The most effective oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. How and which oil for stretch marks during pregnancy is better to use? Suitable oils for the expectant mother

Many women are familiar with the problem of stretch marks after pregnancy. However, thanks to a special selection of medicines, it is possible to prevent the appearance of scars on the skin. In order to understand how to act, we will analyze the causes of such damage, find out which oils help to cope with scarring on the skin and consider the precautions for using them.

Features and Benefits

The reasons for the appearance of damage to the dermis during pregnancy are very different. It is common for the female body to adapt to external circumstances or internal factors of irritation. The skin has a protective function, due to which, under adverse conditions, it takes a hit on itself. The epithelium can easily stretch - this is due to the collagen fibers inside the skin.

When the constrictions are too sharp and large, the skin cannot cope with the load and then the inner layers can collapse, as a result of which stretch marks are formed - scars that are saturated with microleaks, brightening over time.

The main reason for the appearance of such injuries is, of course, the increasing load on the abdomen. From a strong constriction, microscopic damage appears on the skin of the abdomen. This is not the norm, but due to certain factors.

The most common:

  • changes in the hormonal structure of the female body. During pregnancy, progesterone is actively produced, which stops the production of collagen and elastic fibers. In this case, the skin abruptly loses its elasticity and becomes too thin, due to which damage to the skin easily occurs;
  • heredity. At the DNA level, such indicators as the properties of the skin, the predisposition of the dermis to wrinkles, and the rate of aging of the body are laid down. It is inherited from older generations. This also includes the elasticity of the skin, and the possibility of stretch marks on the surface of the dermis.

But in addition to internal mechanisms that a person cannot control, there are external factors:

  • a sharp weight gain;
  • lack of a healthy diet;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • general vitamin deficiency;
  • age from 30 years.

In this case, an integrated approach to improving your body helps to avoid stretch marks. This applies to changing nutrition, maintaining the activity of the body, obtaining the entire spectrum of vitamins for the skin.

A well-known fact: the epidermis receives vitamins and microelements at the very last turn, so it must be nourished with additional oil masks.

Features of oils that cope with stretch marks:

  • 100% natural base needed during pregnancy;
  • natural composition without additional chemical compounds;
  • softness of action;
  • nice smell;
  • availability.

Benefits that should be emphasized: thanks to the completely natural composition, the oils can be used everywhere. Side effects occur only with individual intolerance to the components. However, vitamins and minerals act naturally on the skin, activating internal reserves, which contributes to its recovery.

Types and properties

Oils are the perfect remedy for any kind of skin damage. The main criterion when choosing a concentrate for pregnant girls is the naturalness of the composition.

Common natural stretch marks helpers:

  • sunflower oil is the most sought after product in the world. Used for food and cosmetic purposes. For the body, this is a great natural relief for dryness. The plant extract contains oleic acid in large quantities, which affects the regenerating functions of cells and restores the elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis;

  • almond concentrate is the safest way to take care of your skin. A whole vitamin complex in the composition promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers, regulates water-salt metabolism in cells and strengthens protective functions. Due to this, the appearance of stretch marks is minimized. Linseed, castor, burdock, sea buckthorn and sesame oil have the same effect;

  • palm and coconut extract- able to reduce stretch marks that have already appeared, as safe as possible for mothers. The huge content of vitamin E in their composition protects the structure from subsequent damage. The skin is smoothed and acquires uniformity and a healthy color;

  • peach ether- able to nourish the skin with essential trace elements and vitamins. Due to which the skin becomes radiant and able to support heavy loads;

  • jojoba extract - volatile compounds in the composition are able to quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, maximally supporting fat metabolism inside the cells. With the help of such a tool, you can provide first aid to damaged skin;

  • apricot oil - tones and restores the internal protective mechanisms of the skin. Due to the hypoallergenic composition, it can also be used by young children and expectant mothers. Suitable for any type of epidermis. Also, ether is often used in the basis of cosmetics and perfume compositions - it is a natural preservative and contains vitamins that are necessary for the elasticity of the dermis;

  • cocoa- base oil, like coconut oil, has a huge amount of minerals and fatty acids. Penetrating into the epithelium, the elements help to restore all its layers in the shortest possible time;

  • Argan oil - the best way to fight stretch marks. The oil composition of such a concentrate breaks all records in terms of the number of useful properties. The skin becomes moisturized, saturated with nutrients, protected from external influences. In addition, the oil has a brightening effect - stretch marks become colorless, and with regular use of the oil, they disappear;

  • wheat germ extract- is able to restore skin radiance and supports the nutrition of dermal cells with beriberi;

  • avocado oil- is the champion in the amount of fatty acids, which is so necessary for a girl during pregnancy;

  • walnut extract can promote the healing of microcracks, it is absolutely safe for daily use;

  • Shea Butter- has a pleasant smell, can remove dry skin and restore elasticity. With frequent use, it will help prevent the appearance of cracks and stretch marks on the skin.

  • cedar extract and pomace from grape seed - able to boost immunity. Means affect not only the skin, but also the general condition of the body. Volatile substances in the composition can soothe irritated dermis and relieve stress from the body.

Also, expectant mothers can use essential oils:

  • wheat germ;
  • black cumin;
  • rosewood;
  • sandalwood;
  • orange. The extract is one of the components when wrapping or masks.

Volatile esters that should not be used during pregnancy and lactation:

  • ginger;
  • mint extract;
  • sagebrush;
  • sage;
  • nutmeg concentrate;
  • Cedar oil;
  • oregano.

Separate cosmetic oils can also be used to maintain skin tone. For expectant mothers, special solutions are produced, which are obtained in a natural way from natural ingredients. For skin care with stretch marks for pregnant women, the following products are recommended:

  • Weleda oil- manufacturers tried to ensure that the complex of vitamins penetrated immediately into the skin after application, thus creating the preparation of the epithelium for heavy loads. Physiological changes can affect the skin with stretch marks, and thanks to the almond extract and wheat germ oil included in the composition, the product can be used as a prophylaxis against stretch marks;

  • Johnson's Baby- accelerates metabolic processes in the skin, tones and saturates the dermis with moisture. Natural oils can be added to the lotion and used as a base for masks.

How can I apply

In order for oil extracts to act as efficiently as possible during pregnancy, without negative consequences, you can use little tricks:

  • apply concentrates in a circular motion, gently rubbing them into problem areas of the dermis. In the thigh area, you can use the drainage effect - lightly pinch and pat the skin;
  • use natural type oils daily, but compounds with esters twice a week;
  • when buying a remedy for stretch marks - check your body for allergic reactions. To do this, before applying to problem areas of the body - drop the mixture on the wrist, then wait 12 hours. If after this time there is no redness or itching, then the remedy can be easily applied. When choosing, you should focus on individual preferences;
  • purchased and opened body creams and bottles of oils are stored in a dark, cool place for no more than two months.

Homemade body creams based on natural oils should be used within a few days, or use dark bottles with a sealed lid - this way the shelf life can be extended to several weeks.

Oils can be used not only as a basis for creams. For example, there are other unusual uses:

  • compresses on areas of skin damage. This method helps to get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen in a short time. Safe during pregnancy;
  • taking baths with oil extracts prevent stretch marks and nourish the dermis. In this case, the whole body receives hydration and protection from negative effects;
  • wraps help to prevent skin aging at the internal levels. This method is also used to prevent beriberi.

How to DIY

The preparation of special means for getting rid of stretch marks can be done at home. The main thing is to follow a small list of rules:

  • you can not use metal dishes in which there will be oils, since esters are oxidized when interacting with iron oxide;
  • for proper mixing, it is necessary to first combine the esters of oils, and only then mix the base;
  • it is necessary to mix the oils until a homogeneous consistency;
  • the final mixture should be stored in a refrigerator in a glass container;
  • you should check the expiration date of the product - if there is an unpleasant smell, the oil can no longer be used.

For the first solution for stretch marks you will need:

  • olive oil - 25 ml;
  • lavender extract - 5 ml;
  • orange tree ether - 5 ml;
  • geranium oil concentrate - 5 ml.

This composition has antiseptic properties. It must be rubbed into the skin daily, without washing off after. The mixture is able to regenerate skin cells, turn on energy exchange within the dermis, and eliminate stretch marks.

The second oil composition may include:

  • castor oil - 25 ml;
  • orange extract - 5 ml;
  • neroli oil - 10 ml;
  • lavender ether - 5 ml.

This tool can be rubbed into the skin along the massage lines, as well as added to the bath and compresses. In the latter case, the effect of eliminating stretch marks is achieved after two or three applications.

More about oils for stretch marks and a video recipe below.

Rating of the best

In addition to homemade oils, which are used as anti-stretch marks, cosmetic preparations from various companies can be used.

The top 5 safest and most effective oils include:

  • Bio oil, which breaks sales records in 11 countries. A remedy based on African oils really helps - stretch marks gently disappear, and the epithelium is renewed.

  • Johnson's Baby suitable for delicate skin that has already suffered from all kinds of scars and needs gentle care. Thanks to its hypoallergenic form, the oil easily penetrates inside and restores damaged skin areas.

  • Emulsion Frei has proven to be an excellent remedy for stretch marks. For example, this oil can be used from the third month of pregnancy in order to predict the appearance of stretch marks. Thanks to jojoba extract, chamomile ether and wheat germ concentrate, it creates an excellent basis for nourishing and restoring the skin.

  • Another excellent composition is presented by the company HiPP. The product includes several effective oils - jojoba, almond and sea buckthorn, which prevent stretching of the epidermis. The emulsion must be applied from the second month of pregnancy.

  • Stretch Mark Remedy Bubchen presented on the market in large bottles. The composition includes jojoba, almond and rosehip oils, which restore the elasticity of the dermis, eliminate stretch marks and small scars on the skin. The mixture can be used for dehydration of the epithelium and its peeling. Initially, the brand was developed for children.

At first glance, it seems that stretching the skin does not represent anything terrible. And indeed, they do not harm health, they are not a symptom of some dangerous pathology, they do not threaten life in any way? Why, then, are many looking for a unique oil for stretch marks during pregnancy? And all because the defects of the skin that appeared during the period of bearing a child are the main cause of constraint and complexes.

According to many doctors, surgical intervention in this case can provoke serious complications. It is not worth exposing yourself to risks if you can choose the best stretch mark remedy that will be effective.

How oils work

In medical science, strips of different lengths and trajectories that form on the surface of the skin during childbearing are called striae. They can appear on any part of the body, but the hips, shoulders, chest, and abdomen are most often affected. For prevention, you can use various means, substances of natural origin are especially popular among expectant mothers.

The main cause of stretch marks is the intensive growth of tissues, this happens faster than the epithelium has time to form. Over time, it simply becomes thinner and torn, not entirely attractive scars form in the affected areas. A similar phenomenon occurs not only during pregnancy, but can also be the result of hormonal failure, a sharp increase in body weight or weight loss. Everything you need to choose the right cosmetic product, focus on the reviews of those who have already used it.

How do essential oils work on the skin? When applied to the skin, they penetrate deep into the skin within a few seconds and begin to have a healing effect. If, for example, take flaxseed, then it contributes to:

  • renewal of the cellular composition;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • stimulation of collagen production;
  • elimination of small wrinkles;
  • smoothing the skin.

Be prepared to get rid of aesthetic defects quickly. In this case, the most important thing is to show patience, perseverance, perseverance. The search for a suitable remedy must be approached very seriously, and most importantly with caution.

The advantage of fatty oils is that they are of natural origin. They do not contain dyes or preservatives. You can not worry about the health and development of your child, there will be no negative impact. By the way, products made from jojoba, wheat germ, are great to use early in pregnancy.

Short periods: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Olive oil for stretch marks during pregnancy - what are its benefits, other varieties

If we talk about the remedy for stretch marks, made from olives. It is valued for its content of vitamin E, which helps not only cleanse the body of toxins, but also regenerate tissues. The tool protects the skin from destruction, moisturizes and smoothes. There are other types of nutrient fluids that have different effects. For example:

  • almond oil - nourishes, softens, does not provoke allergic reactions;
  • coconut - is used not only to prevent stretch marks, but also to combat scars that have already appeared;
  • peach - activates regeneration processes, in addition, refreshes and softens the skin;
  • cocoa - copes well not only with newly formed stretch marks, but also with old ones. In fact, the fatty substance is an active antioxidant, moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic;
  • grape seed oil - perfectly copes with nutrition, moisturizing the skin, increases elasticity, effectively protects against the appearance of stretch marks.

Be sure to know what is prohibited for those who are carrying a child. This is because the drugs promote uterine contractions. We are talking about chamomile, rosemary, mint, wormwood, sage. This is not the whole list.

In communication with expectant mothers, you can learn about the benefits of oils such as apricot, argan, castor. But it is not recommended to use them without consulting a doctor, because each woman has her own characteristics that must be taken into account in the selection of a remedy for stretch marks. The same applies to fatty compounds made from rose hips. With their use, you can not only do massages, but also take baths, if this is not contraindicated, thereby having a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Can uterine fibroids decrease in size or completely disappear after childbirth

Description of oil from stretch marks during pregnancy Weleda and not only

Expectant mothers are encouraged to use not only herbal products, which are 100% natural and safe, but also oils from well-known brands that have additional components that enhance the positive effect.

  1. Weleda is a favorite among moms all over the world. It is made on the basis of wheat germ oil, almond oil and arnica flower extract. The use of this complex allows not only to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but also to get rid of those that have already appeared. Already after the first application, cell regeneration begins. It can be used from the first weeks of pregnancy.
  2. Bio Oil - perfectly copes with the restoration of skin that has lost its elasticity and attractiveness. Its action is aimed at reducing the visibility of microtraumas of the skin, getting rid of bluish / purple stripes, and evening out the tone. The oil can be used to reduce age-related changes in tissues, soften rough skin, and saturate it with moisture.
  3. Johnsons baby - originally this cosmetic product was intended for children, but over time, women also liked it. In combination with other ingredients, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin affected by stretch marks.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are really a lot of “tools” for dealing with ruptures of collagen fibers, a doctor will help you make the right choice, as well as reviews of women who have already used one of them and were satisfied.

Stretch marks (stretch marks) in pregnant women appear with internal ruptures of connective tissues. In this case, they are replaced by scar tissue. Unaesthetic stripes on the skin occur when the growth of the epithelium lags behind the growth of other tissues.

Stretch marks of pregnant women

The lack of elastin and collagen, the production of which decreases during pregnancy, leads to breaks and the formation of cosmetic skin defects. Stretch marks can form in any area. They are especially common:

  • On the stomach.
  • On the chest.
  • On the hips.
  • On shoulders.

The color of uneven stripes can be white, pink, red or purple. Already existing stretch marks do not hurt, do not increase in size and do not cause inconvenience. But the appearance of the skin with such scars looks ugly.

It is impossible to get rid of the stretch marks that have appeared without the use of surgery, but it is possible to prevent the defect. Oil from stretch marks during pregnancy is the best prophylactic to preserve the beauty of the skin of the expectant mother.

Stretch Mark Oil

The principle of the beneficial effects of such agents is based on the stimulation of blood circulation in the tissues of the epidermis, where they penetrate. Moreover, such substances are absorbed very quickly, and immediately have healing effects.

When applied, the following effects are observed:

  1. The production of collagen by the mother's body is restored.
  2. Existing fine wrinkles on the surface of the skin are smoothed out.
  3. The inner layer of the skin is more intensively nourished, softened and moisturized.
  4. Skin tissue regeneration is faster.
  5. The tone and swelling of the epidermis is removed.

When using oils, skin care should be systematic. And the sooner a woman begins to apply oily consistency, the better the effect will be.

Don't expect lightning fast results. It takes a long time for the skin to recover.

Choosing the best

Oil from stretch marks during pregnancy should be chosen carefully and carefully. In order not to harm either mother or baby, raw materials are purchased at specialized outlets. If only natural ingredients are indicated on the product label, then you can safely take it.

It is important to know that natural products are sold exclusively in dark bottles. You also need to pay attention to the method of production of raw materials. If steam distillation or cold pressing was used, then this is the most suitable remedy during pregnancy.

When choosing an oil, you need to exclude its intolerance and the presence of allergies.

The wrist is lubricated with a few drops of the product. If after a few hours there is no itching, burning or redness, then the composition can be used further.

Oils are divided into fatty (basic) or solid (butters) and essential (fat-free). Basic can be used every day, essential - 2-3 times a week.

Fatty compounds

Such consistencies perfectly nourish the skin, are used in massages. Also suitable for combination with each other or with essential products.

Oils can be used against stretch marks during an interesting position:

  • Olives.
  • Grape bones.
  • Flaxseed.
  • Almond.
  • Peach.
  • From wheat germ.
  • Jojoba.

Cocoa butter is one of the most famous butters, and is also recommended for use by pregnant women.

Essential compounds

They are extracted from different parts of plants (bark, leaves, pulp, roots, shoots), and have a strong aroma. In undiluted form against the appearance of stretch marks are not used. The fact is that the esters are highly concentrated, therefore they can cause a burn.

Allowed formulations for stretch marks for pregnant women:

  • Lemon.
  • Grapefruit.
  • orange.

During use, they are diluted with fatty oils, cosmetic clay, body creams, low-fat yogurt. Added to the base in the amount of a few drops.

Essential oils prohibited during pregnancy:

  • Daisies.
  • Rosemary.
  • Oregano.
  • ginger.
  • Fennel.
  • Wormwood.
  • Thyme.
  • Basilica.
  • Mint.
  • Roses.
  • Cedar.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Parsley.
  • juniper.
  • Sage.
  • Cinnamon.

The use of compounds of these plants can cause uterine contractions and lead to bleeding. They cannot be used alone or in combination with other components.

Application methods

To prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, room temperature products can be rubbed into the skin daily by lightly massaging the areas most susceptible to changes. Baths, wraps and compresses also have a good effect against stretch marks. Before the procedures, you need to take a shower and cleanse the skin as much as possible (using a gel or scrub).


For uniform distribution in water, the oily substance must not only be poured in, but added before that to sea salt, milk, honey or bath foam. For 20 liters of water, 1-2 drops of essential oil are taken. After the bath, the skin is not wiped with a towel, but dries itself.

A few recipes:

  1. Bath with cocoa. Melt 50 g of cocoa consistency in a water bath, add 100 ml of liquid honey and 200 ml of heavy cream into it. The water in the bath should be around 45 degrees. The procedure is carried out in the morning, as the tonic properties of cocoa can provoke insomnia.
  2. With wheat germ. In the morning for 15 minutes, you can take a bath with the addition of 20 ml of wheat germ, three drops of orange oil and one drop of verbena.
  3. With peach. Peach oil (20 ml), 3 drops of lavender, a couple of drops of mint and one drop of rose ether are added to the evening bath.

The main thing is to make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction. If rashes appear on the body, then use another remedy.


The effect of a sauna with oils against stretch marks is an effective and pleasant remedy. During the procedure, the body is smeared with a selected composition and wrapped in polyethylene. Sessions are held twice a week from 30 minutes to an hour, during which it is better to lie down under a warm blanket.

Suitable for wrapping oils:

  1. Cocoa. Cocoa contains natural antioxidants that penetrate deep into the skin, perfectly soften it and give elasticity. Apply the substance to the body in a warm form and in a thick layer. After an hour, wash off under a warm shower, the skin is wiped with a towel.
  2. Almond. Almond oil (40 ml) enrich with a couple of drops of lavender, add 1 drop of lemon and neroli. Apply to striae for an hour.
  3. Peach. Peach oil (1 tablespoon) is diluted in 2 tablespoons of castor oil. The exposure time is up to 50 minutes.

It will be very effective if you also use clay, seaweed or chocolate.


Usually compresses are used against stretch marks in the mammary glands. To do this, you need a napkin dipped in a healing composition (a few drops of essential compositions can be diluted in 1 glass of warm water), which is applied to the problem area. All this must be wrapped with a film and covered with something warm. The exposure time is about half an hour. Essential products can also be added to chocolate, cosmetic clay, honey or kefir. You can also use fatty bases.

A few recipes:

  1. Cocoa. In 50 g of heated cocoa butter, add 10 drops of orange ether and 20 ml of olive oil.
  2. Almond. The composition is used before bedtime, as it has a relaxing effect. Combine almond oil (30 ml) with wheat germ oils (15 ml) and avocado (15 ml). You can add 5 drops of neroli, a couple of drops of lavender and frankincense.
  3. Peach. Peach oil is used as a base. For every 10 ml of warmed peach liquid, 5 drops of any essential compositions (rose, lavender, orange, neroli) are taken - depending on individual preferences. Essential fluids can also be combined with each other.

You can experiment a lot with almond, peach and cocoa butter - all products will be effective. The main thing is that there are no ingredients prohibited during pregnancy.

Rubbing funds through massage

Massage movements against the formation of stretch marks are done in a circle or with pinching movements. The procedure is carried out twice a week. Fatty textures have a good effect.

What can you use:

  1. Almond. Dilute almond oil (5 drops) with lavender (5 drops), combine with cocoa butter (10 teaspoons). If you can't use the whole mixture at once, you can leave it in the refrigerator for a while. Dark glassware is selected for storage.
  2. Peach. Rubbed into the skin against the line of stretch marks. In the morning, add 1 drop of orange ether and a couple of drops of neroli and lavender to peach oil (30 ml). The mixture tones the skin and activates metabolic processes. Peach remedy with lavender (1:1), when rubbed daily, not only gives elasticity to the skin, but also relaxes the uterus, relieving tone.
  3. Olive. Against stretch marks during pregnancy, olive oil can be used both in pure form and as part of mixtures. For 4 tablespoons of olive, take a couple of drops of orange and lavender oils, add 2 more drops of geranium.

Try jojoba oil too. Dilute one tablespoon of jojoba oil with a couple of drops of geranium and orange. The composition helps with stretch marks on the chest.


Getting rid of stretch marks that have already appeared is extremely difficult. The sooner treatment is started, the better. Ideally, a pregnant woman should start taking care of her skin from the moment she finds out about the fact of conception. Until the stomach begins to grow, the epidermis will have time to adapt to new conditions and, perhaps, the appearance of stretch marks can be avoided altogether. Preventive measures are the most effective in the fight against stretch marks.

But just using oils is not a panacea for a future mother. Skin elasticity depends on many factors, including:

  • Proper nutrition.
  • Physical education.
  • Skin care.
  • Monitor hormonal changes.

When compiling the menu, it is necessary to avoid including a large number of sweets and the abuse of flour dishes. Too fast weight gain will not in the best way subsequently affect the appearance of mommy. The elasticity of the epidermis increases protein intake.

Applying your favorite body moisturizer every day will help your skin stay hydrated. This will prevent the appearance of cosmetic defects on it in the future.

The impact of oils will increase if a woman begins to engage in physical education for pregnant women. Maintaining the overall tone of the body will help maintain skin tone in particular.

It must be remembered that the fight against the appearance of stretch marks or getting rid of them is not the work of one day and not a couple of procedures a week. This is a daily work that will reward a woman with beautiful and smooth skin after the birth of a child.

During pregnancy, the entire female body is rebuilt and changes a lot. Skin is no exception. Stretch marks are not always up to you, but there are things you can do to prevent them.

Stretch marks appear on the skin of almost every woman during pregnancy, but there is no need to be afraid of this. This trouble is easier to prevent than to get rid of it later.

And nothing will help with this more than natural, unrefined oils, which are the best moisturizers.


Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a completely natural product that does not contain any additives harmful to a pregnant woman.

And, since it is natural, it is not a professional tool. It is better to use it to prevent stretch marks, and not when they have already appeared.

Coconut oil is a great skin moisturizer with lots of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. It is this component in the oil that protects cell membranes and prevents their oxidation.

Lauric acid in the composition disinfects the skin, and hyaluonic acid creates a moist environment on the surface of the skin.

Coconut oil also contains other acids:

  • palmitic
  • caprylic
  • oleic
  • capric
  • stearic
  • linolenic
  • arachidonic
  • capra

Thanks to this, it is one of the best moisturizing, softening, nourishing and protective skin care products.

How to use to prevent stretch marks:

  1. Take a shower, scrub your skin with a soft scrub.
  2. Apply the oil to damp skin with light massaging movements.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, wash off the oil with warm water, pat your skin dry with a towel. A light film of coconut oil will remain on the body.

argan oil

Moroccan women have always been famous for their hair, eyebrows and beautiful skin, and all because rare and valuable plants grow in these eastern countries, the use of which has a positive effect on female beauty.

Argan oil is an elixir of youth also created by the Moroccans. It should also be used from the 3rd month of pregnancy to hydrate the skin.

Oil blends for the prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen:

  1. argans - 1 tbsp. l., neroli - 5 drops;
  2. argans - 1 tbsp. l., lemon and tangerine - 3 drops each;
  3. Rub the mixture with massage movements into problem areas

Blends of oils for the prevention of stretch marks on the chest:

  1. argans - 10 ml, rose hips 30 ml, rosewood, geraniums - 3 drops each, immortelle - 2 drops.
  2. argan, jojoba - 10 ml each, hazelnut - 60 ml, rosehip - 20 ml, add a couple of drops of tangerine oil.
  3. Rub the mixture 2 times a day with light movements.

Nursing mothers should not use such mixtures.

Oil blends for existing stretch marks:

  1. argans - 6 tbsp. l., aloe vera - 25 drops;
  2. argans - 4 tbsp. l, coriander - 15 drops, grapefruit - 20 drops.
  3. Apply with light movements on problem areas of the body and massage. Leave on the skin until completely absorbed.

Shea butter (shea butter)

Shea butter is considered one of the most effective remedies for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy. It has an incredible creamy aroma and melts quickly in the palms of your hands.

It can be used both before and after pregnancy to improve body elasticity, fight against sagging and dry skin. Shea butter smoothes existing stretch marks and improves their appearance.

Massage shea butter into your abdomen, chest and buttocks every evening.

Cacao butter

Cocoa butter is quite fatty and is stored mainly in solid form. Being completely natural (this ingredient is even added to chocolate!), it does an excellent job of moisturizing and nourishing dry skin.

In contact with the skin, it immediately melts and gives a delicate aroma of chocolate and coffee at the same time.

Cocoa butter contains:

  • palmitic acid
  • palmitoleic acid
  • stearic acid
  • oleic acid
  • linoleic acid
  • linolenic acid
  • arachidic acid
  • vitamin E

Therefore, the main advantage of cocoa butter is its ability to super-moisturize, which is ideal for combating stretch marks on the body of a pregnant woman.

Apply the oil to the palms of your hands and rub it in light circular motions on your stomach and chest, then blot the rest with a paper towel.

macadamia oil

Macadamia oil is rightfully called the most hypoallergenic cosmetic product in the world. In 1000 years of using this product, there has not been a single case of individual intolerance or negative effect from its use.

Macadamia oil is popularly known as "fast vanishing" oil because it is instantly absorbed, saturating the skin with moisture. In addition, this product stimulates the blood circulation in the body, effective in the treatment of scars and scars.

Macadamia oil contains:

  • oleic acid
  • linoleic acid
  • linolenic acid
  • palmitoleic acid
  • triglycerides of stearic and palmitic acid
  • vitamins of group B and PP

The oil contains a lot of palmitic acid, which is also found in human skin. That is why it so effectively moisturizes the skin, prevents the resolution of its cell membranes and is perfect for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy.

It is worth applying the oil in the same way as all of the above: rub into potentially problematic areas of the skin with massage movements.

Every woman in her life at least once met with such a problem as stretch marks. These small, winding lightning-like scars that appear during hormonal changes in the body. In a woman's life, such a restructuring necessarily occurs at least twice - during adolescence and during pregnancy. Unfortunately, it is possible to completely get rid of stretch marks only by surgery, but at the same time, no one prevents you from using stretch mark oils at home in various combinations to prevent the appearance of new stretch marks and make existing ones less noticeable.

Stretch marks: causes and mechanism of appearance

Stretch marks, better known in medicine as "stretch marks", have appeared in women throughout the history of mankind, being an integral aspect of growing up. But striae are not "stretch marks" in the common sense of the term, since from an anatomical point of view, these are real tears in the skin. They appear due to the fact that during a rapid mass gain, or rather an increase in volume, the skin simply does not have time to gradually stretch. As a result, local breaks in the skin, which later begin to gradually regenerate.

Stretch marks are actual tears in the skin.

First, the gaps are filled with connective tissue rich in capillaries, causing stretch marks to acquire a characteristic red-pink or purple hue. At this stage, stretch marks will be especially noticeable in owners of aristocratic pale skin. But over time (for each woman it is individual), stretch marks will acquire a white tint, which is characteristic of the scarring process. The final stage of stretch marks is white scars that are not amenable to tanning (the reason is the absence of melanin pigment in the scars), which, on the contrary, will now be more noticeable in tanned young ladies.

The skin is the largest organ of our body and its main barrier, and therefore must be well stretched. And it is. But with age, or simply from lack of nutrition, the skin receives insufficient moisture, becoming less elastic, less pliable and prone to breaks.

Most often, stretch marks appear during pregnancy, since in the first and second trimester the uterus rapidly increases in size, and the skin is not able to stretch and adjust at such a fast pace. Not the last role is played by the change in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. Significantly increases the amount of hormones progesterone and estrogen, which reduce the production of elastin and collagen. Elastin, as the name implies, is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its ability to stretch. Collagen is also responsible for the density of the skin, and the smaller this indicator, the easier it is for tears to appear in the thickness of the skin.

In addition to the hormonal background, the appearance of stretch marks is greatly influenced by heredity. If your mother had stretch marks easily during pregnancy, then with almost one hundred percent probability you will get them just as easily and there is no way to avoid this. Stretch marks also depend on many other factors - smoking, the age of the woman, her diet, physical activity, and others. Everything that directly or indirectly affects the condition of the skin also affects the likelihood of stretch marks. The better the skin is hydrated (inside and out), the less they will be. Everything is simple.

Oil - a panacea for stretch marks?

As we have said, stretch marks have accompanied women throughout the history of human development since time immemorial. But how did our mothers and grandmothers cope with this problem, not having access to a huge list of all kinds of cosmetic and pharmacy products that are now so easily accessible to us? A variety of infusions, masks from the simplest products were used, but oils were considered the most effective. The choice was small, but tested for centuries. As oils for stretch marks during pregnancy, olive, corn and, of course, sunflower oil were used.

There are many types of oils for stretch marks.

Today, the choice provided by pharmacy and cosmetic companies is much larger and more diverse. However, choose your oil responsibly, and don't fall for simple marketing traps like a pretty label or an unusually shaped bottle. We are only interested in the content. Remember that "oils" is the name of a whole group of products that have a similar consistency and some common characteristics, but each type of oil has its own individual properties. It is based on the properties of the oil that you should make your choice, since for one pregnant woman the oil may not be suitable for her skin type, and for another it will become a panacea for stretch marks.

Essential oils

Essential oils differ from other types of oils in the speed of exposure, since these oils begin to reveal their properties on the skin 15-20 seconds after application. However, stretch marks are not ordinary skin, but deformed, so any oils will have an effect far from immediately. But it is worth stocking up on patience, determination and self-discipline, as the result will be in your pocket. Any effect on the skin is achieved through regular and prolonged use of the product, whether it is an oil, serum or a simple cream.

The speed and effectiveness of the effect of the oil depends on many factors, but the main ones are the age of the woman and the age of the stretch marks. The older the stretch marks are, the more difficult it is to deal with them. Young stretch marks are usually lilac or pink, and the older they are, the whiter they are. If stretch marks are still young, then their visibility can be reduced in less than six months. Adult stretch marks are difficult to treat, so be prepared that your work on them will take at least a year.

If at one time (before pregnancy) you did not care about moisturizing and nourishing your skin well, then most likely you will have to deal with stretch marks. It is much easier to prevent a problem before it occurs than to deal with its consequences. Stretch marks are no exception. However, if you notice the appearance of stretch marks in time, then at an early stage the fight against them will be much easier and more effective than after 6-7 months.

The struggle will consist of both internal and external influences. If we talk about the internal, then try to change your diet, excluding starchy, sweet and fatty foods from it, since rapid weight gain is a guarantee of stretch marks. Start taking vitamins if you have not taken them before, after consulting with your doctor. External influence will consist in the use of oils and creams in order to improve skin turgor and nourish it. Below we will introduce you the three most effective oils and their main properties in the fight against skin imperfections.

Rose oil:

  • eliminates inflammation on the skin;
  • eliminates peeling on the skin;
  • has a strong disinfecting property;
  • quickly regenerates tissues;
  • Due to the pleasant smell, it helps in the fight against stress.

rose oil

Orange oil:

  • eliminates headache, joint and muscle pain;
  • increases immunity and exhibits antiseptic properties;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • eliminates small inflammations on the skin and regenerates it.

orange oil

Neroli oil:

  • tones and rejuvenates the skin;
  • increases firmness and elasticity of the skin, restoring the hydrolipidic mantle;
  • accelerates the regeneration of existing cells;
  • accelerates the growth of new cells;
  • enhances skin immunity.

Neroli oil

Some oils are used in their original form, but most are used as an additive to the base oil, thus increasing the effectiveness of the mixture several times over. In addition to butter, you can take any body cream, lotion or even natural products as a basis - yogurt, honey, kefir. Such mixtures are prepared at the rate of 4-5 drops of essential oil per 8-10 ml of the main product. Also, do not forget that some essential oils can cause burns if used in an unchanged (pure) form. Therefore, we advise you to use this type of oils in the form of an additive to the rest.

Always do an allergy test before using any oil. Apply one drop of oil to the inside of your elbows and rub in with your fingertips. If after 12 hours there has been no change, this oil is right for you. If any hyperemia (redness) appears in the application area, do not use this oil anymore.

natural oils

Natural oils, unlike essential oils, can be safely used in their pure form, without fear of getting burned. Also, an undoubted advantage is the absence of dyes, preservatives and artificial flavors, without which it is impossible to imagine modern creams. Natural oils are similar in composition to sebum, which is secreted by our skin for protection. For this reason, the skin will perceive and absorb this particular type of oil much better. Importantly, almost all natural oils are hypoallergenic and will not cause an inflammatory skin reaction.

Of the natural oils, the most famous is olive oil, as it can be found in the kitchen of almost every housewife. This oil can be used not only for culinary purposes, but also to eliminate stretch marks. One of the main substances in olive oil is oleic acid, which has an effect on stretch marks, vitaminizing the skin, improving its turgor and elasticity.

Olive oil - the most common and affordable

Coconut oil is increasingly spreading throughout our cosmetic markets, when in the West it has long been effectively used in cosmetology not only by doctors, but also by expectant mothers just at home. The oil contains a large set of vitamins that will be beneficial to the skin. But we are interested in vitamin E, since it is he who slows down the process of fluid loss by the skin, without forming edema. After the first use, you will notice that the skin has become soft, velvety and smooth.

Coconut oil for stretch marks is gaining popularity in recent years.

Apricot oil is not as well known as olive and coconut oil, but professional cosmetologists always have it in their kit. This oil is hypoallergenic, and therefore can be freely used by women who are prone to allergic reactions. The oil moisturizes the skin well, nourishes with vitamins and improves its tone. Due to all this, the skin becomes noticeably more elastic, and regeneration increases several times.

Apricot oil is used for stretch marks by professional cosmetologists

How to make the most effective use of oils for stretch marks?

When using any product, be it a cream or an oil, we ask ourselves the question “how to get the effect as soon as possible?”. Alas, this effect is cumulative, and therefore only regular use of the product will bear fruit. This is due to the fact that the skin goes through only one renewal cycle per month, or more precisely, in 27 days. That is why you will notice the first visible effect not earlier than this period, after your skin is completely renewed and gets rid of dead cells. By the way, you can help her with this by using special scrubs or simply by rubbing yourself well with a washcloth. However, do not overdo it, as it is very easy to damage the skin, but recovery can take up to 1-2 weeks.

You can also help the skin with a little stimulation of blood circulation. Apply the selected oil to the stretch marks area and do a little massage, the techniques of which can be found in abundance on the Internet. If you do not want to burden yourself with such an activity, then a couple of minutes of light tweaks will be enough.

Do not forget about the importance of internal factors.

The effectiveness of any oil for stretch marks will increase if, at the same time as using it, you increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and complex carbohydrates in your diet - cereals, cereals, etc.

Make the norm for yourself a little physical activity, as even a simple morning exercise for 3-4 minutes will significantly increase your metabolism and improve skin tone.

Apply oils after water procedures (bath, shower), making a light massage. It is extremely important to allow the skin to dry on its own after such saturation, otherwise you will simply wipe the oil off the skin.

Use oil compresses on the chest area and wraps on the thigh area. Thermal stimulation will help the oil to better penetrate the skin and reveal its regenerating properties.

And remember that any fight against skin imperfections is a long and laborious process, and therefore be prepared for the lack of quick visible results. However, your efforts will certainly be rewarded with admiration in the eyes of your couple and, most importantly, your love for yourself!