Natural shampoos with their own hands. Natural ingredients for hair health Create your own shampoo

A self-made shampoo is a guarantee of 100% naturalness and benefits, a way to restore lost shine, volume and health to your hair.

Benefits of homemade shampoos

Not a single purchased shampoo is complete without chemicals in its composition. "Chemistry" is responsible for the long shelf life of shampoos, their pleasant smell, the ability to foam, not delaminate, and other properties. But often ready-made shampoo causes allergies, deterioration of the hair. Home remedies come to the rescue, which can be prepared from simple and affordable ingredients.

Shampoo, prepared by hand, has the following positive characteristics:

  1. Its active ingredients do not dissolve impurities, but attract them to themselves., bond with them. After rinsing, the impurities are removed with shampoo, while the hair structure remains intact. Some purchased shampoos, by dissolving the sebaceous secret, can damage the hair scales, so over time, the hair loses its health.
  2. Components, which are part of home shampoos, have nourishing and moisturizing properties, can improve hair growth and restore their damaged structure. At the same time, the scalp is nourished.
  3. Homemade shampoo is absolutely safe for hair and skin, so you can use it without restrictions and the risk of harming your health.
  4. Ease of manufacture: the preparation of homemade shampoo takes a minimum amount of time and products.
  5. Therapeutic effect: with the help of shampoo you can not only improve the condition of the hair, but also get rid of dandruff.
  6. low cost: when preparing shampoo, the simplest and most inexpensive components are used.

Main Ingredients

As the main ingredients, they use products that can be found in the house of every housewife:

  • Mustard- well washes away fat and other impurities, has an antiseptic effect, stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, gives hair shine.
  • Eggs– a valuable source of vitamins and nutrients; the yolk moisturizes the skin and hair, relieves irritation. When combined with water, the yolk lathers, so it is most often used as the basis for homemade shampoos.
  • Kefir- due to the content of lactic acid, it cleanses hair well from dirt, greasy deposits. Kefir is also a source of nutrients. After washing with kefir, the hair becomes soft, shiny, obedient.
  • Rye bread- cleanses, nourishes and strengthens the hair, gives it volume and shine, prevents the appearance of split ends.
  • Herbal decoctions- By selecting various medicinal herbs, you can fight dry or oily hair, get rid of dandruff.
  • Soda- has high cleansing properties, dissolves sebum, gives hair shine and softness.
  • cosmetic clay- good absorbent, thanks to the content of trace elements strengthens the hair structure. The choice of clay depends on the problems: black clay is used for oily hair, green clay for dandruff, white clay for thin, damaged hair, blue clay for split ends.
  • Gelatin- gives shine to hair, restores damaged structure.
  • Lemon- cleanses, eliminates fat content, has an antiseptic effect, fights dandruff.
  • Vodka, cognac- eliminate fat content, improve hair growth and strengthen roots by stimulating blood circulation.

Rules for preparation and use

  • When preparing egg shampoos, the yolk is more often used, since the protein can coagulate from the temperature of the hot water used to wash your hair.
  • It is better to mix the components with a blender or mixer so that the shampoo is without lumps and is better distributed through the hair.
  • Before each shampooing, a fresh shampoo is prepared, the prepared mixture is not stored.
  • Before using a new shampoo for the first time, it is recommended to perform a sensitivity test on the inside of the wrist. Allergies can be caused by honey, essential oils, medicinal herbs.
  • Shampoo is applied to the head with massage movements, carefully rubbed into the skin and hair. After even distribution, it must be left on the head for 5-10 minutes.
  • Wash off the shampoo with ordinary running water, at the end you can rinse your head with a decoction of medicinal herbs. With increased oily hair, oak bark, mint, calendula are used; with dry hair - chamomile, coltsfoot, oregano.
  • With a shampoo made according to one recipe, they wash their hair for no longer than one month. Many recipes allow you to select the composition depending on the condition of the hair and the presence of components.

Homemade Shampoo Recipes

For dry hair

  • Hair is washed with whipped chicken yolk without any additives.
  • Two yolks are beaten with 1 tbsp. l. ricin oil.
  • Beat 2 yolks, a tablespoon of honey and 1 tsp. burdock oil.

For oily hair

  • 3 art. l. strong oak broth (2 tbsp. Boil bark for 15 minutes in 500 ml of water, insist until completely cooled) combined with egg yolk and a tablespoon of aloe juice.
  • The egg is beaten with 1 tbsp. l. vodka and 2 tsp. baking soda. The composition is applied to the hair without strong rubbing, washed off with warm water.
  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard is diluted in 2 liters of warm water, hair is rinsed in mustard water for five minutes. Then the head is washed with a decoction of calendula, a little lemon juice can be added to the decoction.

For normal hair

  • Rye bread is cut into pieces, poured with hot water. When the bread softens, beat it together with water in a blender.
  • A tablespoon of gelatin is poured into 100 ml of water, left to swell. After 30 minutes, it is heated in a water bath so that the gelatin is completely dissolved, and whipped with egg yolk while warm.
  • In a blender, beat the banana pulp, yolk, juice of half a lemon.

From dandruff

  • The yolk is beaten with 1 tbsp. l. vodka, drip 2 drops of tea tree oil.
  • A piece of baby soap without additives is rubbed on a grater. A tablespoon of grated soap is poured into a glass (200 ml) of warm water, combined with a glass of pre-prepared infusion from a mixture of sage, yarrow and oak bark (medicinal raw materials are mixed in equal amounts, a tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused until cool, filtered) .
  • Beat the yolk with a tablespoon of lemon juice, drip 2 drops of essential oils: for dry dandruff - geranium and lavender, for oily - eucalyptus and rosemary.

Homemade shampoo recipes. You will get a homemade shampoo that lathers well and is great for everyday use.

Home Shampoo #1:

To do this, you will need half a banana, lemon and yolk. The banana must be peeled and the top layer of pulp removed, the rest thoroughly rubbed. Add the juice of half a lemon and one yolk to the resulting mixture. Shake a little, as a result you will get a homemade shampoo that lathers well and is great for everyday use.

Home Shampoo #2:

Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of mustard, 2 liters of warm water. We dilute mustard with water and wash my hair with the resulting solution. This homemade shampoo is especially good for oily hair.

Home Shampoo #3:

By rubbing the yolk into slightly damp hair, you not only wash your hair, but also do a little head massage, which improves blood circulation and activates your metabolism. If you have dry hair, you can add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the egg yolk.

Home Shampoo #4:

Steam 1 tablespoon of tansy with two glasses of boiling water, let it brew for about two hours. Strain the warm infusion and wash your hair well. This is a great natural remedy for dandruff. It can be used every two days.

Home Shampoo #5:

You can even prepare shampoo at home using ordinary nettles. Add 100 grams of nettle (dry or fresh) and half a liter of vinegar to a liter of water. Boil the resulting mixture for 30 minutes. Strain the broth and dilute it in water. Homemade shampoo is ready!

Home Shampoo #6:

Kefir, curdled milk or sour milk are also used to wash hair. With their help, a fatty film is created, which, covering the hair, protects it from the harmful effects of the environment. After washing, the hair can be rinsed with water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice.

Home Shampoo #7:

Hair can also be washed dry. To do this, apply potato starch to contaminated hair, whipping it with similar movements as in the washing process. After 10 minutes, dry your hair with a towel. With the help of a thick brush, starch residues are removed.

Home Shampoo #8:

Soften rye bread in hot water. Rub the resulting liquid porridge through a sieve and apply to hair, hold for about ten minutes, rinse thoroughly. Your hair will become not only thicker, but also shiny.

Home Shampoo #9:

Pour 50 grams of hot light beer with a mixture of herbs (in equal parts hop cones, birch leaves, calendula flowers, burdock root). Give a little brew. Strain the resulting mixture and apply to the hair.

Home Shampoo #10:

You can add a few drops of essential oil to your own shampoo. Your hair will absorb the fragrance and will be fragrant for a long time, seducing the men around you.

Home Shampoo #11:

Beat one egg with a decoction of nettle. This mixture is recommended to wash dry hair, this shampoo perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the hair.

Home Shampoo #12:

For weakened and damaged hair, use a mixture of 1 tablespoon of carrot juice and two yolks. Massage it into your hair, massage a little, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Home Shampoo #13:

Use white clay against hair loss. It must be diluted with warm water. Apply the resulting creamy mixture to wet hair, make a small massage, rinse hair well with water.

Home Shampoo #14:

You can add volume to your hair with the following recipe. 1 tablespoon of gelatin should be poured with water, left for 30-40 minutes until it swells. Warm up a little in a water bath, after the gelatin has dissolved, add the egg yolk to it. Apply to hair for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Homemade hair shampoos should not be stored for a long time, they should be used immediately after preparation.

Beautiful hair is a luxury that every woman can afford. published

You can not envy the owners of oily hair type. The only reason you can classify your hair as oily is the need to wash your hair daily or every other day.

In order to combat this problem, you should use a special shampoo for oily scalp.

Using only one cleansing shampoo for hair is not enough, you must also be able to properly wash your hair. According to experts, you should wash your hair as it gets dirty.

Yes, indeed, such a statement is correct, but certain rules should be followed:

  1. An effective shampoo for oily hair will have even more results if you wash it off with boiled, filtered or distilled water. If this is not possible, then at least rinse the strands with it.
  2. Rinse water should be acidified by adding a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of liquid. Or two tablespoons of tincture of chamomile flowers per 500 ml of water with a small addition of citric acid.
  3. An excellent result during the treatment of oily hair can be shown by a simple rinse with cold water, this blocks the release of oil by reducing the size of the pores.
  4. If your hair is very oily, and its ends are dry as a result of constant washing, try to apply shampoo only at the beginning of the hair, without rubbing it into the head.

When using a clarifying shampoo for oily hair, the water for rinsing it off should be warm, and if health allows, then completely cool. When using hot water, you will only stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands even more, increasing the oiliness of the hair.

When choosing which shampoo to wash oily hair with, it must be borne in mind that it should not only reduce the work of the sebaceous glands, but also block their subsequent appearance. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a therapeutic shampoo for oily hair containing natural herbal extracts, antibacterial components, vitamins C, K, A, as well as in the case of dandruff with the addition of zinc, sulfur and tar.

Should include extracts of sage, burdock root, coltsfoot, horsetail and nettle. When choosing a suitable detergent, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • if after several washing procedures, your hair begins to comb well, shines and is not greasy for a long time, then this shampoo for oily scalp is right for you;
  • do not forget to carefully study the composition of the detergent indicated on the vial;
  • in order to choose an effective shampoo for oily hair, use a sampler, this will help you not to waste money and not take up much space in the bathroom;
  • shampoo should be changed no more than once every two months, as with its constant use, the skin becomes addictive, as a result of which the effect may be lost.

Try making a homemade shampoo for oily hair, because there is nothing better than such a product. One of the simplest recipes is as follows: carefully beat three egg yolks with a whisk, after which we add 20 grams of cognac and mix - that's it, the hair wash is ready.

Pay attention to cosmetics that do not include aggressive substances in their composition, natural shampoo for oily hair should contain only natural elements that have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and tonic effects.

Homemade shampoo for oily hair, the recipes of which are given below, is no worse than the purchased version, and to some extent even better. After all, only natural ingredients are added to its composition, which refresh oily hair and strengthen the action at the root, giving a feeling of cleanliness for the whole day.

A shampoo recipe for oily hair can include a wide variety of ingredients. It remains only to choose the most suitable and simple option for your particular case.

mustard shampoo

Shampoo for very oily hair based on mustard is the fastest and easiest home-made shampoo. It can not only cope with pollution, but also strengthen the roots, enhance hair growth and give them volume. To prepare it, stir in two liters of boiled cooled water a tablespoon of mustard powder. For 5-7 minutes, you should wash your hair with this composition, then rinse well with water.

oak shampoo

A decoction of oak bark has long been used for oily scalp. This substance allows you to make your hair smooth and well-groomed, and you can use it both as a rinse and shampoo.

Homemade shampoo for oily hair based on oak bark is prepared as follows: we take four tablespoons of oak bark per liter of water. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. After cooling, the product is ready for use.

Rye shampoo

Natural shampoo for oily hair based on rye bread strengthens damaged follicles, removes pollution and restores damaged areas. Soak a piece of rye bread in ¼ cup of water, adding a tablespoon of mustard powder to it. Wash your hair with this product, rubbing it into the scalp. You can leave it on your hair for a while so that more nutrients are absorbed.

Corn and egg shampoos

To create corn shampoo, you will need to mix one teaspoon of sea salt with one tablespoon of table corn. We apply the dry composition to the roots, after which we wash it off with warm water.

Egg-based treatment shampoo for oily hair adds shine, making your hair silky and healthy. To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of cognac, four tablespoons of hop cones and three yolks. You can use such a tool not only in the form of a detergent, but also a nourishing mask.

Lemon and Clay Shampoo

To mix lemon shampoo, you will need an egg yolk, a teaspoon of almond oil and a tablespoon of vodka. Such a tool allows you not only to cope with oily hair, but also to give softness, shine and smoothness.

Clay shampoo is great for very oily hair. To create it, you will need to mix a tablespoon of horsetail decoction and two tablespoons of clay. Also daily masks with clay will be useful.

Dry shampoos for oily hair

Sure, shampoo recipes for oily hair are simple, but what if you're on the road? And to prepare such a tool is simply not possible? In this case, dry shampoo is suitable for you, which can be used in every place, wherever you are. After applying it to the hair, they must be slightly tousled with your fingers so that the substance is evenly distributed along the entire length, and then remove all excess with a comb.

You will immediately notice that all the fat has disappeared from your hair - it has been adsorbed, and your hair has gained volume and become more airy.

Hair, as an element of female beauty, needs constant care. The use of natural ingredients in the form of shampoos will make hair healthier and more beautiful. A home-made shampoo will give them a well-groomed look.

The main advantage of homemade shampoo is naturalness. Such shampoos do not contain parabens, silicone, preservatives, formaldehyde and surface active substances (surfactants). In addition to the main function - cleansing, these shampoos, due to the presence of useful, natural ingredients in them, nourish the scalp and hair.

Benefits of natural shampoos:

But when using them, you must adhere to certain inoculations:

  1. Due to the lack of preservatives, the maximum shelf life can be no more than a week, some only a few days. Preferably prepare before use.
  2. It is important to observe the storage temperature. The optimum temperature is 2-5 degrees.
  3. An allergy test must be done before use. Rub some on the back of the hand or elbow. Here the skin is softer, and the reaction will appear in a quarter of an hour. If there is no itching or redness, the composition is suitable for use.
  4. The components must match the hair.
  5. If the hair is poorly washed out, the result of use is not visible, change the product.

yeast shampoo

The use of yeast as masks is known. Yeast is widely used in the basis of homemade shampoo. Doing it yourself will not be difficult, because yeast is in any household. This component dissolves fat and has a beneficial effect.

For cooking you need: 25 g of yeast, eggs (2 pcs.), honey.

  1. Stir the yeast and honey, as the dough rises, add the eggs.
  2. Spread your head and hold for a quarter of an hour. If possible, put a plastic bag over your head. This will allow you to achieve a positive result as efficiently as possible.
  3. After application, to soften, rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Anti-dandruff shampoo with alcohol

Shampoo is prepared according to the following principle. It is necessary to steam several pieces of the pulp of black bread with water, wait until it swells. Instead of water, you can use decoctions of herbs: oak decoction, chamomile, burdock root.

After cooling, add 10 ml of alcohol. You can use herbal tinctures for alcohol: birch tincture, tincture of calendula or nettle. Rub the resulting mass on the hair and head. Hold for half an hour.

coffee shampoo

The recipe for coffee shampoo is quite simple. Mix coffee, egg, cognac (tincture of oak bark is allowed). Apply to hair and massage head, wrap in a plastic bag. Leave on for half an hour and wash off. Not recommended for light hair, will change color, give a dark shade. To soften, it is advisable to rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Shampoo with henna

Colorless henna, for those who do not want to change their hair color. It visually adds volume. It is necessary to dilute henna with kefir, herbal decoction of your choice. Apply the composition to the head and hair. Application up to half an hour is allowed. This shampoo is suitable for oily hair, it is prone to drying.

Homemade soap based shampoo

For shampoo, you need to take soap of natural production, baby, glycerin, or pharmacy soap mixtures. Add herbal infusions and / or oils to the soap. Steam the grass and insist. To prepare the base, rub the soap, add oil to the chips.

Mix the infusion and soap chips, hold until the soap chips dissolve. After using this shampoo, it is advisable to rinse your head with lemon or vinegar water. The term of use is about a week.

Shampoo with white clay

How to make homemade shampoo with white clay. It will take half a glass of clay and the same amount of warm water, mixing to reach the consistency of sour cream. This is the foundation. As a liquid for diluting clay, you can use herbal infusions of chamomile, birch, jasmine petals.

It is allowed to add aromatic or essential oils. Massage the scalp with the resulting composition. Leave for a while and wash. Soften by rinsing with lemon or vinegar water.

Soda-based composition

Due to its alkaline properties, soda will perfectly and effectively wash your hair, removing greasy film and accumulated dirt. For medium hair, a quarter cup is enough to dissolve in water. The soda solution should be about a glass. To dilute the soda powder, the use of herbal infusions is allowed.

In combination with oak extract, burdock root extract, chamomile decoction, this remedy, in addition to cleansing, will perform a nutritional function. Lubricate wet hair, massaging the roots to get rid of oiliness. Wash away. It is advisable to rinse with lemon water after use.

Shampoo with mustard for hair growth

Mustard Shampoo can be used as a hair mask to stimulate growth. This product is suitable for oily hair types. Dilute a third cup of mustard powder in half a liter of liquid. To dilute the powder, you can use herbal decoctions of birch leaves or buds, burdock root, chamomile, sage.

Add aloe juice (optional). Massage the solution into the skin, hair and wash. The fact of burning indicates an improvement in the blood circulation of the hair roots, respectively, growth is stimulated. Can be diluted to the density of sour cream, used as a solution. Rinse your hair with lemon or vinegar water after use.

Gelatin composition

This shampoo has no restrictions on the type of hair. Required: 2 tbsp. l. instant gelatin, herbs for infusion, honey, aloe juice (optional), oils, soap base or baby shampoo.
Steam the herb, strain, place the gelatin until it swells. Heat a little to dissolve. Add soap, honey and oils to the mixture. Rinse with lemon water after use.

Shampoo with yolk

Mix the yolk with liquid (1:1), lubricate the hair, lather and wash. The liquid can be replaced with infusions of herbs, but at the same time take into account the type of hair.

Tansy Shampoo

To do this, you need to prepare an infusion of tansy. Take one spoonful of flowers, steam (1 glass), soak for about 3 hours. Effectively brew in a thermos.
The infusion will cook faster and will be richer. Strain and use preferably after two days.

nettle shampoo

Similarly with other herbal shampoos, you first need to prepare a decoction: steam 30 g of dry grass with ½ liter of liquid. Insist, decant and pour 100 ml of vinegar. Ready to use.

banana shampoo

To get a banana shampoo, you need to: peel a banana, add an egg and lemon juice and bring to a smooth consistency. If desired, add drops of cosmetic oils, oil vitamins.
Apply the resulting composition, grind, hold for about half an hour. Wash and rinse with chamomile or nettle decoction, depending on the color of the hair.

Kefir shampoo

Kefir, with any percentage of fat content, dilute with water and wash your hair with this liquid. Rinse with lemon or vinegar water. It is allowed to add dark bread to kefir. Cooking will take about an hour. Mix the pulp of bread with kefir, leave to swell the bread. Beat the mass until smooth. Store for about a day, as bread in kefir will ferment.

Rye shampoo

Soak a piece of rye crumb in liquid. Insist until swelling. It will turn out gruel, it is better to strain it, the crumbs are hard to wash out. Spread the mass with the hair, rub. Leave for 10 minutes, wash. This is a way to get rid of dandruff.

Cooking with rye flour will take about half an hour. Pour warm milk or water solution of herbs. Let it swell. Strain the resulting mass. We get the so-called rye milk (infusion). It is used in this form, but it is allowed to add additional components: honey, lemon juice, aloe juice, oil vitamins.

Apply to wet hair. Ideally, put on a plastic bag and hold for up to half an hour, the hair will absorb nutrients. The composition is perfectly washed off. After application, to soften, rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Jasmine honey shampoo

Main property: moisturizes and nourishes the hair. It is prepared with soap. Grate soap (children's or pharmacy soap composition), add a decoction of jasmine petals and honey. Stir until soap chips dissolve. Apply on wet hair, massage and rinse. Storage for up to a week.

Composition with castor oil

Castor oil shampoo is designed to nourish dry hair. Soap based.
Dissolve grated soap in a decoction of herbs of your choice, add oil and an egg. Spread on a wet head, rub and wash.

Cognac shampoo

Cognac shampoo is suitable for oily hair, it eliminates unaesthetic shine. It is necessary to mix cognac and egg. Bring the ingredients to homogeneity, apply on a wet head, rub and wash.

Composition with oak bark

Oak bark, with constant use, will help eliminate dandruff. Pour the crushed bark with liquid, boil and boil for a quarter of an hour. Aromatic oils can be added to the decoction if desired.

Means to apply 2 months. It is worth considering that such a shampoo will give dark shades to blond hair.

Sour milk as a shampoo

Kefir is not the only fermented milk shampoo component that you can make yourself at home. Like kefir, there is always sour milk or curdled milk on the farm.

Lactic acids provide a protective film against the negative effects of the external environment. Apply milk to the hair, rub into the scalp, cover with a plastic bag. Soak for half an hour, wash and rinse with lemon water or vinegar water.

Decoction of soapwort as a shampoo

Soapweed is a herbaceous plant.
Due to the huge content in the root of substances called saponins, it has the ability to foam.

You can prepare several types of shampoo:

Dry shampoo with corn starch

Dry shampoo is a godsend for those who do not have time to wash their hair. Dry shampoo based on starch can easily cope with this task. It is necessary to sprinkle the hair with dry starch, beat and shake it, shake out the starch, if necessary, remove the residue with a dry towel. Comb your hair with a thick comb.

Shampoo with beneficial oils

Depending on the result, hair will suit: burdock, castor, sage, roses, jojoba, etc. It is necessary to mix the yolks, alcohol (vodka), an oil solution of sage and rose into a homogeneous mass.
The composition eliminates peeling and itching of the skin. Rub in, massage thoroughly and rinse off. Rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

beer shampoo

The secret of this remedy is simple. Moisten hair with beer and wash off after a few minutes. The components present in the composition of beer will nourish the skin.

Salt deep cleansing shampoo

An effective and inexpensive way of deep cleaning is ordinary salt. On average, 30 g is needed. Dilute salt in liquid or kefir. To dilute salt, you can use herbal decoctions of chamomile, nettle, calendula, birch. Moisten the hair with the resulting solution and massage the skin. Wash off with water, reuse is recommended after half a month.

birch shampoo

There are several options for how to make birch shampoo with your own hands at home. Birch leaves or birch buds are taken as the base component. Prepare the infusion according to the standard scheme and use every three days.

pomegranate shampoo

The product is suitable for oily hair, since pomegranate peels have an astringent, tannic effect. You will need: pour pomegranate peels (20 g) with liquid (1 liter), boil and cook for a quarter of an hour. You can brew pomegranate peels in a thermos and leave overnight. Cool, apply every three days.

How and in what way to make hair attractive will depend on a shampoo made at home with your own hands. The main thing is that the selected components are applicable to the type of hair and provide them with health and a spectacular look.

Video on how to make shampoo with your own hands at home

How to make shampoo at home:

We make shampoo with our own hands:

Taking care of our hair, we buy a wide variety of shampoos and care products, without thinking about how much chemistry they contain. Whatever the chemical compound, it is alien to our biological organism. Unlike them, homemade shampoo contains only natural ingredients.

In addition, a brand and good advertising are not always quality and efficiency. Homemade shampoos can be an alternative to a chemical liquid. There are many recipes for making shampoos with your own hands. Some give shine, others strength, others saturate the hair with color and nourish. And for their creation, only natural ingredients, such as herbs and oils, are used.

Without exception, all the shampoos that we see in stores and even in pharmacies contain the SLS compound (sodium laureate sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate). This cheap ingredient is able to wash the dirt from the hair, it helps the shampoo to spread and penetrate the hair. In its original form, this substance destroys organic tissues, including the structure of proteins that make up the hair and scalp. Undoubtedly, it is almost completely washed off, along with dirt particles stuck to it, with water. But a small part of it enters the skin, and then into the blood. Thus, chemistry accumulates in the body and can cause disease.

According to independent studies by Dr. Epstein's Anti-Cancer Coalition, many cosmetic ingredients are classified as dangerous toxins. Thus, the components contained in shampoos are very aggressive.

Almost all purchased shampoos contain up to 80% chemical compounds, as well as formalin preservatives and parabens. This can be easily verified by reading the composition of the shampoo on the package and paying attention to the expiration date. Expiration dates of 3, 5 or more years indicate the content of carcinogenic preservatives that can provoke irreversible processes in the body.

Our body is not designed for continuous chemical exposure. And let, natural shampoos with their own hands, will not be stored for long and take time to prepare, but the beneficial effect and effect are worth it.

Useful properties of homemade shampoo

In the manufacture of homemade shampoos, only natural ingredients are used. So they are environmentally friendly and natural for our body and the environment. They do not use any chemicals, which contributes to a healthy and beautiful appearance of the hair. Making shampoo with our own hands, we can be sure that it consists exclusively of those substances that are acceptable for us. As a rule, all the ingredients for home shampoo are affordable and can be found in every housewife in the house, which allows us to experiment.

Absolutely every girl can use homemade shampoos. Such care will transform the hair and make it strong and healthy, enriching it with useful substances. In addition to the beneficial properties, homemade shampoos perfectly cleanse the hair and scalp from impurities.

Do-it-yourself shampoo cannot be stored for a long time, but this is not a problem, since making shampoo at home is very simple, it does not take much time. And the benefit from it will not be small. Hair will rest from chemistry and remain healthy and strong for a long time. Weakened and lifeless hair will acquire natural energy.

Home shampoo should match the type of hair and scalp. For dyed, weakened, dull, dry, there should be a shampoo that is significantly different from shampoo for normal hair.

Home shampoo should be made in small quantities (for two, maximum three applications, but one is better). It does not contain preservatives, and therefore cannot be stored for a long time. Over time, the beneficial properties of the shampoo are gradually lost.

Homemade Shampoo Recipes for Different Hair Types

Before you make your own shampoo, determine the type of your hair (dry, oily, normal, dry at the tips and oily at the roots, colored or damaged).

If you find dandruff, then you should prepare a dandruff shampoo with your own hands. To do this, dissolve a drop of rose oil and 5 drops of sage essential oil in a teaspoon of medical alcohol. Pour this mixture into 2 beaten egg yolks. Shampoo, which is not inferior to the healing and washing properties of the best store samples, is ready! It is applied in the same way as a regular shampoo.

Shampoo made from bread and kefir will help weak and damaged hair. Pour 100 g of kefir with 100 g of black bread, crushed into small pieces. Leave in a warm place for a couple of hours. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer. Rinse your hair with it. Store in a cool place for no more than a day.

This mustard shampoo is suitable for all types of hair. Mix a large spoonful of mustard with yolk, add two tablespoons of strong tea. Mix well. Apply for 20 minutes. Wash off with plenty of water. This procedure helps to accelerate hair growth. Shampoo can be stored for no more than three days in a sealed container in a cool place.

Nourish and will shampoo from honey and jasmine. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of regular shampoo with a tablespoon of decoction of jasmine petals. Add a tablespoon of honey. Apply to hair, massage a little and rinse. You can store no more than a month in a dark, not warm place.

Shampoo for all types of hair from white clay will relieve hair loss. Mix 100 g of warm water with 50 g of white clay, until you get a non-liquid and not too thick mass. Apply to hair and massage well. Wash off with warm water. Store no more than two weeks in a closed container.

Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in hot water. Add cold water until a comfortable temperature is reached. Apply the solution to damp hair and massage, distributing along the entire length. Rinse and rinse with acidified water. This solution is great for washing hair.

Choose base and essential oils, and herbs for decoctions, depending on the type of your hair. Universal oils are considered: and grape seed oil. Of the essential oils, these are oils of needles, rose, tea tree, lemon, ylang-ylang, geranium, orange and bergamot. From herbs - sage.

For dry hair, jojoba oil. Essential oils - oils of rosemary, myrrh, rose, lavender and jasmine. Herbs - coltsfoot, lavender.

For oily hair, grape seed oil and almond oil. Essential oils: mint, cypress, cedar, grapefruit and basil. Herbs: thyme, mint and burdock.

How to make dry shampoo at home

There is such an alternative to washing hair as "dry cleaning". For example, on the road there is no way to wash your hair with water. Many manufacturers offer dry shampoos. But you can make dry shampoo with your own hands. Remember that this shampoo is perfect for oily hair.

Orris root has an excellent ability to absorb fat. Use it to make dry (solid) shampoo at home. Grind violet root to a powder. Divide your hair into sections and rub this powder into the hair roots. Then comb your hair. Try to comb the powder out of your hair. Also, instead of violet root, you can use almond powder, oatmeal, potato starch or white fuller's clay.

In this way, we can clean and revitalize our hair, as well as contribute to environmental protection, without using chemicals that, along with water, enter the sewer, and then into the soil and water bodies. We also protect our body from harmful chemical effects.

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