dark "lunar" spots, depressions, in general, approximate outlines of outer space.

Remember, I laminated the part where the "lunar" surface is depicted. This is in order to put crafts from plasticine. Possible with children make crafts: astronauts, rocket, alien or other.

So my daughter and I were molded from plasticine to show the children. And together with them to mold such crafts.

If there is no room in the group for layout, it can be folded and put away in a secluded place.

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To make a layout, we need: 1. A sheet of cardboard or fiberboard. 2. Styrofoam. 3. Newspaper. 4. Napkins. 5. Colored sand. 6. Gouache or watercolor.

The organization of a developing environment is a very exciting and creative process, ideas appear by themselves, and implementation brings pleasure.

We take a medium-sized hoop and wrap it with insulating tape. We cover it with a cloth of the appropriate color. We make paper balls.

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Photo gallery: Original do-it-yourself crafts for Cosmonautics Day - from pasta, plastic bottles, paper - to school and kindergarten - Ideas for crafts for Cosmonautics Day with step-by-step master classes

Kindergarten kids and school students on the eve of Cosmonautics Day receive interesting tasks: create cool crafts on the theme of space and its exploration. You can make items from any improvised means: pasta, paper and boxes, plastic bottles. Each craft can be decorated with stickers or painted with paints or sprays. There are a lot of ideas for creating non-standard and funny crafts. They can be made in the form of spaceships or flying saucers. And you can create your own whole solar system. Interesting crafts for Cosmonautics Day can be used to hold a competition between children or to decorate classrooms. You can make bright and unusual items that will definitely take prizes with your own hands using the given video and photo master classes.

Simple do-it-yourself crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten - from improvised materials

It will be interesting to make cool toys from simple components for children from any kindergarten group. That is why kids will love making crafts for Cosmonautics Day with their own hands from threads and newspapers. A small imitation of the solar system can be a cool tool for studying the planets, their differences. Kids can make such simple crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten at home with their parents.

Materials for making crafts for Cosmonautics Day from improvised means in kindergarten

  • newspapers;
  • PVA glue;
  • knitting threads of different colors and structures;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • blue paper;
  • buckwheat grain.

A step-by-step master class on making simple crafts for Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten

Non-standard DIY crafts for children at school for Cosmonautics Day

Cool flying saucers with funny aliens will want to be made by students of primary and secondary grades. It is not difficult to create such crafts for Cosmonautics Day at school with your own hands, you just need to carefully work with materials and follow safety rules. In the work, if desired, you can use additional components. For example, you can make such crafts for Cosmonautics Day from disks, not from plates, or use old pot lids. The use of other elements will help to make original and cool blanks.

Materials for making non-standard crafts for Cosmonautics Day at school

  • disposable paper plates;
  • silver paint, brush;
  • rhinestones for gluing;
  • glue "Globe";
  • eyes for toys;
  • a pair of fluffy pompoms;
  • sequins.

Step-by-step instructions for making non-standard crafts for Cosmonautics Day by children at school

Cool pasta crafts for Cosmonautics Day - with step-by-step photos and video master class

Ordinary pasta used for cooking is great for gluing a variety of shapes. They are easy to connect and can be painted in a variety of colors. They can be used to make figures, planets and stars. Cool pasta crafts for Cosmonautics Day complement the painted panorama of space or can simply be hung from a stand.

Materials for making cool crafts for Cosmonautics Day from pasta

  • pasta "wheels";
  • base (plastic or foam ball);
  • glue "Moment";
  • gold spray paint;
  • ribbon.

Step-by-step master class on making cool pasta crafts for Cosmonautics Day

Video master class on the rules for making pasta crafts for Cosmonautics Day

You can make not only the sun from pasta, but the entire solar system. For example, when painting models in blue or blue, red paint, you can get an imitation of the planets. You can see how to assemble bright planets from pasta and how to color them in the following video from a foreign craftswoman:

Original crafts made of paper and boxes for Cosmonautics Day - for kindergarten and school

Cool crafts can not only look like toys or postcards, but also become full-fledged costumes for children. Therefore, bright paper crafts for Cosmonautics Day can be used for kids to perform at a concert dedicated to this holiday. Children will be able to collect such crafts for Cosmonautics Day with the help of parents or educators, teachers.

Materials for creating original crafts for Cosmonautics Day for a kindergarten or school

  • carton boxes;
  • adhesive tape, scissors;
  • white, blue, green paper.

Step-by-step instructions for creating crafts for Cosmonautics Day for a school or kindergarten

Interesting crafts from plastic bottles for Cosmonautics Day - with photo and video master classes

From an ordinary bottle you can make an interesting and cool rocket, which will be a good decoration for a child's room. Both preschoolers and elementary school students will be able to collect crafts for Cosmonautics Day from plastic bottles.

Materials for making interesting crafts for Cosmonautics Day from bottles

  • plastic bottle for 1.5-2 l;
  • acrylic paints;
  • scissors;
  • wooden figurine of a man;
  • colored paper and glue.

Step-by-step master class on making crafts from plastic bottles for Cosmonautics Day

Video master class on creating crafts for Cosmonautics Day from plastic bottles

You can create other cool things from bottles. You can get ideas for crafts for Cosmonautics Day from the following video:

Cool and funny, original crafts for Cosmonautics Day can be made from various improvised materials. For example, in kindergarten you can collect cool crafts from paper, plastic bottles, pasta. At school, children can make their own costumes from boxes. Using the ideas discussed and step-by-step master classes with photo and video tips, it will not be difficult to make toys at home. In this case, kids can enlist the help of parents or representatives of the older generation. Both grandma and grandpa will definitely help the baby to make cool crafts.

Hello dear subscribers and guests of the blog!

I imagine I completely forgot that in April there is another world holiday, which is always celebrated on the same day on April 12 - this is Cosmonautics Day. How can you forget about this.

I decided to improve right now and present to your attention a collection of original and unique crafts that you can do at home with your children and bring to a competition or exhibition. Ideas will range from simple to complex so you can choose. After all, someone's children are already adults and go to school, while someone else has very little ones - they go to kindergarten.

I think that everything is clear here anyway, the most important symbol of this holiday will be a rocket, because it was on it that the world's first ejection into space was carried out by Yuri Gagarin, if you have not forgotten.

Yes, by the way, we also do not forget that Easter is ahead, and for it I have already given all kinds of s, remember? Well, do not forget that in May. Wow, cool, like a whole petition.

Perhaps I'll start with the most common and you guessed it, the popular option is a rocket. You can make it yourself from what you always have at hand.

To do this, you can first take a toilet roll, if you don’t have one, then you can twist the cardboard and glue the sleeve.

The stages of work will be such that they are not at all complicated, but on the contrary, using these pictures, you can easily create this unique little thing.

To prevent the rocket from falling, it is necessary to make a support, that is, a stand and fix it on it.

You can create such a huge charm. The kids are about to take flight.

Well, or many of them.

From ordinary plastic bottles, this is what happened.

Here's another charm, the child himself did, pasted over with newspapers.

You can also build a flying saucer.

What will you make it from? Choose from what I found on the Internet, or write below under the article what else you can create from.

From CD disks, as well as decorate with beads and rhinestones, chenille wire.

The legs can be made from wooden sticks or skewers, and beads can be glued down.

Ha, the hands of the staples are done.

Healthy models, you can send them directly to the exhibition.

Plastic cups also went here, it turned out to be a cabin.

Such a space base came out of plasticine and matches.

It looks cool, the main thing is that you can do it quickly and easily, without spending a lot of money and investments.

And if you are tired of everything primitive, then do something creative and your own.

But that's not all, you can make any planet in the solar system, how do you like this idea, see how this is made from papier-mâché.

Or maybe depict all the planets using modeling dough or take ordinary colored plasticine. Twist into flagella, and then, like straws and into a ball.

They don't have enough Martians. Wow, what weirdos came out from the authors, take a look. And the material is an ordinary egg from a kinder surprise, or rather its box.

What a puffy eye, and the legs are made of wire and bottle caps.

Space craft ideas for kindergarten

We have come to the next stage, I will show you what can be done with our beloved kids. Put them in a circle and start doing the following with them, you will need paper, or rather square sheets.

The result will be such that you will definitely like it, and the children will definitely like it.

Everyone loves origami. What could be easier? So, fold the square sheet in half lengthwise.

To this fold line, again begin to make folds on both sides.

Now bend like this, as shown here.

The next step, you have to cut off all the excess.

Start folding like an envelope.

Then, subsequently, two triangular parts will already be visible. Follow further instructions.

Also, do not forget that you can use plasticine here, roll up small balls from it and fashion it.

Draw or print an astronaut and a rocket for example.

And start painting. This develops not only perseverance, but also attentiveness.

You can roll even more. Or paint pumpkin seeds and stick here, but this is already under the control of adults and at home with their parents.

Or very large lumps in the form of the planets of the entire solar system. Foam rubber was used here.

Here is such a simple model and diagram of a flying object. You can use it further for its intended purpose, for example, for applications, etc.

See how great it can look on a regular sheet of paper.

Here are some other modes of transport with stars.

Also, from colored paper, you can make an unusual craft for a skyscraper.

It is possible to add to this option also little men, inhabitants.

Or make your child a pilot, he will definitely be delighted. Here again, children's hands have adapted with you.

Or the joint work of a group or class with children's photos of children.

You can also take a ready-made template and cut it out, and preschoolers will draw up these details on an A4 sheet.

It all depends on you and your imagination.

Why not, make such a handout for everyone.

Also a super cool idea was to create an astronaut from Kinder Surprise.

A video clip will help you with this, if you want to make something new with your wards.

The simplest work About space from paper and cardboard

Do not forget that you can take any coloring book and paint it with felt-tip pens or watercolors, gouache.

Perhaps even such samples, someone will come in handy for their work.

Or use colored paper and cardboard.

I found works in the country of masters.

Here even Gagarin was portrayed.

Here is a sketch you can print and cut, then glue.

Don't forget to sign the product. It could be a stand newspaper.

Beautiful crafts about space to school

You will probably laugh, but I decided to find something unusual this time, and I found it. Of course, you can take any thought as a basis and add something to it from yourself. Or make a humanoid out of foil and napkins).

The master class will be from Konstantin Kobzik.

You can make a satellite of the Earth. In order to create it, I suggest you watch this video.

Well, or lay out a whole composition of waste material. For example, take a box and paint it in a suitable background.

Glue the stars from self-adhesive paper.

It will be a space object. Attach all other parts to it from plasticine.

Think of something else, like an airplane.

Arrange at your discretion.

You can make such a picture, you can’t do without your favorite cartoon characters. The product is made from molding dough.

You can also use corrugated cardboard and tin cans.

Here is the base.

Or such little men, like robots that live on the moon, lunatics).

Here is such an idea from round pasta.

Choose, here again plasticine.

The whole picture is molded from it.

It looks bright and stylish, your peers will definitely appreciate it.

Do not forget that you can also use the sun here, because it is also a planet.

There are many options, so choose and create!

Cool works from the country of Masters

Here I suggest you look at the pictures taken from this site, maybe this will give you a new idea.

The first thing I noticed was the work done in the style of modular origami. How are you?

Fast flight, woo!

Get out of the cereal, too, what the children have done, take a look.

Someone even managed to tie such a product.

Perform quilling technique.

Here are some more great ideas.

Space dish and aliens from junk material and polyurethane foam

Everything is used here, what you have at hand. Let's together think together what space masterpieces can be created from. That's right, from anything. Take a look, from ordinary shampoo, or rather bottle packaging, they made a race.

And next to it are aliens, uh aliens. In the course and paper plates went, you can take plastic ones.

Here are such chaldobeks. It turned out to be some kind of alien station, as you can see, there are disks and even pasta instead of hands, and the hair is made of straw.

Here are some more ideas from bottles and even adapted a bow.

Wow, eggshell.

The foil work, Belka and Strelka, also looks original, ha))).

Or look at the composition from the box and a bump instead of a launch device.

This one I also liked, made of fabric and buttons.

And I also saw such a watch, super option.

Have you ever tried making salt dough products?

If not, then this moment has come, watch this video from the YouTube channel and you will also succeed in such a charm.

You can certainly use another fabric, such as felt.

Cool crafts, look awesome attractive.

And here is a masterpiece made of polyurethane foam, it looks cool, an astronaut made of salt dough.

From the test it is generally fashionable to create a bunch of crafts.

The souvenir came out on order.

As well as from paper, it resembles a tunnel.

Children's cards on the theme of Space

First of all, I want to immediately offer you to make a postcard, but not simple, but voluminous. You need to choose a plot, if you like this one, as in this sample, then write and send it to you. So, you print it out and then color it with pencils or felt-tip pens.

But to make it look civil, you need to make a cover, fold it in half, and then glue the drawing to it.

Maybe you'll like this one.

Or use the miter method, it is also ideal for this purpose.

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

It is very important to cultivate respect and culture in our children. I consider it very right to widely celebrate the All-Russian Day of Cosmonautics, which takes place on April 12. It is inextricably linked with the name of the first earthling who flew beyond the orbit of the Earth, Yuri Gagarin.

And more importantly, this is our compatriot with you. For our children, this is authority, courage and courage. Therefore, in all kindergartens and schools on this day they hold a craft competition on this topic.

The first thing that comes to mind is a rocket and an astronaut. However, I have found for you a lot of original ideas on the theme of Space, let's start implementing them.

You need to start with the simplest options, so consider what you can make with our preschoolers. With them, we will use the simplest materials: paper, cardboard and plasticine.

For this rocket, you need to make blanks, because children of four years old are not yet very good at controlling scissors, so they need help cutting out the details.

My daughter just loves gluing rockets. We've already dedicated a whole album to them. For this purpose, specially bought self-adhesive paper. It is very bright and sticks easily.

The idea of ​​a martian from a balloon caught my eye. There is certainly nothing easier!

Also, the alien can be cardboard, and decorate the plate with sequins that stick well to PVA glue.

To help, I suggest taking a ready-made rocket template and stretching plasticine over it with your fingers. To be able to use this picture many times, laminate it or paste it on both sides with wide adhesive tape.

Also use the ready-made forms of the planets for the application, at the same time expand the horizons of the child, explaining to him that there are several planets, and we live on the one that is blue and is called the Earth.

I give two step-by-step master classes on how to evenly cut blanks from colored paper.

And another template for cutting. All figures have a long tongue with a former base. This is the base you need to glue. Then you will get a three-dimensional application with a 3D effect.

Another idea made on a piece of cardboard wrapped in a trash bag. How to make these, I gave a detailed master class.

More cutting patterns.

This flying machine can be assembled from cardboard.

Toilet rolls can be used to make cool simple rockets.

Or use glitter paper to decorate.

Now I will show you how to make such a rocket step by step.

You can combine crafts and postcards. And make the tail of the rocket out of threads of red, orange and yellow colors that resemble a flame.

Look at these templates, it immediately comes to mind that there are also moon rovers, satellites and the planet Moon itself, how many options for creativity at once. Or you can simply cut out these figures and stick them on blue or black cardboard.

Also, just give your child a coloring book on the theme of Space and keep it as a keepsake.

Any of these coloring pages can be used as a template to make crafts from plasticine, stained glass paints or cereals! you just need to fill the space between the lines with the selected material.

For example, my child and I love to stretch plasticine with our fingers. And for this, a coloring with large pictures was specially bought.

By the way, buy soft plasticine for these purposes!

Crafts for April 12 for schoolchildren

For students, the requirements are more complicated. But on the other hand, it is much easier for them than for babies, because the number of materials that they can use increases.

For example, make gingerbread on the theme of the Cosmos in the form of a comet, planets, flying saucer. You can replace the gingerbread with salt dough. And also after baking, paint it with colored glaze. How to cook it is well described by my colleague

Or use cotton pads. They can be colored and passed off as the planets of the solar system.

Also very painstaking work for those who love to embroider with beads. It can be replaced with glass beads, sequins, or even use the cross-stitch technique.

Here is an example of how to replace beads with buttons.

First graders can be offered to make a rocket from a cardboard roll.

Or such an option with a passenger)))

How to make a rocket that has a base is shown in the instructions. Everything is very detailed and the child himself will be able to repeat all the steps.

You can cut the stand according to this pattern.

How do you like the idea of ​​volumetric crafts? When the whole Cosmodrome is looking at you, maybe Baikonur itself?

You can make crafts on a stick. We need barbecue skewers. For the tail, use corrugated paper or napkins.

A cocktail stick is also great.

Use two pieces to hide the tube attachment point.

You can create a whole composition of crafts using this technique. By the way, you can put them in a glass with semolina, sugar or salt. The grains and spices will keep the chopsticks from moving and tilting.

Glue the planet out of papier-mâché.

Older children also work with plasticine. But they already use complex techniques for working with flagella and forms.

Another great piece of plasticine. Look, the whole sky is made of these same flagella.

And here is our daughter and my favorite plasticine stretching technique. It is suitable for children of all ages.

Teachers will also like cardboard hangers with passengers inside and thread tails.

If you like to use unusual materials, then I advise you to take pasta. What do they do with them! Even the balls are pasted over, as we did with threads and PVA glue. Or they create a beautiful design for work.

Felt is also suitable for creativity. It is easily glued with transparent super glue. Products are made from it according to the same patterns as paper applications, so this fabric keeps its shape perfectly and has a thickness that is convenient for work.

In fabric stores, you will be offered many shades and different thicknesses of sheets of this material. There is plenty to choose from.

But according to these patterns, you can assemble an astronaut, a saucer and a rocket.

They need to be transferred to paper, and then to felt.

Make a fabric applique out of it.

This template will do.

Or this is not at all simple, but a super-duper photo frame with the image of children.

By the way, about the photo! They also have some very original ideas. For example, to portray a child as an astronaut.

Or use this angle. You can also stick photos of friends or classmates on each planet.

A paper helmet will help you feel like an astronaut.

It can be made thicker and more realistic using the papier-mâché technique.

To do this, inflate the ball, a newspaper is applied to it, abundantly moistened with a paste. This is how many layers are made. Then, after drying, the ball bursts and gently peels off from the structure. The final layer is always made of white paper so that you can beautifully decorate the craft.

From sponges and polyurethane foam, you can cut out such balls and assemble them into a small copy of the solar system.

I consider this wreath with stars, planets and an astronaut to be an original idea. The figures can be cut out from the colorings presented above.

For home use, make a jet engine out of plastic crafts with your son.

An even more serious version of the space composition, which can be made from salt dough, plasticine and even clay.

Saturn from a plastic ball and disk will conquer any teacher!

Such balls are sold in floristry stores. We made a similar one from polyurethane foam. We poured it into the layout, dried it and cut out the shape we needed with a clerical knife.

The junction will be fixed with a toothpick.

Volumetric application will also appeal to everyone.

All its zest is in the paper spiral that holds the plane or rocket.

Quite a complicated idea from paper pieces. Here it is important to observe the color scheme and the shape of all objects. It can take quite a lot of time, but it looks very grown-up.

More options for simple rockets in different colors.

And now I'll show you how to conquer all classmates and teachers! We need to make something big, like a growth rocket!

In the assembly hall, it can be used as decoration and decoration, as well as as a photo zone.

Or you can leave it at home, let your son be happy.

Here is a variant of the exhibition samples.

It’s not a shame to put forward such a rocket for the competition, but we’ll talk about this later.

Step-by-step origami rocket master class?

Origami allows you to create independent paper objects without the use of scissors and glue. Often one A4 sheet is enough for them. And there are a lot of rocket options, there are those that stand on their tails, and there are those that are used for voluminous applications.

The simplest version of the rocket is made in three minutes.

After you find the middle of the sheet along the length, you need to roll both upper corners towards it.

Then we form the body.

And side pieces. Turning the edge out.

We repeat the same for the second side.

I will also give a step-by-step diagram, which is supported by the upper master class.

The origami base can be supplemented with paper tubes.

There is a modular origami technique, when a picture or a figure is assembled from many small parts of the same size. Here is an example of this technique.

Of course, it will not work out quickly, but the skill of the hands will develop.

And, of course, you need to see how a complex craft is made.

Be patient and repeat all the steps shown with the child. Perhaps he is your future engineer, or designer!

We make a rocket from plastic bottles and junk material

Increasingly gaining popularity. They are used by summer residents to decorate their site and from them they make homework for school.

For example, using different volumes, you can make such an instance.

Or you have disposable tableware left at home, then you can use it almost for its intended purpose. Replace the plastic plate with a flying one for the alien.

Or transform a bottle of rinse aid into a flying machine, and even with a photograph of an astronaut.

You can also make a cool plate out of ice cream sticks, a plastic container and a box of processed cheese.

And make radar out of wire.

Another idea from disposable tableware.

And when there is a whole bottle of Fanta and some cardboard, assemble a very realistic model.

Aliens can be made from wire and eggs from Kinder.

Old discs will also come in handy.

This option generally deserves all praise. That's really people tried and captured the name of the missile "Mir" and raised our country.

I think you were inspired by these simple crafts, so let's look at how to make them step by step.

You need to cut off the bottom of the bottle, and cut out the porthole.

A cone can be made using this technique, when a circle is made with one cut to the middle and the edge is superimposed on the adjacent side.

We paint all the cardboard parts and the bottle body itself.

For gluing, it is better to use hot glue, so all parts will be better fixed.

Ideas for the competition by April 12

Of course, in every educational institution all kinds of competitions are organized and children are obliged to participate in them. But not all works are then taken to the exhibition. Let's look at options that deserve close attention to ourselves.

For elementary grades, choose a cardboard rocket.

For adults, offer to make a whole composition with elements of the Cosmos.

It is made on the basis of a cardboard box, which is painted blue or black from the inside. And all the prepared elements are attracted to its top on the fishing line.

I specially picked up a lot of photos, made in one idea, so that you can see it better.

You can hang any content in the style of the Cosmos: planets, stars, comets, rockets, astronauts, etc.

I also really liked the voluminous idea of ​​the parade of planets.

It is glued together in layers, in which a smaller circle is cut out.

This is what the workpiece looks like.

A sheet with a cut circle of the largest diameter is placed first, the rest go in order of decreasing diameter.

I would also take a plasticine idea to the exhibition, which is very carefully executed and quite laborious.

An option on how to make craters on the surface of the moon.

Well, remember about the growth rocket, which can also be submitted to the competition. after all, at such events they love big crafts.

I am finishing for today. If you have any other ideas, please describe them in the comments below the article.