How to teach your child good handwriting. How to teach a child to write: working methods, useful games. How to build an activity

Due to the growth in the number of electronic devices, less attention is paid to the manner of writing. But no matter how insignificant the handwriting of a person may seem, it has a tremendous impact on the development of the individual, especially in the early stages of schooling.

Why you need to learn to write beautifully in a timely manner

The ability to write accurately helps develop fine motor skills and improve brain abilities. According to statistics compiled by psychologists, children who have not learned to write neatly and evenly often lag behind their peers in academic performance. This is due to the impossibility or unwillingness to decipher sloppy notes by both teachers and the student himself.

Usually, the question of how to teach a child to write beautifully is asked by mothers whose children have recently started attending elementary school and have shown their writing style for the first time. And of course, parents cannot but grieve the fact that their precious child writes intricate scribbles.

However, they must understand that a child who has gone to grade 1 is very plastic, receptive and, of course, teachable. But in order to correct the situation and teach him to write beautifully, you will have to make a little effort, figure out why this is happening and help the first grader solve his problem.

Problematic moments of calligraphy

Poor handwriting in children can be caused by:

  • wrong motivation or its absence;
  • fear of doing something wrong, upsetting parents or teachers;
  • haste, scattered attention, lack of concentration;
  • wrong position while writing;
  • lack of interest in this occupation and training in general.

Lack of accuracy can be caused even by such a banal factor as weakness of the muscles of the hand. Due to insufficient preparation, the hands of a first-grader quickly get tired, but at the same time, he cannot drop everything and put the notebook aside right in the middle of the lesson. As a result, he does not think about the correctness and beauty of what is written, but simply does what he is told, but at the same time less accurately.

The reason for poor writing may also be that the student initially writes more slowly than his classmates, and the teacher, as you know, focuses on the bulk of the children during the lesson. But regardless of the provoking factors, parents who notice a problem in their baby can quickly fix everything.

How to teach a child to write beautifully and accurately

To develop your child's calligraphy skills, you need:

  1. Choose the right pen and show the student how to hold it. It should not be too long and voluminous. It is better if the handle has a raised rubber band to prevent slipping.
  2. Keep track of the location of the notebook in the initial stages of training. It should be placed at a slight angle, 10-20°.
  3. Check the correct height of the table (or school desk). It should be even and stable, at the level of the solar plexus.

Teaching a first grader to write should take place in an easy, relaxed way without haste and fuss. It is important to choose the right moment, feel his mood and be ready to devote 20-30 minutes to the lesson every day.

To teach a child to write accurately, you will need to purchase several different copybooks with letters, geometric shapes and numbers. This will help to interest the baby and avoid monotony.

During training, the student should pay attention to the fact that the letters do not jump along the lines, but are located exactly in a row, are of the same size and do not climb out of the fields. You can develop a reward system when he knows that he will receive an award for correct spelling and accuracy. Or just circle well-written letters and numbers with a green marker.

Alternative ways to help your child develop beautiful handwriting

Accuracy of writing determines not only the number of hours spent on copybooks. Exercises aimed at developing vision and fine motor skills will help to increase the endurance of the muscles of the hand and improve the handwriting of the student. In addition, classes in a playful way will help diversify the learning process, making it exciting for a first grader.

You can teach your child to write beautifully with the help of:

  • building games with small details;
  • shadow theater, when the baby's hands take positions that create a shadow from the lamp in the form of a meaningful figure;
  • creating designs from mosaics, collecting puzzles;
  • coloring pages with small details;
  • modeling from plastic materials (clay, dough, plasticine);
  • satin stitch or cross stitch;
  • beading;
  • educational workbooks for young children, in which you need to circle or complete printed drawings;
  • accustoming to self-fastening buttons on clothes and tying shoelaces;
  • playing any musical instrument.

What can not be done?

Experts in the field of psychology categorically do not recommend putting pressure on the child and forcing him, turning the learning process into punishment. Do not tell him that he must unquestioningly fulfill all the requirements. To instill interest, it is important to interest and argue the expected actions from him.

Many parents of preschoolers and children of primary school age are wondering how to teach their child to write beautifully, neatly and competently. This is not an easy task, but it is quite within the power of caring parents. The main thing in this matter is determination, patience and observance of certain rules, which will be discussed below.

However, in our modern age of computer technology, the statement about the need to teach a child to write beautifully is rather controversial: the ability to type quickly is much more valued. However, answer the question for yourself: do you want your child to have their grades lowered at school because of poorly readable handwriting? I'm sure not.



Why do we need beautiful handwriting?

Each person has an individual handwriting, which is developed over many years. In elementary grades, schoolchildren learn to write, mastering calligraphy for children, and then polish this skill for a long time, writing dictations, essays and presentations. However, beautiful, legible handwriting in an adult is a rather rare occurrence.

Many parents of preschoolers and children of primary school age are wondering how to teach their child to write beautifully, neatly and competently. This is not an easy task, but it is quite within the power of caring parents. The main thing in this matter is determination, patience and observance of certain rules, which will be discussed below.

However, in our modern age of computer technology, the statement about the need to teach a child to write beautifully is rather controversial: the ability to type quickly is much more valued. However, answer the question for yourself: do you want your child to have their grades lowered at school because of poorly readable handwriting? I'm sure not.

What to do if you observe terrible scribbles in your student's notebook, the letters “dance” in different directions and look, to put it mildly, not neat? You can try to correct bad handwriting by working with your child on your own. To teach a child to write beautifully is a completely solvable task, the main thing is to practice regularly, and the result will not be long in coming.

Someone thinks that additional calligraphy classes overload the child. I think that the ability to write beautifully and neatly will never be superfluous. In addition, writing classes well develop fine motor skills (dexterity of the child's fingers), and this helps in intellectual development.

I will say right away thatteach your child to write beautifully- the task is much more difficult than just teaching him to write letters and words. The development of a beautiful handwriting will require the student to work hard, daily activities, until the desired skill is consolidated.

How to put handwriting on a child?

To begin with, training should not start too early. Parents who are so proud of the success in handwriting of their 4-5-year-old child often then grab their heads: after going to school, the baby begins to write, “like a chicken paw”, gets tired quickly, does not try. The reason for this is the unpreparedness of the child's hand for writing at such an early age. Still, it was not in vain that children used to go to school at the age of 7 and only studied writing in the first grade. In order to learn calligraphy, the child must have sufficiently developed fine motor skills. This needs to be done from an early age. Fine motor skills training is any exercise that involves the fingers: drawing, modeling, applications, finger games, etc.

When a child opens the first recipes, parents should be especially careful. This is a key moment in the formation of the skill to write beautifully. If you miss it, it will be much more difficult to correct a child's handwriting, because, as a rule, habits in childhood are formed very quickly.

So pay attention to the following points:

  1. The seating of the child at the desk should comply with the norms (the back is even, both hands lie on the surface of the table, the head is slightly tilted).
  2. Make sure the child holds the handle correctly. If the writing instrument is in the wrong position, the hand gets tired quickly, the letters are uneven, and the child gradually develops poor handwriting.

To teach your child to write beautifully, get everything you need for classes.

  1. You will need:
    - soft simple pencil (preferably trihedral);
    - a comfortable ballpoint pen, and preferably a gel pen;
    - copybooks for writing - 2 types: copybooks with letters and words written in dotted dots (or pale gray), and copybooks, where after each printed letter (word) there is a space for writing it (him) by hand;
    - a notebook in a narrow oblique ruler.
  2. Teach your child how to hold a pen and pencil correctly.

You need to buy the most comfortable handle. Now there are special ones on which recesses are made for the fingers. Such a pen is very helpful at the initial stage, so that the child learns how to hold it correctly.

The way the child holds the pen, you need to pay special attention. If he gets used to holding it incorrectly, then it will be much more difficult to retrain him and teach the child to write beautifully.

The pencil or pen should lie on the upper phalanx of the middle finger and be fixed with the thumb and forefinger. In this case, the thumb should be higher than the index finger. Make sure the tip of the pen is pointing towards your shoulder.

  1. If the baby has difficulties, do not scold him for it, do not raise your voice and do not punish. Everyone makes mistakes, especially children in the learning period. Your task is to help overcome difficulties, and this can only be achieved with an attentive attitude and practical advice.
  2. When the child draws sticks and circles, and then proceeds to the first letters, be there and control the process. In the future, also do not let learning take its course: always check your first grader's homework, since it is still difficult for a child to write both beautifully and competently at the same time, and mistakes may occur in his written speech.
  3. Constantly train the child's ability to deftly wield fingers.

You cannot teach a child to write beautifully if he does not know how to tie shoelaces or fasten buttons.

Fine motor skills are developed by the following activities:
- cutting out parts of different sizes with scissors and making applications from them;
- origami;
- coloring and hatching exercises;
- drawing in any form - with a brush, chalk, pencils;
- drawing on buckwheat;
- games with small details - puzzles, mosaics, constructor;
- lacing, braiding, embroidery, knitting, beading;
- molding from plasticine.

Stages of learning beautiful writing

1. The first stage is a stroke.

Use special spelling with letters and words written with dotted dots. In addition to letters, such writings also contain various sticks, wavy lines, geometric shapes, patterns, and even pictures. With them, you should start learning beautiful writing.

When the child is already good at drawing lines, ovals, roundings, etc., you can move on to writing letters, numbers and words. By tracing them, the child trains his fingers and learns to write letters and their connections correctly.

Classes according to such prescriptions are liked by children. They enjoy watching how the dots turn into beautiful letters. It will take a little time, and the child will be able to write beautifully already without the help of dotted lines.

At this stage, you can add graphic dictations, when the child, on command, circles the lines in the notebook in a box:2 cells to the left, two up. etc. and so on.

2. The second stage - practicing writing letters, syllables and words according to the model.

Use copybooks in which there is a template letter (sample) before the space for writing a letter by hand. At the same time, the child will always have the correct beautiful letter in front of his eyes. The fact is that when displaying a letter, the child looks at the previous one, and if he did not write it well enough, then he will copy it.

Make it a rule to move on to mastering a new letter only after the child has learned to write beautifully the previous one. It doesn't matter how long it takes - half an hour or more than a week. It is also necessary to first teach the child to write letters beautifully, and only then move on to syllables and words.

3. The third stage is the rewriting of entire phrases and texts using the first and second type of writing. These exercises will help you approach self-rewriting.

4. The next step is to consolidate writing skills: let the child write a few lines every day from any story, poem or song. Of course, he must write them beautifully and accurately. To do this, buy him a notebook with a frequent oblique ruler, which will greatly facilitate the writing of letters, serving as an additional “support” for them.

This stage of training is the most difficult, because before your eyes there is no longer an ideal model that you can be equal to.

Handwriting correction in children

Correcting children's handwriting is much more difficult than learning to write at first. But it is possible to improve a child's handwriting, and this should be started as soon as he starts to deteriorate. When correcting handwriting, an important point is patience, both in children and parents.

Before you start correcting handwriting, convince your child of the need for such work. Never force a child to do calligraphy if he does not want to. Such exercises will not bring results. Better think about how you can stimulate his desire to write more beautifully!

Starting classes, tune in to the fact that not everything will turn out the first time. Therefore, do not scold or punish your child for failures. It is also impossible to compare his achievements with the achievements of other children. This can completely discourage learning, and without this it is impossible to teach a child to write beautifully.

On the contrary, praise for diligence and for the successes that he has achieved over a period of time. Save all his work, return to them, compare the results. Then the child will be motivated to develop.

Do not forget that the child should definitely rest between school, homework and writing practice. It is desirable that these be active games or a walk in the fresh air. After all, if the child is very tired, he will lose all desire to learn.

To make it easier to teach your child to write beautifully, break the learning process into several stages.

  1. Method "tracing paper". Buy tracing paper and invite the child, putting it on top of the copybook, to circle the letters. This gives a good effect: the skill is developed to perceive and then reproduce the letters correctly. Each letter needs to be “practiced” long enough until the skill becomes automatic.
  2. Do not buy regular copybooks, but print them from the Internet. In standard copybooks, each letter is given a clearly limited number of lines, while your child may need much more. Let the child write line by line, sheet by sheet, until the hand "remembers" the movement.
  3. When all the prescriptions have been completed, you should consolidate your skills by writing dictations.

It may take more than one month or even a year to teach a child to write beautifully, but it's worth it. After all, beautiful, neat handwriting is the face of every student!

Trying to teach a first grader to write, parents can easily go to extremes. But the principle “all means are good in the fight” does not always benefit children. And various unpleasant outcomes cannot be avoided: wasted time over a notebook, screaming, sheets being torn out and endless rewriting, which does not always bring results. Well, the young schoolboy will slowly but surely lose self-esteem and be disappointed in his own abilities.

Therefore, a natural question arises: how to teach a child to write beautifully, avoiding possible problems?

First you need to recognize the fact that it is not easy for any first grader to print letters. When getting acquainted with a pen and copybooks, the hand trembles treacherously, and children, especially small ones, do not differ in patience and sufficient endurance. Writing for them is a great physical and emotional stress.

First of all, you should never rudely point out mistakes or clumsy letters to your baby. Good learning always takes place in a positive way. It is necessary not to focus on the shortcomings, but to praise for the effort, while not forgetting to mark the correctly written. And specifically explain why exactly: the word is located exactly on the line, the letter has a beautiful bend, etc.

If the child shows enthusiasm, then you can evaluate his work together. The game form turns any training into pleasure! Choose the most beautiful element from the entire line and give it the title of king or queen of the notebook page. And let the child solemnly “award” the winning letter by depicting a crown over it.

But do not forget about the necessary nuances. The basis of beautiful handwriting should be the correct position at the table. This will help to evenly distribute the load and make training more comfortable. If a first-grader sits incorrectly, then he is threatened not only by unsightly letters in a notebook, but also by rapid fatigue. And in the long term - various forms of curvature of the spine.

Will facilitate the work of the child and writing accessories suitable for study:

  • the thickness of the pen or pencil should not exceed 7 mm;
  • optimal length - 15 cm;
  • preference should be given to accessories with a soft slip on the body that prevents fingers from slipping.

Be sure to teach your child how to hold a pen correctly: a correct grip not only helps to avoid unnecessary tension in the hand, but also contributes to the development of beautiful handwriting. For children, there are special training attachments that can effectively teach kids to place their fingers correctly on writing instruments. An easier option is to find a handle with a rubberized grip, which has recesses for the index and thumb. At the same time, we must not forget that they are different for left-handers and right-handers.

The development of fine motor skills is also very useful, so practice with your child more often! Coloring, modeling with clay, salt dough or plasticine, playing with constructors, weaving from ribbons or beads. Even the elementary fastening of buttons and independent tying of shoelaces will make the baby's fingers more dexterous. This means that it will be much easier for him to hold the pen in his hands.

Learning to write capital letters - the main stages

Before teaching the baby directly the alphabet on paper, it is necessary to start preparing it ahead of time. For this:

When the baby starts to succeed, you can proceed to the next stage - prescription. They can be either hatched or with an indication of the "original" that needs to be repeated on its own. And it doesn't have to be just letters. Recipes for preschoolers will teach children to draw straight or wavy lines, hooks, various geometric shapes or whole drawings. Their task is to accustom the child to a pen and writing.

Only after the hand gets stronger, the transition to capital letters is made. Be sure to explain how and in which direction it is necessary to write this or that element, the process is shown with examples. Speaking aloud the details will also help children better comprehend and remember the principle by which a particular letter is written.

Secrets of beautiful handwriting: problems and solutions

In addition to victories, you can also face difficulties. Here are some common problems that affect the quality of children's handwriting:

Learn to write without mistakes!

Often first-graders write words, skipping certain letters in them. Teachers blame this on haste and inattention, but the real reason may lie elsewhere: not enough practice to develop phonemic awareness. And sometimes it is an individual feature when it is difficult for a young student to correlate the sounds he hears with letters. In any case, the problem is corrected by the systematic development of writing skills. Encourage your child to say the words aloud, preferably in syllables. Mandatory daily classes in the form of dictations.

Important! Be careful with children with speech disorders. Speech defects can affect the letter - then it will not work to try to correct errors in words on your own, you will need to consult a speech therapist.

When "typos" are made due to ignorance of spelling - it's understandable. But if a student neglects the previously learned rules, making mistakes in the same place over and over again, then most likely he simply does not know how to apply the knowledge he has gained in practice. Then it is necessary not only to explain in an accessible way, but also to reinforce each new spelling: training exercises to insert a missing letter, dictionary dictations based on the rule, etc. At the same time, the student must understand and be able to explain the letter he has chosen.

Transition to a notebook with a wide ruler - how to help a child maintain beautiful handwriting?

Sooner or later, children are “transferred” from notebooks with a thin ruler to others with a wide one. And everything is not so simple there anymore, there is a need to monitor the height, width and inclination of the letters. And this, in turn, leads to the appearance of handwriting defects:

  • large letters, which can occupy both half and immediately the entire line;
  • narrow "font";
  • too small letters.

It is logical that the transition cannot be abrupt or unexpected. And ideally, the writing skills of a student should reach the level of automatism. A little trick that will help you smoothly rebuild in a new way: invite your child to write in ordinary notebooks with a thin ruler, but on a “space” line. Its size is quite wide, but at the same time there is an oblique line. It will become an assistant in controlling the slope of the letters. Another way of relearning is a combined notebook, the sheets in which alternate.

Reasons for slow writing

The normal speed of a six-year-old child is in the region of 4-6 signs per minute, and for children a year older, the upper bar rises to 9 in the same period of time.

Sometimes you teach a first-grader for a long time according to all the recommendations and rules, but you don’t see a special result. The letters seem to be starting to come out, but he writes surprisingly slowly. What could be the reason?

In the era of computers and electronic gadgets, the ability to write legibly, neatly and beautifully seems almost an anachronism. Indeed, is it worth forcing your own offspring to practice calligraphy, wasting time and energy on this essentially useless exercise? Worth it, experts say and explain why.

“The process of writing is related to fine motor skills, which are directly related to the brain,” says Olga Turovtseva, child psychologist, teacher.- When a child diligently learns to draw letters, he awakens an interest in knowledge, learning and the world around him as a whole. Learning to write is part of the active development of the child's personality, an effective tool that helps to cultivate perseverance, patience, attention to detail, and the ability to concentrate.

But you shouldn't rush into learning either. According to the observation of teachers, in children who learned to write in early childhood, handwriting quickly deteriorates due to the fact that the hand has not yet settled down. Ugly handwriting can be fixed as a skill, and when the baby becomes a first grader, it will be difficult to retrain him. In addition, parents may not know the requirements for spelling letters, teaching their offspring according to their own rules. Therefore, it would be wiser to dedicate the time before school not to writing, but to classes for the development of fine motor skills, which will become a good basis for mastering the art of calligraphy in the future.

Teaching a child to write beautifully

Your little student will easily learn how to beautifully and accurately print the most complex letters on paper, if you take into account a few important points.

* Developed fine motor skills. The prepared muscles of the hand are one of the conditions for a beautiful, neat handwriting. “For the development of fine motor skills, such activities as drawing, weaving from beads, modeling from plasticine and clay, assembling items from a designer are great,” says Olga Turovtseva. - Let the child independently tie shoelaces, fasten buttons. Preparing muscles for writing, developing fine motor skills, is recommended from the age of three. How to develop fine motor skills in a child, read

* Comfortable workplace. It is unlikely that your child will strive to study if he is not comfortable. Arrange for him a corner with a comfortable table and a stable chair of the correct height. Read about how to properly organize a student's workplace.

* Comfortable handle. Often parents overlook this important point, and it is one of the key ones. When choosing a writing instrument, it is worth giving preference to a ballpoint pen, rather than a gel pen, which can scratch paper, and gel can smear. Thick and heavy writing objects are also not suitable - for them, the child does not yet have sufficiently large and strong fingers. Absolutely smooth handles are also not the best choice, it is advisable to look for a special rubber pad in the grip area so that the fingers do not slip. Pay attention to special pens for learning to write. They have a special recess for the fingers. Such a device will help to consolidate the skill of holding a writing instrument correctly.

“The ideal tool for mastering the art of calligraphy is a fountain pen,” says Olga Turovtseva. - In the process of writing with a pen, plastic efforts alternate with relaxation. While, drawing letters with an ordinary ballpoint pen, the child experiences constant muscle tension, and not only in the hands, but also in the back and shoulders.

Teach your child to hold the writing instrument correctly with the thumb and middle finger, only holding the index pen on top. The tip of the pen should look at the shoulder. When writing, the brush moves freely, while the elbow of the working hand is motionless.

How to build an activity

Start training when the child is sufficiently rested after school and homework. Do not force your child to practice writing for more than half an hour. Take short breaks during the session. “A small student should start exercising in a good mood and in a calm environment,” says Olga Turovtseva. - Haste and nervousness will give the opposite result to the desired one - the letters will come out uneven, the lines will jump. Even if you are not satisfied with what you get, do not get annoyed and do not force the child to redo it several times. So you will discourage his desire to engage. Do not forget that the process of writing should arouse interest and pleasure in your child.

Prepare everything you need. In addition to the pen, you will need special copybooks with dotted letters and lines for independent writing. And after a while, a school notebook in an oblique ruler will also be needed. The copybook or notebook should be located at an angle of 25 degrees to the edge of the table.

Training should be divided into several stages.

*Start with dotted outlines of sticks, shapes, and wavy lines. Then you can try to circle the letters. When the child feels confident enough, move on to practicing writing letters.

* At this stage, the child writes letters in cursive, constantly checking the pattern at the beginning of the line. Each new letter should be started after the previous one is good. Then move on to mastering the spelling of whole words.

* Move on to writing small sentences. First, practice in copybook, then in a regular notebook in an oblique ruler. To reinforce the skill, take a few minutes each day to write out a small number of sentences from the book to your notebook.

At the initial stage of training, during a break or after a lesson, it is advisable to give the child a simple massage. This will help the muscles relax, relieve spasms. Here are some effective, simple and safe tricks that every mom can master.

* Gently pat the back of your forearm in the direction from the elbow to the wrist;

* Pinch the area of ​​​​the forearm with your thumb and forefinger in the direction from the elbow to the hand, gradually increasing the force of pressure;

* Make at a fast pace a few light rhythmic chopping movements with the edge of the palm across the muscles of the forearm.

Sloppy handwriting and illiterate writing is a common problem among schoolchildren. It is connected with the tightening of the curriculum and the reduction in the number of hours for teaching calligraphy and grammar. The teacher has to give handwriting to 25-30 first-graders in just six months, and the children simply do not have time to develop the skill of beautiful and competent writing.

Parents need to help their child master this difficult science without losing interest in learning. It is possible, the main thing is the regularity of classes.

Motivation and encouragement

First of all, the first grader needs to be convinced of the need for exercise. Arguments for you and your children:

  • a person with beautiful handwriting is perceived as neat, attentive, collected, responsible;
  • calligraphy classes develop fine motor skills, teach the child to draw conclusions and think logically;
  • legible notes are easy and pleasant to read, which adds points to students in the eyes of teachers. But for negligence and dirt in notebooks, grades are reduced;
  • Mistakes often arise not from ignorance of the rules, but from haste and inattention. In this case, the low mark is doubly offensive, but you have only yourself to blame.

It is possible to improve handwriting, and classes should be started at the first sign of deterioration. Preventive home exercises are also possible, because school calligraphy lessons are clearly not enough now.

  1. Do not force the child to study, but stimulate the advantages of such work - neat notebooks, high grades, good relations between teachers.
  2. Be patient - there will be no instant result. Do not scold and, moreover, do not punish your first grader, do not compare his achievements with the successes of other children - this can completely deprive you of interest in learning.
  3. Do not push the child - haste worsens handwriting and leads to typos. Everyone has their own pace of learning.
  4. Do not force to redo and rewrite tasks - from fatigue each time it will turn out worse.
  5. Praise for the diligence and success achieved, comparing the results with previous work - this will give the child an incentive to develop.
  6. Let's have an opportunity to actively relax after school, before doing homework and training in handwriting: play outdoor games, take a walk in the fresh air - this will saturate the brain with oxygen, give a surge of strength.

Preparation for writing

Primary school teachers do not recommend teaching preschoolers to write. The muscles of the baby’s hand have not yet “ripened” for such movements, besides, the parents are not familiar with the correct writing technique and the first grader then has to relearn, and correcting bad handwriting is more difficult than the initial calligraphy training.

The task for the preschool period is not to teach writing, but to prepare the hand. You need to constantly train your fingers - this will serve as the basis for the ability to write beautifully and correctly. To strengthen the muscles of the hands will help:

  • finger gymnastics;
  • work with paper - cutting, application, origami;
  • modeling;
  • - fingers, pencils, crayons, brushes;
  • coloring and shading finished pictures;
  • embroidery, knitting, making crafts from natural materials, beads, ribbons;
  • picking up mosaics, puzzles, constructors.

Such classes are also useful in elementary school - to improve fine motor skills.

Setting up beautiful handwriting

For the emergence and consolidation of the skill of accurate writing in a child, perseverance and daily activities will be required. Be sure to control the process, do written work with your child - it is difficult for first-graders to write both correctly and beautifully, they can make mistakes due to inattention.

Prepare everything you need for classes: a simple pencil of medium softness, a comfortable (you can use a special trihedral or with holes for fingers) ballpoint or gel pen, 2 types of copybooks - for tracing and repeating elements and letters according to the model, notebooks in an oblique line.

Be careful:

  1. Your student should sit straight, with his head slightly bowed, both hands on the table.
  2. The correct position of the notebook is slightly slanted with the left edge below the right. When filling out the sheet, the notebook moves up.
  3. The handle lies on the upper phalanx of the middle finger and is fixed with the thumb and forefinger, the tip is directed towards the child's shoulder. The fingers are slightly rounded, but not compressed, the big one is higher than the index one.

Failure to follow these rules leads to excessive muscle tension and rapid fatigue, the letters come out clumsy and the handwriting is ugly.

The first stage of learning to write is filling in the copybooks, where lines, shapes, letters only need to be circled along the dotted line. The child will train his fingers and learn the correct spelling of letters and their compounds. Then add graphic dictations in which the child draws a pattern in a notebook in a cage according to the instructions: one cell to the right, three up, two cells to the left, etc.

At the second stage - work with prescriptions, where you need to repeat template letters in empty lines. The child always has before his eyes a correct beautiful pattern. Start mastering each new letter only after fixing the beautiful spelling of the previous one. Then move on to letter combinations and words.

At the third stage, write phrases and texts in copybook according to the model.

The fourth stage is consolidation. The child daily copies several lines from any book into a notebook with reference oblique lines. You need to write slowly, beautifully and accurately. This is the most difficult stage - before the eyes of a first-grader there is no longer a model to strive for.

  1. At first, use tracing paper extensively. Let the student put it over the copybook with the model letter and circle it. Practice correct spelling until it becomes automatic.
  2. It is important that the child, when writing, pronounce the letters and each of their elements. This allows you to control the correctness and literacy of the letter, focus on your actions, and has a beneficial effect on speech.
  3. To prevent and reduce fatigue after school and homework, massage your child's head and neck, hands and forearms.

We write competently

After rewriting sentences from books, it's time to move on to dictations. At this point, it becomes clear that some children have intuitive literacy - they write without errors, even without knowing the rules. Usually these are children who read a lot with a good visual memory. It is more difficult for others to write competently, but parents can help such first-graders.

Systematically check homework, if possible, do it with your child at first. The student must explain why he wrote that way, remember and tell the necessary rule. See if the child makes mistakes from haste when rewriting, be sure to correct such typos so that they are not fixed in memory, and work on the student's concentration of attention.

Practice writing dictations at home, conduct them in various forms: rewriting the text with its pronunciation in syllables, rewriting with commenting on spelling - the rules for writing words, writing the text by ear. This is how different types of memory will work - visual, auditory, motor, words will be better remembered.

Develop vocabulary, oral speech, memory - reading literary works, memorizing rules, memorizing and reciting poems effectively help. This will positively affect the literacy of written speech, breadth of outlook and general erudition.

Competent and beautiful writing is a very difficult skill, it can take three to four years to develop it. It is almost impossible for a primary school student to cope with such a task on his own, however, with the help of parents and subject to regular classes, it is quite possible to develop beautiful handwriting and improve written literacy.