Checking the funded part of the pension according to SNILS. Checking pension contributions for SNILS via the Internet

The new concept of pension accruals consists of an insurance, mandatory and funded part. When these parts are summed up, a decent amount is obtained, and citizens can eventually live with dignity on their pensions.

Where can I find out the amount that went into the pension fund from the employer, because future payments will depend on it?

There are different options for getting this important information through your home computer:

  • Portal;
  • Sberbank;
  • Pension Fund.

Through a single portal of public services

  1. If you have not yet registered, then you need to do this, since information about the amount of the pension is issued only to registered users. First, you should pre-register and send a request for an activation code via mail or other available methods. As soon as a registered letter arrives at your address, the code should be entered in the activation section, and after these manipulations a wide range of various public services will be opened.
  2. Now you should log in by entering either a phone number, or an email address, or, and enter the password you have created. After verifying the data, the main page of the portal will open. We need a section "Pension Fund of the Russian Federation", follow this link.
  3. Information about various electronic services will open, including obtaining information about the amount of savings. Follow the link to another page and click on the banner "Get a Service";
  4. The request will be generated, the user can either save the data in his personal account or send it to the attached email address. The letter will be delivered almost instantly, and from it you will be able to find out detailed information about the status of your personal retirement account.

Through the structure of Sberbank

If you receive a salary on a Sberbank card, and you have an online banking service connected, you can check the status of savings directly from the client's personal account:

  1. Log in and enter your page by entering your ID and password. It is also necessary to enter the confirmation code received on the attached phone number;
  2. On the main page on the right there is a list of available services, including the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, click on the link;
  3. Here the client must fill in the SNILS field, and information data on the state of all accumulations will open in front of him;
  4. If there is a desire, then here you can arrange regular voluntary replenishment, so that by the time of retirement, the payments will be larger.

Note! Here you can get information about the name of the commercial (non-state) fund where funds for savings are received, and if as a result of its activities the funds do not increase, but vice versa, then a citizen can apply to the prosecutor's office with a complaint about the violation of his legal rights.

Through the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

One of the most convenient ways to find out the amount of a pension on the Internet is to visit the official website of the PFR.

The user can get the most useful information, including ordering a certificate on the status of his personal pension account in a single fund:

  1. Explore the site, scroll and find the link "Apply for a Certificate";
  2. Then the authorization page will open, enter the data requested by the system;
  3. In the next window, enter the email address where the document will be sent. It will not come immediately, it will take some time to provide background information that will affect the rate of the coefficient taken into account when forming pension payments.

Learn more about help! It can be seen from the document:

  • The annual amount of deductions by the employer;
  • Number of years worked;
  • Preferred payment option;
  • Information about your PF - a commercial or government entity manages your savings;
  • If you voluntarily contribute funds to the funded part, this will be displayed in the corresponding line.

Since 2015, a new system for determining the amount of pension payments has been in operation. The concept of points was introduced, that is, a certain coefficient on which payments will ultimately depend. For each year worked and the amount of deductions by the employer, the coefficient will increase, and for each point earned, the future pensioner will receive a certain amount.

All this information will be displayed in the previously ordered certificate - your coefficient and length of service.

But you can do the calculation yourself. On the official website of the Pension Fund there is a link in electronic services to a special calculator - you must enter the length of service and the amount of wages. As a result, the requested data will be visible.

  1. Launch the electronic service of the accrual calculator;
  2. Check the box next to the field information;
  3. Specify your option - if your age is younger than 1967, then your funds can only be directed to mandatory insurance savings;
  4. The next field contains a request for compulsory military service - tick the appropriate option;
  5. Then you should indicate the number of children, and the period of maternity leave to care for them;
  6. In the next field, you must specify your length of service and salary received. If you are an individual entrepreneur, then they need to register the amount of annual income;
  7. In the last line, you should indicate whether you are an agricultural worker and indicate the place of your permanent residence.

After all the entered data, the system will indicate the approximate old-age accruals.

Note! The calculator does not take into account any benefits, so you can only get reference data on future old-age payments.

Since 2017, all contributions to the mandatory pension insurance system have been made by the Federal Tax Service, since since the specified period, all administrative functions for recording insurance premiums have been in the department of tax authorities. Contributions to the pensions of citizens of the Russian Federation are made by employers, citizens themselves and co-financed by the state. Also, pension savings are invested and bring additional income to their owners, which is distributed to the individual accounts of clients of non-state pension funds (NPFs) and management companies (MCs), for the "silent people" - this is VEB. In connection with the innovations for policyholders in 2017, the question became relevant - has the procedure for checking contributions to the pension fund according to SNILS changed?

Until 2013, the PFR sent letters to all citizens of the Russian Federation at the address of their registration. The letters contained detailed information on the state of the individual personal account of a citizen for the entire period of his stay in the pension insurance system and current changes for the reporting period.

At the current time, there are several ways to check contributions to the pension fund according to SNILS. To do this, you can contact the OPFR by providing an insurance certificate of the insured person and a Russian passport. And also due to the automation of many processes in the off-budget fund, citizens have the opportunity to view contributions to the Pension Fund via the Internet.

On the Internet, you can check your individual personal account in the pension insurance system in several ways, which depend on what type of pension you need to clarify the information on - insurance or funded, and who is the insurer of pension savings - NPF or PFR. If the funds are invested through a management company (private or public), then the PFR acts as the insurer, otherwise - the NPF.

Depending on this, you can check contributions to the Pension Fund under SNILS through the public services portal, on the PFR or NPF website.

View contributions to the Pension Fund via the Internet on the public services portal

In order to obtain information on the account of the insurance pension for citizens of the Russian Federation, you can use the electronic portal of public services. Also, here you can get information about the state of your savings account for citizens whose insurer is the PFR.

On the portal in your personal account, you must enter the electronic services section, select the Pension Fund column - the state of the ILS in the OPS system, determine which form of notification you need to order, and receive the service. After that, a report will be generated within a few minutes.

Before using this method of obtaining information about the state of the pension account, it will be necessary to register on the portal.

Check contributions to the Pension Fund via the Internet on the PFR website

In addition to the public services portal, insured persons can obtain information about their formed pension rights for insurance pensions and pension savings, the insurer of which is the Pension Fund, on ]]> the official website of the off-budget fund ]]>. To do this, you will need to register in the electronic service "personal account of a citizen" through a unified system of identification and authentication (ESIA). After that, in the “formation of pension rights” section, you can get information about your individual pension account.

In the case of using one of the two above methods, the citizen receives information about the payers of insurance premiums, the amount of contributions received for the entire period, the amount of contributions for the reporting period and the final indicator of pension rights. And also, the percentage of profitability from investing pension savings, if the FIU acts as an insurer for them.

Check contributions to NPF via the Internet

If the funded pension is managed by the NPF, then the citizen will not be able to obtain information about the state of his funded account through the public services portal or on the PFR website. To do this, you will need to use your personal account on the NPF website.

At the current time, most NPFs from the DIA register continue to inform their clients about the state of their savings account by sending out letters. However, more and more NPF clients use electronic services for this, which can be used on the official website of the NPF in the “personal account” section. To enter it, you must enter a username and password. The login is an eleven-digit insurance certificate number (SNILS), and the password is provided to the client when concluding an OPS agreement with the NPF or later - after the client registers in the fund's database, the password is sent to him by SMS notification or registered mail.

On the website of the NPF, the client can check information only about the state of the funded pension.

Since 2014, 22% of insurance premiums have been directed to the insurance pension, since the financing of citizens' pension savings is "frozen" until 2019. During this period, the funded pension increases only at the expense of investment income accrued by the NPF or MC.

31.08.2017 0

The success of the new Russian pension reform depends on many factors. The specialists did a good job on the system and offered users an original product based on advanced foreign experience and their own schemes. The positive or negative aspects of the reform can only be learned years later, when it will work “to the fullest”.

The amount of future payments now depends not only on the length of service, but also on the amount accumulated in the account. The latter is stored in the state fund on the personal account of the owner.
Unfortunately, the older generation handles the Internet and modern technology worse than the younger generation, so they need all-round help. We will talk about using the Internet to obtain information about the funded part of the pension under the SNILS system. If you follow simple instructions, you can independently obtain all the necessary information.

Despite its complexity, the new type of pension system is more equitable than the previous one. It is more transparent and understandable upon closer examination. The length of service fades into the background when determining remuneration. Now every future pensioner can accumulate a significant amount of money, which will be a good start for a comfortable old age.

The new model pension consists of several components. Below we will talk about them in a little more detail.

The basis for future payments will be a small amount based on the cost of living and varies by region. It is less than the "old" pension. This part can be obtained by almost any Russian citizen who has reached the required age.

Future pensioners, however, should not immediately worry, because there is also a second part of the pension. It directly depends on regular contributions to the state fund and varies in size. After receiving SNILS, you can immediately begin to invest in future old age.

If parents have extra money, they can already start saving it for their child. Citizens of Russia can now put aside part of the money they earn in a special fund, which will become a reliable support in the future. The most important thing in the reform is that any citizen is now able to independently control his pension.

The employer is obliged to contribute monthly to the Pension Fund 22% of the salary of each employee.

In addition, you can increase your capital on your own and regularly replenish the fund even after retirement, which is especially valuable. After increasing the size of the fund, the system itself will recalculate the monthly payment upwards.

Funded pension - what is it and why was it created?

This component of future payments is similar in functionality to a regular bank deposit. The difference lies in the details - the account is opened in a state fund, has a designated purpose and is guaranteed by the Russian government. It is a safe place where the money of future pensioners will be safely stored in order to become the basis for a secure old age.

How to find out the amount of pension savings?

  1. By contacting the nearest branch of the Pension Fund in person.
  2. Obtaining information about the amount of pension savings online.

Obtaining data on the amount of available pension savings via the Internet

It is enough to go to the Public Services Portal, where you can get the necessary information, order a certificate, draw up documents and much more.

If you already have registration in the system of the State Services Portal, you need to log in using your data, go to the section " Public Services», find " Services for: individuals", sort " By department". In the list of services that appears, select " Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation”, then select the tab “ Pension Fund of the Russian Federation", then find the item "Informing insured persons about the status of their individual personal accounts in the system of compulsory pension insurance" .

If the State Services portal is used for the first time, then first you need to go through the registration procedure on the site or visit the nearest service center.

The state portal has become a full-fledged assistant to the Russians and has significantly reduced the queues in institutions. Now most services are provided remotely, without the need to waste your time on bureaucratic red tape. Citizens of Russia today remotely enroll a child in a kindergarten, order documents and receive information about the amount of savings in a pension account.

Using the Internet to obtain information about the funded part of the pension under the SNILS system requires prior registration. You will need passport data and SNILS. The procedure takes a few minutes and you can use the amenities of the resource. Going to the "Pension Savings" section, you can see the button for obtaining information. By clicking on it, the system will open a new window, where there is all the useful information about pension savings. It can be checked and controlled at any time. It is enough to have a computer with the Internet at home or at work.

Obtaining information about the account when visiting the Pension Fund in person

There is also a more familiar option for obtaining the necessary information. You can go to the branch of the Pension Fund, which is usually within walking distance, where you should contact the employee for information. Be sure to bring an identity document and SNILS with you. If there is no queue at the time of visiting the institution, then everything will take a few minutes.

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funded pension- this is a payment due to old age, which is set depending on the amount of pension savings from January 1, 2015, according to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 424-FZ "About funded pension".

The insured person may apply for this pension at any time from the day the right to it arises. In addition, such a right is granted to the employer, whose employees have given written consent to this.

Its payment is made regardless of receiving a different pension and in the prescribed amount without restrictions.

The procedure for the formation of a funded pension

funded pension formed by the following persons:

  • Employees born in 1967 and younger, as insurance premiums were paid for them to finance the funded part.
  • Men born in 1953-1966 and women born in 1957-1966, for whom employers paid contributions to her in the period from 2002 to 2004.
  • Citizens who participated in the Program of state co-financing of pensions.
  • Persons who directed the funds of maternity (family) capital to the funded part.

How to find out the amount of the funded part of the pension?

Previously, the Pension Fund (PFR) was required to send citizens information about the state of the pension account. Now everything has changed dramatically: Citizens must take the initiative to obtain the specified information. He can exercise this right in any convenient way for free.

Today there is several ways to get information:

  • via the Internet (according to SNILS);
  • when applying in person to the Pension Fund authorities;
  • in certain banks: Sberbank, Uralsib, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow, VTB: by contacting tellers or at ATMs.

Is it possible to find out remotely by SNILS?

Perpetual (lifetime) payment of pension savings

The right to a funded pension are citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign persons and persons who are not citizens of Russia, but permanently residing on its territory, for whom employers transferred insurance in or.

The savings of Ivanov Mikhail Sergeevich amount to 100 thousand rubles. In 2018, he applied for an old-age pension, which was set for him in the amount of 9,850 rubles. When assigning a funded pension, it turned out that its amount of monthly payments is less than 5% of the size of the labor pension (100,000 / 246 \u003d 406.50 rubles; 9,850 × 5% \u003d 492.5 rubles), then he will be paid pension savings (100,000 rubles) at the same time.

Annual adjustment of the funded pension

  • receipt of new insurance premiums, including additional ones;
  • with an increase in insurance premiums as a result of their investment;
  • in the presence of savings that were not taken into account earlier.

This recalculation of the size carried out according to the formula:

NP \u003d NP to + PN to / T,

  • NP- the size of the funded pension;
  • NP to- the amount of the pension as of July 31 of the year in which the adjustment is made;
  • Mon to- the amount of pension savings as of July 1 of the year in which the adjustment is made;
  • T- the expected payment period at 31 July of the year in which the adjustment takes place.

In the event of an adjustment to a fixed-term pension payment, the funds on the basis of which its amount is recalculated, not included in savings when adjusting the size of the funded pension.


Since January 1, 2015, a new and independent type of pension has appeared, which is called. All insured persons who have reached retirement age and have pension savings in the amount of more than 5% of the total pension by old age.

It can be made to a pensioner in the form of:

  • funded pension indefinitely;
  • urgent payment;
  • lump sum payment.

You need to apply for its appointment to the organization in which your savings are located, that is, to the FIU or NPF. If you do not know in which organization the savings are located, then contact the FIU or a multifunctional center.

The moment of circulation is submission of the application and necessary documents. If not all documents are submitted, but the person submits them later within 3 months, then the date of application will be considered the day the application was submitted.

After reviewing them, a decision is made can be both negative and positive. In any case, the citizen must be notified of the results of the review. In case of refusal to assign a payment, all documents must be returned to the person along with a notification. It also indicates the reasons for making such a decision, as well as the procedure and deadlines for appealing the decision.