A one-year-old child stands up on his toes. The child walks on tiptoe: reasons and expert advice

Is it worth going to the doctor if at 2 years old the child walks on toes? What diseases can such a gait speak of? How can you help your child with activities and exercises? Read about it in our article.

A kid at the age of 2 years already walks quite confidently, actively explores the world around him and shows more and more independence. At the same time, some mothers notice with concern that the child often steps on the toe, like a little ballet dancer. Can this be considered normal or a serious reason to visit a doctor?

Why does a child walk on tiptoe at 2 years old: reasons

If the baby moves quickly, wants to get to some high object or consider something, then in such cases, tiptoeing is quite a common occurrence caused by emotional arousal. In other situations, a child at the age of 2 should normally walk, stepping on a full foot.

The following factors can be the causes of incorrect gait:

  • Muscle hypertonicity is the most common cause of tiptoe walking. With muscular dystonia, the tone of the calf muscles is unevenly distributed over the leg and foot of the baby. Most often, this violation is eliminated as they grow older. You can help your child with the help of special exercises, gymnastics, swimming lessons.
  • pyramidal insufficiency - such a "diagnosis" of a doctor indicates problems of the locomotor apparatus without establishing a specific cause. In fact, in early childhood, the parts of the brain that control motor functions may still be underdeveloped. The doctor may recommend further monitoring and assistance in the form of exercise therapy.
  • Prolonged use of jumpers and walkers . Such devices are often liked by kids and make life easier for adults, but constant stay in a walker can provoke incorrect foot placement. The kid gets used to relying only on his fingers when moving and in the future follows the developed habit.
  • Imitation of adult family members - sometimes a child wants to be taller, trying to keep up with older children or copying a mother who wears shoes with heels.
  • Psychological climate in the family - if there is a conflict atmosphere in the house, the baby may feel discomfort, subconsciously he tries to “hide”, become invisible, stepping, barely touching the floor.
  • Excessive excitability and hyperactivity - children born prematurely, excitable and too active often move on tiptoe. In such cases, consultation with a neurologist is necessary.
  • Discomfort when walking . If the baby stepped on something sharp or his legs are cold on the cold floor, he instinctively tries to reduce the area of ​​​​contact of the foot with the floor.
The reasons for walking on toes can be varied.

The child is 2 years old, walks on toes: what to do?

With this type of movement, the foot does not receive support on the heel area, so this part of the foot does not develop, the calf muscles are in hypertonicity, the forefoot increases disproportionately, atrophy of the tendons and muscles of the ankle joint occurs, and deformity of the arch of the foot may be observed.

Parents cannot independently determine the cause of the child's incorrect gait. To exclude the presence of pathology, you must contact the following specialists:

  • pediatrician
  • orthopedist
  • pediatric neurologist
  • neurologist

According to the identified diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment and give the necessary recommendations. Any medications are used only under the supervision of a physician.

In case of incorrect or untimely therapy, quite serious consequences can occur:

  • posture disorder
  • flat feet
  • clubfoot
  • foot deformity

How to help a child?

Regardless of the cause of the abnormal gait, parents should not constantly pay attention to it, pull and scold the baby. This behavior of adults will not help to eliminate the problem and will create a stressful situation in which the child will experience fear of new reproaches.

You can help correct your gait with the help of special classes, games and regular exercises.


Physical therapy exercises help increase blood circulation and reduce muscle tone:

  • jumps landing on both feet
  • alternate walking on the inside and outside of the foot
  • "duck" walk
  • walking in a semi-squat
  • sit-ups

Such exercises can be repeated, alternating, several times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Gymnastics and exercise therapy for the development of the correct gait


Massage activates blood flow, improves the elasticity of ligaments, muscles and tendons. Massage the child must be done at least once a day, with smooth movements, in addition, hypoallergenic baby oil can be used. It is best to carry out the procedure after an evening bath before going to bed, when the body is as relaxed as possible.

  • Perform circular movements with the baby's feet alternately in one direction and the other.
  • Stretch your foot by drawing figure eights with your finger.
  • Gently rub the calf muscles, moving from the bottom up.

Massage promotes the development of the muscular system and fine motor skills


Swimming is beneficial for children from an early age. Swimming improves coordination of movements, develops motor skills, stimulates the work of all muscle groups.

Special footwear

The use of medical orthopedic shoes in children is possible only after consultation with a specialist.

  • If the reason for toe walking is not related to a serious impairment of motor function, it is better to let the child walk barefoot at home, which is much more beneficial for his development.
  • For walks, you should purchase shoes that are suitable in size, made of natural materials, with good fixation of the instep and a closed heel.

Play-based lessons

Activities-games help not only in the physical development of babies, but also establish an emotional connection with adults, strengthen trusting relationships.

  • Jumping. Invite the child to jump from a small height - a bench or a chair, dropping exactly on both feet.
  • Heron. Ask the baby to stand and jump first on one leg, then on the other.
  • Steps. Walking, in which the body weight is completely shifted from one leg to another, improves coordination of movements and the formation of a correct gait.
  • Fitball. Put the child on a gymnastic ball and roll it under the baby's legs, asking him to walk. It is better to do this with 2 adults together so as not to drop the baby.
  • Walking on various types of surfaces - hard, soft, sloping, textured (grass, sand, small pebbles, shells).
  • In the cold season, you can conduct such classes at home by preparing a special massage mat. You can make it from different pieces of fabric - smooth, fleecy, fur, sew on small smooth buttons, beads, braid, glue beans, coffee beans, smooth pebbles.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky: What to do if the child walks on tiptoe?

If the baby, when walking, puts his feet on his toes and moves constantly on them, then the parents immediately have anxiety.

Tiptoeing is not always considered a deviation.. Out of curiosity, children put their feet on the front of the foot, so they learn new and interesting things.

When a baby takes its first steps, it brings joy to everyone. The optimal period is from 9 months to 1 year 3 months.

This is not the main reason why a child walks on toes. It is worth consulting with a pediatrician, a specialist will tell you in which cases this is considered a deviation. This will relieve parents of unnecessary anxiety.

note! If a child at 1-1.5 years old constantly stands on his toes, then this is not a deviation.

He can walk like this for up to three years, but there is no need to worry. At this time, he is actively forming bone tissue.

So what reasons can cause walking on tiptoe in a one and a half year old child:

  • Constant stay in a walker. In these cases, small children begin to take the first steps on their toes, for this reason it becomes difficult for them to set the foot in a different position in the future.
  • Increased activity. Energy is radiating from the child, for this reason he can run on his toes.
  • Heightened curiosity. A two-year-old kid wants to become big faster, he is interested in everything.

    Because of curiosity, he constantly stands on his fingertips and tries to reach out to adults.

  • Children often imitate adults. They can imitate their mother who walks in high heels.
  • The presence of cerebral palsy. In these situations, in addition to walking on toes, additional deviations may be present.
  • Presence of birth trauma. They affect the activity of the brain, which can negatively affect walking. But they are eliminated before the first steps.
  • pyramidal insufficiency. In these situations, disturbances are observed in a certain part of the nervous system, which ensures the performance of motor functions.
  • Problems with a psychological nature. It is important at this time to support the baby so that he is not afraid and confidently takes his first steps.

    If he feels discomfort, inconvenience, he will walk on his toes.

If an adult child continues to walk on toes, then this may be a deviation with a neurological nature.

It is advisable to visit a neurologist who can conduct a complete examination and establish the disease. Based on the results, the specialist recommends the right treatment.

Many parents often wonder - what to do if the baby walks on tiptoe? Dr. Komarovsky claims that there is no need to worry and worry, small children can move like this until almost 3 years old.

When the baby begins to walk on his fingertips, he recommends following useful recommendations:

  1. It is better to buy comfortable shoes for your child to firmly fix the legs..

    Dr. Komarovsky advises choosing shoes or sandals with a hard insole and a small heel, this will provide good prevention against flat feet.

  2. It is desirable to spend more time with the baby in the fresh air, so that he would play there, run, constantly walk.
  3. If a one and a half year old baby clubfoot with one foot, then special therapeutic exercises can correct this.
  4. Get rid of walkers. The child must learn to walk on his own, this will ensure the correct formation of the feet and legs.
  5. Fix this annoying problem will be able to special therapeutic massage with a restorative effect.

    It must be performed every day, so it is worth consulting with a massage therapist who will show where the active points are.

Must be remembered that if a 9-month-old baby began to walk on toes, then this does not mean that his legs are unhealthy.

Children can walk like this until almost three years old, and a specialist can explain how to wean.

Massage and special exercises for children who walk on toes

Before treatment can be given, a diagnosis must be made. But you should not immediately take a 9-month-old baby to an appointment, you should wait.

No need to worry if this problem is observed in a two-year-old child.

Important! Doctors often prescribe therapeutic exercises for children, which consist of simple exercises.

They can be made easily at home. But it is desirable for parents to make this process exciting, so that the baby becomes interested, enthusiastic.

Treatment method Description
Physiotherapy Doctors recommend playing outdoor games with the baby at home so that he constantly runs, jumps, plays
Walking squatting, duck-like, moving on the inner and outer sides of the feet helps a lot.
Massage (complex of therapeutic actions) At home, you can draw a "figure eight" on your baby's feet with your fingers
It is recommended to massage the calf muscle area with the thumb and forefinger
A 3 month old baby can be rolled on a fitball. It must be put on its feet and, holding, take steps with its feet
Massaging each toe on the foot separately
Shaking the baby's feet

How to wean a child to walk on tiptoe?

Before taking any action, you should consult your doctor. If the cause of tiptoeing is neurological, then the specialist must prescribe the correct treatment himself.

This does not always mean that the child has a pathology, if he immediately began to walk like this, then this may be a simple curiosity.

To eliminate walking on toes doctors recommend resorting to massage and therapeutic exercises. Their regular implementation will quickly correct the wrong gait.

There are other ways to eliminate tiptoeing:

  • Swimming in the pool. This will help develop proper coordination of motor functions, as well as large and fine motor skills.
  • At home, you can do jumping with your baby walking on the inside and outside of the feet.
  • Have a good effect relaxing baths with infusions based on chamomile and lavender.
  • It is advisable to consult with an orthopedist which will help you choose comfortable shoes.

It largely depends on the correct regimen, an active lifestyle and the help of parents. It is the correct mode and care that will help to quickly eliminate all these unpleasant problems.

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The unconventional manner of the first steps of the child should alert parents.

Below we will consider all the possible reasons why the baby walks on tiptoe. In the meantime, ask yourself a few questions.

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The costs of some problems during pregnancy and childbirth can negatively affect the baby's gait.

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In order to be completely objective, we will consider here all the possible reasons and reasons for walking a baby on tiptoe - from the most serious (pah-pah-pah, nothing bad can happen to our baby!) To insignificant and funny.

  • cerebral palsy (infantile cerebral palsy)- This is one of the serious diseases associated with the pathology of the development of the brain. Occurs as a result of an abnormal course of pregnancy and childbirth. Although walking on toes is one of the symptoms of this disease, it is far from the only one. The conclusion on such a diagnosis can only be given by a doctor!
  • In a child suffering from cerebral palsy, the possibility of developing a peculiar gait is not ruled out.

  • Birth trauma of the newborn- can also cause the baby to refuse to put his foot on the whole foot. But, for sure, by the time the baby takes the first steps, this problem (if it was) is already known to you and your doctor.
  • pyramidal insufficiency- more and more doctors began to resort to this, perhaps too common today, diagnosis. In general, in a literal translation from medical into Russian, it sounds like “a violation of the activity of the nervous system”, and anything can be entered under it. As Dr. Komarovsky very aptly described such a diagnosis (we will return to his opinion later) - “some incomprehensible problems in the motor sphere” (c). But, in fairness, we are considering this option.
  • An extended diagnosis may lead to tiptoe walking.

  • - about this on our website you can read a separate article, where we examined in detail what an increased tone is, how dangerous it is, and what are the reasons for its occurrence. The movement of the baby on the toes is one of the symptoms of muscular dystonia. If before the baby started learning to walk, this problem might not bother you very much, then perhaps now is the time to take it more seriously.
  • Incorrect foot placement- often manifested in children who have begun to learn to walk in walkers. The baby simply did not reach the floor, and the habit of reaching out with his fingers remained with him.
  • The benefits of walkers are undeniable, but they must be used correctly.

  • Psychological discomfort- often, when not everything is in order at home or in the immediate environment of the baby, he subconsciously "hides", sneaks on tiptoe, does not attract attention to himself.
  • The idealized image of a ballerina can be used by a baby to the detriment of itself.

  • Imitation- the desire to be taller, “very big”, can also lift the cub on its toes. A mother walking in heels, a ballerina seen on TV - there can be many images that a young artist is trying to embody. Perhaps you should discuss it with him?

What to do? How can I help my child learn the traditional way of walking?

Of course, if the reason for walking the crumbs on your fingers is serious, then you and the doctor have long been solving it together. Here we will look at what can be done at home to return the stubborn to the full stop.

In addition to the traditionally prescribed by a doctor, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, "paraffin boots", etc.), therapeutic exercises and professional massage, you can help the baby yourself in many ways:

The usual course of massage is 10-15 sessions. If necessary, it is repeated in a month.

Let the kids run barefoot on the grass or sand.

  • Walking barefoot. As well as in the treatment of flat feet, with dystonia of the muscles of the foot, trampling bare feet on pebbles and dry peas helps well. Moving on an inclined plane and walking on the outer and inner sides of the foot - remember, all this was part of the mandatory cycle of exercises for children's morning exercises?

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Well, you don’t think that now we will give you an unequivocal answer - “by no means!”, Or vice versa - “without hesitation, take everything that is not prescribed - the doctor knows” ?!

Unfortunately, the trouble with our medicine is that the doctor has practically no right not to prescribe you treatment. You know, like in the Ukrainian joke, when two godfathers with heavy bags run along the platform, late for the train, and when it’s already, the goal is near, the doors close and the train starts moving. One of the godfathers puts the trunks on the ground, and with all his strength he beats the other in the face. He shouts - "For sho ?!". The first - “So you need to be robiti!” (“For what?!” - “So, you have to do something!”).

A large number of prescription drugs may not always help your child.

Often, just because “you need to be patient,” the doctor prescribes this bunch of medicines for you so that you don’t say later that the baby is not being treated at all.

In many European countries, doctors do not understand the essence of the problem of walking on tiptoes at all (we consider only this individual symptom! Everything else with the baby is in order). “They get to know the world this way, they test their capabilities.”

By the way, often controversially perceived by colleagues, Dr. E.O. Komarovsky leans more towards the Western position:

The best thing you can do for your baby is to choose a doctor you trust for him, and then strictly follow all his recommendations. Doubt? Consult with a few more doctors, fortunately, now the CHI system allows you to do this.

Good luck and be patient!

Independent walking is an important developmental stage that every child goes through between the ages of 10 months and 1 year. The first steps that the baby takes will forever remain in the memory of his family and often become an occasion for affection and jokes. But what if your beloved son or daughter walks in a strange way, for example, on tiptoes? What can cause this, when not to worry, and when to see a doctor?

There are many reasons why the little man walks in such a peculiar way. Some of them lie in the psycho-emotional sphere or simple developmental problems and can be easily corrected, while others require the close attention of physicians. Why is the child behaving this way?

There are some harmless reasons:

1. The child is accustomed to being in a walker and now still walks on tiptoes, as before he could only reach the floor surface with his fingertips. Remember how long your daughter or son has been in this convenient device, and perhaps there will be no reason for further alarm.

2. The child is hyperactive and inquisitive.
The increased and lability of the processes of the nervous system lead to the fact that the baby can very actively explore the world around him, reach out to objects located around him, trying to move as quickly as possible. This is probably why your offspring began to move like this.

3. The child is experiencing a stressful situation.
In a difficult situation in the family, frequent conflicts between parents, children from 10 months and at 1-2 years old do not feel safe and thus may try to avoid drawing attention to themselves and therefore began to walk like this all the time.

4. The child imitates a significant adult or character.
Young children between the ages of 10 months and 1-2 years old can often imitate adults, such as their mother or other women, who wear high heels. Or the baby could see an image of a person that moves in a similar way and is now under the impression. It happens that the child began to play in this way and it became a habit.

If walking on toes is caused by the above reasons, then a baby under 3 years old walks this way sporadically.

What health problems can cause this manner of movement in children, why does this happen?

  1. Different types of cerebral palsy. If your child has this disease, then you have certainly already visited a neurologist and noticed a number of other alarming symptoms that accompany “ballerina walking” - perhaps the offspring has other problems with psychomotor development, noticeable much earlier than 10 months (maybe he is poorly says he started to hold his head and sit later?).
  2. Dystonia of the muscles of the lower extremities. Due to excessive hypertonicity (excessive tension) of the leg muscles in some children, the foot cannot fully stand on the ground, and this forces them to walk on their toes. Sometimes the hypertonicity of some muscle groups is combined with the hypotonicity of others, which is also the reasons for this behavior and the answer to the question "Why?".
  3. Birth trauma, prematurity, hypoxia during pregnancy and childbirth. If the birth was complicated, the child was born prematurely, or the mother suffered from some pathologies during pregnancy, then the child's central nervous system could develop with disorders or suffer during the passage of the birth canal. This leads to various problems in the motor sphere if the baby is under a year old.
  4. pyramidal insufficiency. We are talking about problems with the motor cortex of the brain, the causes of which cannot be precisely established. Since it is impossible to understand why this happened, it remains to deal with the consequences.

If “ballerina walking” is caused by problems with the nervous system, then a child of 10 months and older, up to 3-5 years old, walks on tiptoes all the time.

How to wean walking on toes

Concerned mothers often ask themselves the question - how to wean a child under 3 years old from such a habit as walking on tiptoes? In this matter, it is better to trust the doctor. Since it is he who, having figured out what is happening with your son or daughter, will be able to choose the right methods of rehabilitation.

With young children, classes should be carried out in a fun way. Special exercises will help develop the correct gait.

  • It is useful to teach a child older than a year to walk on an inclined plane or steps, leaning on each leg in turn;
  • If the baby is 1.5-2 years old, she can alternately walk on the inside and outside of the foot, move on her heels or squat;
  • It will be useful for the baby to squat without taking his heels off the carpet or floor;
  • If you involve dad in classes, then you can try the three of us to do exercises with a fitball. A child from 10 months to 2-3 years old moves along the surface of the ball, and adults hold it on both sides.

More specialized exercises can be obtained from the exercise therapy specialist at your clinic. It is important to remember that the above exercises should be done regularly. You can not quit classes at the first improvement, as the effect achieved may disappear.

Indispensable in the correction of the gait of children and orthopedic shoes. Its main difference is a solid heel counter, instep locking and a snug fit to the foot, perfect for your offspring. If your son or daughter walks on toes, then choose shoes with double fixing Velcro. Shoes for children should be marked "Orthopedic" in order for the child to become healthy.


Correctly performed massage for children 1-3 years old helps to improve muscle tone, especially in the case of dystonia. To do this, it is not necessary to invite a massage therapist, every mother can master a set of simple techniques, massage and make sure that the baby becomes healthy.

  1. We start the massage by stroking the area of ​​​​the feet. Movements should be smooth and soft.
  2. With two fingers of both hands, we knead the baby's calf muscles, touching each leg in turn.
  3. With index fingers we depict the sign of infinity (the usual figure eight) on the feet of our child, while slightly pressing on the muscles located under the skin.
  4. We continue the massage, make flexion movements in the ankle joint of the child, shaking the children's feet back and forth.
  5. Gently shake the legs, which the baby lifts, while taking each in his palm;
  6. We squeeze each finger on the legs of the crumbs in turn, squeezing it with our thumb and forefinger.
  7. We finish the massage with repeated stroking of the feet.

The course is designed for 8-10 weeks of daily use.

walking barefoot

Barefoot walking is an effective way to prevent flat feet and correct other foot problems in children. To do this, let your son or daughter take off their shoes and learn to walk on a special orthopedic rug.
You can make it yourself if you sew large buttons and flat beads of various textures onto a dense fabric.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that if the child is 3 years old or younger (older than 10 months), then the baby can try different ways of walking, learning about the world around him. If at the same time the boy or girl does not have other pathologies and neurological symptoms, then it is worth choosing observation tactics.

Komarovsky emphasizes that each child develops individually, and not all cases of walking on toes, if the baby began to move like this, require the immediate appointment of pharmacological drugs.

However, as Dr. Komarovsky noted in one of his speeches, if the mother was sick during pregnancy, or the birth was complicated, then therapy from 10 months and earlier can help, such a baby will develop fully and catch up with his peers.

As Komarovsky points out, it is massage, swimming, various physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis, paraffin treatment) and a normal psychological climate in the family that contribute to solving problems with gait in children if the baby tries to move like a ballerina.

My child walks on tiptoe. What to do?

Tiptoe walking, harmless?

Doctors in Europe and the USA believe that in the absence of any health complaints, if a child at the age of 10-12 months only walks on tiptoes, especially occasionally, then there is no point in treating him.
In most cases, the problem is solved on its own after a few months, especially when the baby is 2-3 years old. To speed up the rehabilitation process, it is proposed to visit a wellness massage.

Which doctor to contact

If your child has a "gait of a ballerina", then the trip to the doctors should begin with a visit to the office of the local pediatrician.

In the future, you will have to visit an experienced pediatric neurologist, as well as an orthopedic surgeon. It is useful to get acquainted with physiotherapists, exercise therapy instructors, a medical rehabilitation specialist who conduct group classes for such children from 2-3 years old, since.

How to treat pyramidal insufficiency?

One of the most common modern diagnoses in children is pyramidal insufficiency. But how to deal with it in order to give your child an ordinary normal life?

  1. A course of drugs that affect the central nervous system, which will be taken by your son or daughter as prescribed by a neurologist. These can be B vitamins, as well as drugs that improve cerebral circulation.
  2. Performing therapeutic exercises at home and in the gym under the guidance of a specialist.
  3. Massage, it is desirable to repeat the courses 2-3 times a year until the problems in the motor sphere completely disappear.
  4. Special orthopedic shoes.
  5. Water treatments, such as swimming in the pool, aqua massage, baths with the addition of herbal preparations and sea salt, rich in trace elements.

Walking on toes in children is not a sentence, but an occasion to think about the health of the baby and, if necessary, under the guidance of doctors, correct it, since the reasons for this can be very different. With the right treatment (physiotherapy, massage, pharmacotherapy, orthopedic shoes) in the future, the child, when he is older than 1.5-2 years, will not have any problems.

What is pyramidal insufficiency - Dr. Komarovsky

The baby, who has only recently learned to roll over, crawl, is growing rapidly. Here he already gets on his knees, reaches out with his hands to the edge of the table, then takes his first steps. The baby tends to get up faster. Now is the beginning of an important stage in the formation of skills, and parents need to know what to do if the child walks on tiptoes.

Few parents, seeing their child walking on tiptoe, immediately go to the doctor. Most often, such walking is explained by many factors, and they see no reason for concern. In some cases, this is true, and the defect will pass with time.

The main reasons for the ballet gait:

In the first and last cases, one cannot do without the intervention of doctors, but in other situations, parents can solve the problem on their own.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The reasons why the child stands on his toes, Dr. Komarovsky devoted a whole program. In it, he willingly shares his experience, tells young mothers about the causes and possible consequences of the wrong walking of a little person.

Finding out why a child walks on toes, according to Komarovsky, is not worth it until about 3 years old. It is this stage of life that is completely devoted to the development of a fundamentally new way of movement. Various options are allowed, attempts to walk backwards, on the heels, on the ribs, on tiptoe. Every month you should notice that the gait is becoming more confident, the baby keeps his balance perfectly, walks faster.

If a child walks on tiptoe, Dr. Komarovsky unequivocally advises to take a closer look at other developmental features and habits of a toddler. Do not exclude the presence of pathology.

The famous pediatrician identifies three reasons for the incorrect setting of the feet, when parents should not worry:

  • Overexertion or excessive relaxation of the muscles.
  • A strong desire to quickly learn the world around.
  • Baby hyperactivity.

With abnormal muscle tone (overstrain or dystonia), it is usually advised to wait. It is good to swim and do gymnastics. Over time, the problem should exhaust itself, because the legs will get stronger.

The fact that the child stands on his toes, Komarovsky explains by the desire of the baby to know the world. These are especially active children who cannot be kept still. This happens most often by the age of 2, when the baby is trying to learn how to run. Of course, he can’t do it right away, so he involuntarily stretches his foot and puts it on his toe. This makes running much easier and faster.

The doctor also highlights the causes of improper walking associated with the presence of pathology in the child:

  • complications during pregnancy;
  • birth injury.

If there are accompanying symptoms, even a pediatrician may suspect cerebral palsy. The disease is very serious, so it is important to have a general idea of ​​the abilities and character of your child. For attentive parents, this is not a problem.

Also, the child walks on tiptoe due to oxygen starvation during pregnancy. Such a defect may also be a consequence of improper delivery. In these situations, it is important to consult a specialist.

How to recognize pathological conditions

To determine for sure whether it is worth worrying about the baby's health, it is important to have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pathologies that may be hiding behind a ballet gait.

Muscular dystonia

In the process of walking, a person involuntarily uses many muscles. Our body, thanks to the central nervous system, controls the tension of each of them. Muscles only carry out the command that the brain gives them. In the event that there are failures, hypertonicity, that is, excessive muscle tension, can be observed. If their uneven tension takes place, then doctors talk about muscular dystonia.

This pathology is clearly seen in the example of newborn children. They have muscle hypertonicity, which is expressed in pursed fingers on the legs, fists, the inability to passively straighten the legs the first time.

In order for your baby to have a correct and beautiful gait in the future, it is important to pay attention to the existing deviation now, when the child is just starting to master the skill of walking. Hypertonicity in babies should not appear, for example, at 3 years old. This is a deviation from the norm. If you do without treatment, the situation may worsen, and the child may develop torticollis, scoliosis. Possible curvature of the legs, clubfoot.

pyramidal insufficiency

It occurs due to oxygen starvation of the baby during pregnancy. Also, the cause of the development of the disease can be a birth tumor. As a result, the work of the entire nervous system is disrupted, and the muscles of the legs suffer first of all.

Signs of pyramidal insufficiency:

  • sharp repetitive throwing of the head back;
  • chin tremor;
  • lack of control of finger movements, the child fails to grab objects.

To the above signs, it is worth adding the general slow development of the baby. For example, a one-year-old baby is still crawling and cannot sit.

Cerebral palsy

This is perhaps one of the most dangerous pathologies that can be hidden behind a child walking on tiptoe. The essence of cerebral palsy is in the defective brain of the child. The organ was either initially incorrectly formed or was damaged, including during childbirth.

Severe illness significantly impairs the quality of life of babies. Muscle hypertonicity in this case is one of the first signs of deviation. Such children are not able to focus on the whole leg, they are far behind in physical development. It is noticeable to everyone around.

Experts begin to suspect cerebral palsy in babies as early as 6-12 months of age. This is expressed in the fact that the doctor cannot produce passive extension and flexion of the limbs in full. The chest appears flaccid on examination.

How to wean from walking on toes

Usually, if a child walks on tiptoe, medical manipulations and home treatments are effective methods of struggle. They require free time and desire.

Methods of doctors

Experts, as a rule, recommend a comprehensive approach to the problem. Parents of a child who gets up when walking on toes need to contact a neurologist, orthopedist, physiotherapist. Of course, at the initial stage, you should visit a pediatrician.

What the doctor can prescribe:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • paraffin boots;
  • therapeutic gymnastics.

These procedures are done in most children's clinics, it is enough to get a referral. Electrophoresis is carried out using special preparations, depending on the purpose.

If the specialist notes that the baby has not only a formed habit of placing the legs incorrectly, but also has a deformity, he will most likely recommend a course of paraffin applications. You may have to do them at home. For this, a special paraffin is sold in any pharmacy. It is important to cool it to the optimum temperature so as not to burn the delicate skin of the baby. During the procedures, it is best to distract the child by watching your favorite cartoon. Remember that paraffin boots should not be made for children with diabetes, as well as those with problems with the heart and blood vessels.

In some polyclinics, it is possible to conduct special classes in therapeutic exercises for children. This is more suitable for children after 3 years, as it requires concentration, attention, and a certain responsibility. In any case, you can ask the instructor to show you the basic exercises, and then do them yourself at home.

Also, the recommendations of specialists include wearing special orthopedic shoes. It is characterized by the presence of a hard high back, a closed heel, a small heel. It is important to choose shoes of the appropriate size.

home methods

Parents should know the procedure if the child walks on toes. The best methods of influence are often not medical, but those that are carried out in a loving home environment.

What can be done at home:

  • daily massage;
  • gymnastics;
  • walking on massage mats;
  • provide sufficient physical activity, etc.

With any hygienic procedure for a baby, it is always easy for a mother to carry out the simplest massage movements during the game. This can be stroking the sole in various directions, the classic drawing of the figure eight.

It is useful to actively massage the muscles between the fingers, turn the foot, passively pull the toe away from you and towards you.

It is good to send the child to swimming lessons. This will not only help to bring the muscles into the appropriate tone, but also significantly strengthen them. Also, the pool contributes to hardening, the overall development of immunity.

Some parents actively use a large inflatable ball. For example, dad supports the baby, and mom offers to rearrange his legs on the surface, thereby strengthening the muscles of the feet.

Play-based lessons

One of the most fun and effective ways to combat toe walking is with Mom. The task is not easy, and parents will have to try to come up with such a set of exercises that will not only be therapeutic, but also easy enough for the baby. It is important to understand that the exercises are performed daily, only then there will be a result.

Examples of home gymnastics:

  • walking on different surfaces;
  • steps;
  • heron;
  • jumping;
  • walking on different parts of the foot.

Orthopedic mats are not only a way to treat tiptoe, but also help get rid of muscle weakness, involve the ankle, Achilles tendon. If you use such mats at least occasionally, then many problems with gait and improper installation of the feet can be avoided.

A special massage mat can be made from fabrics of different structure. It is good to make bags, fill them with peas, beans, pebbles, coffee. All blanks are sewn or glued in the main surface, which can be used, for example, a piece of unnecessary wallpaper, linoleum. A more expensive, but convenient option is a dense fabric.

In summer, try to run more often on sand, grass, gravel. It is preferable that all outdoor activities be barefoot.

Forget elevators. It is useful for the baby to go up and down the stairs on his own. Teach him to stand on one leg while raising the other as high as possible.

Thanks to gymnastics in a playful way, parents not only strengthen and heal the child's body, but also establish warm, trusting relationships that a person needs, whether it be a baby or a teenager.

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