Homemade washing machine cleaner. Do-it-yourself washing gel - how to make it from soap and soda? To make a do-it-yourself laundry detergent in an automatic machine, you will need

Recently, the quality of household chemicals is getting worse - the components of detergents cause allergies in many people. You can refuse them if you make a laundry detergent with your own hands. We will give you some recipes.

There is the easiest way to wash wool or silk clothes. For it you will need mustard powder and water. Stir 15 grams of powder in one liter of hot water and let it brew for about three hours. Then carefully pour the liquid component into the basin, trying not to drain the sediment. Now you can manually soak and wash clothes in a basin of mustard water. Be sure to rinse your clothes well. The sediment can be reused to create a new laundry detergent.

You can make laundry detergent at home from baking soda and brown laundry soap by rubbing the latter on a fine grater and mixing the ingredients in a ratio of 600 g of soap to 500 g of soda. Such a powder can be used for a washing machine, loading with linen into the tank. For 5 kg of laundry, you need a tablespoon of powder without a slide!

A powder of 200 g of dried laundry soap grated on a fine grater, 100 g of soda ash, 100 g of borax, 100 g of baking soda and 20 drops of any essential oil can wash things well. Mix the mass with gloves, store in a closed container. You can wash it with such a powder both manually and in a typewriter (put it together with the laundry in the tank). Consumption: for 5 kg - 1 tablespoon.

You can wash things with soap nuts. 8 nuts should be put in a bag and, together with linen (4-5 kg), placed in the tank of the washing machine. This tool not only lathers well and washes clothes, but also softens fabrics.

Do-it-yourself washing gel

It is very convenient to wash things with gel. It can also be made with your own hands from water, soda ash and households. soap. One hundred grams of soap must be crushed with a grater and pour a small amount of water. Use metal utensils for this step that you don't use for cooking. Next, put the container with the resulting solution on the stove, setting the minimum heat, and wait until the soap is completely dissolved. After that, add the rest of the water (only 100 g of soap will require 2 liters of water), a portion of soda (100 g) and mix so that the soda dissolves. Please note that the consistency must be uniform so that washing with such a gel does not leave white spots on clothes. Warm up (but do not bring to a boil!), Constantly stirring the mass, and then turn it off, close the lid and let it brew for a day. You managed to make your own laundry gel! The advantage of this tool is efficiency (consumption of 1-2 tablespoons per 4-5 kg ​​of linen) and organicity.

The modern household industry presents a wide range of washing powders and gels. But many housewives prefer to use home remedies. They are not inferior in effectiveness to the most popular powders, and at the same time they are absolutely safe for health and much more economical. How to make a washing gel based on laundry soap and soda at home?


To prepare a washing gel, you will need simple and accessible ingredients - water, borax, laundry soap and washing soda. Additionally, prepare a container for preparing and storing the product, a stirring spoon and a saucepan for a water bath.

Each ingredient that is part of the homemade gel performs certain functions and enhances the washing effect. So, borax bleaches and helps restore freshness to clothes. Washing soda helps to break down fats, soften water and eliminate odors. To prepare the gel, you can use ordinary baking soda, increasing its amount several times. Laundry soap helps to cope with various pollution.


There are several recipes for making homemade laundry gel. They differ in the proportions of the main ingredients and the presence of additives.

Recipe #1

To prepare the gel, you will need the following basic ingredients: 18 cups of water, 1 cup each of crushed laundry soap, borax and washing soda (take 4 times more food).

Pour 2 cups of boiling water into a container and add laundry soap, previously grated on a fine grater. Boil the mixture in a water bath over low heat until a homogeneous mass is formed. Add borax and soda to the solution, then mix thoroughly until all components are completely combined. Pour out the remaining 16 cups of water, cover and turn off the heat. Leave the mixture to infuse for a day, so that the result is a gel of a fairly thick consistency.

To give the product a pleasant aroma, add a few drops of essential oil to the already cooled solution. Optionally, you can use lavender, orange, tea tree, ylang-ylang, clove, etc. oils. Pour the resulting laundry detergent into a storage container (you can use a plastic bottle) and close the lid tightly.

Recipe #2

Prepare the ingredients: 1 liter of water, 50 g of grated soap, 45 g of soda ash and optional essential oils.

Boil water and add soap shavings to it. Boil for several minutes until the soap is completely dissolved, constantly stirring the solution. Add baking soda and stir until dissolved, if this is not done, white stripes may appear on colored clothes after washing.

Set the gel aside and let it cool, then add a few drops of essential oil. Pour the product into a storage container and close the lid tightly.

Gel application

Shake the container thoroughly and pour ¼ cup into the washing machine, and ½ cup for heavily soiled items. The gel will cope well with pollution of any kind, give things freshness and softness. This product is suitable for washing things for children and allergy sufferers.

You can create an effective, safe and economical laundry detergent at home. This will require a minimum of time and ingredients - soap, soda and borax. Using homemade gel will return your things to cleanliness and freshness, while not causing allergies or other negative reactions.

A high-quality one costs a lot today, and more affordable analogues do not cope well with pollution. In addition, the composition of such detergents contains a lot of components that can cause negative reactions, especially on children's delicate skin.

A great alternative would be a homemade laundry detergent. All components are available, the cooking process is not so complicated. And most importantly, it will be possible not to worry about the composition, because all the ingredients are familiar and have been tested for a long time. It remains only to learn how to make washing gel.

Soap and soda ash gel

Such an easy-to-prepare remedy will cope with stains as well as brand-name powders. The composition is well rinsed out of the fibers, which means that there will be no white marks on your favorite thing, which often spoil the mood.

For cooking you will need:

  • 200 g of soap. Absolutely any without dyes will do;
  • 200 g of soda ash. Not food, that's important;
  • pure water.

Before embarking on experiments, it is worth determining in which dishes the composition will be prepared. In the future, it will not be possible to cook food in this pan.

  1. Soap should be grated on a fine-mesh grater. Put in a container and pour in about 1.5 liters of water. Put on the stove, the fire is small, and warm, stirring constantly. The composition should not boil. The soap should completely dissolve, then add about 1 liter of water and mix.
  2. The next step is to add soda. Stir gently until completely dissolved. Slight foaming is acceptable. It is important to completely dissolve the soda, this will avoid the formation of white marks on clothes.
  3. Remove the mixture from heat and cool, leave for a day. Then pour into suitable containers and use as needed.
  4. If the DIY laundry gel is too thick, adding water and heating will solve the problem.

The product can be used to clean any fabrics, except for natural wool and silk. The fibers of these materials require delicate care.

Gel made from soap, borax and soda

Detergents based on soda and borax perfectly cope even with stubborn dirt and do not destroy the fibers of the material. But in order for the composition to show its best side, you should strictly adhere to the recipe.

For cooking you will need:

  • 5-5.5 liters of water;
  • 300 g of grated soap;
  • 300 g of soda, food or soda;
  • 300 g of borax (sodium tetraborate).
Borax (sodium tetraborate) can be purchased at a nearby pharmacy or ordered online.

It is also necessary to prepare containers in advance: a soap pot, a spoon, storage bottles. All these utensils can not be used in the future for cooking.

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of water into the pan and add grated soap. Heat, stirring, until completely dissolved. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly again.
  2. Pour in the remaining water and heat slightly.
  3. Leave the almost ready gel for a day and pour into suitable containers. For one wash, 1/2 cup of the composition is enough.

If you decide to make your own laundry gel, the recipes can be upgraded. Add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture. This delicate fragrance will remain on the clothes even after rinsing.

Vinegar based fabric softener

Personally made detergents perfectly cope with various contaminants. But they do not guarantee the softness that industrial formulations give. But even this problem can be dealt with without significant expenses.

To prepare a simple and effective conditioner you will need:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 2 cups white food vinegar;
  • 2 cups of soda;
  • essential oil.

Making one with your own hands is easy. The mixture does not even have to be heated, let alone boiled:

  1. Add baking soda to water, stir well until dissolved. Then pour in the vinegar. The connection of the components will be accompanied by foaming, so it is worth taking a container that is much larger than the liquid in volume. Act in this order, otherwise you can get a chemical laboratory in your own home.
  2. Add 5-10 drops of essential oil. And shake up the conditioner.
  3. Pour it into a convenient container, a glass or plastic bottle will do, and use as needed.

You can use this conditioner for machine and hand washing, adding it at the rinsing stage. It will remove static electricity, soften fibers and flavor your favorite things.

Laundry detergents and conditioners made from long-familiar and surprisingly affordable substances are not only an opportunity to save the family budget. Such compositions will protect the family, and most importantly, its youngest members, from contact with chemistry.

The economic crisis makes us not only look for additional sources of income, but also forces us to learn how to rationally use the funds already available. It turns out that at home you can make cleaning products yourself, which are not inferior to industrial ones in terms of efficiency, but much cheaper. Today I invite you to prepare DIY washing gel. This recipe has already been tested by time, and many hostesses are simply delighted with it. Gel from can be used not only for washing. With it, you can wash dishes, floors, refrigerators, window sills and window frames, and much more.

How many means do you know about which housewives would compose poems? And the soap and soda gel has earned this right with its effectiveness, versatility and low cost.

Ode to washing gel

We’ll wash the linen, we’ll wipe the kitchen clean,

Let's bring shine on dirty pans in an instant!

The toilet is shining, and the faucet has risen!

We are not afraid of smudges, yellowness is not terrible,

Respecting nature, soda came to our house.

The bull-calf left us bile, the uncle brought soda,

And the playful washerwoman poked us all under the nose -

Don't be stupid, folks, what do you think of Tide, Ariel?

The hostess will make an amazing gel for you!

It will be clean in the kitchen, it will be more fun,

There will be more colorful rubles in your wallet!

We will need:

Household was possible to take any. I took a soap with a whitening effect.



Add laundry soap to a saucepan with 1 liter of water. Put the pan on a small fire, and stirring occasionally, dissolve the soap.

Similarly, dissolve the right amount of soda ash in 3 liters of water.

The final step is to combine these two solutions. At this time, you can add essential oil to give a more pleasant smell.

Let the resulting liquid cool down.

As the liquid cools, it gels and a thick gel is obtained.

The gel from laundry soap and soda can be beaten with a mixer so that it is convenient to transfer it to a storage container.

I transferred the washing gel to a plastic bucket with a lid. The result was 4 liters of gel for washing and other needs.

For washing, I took 200 grams of gel per 5 kg of laundry. Then you yourself will be able to determine by experience how much gel to take per wash. Because the amount of gel depends on the hardness of the water in your area, on the soiling of the laundry.

During the wash, I poured regular table vinegar into the conditioner compartment to completely remove soap residue (if any remain after rinsing). Vinegar also gives the linen softness and freshness, refreshes paints. After washing, the smell of vinegar was completely gone, the laundry smelled of freshness.

One more moment. If you will wash dishes, tiles and other items, wear gloves on your hands. Although there is a small amount of soda ash in this gel, it is better to save the pens.

Women often have to wash clothes, some do it every day. The products purchased in the store contain a large number of dangerous elements that negatively affect the state of human health, provoking allergies. To improve the quality of washing, many women make their own laundry gel.

Unlike store-bought powders, DIY laundry gel can deal with various contaminants, and perfectly washes things at any temperature. Now household chemicals are available and varied, but this is not a reason to refuse to make equally effective analogues with your own hands. Any woman can prepare a laundry detergent on her own. Homemade gels are universal, can be used in automatic machines, they are completely safe for health. Benefits of funds handmade:

  1. Suitable for cleaning baby clothes.
  2. Negative reactions in people with allergies are excluded.
  3. Can be used to wash floors and dishes.
  4. Safe for health.
  5. There is no unpleasant smell of things.
  6. Low cost components.

The composition of the product includes soda - this is an absolutely safe substance that neutralizes acid and softens water. The composition made on its basis has a number of advantages: it enhances the cleaning effect of the detergent, helps to get rid of unpleasant odors, eliminates old stains, and takes care of the fibers of things.

Soap with soda is mainly used for washing newborns and also for people who are prone to allergic reactions. When washing in cool water (temperature below 40 degrees Celsius), the gel is pre-dissolved in a minimum amount of warm water, and only then is added to the washing machine cylinder.

Disadvantages of homemade products

Detergents made by hand, along with advantages, have minor disadvantages. They are difficult to dissolve in cold water, the recommended thermal regime is at least 40 degrees. Laundry soap and soda ash gel is great for washing clothes, but at the same time, it can lead to tarnishing of colored items. In this case, soda will help, but its use can adversely affect the quality of the wash. To others cons include:

  1. Technical soda is the cause of wear and tear of linen, so it is usually used for heavy soiling, for example, when removing fuel oil.
  2. Homemade pastes and powders are not used for washing silk fabrics and wool.
  3. Homemade liquid gels can cause dry skin in some people, so rubber gloves should be used when washing by hand.
  4. Self-made automatic machine gel does not cope well with chocolate and coffee stains. In this case, the stain is removed with soap, only after that the product is washed off with a gel.

The best result is obtained if the laundry has been pre-soaked. Do-it-yourself washing powder in this case does its job well, it is placed in the cylinder of the washing machine. Due to the density, the product may remain in the tray, so it is placed directly into the drum. The recommended dose of the product is 3 tablespoons per 5 kg of clothing.

Liquid for intensive washing

To cope with old stains, prepare a washing gel from laundry soap and soda ash. The ingredients included in the composition do not get stuck between the fibers of the fabric and do not leave white marks on the products. The product is not suitable for cleaning silk and woolen fabrics. Components:

  1. Soap 1 bar.
  2. Water 3.5 l.
  3. Sodium carbonate 250 g.

You can use any laundry soap that has antibacterial properties. The best effect is achieved when using 72% soap. The container used for the gel is not suitable for cooking.

The product must be prepared as follows: the soap is ground on a grater, mixed with water, the composition is well stirred. The resulting product is placed on the stove at high heat. The mass is heated with constant stirring, without waiting for boiling. After dissolving the soap, the liquid acquires a homogeneous consistency. Soda ash is used in cases where it is necessary to remove old stains. But it can lead to tarnishing of products of bright colors, therefore, with a little pollution and a desire to preserve the initial shade of things, it is better to use baking soda.

After that, soda is added to the composition. The mass is constantly mixed, avoiding the formation of foam. It is necessary that the soda is completely dissolved - this will help to avoid white stains. The finished mixture is cooled at room temperature, then settled for 24 hours and poured into containers. If the mixture turned out to be too thick, then it can be diluted with water and heated again. Such a washing paste in density should resemble sour cream.

Gel for disinfecting clothes

Washing gel from laundry soap eliminates stubborn dirt and mold. The tool can be prepared from dry borax and laundry soap. This composition disinfects products well, helps to get rid of all types of stains. If desired, a few drops of essential oil are added at the end of production - this will give things a pleasant aroma that will remain in the fibers of the fabric for a long time. To prepare the composition, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Large bar of soap.
  2. 350 g of borax powder.
  3. Baking soda 2.5 cups.
  4. 6 liters of water.

To make liquid laundry detergent, as in the previous recipe, you need to use 72% laundry soap, and antibacterial or tar soap is also suitable. Soap shavings are placed in the water, while the solution is constantly mixed. When the mass becomes homogeneous, gradually fall asleep other ingredients. At the same time, the composition is thoroughly mixed, the mixture is heated on fire, but boiling should not be allowed. The resulting gel is aged for 24 hours, after which it is poured into containers.

This product, prepared at home, has a mild effect, does not destroy the fabric, so it can be used for delicate items. The product can be used every day, the optimal amount of added powder during washing is 4 tablespoons.

Product for washing children's clothes

For delicate fabrics, you can make a washing gel from baby soap. This mixture does not provoke an allergic reaction and perfectly launders even dishes. A well-known recipe is the preparation of a detergent from the Eared Nanny soap, this product is perfect for washing things for newborns. The liquid product has a pleasant light aroma, which quickly disappears from the clothing fabric. They can wash clothes both manually and add to the machine. Required Ingredients:

  1. 95 g sodium carbonate.
  2. Half of the eared nanny soap.
  3. Water 4.5 l.

Soap is rubbed on a grater, combined with hot water and boiled over moderate heat. The mixture is constantly stirred until a thick mass is formed from the solution, soda powder gradually dissolves in it, immediately after that the gas is turned off. The mass must be cooled, then poured into containers. If the child does not have allergies, then you can add aroma oil: tangerine, mint or lemon.

If the fabric needs to be bleached, 55 g of hydrogen peroxide is added to the gel. In most cases, laundry is washed with this composition at 60–90 degrees Celsius, and colored fabrics are cleaned at 30–40 C. Knowing such a simple recipe, there will be no problems how to make a gel at home. To preserve the color of things when washing with gel, you need to add salt. One teaspoon is added to the drum before washing.

Whitening paste

Such a whitening product will cope with any pollution. It can be used for baby clothes. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

Soap shavings are folded into a saucepan, diluted with water. The mixture is heated over moderate heat with constant stirring until a homogeneous gel-like mixture is obtained, after which sodium carbonate, baking soda, and essential oil are added. Cooked pasta is a universal remedy, it can be used in an automatic machine. To improve the quality of washing, some housewives add green tea leaves to the paste.

Delicate conditioner for clothes

Home made air conditioner usually poured into the tray of the machine during the rinsing process. Due to its composition, it perfectly copes with soap stains, gives the product a delicate pleasant aroma, softens the fabric. The liquid is considered universal, therefore it can be used for all types of fabrics, including children's clothes. Cooking Ingredients:

  1. White vinegar 400 g.
  2. Baking soda 400 g
  3. Water 400 g.
  4. Aroma oil 10 drops.

First, soda powder is added to the water, the solution is mixed until completely dissolved. After that, vinegar is poured into the composition. At the end, 10 drops of aroma oil are added. The conditioner needs to be stirred vigorously. After cooling, the product is poured into glass bottles. Stored at room temperature. If there are stubborn dirt on the clothes, then it must be soaked in non-hot water in advance, adding a small amount of the cooked product.

Many housewives are improving old recipes for making powder from laundry soap and soda. Reviews show that the developed options are very effective. At making a homemade product The following helpful tips may be helpful:

If desired, aromatic oils with a favorite smell are added to the cleansing composition. In addition to a pleasant smell, they have useful properties. For example, tea tree is excellent at fighting bacteria. And lemon and orange oil helps in removing greasy stains.