A blend of essential oils for the face. Useful properties of essential oils. For dehydrated skin

What are essential oils for facial skin, and which ones are the most beneficial? So you should look at orange, valerian, verbena, vetiver and cloves. So, valerian soothes the skin and even "works" as a mild pain reliever. It is able to relieve inflammation and reduce sensitive skin, especially if it is affected by external stimuli. Verbena can help with hematomas, sprains and fractures. In addition, this oil rejuvenates the skin, tones it and gives elasticity. Moreover, it is very useful to use on problem areas of the skin. Vetiver has a tonic and soothing effect. This oil is able to relieve pain, as well as stimulate metabolism. In addition, it helps to put the body in order, especially during the period after childbirth. And finally, clove oil is strong antibacterial agent. It tones the skin and effectively removes the fungus. Moreover, thanks to it, you can lose weight. These are not all essential oils for the skin, but most of them have just such an effect.

Essential oil for dry skin

What should be the essential oil for dry skin, and how to choose it? To cope with dryness, it is enough to pick up effective remedy. So, oils that can remove dryness include olive oil, grape seeds and Aloe Vera. What effect does it have on dry skin? olive oil? It is thicker in structure than others. Even ordinary virgin oil can give an incredible effect. So, it is advisable to apply it in the morning and evening. It contains many beneficial vitamins, fatty acids and proteins. All this allows for short term fix the skin. Grape seed oil has an incredible texture, sometimes called satin. It is able to quickly absorb into the skin and instantly improve its condition. Do not forget that there are people for whom oils are not suitable, or rather, they are poorly absorbed. IN this case you shouldn't worry about it. And finally, the well-known Aloe Vera oil, it mixes well with other essential oils and perfectly nourishes the skin. When choosing essential oils for the skin, it is worth considering its features.

Essential oils for oily skin

Which essential oils for oily skin should you choose? Vegetable oils are perfect, they include almonds, peach kernels, grape and apricot seeds. It is also worth trying essential oils, these are grapefruit, rosemary, lemon and cloves. Tonic oils from the oily skin series include mint, lemon balm, ginger and thyme. If there is a need to calm the skin a little, then in this case just the same ylang-ylang, lavender, tea tree and chamomile will help. It should be understood that oily skin is not so prone to wrinkles. After all, it contains an excess of sebum, which does not allow it to dry. If wrinkles nevertheless began to show themselves not much, then you can get rid of them with the help of lavender and lemon oil. In general, when choosing essential oils for the skin, it is worth considering their purpose and effect, as well as the desired effect.

Essential oils for problem skin

How to choose good essential oils for problematic skin and what to pay attention to? In general, it is difficult to be the owner of problem skin, but a couple of secrets and this will not spoil life at all. So, many oils are able to cope even with the most difficult situation. So, clove oil removes pustules, boils and any skin lesions. Therefore, if there are similar “marks” on the face or body, then it is worth trying out the carnation. Geranium, for example, is able to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. This is perfect for those people who have oily skin. Moreover, if some of its parts are overdried, while others are vice versa. Suffering from acne? In this case, Atlas cedar oil comes to the rescue. Do you need to cleanse your skin and remove inflammation? It is worth paying attention to the oil of lavender and lady's rose. In general, there are plenty of funds, the main thing is the desire to rid the skin of various kinds of "marks". So, essential oils for the skin can give the desired effect in a fairly short time.

Essential oils for skin elasticity

What essential oils for skin elasticity should be purchased by beginners? You should look at orange oil, it can soften the skin, whiten it and give it elasticity. Do not forget about lemon oil, it can brighten the skin and remove excess rashes. Grapefruit oil not only gives the skin elasticity, but also reduces weight, and is also able to normalize fat metabolism. It is necessary to pay attention to coniferous oils. They are able to increase elasticity, increase blood circulation, and also prevent varicose veins. If you need a product with good lifting properties, then rose, carrot and lavender oil will do. If you make skin masks with such oils, then you can forget about aging skin forever. Essential oils for skin of this nature can help and give the necessary elasticity.

Essential oils for the scalp

What are the most effective essential oils for the scalp? To get rid of dandruff, try eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, and grapefruit oils. When tormented by oily seborrhea, oil is suitable tea tree and rosemary. They are able to normalize fat content and remove unpleasant symptoms. If hair falls out, then you need to use essential oils. Cypress, mint, pine, frankincense, rosemary, and cedar are great. Thanks to the influence of these oils, hair growth will accelerate, and they will not fall out. For those who have oily scalp, lemon and tea tree oil will do. Moreover, to increase the effect of oils, they must be used, along with masks. In general, how many problems, so many solutions. The main thing is to choose the very essential oils for the scalp.

Essential oils for skin

How carefully should you choose essential oils for eyelid skin? To refresh the skin around the eyes a little and give a little freshness to the eyelids, it is worth using certain oils. So, it is worth taking a closer look at wheat germ oil. Thanks to its influence, the skin becomes brighter and rested. After all, around the eyes, as a rule, often appear dark circles. And the eyelids can be heavy and swollen. Daily use wheat germ or bergamot oils are able to cope with this situation. In this case, after a short time it will be possible to observe a positive effect. It is worthwhile, also choosing essential oils for the skin of the eyelids, to pay attention to those that are intended for sensitive skin.

Essential oils for body skin

How can essential oils be classified for body skin? So, if there are problem areas, namely cellulite, then you need to use certain means. Orange, lemon and grapefruit oils are perfect. They not only tone the skin, but also remove sagging, and also make it more elastic. If you need to tighten the bust, then you should look at the oil of roses, sandalwood or neroli. Moreover, they do not need to be rubbed into the skin, it is advisable to take a bath, along with these oils. If you suffer from neurodermatitis, then you can get rid of it with the help of cedar oil, chamomile, rose and ylang-ylang. In general, if you have skin problems, you need to go for help to beauty salon and find something that works. In general, essential oils for the skin are ways to cope with many problems.

Essential oils for aging skin

What essential oils for aging skin can you choose? You need to fight aging skin at the moment when it has become so. Therefore, in more young age, namely, up to 35 years it is better not to take any methods. So, after 40, the skin loses its elasticity and freshness, at this very moment you need to start care for this beautiful essential oils. So, lavender and rose oil will be the most successful. Oils must be used pure form, and add them to other tools. So in order to achieve a certain effect, they should be used in combination. Rose and lavender oil can tighten the skin and visually reduce wrinkles. If you use such essential oils for the skin, then soon the effect will be noticeable.

Essential oils for skin tightening

What can you say about essential oils for skin tightening? Of course, there are such, the main thing is to choose really what will bring the desired effect. So, you should pay attention to jojoba oil, due to its incredible properties can tighten the skin and make it more elastic. Grape seed oil has the same qualities. Such a mask effectively tightens the skin. If you also add evening primrose, then the result will be simply stunning. Do not forget about rose oil, as well as vetiver. In their incredible properties, they are similar to the previous components. In fact, almost every oil has a huge amount of positive qualities. The main thing is to choose the right essential oils for the skin.

Essential oils for skin rejuvenation

How to prolong youth, or what essential oils should be used for skin rejuvenation? Naturally, every girl wants to prolong the youthfulness of her skin, but sometimes this effect is not so easy to achieve. This is where essential oils come to the rescue. So, in order to return a pleasant glow to the skin and get rid of wrinkles, you should take a good look at the oil of rose, orange and lavender. They not only soften the skin of the face, but also give it nice shade. You need to start fighting wrinkles as soon as they start to appear. For this, it is recommended to use grape and apricot kernel oil. Moreover, you can rub it into the skin both independently and in combination with other components. In general, essential oils for facial skin are effective only if they are used regularly.

Essential oils for skin hydration

Sometimes the skin becomes too dry, and in this case, essential oils come to the rescue to moisturize the skin. In order to remove dryness and give the skin freshness, it is enough to use just a few of the most effective oils. These include: chamomile, rosewood, lavender and sandalwood. All that is needed is to apply a few drops to problem areas. In a short period of time, everything will look much better. Jasmine, rose and ylang-ylang oils are perfect for this action. The main thing is to choose the very extraordinary aroma. After all, essential oils for the skin should bring not only perceived benefits. For greater effect, you need to use them in close combination with each other.

Essential oils for combination skin

What should you pay attention to if we are talking about combination skin or essential oils for combination skin. In this case, a set various means. After all, most of the oils provided are universal. So, rose oil will remarkably eliminate lethargy, make the skin more elastic and even create a certain balance. That is, now the skin will look fresh and healthy, without excessive dryness or oiliness. Lavender oil and chamomile work in a similar way. The latter, in addition to the properties described above, can also remove inflammation. Therefore, she should give preference to those people who have skin hypersensitivity to irritable external factors. For lovers of brighter scents orange oil, as well as one that is made from grape seeds. In general, there is something to experiment with. The main thing is that the selected essential oils for the face have the same effect.

Essential oils for sensitive skin

Which essential oils should be chosen for sensitive skin in order for the effect to be really stunning? It must be understood that most oils are, so to speak, universal. But in this case, a certain approach is needed. After all, sensitive code is too picky, so standard version can only hurt. Therefore, you need to select oils with a calming effect, these include chamomile, lavender and mint. It should be applied to the skin a couple of drops daily and the result will not be long in coming. The fact is that oils immediately improve the condition of the skin, even when it comes to hypersensitivity. It is important to do the procedures daily. In this case, any essential oils for the skin will make it more pleasant, soft and fresh.

Essential oils for skin whitening

Are there essential oils that whiten the skin quickly and without side effects? Naturally, there are such tools, but you need to use them more carefully. So to bleach skin will suit tea tree oil, it can be used both in its pure form and with the addition additional components. The main thing is that the result obtained is really what we would like. You can look at the grape seed oil and apricot. But with him, too, you should be a little more careful. After all, skin whitening is not such a simple process. It requires the careful use of many means and some caution. On this topic It is advisable to seek advice from an experienced cosmetologist. After all, essential oils for facial skin can be harmful if used incorrectly.

Lemon essential oil for skin

How does lemon essential oil affect the skin and should it be used at all? By itself, lemon oil is pleasant, both to the touch and in aroma. But how does it affect the skin? It can relieve inflammation and reduce greasiness. Simply put, it is suitable for people with both problem skin and those that are prone to oiliness. In some cases, it is widely used for skin whitening. But before starting such a process, it’s worth it to consult with a beautician. If you apply this oil systematically, then it is quite possible to preserve the youthfulness of the skin. In addition, the skin is cleansed of rashes and other troubles. Moreover, the skin becomes light and soft, and finally blackheads disappear. In general, it is simply impossible to overestimate the beneficial properties of this oil. In general, any essential oils for the skin have a positive effect if used regularly.

lavender essential oil for skin

Who can use lavender essential oil for skin and what effect does it have? So, if there are stretch marks on the body, then none other than lavender oil can cope with it in a matter of days. Naturally, such quick results it will be difficult to achieve, but if you use it regularly, the effect will become noticeable after the first week of use. If you need to cope with the skin of the face, namely to improve the color, then lavender oil comes to the rescue again. Do you suffer from stress and nervous tension is constantly present? In that case, as sedative everything can also come out with lavender oil. In addition, it effectively fights insomnia. In general, the range of "work" is quite large. The main thing is that the selected essential oils for the skin really carry some effect for a particular person.

rosemary essential oil for skin

What if you need to purchase rosemary essential oil for skin? You just need to go to the store, but before that, find out what the oil itself affects. Yes, it is perfect for taking care of oily skin th. Regular use this remedy will improve the situation in a short time. In addition, rosemary oil has good anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, if there are any problems with the skin, of a similar plan, then you can safely use it. If a person is tormented by constant rashes, eczema, and just black dots, then it is worth resorting to the help of this remedy. It should be noted that rosemary oil can also smooth the skin, remove roughness and get rid of acne. In general, this oil is able to cope with all problems. But when choosing certain essential oils for the skin, it is worth considering some features.

Essential oil of orange for skin

How does orange essential oil work for skin? If the skin of the face is rough and prone to dryness, then you should use this oil daily. Regular application improves the situation in a short time. If you need to soften the skin, make it more pleasant to the touch, and just moisturize, then it is enough to use orange oil daily. Just a couple of drops can completely solve the current problem. If the skin has lost its elasticity, and small wrinkles have begun to appear, then it's time to use orange oil. In general, this component is widely used for many skin problems. Starting with some features and ending with certain problems. Therefore, it is quite possible to talk about such essential oils for the skin in a generalized version.

Bergamot essential oil for skin

Should I buy bergamot essential oil for skin, and how is it useful? This oil is able to cope with a number of problems. So, if the skin is too oily, then this defect is removed quite simply. The same can be said about excessive sweating, as well as the presence of any inflammatory processes. Any rash can “go away” if you use bergamot oil daily. To make the skin fresh and lighten it a little, you can also take as a basis this remedy. The fact is that bergamot oil can be called a universal component from all problems. It can normalize the sebaceous glands and thus make the skin normal. If it is too dry, then daily use of oil also brings it to life. And finally, if they constantly torment inflammatory processes, then skin essential oils like bergamot can easily do the job.

Essential oils for hand skin

What are the general essential oils for the skin of the hands, and what is their effect? In fact, there are quite a few of these. So, when choosing oil, you should pay attention to what it is generally purchased for. After all, it could be like preventive measure, and the desire to get rid of dryness or cracks in the skin. Yes, for daily care rose, lemon, mandarin, sandalwood, lavender and cypress oils are perfect. They soothe the skin, give it softness and do not allow to dry out. If you need to relieve fatigue and reduce sagging, then you should look at ylang-ylang oil, neroli grapefruit and fennel. Daily use of these funds will give the appropriate effect. If you also want to strengthen your nails, then bergamot and eucalyptus oils will do a great job. In general, when choosing essential oils for the skin, it is worth focusing on a specific problem and the desired result.

Every woman, of course, dreams of beautiful and healthy skin.

But here dreams alone are not enough, it is important to regularly take care of the condition of the skin and monitor the slightest changes on it.

If you notice inflammation, the appearance of a rash or mimic wrinkles, it is not at all necessary to sign up for another procedure at a beauty salon or buy expensive creams. An effective miracle cure can be done independently. To do this, it is enough to add home mask for the face a few drops of cosmetic essential oils.

They are oils extracted from cultivated and wild plants. Thanks to modern technologies production, such oils perfectly preserve microelements of plants, which are concentrated even in the smallest dose of liquid.

In addition, they contain proteins and nutrients aimed at maintaining the strength of collagen fibers.

Knowing which oils to blend for maximum positive result for facial skin, you can permanently get rid of annoying acne, acne, skin irritation and wrinkles.

Agree, it is better to give preference natural remedy and to know that nothing threatens your health than to use an expensive service in a beauty salon and worry about its consequences.

Let's look at recipes that help to cope with a specific problem:

  1. Peppermint and citronella aroma oils restore skin tone;
  2. Rose essential oils, patchouli and ylang-ylang cope well with dry skin and various irritations;
  3. Owners of oily skin are better to give preference to aroma oils of tea tree and lemon. In addition, tea tree ether will have an antimicrobial and antifungal effect;
  4. To reduce the number of acne, just try the mixture essential oils of calendula and rosemary;
  5. If you have noticed the appearance of pigmentation or flabbiness of the skin, it is best to use orange aroma oil blend and mint.


Each essential oil acts on the skin of the face in its own way and the result is a certain effect: getting rid of age spots, eliminating acne, moisturizing and nourishing dry skin. Some mixtures of oils can treat the skin by drying it, others by moisturizing it.

  • For example, orange oil the best remedy in the fight against dry pigmented skin, rosemary is a lifesaver for problem skin, and mint is an assistant in soothing, as it has antiseptic properties and perfectly improves complexion.
  • Lemon oil effectively fights wrinkles by protecting important collagen cells, while lavender oil is great for sensitive skin. Let’s take a look at some essential oil blend recipes to help you achieve healthy look facial skin.
  1. Moisturizing effect.

Make a mixture of the following esters:

  • 9-11 gr. avocado oils;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood oil;
  • 1 drop of orange oil;
  • 1 drop of rosewood oil;
  • 1 drop of chamomile.

After mixing all the components, apply the mixture with a cotton swab and leave it on the face for 20-30 minutes. Wash afterwards warm water.

  1. Fight against age spots.

Mix the following ingredients:

  • 2 drops of orange oil;
  • A handful of chopped parsley;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Apply the mask on your face in a thin layer. Wash it off with warm water after 20 minutes. This mixture should be used no more than once a week.

  1. Acne relief.

Prepare a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • 2 drops of rosemary;
  • 1 teaspoon black cumin.

Apply the prepared mixture exactly on problem areas - acne. It is recommended to use this remedy 3 times a day for maximum positive effect.

  1. The fight against subcutaneous fat.

Make a mixture of the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon milk thistle or grape seed oil;
  • 3-5 drops of rosemary oil.

Lubricate your face with the resulting product, and after 20-30 minutes blot it with a damp cloth. The following mixture will help to activate blood circulation and saturate the skin with oxygen:

  • Add 2 drops of mint oil to a spoon with diluted yellow clay;
  • 2 drops of lemon ether;
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil.
  1. Wrinkle smoothing effect.

Remove thin mimic wrinkles the following mixture will help:

  • A few drops of lemon;
  • 2 spoons of distilled water.

This means to wipe the skin of the face should be 3 times a day.

By adhering to the main rules, you will achieve the maximum effect:

  1. Before applying the product, be sure to wash your face - the face must be clean.
  2. For application, take sponges or cotton swabs.
  3. Wipe your face gently and evenly, do not overdo it with the amount of mixture applied.
  4. Apply the mixture to problem areas or all over the face, around the eyes and mouth.
  5. After the scheduled time, wash your face with warm water, washing off the product well.

Having discovered the world of cosmetic oils, we can say with confidence that it is possible to make the skin beautiful, toned and young at home, with absolute safety and minimal costs.

Essential oils are called the soul of plants, because it is in them that useful substances are contained in the maximum concentration. Residents were among the first to discover their properties. ancient egypt. For many centuries, they have used essential oils for skin care, household chores, and religious services. In modern Europe, oils have been almost completely replaced by more modern substances, but the case made me remember them. The French chemist René Gattefosse, during one of his experiments in 1937, severely burned his hand and automatically lowered it into the first container of liquid that came across in order to reduce pain. The pain really went away, moreover, the wound healed many times faster. That liquid turned out to be lavender oil. Now the passion for essential oils is experiencing another "boom".

How to use essential oils

Essential oils for the face

To highlight useful substances from plants at home, raw materials are usually poured with base oil (olive, almond and others) and infused, thereby obtaining solutions of essential oils, often ready for use.

Ordinary concentrated essential oils cannot be used in their pure form. They can cause a negative reaction - from simple irritation to a real chemical burn. Lavender and tea tree oils are perhaps one of the few exceptions to this rule.

Before applying to the skin of the face, essential oils should be mixed with the so-called base in a ratio of 5-7 drops of essential oils for every 20 mg of base oil or cream. Due to its ability to penetrate deep into the skin, essential oils will enhance the effect cosmetics. In addition to their direct functions, most of them have antiseptic properties and are natural preservatives.

As base oils for dry skin, apricot and soybean oils, macadamia and avocado oils are perfect. For oily - peach, almond, rapeseed, safflower and mustard, hazelnut oil. For those prone to wrinkles and mature - grape seed oil, wheat germ, corn. Olive and sesame oils, as well as butter walnut and jojoba are versatile foundations suitable for all skin types.

Essential oils for different skin types

Choose essential oils according to your skin type.

For normal skin suitable essential oils of rose, mint, chamomile. They will comfort her and provide protection. Lavender and jasmine will have a healing effect.

For dry skin orange oils will be useful - it eliminates peeling and stimulates blood flow, bergamot - relieves irritation and soothes the skin, geranium - improves complexion by stimulating microcirculation, sandalwood - relieves inflammation and moisturizes, frankincense - tones. Combinations of oils can also be added to creams or base oils, such as 2 drops of myrtle essential oil and 3 drops of essential oil. damask rose, or 2 drops of essential oils of sandalwood, rosewood, chamomile for every 10 ml of foundation.

For oily skin showing tonic essential oils of mint, rosemary, lemon and grapefruit. Ylang Ylang oil will soothe oily skin. You can try the following combinations: 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 2 drops of bergamot essential oil and 1 drop of lemon balm essential oil, or 3 drops of lemon essential oil and 2 drops of clove essential oil, or 2 drops of rosemary essential oil and 3 drops of lemon essential oil for each 10 ml base. A combination of essential oils of lemon (2 drops), eucalyptus (1 drop), mint (1 drop), neroli (1 drop) will help fight enlarged pores.

For problem skin choose jasmine - it has a tonic and antiseptic effect, lavender - helps with acne, juniper disinfects, and bergamot, tea tree and ylang-ylang will help fight imperfections. You can try the following combinations: 2 drops of lemon essential oil, 2 drops of ylang ylang essential oil, 1 drop of peppermint essential oil, or 2 drops of neroli essential oil and 1 drop of rosewood essential oil for every 10 ml of foundation.

Essential oils for the face

For sensitive skin tea tree essential oil is also good. It will soothe itching, eliminate redness, and mandarin essential oil will relieve the feeling of tightness and make the skin more elastic.

Help mature skin patchouli essential oils will be able to stay in good shape for as long as possible - it stimulates cell renewal, roses - it refreshes, strengthens, tones.

Get rid of freckles and brighten dark spots a mixture of essential oils of lemon (3 drops), chamomile (4 drops) with 7 drops of wheat germ oil will help - they are recommended to be added to 1/3 teaspoon of salt and applied to problem areas. You can also massage with a mixture of essential oils of grapefruit (3 drops), ginger (4 drops), rosewood (3 drops) - these oils must first be dissolved in 30 ml of almond oil.

Make creams for eyelid skin essential oils of limette, sandalwood, rose, neroli, frankincense will help more effective. They can be added to cream different combinations in the ratio of 3 drops per 10 ml of base. Wherein Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the cream enriched with these components does not get on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Your helpers:

Essential oils for the face

  1. Emulsion Pure with essential oils of lavender, thyme, rosemary, cypress and geranium Yon-Ka,
  2. Tea Tree Oil Facial Tea Tree Oil The Body Shop,
  3. Deliquesce Melting Makeup Remover Balm Rouge Bunny Rouge,
  4. Multifunctional oil for face, body and hair Huile Prodigieuse Nuxe,
  5. Nourishing Revitalizing night cream for the face with essential oils of geranium and alpine chamomile Natura Siberica,
  6. Huile 27 Regenerating Facial Oil with Essential Oils M.E. SkinLab,
  7. Anti-aging balm for the skin around the eyes Immortelle with immortelle essential oil l'occitane,

Essential oils for the face

  1. Nourishing face cream with sea ​​buckthorn oil and cedar essential oil green mom,
  2. Thermal water-spray for face and body Aromaterme with essential oils Frais Monde,
  3. Neroli Rejuvenating Eye Serum with Neroli Essential Oil eminence,
  4. Facial treatment Chamomile Aromatic Care with chamomile essential oil Darphin,
  5. Lotus Hydrating Facial with Rosehip, Patchouli and Blue Orchid Essential Oils Clarins,
  6. Vinosource Facial Nourishing Concentrate with Essential Oils Caudalie.

How to choose a quality essential oil

It is very important that the oil you plan to apply on your face is highest quality. Such a product cannot be cheap, because at least tens, at a maximum, thousands of kilograms of raw materials are used to obtain only a kilogram of essential oil.

Well, if the oil has passed the ECOCERT organic certification, the packages of such products usually bear the AB or BIO mark. It guarantees that you have an environmentally friendly and high-quality product: ECOCERT controls all stages of production, storage and sale.

Essential oils for the face

It is also important that the name of the raw material, information about the place of its growth, the name of the part of the plant used to make the product be indicated on the package in Latin letters. For example, the oil labeled "Citrus grandis peel oil" was made from grapefruit peel, while "Lavandula angustifolia oil" was made from the whole

Fragrant, inviting, enticing, stunning, sophisticated: all these adjectives can be attributed to the scents of essential oils.

In our world, aromas affect many areas of life, for example, thanks to essential oils, you can restore vitality, cure a cold or charm a man you like. Aromatic oil is added to perfume compositions, hair masks, face creams and many other face and body care products. Today we will discuss actual question: what essential oils will give beauty and health to the skin of the face and how to apply them correctly.

How are essential oils for the face different from cosmetic

Many women do not see the difference between aromatic oil and cosmetic, but in vain. Incorrect dosage of essential oil can adversely affect human receptors, for example, if you inhale a concentrated aroma excessively, you may experience a headache, severe allergic reaction up to shortness of breath and swelling of the larynx. If you apply this oil on the skin of the face incorrectly, after a while you may find a rash, red spots and other troubles that are difficult to deal with. Why, one wonders, then use essential oil in cosmetics at all?

A logical question, the answer to which can be obtained by compiling a list of undeniable advantages of aroma oils. So, the advantages of such fragrant compositions include:

1. Their impeccable and 100% naturalness, and, therefore, environmental friendliness. As a rule, essential oils are produced from plants, occasionally they are of animal origin.

2. Wide range of applications. Aroma oils can be used in the pharmaceutical industry, medicine, cosmetology, Food Industry, in production household chemicals and even in psychotherapeutic practice (treatment with aromatherapy).

3. Low price. You can find and buy essential oil in a store, online store or pharmacy, and it is unlikely to cost too much. With the exception of a special category of expensive oils obtained by a specific extraction method.

4. Quite a small expense. Usually this is one of the main differences between cosmetic oil and essential oil. In fact, the base cosmetic oil can be used in large quantities, for example, for massage, rubbing, or as an ingredient in hair masks. But the essential oil will need only one or two drops, no more, because it is very concentrated.

5. You can buy an essential oil and use it whenever you see fit. For example, in moments of relaxation, dropping a few drops into an aroma lamp, when someone in the family has a cold, or if you want to make a face mask at home.

Downsides of using essential oils

Everything has the other side of the coin - this is a fact. Fragrance oil also has disadvantages:

1. At first glance, some oils may seem completely harmless and just smell good. However, many of them have a health-threatening effect. For example, people suffering from kidney disease should not use spruce, juniper, and sandalwood oils. Patients with hypertension and cardiovascular diseases should avoid the essential oils of clove, nutmeg, rosemary and sage. There is also a special category of contraindications for pregnant women and children. They are strictly forbidden to use aromatic oils of camphor, basil, peppermint, rosemary, thyme and wormwood.

2. In ready-made compositions with aromatic oil, for example, in creams, masks and hair balms, odors disappear rather quickly. The same thing happens with homemade soap. Soap makers often use aromatic oils, so it is worth wrapping the solidified soap in cling film so that the smell doesn't disappear.

3. Some concentrated oils with illiterate use can leave burns.

4. If you use one essential oil for long period, its medicinal properties will decrease sharply.

Of course, one cannot fail to note the magnificent effect of aromatherapy, which is possible only in the presence of essential oils. Many species help with insomnia, stress and anxiety, help relieve fatigue and pain syndrome, improve blood circulation and even act as an aphrodisiac. But we will talk about how to properly use essential oil in home cosmetology so as not to hurt themselves.

Essential Oils for the Face: Why Use Them?

As you have already noticed, the use of essential oils for the face is quite appropriate and even useful. You should know what useful properties they have and how they can influence the most valuable thing we have - the skin of the face. In order not to spoil your appearance, it is worth distinguishing between the spheres of influence of oils.

To give an example: some oils can help regenerate the skin, restore it, heal minor injuries such as scratches, inflammation and scars. To qualitatively restore the cover, you need to take note of the oil sandalwood, chamomile, rosewood, ylang-ylang and geranium.

Other types of essential oils for the face can influence the process of oxygenation of the skin, which subsequently slows down the aging process and withering of the skin. Antioxidant effects have oils of neroli, jasmine, juniper, wormwood and rosewood.

Essential oils for the face can also cleanse, tone and soothe irritated skin. To energize the cover, make it radiant and clear, try using lavender, mint, tea tree, bergamot or lemon aroma oil.

Well, about the fact that thanks to aromatic oils, any woman will be able to adjust her emotional condition and you don't have to speak. Take mint, fir or valerian oil as a basis, and you can fully relax, unwind and calm down. nervous system. And armed with orange, grapefruit, cinnamon or vanilla oil, you will fill your body with energy, inhale full chest and "move mountains" on the way to the goal.

If you drop a couple of drops of lavender or sandalwood oil into the bath, you will not only be able to relax your body and calm your heartbeat, but also get ready for sleep.

Remember only one thing: you need to use aroma oil in moderation, only in this way you can achieve desired effect.

Beauty recipes: essential oils for the face in home cosmetics

Now it’s worth talking specifically about several essential oils for the face, the use of which will help cleanse and whiten the skin, relieve inflammation and flaking, and heal minor injuries.

grapefruit essential oil for face

If you want to do home remedy for the face, then you should pay attention to grapefruit essential oil. It is obtained from the peel of this fruit, it resembles a thick transparent liquid and a greenish-yellow tint. Grapefruit oil perfectly relieves acne, cleanses and eliminates inflammation. It can be added directly to your daily cream or facial wash in just 1-2 drops. You can also make your own scrub mask with a whitening effect:

2 tsp ground rice or rice flour

Base oil of the fruit of the olive tree or grape seed,

1-2 drops of grapefruit essential oil.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a container, add base and essential oils, as well as rice flour. With this mixture you should cover the skin of the face, leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse, gently rubbing it. Ground rice perfectly “scrubs” the skin, exfoliating the stratum corneum of the epidermis, lemon whitens the skin, and oils soften and eliminate rashes.

rosemary essential oil for face

Another wonderful remedy you can make at home with your own hands, using essential oil for the face. This is a soothing mask with rosemary oil. To make it, prepare:

Two large cabbage leaves

wooden pusher,

2 tbsp. l. butter,

Some water,

A bottle of rosemary essential oil.

First, beat off and carefully crush the cabbage leaves, making a gruel out of them. Large pieces can be removed. To this ingredient add butter, one tablespoon of water and a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil. We apply the mask on the face and keep it for about 15 minutes. After that, you can wash and moisturize the skin with your favorite cream.

lavender essential oil for face

Try also creating your own mask with lavender aromatic oil. It perfectly soothes irritated skin and is suitable even for ladies with particularly sensitive areas. So what do you need to take:

1 st. l. gelatin,

4-5 art. l. water,

Essential oil of lavender.

First you need to pour gelatin with hot water, that is, steam it. When the mass swells, dilute it with more water and wait about 5 minutes. Separate 2-3 tablespoons. Then grate the cucumber and squeeze out the juice. Add to gelatin 2 tbsp. l. juice and 2 tbsp. l. pulp. Now put 1-2 drops lavender oil. After all the manipulations, the mask-film can be applied to the skin of the face. By tradition, we wait until the mask hardens, and a film forms on the skin, which can be easily removed by pulling the edge. With the help of such a mask-film, you will also get rid of "black dots" and acne.

Before using any essential oil for the face, you need to remember that they should never be used in their pure form. As usual, in many cosmetic creams and emulsion essential oil is added together with the base. Moreover, there should be only a couple of drops of essential oil, and the rest are basic, that is, cosmetic oils.

We wish you good luck in your endeavors, do not be afraid to prepare your own masks, scrubs or other products using aromatic oils. Just do not overdo it, so that the delicate texture of the cosmetic emulsion does not turn into an aggressive mixture that can leave an unsightly imprint on your face.

And now let's talk about how to properly apply them for the beauty of the skin.

Often women (and men, why hide it!) Make a whole list of requirements for their skin. They want smoothness, even beautiful color, lack of damage, inflammation and acne. Well, and also so that the subcutaneous vessels are not visible (usually on the face and legs). Closer to 30 years, they want skin without wrinkles, stretch marks and scars.

Problem skin

Essential oils themselves do not penetrate very well into the depths of our skin. Therefore, essential oil in its pure form can be applied to the skin only for certain purposes. For example, dry a pimple and remove it.

In this case, you can apply oil to the pad of your finger - one drop is enough - and touch the surface of the pimple. It will disappear if you do this procedure five or six times during the day.

For this purpose, use essential eucalyptus, tea tree or lavender oils. They can be applied to the skin undiluted. All other oils may cause irritation.

There are other pimples as well. Painful, large, deep, with redness around the abscess itself. You can additionally put compresses of essential oil with a base oil on them.

base oil maybe avocado, jojoba, olive, sesame, linseed. That is, oil squeezed out of oil-containing nuts and seeds. It will ensure the penetration of the essential oil deep and carry the essential oil as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic component.

With essential oil, you can make flower water (this name has been fixed historically). In fact, it can just as well be called leafy, or resinous, or root water. It depends on what the essential oil is obtained from, which is in it.

This flower water prepared like this: a glass clean water placed in a bottle with a dispenser and 3-7 drops of essential oil are added to it. The oil gives up its properties to water after about 10-12 hours. Such a tonic (let's call it that) is applied to the face after washing and before applying the cream, or is used to cleanse the face with a cotton pad.

Tonic refreshes, cleanses, disinfects, heals and soothes the skin. It can be used after shaving. If desired, you can add a few drops of vodka to it. But I don't add.

There is such a secret: an essential oil in a larger amount will dry the skin, in a smaller amount it will moisturize. Therefore, select the number of drops for tonic based on skin type, season of the year, working or study conditions. Such a tonic is useful for everyone who looks at the phone and computer a lot (and this is almost everything in our time).

Dry skin

She wants to eat. Essential oils alone will not saturate it. For such skin, I suggest as base oils avocado, jojoba, sesame, olive, grape seed. Or those bases that you love and that you have available.

In addition to the creams you use, apply as nourishing mask mixtures with oils geranium, rose, orange, patchouli, jasmine, rosewood.

Take 3-5 drops of essential oils per tablespoon of the base, mix by shaking the bottle and let the oils interact for half an hour. This amount will be enough for you for several times. If the skin is very dry, at first it will eagerly eat this mixture. Then it will be saturated, and the mixture will need much less.

Masks can be done daily, every other day, every three days or once a week. As needed or as time permits.

With the same essential oils, you can make a facial tonic, as described above.

normal skin

Normal skin is just as hungry as dry skin. Especially in the conditions of urban life with the presence of a huge number of different devices that emit waves of different frequencies that are not at all useful for the skin, an abundance of exhaust gases in the air, the presence of stress in life and the need to constantly rush somewhere. That's why we feed her the same way. We use essential oils lavender, rosemary, patchouli, tea tree.

Oily skin

Here it is important for us to reduce fat secretion and narrow the pores. For masks, you can use ground cereal flakes, honey, egg, base oils.

Help reduce oiliness and shrink oil pores clary sage, lemon, rosemary, bergamot, grapefruit. We take a little more essential oils per tablespoon of the base than for normal and dry skin, for drying - 5-6 drops. Mix thoroughly and apply. Wash off this mask after 20 minutes.

We also make tonic with more essential oils - 5–7 drops per glass of water. In heat or high physical activity With this tonic, you can periodically wipe your face. You can soak a few cotton pads, put in a bag and carry with you.

For oily skin, steam baths with the same oils work well. Add 1-2 drops per liter of hot water, cover with a large towel to keep the steam from escaping, close your eyes and enjoy the process. This will cleanse the pores, relax the face, relieve fatigue, and soothe the skin.

It is better to use essential oils with simple ingredients - water and base oil. By the way, good bases such as avocado and jojoba, for example, are great on their own nourishing creams. With the addition of essential oils, they acquire additional beneficial properties and can be used independently as a care cream.

mixed skin

It needs both thorough cleaning and additional nutrition. Therefore, use nutrition mixtures with base oils, steam baths, cleansing masks. Essential oils rosewood, lemon, mint, neroli, ylang-ylang Use for both cleansing and care.

aging skin

Already after 25 years, many girls notice wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. Essential oils can help prevent aging and sagging skin ylang-ylang, lavender, patchouli, geranium, rose, jasmine, neroli, mint, frankincense, geranium.

Blends of essential oils with base oils of jojoba and avocado quickly restore skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles. The contour of the face becomes more rounded, the color is even and beautiful. With help lavender, lemon and orange age spots are bleached and the surface of the skin is leveled.

Skin with a vascular pattern

It may just be thin skin with translucent vessels. There may be skin with reddish or bluish vessels, with frequent inflammation, peeling, rashes. In the latter case, this disease - the skin also suffers, they also suffer internal organs, endocrine system. Such a disease should be treated by a specialist.

For skin with vessels, in any case, you can use a tonic with essential oils and a mixture with the same oils. Restore blood vessels essential oils rosemary, lemon, lavender, orange, frankincense, geranium. They also remove inflammation and flaking.

Features of the use of essential oils

In the morning, refrain from using citrus essential oils, as well as oils with citrus aroma - citronella, limette. And more oils containing eugenol(cloves, for example). Especially if the sun is bright outside and you use the oil less than two hours before going outside.

For this reason, I never drip citrus essential oils of citronella and clove into my tonic. Because it happens like this - she dripped and she forgot what exactly she dripped.

I use these oils in the evenings during the sunny months, and also widely and actively - in the winter, when we have little sun.

The fact is that some essential oils contain substances that enhance tanning. And in large quantities they can cause sunburn. And I have not sunbathed on purpose for a long time, and the spots on my face are useless to me. When applying the tonic to the face, the essential oil falls unevenly - because it does not dissolve in water.

In some sources, oils that enhance tanning are also referred to as oils. rosemary, thyme and thyme.

By the way, for those who love sunburn. To get an intense, bright and beautiful even tan, you can use oils lemon and orange, For example. By ingesting these oils internally during solar activity or by applying a base oil with these essential oils to the body. And then - lie down and sunbathe.

One of my friends got a tan with orange oil chocolate color. And the other, ash blonde with fair skin, got an unplanned increase in sunburn around the mouth and nose. She ignored my warnings about the phototoxicity of essential oils and sat in a stressed-out state of the work day, buried in a bottle of orange oil. And after that, under the scorching sun, she returned home - the work ended just at 14 o'clock. And it was summer.

Therefore, now I warn everyone right away: in general, any essential oil in the summer should be inhaled with caution. In order not to puzzle over whether it is phototoxic or not. In the heat, I rarely inhale aromas. Still under the influence high temperature And bright sun properties of oils vary greatly.

body skin

On the body, the skin is denser and less exposed to wind and sun than the skin of the face. But in the winter you have to close it for many months warm clothes. Every day, the skin has to experience overload due to temperature changes. It's cold outside, and the rooms are heated - it dries out the skin.

Skin care on the body is almost the same as skin care on the face. Well, if you periodically take a steam bath, take aromatic baths. In such a bath, you need to immerse the already washed body and, upon leaving it, it is better not to dry yourself, but to put on bathrobe and lie down for an hour.

Aroma baths- a means to improve blood flow. Add oils to this bath. rosemary, lemon, frankincense, orange.

If you are planning to lose some weight, take baths with oils. juniper, patchouli, lavender, orange, lemon.

If you are upset - oil bath incense, juniper, lavender, orange will improve your mood.

If you have digestive problems- a bath will help you with fennel, thyme, lavender, cumin.

Rules for taking aroma baths

Water should be at a temperature of 36–37 degrees. Take such baths in courses of 10 sessions or as needed. If taking a course, then one every other day or every three days. For toning, the bath should be a couple of degrees warmer, for relaxation - a couple of degrees cooler.

Essential oils do not dissolve in water, so they dissolve in water using other means. They are called emulsifiers. These are alcohol-containing liquids (wine, vodka), fatty foods (cream), salt. Dissolve right amount oils in an emulsifier (a quarter cup of liquid or a handful of salt), mix thoroughly and dissolve in a bath of water.

You can’t take a bath until completely dissolved - the salt dissolves slowly, it must be mixed well in water. I myself once did not comply with all the conditions and received chemical burn on the skin, because she threw a handful of salt and lemon oil into hot water and immediately plopped into it.

Lemon oil on salt should not only be dripped, but the oil and salt should be mixed well. Well, the water should not be hot, but body temperature, of course.

The number of drops of oil per bath should be increased gradually. This is if you do not yet know what your sensitivity to oils is. Start with one drop per full bath. Yes, yes, one drop will be enough to start! And for each subsequent session, add a drop. Bring the number of drops to six and stop there.

Take a bath for 5 to 20 minutes. The first time and five minutes will be enough. We're not in a hurry, are we? We are just enjoying life!

After the bath, it is desirable to rest for at least twenty minutes, ideally - an hour.

How and why to apply aroma mixtures on the body

How to apply - the answer is simple. Dip your fingertips into the aroma mixture and walk all over the body. Gently pat all parts of the body with your fingers. Gently knead tense muscles. Let's soak. All.

For what - the topic is broader and deeper.

To relieve fatigue, to soften rough areas, to dissolve scars, to even out the relief and color of the skin, to relieve swelling on the legs, to eliminate cellulite and stretch marks.

  • Oils to improve blood flow and alignment rosemary, lavender, patchouli.
  • Scars dissolve well rosemary.
  • Help against edema rosemary, lemon, frankincense.
  • Cellulite will be eliminated juniper, orange, fennel.
  • Whiten and even out color orange, lemon, rosewood, rose.

Nice bonuses

What do you get as a bonus when applying essential oils to the skin and taking aromatic baths?

  • Essential oil cleanse you. In the bath, the oil will be absorbed by the entire surface of the skin. It will enter the circulatory system and will be distributed to all organs and tissues.
  • Oil regulates the hormonal system. All oils do this to a greater or lesser extent.
  • Will improve your mood. All oils are natural antidepressants.
  • Will help restore your immune defenses.
  • Tones or relaxes depending on the properties of the oil.
  • Improve adaptation to the current life situation.
  • Increase your attractiveness for the opposite sex.

Restrictions on the use of essential oils

It is not recommended to use essential oil thyme hypertensive patients, people with high pressure, because it can lift arterial pressure. On the contrary, hypotensives, people with low blood pressure, love it and use it with pleasure.

Oil ylang ylang not recommended for long-term use by hypotensive people with low blood pressure. It is able to reduce pressure during a hypertensive crisis (rising pressure), and hypotension, it can "drop" the pressure even lower.


Let me tell you what inspired me to use essential oils in my life.

The first is that I really love fragrances. As a child, a jasmine bush grew under my window, and during its flowering, I was immersed in a fairy tale. I still remember this feeling. The aroma was thick, viscous, intoxicating and completely changed my perception of the world. Then the bush faded, and I gradually returned to normal life.

The second is what I heard about twenty years ago from a woman I know. Being the daughter of doctors, with a lot of medicines at home, I could not even think that someone lives differently. And I was told that some people do not have medicines at home, but there is a collection of essential oils with which they solve all the problems of the body and soul. And such a first aid kit of hundreds of essential oils is the norm for them. I really wanted this! Now I also live like this: I have less than a hundred oils, but they satisfy my needs completely.

What I describe, I practice myself. Almost daily. And my skin is grateful!


How the body is affected various oils, you already know. Do you have a good idea of ​​how your body works in general? If not, read our book review. "Waltz of Hormones: Weight, sleep, sex, beauty and health as if by notes" Natalia Zubareva, where we collected the main ideas of the author: .

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