Carnival history. Brazilian carnivals and carnival in rio de janeiro

Once a year in some countries of the world come special days- bright, magical, and a little crazy carnivals. Some of them, such as the Brazilian carnival or the Spanish bull run, are well known to everyone; others you may never have heard of. And if you like to “fire up”, then we present to your attention the 20 most inimitable and large-scale festivals from around the world.

1. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

February 28 - March 4 Like Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Carnival in Venice, Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a non-stop party, only in Brazilian style, which is an endless parade of samba and colorful costumes.

2. Oktoberfest - Munich, Germany

The second half of September - the first weekend of October Although there are various, smaller analogues of this festival around the world, the Munich traditional event is the largest beer festival in the world. In 2013, over $96,178,668 of beer was sold.

3. Snow and Ice Festival - Harbin, China

January 5 - February 5 The Harbin International Festival is the largest snow and ice event in the world, featuring 3m high snow sculptures and buildings life size made from giant ice blocks.

4. Holi is a festival celebrated by Hindus around the world.

On March 27, Holi, also known as the Festival of Colors, marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The holiday is filled with unrestrained fun and freedom. Just don't forget to bring your own paint.

5. Cascamorros - Base, Spain

September 6 Every year, hundreds of Spaniards are smeared special oil to act out the kidnapping of the statue of the Blessed Virgin that took place 500 years ago. After everyone is covered with oil, the performance, which is extraordinary in its scale, starts.

6. Venice, Italy

February 14 - March 4 Carnevale, or Carnival is a traditional event held in Venice since the 13th century. People from all over flocked to Italy to receive direct involvement in a costume show - probably one of the most grandiose on the planet.

7. Up Helly Aa Fire - Lerwick, Scotland

The last Tuesday of January This is the largest Viking fire festival in Europe, culminating in the burning of a real Viking ship. Why words - it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.

8. Tomorrowland - Boom, Belgium

June 27 - June 29 We present to your attention the world's largest electronic music festival. Every year 100,000 tourists flock to Belgium to dance the night and day.

9. Mardi Gras - New Orleans

The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, March 4th In a way, this festival's reputation speaks for itself - if you want to rock like last time live on Earth, then welcome to New Orleans.

10. La Tomatina - Bunol, Spain

Last Wednesday of August This crazy as it may seem at first glance, the festival is held every year solely for pleasure, which means this festival is not associated with any ancient traditions. In 1945, a few locals began to simply throw fruits and vegetables - from that moment on, the tradition of the "tomato" battle came into force.

11. International Balloon Festival - Albuquerque, New Mexico

October 5 – October 13 This is the largest balloons festival held in the city of Albuquerque.

12. Cooper Hill Cheese Race - Gloucester, England

May 26th If you want to see hundreds of men chasing a head of cheese rolling down a mountainside, then you're in luck - you can not only watch this spectacle, but also take part in the Cooperschild Cheese Race.

13. Coachella - Indio, California

April 11 - April 20 Every year, this festival is attended by a huge number of stars, including the biggest celebrities in Hollywood. In addition, you can set up a whole campground in the desert.

14. Day of the Dead - Mexico

November 1 This festival takes place on All Saints' Day and is dedicated to the memory of the dead. A colorful parade of costumes and local culture awaits those who come to it. Similar Mexican festivals are held all over the world, but some of the largest take place in Mexico and Los Angeles.

15. Ensierro (Running Bulls) - Pamplana, Spain

July 6 - July 14 Let's be honest, who doesn't like to watch people play dumb? The running of the bulls is a time-honored tradition that guarantees an adrenaline rush, whether you are a spectator or a participant.

16. Songkran Water Festival of Purity - Chiang Mai, Taiwan

April 13 - April 15 These are the water fights you've always dreamed of. So get your water pistols, balloons and water bottles ready and head to Taiwan for a wet and wild adventure yourself.

17. Burning Man - Black Rock, Nevada

August 25 - September 1 This is an event where people are freed from all the conventions imposed by society. If you are tired of the routine of everyday life and can hang out for 8 days on end, then you have a direct road to the deserts of Nevada.

18. Oil wrestling tournament in Kirpinar - Edirne, Türkiye

June 29 – July 5 Covered olive oil brave guys find out which of them is stronger - that, it seems, is all that this event represents.

19. Sky Lantern Festival - Pingxi, Taiwan

February 23 Watch the sky light up with thousands of lights during the world's largest sky lantern festival. If you're looking for a little magic, then there's nothing more fantastic than a sky sparkling with thousands of floating lanterns.

20. Glastonbury - Glastonbury, England

June 25 - June 29 In addition to great music, the festival invites you to overcome puddles of mud while you and your friends pitch tents. Glastonbury is a dirty, deafening and unbridled festival, the way any rock concert should be.

Carnival is an enchanting spectacle, an exciting atmosphere and seething fun. By the way, the word “carnival” itself is a derivative of “carne” and “vale”, which means farewell to meat. After all, the first carnivals were held on the eve of Lent.

In today's selection, we offer a look at the most famous carnivals in the world. By the way, they all take place in winter, destroying the idea that the cold months are created for boredom and despondency.

5. Carnival in New Orleans, USA

Carnival traditions were brought to this American city in the 19th century by French students. The holiday quickly took root and became an annual event. A notable feature of the carnival procession in New Orleans is the custom of throwing beads, toys and coins from decorated platforms into the crowd. For luck, you should immediately step on the thrown trifle with your heel, so a real crush begins in the crowd. Well, the main trophy is a coconut thrown from the cortege.

4. Carnival in Nice, France

The first carnival was held in this coastal city in 1294. Most bright moments holiday is a parade of flowers and a parade of light. Carnival in Nice is famous for its fireworks, which the carnival communities spare no expense for. The national festivities last for 15 days. By the way, the entrance to Place General Masenna, where the main shows take place, is free only for spectators in carnival costumes, the rest have to pay 40 euros.

3. Carnival in Cologne, Germany

Carnival takes place in February, but preparations for it begin much earlier. Every year on November 11 at 11:00 and 11 minutes, "carnival meetings" begin their work. They approve the program of the future holiday. Well, during the carnival, solid and a little phlegmatic Germans suddenly change beyond recognition. The culmination of the holiday is Pink Monday. On this day, a festive procession passes through the streets, during which it is customary to present papier-mâché figurines mocking politicians to the public.

2. Venice Carnival, Italy

The beginning of the carnival falls on "Fat Tuesday" - Catholic Shrove Tuesday. The first mention of the Venetian carnival dates back to 1094. While the carnival lasts, 30,000 people come to Venice every day. The total number of tourists reaches half a million. The most famous tradition of the carnival is the Venetian masks - they have become a real symbol of the city on the water.

1. Carnival in Rio, Brazil

Brazilian carnival - the most famous in the world. He passes in recent weeks February - in the midst of the South American summer. The carnival in Rio lasts 4 days, and more than a million tourists come to see it every year. Festivities with dances, fireworks and songs are held throughout the country. The most spectacular event of the carnival is the parade of Samba schools. Colorful carts and dancers in beautiful costumes make their way along the 600-meter "sambadrome" to the music. The result of the procession is the choice of the best Brazilian Samba school.

Extravagant and luxurious costumes, giant chariots, colorful processions, breathtaking performances: this is all the period of carnivals! In the heat and cold for several days or even months, you can get acquainted with the beliefs and traditions of each country. Some have been preparing for the event all year long!
An extraordinary festive Universe, no carnival is like another. All generations unite and have fun under a single slogan: indulge in joy!

Carnival in Basel

Starting on February 23, the Swiss city is filled with the sound of flutes and masks of passers-by walking the streets, absorbed in shopping, visiting bars, restaurants and everything that is open on this day. Music comes from all corners and it is impossible to find time for a break. Carnival in Basel is the largest popular festival in Switzerland, where about 20,000 people parade in costume.

Carnival in Binche

Like the Oruro Carnival, the Binche Carnival is known as a UNESCO Masterpiece of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity. It lasts 2 months, but during the 3 busiest days (each of which has its own theme), Gilly and other folklore characters such as Pierrot, Harlequin and the peasant dance to the sounds of trumpets and drums.

Carnival in Dunkirk

It originated among sailors who, before setting off to sea, gathered together to have fun and get rid of the fear of the disastrous seas washing Iceland. But during the Second World War, this custom was transformed into a festive and nationwide carnival. Each participant is an "actor" of the carnival and he must dance and sing along with his neighbors from his "gang".

Carnival in New Orleans

Right before Lent, Louisiana dresses up in purple, gold, and green. Purple symbolizes justice, gold - power, green - symbolizes faith. At the carnival, they eat the famous Royal biscuit, defile, dance or throw various kinds of trinkets into the crowd: beads, cups and even coins. Abolished at the time of colonization, it has been celebrated again since 1699 thanks to the explorer René-Robert Cavelier.

Carnival in Lisbon

Inspired by the Rio Carnival, the Lisbon Festival is all about parading through the streets, eating and having fun. Thousands of people from all over the world, imbued with the Brazilian spirit, gather to the rhythms of samba in Rossio Square every year to have fun before Lent.

Carnival in Nice

The most grandiose carnival in France, unfolding in winter for 2 weeks. This holiday has more symbolic meaning in the Niçoise calendar and is known for its "flower battle". During the festival, spectators are showered with mimosas, lilies and daisies. About 20 giant chariots drive through the streets along the seashore and bring joy to millions of spectators.

Carnival in Quebec

The largest winter carnival in the world takes place before Lent from mid-January to early February. Every year, the same traditions: the construction of an ice palace (about 300 tons), a snow bath, canoe races on ice ... more than a million people unite from year to year around the symbol of the holiday - the snowman.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

The most important festival in the world. To have fun before Lent, Rio de Janeiro transforms in 4 days into a picturesque anthill strewn with sparkles. About 3,000 people defile and sing in chorus the words from the samba-enredo song. Participants try not to make mistakes in their movements so that their dance school wins the title of carnival champion.

Carnival in Venice

This is the oldest carnival. It originates in the Middle Ages. On the occasion of the holiday, the participants put on make-up in order to destroy the conventions between social strata and contradictions during the period of Great Lent. Today, times have changed, but traditions are still symbolic for the people of Venice. At the end of the carnival, the most beautiful suit who has the honor of opening the next ball.

Carnival in Oruro

Known in the capital of Bolivia, this carnival is held in honor of the Uru people, the indigenous people who were desperate to save their territory and preserve their way of life. Listed by UNESCO as a World Masterpiece of the Oral and Spiritual Heritage of Humanity. Around 30,000 dancers and 10,000 musicians bring the streets to life, dancing and playing to a frenetic pace.

The period of carnivals, the so-called fifth season, is characterized by the fact that in the venerable old woman Europe everything turns upside down. At this time, it is customary to have fun and have fun on a grand scale, since after great post when it is impossible to do this in religious Europe and Latin America. Today we will tell you about the schedule of carnivals taking place in the world, briefly describing the action unfolding there. Preliminary preparations for the festive extravaganza last, as a rule, no shorter than six months: the king or queen of this year, the plenipotentiaries of the holiday are elected, bright theatrical costumes are sewn, exhausting rehearsals of theatrical performances are held, and carnival societies are created.

Let's start with the classics of the genre - - the oldest of all currently active. The theme of the Italian carnival changes annually, but every time from mid-February to early March, the famous one turns into a huge water theatrical venue: music, costume balls, processions, street theater performances are everywhere. An invariable element of the holiday is colorful Venetian masks, you can see them both on the faces of artists, and on ordinary residents and guests of the city, who take part in fun performances with pleasure. The tradition of putting on masks during the carnival period is centuries-old, and it has been rooted since the time of the division of people into classes: when the poor dreamed of being equal with the rich, it was at this time that people began to hide their faces so that the difference in position was erased, and the people could plunge into many days of reckless fun . For travelers who dream of visiting the carnivals of the world, it is worth remembering that during this period, accommodation prices skyrocket, at this time there are no discounts and special offers.

The irresistible energy of fun strikes the carnival of the Portuguese island of Madeira. The festival called "Festa dos Compadres" marks the opening of the carnival, and, according to a fifty-year tradition, is held in the city of Santana. The holiday is very original: groups of very funny giant figures pass through the streets of the city, they walk to cheerful music, everyone around dances and sings, people eat and have fun. The meaning of the holiday is that “Compadres and Comadres”, guilty of treason and other sins, are presented to the audience court. In the end, they are solemnly burned, which causes a very violent merriment of the assembled people. Here you can not only have fun from the heart, but also taste the wonderful examples of Madeira gastronomy, as well as participate in a variety of entertainment. In the capital of Madeira, Funchal, incendiary carnival processions are held, in which, dressed up in the appropriate costume, anyone can take part. Knowing the schedule of the carnivals of the world allows you to get not only to the carnival itself, but also, having arrived a little earlier, to get to all the festivities that precede the deafening finale.

Next on the list of our world carnivals is the carnival in Cologne, Germany. Every year, the festivities begin on Thursday, nicknamed "Indian Thursday". By the way, we deliberately do not write the dates of carnivals, as they change every year, which is associated with a change in the date of Easter. So, on "Indian Day", local women and guests of the country go to storm the city hall, and on their way, they cut off the ties of all the men they come across. Cologne residents familiar with this tradition buy special paper ties. For the next few days, people walk in eateries, right up to “pink Monday”, when the actual carnival itself begins. On this day, giant puppets in costumes, often resembling famous politicians, dance and have fun on huge platforms, throwing heaps of sweets into the crowd of onlookers. On Wednesday, residents of the city and spectators-travelers burn a huge effigy of straw, and in restaurants and cafes everyone is treated to fish dishes.

Next on the world's carnival schedule is the Belgian carnival in the medieval town of Binch, in the French-speaking region of Wallonia. Despite the fact that the Belgians themselves do not consider the Binchevsky carnival a holiday, in Europe it is the second in its splendor after the Venetian carnival. All three days the streets of Binchevo are so filled with people having fun that sometimes it is difficult to raise your hand in the crowd. The first day is marked by processions of mummers, vying with each other demonstrating to the audience their holiday costumes. The second day is fun for young people who come to celebrate the day of student solidarity. The third day is dedicated to the zhills - pagan characters in colorful costumes, decorated with red and black lions, with our bells everywhere. They sing, stomp to the beat of the music with their wooden shoes, lead round dances, dance a farewell dance. At the end, orange fights begin, and sweet orange kernels fly into different sides. But the Gilles are not afraid, because their suits are stuffed with straw.

In the Netherlands Carnival processions are held in the southern part of the country. The largest takes place in the city of Maastricht, lasts three days, although the daring locals and guests of the country celebrate it for at least a week. The beginning of the Carnival is the moment when the mayor symbolically handed over the city keys to the Prince of Carnival, and with them the power over the city, passing at that moment to him and his entourage, the time of the Kingdom of Fools begins. Broken merry fellows move from one pub to another, praising their Prince of Carnival with three times: "Alaaf!" Therefore, if you are not averse to drinking, singing and dancing in a bright colorful outfit, then after studying the carnival schedule for this year, you should come to Holland and have fun!

Now let's talk about the carnival in Nice - grandiose and colorful processions passing day and night, with the participation of many musicians, dancers from all over the world. Every year the carnival is dedicated to new topic. One of the essential components of the Carnival is the Flower Fights on the Promenade des Anglais, when elegant beauties throw beautiful flowers from the carnival carts to the curious public: mimosas, gerberas, lilies ... During the carnival, special spray cans are sold everywhere, in which rubber a mixture that is customary to water each other - "hang noodles on the ears." It is worth coming to this enchanting event, for two and a half weeks you will live in the rhythm of constant delight and joy, forgetting about the harsh Russian winter on a wonderful and sunny Cote d'Azur France!

Carnival is held on the same scale in the Canary Islands, and each island will offer you its own version of entertainment, if you get to the funeral of a sardine - the ritual burning of a stuffed fish, having previously danced to fiery Latin American rhythms, interspersed with cheerful melodies of the indigenous inhabitants of the island - the Guanches, then on the island of La Palma, in the capital of Santa Cruz de La Palma, you will take part in the Parade of the Indianos. This tradition was brought from Latin America when the island population began to leave en masse for Cuba due to the economic crisis. At its core, this parade pokes fun at returning emigrants who showed off their wealth acquired in a foreign land. Participants in white clothes with shoe-stained faces roam the city with bags full of counterfeit banknotes. There are many musicians around performing Cuban songs, fairs where you can buy cigars, rum, as well as taste national Canarian and Cuban dishes.

Fast forward to latin america, where the largest and most famous holiday in the world's carnival schedule takes place -. This truly colorful event attracts every year at least half a million of the world's tourists seeking to join a few days of this frantic holiday. For those who are not in the know, this time is the hottest in the Southern Hemisphere, both literally and figuratively. The events cover the whole of Brazil: its streets, squares, bars and clubs, and the most striking and memorable point will be the culminating festive procession - "Samba Parade", held in Rio de Janeiro, where the best dance schools from all over the country gather. The main carnival events take place near the beaches of Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, which is why, having decided to immerse yourself in an unrestrained holiday, it is advisable to settle next to them.

Not far behind Brazil and Bolivia, celebrating the Carnival of Oruro. The tradition of this celebration is so ancient that it is already two thousand years old, its roots are lost in the religious past of the local population, the festival helps to preserve the ancient Indian traditions. Carnival in Oruro is an original extravaganza lasting several days, marked by cheerful music, attractive dances, exciting theatrical performances. The traditional finale of the carnival is a parade of professional dancers, musicians, this procession moves all day long and stretches for several kilometers. At least half a million travelers come to Bolivia at this time every year.

Carnival in Colombia continues the schedule of carnivals of the world. It takes place in the port city of Barranquilla, it is very colorful and dashing, second only to the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. At this carnival, you will understand what the folklore of the Caribbean is, spinning to the rhythm of music and dances of an incendiary mixture of Indian, African and European cultures, take part in many thousands of processions of very strangely dressed characters, under the furiously scorching sun.

Carnivals happen not only before Lent, for example, the carnival in London called the Notting Hill Carnival is held annually in the month of August. Everything happens in the Caribbean style. During the carnival, all the streets are blocked for traffic, and instead of them, the roads are filled with a bright, noisy crowd in colorful outlandish costumes and indescribable masks, it moves to loud music, makes noise and has unrestrained fun.

The schedule of world carnivals is completed by the American Mardi Gras, which has been held for about two centuries in New Orleans. It also features horse-driven decorated floats, traditional for world festivals, with noisy dressed-up people on them. Mardi Gras is one of the ten most mischievous, noisy world festivities. It is visited by tourists from all countries, in the amount of at least four million people annually. You can get into it too fun event, just get a bright and catchy outfit in purple, green or yellow color, complement it with weighty multi-colored beads, and you will be fully armed. This carnival has a peculiarity related to the end time of the fun: it should end at midnight and not a minute later, since the next day religious holiday- Ash Wednesday, when it is a sin to indulge in entertainment activities, on this occasion there is even a legend that the devil takes possession of the souls of revelers who do not stop in time.

Incredible Facts

Strange as it may seem, but February is the most festive month of the year. The thing is that this month the most unforgettable carnivals take place around the world, during which you can see colorful parades, an abundance of food and all kinds of entertainment.

There are many theories regarding the origin of the carnival.

Some believe that the word "carnival" comes from the Latin expression " carne vale", which means "farewell to the meat", meaning last days when it was possible to eat meat before the onset of Lent.

Others believe the celebrations ward off evil spirits and are a way to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring.

Hundreds of carnivals are held around the world, among which there are the most memorable and colorful:

1. Carnival in Rio, Brazil

The Rio Carnival is a kind of benchmark against which all other carnivals are compared. It is also one of the most celebrated artistic events in the world.

A little more than half a million tourists come every year to the "capital of all the carnivals in the world" to watch the greatest revelry of all time.

The carnival begins with the coronation of King Momo, who is given huge silver and gold keys to the city. Then the celebrations begin throughout the country: in all the streets, squares, bars and clubs, ending with the Samba Parade, when best schools sambas pass through Rio de Janeiro in order to win the title of the best in Brazil.

2. Venice Carnival, Italy

The Venice Carnival is probably the second most popular carnival in the world. It starts two weeks before Ash Wednesday and ends on Fat Tuesday, called Mardi Gras in Catholic tradition.

During the carnival there are concerts, balls, dances, parades and other events. Participants usually wear elaborate costumes and masks.

The very tradition of wearing the Venetian mask came into being because all the inhabitants of the city wanted to be equal, regardless of whether they were rich or poor. Today, more than 30,000 tourists a day come to Venice to celebrate the carnival.

3. Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago

Calypso dancers, steel drums and bottles of rum are the invariable attributes of the largest carnival in the Caribbean. Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago is a mixture of European, African, Indian, Native American, Chinese and Middle Eastern influences.

Having borrowed best traditions many cultures, this carnival is rightly called "the greatest show on Earth".

4. Carnival in Barranquilla, Colombia

The carnival in Barranquilla is so amazing that even UNESCO called it a "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity".

Thousands of tourists flock to Barranquilla, a port city in northern Colombia, to celebrate this holiday, which begins four days before Ash Wednesday and peaks around Batalla de las Flores(battle of flowers).

Carnival in Barranquilla is the most important folklore holiday in Colombia and one of the largest in the world.

5. Carnival in Nice, France

Carnival in Nice is one of the most significant carnival events, along with the Brazilian and Venetian carnivals.

During carnival, the city of Nice turns into a massive party, accompanied by parades, fireworks and bonfires, flower processions and lavish street performances. On the first day, under the deafening scream of the crowd, the Carnival King arrives at Place Masséna.

The carnival procession consists of more than 20 chariots and 500 "big heads" made of papier-mâché. On the last day, a night parade takes place, when the streets of Nice are lit up with many colorful lights.

6. Carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

To date, the carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the second most popular, world-famous carnival, after the carnival of Rio.

The festivities in the streets of Santa Cruz de Tenerife begin on Friday with a magnificent opening parade that reaches its peak at night when thousands of people in carnival costumes dance until the early morning hours.

The carnival consists of two parts: the official carnival and the street carnival. The carnival is known for its disguised dancers, dazzling queens and musical murgi theatres.

7. Mardi Gras carnival in New Orleans, USA

Mardi Gras is a popular American holiday that dates back to the mid-1800s. costume balls, noisy parties and festive parades, make this carnival one of the most colorful and frenetic events in America.

Fat Tuesday is the last day Catholics can indulge before Ash Wednesday, after which the weeks of abstinence that come with fasting begin. During the carnival, more than 400 chariots with 15,000 participants pass, watched by millions of spectators.

8. Carnival in Goa, India

Carnival is rather an exceptional and unique event in India, which was introduced by the Portuguese who ruled Goa for over 500 years.

Carnival is also held in February for three days and nights when the legendary King Momo takes over the state and the streets fill with music and all the colors of the rainbow.

Carnival in Goa is accompanied by dances, processions, balls and the famous "red-black dance" which is held on the last day by the National Club of the capital of Goa - Panaji.

9. Cologne Carnival, Germany

The opening of the carnival in Cologne begins long before the main event, on November 11 at 11:11 pm, and after the New Year, the carnival is gaining momentum again.

The street carnival lasts from Fat Tuesday on Ash Wednesday, and the celebrations themselves take place on the streets, in squares and pubs. But most key point The street carnival is "Pink Monday", when a festive procession takes place, during which the hosts of the holiday: the Prince, the Peasant and the Virgin pass through the city and distribute sweets.

10. Basel Carnival, Switzerland

Basel Carnival is the largest in Switzerland and takes place every year between February and March. During the days of the carnival, the old city is completely transformed, filled with hundreds of burning lanterns decorated with illustrations.

Drummers and musicians playing piccolo flutes pass through the streets. According to local historians, the tradition of throwing confetti originated in Basel and later spread throughout the world.