How to find out how much a person receives in retirement. Internet to help - data on the appointment of a pension. The procedure for determining the insurance part

The size of the future pension worries all users. However, people have difficulty trying to figure out complex formulas. Is there a possibility in advance calculate pension online without resorting to the help of specialists? When accruing points, the length of service is taken into account. Calculate pension online in 2019 year on our website using the official PFR calculator.

The procedure for calculating the pension

The insured person has an individual account to which payments are received. If desired, you can determine the honesty of the employer. The absence of payments indicates that the user has no official income.

People who receive a "white" salary often perceive the results of calculations as objective data. To calculate a pension, you need to know the amount of a fixed payment. The state pays this amount to all applicants. The lack of funds in the Pension Fund has led to the fact that since 2015, payments intended for the formation of the funded part have not been made.

The reason for adjusting the amount of the pension may be the presence of a disability or work in the Far North. It is necessary to take into account the working conditions of a person that allow him to receive increased payments. When determining a pension, a large number of parameters are used that require professional knowledge. They are quite difficult to use for simplified calculations.

To determine the exact amount requires the help of a specialist. Calculate pension online self-employed people can. A large number of people work exclusively for themselves. Entrepreneurs regularly make fixed payments to the Pension Fund.

To receive a pension, you must have worked for at least 8 years. In the future, the requirements for applicants will only become tougher. The length of service until 2014 will increase by a year. In 2017, the Pension Fund does not pay insurance pensions applicants who failed to earn 11.4 points. In 2025, it will be much more difficult for users to achieve budget funds.

Important! The figures obtained cannot be taken as accurate information about pension payments Oh. It is impossible to put in the calculator all the parameters that are used by specialists when calculating payments.

Features of calculating payments according to the new formula

To be more precise calculate pension online it is necessary to take into account the factors that directly affect the amount of payments. When calculating payments, experts pay attention to the presence of premium coefficients. How to use correctly pension calculator online and calculate approximate amount? The applicant needs to know the size of the fixed payment and the value of the point. Be sure to double-check the information received, as these parameters change annually.

After the reform carried out in 2015, the procedure for calculating pensions has completely changed. Now the amount of payments is affected by the IPC, which depends on the amount of contributions. The funds are transferred from the employer to the account of the insured person. If desired, the user can access Personal Area to view all payments.

Now the specialists of the Pension Fund use the following formula to calculate payments:

SP \u003d IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K

  • The joint venture is an insurance payment that is accrued upon the occurrence of retirement age;
  • IPK - quantity pension points, earned by a person;
  • SIPC - the cost of a point, which is regularly indexed by the state;
  • K - the value of premium coefficients to which an elderly person is entitled;
  • PV - a fixed payment guaranteed by the state.

Retirement score

What parameters should be entered in new online pension calculator to calculate upcoming payments? The state strongly encourages people to retire later. After the 2015 reform, the concept of the basic part of payments disappeared. Instead, a fixed amount appeared, which is guaranteed by the state. Moreover, to receive payments, you must score at least 11.4 points.

When calculating the pension, the following periods are taken into account:

  • passing the service about the call;
  • time spent on maternity leave;
  • being in custody.

To determine the amount of pension payments, you can use the formula:

IPC \u003d SV / SVmax x 10,

  • SW - insurance premiums that the employer contributed for the employee to the Pension Fund;
  • CBmax - the maximum amount of contributions paid at a rate of 16%;

For example, an employee's income is 25 thousand rubles. It is necessary to determine the annual amount of contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

(25,000x16%)x12 = 48,000 rubles.

The maximum amount of contributions in 2017 cannot be more than 140,160 rubles. Now let's substitute all the values ​​into the formula and get: IPC = (48,000/140,160) x10 = 3.42 points

How to determine the value of a pension point

To obtain insurance part pensions must be worked out for at least 8 years. Retirement calculator for retirees in 2019 developed taking into account the changes that have occurred since the reform. Employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, when processing documents, check the number of pension points a person has. In the future, the requirements for employees will only become tougher. Already in 2025, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation plans to increase minimal amount IPK. A person must have worked for at least 15 years and have at least 30 points on their account.

YearRequirements for the minimum work experience, yearsThe minimum value of the IPC, in points
2015 6 6,6
2016 7 9
2017 8 11,4
2018 9 13,8
2019 10 16,2
2020 11 18,6

When calculating payments, employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation take into account the cost of the point. After obtaining the necessary information from the table, you can calculate your pension using the new pension calculator. Be sure to take into account all the parameters that are used in the process of calculating payments. This may require specialist assistance. The calculator allows the user to estimate the size of the future pension in advance. However, the results obtained on screen monitors are only an approximation.

What determines the size of the fixed payment?

An elderly person can count on a certain amount guaranteed by the state. Its size depends not only on the category of the recipient. The regions independently set the amount that pensioners will receive. Fixed payments are subject to mandatory indexation. To do this, you need to take into account the economic indicators of the country. Without fixed payments, it is impossible to determine the amount of the survivor's benefit. Annually on February 1, the pension is indexed in accordance with Article 16 of the Federal Law No. 400.

You can determine the amount of fixed payments in force in 2019 according to the following table.

When calculating a pension, the age of the elderly person and the number of dependents are taken into account. For pensioners who are 80 years old, the state pays an increased fixed payment in the amount of 9610.22 rubles. If an elderly person has no dependents, then the basic part of the pension will be 4805.11 rubles. Persons with disabilities are entitled to an increased amount of a fixed payment.

As an example, consider the calculation of the pension of a person who decided to postpone the processing of payments.

The work biography of Ivanova Victoria Petrovna began at the age of 18. Throughout her life, she took parental leave 2 times. For the firstborn, she was awarded 1.8 points. The second baby increased the IPC by 3.6 points. Victoria Petrovna constantly worked at the same enterprise. After reaching retirement age, the woman worked for another 5 years in excess of the length of service.

The total number of earned points was 104. The woman achieved an increase in the amount of fixed payments by 1.27 times. Adjustments were also taken into account when determining the value of the IPC. The number of points was calculated taking into account the coefficient of 1.34.

Hence, 405.11x1.27 + 104x78.58x1.34 \u003d 11,465 rubles.

How to calculate your own pension

Three factors affect the amount of pension payments:

  1. What is the person's official salary?
  2. Length of employment.
  3. At what age did the employee apply for a pension?

Important! The pension fund limits the maximum number of points an individual can earn. With a monthly salary of 60 thousand rubles, an employee can receive 7.9 points per year.

After entering the basic parameters into the calculator, you can calculate your pension. The amount of the insurance pension is indicated not in rubles. It converts to points. The amount of payouts can be determined by multiplying the number of points earned by their value.

When calculating the pension, you need to take into account the value of surplus factors. Benefits apply to people who have worked in hazardous industries. The pension fund encourages older people who decide to defer payments. Surplus factor for a person who took out a pension 5 years later due date, will be 1.5.

The contributions paid by the employer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation are 16% of the employee's official salary. These funds can be divided into insurance (10%) and funded part(6%). Funds in the savings account are used to invest in securities. Moreover, the pension is formed from the income of people born after 1967.

What kind of pension will people working in the shadow business sector have?

According to the statement of the Ministry of Labor, about 20% of people receive a salary in "envelopes". Employers do not pay contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for them. This group of workers will not be able to count on a full pension. However, even this category of people will not be left without a livelihood. The state guarantees social benefits to older people who do not have work experience. A single base was created in the Pension Fund, in which all candidates for receiving payments are present. Now the Russians have a personal account in which you can see valuable information.

First you need to register on the website of public services. After that, the user has access to the personal account of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Each person is given a unique username and password. A future pensioner can receive information about the contributions that the employer transfers to the individual account of the employee. The personal account displays the number of points earned by a person. If the employer does not pay contributions, then you can write an application to the labor inspectorate at any time. To calculate the future pension, you can use the calculator on the institution's website.

For example, a woman reached retirement age in 2017. During the entire working period, she managed to earn 75 points. The woman was awarded an additional 1.8 points, as she was taking care of the child. The cost of the pension ball was approved in the amount of 78.58 rubles.

What formula is used to calculate the funded pension

A person has the right to transfer funds to an NPF, which will be able to manage the client's money more efficiently. The funds received will be used in transactions with shares and bonds. The profit from the activities of the fund is distributed among the participants in accordance with the agreement.

But in this case, the future pensioner is not immune from the bankruptcy of the company. If the non-state pension fund goes bankrupt, the client will still be able to receive the invested funds. The state insures the employee's contributions that were transferred to the NPF.

NP = PN / T,

  • PN - the amount of contributions that is involved in the formation of the funded pension;
  • T - during what time payments were received on the account of the insured person.

As an example, consider a person who was born after 1967. The future pensioner received a salary of 32,000 rubles for 10 years (120 months). Every month, the employer transferred 6% of his earnings to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Hence, the total contribution will be:

32,000x120x0.06 \u003d 230,400 rubles.

Pension Calculator

To determine in advance the amount of a future pension, you can use an online calculator. In this case, the user does not have to prescribe the cost of the point and the size of the fixed payment. These indicators are already present in the calculations.

To determine the sum insured, the user only needs to specify:

  • the age at which a person plans to apply for a pension;
  • Which seniority at the applicant.

To get a more accurate amount, you must specify the type of pension formation (insurance or funded)

  • whether the person served in the army;
  • the amount of the official salary;
  • availability of pension capital.

The resulting calculations serve to familiarize with the future pension. They are only advisory in nature and can be adjusted by PF employees. If the user has entered into an agreement with a non-state pension fund, then a preliminary calculation can be made on the company's website. The result of the investment can be seen on the screen.

The following information must be entered into the funded pension calculator:

  • age and gender of the client;
  • length of service;
  • average salary of an employee.

All funds indicate their return on investment. A person can calculate the amount of profit before concluding an agreement with an NPF.

How to find out the amount of pension savings?

Many users experience difficulties when trying to determine the effectiveness of funds invested in NPFs. For information on the status of savings, you can contact the Pension Fund. Check amount pension contributions can be directly on the website of the organization. To do this, you must specify the SNILS number.

Important! The function is available only to users who have registered on the public services website.

In your personal account, go to the "Pension Savings" tab and request necessary information. Within a few seconds, information about the amount on the account of the insured person will appear on the monitor. Some people forget the name of the NPF with which they entered into an agreement. To find out where the funds are stored, you can contact the PF. Be sure to bring your passport and SNILS with you.

There is an easier way to get information about NPFs. The company's accounting department regularly makes deductions from the employee's salary. To find out about the amount of payments, just contact the specialist of the department.


For the convenience of users, a calculator has been developed that allows you to calculate the pension online. A person only needs to enter the information needed to determine the amount of future payments. The results should not be taken as exact numbers. The developers of the calculator decided to simplify the calculation procedure. They did not include in it all the factors affecting the size of the pension.

Today, thanks to the availability of the Internet for almost any resident of our country, it is not at all necessary for current or future pensioners to stand in lines, fill out relevant applications in order to find out information about their pension savings. Increasingly, our compatriots have a question about how you can find out your pension via the Internet without leaving home?

In addition, anyone can use to calculate the amount of your social savings received on the account in the current year, as well as print a notification about its status.

The only condition in order to find out complete information about your pension via the Internet is its actual availability. Next, follow the instructions:

  • type in any search engine or in the browser line the following address -;
  • find the command "Personal account of the insured person" and click on it;
  • it is impossible to enter your personal account if the user has not registered on the website (Gosuslugi resource);
  • to do this, you must enter, as well as the postal address (mail) or cell phone number;
  • after registering in your account, you need to find the tab "Get information about the formed pension rights» - the desired item is located under the letter "A".

Just on this page it is indicated how many pension points a citizen of the Russian Federation has on this moment and his length of service.

To find out the data on what information was given in the PF by employers, you need to return to your personal account and click on the command "Information about experience and earnings"- it is located under the letter "B".

Checking your own social savings online

On the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you can also calculate your own social savings - there is a special calculator for this purpose. However, reliable data is generated only when the user makes a request to the PF at the place of residence and will have all the data of his personal account on hand.

Unfortunately, the calculator is not suitable for use by the following citizens:

  1. Receiving payments due to the loss of a breadwinner or receiving any type of disability.
  2. People who receive a pension at a reduced rate.
  3. People doing business.

Internet to help - data on the appointment of a pension

It should be noted that the personal account in the Pension Fund began to operate relatively recently - since the beginning of 2015. In addition to detailed data on individual social savings, on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia, you can also apply for a pension and choose the method of its delivery. Moreover, you can apply for any type of social contributions, namely:

  • old age;
  • disability;
  • loss of the sole breadwinner.

An application for the appointment of an old-age pension through the global network can be submitted only 30 days before the right to it arises. If its funded part is transferred to a private pension fund, information on the state of savings can be found out 10 days after the application is submitted.

About the insurance part of the pension via the Internet

To find out the data on the insurance part of your own pension, you can use either the Pension Fund website or the State Services website. To register on the State Services portal, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a SNILS number on hand. It is worth considering that during registration the system will require you to provide a number mobile phone or address Email.

During pre-registration you will need to enter data in only three fields - indicate the last name, first name, as well as e-mail or enter a cell phone number. After that, you should enter the password and repeat it correctly.

A notification about the completion of the registration procedure should be sent to the phone or mail, after which it will be necessary to enter personal information on the website of the State Services - passport data and SNILS number.

The specified data is automatically checked. To fully use the portal for personal purposes, you need to have a confirmation of your personal account. There are 3 ways to do this:

  1. Visit the nearest post office of the Russian Federation and present your passport, the details of which were entered on the website of the State Services.
  2. During registration, indicate your own postal address - the identity confirmation code will be sent to it.
  3. Use signing tool in in electronic format.

For getting complete information on the insurance part of pension savings, you can also use the official website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In June of this year, I turned 55 years old and I went to apply for a pension myself, I discovered that in practice a lot still remains unclear. I was given a pension of almost 400 rubles. less than I hoped! So I decided to contact your lawyer with a request to double-check the correctness of its accrual. To do this, I provide data taken from the certificate of the pension department.
Ha 01.1991 they gave me 13 full years experience, and as of January 1, 2002, it turned out to be 24 years. Since I continued to work and earned quite decently, by the day the pension was awarded, 496,740 rubles had accumulated on my personal account. insurance premiums and plus 5135 rubles. accumulative. I will add that in 2000-2001. my average salary was 2142.30 rubles, so an employee of the pension department advised me to take them as a basis. Please double check my pension.

The old-age labor pension (I will designate it with the symbol P) is determined by a single formula:
P = FBI + MF1 + MF2 + MW + LF
FBI - fixed base size pensions, which is established by the state in a fixed amount, the same for each category of pensioners.
SCH1 - the insurance part of the pension, which is calculated from the length of service and earnings for the period of work until 2002.
SCh2 - the insurance part of the pension, which is calculated from the amount of the employer's insurance premiums for the period of work from 2002 to the date of the pension.
SV - the amount of valorization, which is determined as a percentage of SCH1. The percentage depends on the number of full years of service before 1991.
NC - the funded part of the pension, which is calculated from the amounts of funded contributions available on the person's account on the date the pension was assigned to him.

I will clarify that the calculation of the pension is carried out separately for the periods of work before 01/01/2002 and after 01/01/2002.
Now let's check whether the amount of the reader's pension was correctly determined when she was appointed in June 2014.
The first term in the formula does not need to be considered. After last indexing labor pensions in April 2014 fixed basic amount (FBI) labor pension for all ordinary pensioners was set in the amount of 3910.34 rubles.

To do this, we first determine the seniority coefficient (SC).
SC = 0.55 (for 20 full years of experience with a woman until 2002) + 0.04 (0.01 each for 4 years of Konovalova's work over 20 years) = 0.59.
Now let's determine the ratio of the average monthly salary of a reader to the average salary in the country for the same period.
According to statistics, the average salary (SW) in Russia for 2000-2001. was 1494.50 rubles.
Then it turns out that the ratio of earnings (SR) to the average salary in the country (SR) for the same period is:
ZR: ZP = 2142.30 rubles: 1494.50 rubles. = 1.43.

As you can see, the reader's salary ratio is favorable. It is higher than the maximum legally possible ratio for work in normal conditions - 1,2.
Therefore, this limitation was applied in the calculation.

I note that an exception is made in the law only for the "northerners". For them, this ratio in the amount of pension may be higher - from 1.4 to 1.9 (depending on the work in which region of the North the pension is accrued).

  • § Art. thirty federal law"On labor pensions in the Russian Federation"

If in 2000-2001 for some reason, a person did not work at all, or his average salary for these 2 years was less than 1,794 rubles. (1494.50 rubles x 1.2). In this case, it is better to provide a certificate of salary for any 60 consecutive months according to the work book for the period up to 2002. To determine which 5 years (60 months) are the most profitable, they will help the client service of the pension department using tables of average salaries for the USSR and the Russian Federation for 1945-2001

I would like to note that in order to calculate the pension capital as of January 1, 2002, the Government of the Russian Federation set the size of the average monthly salary in the Russian Federation, which is the same for everyone - 1,671 rubles.
The size of SCH1 as of January 1, 2002 is considered according to the formula:
SC1 \u003d SK x (ZR: ZP) x 1671 rubles - 450 rubles.
450 rub. - this is the basic part of the old-age labor pension established in a fixed amount as of January 1, 2002 (the size is the same for all pensioners).
The size of SCh1 as of January 1, 2002 by the reader Konovalova will be equal to: (0.59 x 1.2 x 1671 rubles) - 450 rubles. = 733.07 rubles.

Next, we will determine the MF1 at the date of the pension assignment (June 2014).
To do this, we increase the amount of SCH1 obtained as of January 1, 2002 by all pension indexation coefficients from 2002 to 2014. Their value was annually set by the Government and the Pension Funds of the Russian Federation.
The product of all these indexation factors over this period was 5.6.

MF1 on the date of the pension:
RUB 733.07 x 5.6 = 4105.19 rubles.

To calculate it, the insurance premiums accrued to the employee from January 1, 2002 to the date of assignment of the pension must be divided by the number of months of the expected period for the payment of the pension (T). The amount of T depends on the year of assignment of the labor pension. For the appointment of pensions in 2014, it is set for 228 months.
From the letter, we know that the amount of the reader's insurance premiums on the date of the pension was 496,740 rubles.
MF2 = 496,740 rubles: 228 months = 2178.68 rubles.

Knowing the MF1, we can now determine the sum of the valorization (CV).
First, let's calculate the percentage of valorization of the reader's pension: 10% (for the fact that she has experience before 2002) + 13% (1% for each of the 13 full years of experience before 1991) = 23% (or 0 ,23).

Adding up all four amounts received, we get the pension of our reader Konovalova, excluding funded contributions:
P \u003d 3910.34 rubles + 4105.19 rubles + 2178.68 rubles + 944.19 rubles = 11,138.40 rubles.

And now let's define the right of our reader to assign her the cumulative part of the LF. To be eligible for this, the condition must be met: if the amount of the NC is less than 5% of the total amount of the pension, then the NC is not established for the pension.
Let me explain that starting from January 1, 2002, employers are accruing contributions to the Pension Fund at the established rates:

  • for the insurance part of the pension - to all citizens working for them;
  • on funded pension- all employees born in 1967 and younger;
  • for the funded part of women born in 1957 and younger, men born in 1953 and younger, who worked in 2002-2004. (since 2005, accrual of funded contributions to citizens of this age has been cancelled).

Our reader born in 1959. The amount of its funded contributions for the period of work in 2002-2004. - 5135 rubles.
The amount of the funded part upon appointment was:
LF \u003d 5135 rubles: 228 months \u003d 22.52 rubles.
228 months - an indicator of the expected period of payment of the funded part, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for the period 2013-2015.
Since the size of the LF in N.I. Konovalova received less than 5% of the total amount of her pension, then this part of the pension is not established for her.
Thus, upon reaching the age of 55 in June 2014, reader Konovalova should have been granted a pension in the amount of 11,138.40 rubles, and her pension savings 5135 rub. she can receive on application in the form lump sum payment.

Based on the materials of the magazine "Your own lawyer"

Upon reaching the appropriate age, becoming disabled and in other cases established by law, a citizen receives a certain remuneration from insurance, pension and other funds. In other words, retirement.

Are there any calculation errors?

Pensioners and the disabled belong to socially vulnerable categories of the population. The social security of such persons is guaranteed by the state. Recalculation and revision of pensions is a frequent phenomenon, while no one is immune from incorrect accrual.

Basically, such errors are associated with the human factor, but this is not the only reason. Possible malfunctions software, with which the calculations are performed. That is why the question arises as to whether it is possible to check the correctness of the calculation of the pension.

The pension that Russians receive after the recent reform consists of two parts: insurance and funded. Since this system is relatively new, not all of its features are clear, so sometimes there are doubts about the correctness of its calculation.

If a pensioner is not sure that the amount of his pension payments is determined correctly, he has the opportunity to demand adjustments if errors are found.

Where to check

First of all, you should figure out where to check the correctness of calculating the pension. If a pensioner has any doubts about whether he receives the correctly calculated amount, he will have to apply directly to the Pension Fund of Russia. The application should indicate a request to re-verify the correctness of the calculations of the amount of pension payments and submit it to the PFR branch, in accordance with the pensioner's registration address.

Within five days from the date when the application was accepted, where a citizen asks to check the correctness of calculating the old-age pension, PFR employees are obliged to clarify whether the pension is correctly calculated and notify the applicant of the results of the check. If it turns out that the amount of payments was indeed calculated with errors, then, in accordance with applicable law, it will be adjusted automatically.

Brief instructions for verification

In addition to contacting the FIU, it is advisable to know how to check the correctness of calculating the pension yourself. For this you will need: employment history and a calculator, a certificate of the amount of monthly average earnings for 5 consecutive years, or for the period from the beginning to the end of the year.

Now it's time to do some math:

  1. First you need to find out the size of the seniority coefficient. 55% is taken as the basis. For women, such a coefficient is set for a length of service equal to twenty years, for men - for 25 years of work. Every year, if a person continues to work further, the seniority coefficient increases by 1% (but not more than 20%).
  2. The average income for one month is calculated. This can be done by dividing the amount of income for five consecutive years by the number of months in five years (sixty).
  3. Information will be required on the average monthly salary established in the Russian Federation for the period that was accepted in the calculations in paragraph 2.
  4. The average salary in the Russian Federation, which was calculated in the third quarter of 2001 and approved by the government of the country as the basis for calculating pension payments, is 1,671 rubles.
  5. The ratio of the number obtained in paragraph 2 to the figure in paragraph 3 is calculated. If we are talking not about the inhabitants of the Far North, then you need to take into account the ratio of 1.2 or less.
  6. The estimated amount of payments will be: the length of service coefficient (from paragraph 1) multiplied by the number from paragraph 5 and by 1,671 from paragraph 4.
  7. The pension capital is calculated. For this, the following actions are performed:
    • 450 rubles must be subtracted from the value obtained in paragraph 6 (the basic part of the pension as of January 1, 2002);
    • what happened is multiplied by the estimated period during which the payment of old-age benefits is planned (for example, from January 1, 2010 it will be 192 months).
  8. The amount obtained in paragraph 7 must be indexed by multiplying by a multiplying factor corresponding to the year. It can be clarified, including on electronic portals, which contain information on how to check the correctness of calculating the old-age pension.
  9. The part of the benefit, which is called the insurance part, will be equal to the result of dividing the pension capital by the indicative period during which the benefit will be paid.
  10. The result of dividing the total value of insurance premiums on the date of assignment of benefits for the same period that was used for the calculations in paragraph 9 is added.
  11. To the result obtained in paragraph 10, you need to add the amount of the basic payment from the insurance fund established by the government. This is the desired amount of pension.

By comparing the result of the calculations with the amount of the pension assigned in the Pension Fund, you can understand whether you should apply for recalculation. Having carefully studied the instructions on how to check the correctness of calculating the pension, you can independently find out if the PFR is right.

Payout by age

To understand how to check the correctness of calculating a pension, it is important to know about all the current changes in this matter. Thus, the year 2015 is notable for the fact that from this date it is planned to gradually increase the minimum value of the total length of service that will be required to calculate the retirement benefit by age. Previously, it was five years. Starting from the date of the introduction of the changes, over the next ten years, 1 will be added every year, and by 2025 the minimum to be worked out will be equal to fifteen years.

If the total number of years worked for calculating the old-age pension is not enough, then it is possible to apply for appointment social pension. Starting in 2025, it will have to be paid to women over 60 and men over 65.

Hazard pension: useful information

The category of harmful, according to statistics, includes almost 50% of all enterprises whose work is related to industry. Early completion of work and access to a well-deserved rest are a kind of compensation for people who are constantly exposed to risks. That is why the question of how to check the correctness of calculating the harmfulness pension is relevant.

But first of all, you should find out which conditions are considered harmful or dangerous:

  • increased level of humidity;
  • low degree of illumination;
  • high degree of pollution environment(gases, dust, etc.);
  • increased noise level;
  • labor obligations associated with the use of or being in close proximity to harmful or toxic substances (for example, in the chemical industry).

Before checking the correctness of calculating a pension, it is important to know some of its features. To retire early due date, the total experience of a representative of the weaker sex must be at least twenty years, of which at least 10 years a potential pensioner must be a worker in hazardous production. For men, the minimum general experience is 25 years, of which labor activity under conditions deemed harmful should be twelve and a half years or more.

At the same time, two lists of harmful professions are distinguished. For professions that can be found in list No. 1, the retirement age will come earlier by another five years.

List No. 1 is quite small, it includes people whose labor activity was directly related to underground work, work in hot shops or in production in harmful conditions.

List No. 2 is much wider, it includes: employees of educational and medical institutions workers of the food and light industry, employed in mining and transport.

To apply for a harmfulness pension, it is enough to contact the PFR branch, which is located at the place of residence, with the following documents:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming that a person worked in conditions that give the right to early exit for a well-deserved rest;
  • salary statement;
  • men will also need a military ID.

The basis for calculating pension payments will be: the amount of contributions to the Pension Fund and the length of service. Providing additional benefits, as well as lists of hazardous industries are reviewed and supplemented regularly.

It should be noted that the list of people eligible for early retirement now also includes people of art (for example, actors), as well as those who earned seniority at enterprises in the Far North.

A little about social benefits

To understand how to check the correctness of calculating the old-age pension, you should know that a pensioner can be accrued social supplement from the federal or regional budget.
For this, the following conditions must be met:

  • pensioner should not work;
  • less pension living wage established for the region where the pensioner lives.

At the same time, the amount of the additional payment and the actual pension is equal to the subsistence minimum.

If the latter in a certain region is higher than that established in general in the country, then a regional surcharge may be charged.

Instead of a conclusion

Pensioners are considered socially unprotected citizens. It can be difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to live on their income. That is why, in case of any doubts, you should contact where you can check the correctness of the calculation of the pension.

Now you can calculate the amount of your future pension, see the status of your savings account and the number of points without leaving your home. Official electronic services allow you to get acquainted with all the information within a couple of minutes via the Internet. It is not difficult to find out the amount of the pension on the State Services website; the state portal provides all the data in a convenient and visual format.

You will see the size of the insurance and funded pension part, the amount individual coefficient used in the new calculation formula. According to it, social payment is formed from two basic parts:

  • fixed (uniform for all citizens, indexed annually);
  • insurance (number of points * point value).

Where to see the cumulative part

Until recently, once a year, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation sent out letters with information about the state of the savings account. The Russian Post delivered such correspondence to all citizens of working age who paid contributions to the FIU. Now such letters are not sent out, but all information is available on the state portal. There you will receive information about:

  • places of work;
  • periods of employment;
  • contributions from your employer.

At the same time, not all citizens now have a funded part. It is available on individual choice persons younger than 1967. They indicate whether to direct all deductions only to the insurance part or to separate the share to the funded one.

To find out the funded part of the pension through the State Services, go to the website with your username (it is a phone number, SNILS or email address) and password. Go to the Catalog of services, scroll down the page to the category "Pension, allowances and benefits", select the item "Notice of the state of the personal account".

The details of the service will appear. The request to the FIU is sent electronically, the waiting time for a response is no more than 2 minutes. After processing the application, you will be provided with an extract from the history of pension contributions. The document is generated in *.pdf format, which can be viewed in any modern browser, saved to a computer or printed. The grounds for refusal to perform the function are not provided by the legislation; as a result of consideration of the application, a reporting statement must be generated.

If you agree with the information provided and want to find out the funded part of the pension through the State Services, click the blue button on the right "Get the service". After a short processing of the request, information about the status of the personal account will appear.

You can view the PFR notice in *.pdf format - this file has no legal force and is for informational purposes only. If you need to provide an official statement to a bank or other organization, select the "Forward notification by e-mail" option. The State Portal guarantees that in this case the data will be sent in a special format that guarantees their authenticity.

Paragraph 3 of the extract contains data on the amount of the funded part social payment. You will see which fund manages your pension money. The total amount of savings includes both direct insurance premiums and funds maternity capital, and additional voluntary payments - if any.

With participation in state program co-financing of the funded part, here the amounts of voluntary contributions and the additional payments made on them will be listed by year.

How to calculate pension points for public services

In 2015, the FIU introduced a new pension formula. The concept " pension points» is a conditional coefficient reflecting the amount of deductions. For each year of work, a certain number of points are added to the balance, depending on the amount of salary. In the future, when calculating, each point has a set value.

It is not difficult to find pension points at the State Services: they are all indicated in the same statement from the personal account. Immediately after the basic information, you will find the line "The value of the individual pension coefficient", after which a number is indicated - this is the number of points already earned.

Further, in paragraph 1, a breakdown of the accruals is given: the first line indicates the points received before 2015, before the introduction new formula. All previous contributions have been recalculated into the individual coefficient system. Then, by year, the amount of pension payments and the points received for them are indicated.

There is a second way to find out the value of the coefficient - using the calculator on the site pension fund RF It allows you to calculate how much will be added to your balance depending on the size of the salary. Go to the "Electronic Services" section, select the "Pension Calculator" item.

On the right side you will see a window for calculating the coefficient for the current year. Enter the salary for the month in the field - note that you must enter the full amount of the accrual, before the payment of personal income tax. Click the "Calculate" button, the number of points that will be added to you for this year will appear below.

How to determine the size of the future pension

You cannot directly find out your pension through the State Services. You can only see the size of the insurance and savings part, the number of pension points. But the PFR calculation formula is quite complicated, it takes into account many parameters - military service, having children, retirement age, etc. It is not easy to calculate the amount of future payments on your own.

To facilitate this task, the PFR has launched a convenient service that allows you to calculate pensions directly on the Internet. In addition, you can check how the amount of social benefits will change when changing parameters - length of service, salary, availability of additional contributions.

To find out the amount of the pension on the State Services website, open the PFR website, go to the pension calculator. Scroll down the page a little, you will see fields for entering data.

Select the gender value - it is used to determine when the pension is awarded. The pension option affects the calculation process: citizens born younger than 1967. can direct insurance premiums only to the insurance part or increase the funded part as well. Depends on maximum size points accrued for the year - 10 or 6.25, respectively.

Please indicate if you have passed military service- it is included in the length of service and adds 1.8 points to the coefficient. For women, the number of children and the time spent on parental leave are important. The experience takes into account up to 1.5 years for each baby, while for the first you will receive 1.8 points per year, for the second - 3.6, for the third and fourth - 5.4 each.

Affects the size of the pension and the period for applying for payment after reaching retirement age. The later you arrive, the more premium coefficients you will receive: a 5-year deferral will give an increase of 36% to the fixed payment and 45% to the insurance part.

Employees enter the estimated length of service and monthly salary before deducting personal income tax. Self-employed persons (these include individual entrepreneurs, farmers, lawyers and notaries) indicate their full annual income in the calculator. Those who combine work in an organization and independent activity, fill out salary and annual income data.