How to make the holiday of February 23 interesting. Defender of the Fatherland Day: the history of the holiday, how to celebrate, congratulations. Morning physical exercise

With an understanding of the problem of the beautiful half on this winter day, I read today all the women's blogs that discussed the topic of celebrating February 23 in the office.

What was your strongest reading experience? How great and diverse is our country :-)!

I wanted to collect all the most interesting and accessible to perform, but soon I realized that the task is insanely difficult, as there are factors on which the entire success of the event depends:

  • the amount that women are willing to collect is very different (naturally, the region matters, and the status of the company itself). Judging by the comments, this is from 100 to 2000 rubles.
  • the ratio of women / men in the team (there are obvious distortions - 2/15 and vice versa)
  • the amount of time for congratulations (if only 20 minutes of a lunch break, what is there to start)
  • the venue of the holiday (do you also have 30 square centimeters among the working papers?)
  • the presence in the team of a creative person who is ready to take on the role of a leader (if everyone presses against the walls and nods at each other, it’s better to limit yourself to an official toast to men’s health)

Now I share my knowledge, advice and specific proposals for the residents of Moscow.

1. My selection of gifts for February 23

In the past, I worked as a personnel manager in a large holding, I was engaged in the selection of gifts for each holiday for the entire team.

The conclusion is this: everything must be ordered in one large online store with courier delivery to the office, convenient payment options and the possibility of receiving impressive discounts. We decided not to rush about and ordered everything in Ozone. Since then, I have had a restful and healthy sleep.

Affordable Unusual Gifts

For the seventh year in a row, I have been updating a selection of all sorts of interesting gifts for men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Something quite inexpensive and symbolic, something more expensive (it is quite possible to allow if there are few men in the team).

Personalized gifts with engraving, embossing or printing (personalized)

If it’s important to give a little thing that exists in a single copy, you can make a quick order on the website of individual personalized souvenirs. Just fill out the form with the name, surname or even a nickname in social networks, choose a gift. The courier will bring everything directly to the office. These are personalized flash drives, wallets, cool souvenirs, bottles, glasses, diaries, etc.

2. How to congratulate (9 options)

Choose the most suitable option, all programs can be held in the office, loft, cafe. There are programs for 2-3 hours (this can be arranged at the end of the working day), there are short ones - for 15-40 minutes. If it is impossible to distract all men from work at the same time, arrange master class zones.

1. Everyone cares (literally)

This is a cool master class (can be organized in a team building format), where all participants will learn to “catch the rhythm” with the help of percussion and bass drums.

It's loud, it's better to spend it in a separate office space.

There are still free presenters for congratulations on February 21, 2020 after 4 pm (if the office is inside the Moscow Ring Road).

2. Intellectual and entertaining team games

Intellectual games for February 23 are often ordered from us. Do not be afraid that at the end of the working day you will be forced to rack your brains for 2 hours in a row. These are entertainment events that can be held in the office or in a cafe right during the feast. Lovers of "What? Where? When?”, “Mafia”, “Guess the melody”. There are also programs for those with powerful intuition and moviegoers.

Here (I remind you, we are in Moscow). There are different levels of intelligence and humor, we will select individually.

If you want to think less and laugh more, . A party with 8 rounds based on entertainment TV programs.

3. Art parties

I tried to capture the essence of such an event in the title. This is not just a master class where each participant will paint a positive picture. The organizers tried to combine creativity with a full palette of bright emotions. It's fun, educational and very unique. You can combine the celebration of February 23 and March 8 together.

You can spend such a holiday in the office, loft, restaurant, bar. More about . Paint an overall corporate masterpiece, create a picture gallery for the office, or create custom paintings.

Drawing skills are not needed, you take the finished masterpiece home. Cost - from 1500 rubles. per participant.

5. Master classes that can be held in the office

The minimum order is 20,000 rubles. (up to 12 participants)
Participation in a master class of 20 people will cost the same amount if one master conducts, and the participants are divided into two groups (60 minutes for one group, 60 minutes for the second). If it is important that the master class be held simultaneously for all 20 people, the presence of another master is required. The cost will increase by 10,000 rubles.
Duration - 60-120 minutes (depending on the desire of the participants, the cost for 1-2 hours is the same).

If the company has from 20 to 500 employees, the cost will be calculated by an experienced manager, write to the mail the exact number of participants.

Painting with wine or coffee
tin soldiers
polygonal masks
flask decoration
painting t-shirts or baseball caps
donut decoration
drawing with chocolate on a chocolate bar (edible postcard)
the art of mobile photography

(there is a special men's grill menu)

6. Karaoke congratulations

A karaoke machine, microphones, catalogs and all the necessary equipment are brought to your office. The host will hold a cool party (you can start with military songs, end with even “White Roses”). Everything is very fun, especially if you choose a song program in advance. We have a leader with a song program (dances and competitions on request), with a complete set of equipment, sound, light, song catalogs.

Cost in Moscow - from 60,000 rubles. (presenter, sound engineer, set of equipment)

7. Portrait with wine

An artist comes into the office. She decorates herself with a beautiful workplace with glasses of wine and an easel. She draws from nature, in 2 hours she manages to make 12-15 portraits, the cost with departure inside the Moscow Ring Road is 25,000 rubles. The portrait will be A3 size, at the end it is pasted on a dense wine-colored substrate.

It looks like this:

8. Sand animation (art show as a congratulations)

An artist comes to the office with special equipment. This is a glass table with sand and other devices for creating a living postcard from sand paintings that follow each other to spectacular music.

Duration - 15 minutes. The cost in the morning and afternoon is 28,000 rubles, after 17 hours - 35,000 rubles (within the Moscow Ring Road).

9. Caricature from a photo (frame with glass, delivery by courier)

That's it, the result looks like this:

By the way, you can make a cartoon on your favorite car:

All men, without exception, must take part in the holiday dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, we offer you several ideas for show programs that are suitable for a real male celebration.

In the army

Most likely, some of the men in your team served in the army or even took part in hostilities. Your task is to evoke exclusively positive associations in them, but at the same time create and maintain the army spirit of your evening. Distribute caps to all the “ordinary” (in the absence of real ones, you can make them out of paper) and “Kalashnikov assault rifles” (toy pistols). Announce the start of the build. Men must remember the basics of drill training, get in line, execute the commands “Let me!”, “Attention!” and “Seats at the solemn celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day!”. After that, start the program. Congratulate the representatives of the stronger sex on the holiday on behalf of the entire female part of the team. The women's choir can perform a song specially adapted for your group. Then hold competitions of the day "soldiers". Assignments, of course, must be appropriate, military. For example, if conditions allow, you can hold a competition for the strongest soldier - who will pull himself up on his hands more times. Or, dividing the men into teams, arrange the game "Construction". It consists in the following: the host announces the criterion by which the participants must line up, and the speed teams perform the task. For example, the presenter can say: “Become taller!”, “Become the size of your feet!” or “In alphabetical order, stand!”. The turmoil in the "slender ranks" will be incredible. If you do not divide the participants into teams, then you can simply announce the number, and the men will immediately have to gather in groups in which there will be a named number of people.

Then arrange a target shooting competition. Hang a regular dartboard, but glue a painted image of the enemy (such as is usually hung in a shooting range) on top of it. Let the "soldiers" shoot darts or bullets from toy guns.

As you know, privates in the army not only shoot at targets, they also go to kitchen outfits. Therefore, give your participants a knife and a potato, and let them quickly peel it from the skin. Whoever wins gets the title of "The Most Economical Soldier".

At the end of the evening, be sure to congratulate all the “private” on the holiday, in honor of this, raise them in rank and give the command “March to the festive table!”.

On a pirate ship

Real men are found not only in the army. Pirates are also fearless, strong, dexterous and cunning. And the fact that they are engaged in a dangerous business only makes them even more attractive to women.

Arrange a festive evening on a pirate schooner. You can use paper as the main material for making props, just make it not for caps, but panama hats with fields, then paint them black, glue the pirate symbol - a skull with crossbones. Hand out hats to your "pirates". You can equip them with weapons (toy sabers or daggers) and bandages over one eye. On the stage, you need to hang a bell with a cord, and dress the presenter in a pirate costume.

To get everyone's attention and start the evening, ring the bell and shout: “Half! All hands on deck!" Then the newly-minted "pirates" should hear the "legend": somewhere in the ocean a ghost ship is floating, its holds are full of treasures. To get to them, you need to defeat the army of evil spirits that guards the ship. For sailing for jewelry, the leader, who is also Captain Joe, is recruiting a team of the most daring, most reckless and skillful pirates. And now the final selection will be held. In order to get into the team of Captain Joe, men will have to take part in various competitions and show themselves.

First test- for the love of the sea, because it is very important for a pirate. Participants compete in who will remember the most songs dedicated to the sea or the ocean. Let them take turns singing several lines, of course, it is impossible to repeat.

Second competition- knowledge of maritime affairs. Participants are asked questions related to sailors, pirates and their occupations. Tasks may sound like this.

1. What is the name of the kitchen and chefs on the ship? (Galley and cook.)

2. Do whales eat other fish? (No, they feed on small algae - plankton.)

3. Who would be the captain of the 1st rank on land? (Colonel.)

4. What is the largest shark? (White shark.)

5. What is the name of young and inexperienced sailors on the ship, and what is the name of the first mate? (Yoongi and XO.)

In the third test, dexterity is tested. It's called "Sea Knot". In advance, find some book on knitting knots and make blanks - pieces of rope. Participants receive two segments - one is already tied, and the other is not. Their task is to cope with the sea knot, and, on the contrary, tie the second piece of twine into a knot according to the hint picture.

There can be very, very many such contests, but remember that you should not overwork the "pirates" either. At the end of the holiday, Captain Joe must announce that all the "sea wolves" showed their best side and they all deserve to go on a treasure trove. Then the "pirates" receive their gifts, and the captain invites them to the table to drink for the upcoming adventure.

At the jousting tournament

For a woman, her man is the most courageous, devoted, strong and courageous warrior. Therefore, each of the representatives of the stronger sex can be called a knight. Hold a tournament among the "knights" of your team to find out who is the best among them.

The evening is led by the "king" and "queen" (or one of them). They announce the beginning of the competition and call the participating knights: they list all the men present, calling each "sir". Participants go on stage, they are given toy swords and "faithful horses" (the simplest toys - a horse's head on a stick).

First competition associated with the image of the Beautiful Lady, which should be in the heart of every knight. Sheets of paper are glued to the wall, the “knights” are blindfolded and given felt-tip pens. You need to draw a portrait of your beloved woman. The one with the drawing that looks more like the Beautiful Lady wins.

Second test reveal the most gallant and eloquent. To do this, you need to prepare several fruits (apples, pears, oranges or any other) and stick them with toothpicks to make some kind of "hedgehogs". Then the men, in turn, should say various compliments to their lady for a minute, after each word named, pulling out one toothpick with their teeth. The one who ends up with the most sticks drawn wins.

Third competition it can be musical: after all, a real gentleman must be able not only to fight for the honor of his beloved, but also to behave at balls. Let the "knights" choose ladies from the auditorium. Turn on something from the classics (waltz is better), let the couples spin in the dance, and the jury will choose the most beautiful and skillful duet.

And, finally, what is a jousting tournament without duels? This battle is not only strength and dexterity, but also intelligence, cunning, endurance and patience. On the floor, you need to draw a circle with a diameter of about 3 m. The “knights” will have to push each other out of this circle. The task is complicated by the fact that you can’t push with your hands, and men will move on one leg. The winner is the one who goes through all the levels of the competition and scores the most wins.

You can add other competitions, for example, a competition for the best poet (you need to come up with a quatrain with the given words: lady, love, honor, or others).

At the end of the tournament, declare the absolute winner, it becomes the man who won the most contests. The rest of the "knights" receive prizes in various categories: "the most charming", "the most imperturbable", "the most resourceful", etc.

In search of adventures

In a man, by nature, there is a desire for superiority, even if the achievement of this goal is associated with dangerous adventures and courageous deeds. Let your men test their readiness for extreme entertainment and unplanned adrenaline rushes.

The host announces that on the way to the main prize, the participants will face various tests that they must pass: these are wild animals, stormy rivers, and impenetrable swamps.

So the journey begins. The presenter comments on everything that happens: the participants left the house, walked the first kilometers, reached the forest, and suddenly ... Attention, there are predators ahead! On the way we met wild and obviously hungry tigers! Will the valiant adventurers cope with them? Darts with images of tigers glued to them are brought onto the stage. Participants receive darts. For three attempts, they must "kill the predator", that is, score the maximum number of points.

The players continue their dangerous path and approach the swamp. It is very difficult to cross it, but it is impossible to bypass it. Men receive two pieces of paper - these are "logs". You can take small boards instead of paper. Participants must cross the quagmire as quickly as possible, while only stepping on “logs”, that is, the task is to shift sheets of paper (or planks) forward as quickly as possible and step over them. The first man to reach the "land" wins.

Safe and sound, the “travelers” reached the mountain range, and now a stormy river appeared ahead. The mountain stream is shallow, but rushes with incredible force, so it will not be possible to ford it. On the shore, participants find a map of the path to the bridge. But it is torn into several pieces. Each player is given the same sets of puzzles - pieces of a cut card. It is necessary to add the initial picture from them as quickly as possible. The one who completes the task most quickly wins.

After these stages of the game, you can hold any number of other competitions related to overcoming various obstacles. Of course, the main prize, which the stubborn participants have been “following” for so long, is received by the one with the maximum number of points. This prize can be, for example, a bottle of good cognac, wine or whiskey. But do not forget about the rest of the players - let them get some symbolic gifts.

At the end of the competitive program, be sure to say that each of the men showed his best qualities, such as courage, resourcefulness, readiness for surprises. And wish them to remain the same, to be real men both in life and in the game.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a special holiday for all representatives of the stronger sex. On this day, congratulations and gifts are waiting not only for your relatives and friends, but also for work colleagues. Therefore, do not forget to pay special attention to spending February 23 at the office, and we will tell you how to do it right.


Gifts to colleagues for Defender of the Fatherland Day must be prepared in advance. You can prepare the same presents for everyone. For example, notebooks, pens, ties, books, purses, etc. You can also come up with unique gifts for each man. This option is more suitable for a small team where everyone knows each other well. In personal gifts, the main thing is to note the addictions of a person, so fishing tackle is suitable for one, and a computer game for another. The main thing is that everyone likes the gifts and meets the concept of the evening.


You can hold a buffet table in the office after the end of the working day, but this must be agreed with the management. You can also organize a gala dinner in a cafe or restaurant. Many prefer the second option, since you don’t have to cook anything at home and carry plates and bowls of food with you, and after the banquet you also clean up the traces of a fun celebration. If it’s not customary for your team to arrange magnificent feasts, you can get by with a bottle of champagne or good wine with sweets and fruits.


In holding February 23 at work, games and contests occupy a special place. Entertainment will help not only to have fun, but also to unite the team. Do not forget that all competitions should be varied and unobtrusive. Prepare also in advance small souvenirs that will serve as prizes in competitions. Sweets, toy cars, lighters, calendars, badges, etc. are perfect for this.

How to spend February 23 in the office: script

Holiday script for February 23 "I serve the Fatherland"

The holiday plan is as follows:

In order for February 23 to be successful at work and everyone likes it, take care of the little things:

  • warn all colleagues about the place and time of the event in advance;
  • allocate responsibilities among colleagues. Someone is preparing a buffet, someone is entertainment, and someone is gifts. At the same time, do not forget to coordinate everything with each other;
  • Decorate the venue with themed posters and balloons.

Now you will definitely be able to spend February 23 in the office in a fun, friendly and sincere atmosphere. And you will remember this corporate party with a smile for a long time to come.

The topic that makes women pretty worried at the very end of winter is, of course, not the upcoming sales, and not the renewal of the spring wardrobe, but Defender of the Fatherland Day, the Great Men's Day on February 23rd. The two main questions that beautiful ladies need to answer are: What to give and How to celebrate February 23?

Let's start with the second question. Let's celebrate the men's holiday brightly, unusually and in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time!

Option number 1. Celebrate February 23 mentally

Suitable for: friendly couples, and in general a family where traditions are honored. If you are in a hurry across the city to congratulate your father or grandfather, if you are striving to please your beloved husband, if you like to spend time with the whole family, then this option on February 23 is for you:

  • Of course, the traditional format of the holiday is home. A cleaned house, a laid table, gifts and congratulations are traditional elements, without which, however, there will be no holiday!
  • To add some variety to the traditional scenario is quite within the power of every hostess. Make a congratulation to the men of the family in advance on a huge sheet of drawing paper. Let it be poems, nice words, and maybe even pictures or photos from a family album? Involve children and younger relatives in this cause. In the morning, quietly, so as not to wake the men, fix this “wall newspaper” on the wall. Believe me, there is no such representative of the stronger sex who would remain indifferent to such a manifestation of feelings!
  • Introduce variety to the traditional set of dishes. Order a themed cake. For example, in the form of a tank or a soldier's helmet. And if one of the men at home is related to the Armed Forces, then you can choose the symbols of the desired military branches.
  • Bring morning breakfast to your husband in bed. Let a gift or a card with congratulations flaunt on the tray.
  • Do you have a cheerful and friendly family? Then arrange the quest "Hunting for gifts." Let the male half of the family bravely find their gifts, using the tips that you have compiled in advance. And let the very first clue be in the greeting card that is on the breakfast tray!

Option number 2. Extravagant February 23

Suitable for: young couples, as well as those who appreciate the thrill. Do you like to test yourself and fate? Do you like anything unusual? Please choose! This is how spicy lovers can celebrate February 23:

  1. Celebrate the holidays with an adventure together. It can be a gift at the same time. Get a certificate in advance for a parachute jump for two, or for an airplane flight. On February 23, without saying anything to your companion, smiling mysteriously, call a taxi and go to the place of adventure.
  2. Organize a field trip with friends or as a couple. Yes, it is winter and cold, but how nice it is to ski in such weather, play snow paintball or go through some exciting quest. Don't know which way to get down to business? It doesn't matter, contact any event agency. They will help you organize any event for any number of people. A non-trivial way to celebrate a holiday.
  3. Come up with a scenario for the day that would include something that you have never done before. Food you haven't tried, places you haven't been, events that have never happened to you. You will be surprised how many things there are and what a great day it will be!

Option number 3. Gentle holiday

Best for: Lovers of all ages. Yes, February 23 is a holiday for real men, but how does this fact interfere with love and romance?

  • Go for a walk during the day. Go to the theater or a concert. Yes, even to the stadium or to a lecture on popular mechanics. The main thing is that together.
  • Surprise your loved one. Do something out of the ordinary. For example, book a city tour for two. Or a tour of local coffee shops. It is not necessary to go to distant lands to have an unforgettable time.
  • An interesting option would be an ordered photo session. For example, in nature, or in historical surroundings and costumes. Fun pastime and great pictures for memory are guaranteed.
  • Book a table in a restaurant and spend a romantic evening together. Or serve home-cooked dinners at home. And then arrange a hot striptease for your beloved - let him remember this holiday for a long time!

Option number 4. Budget

There are different situations in life. But current problems are not at all a reason to abandon the holiday. How can you celebrate February 23 with minimal cost, but nice?

Each work team wants to bring maximum diversity and positive emotions to the day of February 23. Therefore, one of the most original scenarios for this holiday is the organization of a party with the awarding of men with an Oscar. It is important to do everything according to the rules. Lay down the red carpet in the morning and equip a couple of employees with cameras that will play the role of paparazzi. Then organize a buffet and come up with short numbers about the life of your enterprise. And closer to the end of the festival, gather all the men in the solemn room, where the announcement of the winners will take place.

Come up with comical and true-to-life nominations. For example, storekeepers and warehouse accountants can be nominated for the "Fighters of the Invisible Front" award, the system administrator is entitled to a statuette as "Home Front Worker", the best seller - "Consultant of all times and peoples", the award "For the Defense of the Fatherland" is suitable for a security guard, etc. .d. The director, of course, is supposed to give an Oscar for Courage. Figurines can be ordered in a souvenir shop, on which it is enough to stick stickers with the name of the nomination.

Army passions

For fans of the traditional celebration of February 23, you can come up with an equally exciting program. Since the celebration is held in honor of the defenders of the Fatherland, then the script must be sustained in the appropriate spirit. Entrust the preparation of the plot to the most creative and responsible employee. And the theme itself can be made in the style of a military parade, army exercises or even a military campaign.

For example, you can find a sample agenda on the Internet and print it out for each "draftee". This can be either a formal decision indicating the date and time of the fees, or a more friendly one with wishes. Thus, you get three in one at once - an unusual postcard, an invitation to a buffet table and intrigue for all the heroes of the occasion.

The delivery of such a summons in the office will look more colorful if the lovely employees change into the uniform of military postmen. Also, to maintain a common theme, you can prepare a wall newspaper in the style of a demobilization album, where all colleagues and their achievements will be indicated. The further plot can be planned as a buffet table in the form of a field kitchen or just a feast on the occasion of the victory of valiant fighters over enemy forces.

sports interest

An equally exciting option, how to celebrate February 23 at work, can be a trip to men's competitions. It can be karting, paintball, sport rally or ATV racing. The main thing is that it should be a competition in which every man will be able to show his brave character. Undoubtedly, before such a surprise, you should feed the heroes of the occasion by organizing a small buffet for them.