Birthday gifts for a toddler. What to give a child for the New Year or birthday. Toys made from toxic materials

The choice of gifts for the first birthday for a girl is quite extensive. At this age, children are interested in everything bright, new and unusual, everything that can move or make sounds. Babies also have many special needs, such as special furniture, personal care products, or clothes that they outgrow very quickly. In addition, the first birthday is an important date that the parents of the birthday girl will definitely remember and will probably talk about this event when the girl grows up.

By the beginning of the second year of life, babies undergo very active psychological development. They show interest in the study of the world around them and its knowledge. In addition, it is from this age that the upbringing of the child begins. Gifts for the first birthday should contribute to the development of the child, the formation of the first social and psychological skills. It is noteworthy that you can buy a present both in the online store for children's goods, and create it yourself from suitable materials.

At one year old, the following gifts will be useful for a girl:

Talking toysOne of the most important skills that a child should develop at this age is the ability to speak. Interactive talking posters and toys, toys that sing songs, declare rhymes or imitate the sounds of different animals will help in the development of speech.
Pyramids and dice setsAlthough at first glance such toys may seem banal, children from 12 months old need them, as they contribute to color perception, the development of attention and spatial thinking.
sorter toysThese are toys for matching objects by their size, shape and color. Promote the development of cognitive thinking, dexterity and fine motor skills
Soft constructorsComfortable and non-traumatic toys that will suit the smallest. They help develop tactile sensations, imagination and spatial thinking.
Training shoesIn them, the baby will be able to run around the house when it's cool, and will also develop fine motor skills, training to tie shoelaces and playing with Velcro
Musical toysSuch as children's synthesizer, xylophone or drums. Suitable for children who love noisy games. Develop creativity, ear for music and a sense of rhythm
Finger paints and non-drying mixes for modelingIt is possible to accustom a child to creativity from the very childhood, this will contribute to the disclosure of his creative potential in the future.
Sand play setIt is very important for the child to communicate with peers. The toy set, which includes bright and diverse figures in shape and size, will surely attract the attention of other children and allow them to arrange joint games.

A children's development center can also become a universal gift. It is a ready-made game set consisting of various parts and, as a rule, having sound and color accompaniment. Such sets are aimed at the complex development of the child, including the development of fine motor skills, logic, abstract thinking, color and sound perception, attention and reaction.

By the age of one, children already know how to move independently or by holding on to surrounding objects. They can also climb furniture and go down backwards, like to imitate the movement of adults if they dance or do exercises. A gift that supports the motor activity of the baby can be:

Name of the toyDescription
1 Wheelchair, balance bike or miracle carAt this age, children are very fond of moving objects. They like not only to watch their movement, but also to be aware of the fact that the object moves according to their will. Thanks to such toys, the child will develop coordination of movements, and in addition, self-confidence and self-confidence will be strengthened.
2 Child bike with parental control handleThese bikes are perfect for little lovers of long walks in the fresh air.
3 SledIf the birthday girl celebrates her birthday in the cold season, then instead of a bicycle it is better to give a comfortable sled
4 Game complex like slidesVery active babies can be presented with a small play complex with a slide. Such slides can be combined, for example, with a swing
5 toy playgroundMini-platforms can be easily placed in an apartment or in the courtyard of a house. A miniature sports complex can be accompanied by sound and light effects, imitate a game of golf or basketball
6 SandboxIf you have a yard or cottage, a small sandbox can also be a good gift. Many models of sandboxes are quite easy to transport, and in addition, they have a special protective cover, so that the sand will always remain clean and dry.
7 Dry ball poolWhen choosing such a gift, be sure to pay attention to the age for which the pool is intended, as not all of them are suitable for children from one year old.
8 Children's inflatable poolAt one year old, children love to play in the water, splash and swim. Such a gift is well suited for summer birthdays, families who often go to the country or gather with a child at sea

When choosing sports goods for a one-year-old child, it is very important to pay attention to what age this or that thing is intended for. If the manufacturer indicates the age of use, for example, from 18 months, then it is worth warning the parents of the birthday girl about this and allowing the gift to be used only under adult supervision or not to be used until the child grows up.

Practical Presents

A little birthday girl and her parents, of course, need not only educational gifts and items that perform an entertaining function, but also practical things that need to be used daily. These helpful gifts include:

1 Clothing and footwearToddlers grow surprisingly fast and often the parents themselves barely keep up with buying new clothes for the child. Before buying, be sure to specify for which season it is better to buy clothes, for the current or, possibly, for the future, and also find out the size. If you do not know the exact size, buy things for growth. A good gift can also be elegant clothes or a funny fancy dress.
2 Bed linen and bath accessoriesSuch a gift is not original, but it will definitely turn out to be necessary and useful.
3 A set of dishes for a babyAt the age of one, children already begin to eat on their own, learn to hold a spoon. A beautiful and bright set of children's dishes will come in handy
4 Children's toothbrush and special children's pasteSince by the year children already have an average of a dozen teeth, such a gift will also be relevant. In addition, it is better to teach the baby to hygiene and self-care from childhood.
5 Children's furniturePerhaps the family of the birthday girl lacks furniture for the baby. Some families do without a playpen, a toy storage box or a high chair to save money. All these things, although not essential, can still be very useful.
6 Home securitySince after a year children learn the world more and more actively, it would be useful to think about how safe the living space is for the child. Good gifts can be things like plugs for sockets, overlays for sharp corners, latches and barriers for doors or universal locks for cabinets.
7 Assistance in organizing the celebrationSometimes parents may not have enough time to organize a holiday. In this case, you can offer your help by taking care of organizational issues.

Be sure to check with the girl's parents before buying this or that item, because there is a possibility that the item you have chosen as a gift has already been purchased or there is no need for it. Banal, but definitely necessary gifts can be diapers or food for the baby, as well as personal hygiene products.


The first birthday is a significant event in the life of the baby and in the life of her parents. To make memories of this day remain for a long time, you can prepare a memorable gift. Options for such gifts may be as follows:

1 Professional photo session with a children's photographerOf course, now photographs are not a problem due to the widespread use of digital media, but amateur photography is, as before, significantly inferior to professional photos in terms of quality and beauty.
2 Impression setAn even more original memorabilia can be a cast of the baby's hands. These kits are easy to order online.
3 Commemorative medal or certificateThis gift can be considered rather playful, but a beautifully custom-made medal or diploma will remind you of the child's first birthday for many, many years.
4 Portrait of baby and parentsPhotos are stored for many years and are an excellent memory, but most often they just lie in albums or in computer folders. But a beautiful family portrait can be hung on the wall. It will become a real decoration of the house.
5 Photo collage or print on canvasIf there is no opportunity to order a portrait from the artist, then an alternative to it can be a photo printed on canvas or a beautifully designed collage of photographs
6 Products made of gold or silverProducts from precious metals have always been considered good memorable gifts. For a year old, a girl can be given a chain or earrings that she will wear when she grows up a little.
7 BooksThe book can also be a memorable gift. It can be, for example, a collection of folk tales. Of course, the birthday girl will be able to view her only under the supervision of her parents, but with age she will definitely understand the value of such a gift. Don't forget to sign the book
8 Height meterPreviously, by tradition, children were measured at the door jamb, but now this is unacceptable for many: someone does not want to spoil the repair, and someone is going to move. A beautiful height meter will help you visually observe the growth of a child and will also become a memorable thing over time.
9 Cash deposit in the bankIt will grow with the child and will be available to him on the day he comes of age.

When choosing a gift for a little birthday girl, it would also be useful to take care of a memorable souvenir for the baby's parents, because for them this date is also very important and will surely be remembered even more than all subsequent birthdays of the child.

Going in search of the perfect gift for a one-year-old child, you should remember a few basic rules:

1 Pay attention to the age for which the toy is intended.Usually the manufacturer indicates it on the packaging. It is permissible for a one-year-old child to give goods intended for children from 18 months, but toys for children under one year old should not be bought, since they will no longer arouse interest
2 One of the most important factors is the quality of the toy.Remember that low-quality materials can cause serious health problems for the baby. Give preference to products of well-known manufacturers and large stores that value their reputation. Always check product certifications to ensure they are environmentally friendly.
3 When choosing toys with sound, check the sounds they make.They shouldn't be too harsh or too loud.
4 Pay attention to the appearance of the toyIt should cause only positive emotions and bring aesthetic pleasure. Frightening toys or objects that express aggression in their appearance should be discarded.
5 Do not give static, dim objects, such as soft toys, to one-year-old children, they will not be interested in them.Do not buy overly complex toys, such as radio-controlled ones. At this age, the child will not be able to cope with them and will almost certainly break
6 Avoid toys with small parts that can be easily torn off and swallowed, items with glitter or peeling paintDo not give dolls with hair, it is better to buy them for older children, and for a year limit yourself to baby dolls without hair
7 Items such as clothes, furniture or a bicycle can be given as a giftBut don't buy them too far in the future.
8 CertificateIf you find it difficult to choose a gift, then give your parents a certificate to a large store, where they can independently choose exactly what they and their child need.

Remember to be careful when giving expensive gifts. If you are not in a very close and trusting relationship with the parents of the birthday girl, then an overly expensive gift can put the family in an awkward position or even offend. Always think over and order a gift in advance, and do not neglect gift wrapping.

If you are unsure whether the gift you have chosen is suitable for the birthday girl, try to assess the degree of relevance of the gift using the one-year-old baby skills chart. At one year old, the average child:

motor skillsStands independently, walks holding on to objects, crawls up and down, squats and stands up
cognitive developmentCollects pyramids, opens boxes and jars, can easily take out objects from there and put them back, holds small objects, imitates others
Emotional and social developmentShows emotions, hugs and kisses loved ones, recognizes familiar people, reacts to music, examines pictures and reflections in the mirror with interest, expresses dissatisfaction, knows how to imitate facial expressions of adults
Speech developmentKnows 2-20 words, responds to his own name, can fulfill requests, knows the names of objects and can point to them, understands the word “no”, imitates intonation and tries to repeat words
household skillsBites and chews food, knows how to drink from a mug, tries to eat with a spoon, wipes his face with a towel, does not like being dirty

Video - a list of all kinds of gifts for a child for 1 year

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

I welcome visitors to my blog and I want to ask right away: do you know what to give a child for 1 year? Today's post will be useful to those who find it difficult to answer this question. I tried to collect a lot of ideas for choosing the right anniversary gift.

Celebrating the first anniversary in a child's life is an important date.

The kid is already quite developed and knows how to enjoy new things. He actively explores the objects around him, while he already has his preferred toys. Therefore, it is important to know which ones and present something from among your favorites for your birthday.

The search for a gift for a child can already be performed taking into account his gender.

  • If you have any difficulties, then remember - a win-win option is typewriter. Buy him a big bright model truck - and always with a rope so that he can roll it on the floor. Kids perceive this technique with unprecedented delight! And the fact that it will be possible to carry other toys on the body will make this car the most beloved.

It’s even better to buy a car for a birthday, on which the child rides himself, pushing off with his feet. Some parents give cars with batteries, but I would refrain from such a step. Do not run ahead, let him first stand firmly on his feet, strengthen himself physically.

  • You saw with what diligence the boys pedal, sitting in special 3 wheel bikes with a visor and a handle for mom? He is unlikely to learn to ride them for real, but ... A very useful type of transport: good training and practice for further mastering independent skating. Here you need to keep in mind that such a gift is used on the street in sunny weather.
  • Buy developing constructor with large details of bright colors. Such a gift will affect the curiosity of the baby, and he will spend hours making, connecting parts, learning the shapes of objects and the colors of their color.

What to give a girl for 1 year?

With the most relevant gift for a little girl, everything is also clear - doll. From them they come to no less delight than the boys from their cars.

  • Choose dolls with several clothing options, as well as shoes. This toy will help the girl to broaden her horizons and develop fine motor skills. A special approach requires the choice of the size of the doll: it must be durable and comfortable for the little hands of the baby.
  • If there is a large children's toy store where you live, then find in it playhouse. These are cardboard magic tents or castles of the Middle Ages. In fact, they are universal, but girls like them more. His new mistress will disappear for hours in her house, and equip it in her own way. Children widely use their houses to play hide and seek.
  • Be honest: you have never spoiled your children nesting dolls. And in vain. This is a wonderful toy. It develops the child's attention and logical thinking. A brightly decorated nesting doll will definitely become a good gift for a girl for 1 year, and she will be interested.

Universal gift for a child for an anniversary

There are a lot of gifts, which, by the way, to present under any circumstances. Therefore, if you have not chosen a gift by gender, then stop at the universal ones for boys and girls:

What is better not to give?

Given the age of the child, you need to choose a gift very responsibly. Don't make common mistakes like buying soft toys. For a child, movement is important, and how many movements will there be in this case? Rattles do not cause enthusiasm either - he shows interest in them only up to six months.

Avoid constructors with small details, do not buy toys without a quality certificate. Follow the rules of the age category, kids will not benefit from games designed for older children. What to choose?

Tried and tested ideas

Finding the right gift is easy these days. Thanks to a wide range, you can choose the best one according to your preferences and financial capabilities. A good gift would be:

      • rocking horse- one of the oldest children's toys has not lost its popularity. True, now she can be a lion cub, a giraffe, and a calf. Look for a model with removable wheels: it is mainly used as a rocking chair, but the baby will be able to move around the room on it with the help of parents;
      • pool- a lot of inflatables are sold, suitable for use at home or in the country. But keep in mind that during the game you will have to be nearby and not leave, even for a second, even if there is little water;
      • pool with balls- an interesting alternative that causes real admiration in a child from the ability to jump, burrow under colorful balls. Plus, he gets a good massage and movement training;
      • big ball- inflatable, preferably with pimples, so that you can ride on it, jump, move out on your belly. Before buying, I advise you to consult a pediatrician and, if there are no contraindications, play only with the child;
      • rolling toy- there are two types of them: those that the child must push in front of him or pull on a string. Inside the wheelchairs, when moving, various bright and sonorous objects are mixed, or, if the wheelchair is an animal, making suitable sounds when moving and moving its limbs;
      • cubes- Another one of the representatives of the good old toys. Of course, they have undergone tremendous changes, especially in the materials of manufacture. But the essence remains. Modern cubes are soft, made of foam rubber, with various textile outer coatings, with drawings, letters and numbers. Rattles with their own unique sound are placed inside some cubes. And they still build houses, towers and fairy-tale castles from them;
      • Want to give your baby a talking friend? You are taking bear. He will tell a fairy tale, read poetry, sing;
      • It will become very interesting for the little one plastic book toy- as soon as the child starts flipping through the pages, fascinating illuminated images will open in front of him, birds will sing and animals will sing;
      • sorter- This toy will teach your baby to lay out objects according to the appropriate color, size and shape. At the heart of the sorter are holes of various shapes, it is for them that the baby selects a suitable figure from the set. Properly selected and applied to the place, the object falls inward, making a sound. Sorters look attractive externally, because they are produced in the form of houses, suitcases, cubes, drums, cars. According to the material of manufacture - plastic and soft. In general, what you need for a one-year-old child.

    See how many interesting ideas can be found for such an important event. Well, now I say to my readers: see you soon! Share the link to today's post with your friends and subscribe to updates. See you soon!

    Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

At a relatively mature age, your children can say for themselves what they want for the next holiday. And here what to give a child 1 year old remains a mystery to many parents. After all, this is the first celebration, it should be special. It is clear that the baby will not remember him, but photographs and videos will help to remember this event decades later. We decided to make a list of twenty best gifts for a one-year-old child, they are all approximately equivalent.

1. Volumetric books.

Most had these as children. There is an opinion that they are very effective in terms of developing imagination in children. After all, your child will not only hear your speech, but also see real three-dimensional images. Yes, and to accustom a child to books from this age is a useful thing. Not to mention that putting the baby to sleep will be much easier.

2. Finger paints.

Along with the imagination, you can begin to develop a “creative streak”. Such gifts are fraught with a mess throughout the house and painted furniture, floors, walls and even pets. But manufacturers take care of parents and make such paints not only absolutely safe, but also easy to clean. Plasticine in this regard is much worse, even for security reasons.

3. Game sets - pyramids, squares, rectangles and circles.

Surely you saw in one of the films a device with three holes, under the shapes of geometric shapes. Such a game helps to check the level of development and develops three-dimensional and spatial thinking. Someone may object, they say, with the help of these devices, monkeys are tested for quick wits. A little rough, but a one-year-old child needs such developmental things. Pyramids are built in a similar way.

4. Any musical toys.

Giving them to a baby in the first year of life is not a good idea, most likely he will drag them into his mouth or just break them with a smile on his lips. But standing on the table is such a toy that you can always take and distract the child from tears or resentment.

5. Children's bike.

A one-year-old child will not pedal, he does not yet have the strength or motor skills for this. But for the summer period, a bicycle can be a good alternative to a stroller and an original gift for both a child and his parents. After all, you can carry a child in a special cradle on a bicycle, and the baby will not have to lie down all the time, he will be able to move freely and get more air.

And in a year or two, learn how to ride well, then your parents will have to run around, and may even regret the “brilliant purchase”.

6. Rocking chair.

Previously, they were all made in the form of a horse, now such a toy can be found in the form of any animal and even equipment. Here already rely on your taste. The gift will help develop motor skills and a sense of balance.

7. Ball.

A universal gift for any age, but already in the school period, boys are more often interested in it. But for a one-year-old child, regardless of gender, a large and bright inflatable ball is suitable. The main thing is that it should not be heavy and could not injure the baby.

8. Swing.

exotic option. More suitable for a house than an apartment. But if we are talking about hanging swings, you can hang them anywhere. If there are two mounts and confidence in the safety of the child. Entertainment is dangerous with injuries, so keep an eye on the baby, do not leave him alone on the swing for a second.

The feeling of free flight is very pleasant for children at this age, but do not let it play too much.

9. Classic cubes.

We must not forget about the development of creative abilities. Teaching reading at this age is too early, but building something out of blocks is not a bad idea. At the first stages, regular help from parents will be needed, but in the future, the baby will independently enthusiastically collect new figures and structures.

10. Rubber ducks and other toys.

In a year, all the child's behavior revolves around the oral reflex - he tastes any object that he can reach. In this regard, rubber toys give odds to everyone else, because the baby's teeth will not cause them significant harm. And disinfecting or simply rinsing them from dirt will not be difficult.

11. Floating boats for the bathroom.

You can give a child a beautiful plastic or rubber boat for one year. Washing should gradually develop into an exciting game so that each visit to the bathroom does not turn into torture, but becomes an exciting game. The ships will be a new interactive part of the environment, they will help distract the attention of the child at least for a while. The main thing is not to overdo it, suddenly the baby does not want to leave the bathroom at all.

12. Session with a good photographer.

In the standard view, this is very difficult to call a gift specifically for the baby. Rather, it is a good occasion to capture a joyful family together in order to remember this day many years later. The child will not understand anything at the moment of photographing, but after a couple of decades he will be touched by these pictures. Most likely, he will even begin to store them as a memory.

13. Rattles, drums and pipes.

sound toys. Such advice can only be given to desperate parents who are confident in their nervous system. The kid will take all this and distract, and for a long time. But this does not guarantee any silence, the noise will stand throughout the apartment. But many men are much easier to tolerate such sounds than the scream or cry of a child. And the child itself will not tear the throat and vocal cords.

14. Tent.

This is not about tourist tents, but about small makeshift houses. The gift will not cost as much as it might seem at first glance. And the admiration and joy of the child will grow every year, for a very long time children like to fence themselves off from the “big world” in this way and create their own cozy little world.

15. Clothes.

A classic version, a good gift for a one-year-old baby. At the same time, it will allow you to save money and buy a really necessary thing for your baby. Choose wisely and be sure to pay attention to the material from which the fabric is made. The child will not be able to wear a new thing for a particularly long time, but some memory will remain.

16. Plush toy.

The image of plush toys is often used in popular culture, but has its drawbacks:

  • The service life depends very much on the degree of care.
  • The toy is difficult to clean or disinfect.
  • Dust is guaranteed to settle on it, and maybe worse.

But with a big teddy bear, your child will sleep for many more years, feeling only comfort and safety.

17. Ordering a clown for a festive event.

This will amuse older children and other guests more, but a one-year-old baby will not be left without a due share of attention. Before ordering, make sure that the clown has a program specifically for the little ones. The event is also worth filming, because at this time we are doing everything for the future of our crumbs.

18. Going to the circus or other recreational activities.

Not the best idea unless it's a circus for kids. Your child can very quickly lose interest in everything that happens around, but the crowd and constant noise will cause a tantrum with tears. The mood will be spoiled not only for the little one, but also for the parents. There are small specialized circuses for children of this age. If your city has something like this, then you are very lucky.

19. Toys hanging on the crib.

Airplanes or even entire star systems will do. Under the influence of air, they will move around their axis, and the baby, falling asleep, will enthusiastically watch their movement. Such a gift will help you fall asleep early and have amazing dreams. The main thing is to choose the right distance from the eyes to the toy itself, so that the child does not begin to develop strabismus.

20. Wallpaper or paint the walls in the nursery.

On the net you can find just a grandiose number of plots for decorating a children's room:

  1. Plots of children's cartoons.
  2. Starry sky.
  3. Bright abstract images.
  4. Green meadow and sunny day.

You can use photo wallpaper, if you have drawing skills - make a gift with your own hands. Just move the baby to another room for the time of work, so as not to harm him while working with paint. After that, the room should also be ventilated and it will be possible to return the child only after a few days, when you are completely convinced of the safety.

What to give a child for 1 year is not the main problem in life. It is not so important what this first holiday will be. The main thing is that all further be good-natured and memorable.

Video with gift ideas for a one-year-old child

Also watch a video with great ideas for a birthday present for a baby who is one year old:

In order to give a gift to a child on his first anniversary and for the present to come to court, you must adhere to certain rules. This will help you avoid some embarrassing moments. These are the basic general rules that do not depend on the gender of the child:

  • the chosen gift must be safe, take into account the age of the hero of the occasion;
  • it must not contain small or sharp parts that could be swallowed or injured.
It is very easy to please the baby and his parents with a pleasant useful gift, because the range of goods in children's stores is now huge. However, in order not to miscalculate, you still have to remember a few rules. This is especially true for those who do not yet have children of their own.

If you are invited by friends for the birthday of their baby, then it is better to ask them about what to buy. So you can avoid unwanted slips, duplication and get into the sphere of the wishes and dreams of the child or parents. If there is no information about the desired gift, then it is better to focus on classic gifts that the baby will definitely like (we recommend reading:). To avoid hasty decisions, it is better to prepare a gift in advance. That's all the basic rules. So what to give a child for 1 year? Let's consider some options, conditionally breaking all possible types of gifts into three types: complex toys, educational toys and memorable gifts.

Sophisticated Gifts

  • If the baby is one year old, then at this moment he is mobile and energetic. Simple toys such as rattles may no longer be of interest to him. Another thing is a wheelchair. Give such a toy to a boy and he will be happy to take care of it. Depending on financial capabilities, you can stop either on a budget manual wheelchair, or you can even more attract his attention by taking a typewriter with musical instruments, alarms, flashing lights. The process of riding will take any fidget for a long time.

Any little boy will love the wheelchair. The estimated cost of the toy is 5-7 thousand rubles
  • Rocking chairs can cause no less interest - delight from them is guaranteed. In addition to positive emotions, they also develop the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements.
  • A great option is a bicycle with a handlebar that can be controlled by adults, pretending that it is the child who controls and turns the steering wheel. Later, the handle can be removed and the boy can control the bike himself. This "long-playing" gift is also suitable for a girl. Especially if the bike has a bright colorful hood. The value of such a device is not only in the aesthetic effect, it can protect the girl from the sun or rain.

A bicycle with a handle is a great gift that develops independence. The child feels independent, but at the same time is under the supervision and control of parents
  • A gift such as a sled can last a long time. You need to give them with wheels, which will make carrying the product convenient.
  • But there is a place for swings always and everywhere. You can give them for use both at home and on the street. Bad weather - we swing at home, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the grass is turning green - and we are right there from the swing. A swing is always to the taste of both parents, and a boy, and a girl, and at the age of 1 year, and later.
  • A hot summer may suggest giving an inflatable pool. Although this is a "seasonal" gift, and its use can be laborious, but all this will be compensated by the emotional uplift of the baby and the benefits to his health.
  • Toddlers in need of a personal hiding place can be easily satisfied by giving a play tent or a house with a maze in the form of pipes.

A play tent is a gift for growth, which means it will serve the baby for a very long time!

Educational toys

Specialists in children's equipment develop a variety of toys for babies, including constructions for development. The latter not only occupy the baby, freeing up the time of adults, but also form new skills in the child. Let's briefly list the popular educational toys:

  • tables developing;
  • puzzle mats;
  • training shoes;
  • graffiti boards;
  • musical devices;
  • logical forms;
  • constructors.

The development table contains many games designed to develop the child's abilities. These games strengthen the baby's nervous system, develop perseverance, concentration and logical thinking. All of the above is also true for puzzle mats, which combine an attractive rug with a game that develops the mind of a child.

The developing table is a godsend for those who are interested in the early identification of the abilities and talents of their baby. It is equipped with different types of simple puzzles and attributes for the development of fine motor skills.

A drawing board, an easel, along with a drawing tool, if presented to a child, will certainly please and attract him. The first attempts to show artistic abilities will not be long in coming. Toys that imitate musical instruments and allow the child to make sounds with their own hands, even at the age of one, introduce him to the world of music, develop a sense of rhythm, develop fine motor skills and manual dexterity.

Training shoes - a tool "two in one". On the one hand, their practicality allows you to use them for walking in the apartment, and on the other hand, it develops fine motor skills, which is very useful for the brain. The kid tries to lace up the shoes with his own hands, separate the Velcro, fasten and unfasten the buckles.

Training boots are a great way to develop fine motor skills

A one-year-old child usually solves or tries to solve a logical problem about folding small shapes into larger ones. For this, nesting dolls, pyramids and other composite toys are best suited. For the development of visual-motor functions, the best gift is a designer.

Commemorative gifts

Commemorative gifts are more like gifts for parents. Children are usually not interested in them. It will take more than one year when significantly matured children will be able to appreciate this kind of presentation. For example, a spoon for a son made of precious metal or a silver box for a granddaughter, with reminders of the vicissitudes of childhood life, will only then touch some sad note in their soul.

A photo session on the date when the baby is one year old or an album with photographs of your baby from birth to a year - parents, and then children, will undoubtedly be happy with the design of such presentations. A height meter with characteristic marks or a set for casts of arms and legs are also nice memorabilia.

A photo session with a professional as a gift is a great option, although parents need it more than the baby himself. He will be able to appreciate the present and be touched by his own photo only in a few years.

Bad Ideas

To conclude, here are a few bad ideas about giving. These are already mentioned rattles. More hygiene items and baby food, which may not correspond to the established holiday mood, needs and age of the child.

It is also advisable not to give presents for older children, they may not reach the time when they are needed, as well as products made from materials that do not meet safety standards. Items for active games are preferable to soft toys. We do not recommend giving sharply noisy or radio-controlled mechanisms - the baby may be frightened.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology

Just a year ago, the little one with delight in his eyes accepted a balloon as a gift. But for a birthday on the occasion of the third anniversary, such a present will not surprise the baby. Moreover, at this age, children already have their own preferences and interests, so if you don’t guess with a surprise, then due to immediacy, the child will not be able to hide disappointment and will go to consider other gifts. In general, you need to approach the choice of what to give a three-year-old boy or girl with all responsibility in order to please the birthday boy and not find yourself in an awkward situation.

"I'm already three years old!"

This age in child psychology is considered a transition from early childhood to preschool life. The peanut already knows and knows a lot:

  • distinguishes at least 4-5 colors;
  • understands what shape, size and length are, can characterize objects according to these features;
  • performs operations with small objects and coordinates his movements well, because the fine motor skills of a three-year-old are quite perfect for this;
  • actively masters speech, demonstrates developed memory and thinking. If earlier the child accumulated vocabulary, now it's time to give it all out in a continuous stream of words;
  • shows independence with the favorite phrase of all 36-month-old children: “I myself!”. Sometimes this principle of life of the crumbs is able to turn him into a stubborn one, of which there are few.

Conclusion: a baby at 3 years old is cheerful, spontaneous and very active, he needs parents less and less for games.

Principles for choosing a gift for a three-year-old child

The basic rule can be formulated as follows: whatever you donate, it should be an order of magnitude more complicated than it was before, and be sure to be beneficial. In other words, cars do not just drive, but they can be controlled by a remote control, soft toys not only make sounds, but also move, talk, and react to the actions of the child. In addition, the gift must be:

  • bright (this principle is unchanged for children under 7–8 years old);
  • new (otherwise the baby will definitely point to the repetition and, of course, will not be interested in the souvenir at all);
  • by age (age restrictions are very important, since a too complicated puzzle or loto with a dozen pictures on one playing field will not cause interest, as well as a lacing toy).

By the age of 3, children already accumulate a huge arsenal of toys, books and other children's goods. So you have to choose very carefully.


Toddlers of primary preschool age actively introduce toys into role-playing games. So if you plan to present a teddy bear, then he should speak (sing), name numbers, move his paws, etc. Children will definitely be interested in the characters of popular fairy tales or cartoons that can be controlled using a remote control, levers, buttons.

At the age of 3, kids are already quite clearly aware of themselves as boys and girls, which means that the former gravitate towards cars, and the latter towards baby dolls and dolls.

Game sets

Items for role-playing games will surely interest the birthday boy. After all, playing in the hospital with the doctor's tools, in the beauty salon with the "Hairdresser" set, or in the repair shop with the "Master" set is very exciting. In this category, the screen for the puppet theater and the puppets for it are completely separate. Children with great joy will put on performances with fairy-tale characters, come up with roles for them. This gift is simply indispensable if there are several kids of about the same age in the family.

Educational gifts

Children at the age of three are no longer satisfied with looking, they need more detailed information. Hence the constant “Why?”. So the developing toy must necessarily be complex, work to train the ingenuity, imagination and thinking of the baby.

  1. Books. The best gift, but without the consent of his parents, it is not recommended to give. By the age of 3, the child already knows a lot of poems, fairy tales, so there is a great chance of repetition in the library. The publication can be with a panoramic layout, sound accompaniment or with elements of coloring stencils.
  2. Interactive globe. Usually it is presented to schoolchildren, but for a three-year-old baby, you can purchase the simplest model, for example, with 5 programs, thanks to which the little one will learn about the sights of the world, get acquainted with geographical names and the language of a particular country. Some globes are equipped with a knowledge test function.
  3. Educational gadgets. Tablets and laptops will undoubtedly be of interest to kids. With their help, the child will be able to learn to read, write, count, and even begin to learn a foreign language.
  4. Cubes. Only now not with animals (vegetables, fruits), but with letters. Please note that the toy must be safe (without sharp corners), with large images, and preferably accompanied by a methodological guide for teaching three-year-olds to read. The Chaplygin and Zaitsev sets are ideal for these requirements.
  5. Models of talking posters on the wall. With their help, the birthday boy will be happy to get acquainted with the alphabet, geographical names, the world of animals and plants.
  6. Mathematical aids: posters and magnetic boards. With such a useful toy, the baby will not only master counting up to 10 (or up to 100), but also learn how to perform simple arithmetic operations.
  7. Constructor-burdock. Unusual details resembling thorns are fastened together with Velcro. The kit also includes eyes, handles, legs, etc., which makes it possible for little ones to create figures not only according to the model, but also at the behest of their own imagination. The only negative: the elements, if handled carelessly, can get into the hair, so you have to play in the presence of adults.

Ideas for developing presentations - photo gallery

Zaitsev's cubes are a whole methodological complex for teaching reading with posters, chants and other elements With the help of Chaplygin's cubes, after 3-4 lessons, the baby will understand the principle of reading At 3 years old, you can give constructors with more than 100 parts Velcro constructor does not limit the creative impulse of the baby static fixtures and shapes

Sports goods for active summer and winter holidays

Of course, not all children like to spend time actively, run and jump. But for the majority, such leisure is the most desirable. In this case, you can donate:

  • bicycle (three-wheeled or two-wheeled - ask your parents);
  • balance bike (the same bike, but without pedals);
  • sled (for winter three-year-olds);
  • scooter (a great summer transport for children of both sexes);
  • skates (if the child is engaged or enjoys figure skating, hockey);
  • a hula hoop for a girl or a soccer ball with the necessary equipment for a boy.

Budget gifts in this category are swimming accessories, boomerangs, tennis rackets, etc.

creative gifts

The artistic impulses of a child at 3 years old can be reflected on the wallpaper and furniture in the house. And at the same time, talent still needs to be supported. So the gift just has to direct the creative energy in the right direction.

  1. Ceramic figurines for painting, sand murals (the sticky base-drawing is covered with colored sand), applications with stickers and stencils, etc.
  2. Button applications. Quite an interesting type of creative activity, akin to a puppet theater: finished parts are connected by special elements, and a moving drawing is obtained.
  3. Kinetic sand is a material that allows you to create any figures, while not getting dirty, does not crumble.
  4. A synthesizer with a microphone is a variant of children's karaoke. On it, you can not only listen to recorded melodies, but also fix your own, sing along to them, and also make arrangements. By the way, on such a piano, some begin to learn how to play musical instruments.
  5. Fancy dress (nurse, superman, minion, etc.). Such a gift would be especially suitable for a kid who loves role-playing games.
  6. Face painting - hypoallergenic paints that are used to paint the face and body.

Original surprises

The market for goods for children is replete with a variety of toys and benefits. And if you want to make an unusual surprise, then the main thing is not to get confused in the options.

  1. Desktop sandbox. It is relevant even for adults (for reassurance). But the kid will be able to have fun at home with little pieces, figurines and in winter weather.
  2. A cardboard toy, for example, a house or a rocket (steam locomotive), the design of which remains with the birthday person. It is made by hand, keeping in mind the accuracy and strength of the structure being created.
  3. Luminous stickers. Such designer pieces are used as decoration for a child's or adult's room. For example, a starry sky instead of a boring ceiling. You can glue pictures with mom and dad.
  4. Kite. He will delight both the birthday man and his family. The main thing is that the weather is right.
  5. Stork box. Not so long ago appeared toy. It is a sealed cardboard box (can be of different sizes) with contents that even the giver himself will only know about when the gift is opened.

Sweets at 3 years old

At 3 years old, the baby already knows and definitely loves sweets. You can give him originally designed candy-cookies. However, there is one "But!". Before presenting such a souvenir, find out:

  • Does the child have allergies?
  • attitude of parents to gifts of this kind.

Commemorative gifts

This category of gifts is a kind of souvenir "for growth" or "for parents." That is, the hero of the occasion will not be interested in a surprise, since, from the point of view of a three-year-old, it is useless. However, this does not detract from the significance of such gifts, even if a child understands them after many years.

  1. Photoshoot. There are few people who are indifferent to a photo with their immediate baby faces. A photoset can, by the way, be made traditional.
  2. Jewelry (rings, chains, bracelets, etc.). Not only for a girl, but also for a boy, they will be very dear years later.
  3. Cash contribution. The most practical gift: the birthday boy, withdrawing money on his 18th birthday, will definitely appreciate it.


A pet is a very useful gift for a child, because the baby learns to take care of someone, becomes responsible, kind and sympathetic. But at first, of course, all care for the animal will be on the shoulders of mom and dad. That is why such a present must be agreed with the parents of the birthday man.

Suitable for a 3 year old:

  • hamster;
  • rat;
  • guinea pig;
  • kitten, puppy;
  • big snail;
  • turtle;
  • parrot, etc.

Please note that the donated animal must be vaccinated, and also do not forget about the certificate from the veterinarian about the health status of the new family member.

If you are giving a pet that is supposed to have a cage, then solve this issue as well. Otherwise, the gift will be a disservice.

DIY gifts

Despite all the controversy as to whether such a gift would be understandable to the baby, hand-made things keep more warmth than purchased options. What can you give a three-year-old?

  1. Soft soccer balls made of foam rubber, sheathed with colored patches of fabric, which are used both for their intended purpose and as a pillow.
  2. Dolls from kapron stockings.
  3. Boxes for pencils and felt-tip pens with the plot of your favorite cartoon, made using the decoupage technique.
  4. Clothing with photo printing and more.

If such a gift is preserved for a long memory, then for sure, having fallen into the hands of the current birthday boy in a couple of decades, it will cause a special thrill and pleasant memories of childhood.