Essential oils are either hard or soft perfumes. What can perfume be made from?

If you have ever bought high-quality perfumes in a store, then you know about their high cost. But you should also know that the ingredients for the perfume you buy cost only about 10% of the final price.

All other costs associated with packaging, manufacturer's profit, advertising and taxes!

How much better if you invested your money in a truly natural fragrance that you could easily make yourself? advantage in self-manufacturing perfume so that you can be sure that no preservatives or chemical substances which can cause dryness or allergic reactions Plus, they keep their flavor much longer!

The choice of perfumes in general is based on the following concept: "If you were spirits, what would they be?"

Even though some essential oils are not cheap, don't worry. In order to create a whole bottle of luxurious expensive perfume, you only need a few drops of these essential oils. In addition, your perfumes with the smell of roses, jasmine or others, unlike those sold in stores, will contain natural essential oils of these plants.

Important make sure that you are not allergic to the plants from which the essential oils were made before using them directly in perfume!

Ideal spirits are those , What You do yourself!

I can't believe it, but by the beginning of the 20th century. without exception, all perfumery was natural. Cleopatra herself, one of the most beautiful women, also became famous for the fact that she skillfully created perfumes with her own hands, the exotic and exquisite aromas of which became part of the queen's magical charm. But the rapid development of chemical science and industry made their own adjustments to the perfume industry - synthetic products appeared.

* For example, perfumes that were prepared from the same flowers, but collected in different time, of course, will have a different aroma, and synthetic ones, of any particular brand, will always smell the same.

However, the growing popularity of aromatherapy is enough big choice essential oils and healthy lifestyle lives have revived interest in the almost forgotten art of natural perfumery - perfumes made by one's own hands.

Just think that you yourself can make any kind of perfume with your own hands at home - oil perfumes, solid perfumes, alcoholic and non-alcoholic, deodorants, eau de toilette, perfume stick and perfume cream , and certainly the created fragrance will be unique, because even the smallest detail affects it.

The main advantage of such natural compositions is unique opportunity invent your own unique fragrance by playing with different combinations of essential oils. also in natural perfume must be present healing effect, since aromatic oils have an extremely positive effect on the human body. Some relieve fatigue, cheer up, others bring balance general state the whole organism as a whole, and also fight stress.

Kinds spirits manual work :

1. Oily perfume (based on wax and oil) tend to be more durable, but their flavor is restrained. They do not need a long exposure, you can use them immediately after preparation.

2. Oil ( oil based) They also keep their scent for a long time.

3. Alcoholic perfume – (based on alcohol) are more saturated and intense, but fade faster. They also differ long period tinctures: from 2 weeks to 3 months.

Recipe sustainable spirits:

15-30% oil, 70-85% alcohol, and the rest, less than 5%, water. Use only distilled or spring water. High quality vodka with 57% alcohol should be used as alcohol, brandy can also be used, but its characteristic smell can change the aroma of essential oils. If you want to add color, use natural high quality vegetable dye.

It would seem, why make perfumes on your own, because the production of high-quality perfume products has been established in France and Russia, in Italy, the United Arab Emirates, in Holland and other countries? However, many lovers of exclusivity try to create original, unexpected flavors on their own. One of the reasons is the desire to get a product from natural ingredients, completely without preservatives and chemical additives.

What can perfume be made from?

Before you start perfume experiments with smells, you need to acquire various necessary ingredients, devices and patience. How to make perfume with your own hands? You can use alcohol, wax, rose petals or other flowers, essential aromatic oils.

To obtain the final bouquet of several scents, strips of ordinary thin paper and apply with a pipette on each drop of essential oil. How to make perfume at home? Probes (strips) must be signed beforehand. Sniffing 2 or 3 strips, changing their combinations, make up a composition of aromas. Then the resulting combination is fixed in the selected base:

  • liquid, light on alcohol;
  • hard wax;
  • resistant oil.

To get a rich aroma, the content of essential oils must be more than 30%. To obtain soft perfumes, volatile oils are added only in an amount of about 10%. How to make your own perfume? Need to fulfill simple tips experienced perfumers and follow simple rules.

Each aromatic bouquet affects the olfactory organs sequentially in three stages:

  • high, head note;
  • "heart" of future spirits;
  • the bottom note or base, which is the basis of the future fragrance.

In the very first few minutes after application, the light essential oils evaporate. Among them are citrus fruits, nutmeg oil, rosemary, lavender, basil, lemon, bergamot. This stage is called the "head".

The second exposure period (heart) can last from a few hours to a full day. Juniper and lily, oregano, rose and jasmine, iris, ylang-ylang, geranium and other persistent incense can serve as the heart, the main fragrance of the perfume.

The basis for perfumes are the smells of the most stable essential oils, among which are vanilla and patchouli, spicy and fruity aromas, smells of cedar and musk, sandalwood and cinnamon. Getting acquainted with how to make perfume with your own hands, it is important to remember the traditional proportions of the components. Aromas are traditionally combined in ratios of 1:2:3 (head: heart: base).

What to prepare

How to make homemade perfume? First of all, you need to prepare the necessary ingredients and fixtures in advance. What may be needed:

  • thin paper strips for samplers;
  • several essential oils with lighter and more intense aromas;
  • a little natural coffee (for inhalation) to improve the sensitivity to smells;
  • several ordinary pharmacy pipettes (separately for each oil);
  • stick - a stirrer made of glass or ceramics;
  • a notebook or notebook for recording the number (drops) of components;
  • alcohol and some distilled water for light perfumes;
  • wax for solid versions of the aromatic mixture;
  • bottles and mini-jars with tight lids;
  • ceramic or glass container for mixing ingredients.

The use of metal or plastic utensils is not recommended to prevent the essential oils from reacting with these materials.

perfume base

Oils from grape seeds, cocoa, almond and honey, clove and galbanum, benza and styrax can become basic foundation for your own spirits. When creating unique fragrances of their own, many want to know exactly how to make a perfume. At home, it is very important to keep a record of every drop of oil or base substance added to a perfume bouquet.

The carrier substance for perfume can be made as oil, water, and alcohol. Fragrances on oil based last longer, have a more subdued aroma, alcohol ones are easier and more fully revealed on the surface of the skin, but have less durability and more strong odors. An excellent base is almond oil. It perfectly dissolves any essential oils without changing them. specific odors. If one teaspoon almond oil dissolve 2-3 drops of the selected fragrance, you will get excellent oil persistent perfume beneficial effect on the skin.

Is it necessary to take into account the intensity of odors

It is best when experimenting with the “how to make perfume at home” process, to choose ingredients that cause only pleasant sensations. Otherwise, these odors can adversely affect your overall well-being.

The base oils should have a lighter scent than the "heart" perfume so as not to override the idea of ​​the main composition.

To obtain incense according to the recipes “How to make perfume from oil”, two or three components are used in one composition. It is necessary to insist the resulting composition in an absolutely opaque and cool place.

Basic instructions for making exclusive perfumes

Someone loves the smell of roses, someone prefers citrus or coniferous fragrances. Fresh or sharp, sweet or bitter, perfumes are chosen in accordance with the image and appearance, with the age and inner worldview of a woman. Creation of perfumes - unhurried, thorough creative process requiring patience, imagination and accuracy.

Adding drop by drop, the components are slowly mixed for several minutes until the oil is completely dissolved in alcohol. Be sure to record all composition ratios. Then on paper strip apply a small amount and slowly, deeply inhale the aroma. If everything in the bouquet suits, prepare a larger amount of the mixture. If one of the smells interrupts the others, you need to carefully add the desired component and re-test the entire composition. To simplify the process, each probe is signed.

In the most persistent perfumes, the content of oils reaches 20-25%, alcohol - about 75% and about 5% water. It is not recommended to use cognac or brandy, as the own smells of these drinks can change the state of the main aromatic composition of oils. Alcohol should only be used highest quality, preferably with 57% alcohol content. The higher the concentration of oils in relation to alcohol and water, the more intense and persistent perfume can be obtained. For color, vegetable natural dyes are sometimes added.

Floral fragrances

How to make perfume from flowers? For getting delicate aromas essential oils are used with the smells of jasmine and rosewood, iris and geranium, ylang-ylang and lily, lavender, oregano and others. For a wonderful perfume with the name "Starfall" you need to combine 5 drops of chamomile, valerian and lavender oils. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of vodka in 2 glasses of purified water. Add oil aromas there and pour it all into a dark glass bottle. Close the well-mixed composition tightly. After insisting in a dark place for 12 hours, the perfume can be used.

Pink water

How to make perfume from roses? The simplest recipe for this composition is as follows:

  1. Take petals from several opened rosebuds.
  2. Pour any mineral water into a cup.
  3. Put the petals in water and insist for several hours.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth or sieve. Pour into a dark glass bottle.

received rose water can be used as the lightest aromatic agent with success instead of perfume. The only disadvantage of such perfumes is short term storage.

How to make perfume from flowers, from roses? If the petals collected and mashed in a mortar are poured olive oil and insist in a warm place, you get real rose oil. To increase its concentration, you can replace the infused old petals with new ones several times. The remnants of flowers taken out of the container, having given up their wonderful aroma, are squeezed out. And fresh, mashed flowers are poured with the same oil. Petals necessarily take a bright red or dark pink color. They must be dry, without dew and water.

Firm and aromatic

It is very convenient to use spirits on a solid basis. They can be worn in a locket or small jar with a screw cap. A solid odorous substance can be used to create a special atmosphere in the room, simply by rubbing them with your fingers. How to do solid perfume, And what you need to do?

  1. Previously, as for other perfumes, a mixture of essential oils is prepared.
  2. Wax is melted in a water bath in a separate bowl.
  3. Coconut or almond oil is added to the melted wax, gently mixing until smooth.
  4. A ready-made aromatic composition of essential oils is added to the mixture removed from the fire.
  5. The created spirits are very quickly poured into small containers for solidification.

In the preparation of solid perfumes, you need to act very quickly, but carefully, since the mixture has a high temperature.

For 2 parts of wax, 1 part of the base oil and about 45 drops are taken. essential mixture. The usual measure is a tablespoon.

How to apply exclusive perfume

Perfumes made independently, like ordinary ones, are applied by applying to various parts of the body. The aromas last the longest if you “touch” the wrists, the fossa behind the ears with a fragrant mixture. Since it is only possible to make perfume at home using aromatic oils, you should not apply them to clothes in order to avoid stains.

You can make solid versions of perfume to use only at home. A mixture with the smell of lavender, placed in the bedroom, will make the sleep of the inhabitants of the home calm.

The aromas of citrus fruits, fixed in solid perfumes, perfectly invigorate and maintain the overall energy state, improve performance.

Men are perfectly affected by the faint smells of pine needles, bergamot and orange emanating from some parts of the body of the opposite sex.

Making perfumes from essential oils with your own hands is laborious, but an exciting activity. Different fragrances can be used to make a product with a unique smell or similar to well-known brands. And the cost of homemade perfumes will be several times less than purchased ones.

Handmade perfumes are always unique. Even the same recipe can give different flavors, depending on the concentration of ether and other components. But they also have a few drawbacks:

  1. Possible allergies. Some aroma oils can cause itching, rashes, redness, shortness of breath, and dizziness. Therefore, each ether is carefully checked before use: it is determined whether it causes an odor headache and difficulty breathing, whether irritation occurs.
  2. The complexity and duration of preparation. Until the spirits are completely ready, it takes from a couple of weeks to a month. Also natural ingredients"finicky": do not tolerate heat, light and humidity.
  3. Short shelf life. In less than a year, the fragrance completely “exhales”.

Also, perfumes made from essential oils should not be applied before going out into the sun and used by children, pregnant and lactating women.

But homemade products have a number of advantages:

  1. The cost is 3-10 times cheaper than the branded one.
  2. Quality control is carried out independently.
  3. The composition will not contain cheap synthetic substances.
  4. Perfumes from ethers have an aromatherapeutic effect.
  5. You can create a unique fragrance for each person, emphasizing his personality.

In addition, the creation of perfumes with their own hands, - an exciting hobby. And you don’t have to rack your brains over gifts - everyone will like original high-quality presents. They can be made for both women and men.

Necessary materials

To make your own perfume, you will need:

  1. The basis. Jojoba oil, olive oil, grape seed oil, almond oil, or alcohol.
  2. Essential oils. Any number is taken, but not less than three.
  3. Distilled water for spirits on alcohol.
  4. Glass containers for mixing.
  5. Dark glass spray bottles for storage. Old bottles from used toilet water will do - you can darken them yourself.
  6. Pipette with dispenser.
  7. Glass sticks for mixing.
  8. Test strips. They can be made by cutting landscape sheet or photo paper.
  9. Pencil to sign strips.
  10. Notebook or notebook - recipes are written in them step by step, successful aroma mixtures are noted or, conversely, errors.

Preference is given to high-quality base and essential oils. In order not to fall for a fake, you should buy funds only in specialized cosmetic stores or pharmacies. The packaging of natural aroma oils is whole, not damaged, and the bottle is made of tinted glass. In addition, there should be no impurities or chemical stabilizers.

There are certain rules in how to make perfume from essential oils:

  1. Determine the direction of the perfume: floral, spicy, sweet, invigorating.
  2. The names of the esters are written on the test strips. It is better to sign with a pencil, not a pen - the ink has a pronounced smell.
  3. A drop of various essential oils is applied to the test strips. Then bring them to the nose and determine the flavor you like. First they stop at one key smell, then they combine it with others.
  4. Isolate the aromas of the heart, top and bottom. They are mixed in a ratio of 2:1:3. For example, take 10 drops of oil for the middle notes, 5 for the top, 15 for the bottom.
  5. A base is added to mixed aroma oils: jojoba oil or alcohol. For every drop of ether, there should be 4 drops of base.
  6. Perfume is poured into a bottle and kept from 2 weeks to a month. The product is shaken every 3 days.
  7. To fix the persistence of the fragrance and soften it a little Strong smell, 5 drops of glycerin are added to the composition.

Oil based perfume

Oil-based perfumes are prepared faster and easier than other ingredients. You need to insist them only 14 days. This period can be reduced to 7 days. However, they should not be sprayed on clothes (they will remain greasy spots) and hair (they get greasy quickly).

It is best to use jojoba oil - it is light and odorless. The finished product is stored for 6 months.

Spirits on alcohol

Perfume requires alcohol at a concentration of at least 96%. This product “ripens” for a long time - at least one month. But they can be sprayed on hair and clothes - the fragrance lasts longer on them than on the skin. In addition, the composition does not leave greasy marks.

The intensity of the smell can be varied, depending on desired result. 70% alcohol accounts for:

  1. For perfumes - 20% aromatic oils.
  2. For perfume water– 12% ether.
  3. For toilet water - 7% aromatic extracts.
  4. For cologne - 5% essential essence.

also in alcohol spirits should be at least 5% distilled water.

Wax based perfume

As a basis for home perfumes, you can use both oil and beeswax. finished product will be semi-solid, and melt when applied to the skin. It is desirable that the product does not get on hair and clothes. But the aroma of such perfumes is the most persistent.

The technology for creating wax perfumes is somewhat different:

  • take oil and wax in equal proportions;
  • heat them in a water bath to a liquid state;
  • essential essences are added to the warm mixture and mixed;
  • pour into a prepared storage container;
  • the vial is selected with a wide neck so that the hardened product can be easily removed.

Perfume is created by certain rules. The main one is the combination of different flavors. Better for the first time floral fragrances: even an unsuccessful recipe will be winning. It should be borne in mind that wood and citrus scents conflict and interrupt each other.

In total, 5 types of aromas are distinguished: floral, fruity, woody, spicy (oriental) and herbal.

There is also a division of smells into notes: top, middle and bottom.

  1. Top notes are those that are felt immediately after applying the perfume. They evaporate in half an hour. It is on them that the first impression is formed.
  2. Middle or heart notes. They are the main in any composition. It is better to start making perfumes with the choice of aromas for the middle, and already select the upper and lower smells for them. They keep for several hours.
  3. The bottom notes are the basis of perfumes, their peculiar aftertaste. They stay up to a day.

For different notes, certain aroma oils are used:

Separately, a complimentary aroma is distinguished. This is a smell that corrects others: enhances or weakens their action. In addition, the compliment binds the esters together. This group includes lavender, sandalwood, rosemary, eucalyptus, peppermint, citrus.

Natural Perfume Recipes

The main advantage of perfumes from aromatic oils is their unique, unlike others, smell. But it is better to postpone the experiments until the hand is stuffed. At first, you can use perfume recipes from essential oils, make perfumes that are similar in composition and aroma to the products of popular brands.


Perfume for women - sensual, softened by floral scents, aromas of incense and vanilla. At home, you can try to bring to life the most popular perfume recipes from essential oils with your own hands.

Chanel No. 5

For the top:

  • lemon - 14 drops (k.);
  • bergamot - 7 drops (k.);
  • neroli - 11 k..

For the middle:

  • sandalwood - 9 k.;
  • vanilla - 16 k.;
  • vetiver - 6 k.

For the base:

  • ambergris - 15 k.

Dolce&Gabbana "Light Blue"

For the top:

  • green apple - 15 k.;
  • lemon - 11 k.

For the middle:

  • roses - 9 k.;
  • jasmine - 12 k.;
  • bamboo - 16 k.

For the bottom:

  • pines - 16 k.;
  • musk - 14 k.;
  • ambergris - 12 k.

Dior "Fahrenheir Absolutr"

For top fragrances:

  • myrrh - 23 k.;
  • violets - 19 k.

For core fragrances:

  • incense - 23 k..

For base scents:

  • cloves - 14 k.;
  • nutmeg - 17 k.

Escada Magnetism

For the starting note:

  • melons - 8 k.;
  • black currant - 6 k.;
  • basilica - 4 k.

For middle note:

  • roses - 12 k.;
  • magnolias - 7 k.;
  • jasmine - 17 k.

For end note:

  • coconut - 6 k.;
  • muscat - 15 k.;
  • ambergris - 5 k.;
  • vanilla - 19 k.

For the top:

  • lemon - 9 k.;
  • tangerine - 5 k.;
  • oranges - 3 k.

For the middle:

  • neroli - 6 k.

For the bottom:

  • myrrh - 1 k.;
  • incense - 7 k.


Compositions of men's perfumes are distinguished by a tart, pungent and strong smell. They should emphasize strength, charisma and assertiveness.

Givenchy «Pour Homme»

For the top:

  • grapefruit - 13 k.;
  • coriander - 12 k.;
  • tangerine - 14 k.

For heart":

  • wormwood - 11 k.;
  • vetiver - 22 k.

For the base:

  • incense - 24 k.;
  • cedar - 13 k.

For the top:

  • cedar - 20 k;
  • grapefruit - 14 k.;
  • rosemary - 2 k.;
  • cardamom - 12 k.

For the middle:

  • tuberose - 17 k.;
  • ylang-ylang - 15 k.

For the bottom:

  • birch tar - 1 k.;
  • cedar - 18 k.

For the first note:

  • petitgrain - 14 k.;
  • bergamot - 26 k.

For the second note:

  • lemon - 14 k.;
  • orange - 15 k.

For the third note:

  • neroli - 15 k.;
  • lavender - 5 k.

Versace Man Eau Fraiche

For the top:

  • bergamot - 10 k.;
  • rosewood - 13 k.;
  • lemon - 11 k.

For the middle:

  • sage - 12 k.;
  • tarragon - 12 k.;
  • black pepper - 4 k.;
  • wormwood - 5 k.

For the base:

  • musk - 12 k.;
  • ambergris - 14 k.;
  • saffron - 5 k.;
  • cedar - 14 k.

Arolina Herrera "212 Sexy Men"

For the top:

  • tangerine - 15 k.;
  • bergamot - 17 k.

For the middle:

  • guaiac tree - 12 k.;
  • vanilla - 16 k.

For the base:

  • cardamom - 21 k.

There are no restrictions in making perfumes from ethereal essences. Except your own imagination. You can experiment endlessly, creating new flavors. Sooner or later, a formula for an ideal, original scent that emphasizes individuality will be developed.

Everyone has long been accustomed to classic perfumes, perfumed and toilet water, but for some reason dry perfumes have not received such wide distribution. And in vain!
It is very easy to make them, solid perfumes open up wide opportunities for experimentation, creativity and manifestation of one's own individuality. Whether you're looking for a unique scent, or you're allergic to the alcohol found in liquid perfume, this guide will show you how to create an inexpensive alternative to the classic liquid perfume.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Pour almond oil into a bowl of heat-resistant material, put the wax in the same place.

2. Melt the wax in a steam bath.

Place the bowl of oil and wax in a saucepan of water so that the water does not overflow into the bowl. Put the saucepan on the fire, bring the water to a boil and reduce the heat to the limit. Stir the oil and wax constantly until the wax is completely melted.

3. Remove the wax from the heat when it is completely melted.

4. Pour into the mass essential oil

To do this, use a straw or a thin chef's stick. Stir the liquid constantly. A straw must be used because with a sharp infusion of essential oils, the wax will begin to solidify. Stir the hot wax well all the time.

5. Pour liquid wax into your final container.

After about 30 minutes, the wax will cool and set, become solid, and the perfume will be ready to use. As a result, you will get approximately 15 ml (by volume) of solid perfume.

Applying dry perfume.

To use, simply rub your finger on the surface of the wax perfume, then rub it with your finger inside wrists and behind the ears.

To create dry perfume you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon beeswax or vaseline
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil or jojoba oil and vitamin E
  • 8-15 drops of essential oil
  • 1 bottle for shaping solid perfume (preferably glass, ceramic or stone, plastic is not suitable)
  • 1 straw (or similar item)
  • 1 small glass jar or a bowl made of heat-resistant material for heating and mixing ingredients
  • 1 saucepan

Helpful Hints

You can also use solid perfume in many other ways:

  1. Do simple perfume with essential oil of cedar to rub a dog collar. The smell of cedar repels ticks, and smells good!
  2. Make cedar or cypress perfumes for foot care - the essential oils of these plants prevent the development of fungus and neutralize bad smell legs.
  3. Make a calm and relaxing scent using chamomile or lavender essential oils.
  4. You can smear a little perfume - this is Japanese tradition will make your card unique and memorable.
  5. Apply such perfume on the inside of your wallet to make dirty money.
  6. If you pour melted wax into an empty lipstick tube, you get a fragrant lip gloss.

Smell Example #1:

  • 6 drops of orange essential oil
  • 4 drops ylang-ylang
  • 4 drops of bergamot oil
  • 3 drops rosewood essential oil
  • 3 drops frankincense oil
  • 2 drops of jasmine oil

Smell Example #2:

  • 5 drops of jasmine essential oil
  • 4 drops of rose essential oil
  • 2 drops ylang ylang
  • 2 drops of cedar essential oil

Who among us does not know how difficult it is sometimes to find "your" fragrance. Why not, given this, try to create a perfume with your own hands, which would ideally reflect your inner world and personal preference?

In this article, we will give you a master class on how to make perfume at home. If you think that the recipes that will be described here are complex and you can’t do it at home, we will try to convince you. So, let's answer the question, is it possible to short time create your own and natural shades flavors? The answer is yes. If you use a hair fragrance, the smell will last throughout the day.

How to make perfume yourself?

First, to make your own perfume, you need to purchase materials:

  • essential oils are the most important component in the creation of perfumes;
  • carrier base or perfume base;
  • photographic paper in the form of strips for samples when combining compositions;
  • container for mixing components;
  • pipettes for combining oils;
  • containers for ready-made perfumes, preferably made of dark glass.

Before you start working on a unique smell, you need to study the aromas of essential oils in order to clearly navigate their smells.

It is also necessary to remember about some features of working with them:

  1. The essential oil is vulnerable to light, so it is recommended to store it in dark glass bottles.
  2. Essential oils, both together and individually, are very concentrated, so they should not be applied in pure form on the skin, it may cause burns. Before applying, be sure to add base oil to the essential oil.
  3. The utensils used should be glass or ceramic, but in no case metal, as substances can enter into chemical reaction with metal, which will affect the future smell of perfume.

The structure of a perfume composition is three notes: the top note or head of the perfume, the middle note or heart of the perfume, and the bottom note or base of the perfume.

The first phase or head of the perfume is made up of volatile essential oils. It is their aroma that we feel the first 5-30 minutes. This phase is very important role, as the first impression of perfume is created, we fall in love with this fragrance when choosing our unique composition.

The second phase or heart of the perfume is the main fragrance of the perfume. As a rule, it consists of essential oils with more long term evaporation from 12 to 24 hours, and begins to open 30 minutes after the application of the fragrance.

The third phase or perfume base is the so-called “aroma aftertaste” or “perfume plume”. Includes the aroma of the most persistent and less volatile essential oils.

Do-it-yourself perfumes from essential oils

If you decide to create your own perfume from essential oils, be sure to check out the recipes on the Internet. First, you should definitely decide on the note of the heart of the spirits. If you want to surprise your loved ones, use the aromas from Egypt. To do this, apply a drop of essential oils on the cut off strips of photographic paper, sign the strips with a pencil, and combining different strips in turn, decide which combination of aromas you like to hear. From the aroma oils of this composition, by the way, you can do sedative procedures. Next, start mixing glass container essential oils you like. Please note that they should not be on alcohol. Add them a little at a time and each time sniff the aroma so as not to add more or less than the required amount.

It is recommended that after finishing work on the heart note of the perfume, leave the room for a while, and after returning, smell the resulting composition again and make sure that the choice is correct, then continue further work.

The same work must be done with the base notes, but when combining them with each other, be sure to keep in mind that they are not alcoholic. To do this, in turn combine the strips with the components that you are going to add to the existing ones.

Stripes can be flavors:

  • from flowers;
  • from roses;
  • from coffee;
  • from vanillin;
  • from petals.

At the very end, oils of the top note are added, taking into account, as in the previous stage, their compatibility with the heart and base of the perfume.

Apply the finished composition to a cotton scarf and leave for 1-2 hours. If after a while you like the resulting aroma, the composition is successful.

As a result, an unforgettable aroma that is dear to your heart is obtained from a perfume fragrance. You can also make whole flower arrangements from fragrances.

Depending on the base, there are: oil perfumes, alcohol and dry.

Oil-based perfumes are easier to make and last longer, but their fragrance is not as pronounced as alcohol-based perfumes. With their help, you can add notes of aromas that you like to your shampoos, balms, and also give the smell to the room. oil perfume without alcohol, you do not need to insist for a long time, but they cannot be applied to clothes, they may remain greasy traces, and on hair that gets fat faster.

Oil perfumes with essential oils of chamomile, lavender promote relaxation and immersion in a calm, peaceful state. Vanilla-scented perfume also has a calming effect, which improves mood, reduces insomnia and fights depression.

Alcoholic perfumes require alcohol with a high concentration. This type perfumes are infused for a long time, at least a month, but they can be sprinkled on hair and clothes that retain fragrance longer.

A romantic mood is given to their owners by perfumes without essential oils with notes of flowers.

Very common among floral perfumes are those that include the aroma of rose petals - the queen of flowers.

Do-it-yourself lemongrass perfume

If you want to give the impression of a stylish and fashionable person, you can't do without vanilla-scented homemade perfume. Although any interesting fragrance consists of a huge number of ingredients. But sometimes you only need a few ingredients to get a sophisticated scent.

Home perfumes can convey such notes:

  • floral;
  • vanilla;
  • sweet;
  • woody citrus.

It is important to remember that home perfume is the most perfect gift for a romantic person.

The components that we will use in the work are two cups of petals, a bowl, distilled water and a small container (pot). We sterilize the pan and remove foreign odors.

  • my petals;
  • soak;
  • evaporate;
  • cool.

Dry perfume with your own hands

Dry or solid perfumes are great Alternative option traditional perfumes, they are very convenient for traveling and are characterized by more persistent aroma than oil or alcohol.

The basis for their preparation is oil and wax. Solid perfumes will melt on contact with the skin and should preferably not get on clothing or hair.

Technology for creating solid perfumes:

  1. We take oil and wax in approximately equal parts.
  2. In a water bath, melt the wax and oil, combine them, add the pre-prepared composition of essential oils.
  3. We mix the mixture and pour into the prepared container with a convenient neck to make it easier to get the solid mixture.
  4. When cooking, be sure to take into account that the wax has its own smell, so you should select essential oils that will “kill” it, for example, citrus fruits.

Very common are magical perfumes containing aphrodisiacs, the composition of which remains a mystery to many fans of such fragrances. These include essential oils of patchouli, jasmine, ylang-ylang, neroli, sandalwood.

Do-it-yourself perfume recipes of famous brands

Of course, all original famous branded fragrances are kept secret. But having carefully studied the smell, you can try to copy it. If you want to create Gloria Cacharel or bvlgari you have to work hard. But the result will justify all expectations.

You have decided to reproduce and repeat the unforgettable aroma molecule or molecule 02, then the feeling of originality and unsurpassed will haunt you. This mono-aroma is known for its simplicity and clarity, it can also be compared with Ambralux. The delight that will be received after the preparation of perfume will leave an indelible impression in your heart.

Recipes for men's perfume at home

If you don't know how to do man perfumes at home, we will give you an example of some of the simplest and easiest recipes. So for the sensual men's fragrance with aphrodisiacs, we need: alcohol no more than one hundred ml, lavender essential oil - about 11 drops, coriander - 20 drops, sandalwood - about 21 drops, cedar no more than 24 drops, frankincense - 5-7 drops.

Mix the listed essential oils and alcohol in a glass bottle and leave to infuse for 2-3 weeks.