Recipe for making perfume at home. How to make your own perfume at home. Stages of preparing alcohol perfumes

Make perfume Probably everyone wanted to create their own dream with their own hands, because the magical, sensual and alluring world of aromas cannot but attract a person. Sweet notes of vanilla, the passionate scent of roses, tart patchouli ether - everyone has their own preferences, commitment to certain smells has been embedded in the human essence since ancient times. Even ancient people chose a mate, guided by the specific aroma emanating from the opposite sex. At the level of instincts, they read information about this person, learned everything about him, as they say, without words. It was at that time that the idea arose to use various fragrant gifts of nature to aromatize one’s own body. And in our time, the perfume industry is extremely widely developed, and in stores the range of perfumes can amaze with the number of aromas and compositions from them.

But, most likely, many have encountered the usual situation when, visiting a perfume store, we cannot decide, choose exactly the shade, exactly those notes that are bound to benefit the carefully chosen image. In addition, it is quite difficult to find out in a store how exactly this or that brand of perfume will interact with the customer’s own scent, and how it will feel, for example, in an hour.

Why then, guided by the experience of our ancestors, not create for yourself a fragrance that ideally reflects your individual inner world and your own preferences.

What is needed to make homemade perfume?

In order to make perfume with your own hands, you should learn a little to understand the material. The basis of any perfume will be essential oils, which in various combinations will create your unique aroma.

So spend one day memorizing the aromas of natural essential oils. Ordinary photo paper, which should be cut into thin strips, can help you with this. Label each strip with what kind of oil you are applying. Then apply one drop per strip and give yourself a mini-exam. With your eyes closed, inhale the aroma of the oil and then read the name. Bring your knowledge to automatism; you should guess by just one smell, without opening your eyes, which oil you want to bring right now.

After this, prepare the necessary equipment:

  • cut blank strips of photo paper;
  • one glass mixing container;
  • a set of essential oils;
  • glass pipette;
  • pure ethyl alcohol as a base for liquid perfume;
  • odorless jojoba oil as a base for oil perfumes;
  • beeswax as a base for dry perfume;
  • glass bottles for ready-made perfumes.

Perfume making process

Any perfume consists of three phases of action. Each phase is composed of aromas, depending on the durability of the essential oils:

  • The first phase is the initial note. It is these smells that we hear in the first 15-20 minutes after application to the body. As a rule, these are citrus scents, mimosa, basil, mint, anise, rosewood, lavender, lavandin and many others.
  • The second phase is the main note. The heart of the perfume reveals itself after half an hour. To create the main note, floral aromas, essential oils, musk, fennel, pine, cinnamon, tobacco, thyme, nutmeg, cloves and others are used.
  • The third phase is the base note. "Aftertaste" of the aroma. They leave a light, slightly noticeable aroma, which is also called a trail. These include essential oils of myrrh, frankincense, and most woody scents such as frankincense, patchouli, vetiver, and tree moss.

Some aromas can be used to create other phases, the main thing is to maintain a single composition, the general character of the product.

How to make homemade perfume, creating exactly your scent? Simple enough. First of all, it is always necessary to compose the composition of the “heart of spirits”. Apply a drop of essential oils belonging to this group to the signed strips of photographic paper. After this, bring various combinations of these smells to your nose, choose exactly the combination that you like.

After this, add the main note scent one at a time. Do not rush to combine several scents at once, otherwise you will not be able to catch the required combination, and you may get confused about which combination you might like.

Lastly, add the starting note oils in exactly the same way. After you have prepared the required composition, apply it to a cotton scarf and leave for 1-2 hours. If after this time you like the aroma, then you have made the right choice.

Do not immediately pursue complex compositions. For the first time, make a simple perfume for yourself, where each note will contain two or three oils.

The proportion of oils used should be (1/2/3), depending on what smell should play in the first, second or third phase. But this is not a strict rule; everyone determines for themselves the intensity of a particular ingredient depending on their own preferences.

After this, in a glass container with a pipette, mix the oils you have chosen in the suggested or your own proportion. Now you can proceed directly to making perfume.

Decide what type of it you would like to make. If the perfume is alcohol-based, then the concentration of the oil composition in alcohol can be 20-30%. If it is an oil perfume, then the essential oils in the base oil are 10%, and dry perfumes can be prepared on the basis of beeswax in a 50/50 ratio. Pour the prepared perfume into a sterile glass bottle. Remember that alcohol perfumes, after mixing, must “mature” for at least three weeks in a dark, dry place; occasionally stir them gently, but do not shake them. For oil perfumes, the maturation period is much shorter - no more than a week, and dry ones can be used immediately after preparation.

Thus, you can prepare yourself the necessary composition for each occasion. In addition, perfume composed individually for a specific person can be a wonderful gift for him.

How can perfumes made from essential oils affect a person?

Each scent carries symbolism and can play a certain role in a person’s life, change his character or give free rein to feelings previously hidden deep in the subconscious. So, in the table that follows, we propose to deal with the main aromas!

Fragrance name Characteristic
Orange A aroma that imparts audacity and fun. Increases optimism and self-confidence, creating an aura of trust and serenity around the wearer.
Bergamot Able to neutralize the aggressive and evil energy of the crowd, protect your aura from external irritants. It can stimulate a person to creative achievements, revealing the artistic essence of a person and suppressing isolation.
Basil The smell of basil can rid a person of complexes, increasing his self-esteem.
Vanilla Pushes you to start a family, creating an aura of trust and warmth. Harmonizes existing relationships, helping to hear what the interlocutor is saying and take his place.
Verbena Perfume based on verbena is extremely necessary for everyone who wants to win the lottery, increasing a person’s luck. It will also help in solving complex issues. In ancient times, it was the scent of sensual courtesans, protecting their femininity and erotic appeal.
Heather The scent of the goddess of love Aphrodite. Strengthens the flow of erotic sensuality, sweeping away infantility and sexual impotence.
Carnation Protects the wearer from excessive emotionality. It can also be a powerful protection against energy vampirism and surrounding evil.
Geranium It will help you cope with the consequences of negative situations or a small loss. It is also capable of revealing a woman’s sensuality, giving her erotic relationships a touch of sentimentality and dreaminess.
Grapefruit Reveals natural talents, helping to achieve success in work.
Jasmine An oil of feminine, wise and refined origin. Liberates, reveals a shy nature, eliminating all complexes.
Ylang-ylang The aroma of erotic games, which allows you to understand your partner at a glance, enhances intuition, increases the sensuality of a woman and the potency of a man.
Ginger Will add determination and strength of character. Can help a weakened body fight the disease.
Cinnamon Will add comfort and warmth to your aura. People will always be drawn to a person whose aroma contains a hint of cinnamon in search of advice and consolation.
Lavender Meditation motifs of lavender will help you completely relax and become aware of yourself.
Lemon A traveler's scent that helps you feel comfortable and at ease in any environment.
Mandarin Helps to find calm and peace in the soul, restoring the aura damaged by someone else's anger. Gives a little naivety and childish spontaneity to the wearer.
Muscat It will help to increase tolerance in family life and achieve career goals. It is also often used to develop intuition in adolescents, helping them cope with the problems of transition.
Mint Strengthens mutual understanding between people, removes the expectation of trouble, the feeling of tension in relationships.
Patchouli Strengthens intuition, helps to feel a good beginning. Will help you cope with any situation.
Rose Transforms the energy of anger and sadness into an objective assessment of the resulting situation. The aroma of shy and youthful natures, giving the character lightness, freshness and sophistication.
Pine A healer among oils that allows you to restore and heal strength after a severe emotional blow.
Tea tree Protects from the aggressive influence of the surrounding world, creating a protective shell around a person.
Eucalyptus Restores strength after illness or an evil look, and can give longevity to the wearer.

DIY perfume recipes

For the first time, we suggest using ready-made recipes for already proven combinations. Don’t worry about the fact that the aroma will not be individual, this composition will play out differently on each person, and besides, you will not be able to recreate the recipe down to the milligram and use the same brands of oils that were in the original. In addition, it is possible to replace one or two ingredients with ones you like more.

Fresh summer perfume

Required ingredients:

  • 20 ml of ethyl alcohol;
  • 5 drops of lemon oil;
  • 3 drops of lemon balm oil;
  • 2 drops of neroli oil;
  • 2 drops of bergamot oil.

Clove perfume

Required ingredients:

  • 20 ml. ethyl alcohol;
  • 4 drops of clove oil;
  • 3 drops of violet oil;
  • 2 drops of rose oil;
  • 2 drops of bergamot oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender oil.

Here's a slightly more complex perfume recipe. But bright tropical motifs its composition will not allow you to be disappointed in the efforts spent!

Required ingredients:

  • 50 ml ethyl alcohol;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 tbsp. carnation stars;
  • 3 tbsp. orange zest;
  • 2 tbsp. Roma;
  • 4 bay leaves.

Mix all ingredients and place in a dark place. Lightly shake the contents daily. After a week, strain and add:

  • 30 drops of orange oil;
  • 4 drops of lavender oil;
  • 3 drops of neroli oil.

Then let the scent mature in a dark place for three weeks.

Making perfume is real magic!

When creating the scent of your dreams, enjoy the process. Only in this way can you become like a fairy-tale sorceress creating a magic potion, adding a drop of temptation, passion and love to it. Modern witches work miracles armed with glass bottles and aromatic oils. But enchantment remains enchantment in all ages, and by giving others the pleasure of your enchanting aura, you yourself reveal your femininity and sexuality.

The aroma of perfume says a lot about the character and inner world of a woman.

The aroma of perfume also speaks of status and well-being...

Therefore, you should pay special attention to this; today I will share several ways to prepare perfume at home

If you can’t afford an expensive perfume, then it’s better to smell natural; this, of course, does not mean that you have to “smell” afterwards!

The natural smell of a clean and healthy body is better than cheap perfume that carries sweat through it

But a good perfume is not cheap, not every girl can afford it, so we will learn to create our own scents for ourselves and our beloved so that we can smell like a Goddess….

Many things will help us with this, not only perfume - good soap, shampoo, pleasant fragrant baths - which we can also make for ourselves at home.

I will not describe all these recipes here, here on the site there are many recipes on this topic, use the search or tags at the bottom of the page.

Today we will talk about how we can make good perfume for ourselves at home.

So, first you need to decide which scents are closer to you, what you like:

To do this, you need to decide on the family of the scent - floral, chypre, fougere, and so on. Among these options, look for those that contain most of the chords that resonate with you.

A little theory.

To create a natural perfume you need essential oils and a carrier substance.

In principle, there are only two carrier substances used to prepare natural perfumes: fatty jojoba oil and alcohol.

What to prefer is a matter of taste and... smell.

Traditionally, perfume is a mixture of a composition of essential oils as a base, alcohol and water.

To prepare this version of perfume you need the following:
- 15 ml jojoba oil or almond oil;
- 75 ml of ethyl alcohol;
- 2 teaspoons of spring or distilled water;
- coffee filter;
- glass bottle made of darkened glass;
- 25 drops of essential oils (buy them at the pharmacy or online, or make them yourself);
- 7 drops of essential oils for the base note;
- 7 drops of essential oils for the middle note;
- 6-7 drops of essential oils for the top note;
- a couple of drops of essential oils for transitional shades (to taste).

The essential oils you use are the basis of your perfume.

If this is your first time mixing scents, start with small amounts of different essential oils.

To begin with, three oils will be enough for each of the parts (notes) of the aroma.

These oils are called fragrance notes.

Base notes- the part of perfume that lasts on the skin the longest.

Middle notes open a little earlier.

Top notes- the most volatile and evaporate first.

Transitional notes They have a medium degree of volatility and serve to bring the composition together.

Sometimes other substances are added to perfumes, for example, sea salt (for a sea aroma), black pepper (for spiciness), camphor and vetiver. Since essential oils evaporate in different proportions, the aroma of perfume changes as you wear it.

Here are some common examples of base, middle, top, and transition notes.

- Base notes: cedar, cinnamon, patchouli, sandalwood, vanilla, moss, lichen, fern.
- Middle notes: cloves, geranium, lemongrass, neroli, nutmeg, ylang-ylang.
- Top notes: bergamot, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lime, neroli, orchid, rose.
- Transitional notes: vanilla, lavender.


The order in which you mix the ingredients matters, because directly affects the aroma.

If you change the mixing process, write down the original version so that you can create it again later.

Rose and jasmine flower oils are very expensive, and until you decide which direction of the fragrance you like best, you can use more affordable oils of ylang-ylang, geranium and myrtle.

In addition to essential oils, you will need a base (carrier).

For these purposes, as we have already said, alcohol and/or fatty jojoba oil are suitable.

In addition, you will need small vessels for dosing and mixing oils.

You can take any vessels - cones, bottles, bottles. Volume from 10 to 100 ml. They should be voluminous enough to make it convenient for you to mix oils, but at the same time, not very large - the less air in the vessel, the better.

To get the right aroma, you will have to experiment, but to get started correctly, it is best to remember the types of aromas and the essential oils that correspond to them.

Zemlyanoy: patchouli, vetiver.
Floral: geranium, jasmine, neroli, rose, violet, ylang-ylang.
Fruit: bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, lime, tangerine, orange.
Herbal: angelica, basil, chamomile, nutmeg sage, lavender, peppermint, rosemary.
Nautical: sea salt.
Spicy: black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, ginger, juniper, nutmeg.
Woody: acacia, cedar, cypress, pine, sandalwood.


  • If the aroma is too intense, you can dilute it with plenty of water.
  • If you want to, to make perfume last longer, add a tablespoon of glycerin to the perfume mixture.

To determine the aroma you will need smelling papers.

These are highly absorbent paper strips that are used to test aroma.

They are simply necessary, because if you “sample” the aroma from a bottle, you will not be able to perceive all its subtleties. One way to “mix” different essential oils is to soak different smelling papers with different essential oils and hold them in different combinations to your nose.

As a result, you will be able to determine whether the scents are suitable for each other. This is what professional perfumers do.

However, you will not be able to understand in this way what the final character of your fragrance will be, since,

  • firstly, aromatic substances in the final form are diluted to a concentration of 4-25%, which can significantly change their “sound”, and,
  • secondly, every perfume must first “ripen” for two to three weeks in order to form its final scent.

So, let's start mixing the perfume

1. Pour jojoba oil or almond oil into the bottle.

2. Add essential oils in the following order: first base notes, then middle notes, then top notes. Add a couple drops of transition notes if you like.

3. Add alcohol.

4. Shake the bottle for several minutes, then leave the mixture to infuse for a period of two days to 6 weeks.

5. When you get the desired aroma, add two tablespoons of spring water. Shake the bottle to mix the perfume, then strain through a coffee filter and pour into a pretty bottle. It is best if it is a dark bottle with the narrowest possible neck, since light and contact with air contribute to the volatilization of many essential oils.

6. You can pour some perfume into a decorative bottle, but in general you should store it in a sealed opaque glass bottle in a cool, dark place.

7. Make a label for the resulting perfume. Don't forget to record the process of mixing the scent so you can make it again if desired.

Another option for mixing perfume:

  • take the base note that you like best.
  • For example, patchouli oil.
  • Patchouli is a very powerful and multifaceted aroma. Therefore, it is advantageous to combine it with some soft base note, for example, with tonka bean oil or vanilla.

If you like the base note, you can add a heart note to it.

  • For example, rose and/or geranium go well with patchouli.
  • Patchouli also combines well with ylang-ylang.
  • However, some people don't like this combination. After all, aroma is a matter of taste.
  • You can add blood orange as a head note to the patchouli-rose mixture,
  • in patchouli - ylang mixture - bergamot.

When the mixture is ready, a carrier substance (alcohol/fatty oil) can be added to it.

  • You can add very little, because you can reduce the concentration at any time.
  • The aroma mixture can be prepared even without a carrier substance.
  • In this case, it can be used to scent cosmetics, soaps or create massage oils, as well as in aroma lamps.

As soon as you start mixing oils, you will immediately have a small “collection” of combinations that you like best.

After all the components of the perfume are mixed, your perfume will have a relatively long time to mature.

The time it takes for spirits to mature can vary greatly.

  • It is generally assumed that perfumes require at least two weeks to mature in jojoba oil.
  • for maturing in alcohol - at least four.

You can't just sit back and wait for the scent to take shape. After just two or three days, you can begin to taste (preferably using sniffing paper strips) how the aroma changes over time.
This, believe me, is no less interesting than directly mixing the components.
In addition, at this moment you can still add components to the composition that you think are missing, or when one of the substrates is too dominant.


When creating your own perfume by mixing different compositions of oils, write down the quantity and name of the oils, and after receiving the result, write down your feelings and your assessment of the resulting perfume!
This will help you next time either avoid a mistake, or, on the contrary, repeat a successful version of your perfume!

This way, you will gradually develop a memory for smells and will be able to independently determine what aroma you will get at the end of the procedure for preparing homemade perfume.
You will also gradually accumulate a whole collection of aromatic oils from which you you can create all sorts of combinations and smell new every time, surprising your friends and acquaintances.
The main thing will be real genuine rich flavors, which are perceived by the human sense of smell very positively and attract.
Another very important positive factor of such perfumes is that they have a very lasting aroma!
This means that your clothes will retain this smell even after washing, and your skin will smell fragrant even after swimming in the sea!
There are no such advantages in cheap cosmetics.

You can also create as an option - Solid perfume

You can also make solid perfumes. They are easier to make, and they are also a very practical form of releasing fragrances. They do not contain alcohol and cannot be spilled.

To make solid perfume you will need the following:
- 1 tablespoon of beeswax or Vaseline oil;
- 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil or almond oil;
- 8-10 drops of essential oils used in perfumery;
- a small clean container (about 15g) for packaging solid perfumes.
If you don't want to buy a special new container for your perfume, you can use a lip balm jar.

Containers for decorative or hygienic lipstick will also work.

So, the sequence of preparing solid perfumes:

1. Melt wax or jojoba oil or almond oil in one bowl. You can either microwave the ingredients in a heatproof container for a few seconds, or melt them using a double boiler.

2. Once the mixture becomes liquid, remove it from the heat. Stir in essential oils using a wooden stick, straw or spoon (not a wooden one, otherwise it will always smell).

3. Pour the liquid mixture into the container. Cover with a lid, but do not close tightly so that condensation does not form and bacteria subsequently multiply.

To understand the basics of perfumery, you must also master the terminology.

This will help you easily navigate the recipes and compositions of fragrances that you can find on the Internet and special manuals.

Absolute. Also called essence. The most intense aromatic material that can be extracted from a plant or flower.

Chord. A mixture of two or more aromas that, when combined, create a new, completely different aroma sound.

Aldehydes. Organic constituents present in many natural materials, which can also be synthesized artificially. Chanel No. 5 is an aldehyde-floral scent.

Animal components. Animal-derived ingredients such as civet, amber, musk and castoreum. In modern perfumery, as a rule, they are reproduced artificially. Strong and unpleasant in concentrated form, these notes provide depth of flavor in small quantities.

Apocrine sweat glands. These are glands on the human body that give it its own special smell, which can overpower or enhance the perfume you wear.

Water. The definition refers to a perfume based on an "aquatic" aroma.

Essential oil. Any aromatic essential oil distilled from flowers.

Base notes. The third and final phase (after the top and middle notes) of perfume evaporation, its “life” on the skin.

Balsamic. Rich, sweet, resinous and warm notes produced by using botanical balms and resins. The category of oriental fragrances is characterized by precisely this composition.

Bouquet. A mixture of floral notes.

Camphor. Fresh, clean, cooling qualities exhibited by eucalyptus, but also shared by rosemary and other herbal notes.

Cypress (chypre). Pronounced "chypre", "chypre". Refers to woody, mossy, earthy aromas.

Citrus. Fresh, sour notes typical of lemon, orange, grapefruit and bergamot.

Compound. A concentrated perfume mixture before it is diluted into a finished perfume. Also called perfume oil.

Distillate. Distillation product. For example, lavender oil is a distillate of the fresh, flowering lavender plant.

Cologne. A solution consisting of approximately 3% alcohol or water based perfume mixture. Much lighter than concentrated perfumes.

Eau de parfum. Alcohol perfume solution containing 10-15% perfume composition.

Eau de Toilette. An alcoholic or aqueous perfume solution containing a perfume composition of 3-8%.

Zemlyanoy. Fragrance notes that evoke earth, soil, forest soil, mold and moss.

Essential oil. Highly concentrated, volatile aromatic essences of plants obtained by distillation or extraction.

Fleeting. A volatile or quickly disappearing aroma note.

Extract. Alternative name for alcohol perfumes. Extracts contain from 15 to 45% perfume composition mixed with alcohol.

Fixative. An ingredient added to perfume to make it last longer.

Floral. Perfume characterized primarily by pronounced floral notes.

Floral-fruity. Perfume with distinct fruity notes, mainly top notes, complementing the middle fruity notes.

Fougere (fern). From the French "fern". Fougere scents are based on a herbal accord and may contain notes such as lavender, coumarin, oakmoss, wood and bergamot.

Green. General definition for aromas of grass, leaves and stems.

Middle (middle) notes. The second phase of evaporation of the perfume from the skin, which gives the scent its character after the top notes fade.

Herbal. The note is naturally cool, leafy or straw-like, such as chamomile or sage.

Pomeranian. A general term for citrus oils.

Ionons. Valuable synthetic compounds used in small quantities in many floral, green, woody perfumes. They give a aroma reminiscent of violet or iris.

Leather. Pungent, animalistic, smoky characteristics of ingredients used in leather dyeing. In perfumery they are achieved through castoreum, labdanum and synthetic chemical compounds.

Mossy. Perfume with earthy, aromatic forest notes.

Nose. A person who mixes fragrance components to make perfume, i.e. perfumer.

Oriental. A family of perfumes based on balsamic, exotic aromas such as vanilla, oakmoss and animalic notes. Such scents are usually used as evening scents.

Ozone. Scented chemicals that are designed to imitate the smell of fresh air after a thunderstorm.

Perfume (perfume, extract). The most concentrated and most persistent form of perfume, containing from 20 to 50% of the perfume composition.

Powdery. A baby powder-like aroma produced when a heavier sweet or woody note is mixed with a lighter note such as citrus, fruit or green.

Resinoid. Extract of resins, resinous balsams or roots. Typically used as a fixative in perfume compositions.

Plume. The scent trail left behind by a perfume. Perfumes with minimal sillage are often called “close to the skin.”

Monofloral. A fragrance based on a single flower.

Spicy. Spicy or spicy notes with a warm or hot character, such as clove oil, cinnamon and thyme oil.

Stability. Characteristics of the durability of the perfume, both in packaging and when exposed to temperatures, light and air.

Top notes. The impression of a perfume when it is first inhaled or applied to the skin. As a rule, the most volatile components of perfume.

Woody. An aroma reminiscent of freshly cut or dry wood.

Traditionally, perfumes were a mixture of phytoessences extracted from spices, herbs, flowers, leaves and woods, to which fixatives (substances that increase the longevity of odors) were added.

To create a perfume with your own hands, we will need essential oils and a carrier base, in our case it is almond oil (or jojoba oil), a mixing bottle, and photo paper cut into strips as blotters.

To start with, you can purchase several essential oils for each note.
For example, the top note includes mainly citrus fruits - bergamot, grapefruit, orange, petitgrain, lemon.
For the heart note, you can take flowers: rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang (as a more economical option: geranium, carnation). Spices: cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg. Herbs: thyme, clary sage.
Base notes include wood oils, resins, and plant roots.
Suitable for us are vetiver, sandalwood, patchouli and vanilla.

The main secret of a person who creates fragrances is not a keen sense of smell, but a creative emotional perception of odors.
Just as an artist knows his paints, a perfumer must know the material with which he works. And therefore, before you start composing a perfume composition, you need to develop your olfactory memory.
This can take some time, from one day to several weeks, depending on how long it takes you to accurately recognize any of your essential oils.
After you have become acquainted, creatively characterized the aromas and recorded them in your memory, you can begin to conceive a perfume composition.

The structure of a perfume, as mentioned above, consists of three parts: the initial notes, which are the very first to open, the heart notes and the so-called “trail” or base notes. They depend on the time of evaporation of essential oils and the duration of the aroma on the skin.
First, the heart of the future fragrance is created, in which the original vision of the perfumer is manifested, then a base is applied to the heart, emphasizing the main direction of the perfume, and lastly, top notes are added.

I will give an example of how a natural perfumer works, in principle. This will help you in the future to create any compositions yourself, just adding your own individuality.

First, we choose the direction of future spirits.
Let's say it will be floral oriental.
Take photo paper cut into 1 cm strips.
Apply a drop of essential oils to the edge of the strip of each note.

Having combined them with a fan, with clean edges down, we bring them to the nose.
Also, for a more distinct perception of the mixture of aromas, you can use a large glass of cognac.

First we listen to the heart note, let it be: cinnamon, jasmine, rose, clove.
We also try combinations: rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, clary sage.

For example, we settle on a combination: jasmine, rose, cinnamon, sage, ylang-ylang.
We also do the same with base notes, choosing the best combination among suitable essential oils.
To add a fruity-citrus note, choose orange, grapefruit and bergamot as the top.
After this, you need to listen to the selected oils in the form of chords.
To do this, take one leading essential oil from each note on the blotters and listen together. For example, rose-vetiver-grapefruit, then jasmine-patchouli-bergamot.
We choose a good chord that is worth emphasizing in the form of a quantitative advantage in the mixture.

After all the tests, comparisons and searches, the next step in creating perfume will be drawing up a formula.
Proportions are necessary to maintain concentration, harmonious sound and possible correction of mistakes.
So, we take into account that the concentration of the perfume composition in the carrier substance should be 20-25%.
Then, for example, for 15 ml of perfume, we need 3 ml of essential oils, which is approximately 50-60 drops.

Of these, 50-60% are top notes, 25-30% are the heart of the fragrance and 15-20% are bottom notes.

Let's say our perfume formula looks like this:

grapefruit – 15 k.
orange – 8 k.
bergamot – 5 k.

jasmine – 7 k.
rose – 4 k.
cinnamon – 3 k.
sage – 2 k.
nutmeg – 1 tbsp.
coriander – 1 tbsp.
ylang-ylang – 0.5 k.

sandal – 5 k.
vetiver – 4 k.
patchouli – 2 parts.
vanilla – 1 tbsp.

After compiling, we begin mixing the oils, but even here there is no need to rush and immediately add everything as written on paper.
Essential oils should be added drop by drop, listening to the mixture for aroma each time.

All changes and additions are made to the formula.

Don’t forget that first we create a heart, apply a base on it and finally finish it with the top of the entire composition.

After composition, dilute the composition with the required amount of oil.
Leave to brew for 3-4 days in a cool, dark place.
Alcohol perfumes mature longer - from 3 weeks to one and a half months.

We pour it into a convenient bottle and are proud of ourselves as a beginner perfumer.

This master class was prepared by Anna Bardina.
Anna is a true artist, she makes various jewelry - costume jewelry, paints ceramics and creates new fragrances. You can get acquainted with her works and purchase them on the page in the City of Masters

It’s not always easy to choose the right scent that you like, but also emphasizes your uniqueness. Is it worth spending time and a lot of money on this? What if you just take it and create your own unique perfumes from essential oils at home? After all, all you need for this is to choose several different essential oils, a base, stock up on some necessary supplies and, of course, imagination.

This is a creative, exciting process, it captivates you, delighting you with its results and the opportunity to feel like a real perfumer, creating more and more new recipes. And given the low costs, which is important for many, this is also a great way to save money.

What you need

To make your own perfume from natural essential oils, you don’t need anything hard to find. Perhaps some of what you need will even be found at home.

  • Essential oils can be purchased in many stores, online or in some pharmacies. It’s better to take several at once for later mixing them in different versions and proportions. It is advisable for novice perfumers to experiment with inexpensive oils.
  • The base material is odorless oil (jojoba or olive) or pure alcohol. High-quality vodka without impurities or additives is also suitable.
  • Glycerin to give perfume a lasting aroma. As a fixative, instead of glycerin, you can take your choice of sandalwood, vanilla, or myrrh oil. They are able to enhance the base of perfumes, giving off their aroma.
  • Distilled or spring water. Running water, the most readily available at home, is not suitable, since it contains impurities that are unnecessary for this purpose.
  • Strips of 10/1 cm, cut from any paper or napkins, as future “testers”.
  • Several glass pipettes (not plastic), one for each oil. Will be needed to measure the number of drops.
  • Natural coffee “sobers up” the sense of smell, when the aromas mix in the nose.
  • Notebook and pen.
  • Container for perfume: a small bottle (bottle, jar) made of dark glass or a ceramic dish. The container must be tightly closed.

Manufacturing process

When everything you need has already been prepared, you can proceed directly to the creative process itself - making perfumes from essential oils according to your own recipe, at home and with your own hands.

Before mixing oils in a bottle, you need to imagine what you should end up with. To do this, you can drop 1 drop of oil onto the prepared paper strips (different for each strip) and bring 2–4 pieces to your nose. The stripes must be labeled so that you don’t later get confused about where and what is applied. Then, changing the aromas and making up various combinations of them, choose the most suitable smell for yourself, but taking into account the fact that during the “ripening” of the perfume it will change a little and become real and final.

So, the desired aroma has been found. Now you need to figure out how to mix oils correctly. It is generally understood that perfume consists of a “head”, a “heart” and a base. These are three conditional phases of the action of any perfume.

  1. The first stage (“head”). This is the aroma that is clearly heard in the first 15-20 minutes after applying the perfume.
  2. Second stage (“heart”). It lasts from 0.5 to 12 hours and is used as the main note of perfume.
  3. Third stage (base). After the gradual disappearance of the previous phases, this one remains an “echo”, a “trail” until it evaporates completely. The aroma in this phase is subtle, slightly noticeable.

You need to take oils in a ratio of 1:2:3, depending on what note and when should be heard according to the wishes of the “author” of the aroma. That is, which oils will play in the first phase - let’s say, 1 drop. In the second phase - 2 drops, in the final phase - 3.

Alcohol-based oil perfumes

Mix the selected oils thoroughly in a glass or ceramic container, add alcohol or vodka to them in a proportion of 20-30% oils relative to the amount of alcohol. Mix well again. This is an option for medium sharp perfumes. For a subtle aroma the ratio should be 10% oil relative to alcohol, for strong aroma - 70%. After this, the resulting mixture should stand for 2-3 days in a dry, dark place. On the third or fourth day, add distilled water, a few drops of glycerin, and mix everything. That's all you had to do to get the perfume, all that's left is to infuse it and use it to your heart's content!

Recipe: vanilla, patchouli – 2 drops each; chamomile, ylang-ylang, bergamot – 5 drops each; sandalwood – 8 drops. Mix well, pour in 10 ml of vodka or alcohol. Leave for 2-3 days, add 10 ml of water. Leave to sit for another 2 weeks, shaking occasionally.

Oil-based perfumes

The base here will be unscented oil: usually olive or jojoba. The oils are mixed until smooth and infused for 2-3 days.

Recipe: jojoba – 10 drops, bergamot and sandalwood – 2 drops each, cinnamon and vanilla – 1 drop each. This is a perfume that has a simply shocking effect.

Dry (solid) perfumes

These perfumes are created based on beeswax and oils in a ratio of approximately 1:2. Unlike previous types, dry ones can be used immediately after preparation, as soon as they cool and harden. To store them you will need a small flat jar with a lid. Spicy, fruity and oriental aromas are suitable here.

Recipe: wax – 5 g, jojoba – 5 g and 15 drops of any aromatic oils of your choice. Melt the crushed wax and jojoba extract in a water bath, avoiding boiling. Quickly pour the prepared essential oils into the hot mixture and mix immediately with a wooden stick or toothpick (lumps will immediately stick to a cold spoon). Pour the hot mixture into the prepared cosmetic jar. The container must be washed, dried and wiped with alcohol for disinfection in advance. After this, the fragrant mass dries quickly and can be used.

Of course, these are just examples of recipes that you can easily apply yourself and at home. Each woman will have her own unique options, made independently, because each will choose those oils in her own perfume that she likes best.

To avoid mistakes in making your own perfume, you must meet some important conditions:

  1. In order not to distort the aroma of oils in their factory containers, it is better to take a separate pipette for each of them.
  2. Record each step of the work done in a notebook so that the recipe remains, and then you can make exactly the same perfume again. Or not to repeat the mistake if something doesn’t work out as a result (you don’t like the final aroma, etc.).
  3. For the first time, it is enough to take 3 essential oils of your choice. As you gain experience, it makes sense to experiment with larger quantities and create new scents with your own hands.
  4. The prepared perfume mixture can be passed through a coffee filter for cleaning. But this is optional.
  5. If the stability of the perfume is not important, grape seed oil or castor oil is suitable as a fixative instead of glycerin.

Having learned this simple but very exciting skill, you can create different perfumes from essential oils for all occasions, and come up with your own recipes at home. This is a wonderful gift option for women, which is so easy to make with your own hands, and savings, and a hobby, and creativity, and for some, perhaps, a new business.

And no matter how many recipes the Internet or printed publications are full of, it is always better to try something of your own, to follow the inspiration of the idea of ​​​​creating the most unusual combinations. After all, creating a new masterpiece sometimes happens completely by accident; the main thing is to give free rein to your imagination and your taste.

When buying perfume, we often find it difficult to choose the right scent. It's difficult to predict how base notes will “sound” on your skin over time. Why not try making your own perfume? This way you can combine different scents and choose the best ones for yourself. In this article we will tell you how to make perfume from essential oils that will reflect your individuality.

How to make perfume from oil?

How to make perfume from essential oils

To make your own perfume, prepare the following ingredients:

  • Bottles with store-bought essential oils.
  • Use cosmetic oil or alcohol as a base.
  • Bottles for preparing aromas and storing them.
  • Paper cut into strips for making combinations.
  • Pipettes.

With the help of this simple arsenal you can compose your own compositions. Now it remains to figure out how perfume is made from essential oils.

First you need to choose a base on which the aroma will be held. It could be oil or alcohol. Oil perfumes are very delicate, but at the same time durable. Alcohol ones are very rich, but they fizzle out faster. The former can be used immediately as soon as you prepare them, while the latter are infused for a couple of months.

The following oils are especially good for the base: olive, jojoba, sweet almond, cocoa and grape seed oil. To create alcoholic aromas, ethyl alcohol is needed.

To get the top note, use oils that evaporate quickly, but, on the other hand, set the tone: oils of lemon, lavender, grapefruit, sweet and bitter orange.

The heart of a perfume is scents that evaporate more slowly, such as jasmine, rose or exotic ylang-ylang.

The basis of perfumes are oils that last the longest on the skin: esters of sandalwood, cedar, vanilla.

Apply a drop of oils of each note to each piece of paper, and then, placing 3-4 strips on top of each other at once, “taste” the aroma.

Experts advise mixing the components in the following proportions: middle note - 50%, base -20%, top note - 30%. In this case, take no more than 20 drops of aromatic esters per 10-12 ml of oil. For alcohol perfumes, take 70-85% alcohol, 0-10% water, 15-35% essential oil. When infusing alcohol perfumes, shake them every 2-3 days.

To prepare, take oil or mix alcohol with water. Add base notes, middle notes, and finally top notes to them one by one.

Perfume recipes from essential oils

There are ready-made recipes for making perfume from essential oils. We offer several simple options for beginners. Choose any base and mix it with the indicated components.