Give to children to strengthen immunity. Interferons and their role in children. Causes of frequent illnesses

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Every parent knows that immunity is responsible for the body's susceptibility to diseases. It is very important for the health of the child, because. the growing body needs not only to fight harmful bacteria, but also to spend energy on correct growth and development.

Also, malfunctions in the immune system can be caused by stress, adverse conditions residence, Not proper nutrition and lifestyle, as well as chronic diseases.

Nowadays, few people can boast of excellent health. Frequent colds in children in kindergartens and schools have long become the norm. Some say it's the environment's fault weather and the level of overall quality of life, which has declined significantly in recent years.

However, the current situation is not a reason to give up and let the health of the younger generation take its course. Rather, on the contrary, it should encourage parents to look for ways that will help increase the immunity of the child very quickly.

Folk remedies for increasing immunity, which are available to everyone, can significantly affect the health of your beloved child. So, let's look at what needs to be done so that your child is full of strength and enjoy life.

The easiest way to take care of your baby's health is to ensure that he eats as much as possible. useful products that will provide the body useful substances.

For full growth and development, you need to make a diet for the child.
, which will include the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

Products containing vitamins to boost immunity

The most familiar folk remedies that will help you boost your child's immunity very quickly are foods that contain a large amount of vitamins. These products should also be included in the baby's regular menu., but there are times when the usual diet is not enough (off-season, climate change, a recent cold, etc.).

If the situation requires it, then you should increase the amount of these healthy products.

Fruits and vegetables

Everyone knows that they contain a high content of vitamins, fiber, minerals and phytonutrients. Among fruits, citrus fruits and apples, which are enriched with vitamin C (necessary in the prevention of colds), have the most beneficial effect on immunity. And apples also help maintain a healthy intestinal microflora and normalize the digestive process.

Also recommended: pomegranates, tomatoes, cranberries, red cabbage, grapefruits(have a beneficial effect not only on immunity, but also on the heart), carrots and pumpkin (contain substances that convert into vitamin A), broccoli (has anti-inflammatory properties).

Whole grain cereals

Many underestimate the benefits of cereals. However, they are good source vitamins and microelements. Therefore, nutritionists recommend including in children's diet porridge for breakfast.

When cooking, almost all the useful substances of porridge disappear.. It is recommended to pour the grits with boiling water and insist overnight. To increase the content of vitamins in porridge, it is recommended to add berries or fruits (dried fruits) to it.


Our grandmothers also told us to drink tea with honey when we had a cold. it very well improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. Honey is a very tasty treat. Therefore, you do not have to persuade your child to eat a spoonful of honey for a long time. It is best to choose bee honey.

It is important to know! Honey is a strong allergen. If your child is prone to allergies, they are more likely to have a reaction to honey.

In this case, it is better to abandon the bee and choose a less allergenic option. Also, do not give honey to children under 2-3 years old, because. the risk of developing allergies at this age is highest.

Onion and garlic

These vegetables should be mentioned separately, because. they contain a lot of phytoncides that fight harmful bacteria. Onions and garlic have long been the best folk remedy for boosting immunity very quickly. They can be given to a child just like that, with bread or other food. But not all children love onions and garlic because of their bitter taste.

In this case, the onion can be finely chopped and added to the plate, and the garlic can be rubbed on the toast. Their volatile properties can also be used as protection. Chop the onion or garlic on a plate and place it not far from the crib or other place where the child often stays.

Foods fortified with vitamin D

These include: sea fish, vegetable oils and dairy products. On this moment there is a theory that the flu can be dealt with with the help of vitamin D alone. It enters the body mainly through the skin with sunlight.


Beneficial effect on the body. All nuts can be used as a product to increase immunity. It is also recommended to use various herbal teas, dairy and dairy products, freshly squeezed juices, but we will talk about them later.

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Delicious Vitamin Blend Recipes

Healthy foods can be taken with food or as a dietary supplement. If you do not have time to prepare a menu for your child in advance on a long period, then you can regularly give him a tasty folk remedy - vitamin mixtures. They can easily help to quickly increase the immunity of the child. Below are a few of these recipes.

Recipe 1: Healthy Vitamin Blend

To prepare a multivitamin mixture, you will need: 1 lemon, 50 g of figs, and 100 g of raisins, dried apricots, honey and peanuts, or walnuts. Wash the lemon thoroughly before cooking. hot water. Grate its zest.

Then grind nuts, raisins, dried apricots, figs in a blender and combine them with zest. Squeeze lemon juice into the prepared mixture and add liquid honey. Leave the resulting composition for 48 hours in a dark bowl. Then give the child 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day an hour before meals.

Recipe 2: on apples

To make medicine, take: 3 apples, 1 glass of walnuts, 0.5 glass of water and 0.5 kg each. cranberries and sugar. Then mash the berries and cut the apples into small cubes.

Mix all the ingredients, fill them with water and bring to a boil over low heat. Refrigerate the resulting mixture. It should be taken 1 teaspoon twice a day.

Recipe 3: Dried Fruit Mix

To prepare a mixture of dried fruits, you will need: 1 lemon and 250 g each of raisins, honey, walnuts, prunes and dried apricots.
With lemon, we do everything the same as in the first recipe.

We sort out dried fruits, wash and dry. All ingredients, with the exception of honey, grind with a blender or twist in a meat grinder. Then pour honey and transfer to a sterile jar. It is necessary to give the child 1 teaspoon for 30 minutes. before meals 3 times a day.

Freshly squeezed juices and their benefits

We know that vegetables and fruits are good for the body. But fresh juices are also useful, which are much better than juices from packages. They contain many biologically active substances that take part in the work of the whole organism. But each juice affects the body differently, so you should understand all the types of juices that you can and should drink your child.

Note! Children under three years of age are recommended to dilute the juice with water 1:1. It is best to drink it freshly prepared, in small sips or through a straw, 30-40 minutes before meals.

After drinking the juice, ask the child to rinse his mouth with water to keep the enamel in good condition.

Multivitamin preparations

If the immune system is very weakened or you are unable to provide for the child necessary quantity vitamins that will come through food, then you should turn to the products sold in pharmacies.

If your baby does not have any special instructions doctor, it is best to choose multivitamin preparations. They contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals that a child should receive daily..

When choosing vitamins for a child, it is worth considering his age and other factors. individual characteristics, because the daily intake of the necessary substances depends on this.

If you do not, then you have a chance to choose the wrong dosage, which will lead to adverse consequences. When selecting vitamin complex for your little one, it is best to consult a pediatrician or at least a pharmacist at a pharmacy.

Dairy products to eliminate microbes and restore intestinal microflora

The intestine plays an important role in the formation of immunity, because. it works in it the largest number cells of the immune system.

Reduced immunity occurs due to dysbacteriosis (decrease in the normal amount of prebiotics in the intestine). Prebiotics produce most of the vitamins, and they are also responsible for the elimination of toxins. and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

To maintain normal intestinal microflora, lactobacilli and prebiotics are needed. At the moment, there are quite a few "enriched" and "fortified" drinks in stores. But it is better to act with a proven method in order to increase the child's immunity very quickly.

Since ancient times, any sour-milk product has been called cheese, including cottage cheese, from which fried cakes were made.

Folk remedies - kefir, fermented baked milk and natural yogurt - work better than the ones you see on the shelves. Usually these drinks are drunk in the evening (before going to bed), but many doctors recommend using them in the morning.

Studies have shown that if your child consumes fermented milk products twice a day, the risk of developing SARS and influenza is significantly reduced (this is especially true for children aged 3 to 7 years). In the case of illness, children who regularly consume fermented milk products have less pronounced symptoms and significantly reduce the duration of the disease.

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Daily regime

In order for a child to grow up healthy and active, he needs a proper daily routine, which should include exercises, a walk, a schedule for eating and sleeping, as well as hygiene procedures.

Morning work-out

It is best to start the day with a charge that helps to cheer up, bring muscles and blood vessels into tone, which has no small effect on mental activity.

Provided that the child regularly makes morning exercises he improves his appetite, blood supply, brain function, the risk of diseases and rapid overwork is reduced.

Walking and hardening

A good way to increase the immunity of a child very quickly is folk remedies, such as: fresh air and hardening. Engage in hardening a child must begin from infancy. First of all, you should not repeat the mistake of many - over-wrapping the child and keeping him in a hot and stuffy room.

Important to remember! The child adapts to the environment during the first 2 weeks of life. This means that if you immediately accustom the child to normal temperature air (18 - 22 ° C), then in the future it will not freeze all the time.

Dress your child according to the weather. Forget about the old expression "the heat does not break the bones." It has long been proven that overheating the body is worse than hypothermia. The same goes for the legs: the human foot is designed to walk on a cool surface. There is no vitality in the feet important organs, which can be frostbite, so a slightly cool leg in a child is an absolute norm.

As well as wrapping, hot baths are very harmful. Water for bathing a child should be 37 - 38 ° C. To harden the child, it is recommended to gradually reduce the temperature of the bathing water.

Take your baby for a walk, preferably twice a day. They are very important for the health of the child, because. in the house, he breathes dust (even if you tidy up several times a day, it will still remain), stale air (especially during the heating period).

Being at home, the child does not receive enough oxygen, which saturates every cell of the body, which can lead to ailments. If you do not have the opportunity to take it outside, then ventilate the room as often as possible.

Rest and sleep

No folk remedies will help increase your child's immunity if he does not get proper rest. Children, especially small ones, get overtired very quickly, and sleep helps to replenish the wasted energy. A child under 7 years old needs daytime sleep.

If he does not receive it, then an overload occurs. nervous system which may adversely affect further development. In addition to relaxing the muscles and the brain, during sleep, the body is enriched with oxygen (during deep sleep, the lungs open, and breathing becomes deep).

A few hours before a night's sleep, you need to play quiet games with your child (you can read books). This will allow him to calm down, which is necessary before going to bed. For a complete rest of the body, night sleep must start no later than 22.00. Before going to bed, be sure to ventilate the room in which the child sleeps. You can also go for a walk.

Recommended duration of sleep and wakefulness for children 1.5 months - 3 years

In the daily routine of junior (3-4 years old) and middle (4-5 years old) groups of kindergarten, 12-12.5 hours are provided for sleep, of which 2 hours for a one-time daytime sleep. For children of the older (5-6 years old) and preparatory (6-7 years old) groups, 11.5 hours of sleep are required (10 hours at night and 1.5 hours during the day).

Sleep duration in children school age changes with age and is:

  • at 7-10 years old - 11-10 hours;
  • at 11-14 years old - 10-9 hours;
  • at 15-17 years old - 9-8 hours.

Hygiene and cleanliness in the house

Children, especially those under 3 years of age, explore the world. They crawl everywhere and look into every corner. They can crawl on the floor, and in a second they can put their hands in their mouths. Therefore, to maintain the health of the child, it is important to keep the house clean. Set aside time every day for cleaning (it should also include wet).

If you have Small child, then wait with your pets. Also to be avoided a large number soft toys and books in the room where the child is, because they collect a lot of dust.

The hygiene of the child is equally important for full development . Children are very active, and therefore often get dirty and sweat. Therefore, it is necessary to wash hands after games and before eating, take a daily shower and, of course, observe morning toilet. Do not let children eat dirty vegetables and fruits, or lift things in the streets. This may lead to various diseases.

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Features of strengthening the child's immunity after illness

If your child has recently had an illness, then you need to know how to boost your child's immunity very quickly. Folk remedies will help restore strength and will not have a negative effect on the body. This can be done with the help of vitamin mixtures (the recipes were described earlier) and various healthy teas, tinctures and decoctions.

Recipes for teas and tinctures to strengthen immunity:

1. "Four Herbs". To prepare, take St. John's wort, immortelle, chamomile and birch buds (in equal amounts), pour boiling water over them and leave overnight in a thermos. Consume 1 time per day 30 minutes before meals.

2. "Walnut Leaves". Z Art. spoons of leaves pour 3 cups of boiling water and insist overnight. Drink 1 month

3. "Tea monastery". For a liter of water we take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wild rose and pieces of elecampane roots, boil for 20 minutes and insist an hour. After, in the same quantities, add St. John's wort and oregano, bring to a boil and leave for 2 hours.

4. "Ivan tea, mint, chestnut flowers, lemon balm". Mix the ingredients in equal amounts. For 2 tablespoons you need 0.5 liters of boiling water. We insist and use in small quantities throughout the day.

5. "Cowberry tea". Ingredients: dried lingonberry leaves - 12 g, sugar - 10 g. Pour boiling water over lingonberry leaves and brew for 10 minutes. Add sugar and drink freshly brewed.

6. "Rowan tea". Ingredients: dried raspberries - 5 g, dried black currant leaves - 2 g, mountain ash - 30 g. Pour boiling water for 7-10 minutes. Pour into a mug, diluting with boiling water.

Medicine recipes from honey, garlic, lemon

Recipes from honey, garlic, lemon Ingredients Cooking
Recipe 1 garlic - 4 heads, bee honey - 300-400 g, lemon - 6 pcs.Cut the lemon and remove all the seeds, peel the garlic. Then grind the lemon with garlic in a blender to the consistency of porridge.

Mix the resulting mixture with honey and set to settle. After it settles, drain the juice.

Pour it into a dark glass dish and store for 10 days in the cold.

Recipe 2 garlic - 3 heads, bee honey -1 kg., Lemon -4 pcs., Linseed oil - 1 cup.

Peel the lemons and garlic, chop them. Add honey and oil to the mixture.

It turns out quite a thick mass. Must be stored in the refrigerator.

Propolis to restore immunity

Propolis is one of the best antiviral and antimicrobial agents. It contains minerals that are able to activate and modulate the protective functions of the body. Thanks to this, the increase in immunity occurs in a few hours.
A good medicine is honey with propolis.

To make it, you need to take honey and pure propolis in a ratio of 4: 1 and melt in a water bath. Then mix thoroughly.

Give the child ½ teaspoon. Also, propolis tincture can be added to milk (1-2 drops). It is best to drink milk with propolis before going to bed.

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Rosehip decoction is the most useful way to strengthen immunity

Rosehip contains a huge amount of vitamins A, C, B, K, and E, minerals (potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus and calcium), organic acids, biological pigments and polyphenols.

It improves vision, strengthens hair and nails, restores metabolic processes in the liver, has a mild choleretic effect, normalizes the digestive process.

A decoction of rose hips is a good folk remedy to improve immunity. He can easily put the child on his feet after an illness very quickly.

How to prepare and use a decoction

Take 4 tbsp. spoons of crushed rose hips, pour them 1 liter. water and put to boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. After the drink is ready, cool it and strain it. To enhance the taste of the broth, it is permissible to add honey, sugar or raisins.

Rosehip decoction is allowed to be given to children from 6 months - 100 ml each. per day. The norm for a child aged 1-3 years is 200 ml, and at the age of 3-7 years - 400 ml. Older children are allowed to increase the amount to 600 ml.

From the provided ways to strengthen immunity, you can choose a few that you like the most. Just remember that success depends on regularity.

Good afternoon, dear readers! The importance of this article and the topic covered in it can be easily explained, it is intended for those who want to raise their child strong and healthy.

How to strengthen the immune system of a child of 3 years with frequent colds and make sure that he stops reacting to the slightest breeze and picking up viruses, so that his health at this early age is not only stable, but also strengthened, by increasing protective properties organism?

An interesting picture is observed, if a child often catches a cold and gets sick, then he has problems with immunity, but on the other hand, it is diseases that provoke immune system actively work and learn to resist various kinds of viruses.

Let's look into this issue and understand how to help and how to increase the immunity of a child at 3 years old in order to strengthen his health without harm to the body.

Every child gets sick in childhood normal phenomenon and there is no need to panic about it.

It is important for parents to know that if the frequency of diseases occurs no more than 3-4 times a year, this is the norm.

In this case, interference in the development of the immune system can only do harm, since it occurs in a completely natural way. But the idea that when the disease comes more than 4 times a year, then it's time to intervene and think about treatment, since this is very important.

Maintenance of immunity different ways, which have normal and natural start, should occur constantly in the form of hardening, sports and gymnastic exercises and healthy eating. And the sooner this happens, the better it will be for the baby himself.

The main signs of the need to maintain the immunity of a child in three years and up to 3 years are manifested:

  • If there are frequent diseases in the form of acute respiratory infections, influenza, SARS, bronchitis, more than five times a year.
  • With these diseases, the temperature does not rise. This is the main and main sign of a weakened immune system, since a high body temperature is a manifestation of the body's defense, that is, the work of immunity in children and adults.
  • If three have summer child increased and frequent fatigue, pallor and dark circles under the eyes, one can also state a decrease in protective functions. These symptoms may also indicate other diseases, in the form of anemia or blood diseases, so that, in both cases, there is an urgent need to contact a specialist for a diagnosis.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the lymph nodes, especially in the cervical and axillary regions. With weak immunity, the lymph nodes increase, in healthy they are soft and almost not palpable.
  • There are cases when, when the immune system is weakened, an enlarged state of the spleen is observed, and, to a large extent.
  • Signs of weak immunity can be expressed in allergic reactions on certain food items.
  • Dysbacteriosis is also a negative sign of the weakening of the protective properties of the body. If your child suffers from frequent bowel disorders, rumbling and gas formation, he is losing weight, this is serious reason for worry.

How to strengthen the child's immunity, if all these signs are present? First of all, do not treat it yourself. For a child up to three years or a little older, it is very important to choose the right treatment, and not spontaneity and incompetence.

If you give him vitamins yourself, this will not improve the situation, and strong drugs for immunity can cause the opposite effect, up to a threat to life.

Therefore, at the first serious signs to raise immunity in children, you should immediately consult a doctor - an immunologist or a pediatrician.

How to boost your child's immunity before kindergarten

The advice of an immunologist to strengthen immunity in children boils down to a few mandatory points that parents of a three-year-old baby must follow.

Their observance will allow avoiding many negative manifestations in the health of the child before the kindergarten.

  • An important point in the health of children is proper and balanced nutrition. The child should receive with a daily diet the whole complex of vitamins and microelements for the full development and immunity. Only when this condition is met, we can talk about the full functioning of the body and providing immunity with everything necessary.
  • You can give your baby and multivitamins, of course, after the recommendation of a specialist. Such complexes will be able to give the child something that he cannot absorb with food.
  • Compliance with the daily routine is very important aspect health of the growing organism. Perhaps it will also play a positive role if you accustom your child to the daily routine of the kindergarten, where, in the future, he will be determined. Such advice can play important role in adaptation, and will not cause much stress. After all, it is clear that once in a strange team, your child will not only experience psychological stressful situation, but will also be tested by a hostile biological environment after home conditions. The daily routine in the kindergarten and the pre-developed habit of living according to given order, somewhat smooth the situation, and help the child quickly get used to unfamiliar conditions.
  • For immunity, accustoming children to society is also important. How more baby will communicate with peers, the easier it will be addictive. Walk more often on playgrounds and train your child in communication. This is an excellent training of the immune system before determining in children's institution. Any adaptation at this age is only beneficial.

Immunity boost after illness

A frequently ill child, as well as those who underwent surgical interventions at this age, require serious work to strengthen immunity.

To raise your treasure to its feet and make it cheerful and strong again is the task and desire of all parents.

Do not neglect the advice of a doctor who this difficult period, becomes your good adviser and ally. There are many ways to help your child get back on their feet. These are medicines, vitamin supplements, hardening, folk remedies, and much more.

Strengthening the immunity of the child does not pass in three days. This requires a long period of at least two months. How to proceed:

You can resort to dispensary. To do this, the child is examined by all specialists who will help identify the cause of weakened immunity, by a pediatrician, gastroenterologist, immunologist, dentist and ENT. Be sure to take tests and establish the cause.

  • Feces for the presence of dysbacteriosis.
  • Blood for the presence of interferons and immune status.
  • Mycoplasma and throat swabs and more.

This will identify the cause of the disease and determine the correct treatment.

If the cause of weakened immunity is an unfavorable environment in the intestines, then it is worth increased attention on his condition, as he performs an important immunogenic function.

After all, all useful substances are absorbed by the intestines, several billion cells live in its entrails, which are responsible for the competence of the immune system and, being lymphoid, are responsible for the general condition.

From the multitude medicines, after illness, slagging of the intestines occurs and this is the cause of a weakened immune system. Therefore, give the child more fermented milk products during the rehabilitation period and mineral water. Fiber-rich foods are also beneficial.

A three-year-old child will be very useful for the intestines with a summer course of oat decoction.

  • The broth is better to cook in a thermos, bay two tablespoons oatmeal liter of water and leaving it overnight.
  • In the morning you need to boil the broth on a slow fire, diluting it with 1.5 liters pure water and chill.
  • Give a child of three years should be two tablespoons before meals.

Vitamins and antioxidants stimulate the immune system well. These beneficial substances are following products foods that must be included in the daily diet of children: vegetables and fruits, grains and legumes, vegetable natural oils.

Immuno-fortifying drugs are of great importance. For children with frequent diseases in the form of otitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, drugs are usually prescribed in the form of "Bronchomunal", "Ribomunal", "IRS19". Their action is to inform the body about bacterial pathogens. They are especially useful for frequent colds.

Often sick, as a rule, those children who are not physically developed. Therefore, one of the important points is hardening and gymnastic exercises, personal hygiene and positive imitation of their parents.

Exactly at three years old, the baby is able to learn, looking at his parents, to wash and brush his teeth, do morning exercises and engage in feasible loads.

People who are addicted various types sports, children grow up strong and healthy almost from birth, thanks to the personal participation of their parents.

If you do not have opportunities for sports, walk more and more often with the baby, take him to the river, the sea, bathe and harden his little body. Let him play and move, do not tell him if he accidentally stains his clothes, movement is much more important for children's immunity.

Folk remedies to strengthen immunity in children 3 years old

To enable the child's body to resist negative impact all kinds of viruses, natural natural gifts should be used.

What to give a child to strengthen the immune system?

Here, the possibilities are practically unlimited, since he can already drink various fruit drinks and compotes, juices and decoctions. For their preparation, it is very good to use forest and garden berries with a high content of vitamins A, C and D.

These include such tasty and healthy gifts of nature as: cranberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, black currants, mountain ash, wild rose. Fruit and vegetable smoothies in which any combination can be used.

It is especially useful to cook dishes from fresh, garden vegetables, using carrots, apples, cabbage, beets and other vegetables. These mixtures are prepared for a three-year-old child from boiled or raw vegetables in a blender or juicer. You can add boiled milk to a cocktail of boiled vegetables, then you get a delicious soup - mashed potatoes.

Herbal teas should be used and given to the child carefully, as they can be side effects. Ivan - tea, calendula, chamomile, succession, nettle, are folk remedies at the age of 3 years, acceptable and useful.

Remember that strengthening immunity in children at any age depends on your attention and care! The sooner you notice a problem, the easier it will be to fix!

For most parents, the question of how to strengthen the child's immune system is in the first place - children often get colds and viral diseases. Doctors recommend paying more attention to disease prevention and improving immunity in children under the age of 5 years. It was during this period that the transferred viral and bacterial infections dangerous complications. If a child is often sick, then the most important part in protecting the growing body will be taken by means to increase immunity in children.

When choosing suitable methods restoration and strengthening children's immunity preference should be given to safe and effective options. In this regard, many parents will be interested to know how to raise the child's immunity with folk remedies. Alternative medicine recipes are based on the use of natural natural ingredients, which, when properly dosed, are unable to harm even newborn babies.

It is advisable to raise immunity from a very early age. In babies between the ages of 1 and 3 years, the immune system response is unstable and often weak. The strength of the immune response depends on the state of the organism. As a rule, infants under one year old do not have an acquired (adaptive) immune response, which is based on the activity of receptors designed to recognize foreign stimuli.

Acquired immunity develops throughout life.

From birth to a year old, it is in its infancy. Identifies factors that inhibit normal development immune system in children under three years of age and increase susceptibility to colds viral and bacterial etiology. Among them:

  • congenital pathologies of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • weakening of the local immune response, which leads to the formation of local foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx and oral cavity;
  • manifestations of allergies;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intoxication and hypoxia during the period of gestation.

Separately, it is worth mentioning other reasons that contribute to increased morbidity in children of a younger age group:

  • contact with a large number of people while visiting kindergarten, elementary school, public places (shops, public transport, game rooms, children's entertainment centers);
  • unsatisfactory ecological situation;
  • deficiency in the body of vitamins, microelements, other useful substances;
  • complications caused by infectious diseases in early childhood;
  • unreasonable intake of antibiotics and other medications;
  • stress, excessive psychological stress;
  • non-compliance with hygiene and sanitation standards in a residential area.

When looking for an answer to the question of how to strengthen the child's immunity with folk remedies, it is better to first consult with a pediatrician. In the piggy bank traditional healers there are many effective recipes aimed at increasing the immunity of a frequently ill child, however, when prescribing them, possible contraindications must be taken into account.

Traditional ways to increase the resistance of the child's body to infections

The first steps in how to raise the immunity of a child who is already 3-4 years old are focused on eliminating the causes of a decrease in the body's natural defense against infections. Plays a big role correct mode days and nutritious meals. The therapy program includes:

  • complex vitamin preparations. During and after illness, the consumption of vitamins and mineral elements increases, which is difficult to compensate by eating ordinary food;
  • biostimulating supplements prepared on the basis of natural ingredients (adaptogens). Adaptogens actively prevent the development of the disease or contribute to its mild course. These are tinctures, decoctions, extracts from ginseng root, lemongrass (Chinese and Far Eastern), eleutherococcus, echinacea, propolis. Pharmacy analogues - "Immunal", "Immunorm", "Immuneks" (Echinacea), "Apilikvirit" ( royal jelly, licorice), "Politabs" (fermented pollen), "Cernilton" (extract obtained from dry pollen), "Fitovit" (extracts medicinal plants), "Likol" (chinese magnolia vine oil);
  • pharmaceutical preparations with immunomodulating action. Medicines "IRS-19", "Ribomunil", "Bronchomunal" are prescribed from an early age - with their help, you can even increase immunity to an infant. These medicines contain fragments of bacteria that are harmless to the baby, which are most often the causative agents of infectious diseases that occur in the throat, nasopharynx and bronchi. The drugs act according to the vaccine method. Once in the body of a small patient, they force the immune system to independently adapt to pathogens, respond to their penetration and produce antibodies that localize the activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Parents who are thinking about how to increase the immunity of a child at 3-4 years old should be aware that treatment with adaptogens and immunomodulators requires a systematic approach. For achievement desired result these drugs are taken constantly for a long time. After a course of therapy, immunity is formed, which will protect the body from infections on certain time(individual indicator).

After a 2-3 month break, revaccination is usually prescribed. The dosage, duration of administration and the timing of the second course are determined by the pediatrician.

To raise the immunity of children prone to allergies, it is necessary to prescribe preparations containing honey and bee products with caution. If there have been cases of allergy to similar substances in the past, from medicines based on honey should be discarded.

Other ways to improve your child's health

Considering how to increase the immunity of a child aged 2 years and younger, you should pay attention to hardening, which will help maintain the body's own defenses at the proper level. It is recommended to start hardening a child from a very early age - from 1.5-2 months. For these purposes, hardening procedures are regularly performed:

Parents who are interested in how to restore the immunity of a child at home should pay attention to acupressure. Regular massage of certain points on the face and body of the child leads to increased production of substances that increase their own immunity. These are interferon (a protein that is secreted by the body in response to the introduction of a virus), lysozyme (an antibacterial agent), complement (a set of immune system proteins responsible for the immune response). Active points are located:

  • in the middle chest at the level of the fifth rib;
  • in the jugular cavity;
  • at the base of the bridge of the nose;
  • in front of the anterior edge of the cartilage of the auricle;
  • slightly above the base of the nasolabial fold at the wing of the nose;
  • on back side palms between index and thumb.

To restore the immune system of the body, you need to perform massage active points daily course of 10-14 days, as well as at the first sign of a cold, after contact of the child with a patient with SARS. The procedure is performed with light pressure in a circular motion thumb, index or middle finger. Rotation is performed first clockwise, and then in reverse side. The exposure time is 4-5 seconds in both directions.

Medicinal preparations and mixtures to strengthen the immune system

Folk remedies for immunity for children include decoctions and infusions made from medicinal plants. Recipes for potions that support your own immune defenses at a high level:

  • herbal collection. Dried grass is mixed - licorice root and elecampane (one part each), elderberry (2 parts), raspberry leaves (4 parts). A teaspoon of raw materials is poured with water (150 ml), brought to a boil and simmered for one minute, then filtered. Ready broth should be given to the child 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is one month;
  • herbal collection. 4 tablespoons of a dry mixture of herbs (2 parts of oregano and coltsfoot, 1 part of calamus, 4 parts of viburnum and raspberry leaves) pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, leave for 5-10 minutes, filter, give the child a drink for 2-3 doses. The duration of treatment is one month;
  • decoction of rose hips. 2 tablespoons of dry berries pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes;
  • vitamin blend. Walnuts, raisins, dates (1 cup each), almonds (0.5 cups), two lemons, fresh aloe leaves in the amount of 100 g are passed through a meat grinder. Add 400-500 ml of honey to the mass, mix thoroughly, leave in the refrigerator for three days. Give the baby 1 dessert spoon twice a day;
  • vitamin blend. 1 lemon and 0.5 kg of cranberries are passed through a meat grinder. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the mass, mix thoroughly. Give the baby twice a day, 1 tablespoon along with warm tea (preferably herbal - from fennel, chamomile, mint, raspberry leaves, linden flowers).

To strengthen immunity, it is useful to introduce juices and compotes made from cranberries, blackcurrants, viburnum, and raspberries into the menu of a small patient. Fermented milk products (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir), fresh, boiled and steamed vegetables and fruits must be present in the daily diet.

You can often hear the question of how to strengthen the immunity of a child of 2 years old with folk remedies, so as not to resort to synthetic drugs. If a 2-year-old baby is often sick, he has weak immunity, you can increase it with proper nutrition and hardening.

How to strengthen the child's immunity folk remedies

Proper nutrition can achieve a lot, but rarely does anyone know how to properly feed a child for 2 years in order to strengthen his immunity with folk remedies. Here are a few simple rules, performing which you, with your active actions, and not with oohs and aahs, confirm that you are interested in the child having strong immunity.

  • Replace sugar with honey unless the crumbs are allergic to it, which is inherent in only 2-3% of people. When we are talking about children 2 years old, parents already know about the presence of allergies to certain products. Honey can be added to infusions, cereals instead of harmful sugar, which “pulls” calcium from your baby’s body for its absorption. Natural bee honey is a storehouse of valuable microelements, macroelements, and so necessary for the body various vitamins.

Photo of natural bee honey
  • Periodically for immunity let's drink a rosehip decoction to the baby.Take into account the age of your baby. Rosehip decoction should be administered in the same way as juices, starting with a few drops if the child is less than 8 months old. Of course, one and a half one year old toddler you can give 150 ml of decoction with honey. Work out a schedule for yourself, for example, every Monday at lunch (in no case on an empty stomach) after a meal. And you need to give a rosehip broth periodically. A week was served, a 3-week break.

IMPORTANT. Rosehip decoction has the peculiarity of excreting potassium from the body with urine.Therefore, its intake must be compensated by the intake of bananas, dried apricots, raisins and everything where this trace element is present. which infusion of wild rose is useful for nursing mothers. It is known that everything consumed by the mother in food, with milk, partially gets to your baby.

The recipe for a rosehip decoction to increase the child's immunity:

  1. We take 200 gr. dry fruits (glass), you can 50-70) fresh.
  2. Rinse thoroughly, pour it with a liter of boiling water and put it in a thermos.

IMPORTANT. In some recipes, it is advised to boil the mixture for several minutes, but I strongly advise against doing this. Under the influence of boiling, most of such valuable vitamin C will disappear and a full-fledged rosehip broth will not come out to strengthen children's immunity.

Trace elements:

  • selenium
  • germanium
  • Silicon ensures the preservation of vitamins C (our rosehip) and vitamin E in the body.

Nature has taken care that part of the garlic beneficial features for immunity did not lose during heat treatment. Thanks to this, it should be safely added little by little to stewed vegetables. A simple mint leaf, a sprig of fragrant parsley will save you from specific smell from the oral cavity.

ADVICE: during periods of cold epidemics in the nursery on the radiator, keep a saucer in with finely chopped garlic and onions. Getting into the air, it will saturate it with phytoncides that resist viruses.

  • Eating carrotsto strengthen the child's immunity

Carrots should always be in the diet of nursing mothers, pregnant women and children, as it is a storehouse of carotene. In the body, carotene becomes vitamin A, which is responsible for the health of hair, skin and night vision. Lack of carotene can provoke "night blindness". This root crop removes toxins from the body, improves metabolism. According to the content of phytoncides, it follows onion and garlic, and is inexpensive. For better absorption, eat it in the form of salads, or as part of side dishes, in the form of carrot-apple puree. Useful components of carrots are better absorbed with fats (vitamin A is fat-soluble). It should be remembered that everything should be in moderation, and if you overdo it with the quantity, the baby's skin will turn yellow.`

  • As often as possible, children should cook red fish

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not ignore this product. It is a well-known fact that varieties of red fish contain a record amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The brain of a growing baby must certainly receive these components. The building nervous and brain tissues of the little one need Omega-3, 6, 9. If buying salmon and salmon is unprofitable for your budget, you can successfully buy fillet or minced salmon.

Phosphorus, which red fish is also rich in addition to positive impact on the brain is involved in the structure of bone tissue, and iodine is responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

IMPORTANT know that children under 1, 5 -2 years old should be given carefully, because of its fat content, in order to avoid problems with digestion. It will be better if pink salmon becomes the first fish of red varieties for the baby (it is the least fat)

  • Several times a week, give the baby nuts to strengthen his immunity.

It is enough to give babies only 20-30 gr. Pediatricians do not recommend nuts for babies under 3 years of age. Pine nuts have a sweetish taste, which is especially liked by kids. By the way, nuts in the diet not only help strengthen the child's immunity, but also gain weight for "slender" babies.

Photo of walnuts, which should be in the child's diet to increase his immunity.

Absolutely all types of nuts are antioxidants, because they are rich in vitamin E. Even walnuts, which are common in our country, are a source of unsaturated fatty acids. nuts known source vegetable protein.

  • At every opportunity to strengthen the immune system, dress salads with olive oil

Not without reason in antiquity olive oil used in temples, used as a universal currency. Now everyone is aware of "good" and "bad" cholesterol. Olive oil is 100% unsaturated fatty acids. It gradually reduces the level of "bad", saturating the body with its good variety. Pediatricians have proven that healthy cholesterol should also be present in the children's body.

The fats found in breast milk are a bit similar to the fats found in olive oil. In addition, olive oil is useful in that it has a mild laxative effect on the baby's intestines, and he will not have constipation. From 6-7 months, olive oil can be added drop by drop to vegetable purees and soups.

  • Do not forget to give your child fresh juices and fresh apples throughout the day in the form of a “snack”, this also strengthens the immune system.
  • Fish oil to strengthen the immune system of a 2-year-old baby must be in the diet. Since its content is not very rich in products, it is best to give the baby fish fat in capsules. Here is a table of products, where it is found and in what quantity.

  • Periodically give your 2 year old toddler water with lemon, this will increase the acidic environment of the body. As is known in acidic environment bacteria die, which is what we need to strengthen immunity.
  • Add sesame seeds to salads.
  • In the form of prevention of worms, let pumpkin seeds be present in the diet of your 2-year-old child.

A folk way to strengthen the child's immunity - a recipe for a miracle mixture

This folk miracle recipe in childhood, my mother “fed” me every morning and every evening. The course is designed for 7 days with a 3-week break.

The composition of the mixture includes:

  • dried apricots-100 grams
  • raisins-100 grams
  • 5 prunes (optional)
  • 1 walnut
  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds
  • goat/nutria fat - 2 tablespoons
  • Cocoa butter - 2 tablespoons with a slide (this component should drown out the taste of aloe and goat fat
  • Cleaned inside of 3 leaves of 3 year old aloe
  • Juice and pulp (without membranes and skin) of one small lemon
  • A spoonful of buckwheat honey.

Twist all the ingredients in a meat grinder, mix thoroughly until a pasty porridge is obtained and refrigerate.

P.S. after we discussed how to properly feed a baby for 2 years, in order to strengthen his immunity, I would like to give a couple of tips in the end:

The sun and fresh air are very beneficial for a child's immunity.
  • Use every opportunity for outdoor walks and outdoor games with your little one.
  • Remember that all children are unique and individual, so there is no need to try to fit them to generally accepted standards, this is stress for the baby.
  • Your love for a child is the best portion of immunity.

Photos of children are provided by regular readers.

Your child is a model all summer long healthy child. But when autumn comes, he immediately begins to blow his nose and cough. And every time you ask yourself the same question: “How to strengthen the immunity of a child? Are there any special remedies that strengthen the immune system? Of course, there are, but they must be used very wisely.

What to do to strengthen the immunity of the child.

Experts say that in autumn and winter, frequent infections in a child preschool age is the norm. The process of forming immunity is a very complex process, so the immune system is fully formed only by the age of about 12 years.
The immune system of a newborn does not work well. In the first year of life, the baby is protected from infections by antibodies that he received in embryonic life, and those antibodies that he receives from mother's milk while breastfeeding, as well as after vaccination. They stimulate the immune system and protect the child from diseases.
Don't delay without special reasons timing of vaccination. On the contrary, talk to your doctor about what you should additionally vaccinate your child against. For infants and young children, pneumococcal vaccination is especially recommended. Infection with them can cause sepsis, pneumonia, meningitis. Also, pneumococci are often the cause of inflammation of the throat and ear. Many studies show that children vaccinated against pneumococcus are less likely to get sick later. A meningococcal vaccine is also often recommended. These bacteria can also cause sepsis, meningitis, and pneumonia.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child in the 1st and 2nd year of life.

In the first and second years of life, do not give the child any additional drugs that strengthen the immune system (unless your doctor advises you to use them), so as not to overstimulate the immune system.
The best health medicine for him at this time is a good diet ( breast milk or adapted milk formulas, vegetables, fruits, probiotic yoghurts, lean meats, fish), outdoor activities and a peaceful environment. Here you can read about
Infectious diseases are more likely to affect those children who go to kindergarten than those who sit with their grandmother at home. Why? Firstly, because there is contact with other sick children, and secondly, separation from parents is often a great stress for a child, which increases susceptibility to infections.

According to doctors, 6-8 infectious diseases are normally allowed, occurring with high temperature during the whole year. If there are more of them or if the child suffers from more serious diseases - for example, pneumonia - a visit to a specialist is necessary, who will evaluate the reasons for such a frequent incidence.

Preparations for strengthening the immunity of the child.

Until the sixth year of life, a child can get sick even up to 8 times during the year, and this does not mean at all that there is some kind of immunodeficiency. Wherein infectious diseases are fairly mild: runny nose, cough, sore throat, fever.

However, if the child is often sick, it is worth remembering simple products and preparations that will strengthen the child's immunity:

Omega-3 fatty acids - to strengthen the immune system.

A large number of them are found in fish (you can give it to a baby after the 6th month of life once a week, and in the second year of life - twice) and nuts (in the second year of life they should be given crushed, and in the third - whole) . If your child does not like (or is allergic to) fish, you can give him fish oil. But talk to your child's pediatrician about it first, because too much vitamin D can lead to an overdose that can harm your baby.
Echinacea purpurea - to strengthen the child's immunity.

It can be given after 2 years. In pharmacies, you will find ready-made preparations of this medicinal herb: for example, echinacea tincture, immunal.

√ Probiotics - help improve the immunity of the child.

These are good bacteria found in yogurt and some dairy foods, for example. Especially recommended after a course of antibiotic treatment, as antibiotics destroy both good and bad bacteria.

√ Prebiotics to improve baby's immunity.

These are substances that stimulate the reproduction and growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Contained in bananas, chicory, in some children's cereals, often added to milk (n - r, milk with lactulose).


If the child is in the past winter season sick a lot, then your doctor may suggest giving him vaccines, the task of which is to immunize the child against the most common bacteria that cause serious illness. These are the so-called immunostimulants. They contain bacteria - dead or alive, but lacking the ability to cause disease.

This type of vaccine is designed to protect the child from infections caused by bacteria and their complications. The course of treatment can last up to several months - in several cycles with interruptions. It is best to start vaccination when the child is absolutely healthy, and continue throughout the autumn - winter period. It should not be interrupted even for the period of illness (unless the doctor has prescribed otherwise).

Bacterial vaccines can be administered:
- Through the mouth. These are drugs such as ribomunil, bronchovacom, immunovac. Appointed at frequent infections nose, throat, ears and respiratory tract.
- In the form of injections. It is recommended for frequent sore throats, inflammation of the tonsils.

You should also think about vaccinating your child against influenza (recommended for children after the sixth month of life). This must be done before the onset of the disease. Discuss this topic with your pediatrician. Just remember that if you are vaccinating a baby for the first time in his life, he should receive two doses (only after the second injection, full immunity to influenza is developed). And if the child was already vaccinated last season, he only needs one dose of the vaccine.

How to strengthen the child's immunity. Important research.

What else can be done to strengthen the immune system of the child.

→ Walk outdoors for at least an hour a day. Thanks to this, the body will respond better to changes in temperature, which will lead to a decrease in colds.

→ Temper the child. This will help you, for example, contrast foot and hand baths.

→ Eat well. The richer the menu, the greater the confidence that the body has enough of everyone necessary vitamins and minerals. The child should eat vegetables and fruits every day, dairy products, lean meat, and 2 times a week - fish. Immunity will improve the enrichment of food with products containing probiotics (yogurt, acidophilus milk, kefir).

→ Humidify the air. Central heating and air conditioning dry out the mucous membranes in the throat and nose, making it easier for germs to enter the body. Ventilate the apartment several times a day and humidify the air. The mucous membranes of the nose can also be moistened with special solutions (Salin, Quix).

Attention! Specialist consultation is required if the child ...

♦ sick more than 8 times a year;
♦ more than 2 times a year suffered a sore throat or pneumonia;
♦ Has had bronchitis 6 times a year or has been taking an antibiotic for 2 months with no apparent improvement.