Whitening bed linen at home: from Soviet to modern methods. How to bleach linen at home: industrial and folk remedies

Clothing in white shades is considered festive, so it is important that it remains snow-white and clean even after prolonged use.

With frequent wear and improper care, things can lose their original appearance and acquire unpleasant grayish and yellow hues. How can you bleach white linen at home?

Rules for bleaching things

For bleaching wardrobe items, there are some rules that must be followed to maintain the color and strength of the fabric. They are mainly related to the type of matter.

  • before washing, you need to carefully study the tag on which the manufacturer indicated the name of the material and the rules for caring for it;
  • bleach and boiling are used only for natural linen and cotton;
  • washing of white things should be carried out separately from colored ones in order to avoid molting and damage to clothes;
  • frequent bleaching can lead to violations of the integrity of matter and its damage;
  • after the bleaching procedure, it is necessary to rinse things very thoroughly in cool clean water.

The return of white clothes can be done both manually and with the help of a washing machine.

Machine wash

To wash clothes in a washing machine, it is customary to use household chemicals designed for this.

For high-quality whitening, the following manipulations must be performed:

  1. Place the clothes in the drum.
  2. Pour washing powder into a special compartment.
  3. Add a stain remover or bleach containing chlorine (be careful and read the instructions on the label carefully). , can be found here.
  4. Turn on the intensive wash mode.

This method is well suited for things that have recently acquired an unpleasant shade.


For heavy soiling, it is preferable to wash things by hand with pre-soaking. You can use the same household chemicals as with machine wash, or you can give preference to folk remedies.

The algorithm for hand washing white things is as follows:

  • a small amount of hot water must be poured into the basin;
  • add active ingredient;
  • soak things for 1-2 hours;
  • wash, applying special diligence to heavily soiled places;
  • rinse in plenty of clean water at room temperature.

Often these manipulations are enough to return things to their original color.

In case of severe pollution, when a homemade streaking does not help, you can seek help from a professional dry cleaning salon, however, this is a rather expensive procedure.

Features of bleaching different types of fabrics

Different materials have their own characteristics of caring for them.

To maintain the normal appearance and quality of the thing, it is necessary to follow some washing and bleaching rules corresponding to the type of fabric:

  1. Cotton is a durable material and easily tolerates aggressive types of bleaching, such as chlorine and boiling.
  2. Natural linen can also be susceptible to chlorine stain removal, however, it is preferable to choose more gentle methods.
  3. Silk and wool can be cleaned with 72% laundry soap, which is used to rub contaminated places, as well as by soaking in a solution of sodium chloride, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Guipure fabric is soaked in a solution of ammonia and washed exclusively by hand to avoid stretching things.
  5. Bleaching of knitwear is done using a soda solution or mustard powder.

Taking into account the characteristics of different materials, it is possible to extend the life of things and rid it of stains and a gray tint that inevitably appears during use.

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What improvised means are used for bleaching?

If you are unwilling or unable to use special stain removers that can be found in household chemical stores, you can resort to "grandmother's" methods, the means for which can be found in every housewife's house:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is ideal for items that require delicate cleaning. To prepare the solution, you need 2 tbsp. peroxide per 4 liters. the warmth of the water. In the resulting solution, it is necessary to soak things for 40 minutes, then wash with washing powder.
  2. Ammonia is also added to the water. Things are placed in the mixture and left for several hours. The linen can then be washed in the washing machine.
  3. Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), despite the pink color, is also used to bleach things. To do this, you need to dissolve a few crystals in a basin with water and washing powder or gel, then immerse the clothes there and wait 2-3 hours.
  4. Laundry soap is often used for rubbing heavily soiled areas, soaking for several hours is possible to enhance the effect. Soap has a specific smell, so it is important to rinse the item well.

Improvised means are able to deal with dirt and discoloration of clothes no worse than household chemicals, the main thing is to correctly assemble and apply them.

Professional chemicals

Professional stain removers are used in specialized dry cleaners and laundries. The purchase of such chemistry for the home is impractical, as it has a high cost and large volumes.

The most popular means include:

  • Turbo Oxygenol;
  • ocean oxygen;
  • Ocean Oxy Plus;
  • Ocean Chlorine;
  • Turbo Destainer.

Such products contain a high concentration of active oxygen and chlorine. Use is strictly required in accordance with the instructions. They are very economical and beneficial for washing large quantities of laundry.

Bleach faded items

It often happens that along with colored things white gets into the wash.

This may cause discoloration. Fortunately, in almost all cases this is fixable. The main thing is to start bleaching immediately, while the thing has not yet had time to dry.

To do this, you can use the following substances:

  • chlorine bleaches do an excellent job, but they cannot be used to clean synthetic fabrics;
  • specialized stain removers are suitable for bleaching all types of fabrics. With their help, you can whiten children's white things;
  • table salt can significantly reduce the concentration of foreign color on white clothes;
  • perhaps things with hydrogen peroxide, for this you need to soak clothes in a solution of peroxide, soda and water for 1 hour.

Boiling can also remove unwanted color, however, you should be careful with this method, as woolen and synthetic items can permanently deteriorate. This method is suitable for linen made from natural cotton and linen. Light tissues can lose integrity and tear.

How to return the snow-white look to things?

A guaranteed way to bring things back to a snow-white hue is to use whiteness. Chlorine bleach is a concentrated agent, so when using it, you must follow the dosage indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Whiteness for bleaching things has an active component - chlorine, which requires certain precautions to be observed:

  • before starting the procedure, it is necessary to remove all colored items, since even the slightest drop of chlorine bleach can form a white spot that cannot be removed;
  • it is important to protect children and animals from any contact with bleach, as if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes, it causes severe burns;
  • before carrying out whitening procedures, it is important to take care of the presence of rubber gloves that will protect your hands from harmful effects.

Whiteness is a rather aggressive agent, therefore it is not recommended to use it on artificial fabrics. Recommended only for linen, cotton, denim and thick knitwear (T-shirts, socks).

When using whiteness, it is important to periodically turn things over to evenly distribute the active ingredient. Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the clothes in plenty of water. Whiteness has a specific chlorine smell, which can be removed from clothes with fabric softeners.

How to bleach gray, yellowed things?

It is possible to whiten a black and white thing, the snow-white side of which has changed shade, using gentle folk remedies or special stain removers for colored things. An unpleasant shade of white appears with frequent washing with non-compliance with the rules indicated on the tag, as well as with prolonged use of the item.

Most often, grayness and an unpleasant yellow tint can be removed in the following ways:

  • boric acid in the amount of 2 tbsp. for 7 l. water. In the resulting solution, it is necessary to soak the item overnight;
  • tbsp ammonia in combination with 2 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide per 5 liters. water is able to return the original color of a thing a few hours after soaking;
  • grated laundry soap is used to prepare a soap solution; for greater efficiency, you can add a few tablespoons of table salt or baking soda. In a soapy solution, things are left overnight, then washed by hand or in a typewriter using washing powder.

It is important to choose the product according to the type of fabric. Incorrect selection can lead to thinning of the fibers of the fabric and subsequent tears when trying to rinse, iron or put on.

Rules for washing white clothes

  • you can not combine white and colored things when washing, as the latter can shed; How to wash it can be found here.
  • it is necessary to separate clothes according to the types of fabric, as they have different requirements for washing and temperature conditions (details can be found on the tag for the item);
  • natural fabrics are preferably washed at high temperatures, while wool and cashmere prefer washing at 30 degrees. Changing the recommended temperature range for synthetic fabrics may result in a reduction in clothing size;
  • it is important to use chemicals that are suitable for each type of fabric. Different bleaches are used for white and colored items.

Although it is possible to restore almost all textiles to their original whiteness, frequent use of aggressive bleaching agents can lead to thinning of the fibers - such fabrics are more prone to holes.

Properly applying the tips, you can extend the life of clothes and underwear for a long time.

White things and linen look very gentle and beautiful. Light colors help to improve the emotional state. White linen gives a feeling of cleanliness. However, taking care of such things is not easy. For light things, the appearance of stubborn stains is characteristic. To care for things, you can use specialized detergents, but not all of them can lead to the desired result. The effectiveness of some folk methods has been proven by the experience of several generations of housewives. Bleaching of things must be carried out carefully, as the wrong procedure can completely ruin the appearance of the linen.

Any tool will work more effectively if used correctly, this requires information about various types of pollution. Conventionally, they are divided into stains from food, cosmetics, drugs, from animals.

From food

Food stains are most common on clothing. Removing such contaminants is not always easy. Grease stains cause problems for housewives. Removing stains from berries, vegetables and fruits is no less difficult.

Fresh dirt can be removed at home, but in the presence of an old stain of this origin, ideal bleaching almost always fails.

From cosmetics

Women's white clothes are prone to contamination from cosmetics. Most of all, these are stains from powder, mascara, shadows and lipstick. Stains from nail polish are not easy to remove, often, it turns out that even after cleaning with nail polish remover, the pigment eats tightly into the fiber. Acetone can ruin the look of things.

From drugs

Most often there are spots from various ointments, iodine, brilliant green, etc. These stains are difficult to remove. Most of the methods do not bring results, and as a result, the thing turns out to be irretrievably damaged.

From animals

White things can be damaged by pets. Most often, they relieve themselves on clothes, and also trample it with dirty paws. In addition to stains, it is required to remove the smell after the animals, which significantly delays the cleaning process.

In addition, white things can be damaged by blood stains after contact with grass and earth. If after washing the dirt remains on the fabric, do not rush to get rid of the product. Apply one of the folk remedies for bleaching things.

By type of fabric

The bleaching method must be correlated with the type of fabric. With the right method, you can effectively get rid of pollution, improper use leads to damage and damage to the external attractiveness of the product.

Whitening of wool and silk

For white wool and silk, yellowing is the most common problem. It is difficult to find a product for bleaching woolen fabric on the shelves in the store. In addition, items made of delicate material are not recommended to be washed in a washing machine. Some remedies may have the opposite effect.

For example, yellowness will worsen and new spots will appear when you try to whiten a thing with whiteness. Whiteness spoils a thing made of wool.

A special mixture based on hydrogen peroxide can get rid of yellowness and stains on white silk fabric. Pour 5 liters of warm water into a basin and dissolve in it 1 tablespoon of powder, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and 4 tablespoons of coarse salt. Soak the product for several hours, if the problem has not gone away after this time, leave the item in the solution for a few more hours. Afterwards, the clothes must be rinsed thoroughly.

Mustard is safe for delicate fabrics. To bleach wool and silk, dissolve mustard powder in hot water in a proportion of 1 tbsp. per 1 liter. The solution must stand for 2 hours before use. After settling, drain the water and add again with hot water for 2 hours. Soak the product in drained water for several hours. The number of pours depends on how much water is needed to wash the item.

Linen bleaching

Linen is most often used to make bed linen. The dense structure of linen allows the use of aggressive methods. Soda ash allows you to wash and bleach old stains on kitchen towels. Add soda when washing white linen items in the drum of the washing machine.

Persol is an effective remedy for dense flax fiber. With constant addition during washing, you can maintain the whiteness of things. The gray tint is easy to remove if the product is soaked overnight in washing powder and persol.

Bleach tulle

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will gently bleach tulle fabric and guipure. Pour substances in a volume of 1 tbsp into hot water. for 10 liters of water. If necessary, the volume of the solution is reduced by half. Leave the tulle for 3 hours, then wash as usual.

Special whitening products

Use industrial whitening products. For dense fabrics, such as linen or cotton, white is suitable. For delicate fabrics, the whiteness is too aggressive. For such fabrics, products without chlorine content are suitable. Such detergent compositions have a special mark on the packaging.

Chemical components are aimed at whitening and removing stains. Among them are Vanish, Amway or Faberlik.

In the absence of special tools, home methods will help using components that are present in any home. When applying methods, it is important to take into account the structure of the tissue.

Folk methods

You can bleach clothes at home with the help of improvised means. Before using this or that method, wash the product in the usual way, which will remove most of the dirt and simplify the bleaching process.


This method was used by our ancestors and proved to be effective. How to bleach clothes by boiling? Our grandmothers also placed linen that needed to be bleached in a large metal container, and boiled it until the color returned. For difficult stains, add shavings of laundry soap to the water. It will help restore the brightness of the color and eliminate even stubborn dirt.

In order for the boiling process to be successful, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. Place clothes and linen in a container of cold water and only then place it on the stove. If you put a thing in boiling water, the stains will harden in the fibers, and the yellowness will become brighter.
  2. After the water boils, reduce the heating power.
  3. Stir the laundry in the container regularly.
  4. After boiling, it is important to rinse the item thoroughly.

The duration of the process depends on the degree of soiling of the laundry. As a rule, an hour is enough for things to return to their attractiveness and cleanliness.


The method is suitable for bleaching by hand or machine washing. Whitening clothes with baking soda is an economical and easy way, since baking soda is available in almost every home. For machine washing, add a few tablespoons of detergent to the powder drawer or directly to the drum. The method is effective for fresh stains and dirt.

Dissolve 5 tbsp. soda and 2 tbsp. ammonia in 5 liters of warm water. Soak the item in the solution for 2-3 hours. Wash your laundry as usual.


The popularity of the product lies in the safety for bleaching baby clothes. Soak laundry in a solution of 1 tbsp. ammonia and 5l. water for several hours. Remove stubborn dirt by rubbing it with a clothes brush.

If there is no time for soaking, moisten a cotton pad with ammonia and treat the dirty area. Thoroughly saturate the fabric and leave for a while for the effect of the product.

Add 2 tbsp. spoons to powder in normal washing. The method allows to preserve the whiteness of the linen and remove the existing yellowness. The method is the most efficient.

Hydrogen peroxide

Effective on its own and in combination with other products. Whitening has an effect during washing and rinsing.

For linen or cotton, dilute in 5 liters. water 2 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and heat the resulting seven to a temperature of 80 degrees. Soak the product for 25 minutes. For best effect, add 1 tbsp to the mixture. ammonia.

For delicate fabrics, prepare a similar solution, but reduce the heating temperature to 35 degrees. Apply a contrast rinse for vibrant color.

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia will help achieve quick results.

Vegetable oil

It seems surprising that fatty vegetable oil can help in whitening things, however, the effectiveness of the method is proven by the experience of our mothers and grandmothers.

Pour water into a metal basin with a temperature of at least 90 degrees. Dissolve in it 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt, bleach, 1 tbsp. soda and 1 tbsp. powder. Soak the product in the solution and put the container on fire. Boil water with constant stirring for 30 minutes. Turn off the stove and wait for the water to cool completely. Rinse the item thoroughly in cool water.

Using boiling, you will significantly reduce the time for bleaching. Without boiling, soak the product in the prepared solution for a day, then wash it as usual.

Potassium permanganate

Do not be afraid of staining linen when using the substance.

Dissolve a few crystals of potassium permanganate in 1 cup of table vinegar. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply to the affected area. It is used in the absence of the possibility of full-fledged bleaching of linen.

Dissolve a pinch of potassium permanganate in warm water until a light pink tint appears. Dissolve detergent in water. Wash the thing under normal mode, rinse in the resulting solution of potassium permanganate, which must first be cooled.

In everyday life, modern housewives rarely use laundry soap, believing that the tool is outdated. Laundry soap has a number of advantages: removes old stains of any origin, disinfects, bleaches. Effective in combination with other means, as well as when used independently.

Before washing, it is necessary to prepare soap shavings by rubbing a bar on a grater. Use a laundry detergent before washing. To bleach, pour the chips into the powder compartment when washing in the washing machine. The combination with soda enhances the whitening effect of soap.

When bleaching fabric, it is important not to harm the appearance of the product and not to disturb the structure of the fabric.

How not to spoil?

  1. It is strictly forbidden to remove rust from white things with bleach. Soaking results in a general yellowing of the material.
  2. Prolonged soaking of items with metal fittings leads to oxidation and stains. Soaking in warm water for a short time is shown.
  3. Choose plastic basins for the procedure. Chemical compounds interact with the metal surface.
  4. Boiling water helps the stains to penetrate deeper into the fiber. It becomes more difficult to remove stains after soaking in very hot water. In most cases, it is enough to heat the water to 50 degrees for the method used to be effective.
  5. Bleaches containing chlorine can permanently ruin a thing, it is recommended to use them on dense fabrics when other methods are useless.
  6. Before using any method, read the product information on the label.
  7. Remove all debris from pockets and shake the cloth thoroughly to remove excess dust.

It is important to properly care for and store snow-white items in order to prevent yellowing and graying of the fabric. Things will retain their appearance longer if they are completely dried before being placed in the closet. A wet thing will quickly turn gray during storage. Fluff the bed linen lightly to ensure the fibers are ventilated.

13.02.2018 2 1 496 views

A good hostess always has a clean house. Her towels, napkins, tablecloths, bed linen are snow-white and crunchy when touched. But not everyone is able to achieve such a result. Consider how to whiten linen at home effectively and quickly? There are a lot of methods and it is not difficult to implement them.

Previously used a long boil. The process does not take time and effort from the hostess and is quite effective. There are other ways that you can also achieve good results. Among them there are methods with household chemicals and folk remedies. In the latter case, bleaching will not be financially costly.

Types of pollution

White bedding can suffer from the following stains:

  1. Food. Traces of food are considered the most difficult to remove. But with some effort, they can be dealt with.
  2. Medicines. This is a solution of brilliant green, potassium permanganate, iodine, various warming ointments.
  3. Cosmetical tools. Traces of nail polish, mascara, lipstick and powder. Acetone is usually used to eliminate them, but when used, stains can form on the fabric.
  4. Pet stains. Pets are not immediately tamed to the tray, so they can leave an unpleasant "surprise". The smell will also have to be dealt with after processing.

How to bleach bed linen at home in a washing machine?

To use this method, you should use bleach with hydrogen peroxide in the composition. This is much easier to do than hand washing, but special care must be taken.

In certain types of machines of modern production, there is a compartment for bleach. Then you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Put things in the drum, having previously sorted them. Whitening underwear should be done separately. Tulle, towels and bed sets too. Only cotton T-shirts and white socks can be put together. Even if there is only one color product in the machine, there is a big risk that all light ones will deteriorate.
  2. Pour the powder and bleach into the compartments. In the department for powder, II is usually written, and for bleach, a triangle is drawn.
  3. Select the mode according to the material. Bed sets are processed at 60-90 degrees. Typically, temperature information is on the label, so you need to carefully study it. Some machines have a special whitening program. In this case, you need to make a choice in her favor. Before the process, you should read the instructions.
  4. Start washing.

If there is no special compartment, it is better to carry out the bleaching procedure after, since the powder acts effectively at a temperature of 40 degrees, and bleach - 60-90. If the product is of very high quality, you need to pour a simple powder into the first compartment, and dry bleach into the second. In the event that there are enzymes in the powder, the agent should not be added - the quality of the wash will decrease.

The liquid form is considered convenient, since it can be used after water has been filled in the machine and the cleaning agent has begun to react. You need to add a small amount of water to the bleach and pour it into the main compartment. After that, it will drain on its own into the washing machine.

It is very convenient to use the machine for voluminous things. You can bleach yellowed bed linen without the risk of getting burned.

We apply boiling

Cotton and linen products tolerate high temperature processing, so this method is well suited for them as a replacement for aggressive products. Also, if there is an unpleasant smell from the laundry after washing in case of improper drying, you should use this method:

  1. Prepare enameled or galvanized dishes (tank, large pot, bucket). It is not necessary to use containers made of copper or iron, because when heated, oxidation can occur and the set will become stained.
  2. Lay down a towel or white material.
  3. Dissolve laundry soap or powder. In the presence of pollution carefully to process them means.
  4. Put the kit in a saucepan, straighten it well, pour in water and one tablespoon of ammonia. Alcohol will help to cope with the task much better.
  5. Turn on the burner, boiling should occur from half an hour to an hour. In the process, stir with a wooden stick.

You can improve the result with a solution of bleach. It is important to understand that such bleaching will be effective, but if it is used frequently, the quality of the material deteriorates. Dilute in a container (not made of metal) 1 tsp. funds for 1 tsp. water, mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting porridge-like mixture with a liter of liquid. Wait until the solution becomes clear, add it to the boiling kit. Stir occasionally, cook for about 30 minutes.

Often, after the procedure, an unpleasant odor remains. Therefore, it will be necessary to carry out a thorough wash in the standard way, adding essential oils (pink, lavender, etc.). Then hang in a place that is well ventilated.

To bleach colored laundry, you can boil a bucket of water, then stir in 3/4 cup of powder (but not biopowder) and 1/3 of bleach. In this case, his choice should be taken seriously, it is advisable to use "Perm" or "Persol". You should also pour 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Put the bed set using a stick, cover with a lid. Leave for 10 hours, then rinse well.

How to bleach bed linen without boiling?

The easiest option is to take the kit to the laundry. But it's quite expensive. For an independent procedure, chlorine-containing and oxygen bleaches are used. For example, the first group includes "Whiteness". It does the job well, but ruins the fabric with frequent use. It can be used after or before washing. Pour 2-4 caps into hot water, leave the set in it for 1-1.5 hours. In the process, things need to be stirred periodically. This option should be used only for natural material. Linen with a pattern is also not suitable.

The oxygen species is considered more effective. There is a dry and liquid version. These bleaches are more expensive, but they are more gentle on the fabric, and the color does not deteriorate.

Consider folk recipes. Main Ingredients:

  • water - 10 l;
  • peroxide - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • alcohol - 3-4 tablespoons.

Mix thoroughly, hold the laundry for about 5-6 hours. The method is suitable even for silk and colored fabrics. After you need to put the set in the wash on a fast setting. Thin material cannot be processed in hot water.

You can use baking soda and soda ash. To prepare the remedy you will need:

  • water - 10 l;
  • ammonia - 2 l;
  • soda - 100 g.

Mix soda and ammonia in water, soak the laundry. To wash in the machine, you need to add 3-4 tbsp. l. soda into the powder compartment. You can add salt to it in a ratio of 1: 1 for soaking.

For the most yellowed and washed out sets, the following ingredients should be used:

  • turpentine - 2 tablespoons;
  • ammonia -2 tablespoons;
  • water - 5 l.

Linen must be washed before this, then left in the solution. The resulting product has a not very pleasant smell, but the effectiveness of its use is at a high level.

The salt method is not suitable for getting rid of yellowness and old dirt. It must be used before washing. Required:

  • water - 10 l;
  • salt - 5-7 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients, leave the linen in the solution overnight.

For synthetic fabrics, dry mustard should be used. Dissolve a few spoons in warm water, soak the set for 4 hours, wash.

Video: how to whiten bedding at home effectively and quickly?

Many housewives are sure that it is very difficult to cope with a white bedding set. You can keep the radiance of linen for a long time, if you follow a number of rules:

  1. Wash properly. Place white items in the washing machine separately from colored items. Even if bright clothes do not shed, the whiteness still disappears when interacting. It is better to start the procedure without delay - long-term storage in the dirty laundry basket leads to yellowness.
  2. Rinse thoroughly. This should be done first at a warm temperature, and after a cold one.
  3. Soften water. From constant contact with a hard liquid, yellowness appears. Special powders, a solution of soda and vinegar should be used.
  4. Store wisely. It is important to wait until the laundry is completely dry before putting it in the closet, otherwise the set will turn gray. You can't keep it in the bathroom. Soap should be left on the shelf so that an unpleasant odor does not appear.

Rules and best methods for bleaching bed linen at home

It is uneconomical to use dry cleaning services, and you don’t want to carry bags on the bus. If there is an extra half an hour, then it is enough to use the tips on how to whiten linen at home, and the problem of snow-white linen will be solved easily.

A washing machine in the house is already half the battle. But for a greater effect, it is recommended to pre-soak the linen in a soapy solution. It is better to use laundry soap, and the water should be barely warm.

WITH linen and cotton fabrics will have to move. But if you know how to bleach gray linen and adapt, then everything is much easier than it seems. First, the clothes should be brought to a boil in clean water, then put into the solution and left for a day.

The composition of the solution:

  • 50 g of household planed soap,
  • 2 tbsp ammonia,
  • 3 tbsp turpentine.

Such linen can be easily washed by hand, but then it must be boiled again with alkali and soda. After rinsing, hang out in the fresh air. Clothes for a long time then will not need to be bleached, and it will be enough to wash in the usual way.

Kitchen towels and similar things, where greasy stains predominate, mustard washes off. 2 tbsp dilute mustard powder in a liter of hot water and let it brew. Strain, dilute in the required amount of water and soak towels overnight. Wash normally. Towels will turn white and disinfected, and the pattern will only become brighter.

White things turn yellow with age or washing. The advice on how to bleach washed linen is simple - along with the powder, ammonia must be added to the water. Even old things after several similar procedures will “become younger”.

Silk and wool items soak in a solution: for 10 liters of water 50 gr. washing powder, 6 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, a tablespoon of ammonia and the same amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Hold the clothes for five hours and then wash in the delicate wash mode.

Golfs and socks can be soaked in warm water, adding 2 tbsp. spoons of boric acid is an excellent prevention against fungal diseases. And you can bring to a boil in water with powder. So you can bleach and T-shirts. Then wash normally.

And in this way, how to bleach bed sheets grayed or washed out, our ancestors used. Boil the laundry for 40 minutes, adding 2 tablespoons to the water. 3% hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. As the water evaporates, add water so that the linen is all covered with a solution.

I foresee a logical question: why soak and boil separately, if all these modes are in the automatic machine? They really are even in old models, but modern bleaches and industrial detergents should be used for such operations.

If you use the above tips on how to whiten linen at home, it will turn out more economically, and most importantly, more efficiently.

Using bed linen bleach is a sure way to remove serious stains and dirt. There are two types of bleach that are used at home: chlorine-based or sodium hypochlorite and oxygen-based or sodium percarbonate.

Through an oxidation process, bleach turns dirt into soluble particles that are washed away with detergent during washing. The product helps to bleach bedding and lighten fabric, and some bleaches disinfect the material by killing bacteria. It also allows you to restore freshness to sheets and duvet covers.

How to use chlorine bleach for bed linen?

Chlorine bleach is a 5.25% sodium hypochlorite solution and the most powerful household bleach. The liquid version is the most common, but it also exists in dry form. Both types should be diluted with water for safe use on fabric.

When chlorine bleach is used in laundry, it acts as a disinfectant against bacteria and viruses and will usually bleach most natural fiber fabrics such as cotton. Care must be taken to use bleach effectively by adding it at the right time and at the right temperature. Liquid chlorine bleach has a limited shelf life. If the bottle is opened for more than six months, it loses its effectiveness due to exposure to light and air. Old bleach may not have any effect on stains, loses its disinfecting properties and must be replaced.

Chlorine bleach should always be added to the water and mixed well before being added to the washing machine compartment. Never pour bleach directly on the fabric as it can completely remove the color and actually dissolve the fibers. If you use bleach to remove stains, bleach the entire item to prevent stains.

How to use oxygen bleach?

Oxygen bleach is often referred to as an all-purpose bleach because it is safe on most fabrics and colors. Oxygen bleach should not be used on silk, wool or leather. It works slower than chlorine bleach, but it has disinfectant properties sufficient to kill bacteria.

Oxygen bleach is most effective when used as a powder that activates when mixed with water. The liquid equivalent of oxygen bleach may lose its effectiveness over time.

When mixing oxygen bleach powder with water, use warm water to make sure all of the bleach has dissolved, then add cold water as needed. Completely immerse the stained article in the solution and allow it to soak in for as long as possible. Oxygen bleach works slower than chlorine bleach, but patience will get you great results.

How to use hydrogen peroxide for washing?

Hydrogen peroxide is most often sold in pharmacies, in a three or six percent water-based concentration.

Hydrogen peroxide helps whiten sheets at home and disinfects laundry. Add one cup of hydrogen peroxide when washing white linens in the washing machine to bleach them. But be aware that peroxide can permanently remove color from dark fabrics, so it's best to test it on a fabric sample before using it.

What should be remembered when using bleach?

  • Always test the fabric for color fastness before using any type of bleach, following the instructions on the product label.
  • Never pour chlorine bleach into the drum of a machine full of clothes, even if you are only washing whites.
  • When adding any bleach, stir it thoroughly into the water before loading your clothes.
  • Never mix any type of bleach with ammonia. The mixture will produce dangerous acrid fumes.
  • Do not use chlorine bleach on silk, acetate, wool, spandex, polypropylene, some types of flame retardant or rubberized fabric. This will weaken the fibers and cause them to break down.
  • Oxygen bleach should not be used on wool, silk or leather.
  • Repeated use of chlorine bleach can weaken cotton and linen fibers.
  • Repeated use of chlorine bleach can cause yellowing of fabrics.
  • Whitening bed linens is not always best at home. Dry clean delicate fabrics.

How to bleach sheets at home?

Bleaching bed linen is a procedure in which it is unlikely that you will have to do without the use of bleach. Whitening white sheets at home is easy - for this you need to choose one of the types of bleach. This can be done based on the information indicated on the product label.