Why does a dog sneeze and snort, how to treat it? Snot in a dog is a common cold, or a sign of a serious illness

Many owners consider a dog’s nose to be an indicator of the pet’s health, and the slightest discharge from it indicates the development of pathology in the respiratory system. The owner may observe greenish discharge from the nose of his four-legged friend due to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis). The disease requires qualified help to avoid serious complications.

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Causes of purulent discharge

According to veterinary experts, The most common reasons for the discharge of purulent exudate from a dog’s nose are:

Veterinarians and experienced dog breeders in some cases consider hypothermia to be the cause of purulent nasal discharge. The provoking factor in the development of pathology is the body’s low resistance to pathogens and weakened immunity as a result of chronic diseases.

According to veterinarians, sinusitis is more common in dogs with a brachycephalic skull structure (bulldogs, pugs). This phenomenon is associated with the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. Shortened nasal passages are a favorable environment for the development of congestive and inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses.

Symptoms of sinusitis in dogs and other diseases

An irritating agent (microorganisms, poisons, foreign body, allergen) causes swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. The mucus produced by epithelial cells leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the maxillary sinuses, which is accompanied by inflammation and pain. An owner can suspect his four-legged friend has sinusitis if he knows the symptoms of the disease:

A sick pet loses its appetite. With sinusitis due to the inflammatory process, an increase in body temperature to 40 - 41C is observed.

Diagnosis of an animal

First of all, it is important for the owner to make sure that the cause of purulent nasal discharge in the pet is sinusitis, and not an infectious disease such as canine distemper. A viral infection, as a rule, is accompanied not only by symptoms of purulent sinusitis, but also by diarrhea, vomiting, and severe dehydration. If such a clinical picture is present, the owner should immediately seek qualified help.

After collecting an anamnesis and conducting a general clinical examination, the veterinary specialist prescribes a series of studies. First of all, a laboratory study of the washout from the nasal mucosa is carried out. Bacteriological analysis allows you to determine the causative agent of the infection and select the most effective antibacterial drug.

Clinical blood examination allows you to clarify the diagnosis. With sinusitis, leukocytosis and an increased content of lymphocytes are observed.

X-ray examination helps to reliably judge inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in an animal. X-rays are taken in frontal and lateral projections, the animal’s mouth should be open. In the image, an experienced veterinary radiologist will see areas of darkening, which indicate that the nasal sinuses are filled with purulent contents.

An X-ray examination will detect a foreign body in the nasal cavity, an anomaly in the development of the skull, neoplasms, and polyps.

Differential diagnosis is carried out primarily in relation to infectious diseases - canine distemper, adenovirus infection. Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, and neoplastic causes of sinusitis are excluded.

Treatment of pus from the nose in dogs

Treatment of the disease begins with the procedure of freeing the nasal cavity from crusts and exudate. For this purpose, the pet’s nose is treated with antiseptic solutions - Miramistin, chlorhexidine, furatsilin. Infusions of medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory and calming effects - calendula, chamomile, sage - are also suitable.

After the nose is freed from crusts and pus, the animal's sinuses are washed with saline. At home, it is convenient to use a syringe for the procedure. The use of medicinal drops, for example Anandin, has a good therapeutic effect.

The use of human drops with a vasoconstrictor effect, such as Naphthyzin and Sanorin, is prohibited for dogs. Such drugs dry out the mucous membrane and provoke even greater swelling. Traditional medicine uses propolis solution and sea buckthorn oil.

Inhalation has a good effect on a sick pet. For this purpose, essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree are used, or pine twigs are brewed. During the procedure, you must ensure that the steam is not too hot.

It is useful to use dry heat in the form of a Sollux lamp. Fabric bags with heated table salt can be applied to the bridge of the nose of a sick animal.

In addition to local effects on the source of inflammation, systemic use of antibacterial agents is indicated for sinusitis.

Antibiotics of the penicillin series, for example Bicillin-5, are highly effective in treating the disease. Cephalosporins, such as Ceftriaxone, are also used in veterinary practice. The drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose recommended by the attending physician. The duration of the course is at least 10 days. In advanced cases, antibacterial therapy is extended to 14–21 days.

In order to increase the body's defenses, the course of treatment includes immunomodulators, vitamins and mineral supplements. It is recommended that the diet be composed of easily digestible foods. Walking during treatment is reduced to avoid hypothermia.


To prevent such a nuisance in your pet as sinusitis, following the following recommendations from veterinary specialists will help:

  • Balanced diet. Adequate nutrition is the key to the formation of a strong animal’s immune system.
  • Protection against hypothermia. The pet should be kept in a warm, dry and draft-free room. It is unacceptable for your dog to inhale tobacco smoke.
  • Prevention of skull injuries and foreign objects entering the nasal passages.
  • Timely treatment of respiratory diseases (rhinitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia).
  • Competent treatment of allergies in animals.

Sinusitis in dogs is an inflammation involving the maxillary sinuses. There are many reasons for the pathology - from banal hypothermia to neoplastic processes. Purulent nasal discharge should be differentiated from infectious diseases - plague, adenovirus. Therapy is complex and includes local treatment and a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Useful video

For more information on the causes and treatment of runny nose in dogs, watch this video:

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If your dog has snot, it may have a cold or rhinitis. A dog may sneeze if it is allergic. A dog's nose is an indicator of health. The condition of your pet’s nose will determine how dangerous the disease is: dry, wet, presence of snot.

To help your dog get rid of a cold at home, you need to place it in a warm room, which should be free of drafts. You can give your dog warm water with a drop of honey in it. You can drip aloe juice and vitamin A solution into your nose.
Also, for a speedy recovery, you need to warm the dog’s nose with sand sewn into bags.

Green snot in a dog, treatment at home and causes

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A dog's nose is the main sign of health problems. Therefore, if the nose is not wet and cold, like a healthy dog, this should alert you. A dry, hot, and sometimes cracked nose should alert the owner - this is a symptom of the onset of the disease. True, a dog may have a warm nose during play or immediately after sleep. But still be observant in order to catch a possible disease in time. If your dog returns home with his nose stained with clay or soil, remove the dirt with a damp soft cloth.
Dogs also have a simple runny nose as a result of hypothermia and inhalation of irritating substances. The nasal passages of dogs are very narrow, they have a lot of folds, so medicine in the form of aerosols is more effective, but aerosols are unpleasant for dogs, so it is better to use children's drops for runny nose in liquid oil.
Avoid using vasoconstrictor ephedrine-like drugs such as Sanorin and Naphthyzin to treat a dog’s runny nose. It is very dangerous. Thick, greenish discharge from the nose, accompanied by the formation of thick crusts and roughening of the skin of the nasal mucosa, is often an indicator of plague. Especially if greenish purulent discharge from the eyes is also observed. It is clear that the help of a doctor is needed here. The resulting “crusts” can be removed by first softening them with petroleum jelly or glycerin. Remove secretions from the nasal passages using tightly twisted cotton wool flagella, also moistening them with Vaseline or glycerin.
Runny nose in dogs
In dogs, the most common causes of rhinitis as an independent disease are sudden cooling of the body, rapid transitions from heat to cold or vice versa. This type of rhinitis usually occurs in spring or autumn.

Freddy Krueger

Is your nose wet?

Natalia Grozenok

I treated with drops... there are special drops for dogs' noses

A Past And Future Secret

A veterinarian. And the sooner the better. A runny nose can be either rhinitis or a symptom of much more serious illnesses. Such, for example, as plague or adenovirus.

Did you take your temperature?

Khabibullina Natalia

What other symptoms does the dog have, temperature? Is she coughing? A runny nose can be a sign of adenovirus. There is also an assumption that something got into the nose, festered and now the process of rejection is underway. In any case, do not do anything on your own; it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Olga Zayarnova

Dogs very rarely have a runny nose just like that... More often it is plague or an adenovirus infection... don't wait and go to the vet.

There are many diseases in dogs whose symptoms include a runny nose, such as allergies or various tumors. The method of treating a runny nose depends on the specific cause of its occurrence. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis of the disease.


A dog's runny nose can indicate a serious illness. To establish a diagnosis and begin treatment, you need to analyze nasal discharge. If the discharge is clear, there may be a foreign object in the nasal passage; such discharge may also indicate an allergy. If the discharge is quite thick, the dog most likely has a respiratory infection.

Allergy treatment

The most common cause of runny nose in dogs is allergies to pollen, dust, chemicals, etc. Like people, dogs are often susceptible to such ailments. Additional evidence of an allergy can include discharge from the eyes, frequent sneezing and coughing, and itchy skin. To begin treatment of a runny nose in this case, it is necessary, first of all, to accurately identify the allergen and not allow the dog near it. For allergies, veterinarians often prescribe antihistamines, such as chlorpheniramine or diphenhydramine. Before using any medications, consult your veterinarian; their effectiveness depends on the specific case and the dog itself.

In some cases, your veterinarian may prescribe corticosteroid medications.

Treatment for infection

If the cause of a runny nose is a viral infection (cold), as indicated by yellow and thick nasal discharge, treatment with antibiotics is necessary. Infection in dogs can be fungal, viral or bacterial. Depending on its specific type, certain drugs are used.

If purulent discharge is present, a diagnosis of distemper may be made. This is a deadly disease that requires immediate treatment. It can also be treated with antibiotics, but other methods, such as fluid therapy, may be needed.

Pink nasal discharge indicates a fungal infection. It is difficult to treat because... reproduces very quickly. However, the use of antifungicides can help get rid of the disease.

The course of treatment for viral diseases lasts about 2 weeks, for fungal diseases – a month or more.

Foreign objects

A clear sign that a foreign object has entered the dog's nose is discharge from only one nostril. In addition, nosebleeds may indicate damage to the respiratory tract. Try to remove the object yourself, for example, using tweezers. If this fails, contact your veterinarian.

Surgical intervention

If your dog's runny nose is chronic and cannot be treated, it most likely has a tumor or polyps. In this case, the only treatment option is surgery.

How to treat a runny nose in a dog



We need to determine the cause, maybe it’s an allergy?

Maria Eremeeva

We washed it with furacelin, and also bought special drops from a pet store. Come there, they will advise you on drops for both the breed and the weight of the dog.
By the way, you don't have to worry too much because it's a common flower allergy in dogs. They feel spring earlier than people, so you can also buy some herbal allergy pills


Depending on the diagnosis.

Alenka Alenkina

Dogs don't have allergies!!! !

Most likely, it is a viral disease; there is no need to treat it like a runny nose, it should be a comprehensive treatment prescribed by a doctor


You can use baby drops, and furatsilin will do

Alexander Rura

if viral rhinitis, then rinse with furatsilin and antibiotics biomycin 25 mg/kg body weight for a course of 5 days

Pskov woman

Marianna wrote it correctly. This is most likely a viral infection (the so-called canine flu). Depending on the dog’s immunity, it occurs in varying degrees of severity. Last spring our whole group of dogs got sick. Someone sneezed for a couple of days, and some ended up on a drip... But as it turned out, this rubbish also creates complications... It’s better not to self-medicate, but to visit a veterinary clinic, I think...
I read about an allergy supplement... Then give the dog an antihistamine (such as Tavigil) and watch his nose. If the snot goes away, then your diagnosis is allergy... Look for the allergen... and eliminate...

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Fluffy Slipper

snot in dogs is most likely a sign of a viral disease, and not a runny nose... they don’t have a runny nose... so the sooner you see a doctor, the better for your dog!


Runny nose in dogs
In dogs, the most common causes of rhinitis as an independent disease are sudden cooling of the body, rapid transitions from heat to cold or vice versa. This type of rhinitis usually occurs in spring or autumn.
Rhinitis in dogs, as in cats, can occur after inhaling irritating substances or hot air, smoke during forests or other fires. And another reason for its appearance is when foreign bodies appear in the nasal cavity: spikelets or awns of plants.
A sick dog often sneezes, rubs its nose with its front paws, and licks its lips. Then nasal discharge appears, first liquid and transparent, then thick, and in infectious diseases - purulent. These secretions dry on the wings of the nose and form crusts.
If the discharge is profuse, the dog's breathing is labored and he wheezes. When complete blockage of the nasal openings occurs: the discharge from the nostrils and the crust on the wings of the nose dry out, the dog begins to breathe through the mouth.
With rhinitis as an independent disease, the dog’s general condition does not change, its appetite is normal.
There are two forms of rhinitis in dogs: acute and chronic. Acute rhinitis usually proceeds well and ends with recovery within five to seven days. However, if measures are not taken to eliminate the cause of the disease, acute rhinitis becomes chronic.
How long rhinitis that occurs as a complication of a disease will last depends on the course of this disease. A runny nose may not stop for months or even years.
Treatment of acute rhinitis. If there is heavy discharge from the nose, the nostrils are cleaned and the crusts are removed several times a day, after softening them with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. To prevent crusts from appearing, the circumference of the nasal openings is lubricated with Vaseline.
3 - 4 times a day for 10 - 15 minutes insert pieces of cotton wool moistened with fresh onion juice into the nostrils. The nose area is warmed with hot sand poured into a small bag 3-4 times a day, or an inhalation method of treatment is used: the dog inhales potato steam.
You can lubricate the nasal cavity several times a day with 1-2% menthol ointment or boric acid, 2 grams, with glycerin, 50 grams.
For irrigation of the nasal mucosa, a 0.5% tannin solution and a 1% soda solution are recommended. You can also carefully blow streptocide powder into your nose.
If you have a runny nose with thick discharge, wash your nose with boiled beetroot juice.
For chronic rhinitis, the treatment is the same. However, with this form of the disease, constant nasal discharge causes irritation of the skin and it becomes weeping. Therefore, it must be dried. A powder of white streptocide is recommended, which is used several times a day.
Infectious rhinitis is treated simultaneously with the underlying disease, 5-10 drops of galazolin are instilled into the nose, into each nostril.
To increase the body's defenses, general ultraviolet irradiation should be carried out. Thymogen is also used, once a day for ten days it is instilled into the nose: for cats 1 - 2 drops, for dogs - from 1 to 8 drops, depending on weight, for a dog weighing 9 - 10 kilograms - 2-3 drops.

How to treat a runny nose in a dog, please tell me..


La Mur

Anandin - intranasal, i.e. drip into the nose and eyes. If it doesn't help, then run to the vet.

selena mystery of the night

inject fosprenil and gamavit once a day, 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight. drip maxidin 0.015% or anandin into the nose. Lubricate your nose with oxolinic ointment. and solder with Vet 1.1.


First you need to eliminate the causes of rhinitis. it can occur due to inhalation of air containing dust, corrosive gases, mold, due to drafts, dampness and hypothermia, BUT it can also appear as a consequence of inadequate feeding, in particular vitamin deficiency. A.
and be a symptom of infectious diseases!!! and here we also need to treat the underlying disease!
well, to treat rhinitis, the nasal mucosa is irrigated with 0.25% novocaine solution, 2-3% boric acid solution, 3-5% baking soda solution, dogs can be instilled into the nostrils with 1% menthol solution in vegetable oil or fish oil.
if there is an increase in temperature, then antibiotics are prescribed, but in this case it is definitely better to consult a doctor.

A runny nose is a symptom that can indicate a variety of diseases in a dog.

Cause of runny nose in dogs

  1. If there are no other symptoms that can indicate a specific disease, then in the off-season, spring and autumn, the cause of a runny nose as an independent disease can be a sharp transition from a warm place to a cool place and vice versa, as well as hypothermia of the dog.
  2. Another cause of a runny nose may be the entry of a foreign substance into the dog’s nose that irritates the inner surface of the nose: smoke, dust, grass particles, pollen, etc.


  • The dog sneezes, often licks its nose, and tries to scratch it with its front paws. If at the same time she is quite active, as before, and she has not lost her appetite, you can track the onset of another, more serious illness by a runny nose.
  • Subsequently, nasal discharge appears: transparent and liquid or thick. This depends on the duration of the disease. If the dog does not receive timely treatment, this discharge can interfere with its breathing: it becomes heavy, the dog wheezes and breathes through its mouth.
  • Acute rhinitis can only be treated for a week. But if the disease is neglected, it can take months or even years to treat its chronic form.

To safely rid your dog of an acute runny nose, there are several methods of treatment and timely prevention of chronic rhinitis.

  • If the disease is advanced and the dog has already formed crusts on the nose as a result of discharge, then they need to be lubricated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide several times a day to soften them, and then cleaned. And to prevent the re-formation of crusts, it is better to lubricate the dog’s nose around the nostrils with Vaseline or other vegetable oil.
  • The nasal cavity can be lubricated several times a day with 1-2% menthol ointment, or use a product composed of a 1% soda solution and a 0.5% tannin solution. To treat rhinitis, streptocide powder is also used, which can be blown into the dog's nose. True, this must be done very carefully and carefully.
  • Another way to treat rhinitis is using onions. A small piece of cotton wool is dipped in onion juice, and this swab is inserted into the dog’s nostrils for 10-15 minutes. To get a positive effect, you need to do this 3-4 times a day.
  • If your dog has severe nasal discharge, you can try rinsing with beetroot infusion.

If your pet’s runny nose could not be cured in a short time (within a week), and it became chronic, then in parallel with the treatment it will be necessary to dry the skin of the nose, since it becomes irritated with constant discharge. This can be done using streptocide powder, sprinkling it on the dog’s nose several times a day.

The inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages in pets can be caused by a variety of reasons - from hypothermia to the appearance of polyps or malignant neoplasms.

Unlike humans, dogs tolerate even a slight runny nose with difficulty, which is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the olfactory organ. If a veterinarian has diagnosed your pet with rhinitis of a cold origin, then you can treat a sick dog at home.

Read in this article

Causes of runny nose in dogs, incl. in small breeds

Inflammation of the nasal cavity in animals can be an independent disease or be a secondary disease against the background of the main pathological process, such as infection. In veterinary practice, the causes that provoke rhinitis in furry patients include the following:

  • Hypothermia of the body. Long walks in damp and cold weather, leaving an animal in the rain in bad weather, keeping a dog on a cold floor, in a damp, drafty room - all this provokes a violation of heat exchange and hypothermia. Rhinitis, as a rule, is seasonal and manifests itself in the autumn-winter period.

A sharp temperature change can lead to a runny nose in a furry pet, for example, when swimming in a cold pond in hot weather.

  • Diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract. Rhinitis often accompanies illnesses such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, and bronchitis. Dental diseases and stomatitis can also lead to nasal discharge.
  • A more dangerous cause of rhinitis in dogs are infectious diseases - carnivores, adenovirus infection, parainfluenza. Viruses and bacteria penetrate the epithelial cells of the nasal mucosa and destroy them, causing inflammation.
  • Allergic reaction. The cause of a pet's nasal discharge may be allergies to food, household chemicals, medications, insecticides and medications, dust and pollen. An allergic reaction is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes, hyperemia, which leads to a runny nose in the animal. Rhinitis can also be caused by contact irritation of the delicate membrane of the nose with tobacco smoke or caustic vapors.
  • Foreign body in the nasal passage. Being by nature inquisitive creatures, dogs constantly sniff foreign objects. Small particles of earth, sand, pebbles, plant seeds, sawdust, and wood chips can injure the nasal mucosa and lead to inflammation.
  • Congenital anomalies of the nasal septum, trauma or consequences of surgery. Deformation of the cartilaginous tissue of the nasopharynx, jaw, and skull bones of various etiologies often lead to disruption of normal breathing.
  • Neoplasms. Polyps, benign and malignant tumors are similar in mechanism of action to a foreign object. Neoplasms block the nasal passages, compress blood vessels, causing hyperemia, swelling and inflammation.
  • Vitamin deficiencies. A deficiency in the diet of vitamins and mineral nutrients weakens the body's local cellular defense against pathogenic microbes. Vitamin A and ascorbic acid are especially important for the health of the epithelial tissues of the upper respiratory tract.

Owners of brachycephalic breeds should understand that the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the pet’s skull cause difficulty in normal breathing and the discharge of fluid from the nose. If a pug, bulldog, sharpei, bullmastiff or Pekingese lives in the house, household members should distinguish anatomically caused difficulty breathing from the pathological process of rhinitis.

Symptoms that should not be ignored

Runny nose in animals is recorded in acute and chronic forms. Depending on the nature of nasal discharge, rhinitis is divided into catarrhal, fibrous, hemorrhagic and follicular.

Veterinary experts advise drawing the attention of owners to the following clinical signs of an inflammatory process in the nasal cavity of a pet:

  • Lethargic, depressed, apathetic state. The animal is reluctant to go for a walk and does not show interest in exploring new objects or territory.
  • Appetite is usually reduced. The dog sniffs the food for a long time. Due to a decreased sense of smell, she is not even interested in treats.
  • Labored breathing. The owner observes whistling sounds during inhalation and exhalation. The pet breathes through its mouth for a long time, sniffles, and snorts. Shortness of breath is noted. The animal often sneezes, licks itself, rubs its nose with its paws, and itches against foreign objects.
  • Nasal discharge can be clear and liquid in the catarrhal form of the disease. As the pathology develops, the exudate becomes more viscous, thick, and viscous. Complication of the disease by pathogenic microorganisms is accompanied by catarrhal-purulent discharge from the nose.
  • Examination of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with a flashlight reveals its redness. In the follicular form of the disease, flat or round erosions are found.

Rhinoscopy allows you to identify the cause of a runny nose
  • Nasal discharge leads to hyperemia, cracking, and ulceration of the nasal mucosa. Crusts, wounds and cracks appear.
  • Due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the owner often observes nodules and swelling on the wings of the nose and upper lip of the dog.
  • If your pet's nasal congestion is severe, sleep is disturbed.
  • Regional lymph nodes are painful and swollen on palpation.
  • In some cases, the animal experiences an increase in body temperature.
  • With rhinitis, inflammation of the eyes is often observed.

In case of catarrhal inflammation, a runny nose may go away on its own in 7 to 10 days. Other forms of the disease necessarily require drug treatment. The croupous nature of the disease is characterized by a long course, up to a month.

How to cure a runny nose at home

If rhinitis is caused by a foreign object getting into the nasal passages, under no circumstances should you try to remove it yourself. An unprofessional approach can cause irreparable harm to your pet. Polyps and neoplasms are treated surgically.

If the cause of a runny nose is hypothermia or inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, the owner should take the following measures:

Immunomodulating drugs
  • If the inflammatory process is complicated by a bacterial infection, treatment will not be possible without the use of antimicrobial agents. A veterinarian should prescribe an antibiotic and its dosage. As a rule, broad-spectrum agents are used - penicillins, cephalosporins. For the fibrotic form of rhinitis, the use of sulfonamides, for example Sulfadimethoxine, is effective.

If rhinitis is of an allergic nature, antihistamines are used during exacerbation - Suprastin, Loratadine, Tavegil, etc. If the runny nose is secondary and caused by an infectious disease, then the veterinarian will prescribe treatment for the underlying ailment.

Drops for stuffy nose

Complex treatment of runny nose in animals is not complete without the use of nasal drops. They alleviate the pet’s condition by constricting blood vessels and have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. To treat rhinitis in dogs, veterinary drops should be used - Anandin, Maxidin.

From the arsenal of human remedies, only Pinosol - oil-based drops - is suitable for the furry patient. The nasal remedy is used 3-4 times a day, 2-3 drops in each nostril.

It is strictly forbidden to treat dogs with nasal drops from a human pharmacy - Naphthyzin, Sanorin, etc. These drugs greatly dry out the mucous membrane and worsen the situation.

A runny nose in four-legged pets is a cause for concern for the owner, since the cause of the illness can be not only hypothermia, but also a dangerous infection, such as canine distemper. Treatment involves eliminating the cause and therapeutic measures against the underlying disease. It is important for the owner to follow the veterinarian’s instructions - and then successful treatment of the pet is possible at home.

Useful video

For more information on the causes, symptoms and treatment of runny nose in dogs, watch this video: