What is the most essential mineral on earth. The rarest gems on the planet


A list of the 18 most expensive substances in the world that you might find useful. Suddenly, a pack of graphene falls out of someone's pocket, and you won't even know what it is. And most importantly - how much does it cost.

Let's start, as strange as it sounds, with the cheapest substance on this list - gold.

18. Gold - $56 per gram.

Gold has long been considered the most expensive thing on Earth. But its main value was that it could serve as a universal currency, liquid almost all over the world.

In addition to its traditional use in the jewelry industry, gold can be used as an electrical conductor and to prevent corrosion. Gold is a very heavy metal: the density of pure gold is 19,621 kg/m? (a ball of pure gold with a diameter of 46 mm has a mass of 1 kg).

Among metals, it ranks sixth in density: after osmium, iridium, rhenium, platinum and plutonium. The high density of gold makes it easier to mine. The simplest technological processes, such as, for example, flushing at locks, can provide very a high degree extracting gold from washed rock.

17. Rhodium - About $58 per gram.

Rhodium is used primarily in catalytic converters to reduce car carbon emissions. This metal does not play any biological role.

Rhodium compounds are quite rare in Everyday life and their impact on human body not fully explored. Despite this, they are highly toxic and carcinogenic substances. Rhodium salts can strongly stain human skin.

16. Platinum - about $60 per gram.

Platinum and its alloys are widely used for the production jewelry. Every year the world jewelry industry consumes about 50 tons of platinum. At present, about 10 million platinum products with a total weight of about 25 tons are sold annually in China.

Russian demand for platinum jewelry is 0.1% of the world level. Platinum, gold and silver are the main metals that perform a monetary function. However, platinum began to be used for making coins several millennia later than gold and silver.

The world's first platinum coins were issued and were in circulation in Russian Empire from 1828 to 1845. The largest existing in currently the platinum nugget is the "Ural Giant" weighing 7 kg 860.5 g. It was discovered in 1904 at the Isovsky mine. Now stored in Diamond Fund Moscow Kremlin.

15. Methamphetamine - $100 per gram.

Methamphetamine hydrochloride was produced in the USSR until the 1970s in the form of 3 mg tablets under the name Pervitin.

Methamphetamine is a psychostimulant with an extremely high additive potential, which is why it is widely used as a drug.

There are known cases of smoking methamphetamine hydrochloride crystals (“ice”, “ice”, “glass”), which are sometimes specially prepared for this purpose in the form of large crystals (rather than fine powder). This is the most additive application.

When properly dosed individually, methamphetamine reduces feelings of fatigue, induces a burst of energy, increases mental and physical performance, reduces the need for sleep, it allows you to work around the clock, which is often used by low-paid workers in Asia) and suppresses appetite.

14. Rhino Horn - $110 per gram

The horn is prized in Vietnam for its supposed ability to cure cancer. His medical application also includes the treatment of fevers and other illnesses.

If a rhinoceros horn is cut off or damaged, the animal will most likely not survive, but in young individuals it may grow back. No one knows what its real function is, although females whose horn has been removed, for some reason, completely stop looking after their offspring.

Rhinos are endangered, and this is primarily due to the huge demand for their horns. African rhinoceros horn is also highly valued in the Middle East, especially in Yemen, both for medical reasons and for traditional dagger hilts. Since 1970, 67,050 kg of rhinoceros horns have been imported into Yemen. With an average weight of 3 kg per horn, this means that 22,350 rhinos were killed.

13. Heroin - $131 per gram

High-quality heroin can cost up to $130 per gram. This opiate is injected, snorted and smoked to alter consciousness.

According to the data presented in the report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - at the end of 2009, Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the amount of heroin consumed. On average, the country consumes about 80 tons of the drug per year, which is 20% of the amount of heroin consumed in the world. Physicochemical characteristics: Pure substance - white crystalline powder. The crude product is a bitterish, grayish-brown powder in the form of small crystals with an unpleasant odor.

12. Cocaine - $215 per gram

Cocaine is a methyl ester of benzoylecgonine, a tropane alkaloid with local anesthetic and narcotic effects.

Along with other alkaloids, it is found in plants of the genus Erythroxylum, in particular: Coca bush (Erythroxylum coca), Erythroxylum laetevirens, etc. Cocaine is the second, after opiates, "problem drug", a narcotic substance, the abuse of which is a significant socio-economic problem .

Currently, cocaine is the most commonly used drug.

The popularity of this narcotic substance is due to its stimulating effect, improving mood and increasing efficiency. By itself, cocaine does not have a pronounced taste and smell, organoleptic properties are provided by the impurities present in the mixture.

World consumption of cocaine is estimated by experts at approximately 750 tons per year, and about a third of this volume falls on the United States, which are the largest consumers of this drug.

11. LSD - $3,000 grams

In crystalline form, it costs about $3,000 per gram. A psychoactive substance is legally classified as a drug in Russia.

Like most similar surfactants, LSD does not cause physical addiction. LSD is sensitive to oxygen, ultraviolet light, and chlorine (if we are talking about a solution), but in the dark, at low humidity and low temperature, it can be stored for many years.

IN pure form LSD is colorless, odorless and slightly bitter in taste. It is usually consumed orally, for example, using a small piece of paper (“stamp”) soaked in a solution of a substance, or a piece of sugar, or in the form of gelatin.

In liquid form, LSD can be taken in the form of drops (hence the English expression "drop the acid" - literally "drop acid") or administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection.

10 Plutonium - $4,000

Plutonium is a heavy basic chemical element that owes its origin to the "Big Bang" in the Universe.

Heavy brittle radioactive metal of silver-white color. In the periodic table, it is located in the actinide family. It is widely used in the production of nuclear weapons, nuclear fuel for civil and research nuclear reactors, and as an energy source for spacecraft.

Plutonium was very often used in nuclear bombs. historical fact is the dropping of a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki in 1945 by the United States. The bomb dropped on this city contained 6.2 kg of plutonium. The power of the explosion was 21 kilotons.

9 Painite - $9,000

Painite is a representative rare minerals. For many years there were only three of its crystals.

Until 2005, about 25 crystals were found, most of the rocks were found in Burma. Initially, many of the known Painite crystals were in private collections, and the rest were divided between the British Museum of Natural History, the Gemological Institute of America, the California Institute of Technology and the Gemstone Research Laboratory in Lucerne (Switzerland). Listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest mineral in the world.

8. Taffeite - $20,000

This mineral exists in several colors - from gray-violet to lilac, even colorless specimens have been found. It is a million times less common than diamonds. That is why little has been heard of him.

7 Tritium - $30,000

Industrial tritium is obtained by irradiating lithium-6 with neutrons in nuclear reactors according to the following reaction: It is used in military and civilian devices (compass illumination, lenses for reading maps in the dark), sights, watches, key fobs, emergency inscriptions such as "exit".

6. Diamonds - $55,000 per gram

Diamonds are the third most expensive substance in the world. Diamonds require specific conditions to form, so they can be found on earth in the lithosphere and on meteorites that fall to the ground. Despite the abundance of diamonds, people continue to appreciate it as a rare and expensive mineral.

5 California 252 - $60,000 per gram

Obtained artificially in 1950 by Seaborg's group at the University of California at Berkeley. The first solid compounds of California - 249Cf2O3 and 249CfOCl were obtained in 1958. The isotope 252Cf found the greatest application. It is used as a powerful source of neutrons in neutron activation analysis, in radiation therapy of tumors. In addition, the 252Cf isotope is used in experiments to study spontaneous nuclear fission.

4. Americium - $140,000 per gram

Another transplutonium metal, with a very long period half-life, which can reach up to 8,000 years.

Do not be afraid, americium-241 is most often used in production. It decays in 450 years, although we understand that this does not make it any easier for you. But this metal is extremely useful - equipment with americium-241 is also used to remove electrostatic charges from plastics, synthetic films and paper. It is also found inside some smoke detectors (~0.26 micrograms per detector).

3. Regolith (lunar soil) - $442,500 (per 0.6 g)

Regolith is what covers the surface of not only the Moon, but also all non-atmospheric planets.

Let's say the same Mars. But the Moon is the closest planet to us, which, theoretically, can be reached, and you can send lunar rovers there every week. What is regolith made of? Nothing remarkable: Ilmenite, Olivine, Anorthite, Pyroxene - all this can be found on Earth.

However, in 1993, at Sotheby’s, three “moon pebbles” with a total weight of 0.6 grams, brought to our planet by a Soviet research shuttle, were sold for $442,500. Why so expensive? So from the moon!

2. Graphene - $100 million (per sq. cm)

So you have to measure in centimeters. What it is? Two-dimensional allotropic modification of carbon, millions of times thinner than the thinnest human hair so it's hard to see her.

What the hell is he for? They say that on the basis of graphene it is possible to assemble a ballistic transistor, use it in supercapacitors to obtain rechargeable current sources and manufacture LEDs. Recently, Novoselov told and showed in pictures how you can get graphene at home, so if you want to get rich quick, look for instructions on the Internet.

1 Antimatter - $62.5 trillion per gram

The most expensive substance worth $62.5 trillion is antimatter or antimatter. In fact, its price is not calculable. When meeting with ordinary matter, it explodes, turning into light, so it is practically impossible to save it in anything.

However, during the experiment, scientists created antiprotons at the CERN accelerator and locked them in a vacuum chamber. At the same time, positrons were created using radioactive material, which were placed in another chamber. By combining them, antihydrogen was created.

1 ton of antimatter per year would cover the energy needs of the entire planet. $62.5 trillion is worth one gram of antihydrogen produced by today's methods.

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$1 million per carat is impressive!

There are many minerals on Earth that are exclusive and more expensive than the well-known sapphires, emeralds, diamonds ... Their number is not large, so few people hear about these fossils. Post Cognitively presents the 10 rarest gems on the planet.


The minimum cost of 1 carat is $2,000. It was discovered by academician P. Eremeev in the nineteenth century, who considered the find to be a kind of aquamarine. Further research showed that ermeevite is an independent mineral, unique and not cheap.


The world knows about the existence of 8 such stones. $29,000 is the amount paid for copy #1.

Madagascar is considered the birthplace of the rarest fossil (the year of discovery is 1902). The mineral was named after the famous naturalist who explored the island - A. Grandidier.


Those who wish to purchase the most beautiful creation of nature will have to pay up to $ 10,000 (the price of 1 carat). In the original mineral, light is refracted twice, which distinguishes it from a fake. The first exhibit was discovered by Count E. Taafe in the middle of the last century. Half a glass will be enough to collect all the taaffeites found today.


One of the rarest minerals, which is also called purple garnet because of its color, was purchased for $ 6.8 million (its total weight is 4.2 k.).

The stone, found in the bowels of the Australian continent, was given the name of the scientist A. Major.



The name of the orange-red mineral comes from the name of the English explorer A. Payne. Modern world knows about 18 painites, three of which are especially rare (have transparent, rich color). The fossil was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Here the stone is called the rarest mineral.


stone dark blue honored to become the official symbol of the American state - California. The reason for this “high position” lies in its uniqueness: the mineral has so far been found only here (San Benito County). A natural fossil attracts attention with its exceptional reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays - the ability to self-glow. The amount of 1st carat fluctuates within $ 4000.


The rarest mineral richly Green colour popular with jewelers. The owner of the most valuable of the jadeites, the Imperial variety, had to shell out $ 2 million.

red beryl

The discoverer of "red beryl" or "red emerald" is considered the mineralogist Bixby, who described the characteristics of an extraordinary natural creation in 1904. It is very difficult to extract the mineral, so all existing samples are extremely valuable. Today, stone mining is carried out only in the United States.

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