What to play with a 7 month old baby. Educational games for children at seven months. Boundary indicators of the physical development of the child depending on gender

Baby 7 months old: what the baby can do, what to do with him, educational games and exercises, developmental features.

In each section of the article you will find:
1) Description of the list of skills of the child 7 months by the end of this development month. What will he learn in a month?
2) Features of the development of the child What every mom needs to know.
3) The list of developing exercises and games for a child of 7 months in this area of ​​development.
At the end of the article you will find poems for screening games with a seven month old baby.

A child of 7 months: features of development, games and exercises

The first direction. The physical development of the child at 7 months.

What a child can do at seven months by the end of this month:

Crawls quickly in all directions. Crawls up the stairs to a low children's slide.
Learning to sit up on his own.
Can change the position of the body from a sitting position - for example, after sitting, lie on the tummy.
Learns to stand at the support, holding on to the railing of the crib or leaning on the seat of an armchair, chair, sofa. If the child manages to stand at the support, then he can stand with it for 1-1.5 minutes. Then he sits down - kneels down, bends the other leg and, leaning, gets on all fours or sits down.
He learns, holding on to a support, to take an added step to the side (one or two steps).

What exercise is good for a baby?

At the age of 7 months, sitting down is very useful for the development of the abdominal muscles and the formation of the ability to sit down.
When a child learns to sit down, he turns his head towards the toy from a lying position on his side, after which he sits down leaning on his arm.

Sitting down.

Exercise 1. Sitting down. The baby lies on his back. Take him by the hands. Slightly pulling on the arms bent at the elbows, encourage the child to sit down. Repeat 2-3 times.
Exercise 2. Sitting down with support for one hand. The child lies on his back. Fix his knees with one hand, and hold the handle set aside with the other. Gently pull the child by the hand and say: “Sit down, Sashenka!”. Repeat 2 times. Once for the right hand, the second - for the left hand.
It is good if you interest the baby in a toy in this exercise.
At first, the child will not sit for long, but then he will master this new movement for him.
It is impossible to forcibly seat a child, here you need to “follow him” and act taking into account his capabilities at a given time.

For more information about how a baby learns to sit, what exercises he needs and is useful for, what sitting position is right and wrong - in the article.

Crawling game for 7 month old baby.

Place sounding toys in different places in the room, cover them so that they are not visible with napkins. Start sounding with one toy - for example, shake the bell. But don't show the toy. The kid will become interested, and he will crawl to the toy and look under the napkin. After that, let the child play with this toy. Show how you can grab the object with a pen (how you can grab it from above, from the side, from below, etc.).
Then repeat the game with another sounding object. The kid at the end of his crawling path should have something interesting for him, hidden under a napkin.

Second direction. Social and emotional development of a child at 7 months.

What you need to know about the emotional development of a child at 7 months?

By the end of the month, i.e. by eight months, the child will develop emotional attachment to a particular adult. This is usually the mother or another adult who takes care of the baby. This attachment is very necessary for the child, therefore it is very undesirable to break it, send the child to a nursery or transfer it to a nanny. Attachment means that the baby can have the most beloved adult, and that's okay!

Attachment to the mother will be formed only if the mother acts as an interesting play partner for the child, if she supports his initiative.

It is very important that adults, when praising the baby, emphasize what they are praising for, for what specific actions: “That's how well Anya opens her mouth!”, “Clever girl! I put all the balls in the box! A general positive assessment or affection is no longer enough, the baby is drawn to business communication with an adult. It is important for him that his mother expressed pleasure with his specific actions, supported his actions in the world around him, and not just caressed him. Although weasel, of course, is not canceled! But it's just not enough for the baby! He needs to go further in his development - to business cooperation with his mother in an interesting game for him!

Always praise the baby, tell him that he is “clever”, “beloved”, “well done”, “good”. With these words and with your emotional attitude and support, you will create an atmosphere of joyful business cooperation that a child of 7 months and older needs.

What can a baby at 7 months by the end of this month:

Responds to the mood of adults, reacts to it. Have fun if they are happy.
Interested in other children - observes, laughs or babbles.
Actively plays fun games: "Okay", "Crow", "Hide and seek", "Ku-ku" and others.
Shows sensitivity to adult praise. Gets adults' attention with a smile or a whimper.
Detects attachment to close adults, can single out the most beloved among all adults.

Third direction. Cognitive and speech development of a child at 7 months.

1. Sensory development.

At the age of 7 months, it is very important for a child to have business communication with his mother. He no longer just lacks affection and attention, he needs a mother who will be a partner in exploring the world around him, who will show new ways of acting with objects, who will acquaint him with the world around him.

What the child can do:

Recognizes objects from different distances and shown from different angles.
Seeks to examine objects in all ways.
Operates with many items, and not with one or two as it was before. Can transfer items from hand to hand. Playing with objects involves both hands.
Knows "direct and reverse actions." For example, it folds and unfolds, puts the rings on the rod and takes them off. In these active actions, the child's idea of ​​himself as an active, active person is formed!
Acts with toys depending on their properties: rolls balls, puts cubes on top of each other or knocks them against each other, puts toys out of a bucket and puts them back, opens the lids of boxes, moves, squeezes, pushes, shakes, knocks, turns over and so on Further.
He takes objects differently: he takes large objects with the whole palm, and small objects with a pinch.
Can be engaged with an interesting toy for 3-6 minutes, and together with an adult up to 8-10 minutes.

2. Development of speech.

What a child can do at seven months by the end of this month:

At seven months, the child can actively perform movements in various nursery rhymes - magpie-crow, patties, hide-and-seek, goat. He can perform the necessary learned movements according to the word. That is, as soon as the child hears the familiar words of the nursery rhyme performed by the mother, he immediately begins to do the action.
The kid knows how to perform actions at the request of an adult: give, drink, etc.

The baby actively babbles, repeating different syllables. Syllables are repeated loudly and clearly. Babble is very active when the child is interested in something.

He plays roll calls with his mother, repeating syllables after her. And the mother repeats his syllables after the baby. This is how the speech apparatus develops and trains.

To the question "Where ...?" pointing to an object with a finger. At an earlier age, in response to this question, the baby pointed to an object placed in a permanent place. And now he can point his finger at an object that has been moved to another place.

The child can find an object among other two or three familiar objects - in response to the question "Where ...?" he is looking in the right direction. The question “Where…?” you need to ask several times, giving a pause of 5 seconds.

Hearing his name, the child turns to you, crawls towards you.

How to conduct a developing speech lesson-roll call with a child of 7 months?

In order for the roll call to really develop the baby’s speech, you need to know what syllables and sounds your child is already saying. It is from this “speech base” of the baby that speech classes begin - roll calls.

During roll calls, the child should see the face of the mother, listen to her, follow the articulation. And for this you need to think over the place of the roll call so that it is convenient for the baby to look at you, so that a sharp light does not hit his eyes.

What should be the structure of the roll call session with a child of 7 months

Below I give the structure of the roll call, developed by L. N. Pavlova, candidate of psychological sciences, authors of many books and manuals on the development of young children. It is advisable to conduct such mini-classes daily so that the child successfully develops preparatory speech skills.
Introductory part. Bend over the baby so that he focuses on your face. Stroke him, call him by name, holding out the vowels of the baby’s name: “Aaaaaaanechka!” and pronouncing the name with different intonations: “Aaaanechka? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Then pause -15-20 seconds.

Part 1. "Roll call". You pronounce the sounds and syllables that your baby already says. Then pause for 15-20 seconds. If the baby responded - repeated after you, repeat the sounds again after him.
Part 2. "Voiced toy." Show a sounding toy, sound it. Let your child focus on the sound. Then pause for 15-20 seconds.
Part 3. Re-showing the toy. Show game actions with a toy, onomatopoeia. Name the toy.
Part 4. Repetition of the first part.
Part 5. In conclusion sing a song or tell a rhyme about the shown toy.

Is it useful to listen to fairy tales for little ones with a baby of 7 months?

With a child of 7 months, you can already listen to audio recordings of fairy tales, but in a special way. If you just put on an audio recording for the baby and leave the room, then you will not get any developmental result. Just hearing nearby speech does not affect the development of the speech of the child himself.

But if you sit next to the baby, listen with enthusiasm to a fairy tale, then he will begin to watch you. And your enthusiasm will be transferred to him. The baby will begin to listen to what the mother listens so intently.

You can listen for 5 minutes. And the more times you listen to the same recording, the more joy the child will experience from recognizing familiar sounds.

While listening, you can move your lips, say, repeat words. This will further attract the attention of the baby.
And an even greater developmental effect will be if you tell fairy tales yourself, with pleasure, with different expressive intonations! Precisely to tell, not to read from a book. It doesn't matter if the child isn't talking yet. He is learning to listen to the sounds of speech!

Educational games and exercises with a child of seven months: the preparatory stage of speech development

Game 1. Showing toys and actions with them.

How to play a toy display game with a 7 month old baby?

First part games are activities. First, attract the child to the toy (move the toy, name it: “Here is a bunny. The bunny jumps: hop-hop-hop!”. If the toy makes sounds, show them to the baby. If the baby crawls towards the toy or wants to sit down to play with it, help him.

The second part of the game is the lesson. Let the baby act with the toy himself, examine it from all sides. As soon as interest in the toy drops, and actions with it become monotonous, move on to the third part of the game session with the toy.

The third part of the game is lessons. In the third part, show your baby different stories with a toy. The toy can hide. You can sing a song or tell a poem or a nursery rhyme, accompanying it with actions with a toy. You can also "dance" with a toy.

Useful tips for conducting an educational game - showing a toy to a child of 7 months:

Council number 1. In the show, repeatedly clearly repeat the name of the toy, its signs, actions: “Here is a cockerel. The rooster is beautiful. The cockerel sings: "Crow!". Or like this: “Here is a cockerel walking (demonstration of action). Found grains! The cockerel pecks at the grains (demonstration of action) ”And it can be done differently:“ The cockerel sings (demonstration of action). The cockerel hid. Where is the cockerel? Anechka found a cockerel and began to dance with him: la-la-la, la-la-la.

Tip number 2. In one such game, 1-2 actions are shown and called. In the next game - the next 1-2 new actions.

Much needed advice #3 :). For those who have not stopped reading this long article, but want to know all the nuances and details! For you, I have prepared the main secret that will ensure the child's interest in classes and their effectiveness! This is the key to success, and now you will learn how to captivate the baby, and how to guarantee yourself 100% success!

The fact is that at the age of 7 months, the child cannot yet consciously and voluntarily focus on the toy. Therefore, the so-called "orienting reactions" That is, a situation is created when the baby will involuntarily look at the toy.

How to create this situation:

The effect of the sudden appearance of a toy (from under a bright scarf, from a bright bag, from a bright box). They take out the toy, call it, show 1-2 actions - and - attention - this is the main thing! - after that they put it back in a box, under a handkerchief or in a bright bag! It is very important! The toy must be hidden! And then again unexpectedly get it and show a new action. And again, unexpectedly, she was removed - she ran away, the toy hid.
The effect of contrasting actions and an unexpected change of action. For example, first a bunny rides a horse, and then suddenly - bang! Fell! Keep in mind that vivid experiences will lead to the fact that at this moment the baby will not repeat the necessary syllables after you, he will be full of emotions. That's how it should be! Babble - repeat syllables - the baby will be in between shows (when you hide the toy and sing a song).

Game 2. Actions with toys to imitate.

For example: lay out the balls, roll them and put them in a box. Or open the purse, get the pussy, close the purse.

You show the action, and the baby repeats it or does it in his own way. For example, you put the cubes in the cart, and he takes them back. Or you arrange the balls into two groups by color (yellow separately, blue separately), and the baby mixes them again. It is at 7 months that the child masters the opposite actions (put on-take off, put on and off), so he will gladly join in such a game.

In games with toys with a child of 7 months, you can and should include materials with different textures. Even the same patchwork balls can be velvet, calico, and flannel, or slices from different materials are combined on one ball. This develops the baby's tactile sensitivity.

Interesting ball games for games and children and poems for them were developed by F. Frebel. You can find them in the article.

How to teach a child new actions?

Usually such training occurs intuitively by itself, because the mother adjusts to the baby. But if we talk "according to science" :). then teaching the baby a new action (give ..., show goodbye, etc. passes three stages:

First stage. The new action is called an adult and is performed by the adult together with the child. The adult makes the necessary movement with the child's hand. This is called the passive movement method.
Second phase. You act in front of the child, prompting the baby to perform the movement (“the method of showing with the word”).
Third stage. The kid does an action according to your word without showing (“okay”, “goodbye”, “give”, etc.)

Game 3. Games with pictures.

At seven months, the child can already find an object familiar to him in the picture, that is, recognize a well-known three-dimensional object in a planar image.

Game 4. Games for the development of fine motor skills.

Games with toys for the development of fine motor skills and cognitive development of the child. These are games with balls, cubes, cones, rings, which are fixed in a garland on a ribbon. Games with educational books and educational mats. Games with materials with different textures to develop tactile sensitivity.

Games for the development of fine motor skills can be found in the article
How to make a developing book for the development of fine motor skills, you will learn from the article

Game 5. Learning to grab objects with both hands.

Give the child holding one toy another toy and help him pick it up with his other hand.
Next time, help your baby learn to shift the toy from one hand to the other.

You can play the drum with both hands at once. Give your baby two sticks or rattles to tap on the table. The child will be happy to knock with both hands.

Speak at this time the words of a rhythmic rhyme or nursery rhyme. For example:

Tili-bom, tili-bom,
The cat's house caught fire.

Knock knock, with a hammer,
We will build a house for the dolls.

Poems for games - displays of toys with a child of 7 months.

You need to speak the texts as if humming, stretching out vowel sounds, rhythmically, clearly, distinctly, at an average pace of speech (not fast)


I'm riding a horse
Click, click, click, click!
Oh, sit down, let's ride!
Click, click, click, click! (T, Volgina).


Who woke up early? - Cockerel.
He lifted up the red scallop.
The cockerel sang: “Ku-ka-re-ku!
Who else is lying there on his side? (S. Prokofieva)


Ding-ding, ding-ding-doo!
Everywhere you hear the call!
Rattle, play!
Have fun with our baby!


Likes to drum
Long drumming
Long drumming,


The pussy approached the children,
The milk blew.
Milk proiiiila,
MEOW! She spoke.
Meow, meow, meow (N. Frenkel).

Like a cat cat
The coat is very good!
Like a cat mustache
Amazing beauty!
Eyes are funny!
Zuuubki are white!


Little zaaaaainki
They wanted baaaaaaainki,
They wanted baaaaa-inky,
Because maaaaaalenki!

A gray bunny is sitting
And wiggles his ears.
Wooot-taaaak, wooot-taaaak,
And wiggles his ears.
It's cold for a bunny to sit
You need to warm up your paws
Wow-wow, wow-wow,
You need to warm up your paws.


Play us, Anya, in a tambourine,
We will clap our hands.
Play us, play
Give mom a tambourine!

The child sits on the lap of an adult, the adult shakes him to the rhythm of the nursery rhyme and says:

The dog was walking across the bridge
Four paws, the fifth is a tail.
If the bridge collapses,
That dog will svaaaaaletsya! (simulate falling into a hole from the knees)


There is a horned goat
There is a butted goat
Who does not eat porridge
Doesn't drink milk
I'm going to gore, I'm going to gore!


Tiiiishe, guuuuli, don't make noise.
Don't wake my baby.
Don't interfere, guuuulenki,
Fly away, bitches!


Maaaaa little birdie
Came to us, to us, to us.
Little bird
I will give grains, ladies, ladies!
The bird sat on the window
Sit a little longer
Wait don't fly away
Flew away, hey!

7 months- a unique period of development of the child! I wish you and your baby happiness, let him please you! You will learn about the further development of the child from the following articles on the Native Path website. And in this short 2-minute video at the end of the article, let's recall all the features of the development of a baby at 7 months:

The development of a child at 7 months accelerates. He has already gone through many stages, and now he is learning to actively move in space, improving his mental skills. Every day he shows more and more desire to communicate, his new achievements never cease to amaze his parents. But at this age, there may be some problems that you should definitely pay attention to.

Physical development of a child at seven months

The body weight of a baby at 7 months is from 8 kg to 9 kg, he corrects approximately 400-600 grams. Weighs almost one and a half times more than a newborn. The child grows by 1-2 cm, and reaches a length of 68-70 cm. The height and weight of the boy and girl may differ slightly from each other. If weight gain is insufficient, the types and amounts of complementary foods introduced should be reviewed. Perhaps the crumbs are teething, and the appetite disappears.

At seven months, the baby confidently rolls over in bed from back to stomach and back. He can sit without supporting himself. The baby's hands are released, he plays while sitting, reaching for toys. If a child at this age does not sit on their own, parents should be wary. It happens in premature babies, born in hypoxia, after birth injuries. Delayed physical development may be the first symptom of cerebral palsy. Be sure to consult a doctor, only he will establish the correct diagnosis.

A seven-month-old baby begins to actively explore the space. He is already crawling well, first on the plastun, and at the end of the month on all fours. True, he does not always succeed in crawling in the direction that he wants. Sometimes children move backwards or sideways, swinging back and forth for a long time until they choose a direction. If the child does not crawl, this is not a problem. It happens that babies try to immediately rise to their feet and walk, ignoring the crawling stage. When the baby sits confidently, stands, leaning on a support, but does not crawl, his development is normal.

Babies at seven months old can already kneel, holding on to the railing of the crib. Some kids even get up on their feet. If you take the baby under the armpits, he leans on his toes and walks confidently. The motor skills of the hands are also actively developing. Children shift the toy from one handle to another, hold the bottle on their own, and can pick up a fallen object. Many people know how to put small objects into large ones. The toddler consciously squeezes and unclenches his hand to take or release the toy. When gripping, he actively uses his thumb. Since the activity of the baby has already increased, but the coordination of movement is still weak, he needs increased supervision. In no case should you leave him alone so that he does not fall off the sofa or bed. The toddler can even fall out of the stroller.

What are the basic motor skills of a 7 month old baby? Let's summarize:

  • Confidently rolls from stomach to back and vice versa
  • Sitting without support
  • Begins to crawl on his stomach and on all fours
  • Can rise to his knees and legs, holding on to a support
  • He can pick up toys, hold a bottle, put small objects into large ones.
  • Actively explores the space
  • Coordination of movements is still insufficiently developed

The physical development of children at seven months may vary. Sometimes the girl is a little behind the boy. Some babies enjoy standing up more than crawling. Therefore, do not worry too much if the baby does not fully meet the standards.

The development of hearing, vision and speech in a child

The eyes of a child at 7 months are already fully formed. He has been following objects and toys for a long time, he is able to see not only what is in the immediate vicinity of him. A seven-month-old baby already fixes his eyes on objects that are more than three meters away. Little by little, he learns to shift his gaze from a distant angle to a close one. The kid is able to estimate the size of an object, because he takes small things with one handle, and large ones with two. It distinguishes colors well, especially bright and contrasting ones. Begins to evaluate the shape of an object, distinguishes a cube from a ball, a pyramid. He can find his favorite toy with his eyes, studies and examines it for a long time, twirling it in his hands. Recognizes mom and dad, joyfully reacts to their appearance and cries when they leave.

Children at 7 months old may have different vision problems. At this age, nystagmus, ptosis, and initial manifestations of myopia can be diagnosed. With nystagmus, the child's gaze cannot focus on a nearby object, his eyes begin to "run" from side to side. A symptom can indicate both an eye disease (for example, a high degree of myopia) and serious pathologies of the brain. Ptosis is the drooping of one or both eyelids. When these symptoms appear, it is necessary to show the child to a neurologist and ophthalmologist. Sometimes in the first months the child is diagnosed with strabismus, but by the seventh it should pass.

The baby's hearing is also developing rapidly. He already clearly reacts to the sound, turns his head towards the source of the noise. Moreover, this reaction is significantly accelerated compared to previous months. The child well distinguishes the voices of close people, their intonations. He begins to understand that they are addressing him, and reacts to such an appeal. This is a completely different level of perception of human speech. Hearing problems in an infant can be suspected if he does not freeze at a sharp sound, and does not turn his head towards its source. Doesn't react to paper rustle or rattle sound until he sees them. Doesn't smile when adults talk to him.

The speech of children by the seventh month of life is also improved. They learn to pronounce many consonant sounds by combining them into syllables with vowels. The baby's babble consists of such letter combinations as "yes", "ma", "ba", "pa". Sometimes he manages to say several syllables in a row - “yes-yes”, “bo-bo”, etc. The kid actively “talks”, when he sees his mother and father, he babbles intensely. With pleasure he “answers” ​​if you speak to him, tries to copy intonations and sounds. Begins to understand the first words. For example, when asked “where is the toy”, he shakes his head, looks for it with his eyes. When you ask him “where is mom?”, he can point with his finger and smile happily. Speech disorders at this age are more often associated with hearing problems, less often with a general developmental delay. Such children have difficulty pronouncing consonant sounds, their cooing is no different from the cooing of a 2-3 month old baby. Sometimes babies just mumble or pronounce individual vowels. But problems can also arise with insufficient communication with the child, because he can only learn to speak from mom and dad.

So, what's new in a child of 7 months from the senses? How does his speech develop? Here is a short list of his new skills:

  • Fixes the view at near and far angles
  • Able to look for his favorite toy with his eyes
  • Assesses the size and shape of objects
  • Responds to sound by turning head
  • Distinguishes the voices of loved ones, begins to understand the words
  • Improves the pronunciation of consonants.

Mental and emotional development of the child

The development of a baby at 7 months of intelligence and emotions is very intensive. Parents do not have time to follow all the new skills of the crumbs. Motor activity and the child's mind develop in parallel. The better he moves in space, the more interesting the world becomes for him. The baby tries to understand the possibilities of his body, therefore he rolls over, somersaults, hangs from the bed or sofa. He wonders, for example, how the room will look if you look at it upside down. No less, he likes to experiment with the pronunciation of various sounds, while using more and more facial muscles, lips and tongue.

Now the child is quite capable of playing with two different objects. He studies their interaction, tries to put the cubes together or vice versa, to disassemble the object into parts. Actively tries to learn the shape of the toy, examines the corners, roundness. Children really like toys that can change their shape, they just delight the kids.

The child already understands that the hidden object does not disappear forever. If you cover him with a diaper, he will try to free himself in order to see his mother again. This means that the baby understands the causal relationship, the diaper covered his mother from him, which means she needs to be removed.

A child at 7 months concentrates his attention better. If you distract him for a second during the game, he again returns to his occupation. The kid remembers many actions, words, and can repeat them after a while. He can quite learn simple gestures, such as "bye", "toshi-toshi" with his hands. Also, the baby can be taught to show parts of his body, leg, nose, head. After a while, he repeats the new syllables that you learned with him. After a walk, it may show that you need to wash your hands.

The attachment of the baby to the mother increases. He still does not understand that his mother does not leave him forever, and he perceives her disappearance very painfully. In addition, he is wary of strangers. He may react to the appearance of a stranger by crying, he is afraid to be alone with strangers. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the child to new people gradually, not to leave him alone with them until he gets used to it. You can’t scare a child with different “bobs” and “bad uncles”. His fears will intensify and may turn into neurotic states.

Baby care at 7 months

The seventh month of life is the time for the introduction of complementary foods. The baby eats 5-6 times a day, some babies also 1-2 times at night. The basis of the menu is still breast milk or formula. How do you know if a child is ready for new foods? First, he should show interest in adult food, climb into the plate, watch how you eat. Secondly, he must be able to swallow food in the form of puree, not push it out with his tongue. If the baby sits without support, he will eat from a spoon with great success. Complementary foods are needed by children who have begun to gain weight worse, wake up from hunger at night, and often require breasts during the day.

You need to introduce new food gradually, from half a teaspoon. Offer complementary foods to the baby before giving formula or breast milk. Be sure to monitor the stool and the condition of the child's skin. New food can cause diarrhea or constipation, allergies in the form of redness or rashes. As the first complementary food, it is recommended to give vegetable puree, it is best to make it from zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin. Then you can add potatoes and carrots. The second complementary food is dairy-free porridge. It is best to start with rice or buckwheat. By the end of the seventh month, most babies receive 2 meals, which completely replace two daily meals. Some at this time already eat mashed meat as a third food.

A child at 7 months of age may have the first problems with food. They are often associated with teething. The kid becomes capricious, often rubs his gums with his fist, his salivation increases. Some children may develop a fever for a short time. Constant discomfort reduces the baby's appetite, first of all, he refuses to eat new dishes. Sometimes a bad perception of complementary foods is associated with the specific tastes of the child, he may simply not like vegetable puree. You need to try to cook it from another vegetable, or give porridge instead of vegetables. If this does not work, postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a few days or weeks.

At seven months, babies start having trouble sleeping. The cause may be teething. Then at night you should lubricate the baby's gums with a special gel. Before buying it, be sure to consult your doctor. Often the child wakes up at night and is naughty due to overexcitation during the day. After all, he is developing intensively, begins to move more, learns the world. An excess of impressions leads to the fact that the nervous system can not cope. The baby becomes restless, tossing and turning in bed, shuddering, sometimes just getting up in the middle of the night to play. Therefore, active games should be played in the morning. In the evening, it is better to read a book to your child, sing a lullaby, and have a relaxing massage. Help the baby to fall asleep quickly evening walks after dinner.

Activities with a 7 month old baby

How to develop a child at seven months? Harmonious development includes intellectual physical exercises. Train your baby's abs. Holding on to the legs, try to lift it first by one handle, then by the other. At this age, children can already be actively put on their feet, supporting under the armpits. They will learn to rearrange their legs, preparing for independent walking, squat and jump. Put the baby on all fours so that he learns to crawl. Does not lose its relevance and passive gymnastics, breeding legs, "bicycles", flexion and extension of the arms on the chest, swing. They help strengthen the muscles and prepare the little one for further achievements.

Every mother wants to grow a genius out of her child and help him master the world around him. The latest fashion trends advise you to start conducting educational activities for your baby literally from the cradle. How to help a child in this difficult process, what methods and toys to use?

What to do with a 7 month old baby?

The choice of activities for the baby should be based on his skills and abilities that need stimulation and development. It is necessary to form in the child the so-called objective activity. Exercises will help you learn how to navigate and manage your actions, analyze the consequences and all the possibilities.
The example is simple, take any two different toys, place them in front of the baby. Show and tell a little about each item, and then ask for the right one. Features of the development of children require patience, and you may have to repeat the material covered repeatedly. As soon as the baby learns to correctly navigate in his mother's requests, we can already talk about objective activities.
On a personal example, it is necessary to show the baby all the actions that can be performed with toys and what the result will be. For example, fold pyramids of rings, play with nesting dolls, etc.
At the same time, educational games for children of 7 months will be shifting objects of different sizes and textures from side to side. For example, when collecting a pyramid, teach the baby to remove the rings and put them in a bucket, or simply spread them out in front of you. Such a simple exercise will not only cause a storm of emotions, but also teach you to imitate adults.

Educational activities for children 7 months

Since the hearing and vision of the child is fully formed, it is necessary to develop and stimulate them. Take several cups of different sizes, bringing each of them to your mouth, say the baby's name or any familiar word. The spoken word will sound differently, which will arouse the interest of the child. It is important to diversify the vocabulary, the more sounds the baby pronounces, the faster he will begin to repeat.

Give your child objects that change shape, such as a dense balloon filled with water or sand. Tactile study of the subject will contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, therefore, stimulate the development of speech.

What can you teach a child at 7 months?

In addition to learning to crawl, walk, it is necessary to develop other skills in the child. For example, look for items. The baby still does not understand that if the object is not visible, then it continues to exist. You can hide your favorite toy so that only its edge is visible, for example, cover it with a diaper.
Seeing a familiar toy, the baby will grab onto it and hold on to the visible part, but will gradually understand and learn how to pull out hidden objects.
By the same principle, you can hide small objects in your hand, clenched fist, and let the baby try to find the “lost” thing. If the child is difficult to navigate, you need to help him.

What toys does a 7 month old baby need?

Toys for a boy and for a girl at 7 months are no different, while it is too early to focus on gender difference. The first toys in a child appear from six months, these are various rattles, soft books made of matter or thick cardboard, a toy teether is required.
It is necessary to diversify the arsenal with educational toys for children of 7 months, for example, cubes, nesting dolls, tumblers, pyramids, sound toys - rattles, a drum, tambourines, musical and ordinary books in a bright design.
The main thing is to choose them correctly. Firstly, they should consist of large parts, pyramids with a thick rod. This condition provides an easy grip of objects with a child's hand. Secondly, so that the items are easy to wash, not fragile.
The colorful coating of toys must be durable and non-toxic. When choosing a toy made of wood, it is necessary to pay attention to its weight and quality of processing; it should not be allowed that there are splinters or notches that the baby can get hurt on. Before offering a toy to a child, it must be properly and properly processed - rinsed under running warm water. Only by observing these conditions, games for girls and boys of 7 months will be safe and beneficial.
Many people think that tumblers are outdated, but, according to most psychologists and experienced mothers, this is the best tandem of sound and appearance. The very face of the tumbler is open, kind and predisposing. Many kids actively communicate with the toy, touch it and even smile.

You can take a child at 7 months in many ways, the main thing is that the process is informative and interesting, and brings pleasure to the child and mother. You should not immediately load the child, you need to focus on his desires and skills.

Baby is 7 months old. The period when the baby could stay in one place for a long time, busy with a rattle or sleeping, has ended. Now the little one has changed and no longer wants to explore the world around him, lying in a crib or playpen. He is interested in moving and trying to learn everything that is at home and on the street. The baby sits and tries to get up, tries to crawl or spin, lying on his stomach. The acquired skills of gaming activities stimulate the crumbs to develop their mental abilities and speech.

If in the first 6 months of life it was possible to talk about uniform standards of development, then closer to 8 months, a difference in development between children begins to appear. Each kid is individual and chooses his own way and speed of obtaining new information. Moms and dads should remember that you should not compare your child with peers, try to evaluate the development of the child through the achievements of other children.

Features of the development of children in the 8th month of life

At the 8th month of life, the little one babbles more and more. Often repeating the resulting syllable chains, the child improves the capabilities of the speech apparatus. “Ma-ma” and “ba-ba” already clearly sound, if you often show the baby how different syllables sound, then quickly enough he will be able to say “pa-pa”, “bi-bi”, “ko-ko”. But these are still words that are not filled with meaning, but sounds that the child really likes. Point to yourself and say "ma-ma", gradually the brain will connect the sound and image.

At 7 months, the baby can be occupied with toys for a while. He confidently controls his hands and fingers, knows the basic playing techniques. Having received a new subject for study, the baby will definitely try to take it, shake it, knock it on the floor, examine it and taste it.

The peanut already understands well how to sit down, deftly puts his hand up and raises his body. If you look closely at the back of a sitting baby, you can see a slight curvature. If it resembles an even arc stretching from the neck to the priests, then this is the physiological norm. Gradually, the muscles that support the spine will get stronger, the baby will sit straight.

At the 8th month of life, the most active babies are already crawling well, some are crawling, and others are trying to raise their stomachs above the ground. But do not be upset if your little one is not interested in this type of movement. Some children first want to learn to walk and only then crawl. Any of the options is fine. Perhaps your baby has already learned to get up in the crib, grabbing the side walls or trying to take the first step along the support.

According to pediatricians, a desirable option for the development of a child's motor skills is the sequence: sitting - crawling - standing - walking. But the reality is that not all babies develop in this way. If your little one decided to leave the ability to crawl for later, then you should not force him to acquire this skill. The first attempts to stand up and move along the side of the crib or playpen should be accompanied by intensive exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs and back. Early mastery of the walking skill (7-8 months) sometimes leads to a slight curvature of the baby's legs. If the baby rose on its own, you did not stimulate this skill, then closer to the 3rd year, the legs will become even. With excessive activity of parents and forcing to improve the skill, the help of an orthopedist and a special massage may be needed.

At the 8th month of life, the process of teething continues. Normally, 8 front incisors will appear by the year. In most cases, they appear in pairs. First, the lower anterior appear, then the upper anterior. After the appearance of the first four teeth, the upper and lower lateral teeth appear. Each child is individual and the appearance, sequence and timing may vary. In rare cases, the first tooth appears closer to the year, this feature requires monitoring by a pediatric dentist.

Physical development

At the 8th month of life, the little one should gain about 600 grams in weight. But with intensive development of motor skills, it is quite normal to reduce the total amount of weight gained to 400 grams.

Gradually there is a slowdown in growth. Most babies will grow no more than 2 cm. By the year, the growth rate will decrease even more and it will not be necessary to measure this indicator so often. On average, after a year, growth is measured every 3 months.

The child's head will increase by 0.5 cm in circumference, and the chest by 0.5 -1 cm. Gradually, the baby becomes proportional, the figure resembles the usual outlines of an adult, only in smaller sizes.

Changes occurring in the body gradually slow down growth and weight gain. Weekly monitoring of indicators is not required.

Boundary indicators of the physical development of the child depending on gender

Lower limit of growthUpper growth limitLower weight limitUpper weight limitAverage head circumferenceAverage chest circumference
Boy at 7 months65,1 71,1 7,1 9,5 45 46
Boy at 8 months66,8 73,1 7,5 9,3 45,5 48
Girl at 7 months64,1 70,4 6,8 8,9 44,3 45
Girl at 8 months66 72,5 7,2 9,3 45 47

Neuropsychic development and emotions

The nervous system and cognitive abilities of the little one are developing faster and faster. The baby already understands a lot and is ready to start exploring new toys and options for playing activities. He clearly understands that objects do not disappear, but their mother hides or removes them. Playing hide and seek with toys develops the child's attention well and stimulates him to move.

The emotional sphere of a 7-month-old baby is expanding. Now the little one can get really upset and demand the desired item. If you look closely at the game of the baby, you can often notice a strong reaction to failure and delight from the fulfillment of the plan. Game activity is accompanied by active babble, gestures, facial expressions.

It is recommended to control your own behavior in the presence of a child. The kid copies the behavior of the adults next to him, using gestures, facial expressions and behavior. A friendly atmosphere, a measured lifestyle and a calm mother are the key to the formation of a strong nervous system, uniform mental development.

The development of the emotional sphere of the child enhances the need for crumbs in affection, dialogue, bodily contact. Being next to mom, the little one feels comfortable. A sense of security and constancy makes the baby open to new knowledge and skills.

Significant changes are taking place in the cognitive sphere. If a month ago, the baby actively got acquainted with new tastes, carefully removing complementary foods from a spoon with his lips. Now he is desperately trying to take away the cutlery from his mother and eat on his own. No need to discourage him from doing things on his own. Prepare a separate plate and spoon made of unbreakable material, put some food and offer to practice the skill. While the little one is enthusiastically trying to scoop food into a spoon, feed him from another plate.

Gaming activity is changing. The baby performs different actions with familiar objects, following a specific goal: shakes to hear a sound, rolls a ball on the floor to make it glow, pushes toys out of the crib to hear them fall or to attract mom's attention.

The child can distinguish toys by their shape, perform actions guided by this knowledge: rolls the ball, collects cubes into turrets, strings pyramid rings on the base.

Changes are also taking place in relation to strangers. The kid clearly distinguishes between the image of friends and strangers. Next to those whom he sees every day, the baby babbles and smiles. If a stranger or a person who has not visited the baby for a long time enters the room, then the baby will calm down and begin to carefully study it. If an unfamiliar person tries to take the little one in his arms, then the baby will cry. The further behavior of the child depends on the reaction of the mother. If she starts a friendly conversation with a “stranger”, she is relaxed, then after a while curiosity will overcome fear, the baby will be happy to get to know a new person.

Changes also occur in the child's perception of his own Self. If you regularly offer to play with a mirror, then the baby will gradually begin to recognize his reflection, pull his arms towards him and smile.

Between 7 and 8 months, there is an increased development of the right hemisphere of the brain, so the left hand is used by the baby more often than the right. This behavior of the child does not mean that the baby will be left-handed. In most cases, closer to a year, children begin to use their hands equally, and by the age of 3, right-handedness appears.

In the eighth month, spatial awareness is gradually formed. The baby can estimate the distance to the object of interest and clearly choose the necessary movement to move his body. If the toy is close, then the baby will simply reach for it, for the distant one, it will crawl or ask its mother to give it.


At the eighth month of life, the child begins to look for the boundaries of what is permitted. The peanut pinches, pulls his hair, tries to get and explore everything around him. It's time to start the education process. The baby is already well versed in emotions, a change in the expression of his mother's face and intonation tells him whether he is doing the right thing.

Any action that causes pain to you or other adults, threatens the life and health of the child, must be stopped. In most cases, it is enough to simply distract the little one with another interesting activity. But, if the baby is serious about achieving the goal, it is worth prohibiting this, using a strict intonation of the voice or an expression of fear.

It is good during this period to bring the issue of prohibitions for the child to the family council. In order for the baby to behave correctly in the future, the ban must be supported by all family members. In the matter of raising a child, it is unacceptable for any of the adult members of the family to violate the established rules. Infants and preschool children need a clear understanding of what is allowed and what is not allowed. If you agree on the rules at the 8th month of a child's life, it will be easier for you to regulate the behavior of the crumbs later.

The introduction of the first rules in the life of a child requires their strict implementation by all family members. No demands and crying should force you to give up. Once you allow the rule to be broken, you will show the baby a way to get around the ban. It is recommended that you calmly respond to the baby's attempts to achieve what you want, say a clear "no" and offer an alternative.

Baby skills at 7 months

In the 8th month of life, a child has a large list of skills. The most notable skills are:

  • sit. The baby rises on its own or with the help of adults, confidently holds its body and turns its head around, can act with both hands;
  • crawl. The kid can move in a plastunsky way, or by raising his stomach, move forward, backward or in a circle;
  • play. Actions with toys are purposeful, confident. Receiving a new object, the little one performs with it all the methods of study known to him;
  • use your fingers. The fine motor skills of the hands are gradually improving, the little one, when grabbing small objects, does not use the palm, but the fingers;
  • reach for a toy while lying on your stomach. The baby easily tears off one of their hands, on which it rests and reaches for the object of interest to it;
  • get up in bed. Some children have mastered the skill of getting up in a crib or playpen. Some rise to their knees, others to their full height;
  • walk upright with parental support. If the little one is raised by the armpits or arms up, feeling the support, he will begin to rearrange his legs;
  • sort toys, put small items into large ones. This skill appears in children who have previously been shown how to do it;
  • hold a bottle or drinker. The desire to perform many actions independently is more and more clearly visible;
  • find a familiar object and point to it with your finger.

motor skills

The development of a child's motor skills at the 8th month of life is largely aimed at increasing the speed of movement and manual dexterity. It is good to expand morning exercises by adding game exercises:

  • stimulating the development of crawling skills. Offer to reach out to the object, get on your knees, show how you can crawl, raising your stomach;
  • developing an understanding of the possibilities of the sitting position. Continue to train your back muscles, offer to learn how to bend, turn your head and body;
  • exercising leg muscles. It is good to invite the baby to rest on your hands, trying to push them away. During the exercise, he must work with effort with the muscles of the thighs, lower legs, evenly bend the knee;
  • developing the ability to keep balance. Swing and toss, train on the gym ball;
  • revealing the secret of overcoming small obstacles. Lay small soft rollers around the child and offer to overcome the obstacle. If the baby does not succeed, help him by moving his arms and legs in the correct sequence.

Can the child sit? How to help a child?

Most babies learn to sit independently between 6 and 7 months. At first, the baby rises up with the help of his parents, grabbing his fingers and lifting his torso. Children begin to rise on their own at different times. It all depends on the method chosen by the little one to master the skill. Some children get on all fours and sit down, others, lying on their backs, lean on their hands.

For the first 1-2 months, the baby's back looks a little curved. If you look from the side, then from the priests to the neck, the arch of the spine is clearly visible. Gradually, the back muscles get stronger, the baby aligns the back. To help your baby achieve sitting perfection faster, it’s good to offer him exercises and massages more often.

Hearing and vision

Vision is fully developed. Now the little one easily finds familiar objects with his eyes, recognizes them from different angles. When looking for a toy, the shape and color become landmarks. It is recommended to offer the baby bright objects made in the primary colors of the spectrum.

Hears the little one already very well. He distinguishes even very quiet sounds, if they attract him, he reacts with animation, an attempt to get to the source. It is recommended to continue your acquaintance with classical music, including your favorite compositions for 30-50 minutes a day.

Hair and nails

Baby hair care in the 8th month of life changes a little. Now during daily bathing once a week you can use hair shampoo. The new hygiene item must:

  • fit babies. The packaging should indicate for which age category the selected shampoo is suitable;
  • be without dyes, fragrances;
  • tested for hypoallergenicity.

It is desirable that the shampoo does not irritate the eyes, it should be marked “no tears”.

It is advisable to wash the head of the little one with clean water, not the one in which the child was washed. During the procedure, try to entertain the baby, do not scare with loud or unexpected movements.

Baby nails grow very fast. Some children need to shorten their nails up to 2 times a week. You need to cut the overgrown nail plate straight, without rounding. Use your baby's personal scissors with rounded ends.


The appearance of teeth in the 8th month of life is considered the most common cause of sleep and behavioral disorders. The baby can often wake up, act up, refuse to eat. Profuse salivation and reddening of the gums, which the baby tends to scratch on toys and other objects, fever are the main signs of this process.

There is no way to completely rid the baby of discomfort. But you can alleviate his condition:

  • offering a teether;
  • after consulting with a pediatrician about the use of a gel to reduce pain. It is worth paying attention to the frequency of use and dosage;
  • for children who are on breastfeeding, it is good to give breastfeeding more often.
  • when the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees, use antipyretics and painkillers for children of this age. It is advisable to consult with your doctor first.

social contact

A child in the 8th month of life needs constant contact with adults. It is important for him to hear speech, to feel touch, to see the image of people close to him. The child's brain develops, requiring more and more new information. Speech centers continue to form a base of words, the so-called "passive dictionary", hearing adapts to the perception of complex syllable chains, vision remembers articulatory movements. In order for the speech of the little one to develop quickly and efficiently, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to communicating with him. Speech should sound around the child and be directed directly at him.

At this age, the need to communicate with new people gradually begins to appear. Strangers cause alertness in the little one, but with the benevolent attitude of the mother, the baby quickly overcomes her fear and gladly makes contact.

By 8 months it is good to show the child how other children play. This can be done by going on a visit, inviting friends with children. It is good to pay attention to other children while walking on the street.

child's speech

A child's speech is built on two interrelated skills. On the one hand, this is directly the pronunciation of individual sounds and syllables, and on the other hand, the understanding of speech. Both of these skills are very important for the emergence of independent "speaking". Between 7 and 8 months of life there is an active development in both directions.

The baby improves syllable chains. Increasingly, you can hear how the little one repeats the same syllable for a long time, playing with it, trying to achieve it in various ways. By training articulation, using lips, teeth, tongue to get new sounds, the child remembers the necessary combinations to repeat what he heard from mom or dad. It is recommended that you talk face to face with the baby as often as possible, clearly pronouncing sounds.

The "passive vocabulary" of the baby is increasing. If you point to an object and name it, then the little one will remember the meaning and in the future will surprise you with his knowledge. It is good at this age to offer not only to study the surrounding objects, but also to show images in books and on cards.

The child already understands well the meaning of simple question words. Hearing the question "where", he begins to look for the named object or image, to the question "who" - he points his finger at a familiar person. Now the baby is already well versed in his toys and can point to the necessary one without error.

  • exclude lisping;
  • playing with a baby, not only name objects, but also talk about their purpose, describe their appearance;
  • train the articulation capabilities of the baby. Offer to repeat simple syllables and sounds after you;
  • when talking with a toddler, use intonation, facial expressions, gestures. The brighter and richer your speech is, the easier it will be for the baby to understand it.

A child's speech is a complex skill that develops gradually. You should deal with the baby from a very early age in order to ensure the timely appearance of a full-fledged speech, rich in different words.

Baby care rules

In the eighth month of a child's life, basic care remains the same. Morning exercises and evening swimming are mandatory daily procedures.

The chair of the little one after the start of the introduction of complementary foods becomes permanent. Most often, babies of this period poop once a day at the same time. The chair becomes less liquid. With the introduction of cereals, in the first weeks there may be some delay in defecation up to 2 days. This is due to the new consistency of the product used. This condition does not require adult intervention.

The baby pees less often, but in large volumes. If you keep the baby in the daytime without a diaper, then gradually you can calculate the approximate time to start using the potty. But do not be zealous with accustoming. The kid still does not understand the meaning of these actions and the wrong reaction on the part of the parents to wet pants, excessively frequent planting can provoke fear of the potty. It is recommended to introduce this subject gradually, in the form of a game.

Bathing and hygiene

Bathing remains a daily routine. Depending on the chosen method (small bath or shared bath), the water temperature may fluctuate. In a baby bath, where the baby sits or lies on a slide, the recommended water temperature is 37 degrees. In a large bathroom, the baby swims with the help of a special circle, the recommended temperature is 27 - 35 degrees.

When the baby sits confidently, you can purchase a special chair for the bathroom. He will allow the little one to sit in the water without support, to play with the proposed items. It is installed in a large bathroom. At the request of parents, a baby bath can be completely abandoned.

The duration of the nightly bathing depends on the mood and well-being of the child. It usually takes 10 to 30 minutes. Before the procedure, you should not feed the child.

Cleansing the body does not require daily use of soap. Once a week, you can use a hair shampoo or bathing gel.

Be sure to inspect the baby's ears and nose daily. If necessary, remove accumulated dirt.


In the eighth month of a child's life, it is necessary to continue to expand the amount of food introduced. Complementary foods become essential at this age. Mother's milk can no longer fully supply the baby with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, the gastrointestinal tract is completely ready for digestion.

Many children by this period are already familiar with fruit or vegetable puree, they have tried cereal porridge. Formula-fed children were given rabbit or turkey meat. Up to 7.5 months, nutrition should remain single-component. By 8 months, it is permissible to introduce more complex types of food: cereals from a mixture of cereals, several types of vegetables.

One of the most interesting foods introduced to the baby at the 8th month of life is the egg yolk. Very useful, but often causing an allergic reaction, the yolk is introduced in very small portions. The first dose should not exceed ¼ teaspoon. The second time you can give the baby the yolk in 2-3 days, in the absence of an allergic reaction. If the baby absorbs this product well, then it should be offered no more than 2 times a week, gradually increasing the portion to 1/2 of the yolk.

At the beginning of the 7th month, you can introduce the little one to instant biscuits and bread. They must be made from wheat flour of the highest grade, do not contain additives and dyes.

You can make some changes to your diet. Gradually, the third day of breastfeeding is replaced by complementary foods. By 7.5 months, the feeding regimen looks like this:

  • In the morning, the baby eats breast or formula.
  • After 3.5 hours, he gets acquainted with a new product or increases the volume of a recently introduced one.
  • The third feeding consists of well-known foods.
  • In the evening and at night, the baby receives a breast or a mixture.

During the period of active teething, in the evening it is good to offer to scratch the gums with wheat crackers.

Children who receive complementary foods from 4-5 months old get acquainted with more complex dishes: puree soup, a mixture of vegetable porridge with meat.

feeding table

ViewBabies on GWFormula-fed babies
Fruit juice5-6 months3-4 months
fruit puree5-6 months3-4 months
Cottage cheese6.5 months5 months
Vegetables6 months4 months
Milk porridge5 months5 months
Dairy-free porridge7 months7 months
Meat7 months6 months
Fish8 months8 months
Kefir7 months6-7 months
Bread7 months6-7 months
Crackers, children's cookies6 months6 months
Vegetable oil6 months5 months
Butter6 months6 months
Egg yolk6 months6 months

Permitted products for consumption

ProductTime of introduction (artificial feeding / breastfeeding)Benefit
vegetable marrow3/ 5-6 Dietary, hypoallergenic vegetable that promotes the intake of vitamins and minerals, a source of energy
Cauliflower and broccoli3/5-6 Hypoallergenic vegetables that help strengthen the immune system
Pumpkin4/6 Aids in digestion, may cause an allergic reaction
Carrot4/6 It has a positive effect on vision, improves the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens the bone skeleton
Apple3/5 Source of vitamins and minerals
Pear5/6 Normalizes digestion, strengthens blood vessels.
Bananas4/5 The only exotic fruit allowed up to a year. Helps strengthen the body
Peach, apricot6 High content of vitamins
Potato6 Helps cleanse the body, removes salt, improves metabolism
Vegetable oil5/6 Rich in amino acids

Separately, it is worth mentioning sugar and salt. The introduction of these flavor enhancers is not recommended until the age of one. Even if it seems to you that the resulting complementary foods are tasteless and the baby will not like it, you should not add salt or sugar. What seems tasteless to you is a new experience and vivid impressions for the baby. The child is not yet familiar with the taste of the dishes offered and he will be interested. Early accustoming to salt and sugar can lead to undesirable consequences on the part of the baby's body, cause a reluctance to eat unsalted and unsweetened food.

Sleep and daily routine

A child's nighttime sleep is about 10-11 hours. During the day, the little one moves more and sleeps 2 times for 2-3 hours.

To promote sound and prolonged sleep, it is desirable:

  • ventilate the room;
  • darken the place of rest. In the daytime, it is good to use dark curtains;
  • check room temperature. The room temperature should not exceed 22 degrees and be at least 18;
  • check humidity. Humidity not less than 50% and not more than 75%;
  • stick to the schedule. Put the little one to sleep before he starts to act up or cry.

During the period of active development of the crawling skill, the child's sleep may become more disturbing. The peanut can move around the bed, toss and turn. Do not leave a sleeping child on a bed or table without walls.


At the 8th month of a child's life, it is necessary to continue to adhere to the principles of hardening. Daily wiping with water at room temperature, air and sun baths, controlling the amount of clothing to prevent overheating of the body - remain mandatory daily actions on the part of parents.

How to develop

The development of a child in the 8th month of life occurs in several directions at once. The task of parents is to support the baby on this difficult path, suggesting how to learn and get more information.

  • development of motor skills. Offer outdoor games, gymnastic complexes;
  • speech. Talk and introduce new words and their image;
  • the formation of general knowledge about the world around. Show your baby variety through the main senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste;
  • development of mental abilities. Introduce the toddler to logic toys and simple ways to get information about objects.

Motor skills and physical form

A child in the 8th month of life needs additional exercises to strengthen the muscles of the body. Particular attention should be paid to the muscular corset that supports the spine, legs and fingers. Usually used morning exercises and 2-3 types of warm-up during the day.

To conduct a gymnastic complex, you must:

  • cheerful and cheerful mood of the crumbs;
  • after eating, at least 30 minutes should pass;
  • before sleep, day or night - about 30 minutes;
  • the temperature in the room should be no higher than 22 degrees.

The first active games contribute well to the development of motor skills. You can hide toys, roll the ball, ask to crawl for a certain object.

Speech development and fine motor skills

Speech and the ability to manipulate fingers are interconnected. By nature, it is laid down that the speech center of the brain is located next to the center of fine motor skills. When the fingers are stimulated, the area responsible for speech is activated. At the 8th month of life, it is worth starting to introduce exercises into the baby’s daily activities that stimulate the ability to work with fingers. The proposed games should correspond to the level of development and attract the little one. Do not rush things and do not be upset if the baby is unable to complete the proposed exercise, postpone it for several days or weeks. Keep the overall positive tone of the classes, do them with game elements. The most suitable exercises for the development of fine motor skills for a 7-month-old baby:

  • lift and serve toys laid out in front of a sitting or lying baby;
  • point your finger at a familiar object;
  • clap your hands, feel various materials and forms;
  • toys for the development of sensory skills (mats, bags, pillows, bodyboards, pyramids, cubes).

In addition to fine motor skills, the baby’s speech needs to replenish the “passive dictionary”. The most effective ways to help the little one learn and remember more words are:

  • dialogue using visual material. Show the object and name it, describe the color, shape, purpose;
  • card learning. The Doman technique contains a large number of various pictures adapted to the age of the child. Show 10 cards a day, naming the pictured item. After 7 days, make a complete replacement of the material for study, show familiar cards at the end of the lesson, 1-2 pieces each. at a time;
  • Reading books. To date, there are a large number of publications specially designed for babies, which allow in an accessible form to acquaint the baby with the outside world, to attract reading;
  • singing and poetry. The rhyme attracts the little one. Singing and reading children's poems stimulates the baby to select syllables according to sound, motivating the appearance of independent speech.

Knowledge of the world and mental abilities

The baby already understands a lot more than you might think. At the 8th month of life, you can start:

  • talk about objects and phenomena in a simple way. Use words familiar to the baby, direct word order, facial expressions and gestures;
  • to acquaint the little one with the world outside the home. Try to go for a walk outside not only during the baby's sleep. Walking in the park or near the playground, sit down the baby and talk about the objects around him;
  • start reading the first stories. "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok", "Ryaba Hen" and other folk tales expand the cognitive abilities of the baby;
  • during the game, name the color and shape of the object in the hands of the child;
  • invite the baby to touch different materials, voicing his feelings;
  • offer a small box for the game in which you can put toys. The kid will be happy to collect surrounding objects into it, after which, get them back;
  • purchase or make a developmental rug or soft business board. Games with small objects placed compactly on a small surface will give the little one more information about the external differences in objects.


The game library of the child at the 8th month of life continues to expand. It is good when the baby has the opportunity to play with different toys. Recommended purchase for home games:

  • Balls of various shapes. A large gymnastic ball for exercises, a light rubber ball for skating, small balls filled with noisy and luminous elements.
  • Hammers and pegs. In the eighth month of life, children really like to knock objects on the floor. Purchase a small mallet and a board with holes in which you can drive small pegs.
  • Pyramids of different sizes. If a month ago it was recommended to buy a pyramid with a cone-shaped base, now you can offer the baby to complicate the task. Get a pyramid with a straight base and show how to assemble the rings in order.
  • Inserts and sorters. Teach your child to pick shapes and sizes.
  • Rattles and squeakers. Good to expand your collection of rattles. Now they can be colorful, made in the form of animal figures.
  • Tumbler and Yula. Such toys develop spatial orientation well.
  • Cubes and constructors. Learn to build and destroy towers, connect different elements together.
  • Musical toys and instruments. You can buy a classic set in a children's store, but for the formation of hearing clarity, it is good to offer bells and a triangle from a music store.
  • Bath toys. Children on the 8th month of life enjoy bathing and playing in the water. Diversify your daily routine by playing with special rubber toys.
  • Animals and dolls. Boys and girls in the 8th month of life should have toys depicting living beings for gaming purposes. Such game material allows one to form not only the ability to play, but also to project the events seen on the dolls, consolidating the visual experience gained. With the help of your favorite doll or soft toy, it is easy to tell your baby about the world around him in a playful way.

What should alert at the 8th month of life

All children are individual. Everyone has their own speed of mastering skills, the appearance of basic skills, growth and weight gain. But there are situations that require increased attention and examination by specialists. Contact your local pediatrician immediately if your baby:

  • does not toss and turn and does not try to sit down;
  • during the game does not try to knock toys on the floor;
  • does not respond to loud and quiet sounds;
  • does not show tenderness to mom and dad;
  • does not ask for the hands of parents;
  • does not follow moving objects;
  • does not carry toys in the mouth;
  • does not rest with his feet, being in a vertical position;
  • does not try to train speech abilities. There is no babbling and cooing.


An 8-month-old baby requires increased attention not only from hygiene, care, development, but also from conscious actions in matters of safety. Recommended:

  • Check the child's activity area (crib, playpen, floor, etc.) for the absence of dangerous, sharp, poisonous objects. It is unacceptable to store chemicals, medicines in the field of view of a child. Everything that the baby sees before his eyes should be safe.
  • Purchase special plugs for sockets located in open and accessible places.
  • Cover sharp corners of furniture with a thick cloth or soft material.
  • Remove all small, breakable objects.

The safety of the child is paramount. Do not think that any item will not interest the little one or that he will not be able to open it. Skills appear very quickly, but in order to avoid trouble, you need to anticipate it.

Your baby is getting older and smarter every day. The peanut will soon go and speak. Try to take as many photos of your baby as possible, because he grows so fast. Before you know it, he will say, “Mom, I love you!”.

In this article:

Play is an integral and essential part of a child's life. In infants, the sense organs - hearing, sight, smell, touch, as well as motor skills are in their infancy. It is during the game that the baby will improve motor skills, learn about the world around him, develop speech, attention, intelligence. Games with a 6 month old baby should encourage him to take action. For 8-month-old babies, preparation for walking is important. By 10 months, you can already begin to master role-playing games.

The task of parents is not only to provide comfort to their baby, but also to contribute in every possible way to his psycho-emotional and physical development. Educational games and exercises will help them with this.

Features of the development of children 6-12 months

In children, neuropsychic and motor development are in direct relationship. The lag in motor skills causes a lag in mental development, as it limits the baby's ability to perceive the world around it and makes it difficult to actively manipulate objects. Therefore, games in the second half of the baby's life should contribute to both physical and mental development.

By the end of the second half of the year, the baby will learn to walk independently, navigate well in a familiar environment, and communicate with adults. He will have elements of active speech, he will sing songs and dance in a squat.

Organization of games for children in the 2nd half of the year:

  • The time of the games is selected taking into account the baby's regimen (wakeful period, after eating).
  • The obligatory interest of the child, if he does not want to perform some actions, turns away, is capricious - do not insist, postpone until a more suitable time.
  • Be guided by the principle - from simple to complex. Teach your baby to manipulate simple things: a spoon, a cup, a cube, a ball.
  • Positive emotional mood - the baby is able to distinguish your facial expressions and respond appropriately to it.

Development and play of children 6-7 months

Games and activities for 10-12 month old baby

In the tenth month, the baby is making clear progress - with the support of the hand, he walks, imitates some movements of adults, and partially understands the speech addressed to him. Educational games for children 10 months old are selected based on the skills already achieved.

You can play large puzzles with your child, consisting of 3-4 parts with fragments of animals. The kid will develop well while playing with children close in age.

How to play with a 10 month old baby? There are a large number of educational games for children, including those for a 10-month-old baby.

Educational toys for children 10-12 months:

  • Carts, wheelchairs in the form of animals and birds - movement coordination is being worked out.
  • Musical instruments - a toy piano or a xylophone - strengthen motor-visual coordination.
  • Toys imitating technical devices - telephone, tablet imitation of an adult conversation with sounds and gestures (elements of game activity).
  • Yula - like a carousel with animals.

Games with a 10-month-old baby are already meaningful. More recently, the baby, regardless of the purpose of the toy, acted in the same way - he knocked, waved, threw, now he rolls the car, cradles the doll, “speaks” on the phone.

How much to play with a child

It is possible to play with a 6-7-month-old child for 10-15 minutes. Due to their physiological characteristics, games with a 7-month-old child cannot last for a long time due to insufficient development of the infant's nervous system. An effective method of keeping the baby's interest in activities is the alternation of calm games with noisy, moving ones.

Games with a 9-month-old child can be played for up to half an hour, at this age the baby is able to independently play the game that interests him. Games with a child of 10 months and older resemble role-playing games.

Attentive parents will notice signs of baby fatigue and stop the game in time. Overexcitation is dangerous for the child's nervous system. Instead of joy and fun, you can get crying and hysteria.

The upbringing and development of a child is a creative process. Imagine, invent, invent, create. Even if you fill up the entire nursery with beautiful and expensive toys, but you yourself will not play with the baby, they will not do him any good.

With love and diligence, having made many toys with your own hands, studying and playing with the baby every free minute, you will give him the main thing - happiness and the joy of communicating with you. And even though now he is such a baby, the memory of your maternal warmth will warm him all his life.

Useful video about games with a 6 month old baby