Summary of a class hour on the topic: "Friendship is a miracle." Class hour on the topic: “What is true friendship? III. Setting goals for the lesson

Irina Evgenievna Svistushkina
Abstract of a class hour in elementary school "It is impossible to live without friendship ..."

Class hour summary

« It is impossible to live without friendship...»

teacher primary school

Saint Petersburg

Target: show value and necessity friendship, the formation of friendly relations between classmates and development of moral culture in students: skill be friends, save friendship.


clarify children's ideas about what is friendship and what a true friend should be;

cultivate a polite attitude towards each other;

contribute to the formation friendly class team,

involvement of all students class into game interaction and the formation of a cohesive cool team,

development of communication skills and the formation of a gaming culture students: ability to work together in teams, coordinate their actions,

creating a positive emotional atmosphere in classroom.


Multimedia device and laptop

Cards with tasks for each team

Books about friendship

house models friendship, clouds, flower friends, tree friendship.

Class hour progress

Cool the hour starts with a snippet "Songs of Friends". A group of children play different games in the yard, gradually new friends join them.

The bell rings, the children sit in groups at the tables. The teacher greets the children and the guests of the holiday.

Hello dear guys. Today on our cool hour the guests came. Children welcome guests, sit down.

Let's define the topic of our lesson. On the table you have an envelope with a task "Make a Word". You must compose a word and attach it to "cloud".

What word did you get? (friendship)

Let's all say it together. Well done! You did well on the 1st task.

(children attach words to "cloud" and on the board)


The topic of our lesson is « It is impossible to live without friendship...» (Presentation, slide number 1)

Children read poems by S. Mikhalkov

1. In each school, in each there are students in the class.

In every classroom, in each faithful friends in the classroom,

Everywhere together, everywhere together they are always seen,

In the hour of fun, in the hour of idleness and labor.

2. Friendship! What a wonderful word.

Who is not was friends he won't understand!

Pure friendship is ready,

Friendship is over if a friend lets you down.

3. Share joy, share grief true friends.

It's just a pity that the top five can not be divided.

Both girls and boys are friends with each other,

It is impossible to live without friendship”- anyone will tell you!


What a wonderful word friendship". Say this word. What do you represent?

Children: (answer)

While we will express our assumptions, one student will look for the meaning of this word in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov

(One student is looking for the meaning of a word in Ozhegov's dictionary.)

Leading: What do you think friendship?

Children: (answer).


When people are friends, they want to be together, they are interested in each other. True friends understand you and respect your interests.

Let's hear what I read... (student reads)

So what is friendship? <Слайд 2>

-Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests. Such an explanation is given to the word " friendship” in Ozhegov’s dictionary.

Do you understand all the words? (student answers)

Now you have to complete the next task.

(Assignment to teams in envelopes No. 1 - name and slogan)

You need fold words in a sentence and read it together. Practice whispering.

Team 1. "Dandelions"

"Stick together so you don't get blown away!"

Team 2. "Fireflies"

“Though our light is small and we are small,

But we friendly and strong

Team 3. "Cheburashka"

"Cheburashka is a true friend,

Helps everyone around!

Team 4. "Smile"

"Life without a smile is a mistake,

Long live laughter and smile!

Each team shows the completed task, applause is heard for all teams.

Friendship- the main miracle is always,

One hundred real discoveries for everyone,

And any trouble is not a problem,

If there are real friends nearby!


-Friendship warms hearts. It is necessary for adults and children in any life situation. Where do they teach make friends and value friendship?


firmly be friends,

Since childhood cherish friendship

Teach in school, teach in school, teach in school.


And where does it begin friendship?

Children: With a smile.<Слайд 3>


That's right, guys, with a smile. It's even mentioned in the song.

The song "Smile" sounds.


Sit comfortably, tuck your chin in, keep your head high. Fill your lungs to capacity and smile as you exhale. Well done! Now look at each other, hold hands, look your neighbor in the eyes and silently give him the kindest smile you have in turn.

How did you feel when you smiled at another person? What did you feel when you smiled? (Children share their impressions.) Remember these feelings. You were undoubtedly pleased, because a smile is the best antidote created by nature from troubles.

Now listen and guess what it is about.

It's free, but it costs a lot.

It enriches those to whom it is intended, but does not impoverish those who give it.

It appears for a moment, but sometimes remains in the memory forever.

Nobody is so rich live without her, but even the poorest person will become richer with it.

She is rest for the weary, a ray of light for those who have lost hope, joy for the saddened, and the best remedy for troubles, bestowed on us by nature.

But it can not be bought, begged, borrow, to steal, because it is worthless in itself, until it is given to another! So what is it?

Children: Smile.


Task number 2. Take out the yellow circles from the envelopes, complete the drawing.

(children draw smiles on a sheet).

Slide number 3.


How do you feel when you meet your friend?

Children: (answer). Joy.


You have one more task to complete. (In the envelope - cards - flower petals.)

- Teacher:

Choose the qualities that you want to see in your friend (loyalty, politeness, responsiveness, honesty, cordiality, frankness, kindness)

Children: Select cards.


There are qualities that you would not like to see in your friend (indifference, idle talk, selfishness, boasting, greed, laziness, envy).

(Children collect a flower and attach it to the board.)


If you have a friend, take care friendship with him appreciate her. A friend is easy to lose, much harder to find. And if you find it, keep it.


What a reliable and capacious word ... Friendship! Be friends possible with everyone and with one person, but still the most important friendship starts in the family. After all, family is the beginning of our life We were born here, we grow up here, we grow up. No wonder one proverb says: no better friend than my own mother. How do you understand it?

Children: (answer).


And what other proverbs about friendship you know?

(children name proverbs)


Game "Finish the proverb"<Слайд 5>

Proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have (one hundred friends).

A man without friends is like a tree (without roots).

Look for a friend, and you will find (take care).

A tree lives by its roots, but a man (friends).

Friendship, How glass: break - (don't fold).

A friend gets to know... (in misfortune).

Without a friend in life... (tight).


Guys, no wonder I said that the main friendship starts in the family. It is in the family that mothers read you the first fairy tales, stories about friendship. What fairy tales and stories about friendship you have already read?

Children: (answer). Show books.


Now we will do a quiz.

Quiz “Who is with whom friendly?” assignment for each team.

Green crocodile Gena and ... (Cheburashka.)

Trusting Pinocchio and ... (Malvina.)

Funny bear Winnie - Pooh and ... (Piglet.)

Four musicians gathered one day, made friends. They gave concerts together, drove out the robbers together, lived together, did not grieve. Name these musician friends. (Bremen musicians: rooster, cat, dog, donkey.)

What girl rescued her friend Kai from ice captivity? (Gerda.)

Carlson flopped onto the bed and, clutching his head, uttered: "I'm the sickest person in the world." He demanded medicine. The kid gave the medicine, to which Carlson said: "A friend saved a friend's life." What medicine did the Kid give Carlson? (Raspberry jam.)

Heroes of Eduard Uspensky: Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka and Galya - decided make friends. How did they do it? (We decided to build a house Friendship, but while it was being built - everything made friends.)


Let's think together what we should be and according to what laws live in Friendship House.

(Children answer.)

You need to build a house. Can you build a house in each group? (No)

What is needed for this?


Be together!

(each team has 1 fragment of the future house and blanks for decoration)

On the board we collect from the blanks House Friendship.

The song "When my friends are with me" sounds.


I suggest you listen to the rules of communication formulated by the famous psychologist D. Carnegie.<Слайд 6>

Communication rules:

Be genuinely interested in other people;


Remember that a person's name is the most wonderful and important word;

Be a good listener;

Talk about what interests your interlocutor;

Help your interlocutor gain a sense of self-importance and do it sincerely.

Leading: By following all these rules, you will make many friends.

The song “We divide everything in half” sounds.


True friends share everything. (Children dance in pairs) .

Nothing brings friends together like music.

Final part:

There are 4 fragments of a house on the board, a window and a roof, 4 cheerful flowers, clouds in the sky.


What needs to be done around the house to have a garden?


We need to plant a tree. We will do it all together.

Who liked our lesson - attaches green leaves

Who did not succeed - yellow

I did not like how it worked - red.

(Children attach leaves to a tree.)


Guys, we often have to do in life choice: with whom be friends with whom not be friends; who is a true friend and who is not. To meet a faithful sympathetic friend in life, you need to follow the path of goodness.

The song "Good Road" sounds.<Слайд 13>

At the end of the holiday - fireworks.

Applause girls.



Thank you, dear guys, for the good work. Now you know what is friendship and how important it is in the life of every person.


1. Mikhalkov S. V. Poems about friendship

2. Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Teacher's Guide 1 class. M. Balass, 2011

3. Popova G.P. Classroom hours in elementary school. Volgograd: Teacher, 2008

4. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S. I. Ozhegov

, Classroom guidance , School psychological service


  • to acquaint students with universal human values;
  • to cultivate goodwill, the ability to see beauty in the simple and ordinary, the ability to give warmth and kindness.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Set up for the lesson.

Hello guys! I want to say once again this wonderful word “Hello! Hello!". And you also often say “Hello!” mom, dad, friends and passers-by.

You will feel their spirits rise. The fact is that the word "Hello" is special. When we say this word, we not only greet someone, but also wish him good health. This word has healing power. In this word, as in the word “health”, there are many sounds that give us a charge of vivacity. So be healthy, never get sick!

2. Introduction.

In front of you are two sheets and two felt-tip pens, black and red. On one draw a mask of a healthy person, on the other - a sick person.

The song "Smile" sounds.

What is the difference?

(The sick person was drawn in black, and the healthy one in red. Red means beautiful. He smiles, his eyes shine, his cheeks burn).

The main difference is the smile.

A smile is a sign of not only physical but also spiritual health. You've probably heard "My soul hurts". For such a person, it means that something happened: maybe he was offended, maybe he quarreled with a friend ...

But a smile is a sign of kindness, love, friendship.

No wonder the song says:

"Friendship starts with a smile."

Let's now look into each other's eyes, smile and say: “I wish you ...”

I also wish you guys happiness, success, joy, prosperity.

3. The main part.

In the previous lessons in the group, you chose your friends. But today I put you in my own way. Because you need to learn how to communicate not only with those who you like.

You have probably noticed more than once that the opinions and desires of people do not always coincide. Sometimes they are directly opposite. There are situations when people are dissatisfied with each other. And then there is a quarrel.

Let's try together to understand why people quarrel and how to learn to live together?

Let's look at the first situation. (Children play out a situation where, while playing a ball, a quarrel arises between the guys. They offend each other with rude words.)

Why were the guys offended?

(They did not understand each other ... Resentment, a quarrel arose not because of the deed, but because of rude words. They have not yet learned to give in to each other, to forgive.)

Sometimes you are offended not only by your comrades, but also by your parents.

Let's look at the second situation. (A situation is played out where there is a misunderstanding between parents and children)

What should the boy have done? Act out the situation in your own way. (Children act out the situation in their own way.)

Admit your mistake. Not being offended by every little thing is probably the most difficult thing.

4. Practical work.(Assignment on the sheets.)

What causes quarrels most often?

Read and choose one option that you think is the most likely cause of quarrels.

(Misunderstanding of each other; inability to listen to the other; unwillingness to give in; desire to defend one’s point of view at all costs; inability to put oneself in the place of another person; resentment at any remark; unwillingness to critically evaluate one’s actions; inability to critically evaluate one’s actions; indifference .)

Of course, in the life of any person there are quarrels. They arise either because of the inability to critically evaluate their actions, or because of indifference, or because of a misunderstanding of each other. But you have to learn to accept. There is even such a proverb: "A bad peace is better than a good quarrel." Let's think about how we can reconcile. (Children's answers.)

The joke is being learned:

Make peace, make peace, make peace
You don't fight anymore...

Well done, you know how to put up. A joke very often helps to get out of a difficult situation. The ability to smile in time and make a joke sometimes helps a lot.

But it is also important to learn to admit your mistakes and apologize.

5. Work in groups.

moral situations.

How will you do it?

a) Your friend did not do his homework and asks for a notebook to copy.

b) Your friend doesn't know how to play pioneer ball and lets the team down.

c) Your friend uses bad words and expressions.

d) Your friend invites you to do something bad.

e) Your friend does a bad deed and everyone will know about it, including you.

f) Your friend gets bad grades in a quarter and you are forbidden to be friends with him.

6. Final part.

Today we talked a lot about friendship, about how to live without a quarrel, how to get out of a conflict situation. Coming to the conclusion, let's create friendship rules:

a) Smile at the right time!

b) Do not be offended by every trifle!

c) Don't leave a friend in trouble!

d) Be able to admit a mistake and apologize!

e) Make peace, make peace, make peace!

7. Bottom line.

Thin threads circled the earth,
Threads of parallels and green rivers,

Reach out your hand, reach out your hand
Everyone needs to believe in friendship.

Warm with a word, caress with a look,
Even the snow melts from a good joke.

It's so wonderful to be with you
A gloomy person will become kind and cheerful!

The song "Friendship" is performed.

A strong friendship won't break
Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.
A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much.
This is what it means to be a true friend.

Purpose: to form in children the concept of goodness and good deeds, to teach
distinguish between good and bad.
Lesson objectives:
Educational (subject):

respect, patience;
Developing (meta-subject):

to develop in the child spiritual and moral qualities, the ability
perceive and create positive emotions;

instill in students the need to understand others

to form readiness to go towards each other;

develop the ability to evaluate and control their own
actions and behavior in a team and in relationships with others;
developing the ability to argue your point of view.

contribute to the formation of moral qualities in
students: kindness, tolerance, mercy, compassion,
respect, patience.

contribute to the formation of good students
respectful attitude towards each other, willingness to help.
Educational (personal):

develop motivation to commit kind and humane

Equipment: PC, projector, SMART Board interactive whiteboard,

Class hour progress
Slides (recommendations for them)
1. Organizational
I'm glad to see you again
your faces, your eyes.
And I think that
today's cool
the hour will bring us all
the joy of fellowship
with a friend. I wish you success
and good luck!
voice ideas and
"Let's live
2. Introduction Children, you have seen
cat cartoon
What kind of cat is he
What words does he
spoke constantly
And we are with you today
Let's try to understand what
such "good" and how
every way
a person can be
kind. And
let's try to rally
our awesome family
our 1st class, we will give
warmth to each other
let's light another one
star of goodness and
love. And help us
this is our comrades
and friends. Well,
Reception "Tree

Learning new
What should be
real faithful

Close relations,
based on
mutual trust,
common interests..
Not in service, but in
friendship (not
duties, and
location;) unfold.
How are you guys
understand the word
It happens that for
friendship is necessary
give up your
personal interests.
Speaking of friendship
cannot be said about
so important
notion how
Integrity lies in
basis of many
Intercede for
junior, whom
offend, give in
seat on the bus
to help
old man -
all these manifestations
decency. Only
a person can be
real, true,
reliable friends.
Friends for life.
Pick up a proverb
by keywords.

words and explains it

found - …

... but have ... ....

Don't have...
... - look, but
Man without
No friend......,
..... take care
... one hundred rubles, ... one hundred
..... friends, .....

... - like glass
…… what a tree without..

smash - not ....

acquiesces, and...
And now let's check
are you good at
distinguish what is
ok, what is it
Let's play the game "Yes and

Is it good to live in a quarrel?
He, children, is kind
 Now everyone
tell me:
 When not
Then everyone
 How beautiful
the boy sings!
Do you like it?

And when the faces
everyone is sad
Dark, evil? To you

breaks everything
It's bad too
 Then
tell me:
When the children
fight, okay?
 When you
better to live
When do children laugh?
Friendship ..... not
stick together
..... and friend ....

When you click on the picture turns on
Physical minute
Application of the new
Everyone offers
its quality, but
before writing down
listens to
assessment of comrades.
Groups in turn
go to the board
where to attach
your chamomile and
called quality
essential for
don't throw a friend in
trouble, knows how to store
secrets, honest,
should be able to
be friends,
stand up for each other
Let's play a game
"Chamomile". Game
training "Chamomile"
Each group has 5
petals. Each of
will call you
required quality
for friendship and write down
him on a petal
Rule: write down
one thing
required quality
for friendship.
What qualities
should have
person who can
be friends?
Chamomile petals:
There are rules
friendship, which
help friends not
argue. And to us they
will help also.
The rules of friendship
Avoid quarrels;
Help a friend

Be caring;
Don't laugh friend
over another;

Know how to forgive and
Our classroom
comes to the end.
let's sum up
results. Choose from
the same color as
would you indicate your
mood at the end
class hour.
Choose an asterisk
from the slide.

Topic: "Let's talk about friendship"

Purpose: 1. To reveal the essence of the concept of "friendship".

2. Show what qualities a true friend should have, what role friends play in our lives.

3. Contribute to the formation of a friendly team.

Decoration, equipment and inventory:

    Exhibition of drawings and books on the theme "Friendship";

    Cards with vocabulary words (comrade, friendship, friend);

3 . Multimedia computer set-top box for showing a presentation.

I. Organization of the class. Emotional mood.

The song of V. Shainsky “What is taught at school” sounds

Strongly - firmly friends,

Treasure friendship since childhood

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school. 1 slide

II. The message of the topic and purpose of the class hour.


– Dear children, today we will talk about friendship.

They say that friendship is love without wings, that no matter how rare true love is, true friendship is even rarer. Friendship is a gift given to man. Therefore, each of us should not only value true friends, but should also be a good friend himself. Listen to the parable of friendship:

Once two friends walked for many days in the desert.

Once they argued, and one of them slapped the other in the heat of the moment. His friend felt pain, but said nothing.

Silently, he wrote in the sand, "Today my best friend slapped me."

The friends kept walking, and after many days they found an oasis with a lake in which they decided to swim. The one who got slapped almost drowned and his friend saved him.

When he came to, he carved on a stone: "Today my best friend saved my life."

The first one asked him:

- When I offended you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write on a stone. Why?

And the friend replied:

“When someone offends us, we must write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it. But when someone does something good, we must carve it in stone so that no wind can erase it.

Learn to write hurts in the sand and carve joys in stone.

What is this parable about, what does it teach us?

- Indeed, guys, you need to be able to forgive insults, remembering all the good things that your friend did for you.

Folk wisdom says: a true friend is with you when you are wrong.

When you are right, everyone will be with you.


And who can be called a friend?

A friend is someone who...

(- Understands me;

Who do I feel good with? who will always help me;

Students read the poem "Friendship" - by roles in masks.

“What is friendship?” I asked the bird.

- This is when a kite flies with a titmouse.

I asked the beast: - What is friendship?

- This is when the fox hare does not need to be afraid.

And then she asked the girl: - Friendship - what is it?

“It’s something huge, joyful, big.

This is when the guys all at once, all together play.

This is when boys do not offend girls.

Everyone in the world should be friends: animals, birds, and children.


- We are connected in life with many people: with some we study in the classroom, with others we spend our free time, with others we meet in a circle, sections. We are connected by joint activity (occupation). And if you have common interests, sympathy, then you can call these guys comrades.

Friendship is the highest degree of fellowship.

It brings joy and satisfaction from communication.

You pronounce the word "friendship" and immediately remember your friend, girlfriend, that is, those with whom you are interested in communicating, playing, reading a new book or keeping secrets. You can be friends with everyone and with just one person. You can make friends both in the classroom and in the yard. But friends are not only your peers. A friend is a school teacher who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge.

A friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times. After all, it is not for nothing that one of the proverbs says: There is no better friend than a mother.

Here is the meaning of these words in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov "Dictionary of the Russian language"

A comrade is a person who is close to someone in terms of common views, activities, and living conditions;

A friend is someone who has a friendship with someone. 2 slide

Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests. 3 slide


- Let's think about the fact that both children and adults need friendship in different life situations.

What is a real friend? Do the task on the slide. 4 slide

What proverbs about friendship do you know? (Children call). 5 slide

Game "Finish the proverb" Attention to the slide. 6 slide

Teacher. And now let's play. I name a character from a fairy tale, and you have to say who is he friends with?

The game "Who is friends with whom?"

1. Green crocodile Gena and ... (Cheburashka)

2. Trusting Pinocchio and ... (Malvina, Piero)

3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and ... (Piglet)

4. A boy named Kid and ... (Carlson)

5. Funny Chipmunks Chip and ... (Dale).

6. Good Snow White and ... (seven dwarfs).

- And who are you friends with? 7th slide

Are you friends with your parents?

Do you think you can only be friends with people?

Are you friends with animals, nature, books?


Where does friendship start? 8th slide

The song "Smile" (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky).

Children perform 1 verse and chorus.

… From the blue stream

The river starts

Well, friendship starts with a smile.


- What kind of music do you hear when you think, talk about friendship?

- What weather would you compare "friendship" with?

- What animals can be associated with the word friendship?

- What colors will you take to “draw” friendship?

Analysis of the drawings that we see on the board.

Look carefully and say: who is friends with whom?

- Now you are just learning to be friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the laws. There are many laws of friendship. Here are some of them.

Basic laws of friendship. 10th slide

Students take turns reading.

1. One for all and all for one.

2. Respect each other and help each other.

3. Rejoice with your friends.

4. Do not offend friends and everyone around you.

5. Do not leave your friends in trouble, do not let them down, do not betray, do not deceive, do not break your promises.

6. Take care of your friends, because it's easy to lose a friend. An old friend is better than two new ones.

“If you follow these laws, you will become true friends.

Performance of the song "When my friends are with me." (Verse 1.2)

“That’s the end of our class hour. I wish each of you to have a true true friend, to be able to cherish friendship.

Class summary:

What words did you learn in class?

Let's stand up and say to each other the words of the famous hero, the kindest and most patient cat Leopold: 11th slide

- Guys let's be friends!

Class hour - Grade 2 “Friendship. Ways to resolve conflict situations»

Target: explain that friendly relations can and should take place in the team not only between close friends, but also among all classmates.

Equipment: a set of proverbs about friendship; L. Panteleev's story "Honestly"; individual cards: "10 laws of friendship" and "About the qualities and traits of character" (each), cards "Choose an option for secret thoughts"; fairy tale L. Muur "Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond"; text of the song by V. Shainsky "Smile".

Assimilation levels:

Representation: to form an idea of ​​​​friendship and a positive attitude towards people;

Attitude: to form a desire for joint activities with classmates and members of other associations;

Ways of behavior: to form the skills of effective and safe communication, as well as the ability to evaluate one's behavior, to be responsible for one's actions.

Lesson progress

I. Introduction.

Teacher. Guys! Today in the lesson we will try to understand a very important issue for each of us. What does it mean to be friends? What should a true friend be like? How to learn to get out of conflict situations?

We will remember the 10 laws of friendship. I will try to teach you the ability to put up after a quarrel. Our assistants will be the heroes of many familiar works and your personal experience. We will play and in the course of the game we will learn to do the right thing. (For an emotional mood, you can sing a verse of the song “If you went on the road with a friend ...”.) So, let's go!

II. Main part.

Teacher. We've been together for two years now. You all got along. And I really want to hear the names of your friends. (The teacher passes a soft toy into the hands of some children, they call the name of a friend and say why they are friends with him, what kind of friend (girlfriend), what they do together.)

Please tell me why many people want to be friends with some guys, and someone does not have a friend at all? What does it depend on? (Children's answers.)

Thank you!

So, we value a person according to his deeds and deeds.

Individual task: everyone has a card on the desk, where the qualities and character traits of people are recorded. Children should answer the question: “What qualities and character traits do you value most in people?” (emphasize).

Guys! It turns out that psychologists studied the rules of friendship among the peoples of different countries. It turned out that, despite the different skin color, different upbringing, people's opinion is the same in what they consider friendship and friendly behavior. This is how the ten laws of friendship were defined:

1) trust a friend;

2) share news, successes or failures;

3) be able to keep other people's secrets;

4) rejoice together with a friend in his successes;

5) offer their help, and not wait for a request for help;

6) try to make a friend feel good in your company, not create awkward situations;

7) protect a friend (if someone speaks badly about a friend in his absence);

8) do not criticize a friend in the presence of other people (if you are dissatisfied with something, tell a friend about it in private);

9) respect a friend's right to have other friends besides you (not be intrusive);

10) Always keep your promises.

Which of these rules are you already following, and which ones do you need to learn?

You, of course, have read the story of L. Panteleev "Honest Word". If not, then listen to an excerpt from it and answer the question: “Would you like to have such a friend?”.


Let's go. Look, it's getting late, the garden is already closing.

And I wanted to take the boy by the hand. The boy hurriedly withdrew his hand and said...

I can not.

What you cant?

I can't go... I'm a sentry... We're playing... One big boy... brought me here and says: "We have a powder warehouse here. And you will be sentry. Stay here until I relieve you." I say: "Good." And he says: “Give me your word of honor that you will not leave. Well, I said: "Honestly, I won't leave."

I looked at his little freckled nose and realized that he really had nothing to be afraid of. A boy with such a strong will and such a strong word will not be afraid of hooligans, nor will he be afraid of stranger things.

And when he grows up ... It is still unknown who he will be when he grows up, but whoever he is, you can guarantee that he will be a real person.

Children answer why they would like to have such a friend.

Yes! Everyone would like to have such a friend! But everything happens in life. There are situations when people are dissatisfied with each other. And then there is resentment and quarrel.

Let's analyze when you get offended, quarrel and even fight.

Sample responses from children:

1) because of rude words;

2) when they accuse in vain - I did not do it;

3) do not share games, sweets, etc.;

4) when they tease, call names - it's a shame!

And now - a task for everyone.

Card assignment (a card for each student): in the center is the one who calls names. Around - his thoughts. Choose the option of "secret thoughts" of the one who calls you names. Color this circle.

Of course, in the life of any person there are grievances and quarrels, but you need to learn to forgive and be able to put up. Remember the proverb: "A bad peace is better than a good quarrel."

Tell us how you put up with a friend, brother, sister. (Children's answers.) “Put up, put up and don't fight anymore, and if you fight, I'll bite” - this saying helped you when you were kindergarten age.

Very often it helps to get out of a difficult situation with a joke, the ability to smile in time and say something funny. And it is also very important to learn to admit your mistakes and apologize.

Let's play.

The game "We quarrel and make up."

Game rules: split into pairs. Find a reason for the "quarrel", and then make peace.

What is the best way to deal with adults? Choose an answer:

a) admit your mistake and apologize;

b) continue to be offended, even when the cause of the quarrel is forgotten.

And now let's remember a kind, smart, instructive tale: "Little Raccoon and the one who sits in the pond."

III. Final part.

Guys! What does this wonderful story teach us? Right! Be kind and resolve all quarrels with the most powerful weapon - SMILE! And now let's all smile at each other and sing a wonderful song by V. Shainskoo "Smile"! (1 couplet).

I think you're in a great mood right now!

You will find something to tell your friend, parents about what you have learned.

Take care of your friends and loved ones! Thanks to all!