Additional benefits for single mothers. Benefits for a single mother with one child

There are many reasons why a woman may be forced to raise a child on her own. However, all of them lead to the fact that mother and baby find themselves in a difficult situation.

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  • a one-time pregnancy benefit provided if a woman registers for up to 12 weeks;
  • maternity allowance;
  • a one-time payment provided upon the birth of a child;
  • monthly maternity allowance;
  • monthly allowance during parental leave.

The above allowances can also be received by mothers who are raising a baby with her husband.

However, payments for single mothers are larger. In addition, they are provided with additional benefits, which are paid from the budget of the region. Their size is determined by the authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation independently.


Benefits provided to single mothers are divided into federal and regional.

  • one-time payment for pregnancy - 581.73 rubles;
  • a birth certificate in the amount of 11,000 rubles, which can be spent on services in a antenatal clinic, a children's clinic and the purchase of medicines;
  • childbirth allowance - 15,512.65 rubles;
  • until the child reaches the age of 1.5, a monthly allowance is provided - 2,908.62 rubles.

In addition to the above benefits, a single mother has the opportunity to receive payments from the regional budget. Their size may vary depending on the subject of the Russian Federation.

How to apply?

The procedure for applying for benefits is not complicated. To receive support from the state, a mother raising a child on her own must contact the territorial department of social protection, having previously prepared a package of documentation.

Employees of the organization will tell you what you need to do next in order to receive benefits.


To apply for benefits in 2019, a woman must provide a documentation package.

To complete the procedure, you will need:

  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the registry office confirming that the paternity record was made from the words of the mother, if the inscription is present in the birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the ZhEKa confirming that the child lives with the mother;
  • form No. 25, which is issued at the registry office when issuing a birth certificate and confirms that the woman is a single mother.

If the status was assigned due to the fact that the man disputed paternity, a copy of the court decision must be provided to the Social Security along with the above documents.

The state begins to provide payments after the papers are transferred to the appropriate state body.

For this reason, experts do not advise delaying the collection of documentation.

Assistance will be transferred until the child reaches a certain age, fixed in the current legislation.

Is housing provided?

In our time, it is not uncommon for mothers to raise children alone. But according to the norms of labor and family legislation (taking into account the changes that are relevant for 2018), the status of a single mother is not applied in all of these cases. Why is it so? The answer must be sought in the different interpretations of the concept itself: “single mother”. Very often in conversation, any divorced woman who has children is already allegedly considered a single mother. This is wrong. It should be understood that one thing is the letter of the law, and another thing is a figure of speech. Sometimes there are even such curiosities - despite a living husband, a married woman calls herself a single mother. An anecdotal situation for any lawyer, but, unfortunately, rather sad for a mother and her children in the first place.

Who is a single mother?

single mother a woman who gave birth to a child out of wedlock is recognized if there is no joint application by the parents of the child to establish paternity, and in line on the birth certificatethere is a dash, or the information is recorded from the words of the mother(reference on form 25). If a woman gave birth to a child in marriage or earlier than 300 days after a divorce, in order to recognize a woman as a single mother, she must have a court decision that her husband (ex-husband) is not the father of the baby.

Another way to recognize a woman as a single mother is to adopt a child without being married.

Very often, the status of a single mother is attributed to women who are in various situations in life, which, according to the law, are not the basis for determining a single mother.

For example:

Types and amounts of benefits for single mothers

A woman who is a single mother is entitled to some very specific benefits and payments. They are supposed to all federal and regional payments without exception for pregnancy and childbirth, which are paid to young mothers.

Benefits for single mothers


  • Free baby dowry sets for newborns;
  • Compensation for the difference in the price of food for a child under three years old;
  • In-kind assistance and benefits if the child is under three years of age;
  • Free dairy products for children under the age of two;
  • Exclusion of children under one and a half years old from the number of those living in the apartment when charging fees for cleaning and removal of solid food waste;
  • Free medicines for children under three years of age.


  • When staff is reduced at an enterprise, a single mother with a child under 14 years of age does not have the right to be dismissed - even in the following cases: if she does not correspond to her position, when management changes or access to state secrets is terminated. True, with repeated serious misconduct or the liquidation of an enterprise, a single mother still has the right to be fired;
  • When an enterprise is liquidated, a single mother has benefits: she is required to be provided with another job, and the current head of the single mother is responsible for employment;
  • If a single mother is forced to care for a sick child, she is required to provide benefits. For inpatient treatment, the amount of this allowance for a single mother depends on her length of service. For outpatient treatment, the single mother's allowance is usually paid in full during the first 10 days of sick leave, and then at a rate of 50% of wages, regardless of the mother's work record;
  • If the child is not yet 7 years old, the sick leave is paid in full. If the child is already older than 7 years, only 15 days of sick leave are paid, if, according to the medical report, the period of treatment does not need to be extended;
  • The right to additional unpaid leave of at least 14 days, which such a benefit allows single mothers to take at any convenient time;
  • Single mothers with a child under 5 years of age do not have the right to engage in night work, overtime work or work on weekends and holidays without their consent;
  • Single mothers with children under 14 have the right to establish part-time work at their own request;
  • Single mothers have benefits when applying for a job - a potential employer does not have the right to refuse her because she has children. The denial of employment must be accompanied by a detailed description of the reason for the denial.

Other benefits

  • Children of single mothers can use the massage room free of charge if there is one in the children's clinic;
  • Children of single mothers attending school are entitled to two free meals a day in the school cafeteria;
  • Single mothers have benefits when paying for the education of their children under 18 in art schools subordinate to the Ministry of Culture (30% discount on tuition fees);
  • A single mother has housing benefits if she has 1 or more children and is under 35 years of age. In this case, a single mother participates in the Housing target program for 2015-2020;
  • Children of single mothers have the right to priority admission to preschool educational institutions, as well as a 50% discount on their maintenance in preschool institutions;
  • Single mothers have a privilege to receive vouchers for their children to a children's sanatorium at least once a year.

A single mother is a woman whose child does not have a documented father. To improve life, the state has provided a number of privileges. They consist in discounts, benefits or completely free provision of things or products (diapers, clothes, medicine, food, etc.).

How the state helps single mothers survive: rights, benefits, privileges

Not everyone can acquire the status of a “Single Mother”. There are certain legal requirements. There are a lot of benefits that a woman who gives birth to a baby without a father acquires, but even these indulgences cannot completely make life cloudless. You can count on monthly and one-time payments, labor, social and tax benefits.

Single mother: who has the right

Not everyone wants to become a single mother. According to the legislation, this status is acquired by the one that does not have a stamp in the passport, and the father of the child refused it. Also important point- a dash in the child's birth certificate, in the column where the place of information about the father.

If a mother is raising a baby alone, but was previously married, this does not make her officially a loner.

What gives the status

The status of a single mother has a number of positive aspects. And there is no escape from the negative.


Among the advantages it is worth highlighting the possibility:

  1. Cross the border without obtaining a pass, which is taken from the second parent. If the mother brings up the heir alone, then no documentary red tape is provided.
  2. Get baby food in the dairy kitchen for free.
  3. Getting into a kindergarten out of order and gaining a 50% discount.
  4. Purchases of medicines at a reduced price, the cost is halved.
  5. Eating in school canteens (for children) is free.
  6. Send the child to a music school at the minimum wage.
  7. Get the first vouchers to the sanatorium.

There are also benefits in the housing, labor, tax sphere.


There are also disadvantages, these include:

  1. No alimony.
  2. It is not legal for a child to claim the property of his father, his parents, sisters, etc.

Benefits in the labor sphere

If we touch on labor legislation, then there are nuances that are associated with the status of a single mother. This:

  1. A woman has the right not to work at night and on holidays, as well as outside working hours. No one dares to force it to do so.
  2. When leaving for sick leave, no matter for what time period, it will be paid in 100% of the amount.
  3. If there is a reduction, such a category of persons cannot be attributed to the total mass. The workplace will be assigned to a single mother.
  4. An employer has no right to fire a woman. An exception will be a gross violation of the order and serious professional inconsistencies.

Work at night

If you specify the above information, then it is worth clarifying that work at night can only be valid if the lady consents in writing. This refers to the period from 10 pm to 6 am. If a mother has a baby who has not reached the age of five, and she does not want to work at night, then the employer will not insist on the opposite.

It is also possible to get unpaid leave for two weeks if a woman is raising a child under the age of 14.

Features of dismissal

If a woman is raising a 14-year-old child, no one can fire her. If a child has a disability, this right remains until the child reaches the age of 18.

There are cases when dismissal and single mothers are inevitable, these are:

  • company liquidation;
  • unacceptable behavior at work, immoral acts (drinking alcohol or coming to work under the influence of alcohol, failure to appear, systematic lateness, disclosure of secrets, theft, etc.);
  • non-compliance with requirements (if there are penalties);
  • detection of fictitious documentation (diploma, work book, etc.).

If a woman who is raising a child was fired illegally, then she has the right to apply to the appropriate authorities, demand compensation payments and return to her place of work.

Tax incentives and privileges

If the child's birth certificate does not contain a completed father's column, then the tax deduction can be doubled. If there are one or two children, the amount is within 3,000 rubles, three and for each next child - 6,000. If there is a disability - about 25,000 rubles.

Tax deductions will only be valid until the child's 18th birthday and until the woman is married.

Social benefits

Among the social benefits, we highlight the following:

  • receiving free clothes for newborns;
  • compensation for the cost of food packages for a child under 3 years of age;
  • assistance in kind (food, essentials), until the child is 3 years old;
  • free dairy kitchen up to 2 years;
  • provision of free medicines until the child's age of three and a 50% discount after.

What payments are due to the child

Payments are monthly, one-time.

One-time allowances include:

  • BiR - for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • if a woman was registered before the 12th week of pregnancy;
  • at the birth of a baby (paid to everyone regardless of status, presence or absence of a job).

Monthly payments in 2018 for 1 child

There are also monthly payments. Their size varies depending on the number of offspring.

A single mother, like everyone else, receives payments for caring for a baby on a general basis. If the mother worked, then the amount will depend on the average salary that was present in the last 24 months.

If there is no fixed place of work, then calculations are made according to the living wage. If the child is alone, then this is about 3,000 rubles.

Also pay monthly:

  1. 750 rubles or 300 (depending on whether the child benefit is received) to single parents in the form of compensation, according to the increase in the cost of living.
  2. Compensation for reimbursement of expenses for food until the child reaches the age of three - 675 rubles per month.
  3. For single mothers in case of income that does not reach the subsistence level: from birth to three years - 15 thousand rubles, from 3 to 18 - 6 thousand rubles.

Until what age is child benefit paid?

The child allowance will be paid until the child is one and a half years old (this is on a general basis), while a single mother receives payments until the child turns 18.

What are the benefits of a single mother with two children

If a woman has a second baby, then the amount of the allowance doubles, since payments go to each child.

A single mother with the advent of a second heir becomes a contender for maternity capital.

What are the housing benefits?

A single mother solves the housing issue in the same way as other Russians. Participates in state housing programs and gets in line for an apartment, building a house.

It is possible to participate in the program "Young Family", it is possible to receive a 35% subsidy for the construction of a private house. With the same money, you can pay off the loan that was taken to buy an apartment. This privilege is valid until the woman reaches the age of 35. A loan for the purchase of housing will be given only if there is an opportunity to repay it. Income of at least 21 thousand rubles. rubles for mother and baby.

The right to expand the living space

A single mother can expand or improve living space if:

  • she and her children live in uninhabitable conditions (the building is in disrepair);
  • people with serious infectious diseases (tuberculosis) or mentally ill people with whom it is impossible to live live in the premises;
  • the area does not meet the established minimum;
  • persons without family ties live in the house;
  • no own housing.

Those who have an emergency condition of the premises and live with seriously ill people go without queues

How to speed up the housing process

In order to get housing in the shortest possible time, you need to know how to act initially.

Step by step guide to help you succeed:

  1. Find out what living space according to the law goes to one person. Measure your home and tell the difference.
  2. Visit social security and consult with competent specialists.
  3. Collect all documentation.
  4. Get a status that shows you are in need of housing.
  5. Get in line for an extension. This can be done online or in the Multifunctional Center.

If the documentation is in order, there is an appropriate status, then things will move quickly. In the case of a tuberculosis patient or a person with other severe pathologies living in the same area, the general queue does not matter. There is a hit at once in a privileged turn. This also includes those whose housing is in disrepair.

Additional privileges in the housing sector

A mother who raises a child herself can count on a small benefit, which manifests itself in the ability not to pay for garbage until the child reaches the age of three. To qualify for this, you need to provide a document that confirms the status of a single mother.

There are no benefits when paying for housing and communal services, but you can get a discount if a woman has three or more children. In this case, she falls under the category of a mother of many children. If the child is disabled or she herself has a disability, then the discount also takes place.

It is possible to provide subsidies to single mothers at the regional level. This will take into account the woman's income and, in the aggregate, all expenses for housing and communal services. If the figure exceeds 22 percent, then a subsidy will be given.

Changes in 2018

Changes in legislation in 2018 are not significant. When receiving new housing, women can count on more living space.

What are the benefits for a father?

Single fathers have the right to receive all the same (benefits and allowances) as a single mother. These include:

  • labor and social benefits;
  • one-time and monthly allowances;
  • tax deduction.

Financial assistance by individual regions: amount

Let us consider separately by region how much is given to a single mother in the form of social assistance.

The laws of the Russian Federation do not contradict the fact that social support varies depending on budgetary possibilities.

Payments in 2018 in Crimea

In 2018, all payments are made in accordance with the norms of the laws of Russia.

From one-time payments:

  1. Maternity: depends on salary.
  2. If the expectant mother was registered before the 12th week: 628.47 rubles.
  3. After the birth of the baby: 16,759.09 rubles.

From monthly:

  1. Up to one and a half years on a general basis: for the 1st baby - 3,142.33 rubles (non-working and 3,788.33 (employed), for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. - 6,284.65 rubles.
  2. Under 18 years old - at least 1000 rubles.

Payments in 2018 in Moscow and the region

In Moscow and the region, the same indicators prevail as in the Republic of Crimea.

Payments in 2018 in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg:

  • care allowance - 3,751 rubles (for one) and 4,285 rubles (for the second and subsequent) monthly;
  • a single mother until the age of 18, the child will receive at least 1,200 rubles a month;
  • pregnancy allowance - at least 9,500 rubles (per month)
  • and 45,000 rubles (in general);
  • registered early in the antenatal clinic - about 650 rubles;
  • at the birth of a child - 17 thousand - 20 thousand rubles.

Krasnodar Territory: how much money does a single mother get

In the Krasnodar Territory, a single mother can count on:

  • pregnancy benefit - at least 9,489 rubles (monthly) and 43,615.65 (for the entire time);
  • when registering for up to three months - 628.47 rubles;
  • at birth - 16,759.09 rubles;
  • each month for care - 3,142.33 and 3,788.33 (non-working and working);
  • up to 18 years of age as a single mother - 1,200 rubles.

Leningrad region

There are no differences in the amount of payments in the Leningrad Region from those listed above.

Useful video

The legal definition of a single mother is extremely simple - a woman who does not have information about the father on her child's birth certificate. This formulation is concise, but not exhaustive. There are a number of subtleties in the procedure for assigning the status of a single mother, which we will discuss in the article.

State assistance to mothers who raise a child alone is expressed in a number of allowances and payments, as well as tax and labor benefits. Some types of benefits have federal status, others operate only in certain subjects of the Russian Federation. What exactly are the benefits and allowances for single mothers in 2019?

Single mother definition

A single mother is a mother who raises a child or several children out of wedlock, if the father of the child is not established in one of two ways - the father and mother have not filed an application for paternity with the registry office or there is no court order recognizing someone as the father of the child.

A single mother is also considered a woman who gave birth to a child in marriage or in the first 300 days after a divorce, if the ex-husband is recorded as the father, but his paternity was challenged in court. When a court decision comes into force that the former spouse is not the biological father of the child, the mother is immediately assigned the status of a loner. The same status is assigned to a woman who is raising an adopted child alone.

A woman is not recognized as a single mother if she:

  • Is divorced from the father of the child (ex-husband) and for some reason does not receive alimony from him;
  • Has given birth to a child within 300 days after the divorce (or recognition of the marriage as invalid) or the death of the spouse. In this case, the registry office registers the child for the former spouse, even if he is not the biological father of the child;
  • Is not married and is raising a child whose father is established by the court or voluntarily. It doesn't matter if she lives with the father of the child or not.

Single mother, benefits and allowances

State support for single mothers expressed in a number of cash payments, which are associated with pregnancy and child rearing and up to 18 years of age. The highest payments are expected by a pregnant single mother if she has a long work history and a high average salary.

What benefits and benefits are we talking about in 2019?

  1. One-time allowances for single mothers for pregnancy and childbirth . If a woman has seniority, then the employer is obliged to pay a one-time cash benefit when the woman goes on maternity leave, the amount of which depends on the average salary for 2 years, but not less than 34,520.55 rubles. The maximum payout in 2019 is 265,827.63 rubles. If the expectant mother is unemployed and is registered with the Employment Center, then the amount of the maternity payment will be much lower - 613.14 rubles for each month of the decree.
  2. Fixed one-time payment at the birth of a child , regardless of the employment of the mother, in the amount of 16350.33 rubles.
  3. At the birth of a second child, single mothers are given money certificate (maternity capital) in the amount of 453026 rubles.
  4. Monthly payments for a child up to 1.5 years . If a single mother after the expiration of 70 days (postnatal decree) decided to take parental leave for a period of 18 months, then she is entitled to payments from her place of work in the amount of 40% of her average earnings for the last 2 years. If a woman has less than six months of work experience or the average salary is less than the federal minimum wage of 7,500 rubles, then she is entitled to a monthly allowance in the amount of 3,065.69 rubles per child. For the second and subsequent children, 6131.37 rubles are given every month.
  5. Benefit for caring for a child aged 1.5 to 3 years (if a single mother decided to extend the decree) - 50 rubles. This amount is increased at the expense of regional budgets, but in the end it remains more symbolic assistance than real.
  6. Monthly allowance for a third child (and subsequent) under the age of 3 years is paid in 2019 in 69 constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which a poor demographic situation has developed. These payments are made on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 606 and are only available to low-income families (including single mothers with low income). The amount of the allowance depends on the regional subsistence level.
  7. Monthly payments to low-income single mothers until the child reaches the age of 16 (18 years - subject to continuing education after school). A single parent is entitled to an allowance, the value of which in Moscow is 1,600 rubles. This is 2 times higher than the standard support for adolescents from low-income full families (800 rubles).

Labor benefits for single mothers

  1. Dismissal protection . It is possible to dismiss a single mother from work only in some cases. These are either force majeure circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties (liquidation of the enterprise, a sharp deterioration in the health of the mother), or repeated violation of labor discipline by the woman.
  2. single mother right work on your own schedule part time. Until the child reaches the age of 5, the employer is not entitled to involve a woman in work at night, on weekends and holidays, as well as overtime.
  3. When the enterprise is liquidated, its successor is obliged to provide a single mother with work if the child is under 14 years of age. If the child is over 14 years old, and he serves in the army on conscription, then the mother must be left in the state during ongoing job cuts.
  4. Increased child care allowance . The amount of payments for the treatment of a child in a hospital depends on the length of service of the mother. If he was treated on an outpatient basis, then the allowance will be paid within 10 days, after which the allowance will be reduced to 50% of the salary, regardless of the length of service of the mother.
  5. The right to additional leave . It is implemented if a collective agreement was concluded at work on the possibility of providing additional annual leave without pay. If the child is under 14 years old, then a single mother has the right to take additional leave (maximum 2 weeks) at any time. Mothers of disabled children are entitled to an additional 4 paid days off each month.

tax incentives

Single mothers are entitled to double. What does it mean? A tax deduction is understood as a certain amount of income from which taxes are not withheld, which actually leads to an increase in wages received on hand. Tax deductions are provided by the state to each of the parents for a child under 18 years old (or up to 23 years old if he is studying full-time). Single mothers receive double the tax credit on the amount given to each parent of two-parent families.

The amount of the tax deduction is standard, unchanged. It is independent of income and other benefits received. At the beginning of 2019, the numbers are as follows:

  • 2800 rubles - deduction for the first and second child;
  • 6000 rubles - for the third and subsequent children;
  • 24,000 rubles - for a disabled child.

A tax deduction for singles is provided until the moment when the amount of a woman's income per year does not exceed 350 thousand rubles. After that, personal income tax will be withheld from the full amount. The deductions are valid until the single mother gets married.

Other benefits for single mothers in 2019

In addition to labor and tax benefits and benefits, single parents are entitled to improve their financial situation. The full list depends on the social policy of the regional authorities, therefore different for different subjects of the Russian Federation. We list the most important benefits and benefits for single mothers:

  • the opportunity to receive a free ticket for mother and child to a sanatorium every year;
  • the right to refuse to pay for garbage collection and cleaning services (for residents of apartment buildings) until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years;
  • free dairy kitchen until the child reaches the age of 2 years;
  • free sets of linen for a newborn;
  • discounts on tuition fees at art schools (additional education) up to 30%;
  • purchase of certain drugs with a 50% discount;
  • free medicines and rehabilitation for children with special diseases (until they reach the age of 3);
  • admission of a child to a kindergarten out of turn and with a 50% discount;
  • free massage room in the children's clinic;
  • free two meals a day in school canteens.

Single mothers can count on help in improving their living conditions. The specific conditions of this assistance and the availability of special programs must be found out in the departments of social protection in your region. An example is the special program Affordable housing for a young family ”, for participation in which single mothers under the age of 35 are entitled to count.

Single mothers are provided with a number of benefits for housing and communal services, including payment for heating, electricity, gas and water. To receive state subsidies, you should contact the Housing Office at the place of residence.

Documents for receiving single mother's allowance in 2019

To receive support, a single mother must submit to the appropriate authority (registry office):

  • application for benefits and benefits;
  • passport and its photocopy;
  • a copy and original of the child's birth certificate;
  • a copy of the work book, certified by a notary;
  • certificate of family composition (issued at the MFC);
  • a certificate confirming the assignment of the status of a single mother.

The specified list of documents in some regions may be supplemented or reduced.

Adoption benefits for single mothers

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit the adoption of children by single mothers and fathers, that is, persons who are not married. In this case, the child will have only one adoptive parent. The adoption procedure is standard, taking into account the minimum age difference between mother and child and some other factors.

The list of benefits and allowances that are due to single mothers who have adopted or adopted a child depends on whether she has a job and length of service, as well as on regional social protection policies. Some benefits may be removed if the woman marries and her spouse also adopts a child .

When a child is transferred to the upbringing of a single mother, a standard allowance for the birth of a child is paid in the amount of 16,350.33 rubles. You can receive this allowance within 6 months after the child is placed in foster care.

Other payments and benefits to single mothers:

  • One-time allowance for pregnancy and childbirth (), if a child under 3 months old is taken up. equals 100% of the mother's average salary for 2 years. You can take the allowance at any time until the baby reaches the age of 3 months;
  • Standard monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years (40% of salary). Paid when the woman is on vacation or continues to work part-time;
  • Allowance for caring for a child from 1.5 to 3 years - 50 rubles plus a regional allowance;
  • Allowance for a child up to 16 or 18 years old, if the mother is recognized as indigent.

Let's summarize. Allowances and tax breaks, as well as other privileges for single mothers, are developed by regional authorities, and the federal budget and legislation of the Russian Federation provide general support. To officially obtain the status of a single mother, you must obtain a certificate from the registry office.

All benefits for mothers and existing social protection programs can be found in local MFCs or departments of social protection of the population.