How to be and what to do if a child often has colds: methods of strengthening children's immunity. How to strengthen the immune system of the child so that he gets sick less often

With the onset of cold weather, the incidence among children increases sharply, but some children get sick infrequently or relatively easily, and some of them practically do not get out of colds, each episode lasts for several weeks, and the diseases, in fact, smoothly flow from one to another. And often those parents who practically do not see their children healthy in the off-season and in the winter are very worried about whether it is possible to interrupt the series of these endless diseases at all. They are looking for doctors and drugs that can help with the elimination of permanent and continuous and their complications. It is these families that become regular visitors to pediatricians and immunologists, ENT doctors and specialists in other industries. A logical question arises - why do children often get sick, why do some babies belong to the category of "CHBD" - "frequently ill children"?

Table of contents:

How often does the child get sick?

Depending on age, children who have colds and other infections from 6 to 20 or more times a year can be included in the PIC category, depending on age. If we talk about children different ages, the categories of FBI are:

  • Children under 1 year of age with more than four episodes per year
  • At the age of 1-3 years, those babies who get sick more than 6-7 times a year,
  • After 4-5 years of age, children who have colds more than five episodes a year, and schoolchildren more than three times a year.

Moreover, colds in such children usually proceed severely or for a long time, more than 7-10 days, and often require antibiotics, and also have various complications of colds.

This fact creates serious problems for the whole family, affecting both the physical development of babies and their neuropsychic status, but it is important to emphasize that the category of FIC is not a disease of children, such a condition is not diagnosed.

This group of children includes those babies who are sick much more often than the average in the population, and they are not associated with certain congenital characteristics, hereditary diseases or acquired somatic pathologies (that is, they are relatively healthy children at birth who simply often catch colds).

Most often, such children suffer from (colds), nasopharyngitis (combination of a cold with lesions of the pharynx), and (lesions of the larynx and trachea),. In addition, such children may have frequent or, and also have such ENT complications as, or other problems.

What is the danger of frequent colds?

As such, colds exercise the immune system, but if they are frequent and recurring pathologies, they can lead to disturbances in the functioning and maturation of various tissues and organs. This is not only the bronchopulmonary system, but also the digestive tract and the nervous system (especially its vegetative section). Frequent colds undermine immune resistance child's body, form breakdowns in the adaptive and compensatory mechanisms of the body. In other words, in such children, all organs and systems of the body function worse and are less trained. Because of constant colds and being at home on sick leave, such children are less likely to fresh air, they have organic motor mode, which can also lead to the development of additional metabolic diseases, and dystrophic manifestations.

Therefore, in such babies, lags are quite noticeable. physical development- by height and weight, as well as psychomotor skills. Children with frequent colds often use a large number of drugs (, anti-inflammatory,), which may also have immunosuppressive effects - they can suppress natural immunity to a certain extent.

Causes of colds in children

If we talk about the causal factors that are leading in the genesis of childhood colds, then we can certainly put viral infections in the first place. But often starting as a viral infection, infections are often complicated by microbial lesions, which exacerbates the severity of the disease and dramatically increases the risk of various secondary complications - this is,. According to studies, there are about 60 different causal factors that are responsible for the high incidence. . All these groups of factors can be combined into sections:

Attention!A significant role is played by the presence of a special type of infection in a child - latent viral ones, which may include - a herpes group -, or. Although little has yet been studied about viruses, the eighth, but they can also be of importance.

If we talk about microbial infection, then hemophilic infection, Klebsiella and some other microbes can become important for children. Often additional factor may be the presence of intestinal infections.

The role of immunity in frequent morbidity

Often, weakened immunity is blamed for frequent or prolonged illnesses in children, but not all parents can appreciate all the factors that can lead to a weakening of their baby's immune defenses. Yes, functioning immune system begins to form even in the womb, so factors such as development intrauterine infection, acute prematurity of children or their immaturity as a result of the influence of various factors can threaten the fact that children then, after birth, can often get sick and endure each episode of infection for a long time.

It is important for the full development of the child's immunity breastfeeding. It contains immunoglobulins and other immune factors that help the infant's immature immune system to respond more adequately to external stimuli and stimuli. Some of the ready-made antibodies are also transmitted with mother's milk, which protect it during the first months of life from colds and infectious diseases. With the early transfer of children to mixtures or refusal of breastfeeding, children can get colds with early age which weakens the immune system. In addition, such metabolic pathologies and deficient conditions as malnutrition, anemia can negatively affect the immune system. various types or rickets.

Pronounced negative influence have immunity:

Examinations of frequently ill children: what tests to take?

If the child is often sick, each episode of a cold lasts more than 2 weeks, or complications often develop that require treatment with serious drugs, it is important to conduct a full examination of the child and a targeted analysis of his lifestyle to find out if there are problems with the immune system or the factors that lead to such problems with SARS.

The first thing to do is to contact the pediatrician with a request for a referral for a consultation with an immunologist. To visit this specialist, you must first pass the examination:

  • surrenders, which evaluates the functioning of the immune system as a whole by the number of leukocytes and the composition of the formula. A shift in it towards lymphocytosis or leukocytosis (especially to young forms) will show whether it is viral or microbial.
  • a blood test for the presence of latent infections (herpes group), mycoplasma or chlamydial infection, RS infection.
  • sowing discharge from the nose and pharynx on the flora.
  • allergological diagnostics with the study of the level of immunoglobulins E (general and specific fractions).
  • immunogram with the study of the immunoglobulin spectrum and phagocytosis activity.
  • radiography chest, and if ENT pathology is suspected - the skull and paranasal sinuses.


In the presence of certain symptoms, consultations of a neurologist and gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, ENT and other specialists are necessary.

What are the dangers of frequent illnesses in children?

If a child is almost constantly sick, this is a problem not only for the family itself, the attending physician, but also for society as a whole. Such children usually cannot be vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule, have problems with visiting at first preschool institutions, and then with schooling - they miss classes and have reduced academic performance. Parents of such children are forced to miss work or quit it, which affects wealth families. The state spends a lot of money on the rehabilitation and treatment of such children throughout the country. And, in addition, a child classified as a child with a mental disorder develops peculiar vicious circles in relation to health, which make the solution of the problem difficult.

On the background weak immunity the child often gets sick, frequent illnesses weaken the immune system, and against the background of a weakened immune system, the child gets sick again. As a result, an increased sensitivity of the child's body to various microbial and viral agents is formed, its protective reserves are reduced and resistance mechanisms are depleted, sluggish or chronic infections are often formed, and an unfavorable background for somatic pathology develops - allergization of the body, development digestive disorders, lesions of the endocrine glands. In turn, the "bouquet" of infectious and somatic diseases leads to the development of a significant lag in both physical development and neuropsychic.


As they mature, they form psychological problems- an inferiority complex, timidity and indecision due to overprotection of parents, self-doubt, physical weakness. Due to the impossibility of maintaining a habitual way of life for children, this leads to the fact that the child closes in on himself, can become a hermit.

It is too important fact in favor of parents being actively involved in the prevention of frequent illnesses and strengthening the immunity of children.

Rehabilitation methods for frequently ill children

Children who get sick significantly more often and longer require systematic work from the doctor and parents in terms of their treatment, the formation of immunity and hardening. And although parents consider these factors unimportant, relying solely on medicines, it is proper nutrition, a strict daily routine and hardening procedures, active physical activity and frequent exposure to fresh air are key factors disease control. And here medical methods correction of immunity, treatment of colds and their complications should be dealt with by specialists - immunologists or pediatricians.

There is no single universal approach to the treatment of children from the category of CSD, their rehabilitation and prevention of frequent morbidity. All this is due to the fact that the body of each child is individual, and in each clinical case and situation, each individual child needs to select their own, individually suitable methods for age and health.

But it is important to stop common methods and principles of rehabilitation of children often suffering from colds. The main goal of such treatment for sick children is to reduce the incidence to a physiologically acceptable level and to influence the causal factors that lead to colds and illnesses. The principles of therapy are similar to those in healthy children, this will include an impact on the causes (,), as well as drugs aimed at the mechanisms and symptoms of the pathology.

If speak about treatment of viral infections , for the FBI category, about 10 various groups means, they are aimed at suppressing the reproduction of viruses. If we are talking about the treatment of influenza, in childhood use drugs that suppress the activity of viruses - (today it is no longer considered very effective), Tamiflu and Relenza. In severe viral infections, the use of serious drugs (ribavirin, ganciclovir, acyclovir) is indicated for etiological therapy. They are used only according to strict indications, only by adjusting the dosage and under the supervision of a doctor.

Also shown is the use drugs - inducers , they are used according to the schemes that are used to strengthen the immune system, maintain the cellular and humoral link, and activate resistance.

If necessary, fight secondary infection apply only according to indications, taking into account the sensitivity of the microbial flora to them. Physiotherapy has also been shown physiotherapy exercises, hardening methods and drugs with an immunostimulating effect.

All drugs are used only by a doctor, and any drugs should be discussed with him, and only non-drug remedies and preventive measures can be used independently.

Prevention of frequent colds in children

It is important to think about the subsequent health of the child during pregnancy, starting from the conception period and even earlier. So, if a woman is planning a pregnancy, it is important to immediately abandon all bad habits- not only alcohol intake and smoking, but also food excesses, intake of harmful products and much more. It is important to rehabilitate foci of chronic infection, treat all chronic pathologies and correct endocrine disorders, eliminate metabolic disorders.

The role of breastfeeding

Even before childbirth, it is worth preparing for breastfeeding, and after the birth of the crumbs, immediately attach it to the chest so that it receives the very first drops of colostrum, which helps launch immunity. It is important that the baby receives colostrum in the very first minutes of life, it is rich in immunoglobulins that protect the baby from infections and stimulate the immune system. Not less important breastfeeding and in the future, when the baby will grow and develop. Breast milk contains a large amount of immunoglobulins, protective factors and proteins, vitamins and biological substances, which lead to the fact that the immune system is actively formed and stimulated. Average, before the introduction of complementary foods, you need to breastfeed the baby only for about six months. If there is a need for supplementary feeding, you need to carefully select the mixture so that they do not provoke allergies and do not affect the immune system.

Compliance with the daily routine

For almost all babies from this group, a disorder in the work of the autonomic nervous system and its central departments is typical, due to which they need strict regimen measures that set up all systems and organs for coordinated work. Besides, these children should sleep about an hour and a half longer than their peers so they can recuperate. For children who are often sick, it is important to stay outdoors for a long time every day, but the duration will vary depending on the weather and the condition of the baby. You can refuse to walk only in case of heavy rain or snowfall, strong storm wind. The rest of the days can be used for walking when hiking from school or from kindergarten. Prolonged exposure to enclosed spaces negatively affects the immune system.

Preventive vaccinations

For frequently ill children, preventive vaccination is even more important than for healthy children; they can be protected from many infectious diseases through vaccinations.. So, they are given all the same vaccinations - against and, all the rest that are put on the calendar and additional,. If we talk specifically about the flu, children are vaccinated in advance, before the start of the season, so that immunity has time to develop. It is forbidden to vaccinate sick children or during an epidemic - they will not help, but only harm.

We recommend reading:

Complete hygiene measures

It is important for frequently ill babies to pay attention to nutrition that is enriched with proteins and vitamins, mineral components, while the amount of fast carbohydrates (these are sweets, sweets, sugar) should be reduced in the diet. Due to the abuse of these products, fluctuations in blood glucose occur, which leads to overexcitation of the nervous system. An equally important point will be the refusal to take allergenic products, especially if there are allergies in the family and it is necessary to prevent allergies. It is especially important to exclude foods with food chemistry from the diet of children. All food for children should be selected as natural as possible so that it is easily digested and suitable for age. This is important for the full functioning of enzymes and stimulation of appetite.

How to make the child less sick?

In addition to taking care of physical health child, it is also important to actively take care of his psychological comfort and to carry out active prevention of mental problems and disorders.


Often, parents simply imperceptibly serious psychological condition, problems of the child's psyche, and changes in his behavior, they attribute to the character or overexcitation, spoiled relatives. But if neuroses or depressions develop in children, which are possible even at the age of one, this has an extremely negative effect on the psyche.

The reasons for such disorders can be family problems or communication with peers, conflicts between parents, death or illness of loved ones. They can lead to constant depression, isolation and anxiety, leading to problems of the nervous system. Problems in communicating with adults in children's groups, the birth of more children in the family, relationships with friends, and much more can affect the psyche.

Often, such problems lead to the launch of pathological programs - the desire to get sick in order to attract attention, having received portions of care and love. It is important to carefully analyze the environment of the child and his communication, which may be the problems of his communication, behavior. Sometimes only a psychologist or psychotherapist can help.

In strengthening the immune defense and preventing frequent and prolonged morbidity, it is important Physical Culture and sports, massages and breathing practices, as well as regular hardening procedures. It is necessary to conduct massage courses up to 4 times a year, and breathing exercises are possible daily, which helps to increase ventilation of the lungs, as well as the reactivity of mucous membranes, and activates local immunity.

It is important to pay attention to which is carried out from an early age, observing the main principles- systematic procedures and a gradual increase in intensity. Best for kids of all ages contrasting souls, with the beginning of the procedures in periods of full health and increasing the intensity extremely slowly and carefully. During periods of illness, procedures should be suspended, and then they should be started again, with less active influences and higher temperatures than before. Such techniques allow you to train the resistance of tissues and blood vessels to changes in temperature, humidity, and help protect yourself from viral attacks.

You can supplement these methods of strengthening immune defense with phytotherapy under the guidance of a doctor. In most children, it gives pronounced and active results, with the exception of children with allergies, in which it must be used with extreme caution. Applicable infusions and decoctions of herbs, teas and fees in the local form - for inhalation and washing the body cavities, as well as applying inside.

Parents do not always understand why the child often gets colds. The food is good, he walks outside, sleeps the prescribed number of hours, and the baby will certainly have a runny nose, cough and fever several times a year.

It's hard to imagine life without a cold. ARI is a kind of training of the immune system to fight more serious viral infections. Did the kid catch a cold a couple of times a year (more often in the autumn-winter period)? There is no need to panic. If colds constantly “cling” to the child, read the material: you will figure out what the cause of acute respiratory infections is, how to solve the problem.

Frequently ill children

The problem of colds exists in different countries. The classification takes into account the age of the child, the frequency of diseases throughout the year.

Check if your baby belongs to the category of FIC, which means "Frequently Sick Children":

  • from birth to 12 months - ARI diagnosed more than 4 times a year;
  • from 1 year to 3 years - acute respiratory infections are noted more than 6 times a year;
  • from 4 to 5 years - acute respiratory infections were more than 5 times a year;
  • age from 5 years - children suffered more than 4 colds per year.

Advice! If you have determined that ARI occurs too often in a baby, pay attention to tips on how to increase the body's defenses. Do not put off useful activities for a long time, especially if the son or daughter gets sick so often that some cold symptoms disappear, others reappear, and so on in a circle, almost without interruption.

Risk group

Colds often bother children with reduced immunity. Protective forces weaken under the influence of many factors.

Check if the child is at risk. If you have found one or two points that are present in the life of a son or daughter, act immediately, change the situation.

Provoking factors:

  • Not correct mode day, sedentary lifestyle, the child rarely walks in the fresh air;
  • frequent emotional overload: stress at school, difficulties in relationships with comrades, a period of "buildup" after the holidays;
  • long-term treatment with immunosuppressants, steroid hormones, antibiotics;
  • intestinal infections transferred at an early age, dysbacteriosis;
  • moving to a new climate zone, another time zone;
  • recent surgery.

Weak immune system is one of side effects feeding. Parents of an "artificial" baby should pay more attention to hardening, vitamin therapy, and proper nutrition.

Causes of frequent colds

Pay attention to the main factors that reduce immunity and body resistance. Frequently ill children often experience complex impact, which does much more damage.

The main causes of common colds in a child:

  • secondary immunodeficiency;
  • not fully cured colds;
  • the constant action of negative factors that reduce the body's defenses;
  • congenital disorders of the immune system

Doctors have found that the majority of small patients in the category of IBD have a secondary (acquired) immunodeficiency. Most often, protective forces weaken under the influence of a complex of negative factors.

It is more difficult to correct the situation when the baby lives in conditions of constant stress on the immune system. Unfortunately, one of the reasons for frequent colds is the wrong behavior of adults, ignorance / unwillingness to follow the elementary rules.

Weak foundation for immune defense

In the first years of life, immunity is formed in the intestines. Breast milk is the basis for the development of beneficial microflora. Early attachment to the breast will give the crumbs a drop of a valuable product - colostrum, which contains biologically active substances that "trigger" the mechanism of immunity formation.


  • breastfeed for at least a year, ideally up to a year and a half;
  • with a lack of milk in the mother, spend as long as possible mixed feeding, do not switch immediately to infant formula;
  • prevent intestinal infections;
  • it is impossible to give the baby dishes from the "adult" table early;
  • introduce complementary foods gradually to reduce the load on the fragile ventricle and intestines.

Improper nutrition

Common mistakes children and parents make:

  • feeding strictly according to the schedule (at the request of the mother), even if the child is not hungry. You can not force the baby to eat if the body resists. Consider physiological norms for every age, do not overfeed. Do not “push” food if the child says that he is full: you provoke stress, depress the immune system;
  • snacks between meals, replacing a full breakfast or dinner with sweets with tea, soda with dyes, preservatives, addiction to fast food;
  • reluctance to rinse your mouth after eating. Food debris that accumulates on the teeth and gums is a suitable environment for the development of decay bacteria that provoke caries. Swallowing saliva with harmful bacteria worsens the condition of the stomach, intestines;
  • lack of fiber, which enhances peristalsis, preventing the settling of rotting residues on the intestinal walls;
  • rare use (insufficient volume), constant heat treatment of vegetables, fruits, destruction of vitamins;
  • eating foods that are inappropriate for age. For example, many parents give a baby a year and a half chocolate, although pediatricians recommend refraining from this product for up to three years.

Increased loads

Pay attention to the symptoms of helminthic invasions:

  • grinding teeth at night;
  • irresistible craving for sweets;
  • poor appetite;
  • increased sweating in a child;
  • weakness, irritability;
  • often friction of the anus;
  • cough without other cold symptoms.

Learn more about symptoms and treatment for children of all ages.

Instructions for use of Nurofen children's syrup are described on the page.

At the address, read about how to quickly withdraw toothache the child at home.

How to reduce the frequency of colds

It is important to act correctly, taking into account the age of the child. First, analyze what factors provoke acute respiratory infections, which can be done immediately. It is often necessary to rebuild the way of life, but the changes benefit the often ill child and the rest of the family.

How to proceed:

  • prohibit smoking in the apartment, on the balcony;
  • regularly ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning daily;
  • throw toys out toxic materials, replace with quality ones;
  • walk more taking into account the weather, stop wrapping the baby;
  • go to healthy eating, avoid products that provoke allergies;
  • check the air humidity, especially when the air conditioner is running and during the heating season. Too humid - buy a dehumidifier, if it is too dry, a humidifier will help;
  • give the young patient only those medicines prescribed by the doctor. Self-selection of drugs, especially antibiotics, often reduces immunity, causes side effects;
  • often ill children are recommended sports activities in the air, not indoors;
  • for colds, give less animal protein, provide light, wholesome food. Great option- chicken broth, buckwheat porridge, herbal teas, dairy products, fruits, vegetables;
  • after recovery, refrain from going to crowded places, visiting children's team(for babies). There are no more symptoms of a cold, but the immune defense is still weak. Any contact with viruses, microbes, often hovering in a closed room where there are many children (group, class), will provoke a new round of the disease.

How to boost immunity in a frequently ill child? Methods for strengthening the body:

  • hardening. A good effect is given by dousing the legs with cool water, walking on a pebble rug (“health path”), baths with sea water. Tempers swimming, air baths, walks in the open air. Start hardening when the baby is completely healthy;
  • phytotherapy. Vitamin decoctions are useful. Berries will help medicinal herbs. Good for health: mint, lemon balm, chamomile, wild rose, mountain ash, viburnum, cranberry;
  • fresh air. Paints, household chemicals, varnishes, tobacco smoke worsen air quality, adversely affect the respiratory system. Avoid/minimize exposure to harmful substances;
  • optimum temperature and humidity. For good night keep the child's room +20 degrees, humidity - about 65%;
  • dosed loads. Heed the complaints young athlete(musician, artist), if the child says that he is very tired in the lessons and in the circle (sections, music school). Choose one direction for additional classes, minimize the load to a reasonable level;
  • more vitamins, rejection of junk food. A healthy diet is recommended, taking multivitamins in autumn and spring. In the cold season, a vitamin bomb will help. Combine a glass of ground dried apricots, nuts, raisins, pour in the juice of 1 lemon. In the absence of allergies, add ½ cup of honey. Let's take a teaspoon in the morning and in the evening;
  • control of bowel activity. Watch for constipation/diarrhea. Improves peristalsis food rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, cereals). Prevent dysbacteriosis, along with antibiotics, give your baby preparations containing beneficial lactobacilli (probiotics). Treat intestinal infections in time, teach children to wash their hands, fruits, berries, vegetables before eating.

Main measures:

  • strengthening immunity, taking into account the recommendations from the previous section;
  • sufficient intake of vitamins from food and multivitamin complexes;
  • reduction in the frequency of stressful situations, a calm atmosphere in the family, kindergarten, school;
  • rinsing the mouth, the use of herbal decoctions;
  • compliance with hygiene standards, washing hands upon returning home;
  • regular airing of the room, clothing for the season;
  • physical activity: exercises, visiting sports sections;
  • control chronic pathologies, minimizing the risk of relapse;
  • refusal of products that provoke allergies;
  • prevention of passive smoking;
  • regular visits to the pediatrician;
  • when detecting pathologies of various organs - timely, complete treatment preventing the transition of diseases into a chronic form.

Now you know why children often suffer from colds. Listen to the recommendations of pediatricians, change your lifestyle, reduce the physical and psychological stress for the baby. Daily efforts to strengthen immunity will certainly bear fruit: the frequency of colds will gradually decrease, the baby will become healthier.

A person who suffers from a runny nose, flu and other acute respiratory viral infections 6 times a year or more is considered often ill. The reasons for this phenomenon almost always lie in a viral infection.

However, as they grow older, frequent colds no longer bother every month. According to the norms, an adult can get sick no more than twice a year.

At the same time, the causes of such diseases should be in a seasonal cold epidemic.

But not every person has such strong immunity, because according to statistics, the flu and a runny nose appear in an average adult 3-4 times a year. And residents of megacities can develop colds every month, so they are forced to take medications almost constantly. All this is due to a weakened immune system, which is facilitated by many reasons.

The immune system is a protective barrier of the human body, in particular, it is a complex reaction that protects it from harmful agents:

The invasion of the antigen into the body provokes an immune cellular response, manifested by the synthesis of phagocytes - special cells that capture and neutralize foreign materials.

There is also humoral immunity, according to which the antigen neutralizes antibodies (chemically active molecules). They are serum blood proteins, they are also called immunoglobulins.

The third line of protective functions that every organism has is nonspecific immunity. It is a barrier created by mucous membranes, skin, enzymes, specific destructive organisms.

If the virus still got into the cell, then an adult with a good immune function as a response, interferon (a special cellular protein) will be produced. This condition is always accompanied by a very high temperature.

So, there are several ways to protect the body from aggressive uplifting bacterial and viral infections. But unfortunately, today few people have strong immunity.

Why is this happening and what reasons contribute to this?

Why do the protective functions of the body deteriorate?

The most global factor in the weakening of the protective forces is the conduct of an unhealthy lifestyle. So, immunity can decrease even if a person:

  • overeats;
  • consumes refined fatty foods;
  • eats carcinogenic foods (fried and smoked foods) and simple carbohydrates.

Frequent, may develop from deficiency physical activity. Human body must move, because its mechanisms and systems can function normally only with sufficient physical exertion, and most people lead an infantile lifestyle, which causes a runny nose or flu, which has to be treated using potent drugs.

In addition, flu and a runny nose can appear if a person constantly inhales polluted air. This reason is very relevant, because harmful impurities: smog, household chemicals, chlorinated water, nitrates and other harmful elements attack the body every day.

And constant noise and electromagnetic radiation is another factor that answers the question of why people very often get colds.

More frequent colds appear if a person constantly worries and experiences severe stress, so he needs to drink sedatives. In addition, a decrease in immunity is observed due to chronic sleep deprivation or fatigue, against which the flu, runny nose and other colds develop.

Also, a person often gets sick due to bad habits. These include excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.

Moreover, researchers have concluded that negative impact conditions of increased sterility affect the immune system. This may include boiling dishes, using antibacterial soaps, or using antimicrobials for minor cold symptoms.

Such factors do not allow the defense forces to train in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, immunity is weakened, which leads to a refined life of a person. In addition, the condition can worsen even if you constantly dress too warmly and spend most of the time in a well-heated room.

And the immune system is interconnected with the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. So, a deficiency of lacto- and bifidumbacteria can lead to a runny nose, flu or allergies.

How to determine that immunity has fallen?

Signs of poor activity of the protective functions of the body include:

  1. frequent colds;
  2. irritability, constant stress, aggressiveness;
  3. exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  4. bad condition skin(the presence of inflammatory foci, drying out, acne, peeling);
  5. malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract (weak stools, constipation, bloating);
  6. malaise, drowsiness, fatigue.

The presence of one of these factors or their combination requires a review of lifestyle and appropriate measures. Today, there are many ways by which you can increase the body's defenses. They are divided into two groups:

  • physiological;
  • pharmacological.

In the diet healthy person vegetable and animal proteins must necessarily prevail, if they are absent, then immune cells will begin to function poorly.

Also, food should be plentiful. essential minerals and vitamins (B, E, A, C).

Healthy proteins can be found in nuts, meat, legumes, eggs, and fish. Foods that are rich in vitamin B are:

  1. nuts;
  2. meat;
  3. seeds;
  4. liver;
  5. bran;
  6. raw yolks;
  7. wholemeal flour;
  8. milk products.

Vitamin E abounds in wheat grains, avocados and vegetable oil. And vitamin A is found in fruits and vegetables that have a bright color - pumpkin, carrots, apricots, bell peppers, tomatoes. In addition, this valuable trace element is found in the liver, eggs and butter.

Is in:

  • wild rose;
  • citrus;
  • cranberries;
  • kiwi;
  • sauerkraut.

It is worth noting that the strengthening of immunity depends on how much the body is enriched with these vitamins. In addition, the prevention of the onset of colds lies in the regular use of fermented milk products which will support the intestinal microflora.

So that you do not have to treat the flu or a runny nose, taking antiviral drugs, it is necessary to observe the correct mode of the day and do exercises. For the full functioning of the body, a healthy eight-hour sleep, walks in the fresh air, a normal work schedule and, of course, physical activity are necessary.

In particular, you can quickly raise your immunity if you go in for swimming and winter sports. In this case, the room must be constantly ventilated and sleep with the window open.

But the best prevention of the development of colds is hardening. Today, there are many ways to harden. It can be wiping with a wet towel, dousing cold water or you can just do a foot bath in cool water.

However, in order not to harm the body, it is better to start such procedures in the summer, and lower the degree of water every month. This, in turn, will help to avoid the occurrence of diseases such as the common cold and flu.

In addition, even if a cold occurs, it will proceed in mild form, which will allow you not to take drugs that have a lot of side effects.

Anti-cold prevention involves taking adaptogenic drugs every 3 months:

  1. Aloe;
  2. Eleutherococcus;
  3. echinacea tincture;
  4. Golden root;
  5. Ginseng.

These natural antiviral agents should be taken in the evening and in the morning. In addition, if there are stress disorders, then before going to bed you need to drink decoctions of motherwort and lemon balm.

In addition, the prevention of a cold, in particular, during its epidemic, involves taking homeopathic medicines. Three more times a year for one month you need to drink penetration (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, etc.).

A list that includes popular antiviral drugs that prevent the development of diseases such as influenza and the common cold:

  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Panavir (candles);
  • Arbidol (capsules);
  • Viferon (candles);
  • Milife (powder);
  • Genferon (candles) and others.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 10 minutes


There is nothing worse for parents than a sick child. It is unbearable to look at a suffering child, especially if the child is constantly sick and instead of playing with walks, he sees thermometers and medicines. What are the causes of frequent illnesses of the child, and how to change this situation?

Why is the child often sick? External and internal factors

As a rule, often ill children are treated by parents for respiratory diseases and bronchitis. The most susceptible to such ailments are children under three years of age and toddlers of kindergarten age. As soon as the baby recovers and returns to the usual social circle, the cough appears again. What are the causes of frequent illnesses?

Internal factors of frequent diseases of the child:

  • Immature immune system , respiratory organs, the body as a whole.
  • Heredity (predisposition to respiratory diseases).
  • Problems during pregnancy and childbirth . As a result - bad to the effects of the external environment, disturbances in the body.
  • Manifestations allergies .
  • chronic diseases in the respiratory organs.

External factors of the child's pain:

  • Parental neglect of proper care for the child (regime, physical education, hardening).
  • Early visiting a kindergarten .
  • Artificial feeding at an early age and illiterate further catering.
  • Passive smoking in prenatal and subsequent periods.
  • Frequent, uncontrolled use of drugs . This is especially true for antibiotics.
  • Bad environmental situation in the city, locality.
  • unsanitary conditions in the apartment (non-compliance with hygiene, pollution of the premises).

The child is often sick. What to do?

Children who often get sick need not only competent treatment, but, first of all, constant prevention of colds:

Inhalation using essential oils. For seasonal prevention of colds and flu, inhalations with essential oils are recommended. Proved that essential oils have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, helping to prevent the development of acute respiratory infections. These oils include: juniper, eucalyptus, clove, mint, wintergreen and cajeput. Experts recommend combining them to achieve the maximum preventive effect. IN Lately There are more and more products that already contain essential oils. Among the most popular remedies is "Breathe oil", which combines essential essential oils that protect against colds and flu. The drug destroys viruses and harmful bacteria in the air, significantly reducing the risk of SARS.

  • Organize a healthy baby good nutrition . Eliminate all products with dyes, preservatives, lemonade, crisps, crackers and chewing gum.
  • Don't Overwork baby.
  • Limit travel V public transport.
  • Dress your child for the weather . You don't need to wrap up your baby too much.
  • Try not to walk with the child in crowded places during tall incidence of viral infections.
  • After the walk wash your baby's nose gargle. Before a walk, smear the nasal mucosa with oxolin ointment.
  • In a timely manner examine the child at the ENT in order to avoid the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.
  • Make sure family members who are sick wear masks and have less contact with the child.
  • Do not start a cold crumbs, start treatment promptly .
  • stimulate biologically active points on baby's feet walking barefoot (on grass, pebbles, sand). In winter, you can walk barefoot at home, wearing socks for your child.
  • Regularly (if possible) take your child to the sea. If the financial situation does not allow such trips, buy rounded pebbles (pebbles) at the pet store. They need to be poured with boiled warm water with a drop of vinegar. The kid should walk three times a day on such a "beach" for five minutes.
  • by using multivitamin complexes .
  • Necessarily follow the daily routine .

Strengthening the immunity of the child - folk remedies

If the baby has been ill with another cold, do not rush to return to work. You won’t earn all the money anyway, and the child’s body must get stronger after the illness (usually it takes about two weeks). How can you boost your baby's immunity?

Svetlana: Immunity needs to be boosted natural remedies. We tried colloidal silver, Siberian fir (practically a natural antibiotic) and another drug based on chlorophyll. Helps. Earlier than a week went to the garden, then two got sick. Now much less often began to cling to this infection. But we approached the issue in a complex way - in addition to drugs, nutrition, regimen, hardening, everything is very strict and rigorous.

Olga: Children should begin to harden in the summer, and only according to the system. As for frequent colds: we also got sick, got sick, got angry, then we guessed to take a picture of the nose. Turned out to be sinusitis. Cured, and ceased to hurt so often. And from the means that strengthen the immune system, we use honey (in the morning, on an empty stomach, with warm water), onion-garlic, dried fruits, etc.

Natalia: The main thing is to protect children from antibiotics. More vitamins, positive in the life of a child, walks, travels - and you won’t have to be treated so often. Of the drugs that increase the defenses, I can note Ribomunil.

Ludmila: I count colloidal silver the best remedy! Effective for more than six hundred types of viruses and bacteria. In general, breastfeed longer. Mother's milk is the best immunostimulant! And after that, you can already have anaferon, and actimel, and badger fat. They also drank Bioaron and used aroma lamps. Well, plus different physiotherapy, vitamins, oxygen cocktails, rose hips, etc.

If a child often gets sick with a cold, this is stressful for any parent. When this happens constantly, and even with complications, this serious occasion think about the state of the baby's immunity, because any disease is better to prevent.

A frequently ill child should definitely consult a pediatric immunologist - a specialist who deals with the body's defenses. If necessary, an endocrinologist, an otolaryngologist and a gastroenterologist will be connected. Then, through the joint efforts of doctors and parents, you can save the baby from this scourge.

Parents want their children to always be healthy. If the child is often sick, it is necessary to visit an immunologist

Why do children often get sick?

How to understand that the child is often sick? Doctors have their own standards for the number of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections per year, by which a frequently ill child can be assessed. They are calculated by age.

Also often sick are babies who get sick easily - they quickly rise heat, and the slightest draft or drinking a cold drink leads to a cold. Often ill children cannot fully recover for a long time, residual effects in the form of coughing remain for a long time - more than 2 weeks. Typically, these babies suffer from respiratory viral diseases, complicated by conjunctivitis, sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other inflammatory processes.

Why do children often get colds? Congenital immunodeficiency is very rare, so most often the cause lies elsewhere:

  • hereditary factor;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • hypoxia at birth;
  • malnutrition, lack of vitamins;
  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • allergy;
  • foci of the inflammatory process in the body;

  • helminth infection;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • rickets;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • unfavorable climate in the family, susceptibility to stress;
  • adaptation period in kindergarten, school;
  • self-medication, especially antibiotics;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • low physical activity.

These are the conditions that cause a decrease in immunity. Any pathogenic virus or bacterium, entering the baby's body, easily multiply and lead to a cold. If you do not pay attention to this phenomenon, let the process take its course and do nothing, this will lead to permanent, chronic diseases. In addition, in such children, the vaccination schedule is shifted and the child does not receive timely vaccinations against dangerous pathologies.

From birth to 2 years

For children from birth to a year, the incidence is considered frequent more than 4 times a year. The child's immunity is still very weak, it becomes a target for pathogens infectious diseases.

Artificial babies are much more likely to fall into the category of PHI than children who were breastfed

This is especially true for children in artificial feeding. maternal breast milk gives the baby antibodies and the necessary trace elements, beneficial bacteria that protect his body better than any medicine. That is why it is so important to breastfeed your baby for as long as possible.

Up to 6 years

After two years, the baby's immunity begins a new test - he goes to kindergarten, where he comes into contact with a huge number of different microbes. In addition, the baby experiences severe stress from being in a new environment and separation from parents, which also does not in the best way affects his immunity - he starts to get sick.

A high incidence rate at this age is more than 5-6 times a year. It is better not to send kids with weakened immune systems to kindergarten until the age of 3, but use this year to raise immunity.

At school and adolescence

The same situation is characteristic of toddlers in older preschool groups and up to grade 5. Schoolchildren continue to get sick often, more than 4 times a year. closer to adolescence immunity becomes stronger, the child is no longer so long and often sick. The exception is children who often get ill with acute respiratory infections, growing up in hyper-custodial conditions, who are not hardened and “fed” with medicines at any opportunity.

If from childhood to raise a child in "greenhouse" conditions, then at school age, strong immunity will not form.

What to do with frequent colds in a child?

To find out the causes of persistent colds in a child, the doctor must conduct a complete diagnosis of the body. He will assign:

  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • bakposev from the nasopharynx to assess sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • expanded immunogram (if necessary).

If a child is often sick for a long time, a pediatrician or immunologist, after evaluating the results of the tests, will be able to identify the cause of this condition. He will prescribe medications, physiotherapy and give recommendations on improving the health of the baby.

Medical preparations for prevention

For the purpose of prevention, the following means are prescribed:

  • Immunostimulants. Echinacea tincture, preparations with ginseng, propolis, royal jelly(in the absence of an allergy to honey). Of the drugs, Bronchomunal, Anaferon, Ribomunil are suitable (we recommend reading:).
  • Other drugs are prescribed by specialists, depending on the cause of the decrease in immunity. You may need to treat helminths, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.


If necessary, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy:

  • UV exposure to existing foci of inflammation with ultraviolet light;
  • speleotherapy, or a salt cave, when a child inhales salt vapours;
  • magnetic laser therapy eliminates inflammatory processes in organism;
  • balneotherapy, or treatment mineral water inside and outside;
  • inductothermy by heating certain parts of the body;
  • heliotherapy, or sun therapy, sunbathing;
  • climatotherapy, trips to the sea.


Massage helps a lot when the child only has the first signs of the disease. For example, postural drainage techniques (positioning therapy) can help clear mucus buildup. For each age, a special massage course will be applied.

Nutrition Features

Babies under two years of age should receive breast milk as long as possible, and after completion breastfeeding and older children in the diet must include:

  • dairy and dairy products;
  • lean meat and fish, eggs;
  • cereals, legumes;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • dried fruits;
  • candy is better to replace natural sweets- marshmallow, marmalade, jam.

At the same time, it is not necessary to introduce complementary foods early, as our grandmothers used to do. Carrot juice at two months old is completely useless to a child. It is better to follow the WHO recommendations and start feeding your baby with vegetables and cereals no earlier than 5-6 months, so as not to undermine the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Should be excluded from the child's diet harmful products: sweet soda, chips, crackers, fast food, etc. You need to carefully study food labels - an abundance of additives with the prefix "E" will not bring any health benefits, rather the opposite.

The health of the child and the frequency of viral diseases directly depends on his diet, so there should be no “food garbage” in the diet of the crumbs.


Hardening rules:

  • the temperature in the children's room should not be higher than 18-22 degrees;
  • long walks in the fresh air;
  • walking barefoot on an uneven surface, in summer you can walk on grass or pebbles, and in winter use a special rug;
  • rubdowns, contrasting douches with gradual decline temperature;
  • the baby should take air baths from birth, the temperature in the room can also be gradually reduced - in the summer such procedures are carried out in the open air;
  • swimming in open reservoirs and pools.

All these procedures strengthen the immune system. A child growing in "greenhouse" conditions will continue to get sick.

Physical exercise

Infants from birth are shown special gymnastics. Exercise recommendations can be found in the child's outpatient record or looked up on the Internet. They differ for each month of a baby's life, because his development is very fast, and he is constantly acquiring new skills.

A healthy child is an active child, so daily physical activity should be present in the life of every crumb.

For frequently ill older children special complexes. They include breathing exercises to improve blood supply to the respiratory system, increase muscle tone and strengthen the nervous system.

In addition to exercise therapy, a child can play outdoor games in nature, play sports, go cycling, skiing and skating. It is good if the whole family does morning exercises, instilling this useful habit in children.

Other ways to boost immunity in children

  • Eliminate local foci of inflammation and treat chronic diseases(caries, tonsillitis, adenoids).
  • To carry out the prevention of colds during epidemics. Garlic and onions cut on a saucer will disinfect the air in the room. For the same purpose, garlic amulets are made from cases for kinder surprises around the child's neck. After visiting the street, kindergarten or school, you should rinse your nose saline solution to flush out viruses from the mucosa. You can gargle with a decoction of chamomile.
  • Humidify indoor air. Dry air irritates the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, making it easily vulnerable to viruses. You can buy a humidifier, put water containers in the room, or hang wet towels on the radiator.
  • Dress for the weather. Do not wrap the baby or dress too lightly, everything should be in moderation. There is an unwritten rule that goes like this: a child is put on one more layer of clothing than himself. This is true for young children who have not yet established a thermoregulation system.

Personal hygiene rules should be taught from an early age.
  • Teach your child to be hygienic - wash your hands every time before eating, after using the toilet, coming from the street. You should explain to him that you can not touch homeless animals.
  • Avoid strong allergens. This also applies to food, and feather pillows, and hygiene products. If the baby is prone to allergies, it is often necessary to carry out wet cleaning of the room, wipe the dust, because dust mites often become the cause of allergies.
  • After recovering from another respiratory disease, you need to give the baby 2 weeks to recuperate, and only after this period, attend crowded events or ride public transport, where you can pick up the virus again. An infant should limit contact with other people within a month after birth.
  • Observe the regime of proper rest and sleep. It is known that you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. If the body does not rest, it does not have the strength to fight diseases.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The well-known and respected by many pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky believes that frequent morbidity directly depends on the lifestyle of the family in which the child grows up. Many children often get sick, and this is normal, so do not immediately give the baby all kinds of medicines. It is necessary to give the immune system the opportunity to cope with the disease on its own. The most effective ways to strengthen the immunity of any baby: hardening, good nutrition, walking and as few medications as possible.