We make foam from shaving soap. Educational program on budgetary funds for a classic shave

For many men, foam is the usual shaving agent, but what if the product runs out at the right time and you need to safely remove the stubble? Indeed, only thanks to shaving foam, a man can easily and easily remove excess facial hair and not damage the integrity of the facial skin. Experts advise using folk recipes and make foam by yourself.

Few men know how to make shaving foam and what is even possible. Actually the experience previous generations shows that for home cooking even a few improvised means can be used with such a shaving agent. It can be ordinary soap, solid oils and a soap base, to which various useful components are added.

In fact, shaving foam with your own hands is quite real, and any man can cope with such a task. Moreover, alternative means are in no way worse than foam, if properly prepared according to the recipe and used immediately for its intended purpose.

To prepare homemade foam for safe, gliding and gentle stubble removal, you can use:

  • toilet or simple laundry soap;
  • solid vegetable oils;
  • soap base and additional components to it.

The first soap-based foam option is ideal for men with normal to bold type skin, as the alkalis in the composition of the soap remove fat and disinfect the epidermis. The soap base can be supplemented with plant extracts, moisturizing ingredients and essential oils, making it ideal for sensitive skin. And on oil based it turns out more like a shaving cream that moisturizes and softens dry skin type.

Important! Do-it-yourself shaving foam should be used immediately after preparation, as it will whip and after some time the effect of the foam may be lost.

Recipes for home cooking

Many men have long known how to whip shaving foam from soap, when shaving cosmetics were not invented. Having no alternative, all the men foamed a simple soap and applied such a product to the skin of the face with a brush, after which they removed the stubble with a straight razor.


Today, to prepare an alternative foam from soap, you will need to use the following improvised means:

  • toilet or laundry soap;
  • shaving brush;
  • water temperature of about 50 degrees;
  • ceramic bowl.

To whip soap to a state of foam, experts advise choosing a shaving brush from badger hair. First, you need to dip the shaving brush in warm water and leave it there for a few minutes to steam out the villi. Next, the brush must be shaken off the rest of the water, and then rubbed over the surface of the soap until foam appears. The resulting foam must be quickly transferred to a bowl until the desired amount is collected in it.

Using warm water, you can adjust the density of the foam, adding a few drops as needed. After that, the foam is immediately applied to the skin of the face with a brush, if necessary, the foam can be constantly whipped with a brush. It is imperative to shave with a machine with sharp blades, as you can damage the skin and bristle hairs. After the procedure, it will be enough to wash with cool water and apply a moisturizer after shaving.

From soap bases

The soap base is sold in any pharmacy or specialized stores, it is used by people who independently prepare natural remedies for hygiene procedures. In creating shaving foam from such a base, you can also turn on fantasy and add various valuable components. For example:

  • glycerol;
  • oils (peach, almond, coconut, grape seed, citrus, shea, jojoba, wheat grains);
  • decoctions on herbs;
  • essential oils.

In addition, you will need dishes for preparing the product on a steam bath, a grater and a container for finished product. On a grater, you need to grate a piece of soap or cut the soap base into pieces, warm it up for steam bath and pour about 100 ml of herbal decoction. The product is stirred until the soap is melted, you can add a little sea ​​salt to speed up the absorption of soap and rejuvenate the skin of the face with salt minerals.

Half a teaspoon of vegetable oil, glycerin are added to the product, vitamin E and a couple of drops of essential oil for aroma can be added (but ether is added to the cooled product). Using a mixer or a simple whisk, the finished soap should be whipped until foam forms. After that, the agent is poured into the finished container and can be used for its intended purpose.

From solid oils

You need to choose your own shaving oil, taking into account personal preferences and skin response characteristics. Experts advise choosing from the following options for solid oils:

  • Shea Butter;
  • coconut;
  • pistachio;
  • cacao butter;
  • almond oil;
  • mango butter.

In addition, you will need a container, a couple of drops of any essential oil and water. You can mix several oils in equal proportions, melt them in a water bath to a liquid state, add a little olive oil or vitamin E and mix well. Add esters to the cooled product and beat with a whisk or mixer. After that cream foam self cooking can be used for shaving.

For reference! All of the above recipes, how you can make your own shaving foam, are in demand among men all over the world, they protect the skin from injury, nourish and moisturize, taking into account the needs of the skin.

Important nuances in cooking

Before using the prepared product, you need to test it for an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of homemade foam should be applied to the skin of the wrist or on the bend of the elbow, and then check if redness appears on the skin. If the skin does not respond, this alternative foam can be used to remove excess facial hair.

The choice of recipe by skin type is as follows:

  • dry skin - hard foam vegetable oils;
  • normal and oily skin- foam from laundry or toilet soap;
  • sensitive skin - natural soap base foam.

Facial foam brushes are best used from natural materials manufacturing. For sensitive and dry skin homemade remedy you need to add liquid glycerin and vitamin E to ensure the sliding of the machine, nutrition and hydration of the skin after such a procedure. Any prepared shaving foam should be used once, and for next procedure prepare fresh foam.


Do-it-yourself shaving foam is ideal for those men who have allergic reaction for most cosmetics. You can prepare foam from solid vegetable oils (cream foam will turn out), from soap base(an alternative to shaving gel), as well as from plain soap toilet or household. In creating foam at home, you can give free rein to creative impulses and fantasies by adding any other valuable substances and components to cooking recipes.

Today, dear readers, we will talk about creating luxurious shaving foam. There is already quite a lot of all kinds of material on this topic on Russian-speaking and Western resources, but in this article I will try to systematize the knowledge of the "world mind", add something from personal experience and perhaps you will learn something new for yourself.

It's no secret that traditional wet shaving uses shaving cream or soap to lather. And if everything is more or less clear with the required amount of cream (about 1 centimeter of cream from a tube is enough), then there are nuances with soap. The shaving brush will only be ready for work when it is “saturated” with soap (more on this later in the text of the article).

Features of solid soap

There are extra hard shaving soaps (triple milled during production) such as "Mitchel Wool Fat", "DR Harris", "Geo F Trumper" which are very difficult to lather with a shaving brush and hard ones like "Arko", "Derby" , "LaToya" and other brands.

How to make shaving foam from this soap? It is necessary to place such soap in some kind of bowl (jar), or use a special container (photo 2, it is called "Pharmacist of the mug" in the West), pour for 2-3 minutes hot water(during this time, the top layer of soap will turn sour), drain the water and start loading the shaving brush.

By the way, it is very important to pre-tamp such soap in order not to leave gaps for water, which, without the possibility of evaporating, will very quickly turn the soap into porridge. There are two types of shaving foam - directly on the face and in a bowl. I personally prefer the second option as I find the process to be more manageable.

We whip the foam

So let's go. We soak the shaving brush in hot water (from a badger - 2-3 minutes, from a bristle of a wild boar - 4-5 minutes, synthetic pile is not needed at all - just dip in hot water), it is also desirable to “warm up” a bowl for whipping foam (photo 3) or use a special scuttle - a warm container contributes to better whipping of the foam. We continue - we take a shaving brush already saturated with moisture, remove excess water (slightly squeeze around the pile with our fingers), then fluff the pile with our fingers and start loading the soap. We lower the shaving brush into a container of soap and begin in a circular motion(clockwise, then counterclockwise) drive with a shaving brush. The loading time, as well as the amount of soap "taken" by the shaving brush, depends on many factors (this is the type of shaving bristle used, the pressure on the shaving brush itself, and the intensity with the number of circular movements). It takes me about 35-40 seconds. That's it - the brush of soap "ate" (photo 4).

Now we begin, in fact, beating the foam in a bowl. Circular movements (clockwise and counterclockwise) without special pressure we intensively drive on the pile with a shaving brush in the bowl and, if necessary, add water during the kneading process (I advise you to add water drop by drop - from the fingers of your free hand 3-4 drops), continue to beat the foam until smooth (it should look "juicy", " greasy", without almost invisible air bubbles). The following should be noted here:

  • a shaving brush made of boar bristles begins to "work" better after 12-15 shaving sessions - the tips of the villi begin to split in it;
  • when using a brush made of synthetic fiber, more water will be required to whip the foam than when using "natural counterparts" - the synthetic pile is not saturated with moisture.

Taking the shaving brush with foam out of the bowl, the foam should, so to speak, "stretch" and keep its shape (photo 5.6). This is what luxury shaving foam is all about. You, dear readers, need to remember one thing - the right foam, this is the perfect balance of water and the material used (shaving cream or soap).

(photos are clickable)

Water hardness matters

And in conclusion, two more small and, I hope, useful advice. If your foam does not whip well, then the problem is most likely in the water (in the degree of its hardness). Where I live, the water is very hard - it is impossible to achieve good results, so I use hot boiled water from a kettle to soak the shaving brush and whip the foam - this completely solves the problem. And secondly, if the finished foam from the soap or cream you use (its "fat content", "juiciness" and density) does not suit you, then I advise you to do this: in the middle of the process of whipping the foam in a bowl, you need to add 3 drops of glycerin (sold in any pharmacy). The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the effect may be the opposite.

Enjoy your shave and have a great day!

Alexander Tumanov

No shave is complete without lather. But the method of obtaining it can be different: from using ready-made foam, to whipping it yourself from cream or soap.

Traditional shaving involves the use of a shaving cream or soap, from which you whip up a luxurious lather. It is on them that we will focus our attention today. How to properly and effectively use the full potential of these tools, read on about the technique and methods of whipping foam.

A GOOD shaving brush is a guarantee of a GOOD FOAM!

So, to get a good foam you need to have a good shaving brush. Of course, ideal option there will be a badger shaving brush. These shaving brushes are a favorite among wet shaving professionals. But good shaving brushes are not limited to badgers. We have excellent specimens made of boar wool, as well as one with piece pile for vegans. If you do not have a decent shaving brush - choose in our store.


Expensive shaving products are actually very economical. They need quite a bit to get a sufficient amount of finished foam.

  • The cream needs a maximum of 1.5 cm strip, the size of an almond - “almond-size”;
  • Soap needs the same amount, that is, it needs to be collected on the shaving brush only on the tips.


  • in a special bowl;
  • in the palm;
  • on the face;

There is no single right one among them. Just try all three in turn and choose the one that works best for you. Before moving on specifically to these three methods of whipping foam, let's talk about the basic manipulations with the shaving brush. Which movements are best to whip the foam:

  • Circular movements. Having collected the product on the brush, transfer it to the place where the foam is whipped and continue to drive in a circular motion over the surface, pressing the brush down. In fact, the foam is formed in the very center of the shaving brush, between the bristles. So don't be afraid to apply some pressure. Simply running the tip of the shaving brush over the surface of the bowl or over the skin will not produce a good lather.
  • Pomping (pressing). Again, having collected a little soap or cream on the shaving brush, put it perpendicular to the surface and alternately press and release it. The movements resemble the operation of a pump, which is where the name of the method comes from.
  • Circular movements with a turn. Similar to the first technique, just with a change in the trajectory of movements. That is, first clockwise, then against. We change directions several times.
  • Painter movements. The movements of the shaving brush resemble the movements of a brush when painting something. Imagine how you would move a brush while painting a house. With similar movements, foam from soap or cream is well whipped. This technique is most effectively used when whipping foam on the face, as well as for applying it to it.

When you feel that the foam has already formed, just squeeze it out of the brush with a large and index finger holding a shaving brush between them. The resulting foam can be whipped or diluted by adding a few drops of water.

The type of water you use will determine how easy it is to froth. How softer water, the easier it is to create foam.

Also, please note that brushes made of natural wool are advised to moisten before use. The pile will soften and perform its function more efficiently.


The easiest and most accurate way to get foam. Dial shaving cream or soap on the shaving brush. Required amount"almond size", that is, the size of an almond: 1-1.5 cm strip of cream, or approximately the same amount of soap. That is, from the very beginning, a lot of funds are not needed. If you are using soap, dampen the shaving brush and the surface of the soap, and use just enough to cover only the tips of the shaving brush.

We take a bowl for whipping foam and begin the process. We use the movements that we talked about at the beginning: circular, pumping and circular with a turn. You will have foam on the entire surface of the bowl and this is normal. Add water as needed during the process.

Water should be added drop by drop as too much water will reduce the required foam density.

Most of the finished foam will be concentrated not in the bowl, but inside the shaving brush. Collect all the foam on the bone and blow it into the palm of your hand or into a bowl. From there, apply to your face.


This method is less neat, because droplets of cream, soap and foam will fall on things around. But, whipping the foam in the palm of your hand, you best feel its texture. Put a little cream or soap on a wet shaving brush, then apply the product on a damp palm. Start kneading the foam in a circular motion. Further, everything is similar to the previous method. We take out the foam from the shaving brush, transfer it to the palm of your hand, mix lightly to make sure it is homogeneous. Apply directly to the face. The rest of the foam can be "driven" into the shaving brush or into the bowl again.


With this method, it is advised to give preference to brushes made of natural pile. They will work more efficiently. So, we apply a small amount of cream or soap on the face. Cream - a thin layer over the entire surface that we will shave. Soap - three strips: on the cheeks and on the chin. We remind you that the face should be moist, and the skin should be steamed, that is, before shaving, we wash ourselves with warm water.

We begin to beat the foam first in a circular motion, and then, in turn, we use all the movements that we talked about. See it already own feelings- which will be more useful, use those manipulations. Mix the foam until the entire face is evenly covered with foam and well moisturized.

If you are always running out of time and every minute is precious to you, then a unique tool will come to the rescue - which eliminates the mandatory use of a bowl for whipping foam and a shaving brush - it is enough just to apply it on your face!

Rinse the shaving brush well after each shave, pat it dry with a towel, and leave it in a well-ventilated position to dry.

Here is a video from a British blogger and wet shave master that clearly shows how to put all the above recommendations into practice.

The axis of the video of the British blogger is that master from the denuded shin, which clearly shows how the above described recommendations should be put into practice.

It has already been described in great detail. But it is better to see once than to hear or read a hundred times. This time will be visual instruction with photos.
At the same time will be tested bought the day before german soap for shaving "Tabac Original".

For the test you will need tap water, we have it quite hard,
as well as the most common ceramic bowl, badger "silvertip" by Hans Baier and soap:

We collect water in a bowl, degrees 50 C, put a shaving brush inside,
with a handle we cling to it by the edge, and let the bowl warm up for a couple of minutes and the shaving brush to get wet.
Pour the water out of the bowl, shake the shaving brush lightly.
We collect soap in a circular motion:

If there were more water in the shaving brush, something like
first foam, it could be transported into a bowl.
But this time, she didn't.
After this procedure, the shaving brush looks like this:

I think there's enough soap in here. Though some love less
someone more - a matter of taste. We begin to rotate the shaving brush on a dry bowl:

Dry. Add some water, maybe half a teaspoon:

We continue to "beat":

Let's add some more water:

We continue to work with the brush, we are already slowly approaching
to the finish line:

The process took about a minute so far. Let's see what will happen
if you add a little more water:

We continue to beat and see that there are more bubbles,
they themselves have become larger, the foam is more liquid:

If I did everything right, i.e. continued to beat
without adding the last portion of water, it would be the other way around.
In general, there is too much water in the foam.
But that's not a problem.

Squeeze the foam from the brush
passing the brush between the thumb and forefinger,
and put the foam in a bowl. There is almost no foam left on the brush.
Let's take some more soap with a brush,
quite a bit, (in principle, one could take a pea of ​​shaving cream).
And continue to stir for another 40-50 seconds.

And now we are almost at the goal, the shaving brush no longer falls if you put it upside down:

The foam bubbles have become much smaller, the foam has increased in volume
and became thicker and smoother.
A few more brush strokes and the result looks like this:

the foam has become even smoother, there are very few noticeable bubbles left,
and the foam is drawn into the mustache. Perhaps a little more and ready:

The blisters have completely disappeared. I am quite pleased with the result.
The whole thing took a little over two minutes.

Now two words about mine subjective feelings from product:
The soap container suits me, a ceramic bowl, which is very good,
plastic lid, made of hard plastic, does not fit tightly,
Apparently, to soap breathed. By the way, soap can be bought without a bowl a little cheaper.
The soap is whipped into foam quite easily, it smells very pleasant,
Reminds me of a scent from my childhood. The foam turned out to be quite stable,
(although it can be even more stable), it had a very pleasant feeling on the skin, and the razor "glided" well.
After shaving, before aftershave, discomfort it wasn't, quite the opposite.

UPD: I tried shaving cream from a tube of Tabac Original, it's quite good,
though heavily perfumed.

natural creams for shaving. Ideas, master classes

Shaving cream with your own hands. Master Class

I greet you on the pages of my diary!

I think the theme of creation natural remedies to get rid of unwanted hair will be of interest to many, especially those who have sensitive skin, suffer from allergies, or are simply attentive to their own health. Moreover, making shaving creams and lotions is absolutely simple, and the benefits from them are hoo :) Moreover, do not forget that they are coming new year holidays And anyone will be very pleased to receive a natural cream as a gift :)

With regard to shaving, of course, men get more :) You and I can go for hair removal, since now there are many different options, and the procedure is quite safe and painless, for example, take a look at the site Biomed Laser Therapy Center- http://biomedlaser.ru/ and, importantly, the result is enough for a long time :) Men have a hard time, so let's take care of them first. Natural shaving creams healthy skin and, by and large, savings. I want to offer you several options for making shaving creams, all of them are simple, do not require special materials and tools, everyone can handle it if they wish. Enjoy watching!

Let's start with you, to be honest - the photos are too beautiful :) - from the work of Lindsey G., the author of the Homemade Mommy resource (homemademommy.net). Lindsey, first of all, created a cream for herself, she has very sensitive skin and industrial creams and soaps are absolutely not suitable for her.

Cream composition:

4 tablespoons shea butter, 3 tablespoons coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil, 10-12 drops of lavender essential oil. Melt solid oils in a water bath, add jojoba oil, after cooling add essential oils, beat with a blender. It is best to store, of course, in the refrigerator and take the cream not with your hands, but with a clean spoon or spatula.

It is not necessary to use essential oils in shaving cream, but it is desirable, because. they provide great action on the skin. If we talk about shaving creams, I would recommend focusing, of course, on personal preferences, but first of all, choose those oils that have an emollient, moisturizing, antibacterial and wound-healing effect. For example, oils of eucalyptus, rosemary, citrus, lavender, geranium, jasmine, tea tree etc. If you are using certain essential oils for the first time, you need to check your reaction to them - smell the oil, whether it will cause sneezing, try putting a drop on the skin - if the skin turns red and itches, this is for you essential oil not suitable :) Be careful with essential oils - their benefits are extraordinary, but they can cause allergic reactions.

The next recipe (the photo is also great!) from Shaina (foodformyfamily.com) is also focused on sensitive skin and cooked in oils.

The recipe is very similar to the previous one. Ingredients: 1/3 cup shea butter, 1/3 cup coconut oil, 1/4 cup jojoba or almond oil, 10 drops rosemary essential oil, and 3 drops peppermint essential oil. Production is identical to the previous recipe - we drown in a water bath solid oils, add liquid, after cooling, add essential oils and beat.

The following recipe is from the craftswoman Jill (onegoodthingbyjillee.com). Here, olive oil is added to the recipe and baking soda. The cream has moisturizing and softening properties.

Ingredients: 2/3 cup coconut oil, 2/3 cup shea butter, 1/4 cup olive oil, 10 drops lavender essential oil, 5 drops peppermint essential oil, 2 teaspoons baking soda.

Soda is added along with essential oils after the oil mixture has cooled. By the way, it is convenient to cool the oils after mixing in the refrigerator.

And this shaving gel or lotion is also from Jill.


1/2 cup liquid natural soap, 1/4 cup warm water, 1/4 cup Aloe Vera gel, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons glycerin, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 8 drops tea tree essential oil, 5-10 drops any other essential oil ( the author has lavender).

Dissolve the salt in warm water, add all other components, mix, store in the refrigerator.

And another option from the master Jill of the moisturizer, but here there are industrial facilities. However, everyone really likes this option, the reviews are the most pleasant - well, we will try to choose as much as possible safe drugs:)


1 cup of shampoo, 1 cup of hair conditioner (not to be confused with balm :)), 5 tablespoons of body cream or lotion, 5 tablespoons of coconut oil. Melt coconut oil in a water bath, add the remaining ingredients, beat. Essential oils can be added if desired. Jill praises this particular recipe very much. What kind of means she used, you can see in the photo.

The following recipe is from Sarah Lipoff (savvysugar.com), she uses natural soap and witch hazel extract in the recipe.

Recipe: 3/4 cup grated natural soap (from the author in shea butter), 2 tablespoons coconut oil, 1/4 tablespoon Aloe Vera gel, 1/4 cup witch hazel extract, 5-10 drops of any essential oil. Grate the soap, add coconut oil, witch hazel and melt the mixture in a water bath. After cooling, add Aloe Vera gel and essential oils, beat.

And here is an interesting point: this is a photo process of filling the tube with mass - the author placed the mass in a bag, cut a corner and squeezed the contents into the tube :) This cream must be stored in the refrigerator!

And another recipe from Hilda (hildehauc.blogspot.com). Its beauty is in the use of clay.


1/2 cup coconut oil, 1/4 cup liquid natural soap, 1/4 cup green clay, 10-15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.

Melt coconut oil in a water bath, add soap and clay, after cooling add essential oil, beat.

In appearance, of course, not very, but judging by the composition, the thing is very useful :)

Clay, as you understand, you can use any clay that you like or have available :) Yes, and do not forget about perfume fragrances, with which you can add sophistication even to handmade shaving cream :)

Well, let's try to make a useful shaving cream on our own? If you have any questions, please ask, I'll be happy to help!

I wish everyone good mood and sunny weather!