How to sew house slippers with your own hands: a guide for beginners. We sew warm slippers. Pattern of slippers in natural size DIY leather flip flops

Having a good pattern, you can sew comfortable house slippers with your own hands, because this is a necessary thing in any home.

We will work with existing fabrics, we will not buy anything, we will use material from unnecessary old things, as well as pieces of leather from worn handbags or even boot tops.

In any house there are skirts, jackets, drape coats that are a pity to throw away, but you will no longer wear. Usually they lie somewhere in a bag in the basement. At least that's how it is for me.

Even if you have worn them with pleasure for a long time, there are definitely good pieces there. Let's give unfashionable, but still very good things a second life.

One piece of advice: if you have an old woolen sweater lying around, then you can roll it in the machine, dry it, iron it - this is a great material for sewing homemade slippers! Felled, it is no longer subject to shedding.

Here are by and large three patterns for cutting and sewing soft cozy house slippers with your own hands.

There are several more options for soft slippers with knitting patterns, following the link you will find both crocheted and knitted, as well as varieties, for example, only with crochet trim. Slippers from the attachment to an old magazine, poor quality photo, but I am convinced that the material is still relevant.

2 sewing patterns from Peasant Woman

Who does not know, there were such magazines for women in Soviet times, which were called Peasant Woman and Rabotnitsa. The name, frankly, is not very good, but at one time they were loved by many. There were given recipes, patterns. It is a pity that there were no good color pictures, but they were happy with what they had.

In general, the materials were very useful, the ideas inspired creativity. Since the files of this edition fell into my hands recently, I bring something useful.

Almost according to one scheme, you can sew both ordinary slippers (without backs) and completely closed slippers.

The first model is more open, the second one has an original valve. Size 36-37. If you need a larger size, then increase the pattern along the entire contour. If the leg is narrow, then increase only in length.

The material will suit the simplest, perhaps even gathering dust in the pantry for a long time. For the upper, you need corduroy, drape or soft leather. You can use thin fabrics: fold them in several layers and stitch them for density. The sole is best made from the skin of old boots or bags.

Inside slippers it will be possible to put an insole of their skin, fur, drape.

Cutting details (1 piece each - this is for one slipper, without seam allowances, we will take it 0.5 cm):

  • Valve
  • Sole (cut out along the inner contour of the bottom part)

Sewing order:

Cut parts out of material. Process the top. Cut a slit for the leg on the inside. We either hem the inner edge or grind it with a beautiful braid, piping. You can also decorate with fluffy fringe.

Next, we work with the detail of the bottom. We cut out the sole separately and glue it with moment glue. Now you can connect the details of the top and bottom. First, we tighten the detail of the top along the outer edge with a thread. We do the same with the bottom. Both parts must match the points from 1 to 10, which are written in circles.

They will look a little different - more gathers on the back of the top and the bow of the bottom. We sew them from the face.

You can make a decorative seam with leather or thick colored thread, lace. Or process with braid. One slipper is ready. We proceed to the second. Just do not forget that the pattern will be upside down with respect to the first.

If you decide to decorate slippers with original valves, then cut out part 3. Finish the edge. The valve must be sewn along the line 11-12. It is fastened with ties attached to the point indicated by a cross on the top part and the valve itself. The ties can be a continuation of the braid with which the edge is processed.

Option for a pattern from Burda

The next way to sew slippers for the home was once offered by Burda magazine. True, because of the pompoms and the pointed, upward-looking nose, they look more like little slippers. :)

The pattern is simple, first you just need to measure the length of your foot - it should match the length in the diagram. Enlarge in a graphics editor to the desired width and print on a printer.

The black detail is the sole and the red detail is the upper.

The picture below briefly shows the workflow. Light green indicates the lining - the inner part, and the color pattern - the outer.

Increase the pattern of the sole and upper to 28 centimeters.

Description of work

  1. Cut out two fabric uppers and one felt sole for each slipper. To get shoes for the right and left feet, cut out one sole as in the pattern, and turn the other over to get a mirror image. Do the same with the side parts - two according to the pattern, two - inverted. Additionally, cut out the fleece top and sole for each slipper. This will be the inside, the lining. Don't forget the 5mm seam allowance.
  2. Fold the sides of the fabric face to face, chop, and then sew. Iron the seams in different directions. Repeat for the inner side pieces (fig. 1 and 2).
  3. Fold the outer and inner sides for each slipper and chop them face to face, sew along the inner circumference (Fig. 3). On the circumference, make notches with scissors, turn out, iron.
  4. Lay the lining and soles facing each other. First, sew on the sole, and then the seam on the heel (Fig. 4).
  5. Fold the lining and sole together inside with the front sides, stitch, leaving a small hole of 8 cm (Fig. 5). Connect the heel seam.
  6. Turn the slippers through the left hole, then sew this hole carefully by hand (Fig. 6).
  7. Make a pompom out of wool, sew to slippers (Fig. 7).

We have a special attitude towards home shoes. Slippers are associated with home comfort, relaxation with the family, warmth and comfort for tired feet. Often they are dreamed of during the working day by ladies who are forced to wear high heels in the office, and those who wear boots or heavy shoes at work, and dandies in tight shoes. For some, a symbol of simple happiness is a dog that meets the owner with slippers in his mouth. Slippers begin their history from the eastern harems, where soft silent shoes were worn by their inhabitants. In Europe, in boudoirs, elegant, decorated with exquisite embroidery, cozy slippers have become fashionable. Well, in the 19th century, slippers turned into a familiar and necessary item for everyone.

And in order to sew such slippers, you can take a special pattern for printing on thermal transfer under the cut. Its use greatly simplifies and speeds up the process and reduces almost to zero all possible difficulties and errors when cutting parts.

In addition to the pattern, you will need light felt for transfer transfer, any suitable (I only had white today) felt for the insole and, my main inspiration for this week is a cork sheet. In this case, 3 mm thick. Well, glue, I liked to use Moment Crystal the most.

First of all, we will transfer the pattern to felt. Due to the fact that recently I have been asked more questions about translation technology, I will allow myself to say a little more about it today.

To begin with, we will need to place the pattern face down in the felt and heat the iron to almost maximum temperature. With a hot iron, we begin to carefully iron the sheet, not missing the edges of the corners.

In my opinion, it’s better to overheat the iron a little and notice during ironing that the felt began to melt (this is not an instant process and you will always have time to slightly reduce the heat, nothing bad will happen), than to iron everything with a cold iron and get a fragmentary translated image, the most ruining both the pattern and the felt.

We stroke the entire structure for about a minute, then cool it to a slightly warm state and remove the top checkered layer of paper. The picture has been translated.

Cut out the details of slippers without seam allowances.

Since I made the pattern as universal as possible, I adhered to the principle “more is better than less”. Therefore, at this stage of work, I recommend trying it on at least approximately and if it turns out to be more than necessary, trim the sides, as shown in the photo. The size of the top and bottom, as a rule, does not need to be reduced, only if these are slippers for the baby.

Patterns for both slippers are placed on a sheet of felt. It is no longer necessary to take white, you can use any color.

And attach the details with a semicircular seam. Only along the top edge.

Now we cut out along the contour of the detail, getting a double top for future slippers.

Now we need a pattern for the insole. It is very easy to get it. It is enough just to circle your foot on a piece of paper with a decent margin, or just take any ready-made slippers that you find most comfortable and circle the sole with it.

We only circle the insole, but do not cut it out. It turned out to be more convenient for me to sew in this sequence.

Now we take a double top slipper. We take two approaches, starting each of them from the middle of the toe.

On sour cream it will be very easy to sew the top. After completing the machine stitch, you can pull out the running thread.

Now slippers with an insole can be cut out, retreating 2-3 mm from the edge of the line. We do the same with the second slipper.

Now it's time to move on to the final step. We will make the sole for slippers. After various searches for suitable material, I settled on cork. As practice has shown, this is a fairly easy-to-use material, very light. In the sock, it is very practical, especially in the glued version. Cork has good shock-absorbing properties and even a thin layer is sufficient to make it comfortable to use slippers.

We take glue and properly lubricate the bottom surface of the felt insole. Glue, among other things, perfectly stabilizes the cork, reducing its fragility and preventing the possibility of cracks during kinking in the future.

Glue the insole to the cork sheet. We cut it roughly enough, just to be able to put clips.

The cork is glued well and quickly, after the glue grabs tightly, you can remove the clips and cut the slippers along the contour of the insole.

You can stop at this stage of work or additionally stitch the perimeter of the slipper on a sewing machine. The cork is sewn very easily, despite the thickness.

That's all, slippers are ready. In the next photo, I tried to demonstrate that the cork glued to the felt is strong enough to bend.

The slippers turned out like this:

This house slippers idea will come in handy for anyone who has frequent guests. After all, sharing your home shoes with guests is not only bad form, it is also unhygienic!

According to an elementary pattern of slippers, you can sew as many as you need. Those that will be intended for men, immediately make a large size.


  • any dense fabric (felt, jeans, tarpaulin, leatherette ...).
  • paper for making patterns.
  • scissors, thread, needle.
  • sewing machine.


  1. Draw a pattern on paper. No need to draw the left and right slippers separately, just turn the pattern over and cut out the blanks.
  2. Using a sewing machine, sew the edges of future slippers.
  3. The sole can be additionally sealed with felt insoles and sewn to finished slippers with a regular overcast seam.
  4. Slippers are ready!

Show your imagination! You can create a real exclusive collection! A big plus of these slippers is that they can be washed in a washing machine.

Slipper patterns:

These patterns will help you sew wonderful room slippers. If necessary, you can change the size of the details.

And finally, this master class in pictures will tell you how to sew soft slippers. In such tapikas it is very comfortable to walk around the house in the cold season, and putting them on your feet after bed is a pleasure - not chilly. All you need is slate soles (new or used), terry towels (again, new or old), faux leather and batting.

From the tools you will need:

Sewing machine, scissors for cutting fabric, marker for marks, needle (awl), breadboard knife, centimeter.


  1. We cut out tracks from the skin, according to the layout of the slates.
  2. Now cut out the sides.
  3. According to the traces, we cut out blanks for the toe of slippers.
  4. Now we need to sweep the sole and sock from the blanks. We put the batting in the middle of the terry blanks.
  5. At the next stage, we are preparing a box for slates, the soles of the slates will be inserted into such boxes.
  6. After the soft parts are assembled and sewn, we insert the shales through the unsewn part of the back into the body of the slipper, after which we sew the product.

Slippers are comfortable house shoes. Unfortunately, store options very often do not satisfy their functionality and convenience. Therefore, you have to take this matter into your own hands and make your own slippers. In addition, do-it-yourself slippers can be made as a special gift to someone, although the thing is outstanding, but the “warmth” of your hands is invested in it, which may be more pleasant than an ordinary store product.
How to make slippers with your own hands, we will tell you in this article, while offering you several options. Choose which one is right for you.

Slippers "Lasso Slippers" by Gaspard Tiné-Berès

To create slippers, you will need a piece of soft felt and a long cord.

The first step is to make a pattern from a piece of felt. You make the base according to the size of the foot, the height of the sides of the slippers to your taste - 6-7 cm or more or less.

Then cut out the instep of the foot. It is probably worth first doing the pattern operation on the auxiliary material, and when it suits you, already cut out the felt. Well, then, just tie the parts of the slippers with a lace.

That's all.

Hand knitted slippers

You will need perforated insoles, a piece of fabric, a hook and threads.

The insoles are applied to the fabric, and we cut out the inside.

We sweep the fabric with the insole.

We knit details of slippers. Five air loops are cast on, and then adjusted in size.

The front of the slippers are decorated with knitted bows.

The edging is knitted ...

... and the back of the slippers.

Sew the front of the slippers to the sides.

All is ready.

Slippers "Sunflower" do it yourself

As you understand, for such bright slippers you will need felt of different colors. Prepare it. We take measurements from the leg and make a pattern.

Green felt goes to the manufacture of the sole, heel, front. Yellow felt goes to the sole and to make a sunflower. Brown felt, also used to make a sunflower. Then we sew the apron and back to the sole with a welt stitch. The green sole and the yellow one are also stitched together or glued.
How to make a sunflower is probably not worth telling. It's pretty obvious.

As you can see, unusual bright slippers turned out.

Slippers "Flower ornament" do it yourself

We take measurements from the leg and make a pattern.

Yellow felt is used to make the sole and forefoot. Cut out the soles of slippers from brown felt. Sew the front part to the brown sole. Then the yellow part of the sole is sewn or glued. And the final touch is sewing on the braid. Choose your own ornament.

DIY slippers "Roses"

Pink fleece, pink lining, white felt, half a centimeter wide satin ribbons will be used. We take measurements from the leg and make this pattern.

The top of the slippers is cut out of fleece, details for the tongue are made of lining fabric. The sole and edges of the slippers are cut out of white felt. In the places of the cut, we connect the parts with a pink ribbon with horizontal stitches and sheathe the edges of the slippers both above and below. Then we sew the top of the slippers with a satin ribbon. Glue the second layer of the sole. The top of the slippers can be decorated with some flower made of satin fabric.

Another option for homemade slippers

We prepare insoles, genuine leather, awl, threads, glue.

Having attached the insole to the skin, we cut out two leather insoles (our skin is blue)

Then we put a foam or felt insole between two leather insoles and fasten it with drops of glue. And then carefully overcast the edges of the sole.

Now we make the top of the slippers. You need to know the width of the entrance and the distance from the thumb to the entry point.

According to the made pattern, we cut out two blanks from the skin.

We overcast the edges of the upper parts as at the sole - with a single crochet.

The next step is stitching the details.

And the last stage is gluing the foam sole.

In fact, there are a lot of options for home slippers, we have given only a part of the possible options. Perhaps you will come up with something of your own or use an already existing idea, in any case, these slippers will turn out to be special, we are sure of it.

If you like unusual, original handmade things, then soft house slippers will be a great option to replenish your home wardrobe. You can sew slippers from any available materials, it can be an old sheepskin coat, the tops of unnecessary boots, pieces of fur, woolen fabric, drape, leatherette, and so on.

You can sew closed, very warm slippers with your own hands. At the bottom of the page is a file with life-size patterns that you can copy and print. Three sizes are presented there, these are 38, 39, 41. If necessary, the patterns can be reduced by several sizes and sew compact children's slippers.

If you want to make your own pattern of slippers, you can take a sheet of paper and trace your foot, you can also trace the outline of ordinary old slippers, tracing their soles. However, you need to circle the leg only in the sock, so it will be more spacious. To build your patterns of slippers, you can use the existing patterns shown in the picture, fitting them to your foot.

From what material can such cozy slippers be made? You can choose any available materials. In most cases, the lower parts of the sole are made of leatherette, leather or split leather. The upper part of the sole is made of suede, split leather, cloth, and a gasket is placed between the upper and lower layers. You can take batting and cardboard for this. However, if you wish, you can use any materials by cutting out patches from old things. The main thing is to show imagination and make a little work. You can sew these slippers on a sewing machine or by hand, overcasting each seam with a thick thread.

Slippers are within the power of everyone, for this you do not need to buy expensive material. In every house there are out-of-use bags, boots, leather jackets that gather dust on the mezzanine, litter the apartment, but it turns out that this is an excellent raw material for making shoes.

To create a masterpiece, you need soft leather for the upper and a denser one for the sole, as well as:
− artificial fur;
− lining fabric;
− strong threads;
− punch;
- glue.
Sewing home shoes will take a little time, but the gratitude of a man who will receive soft cozy slippers as a gift will be limitless.

Like others, they start sewing slippers by building a pattern. You can rip open the old ones and make a pattern on them, there is no desire to do extra work, take a thick sheet of paper, step on it and circle the foot. Add 1.5 cm on all sides for a loose fit, cut out. And a very simple way is to circle the outline of old shoes.

To cut out the top piece, fold the sole in half and circle the toe, this will be the top. If you want to get a very accurate pattern of the upper part, take measurements of the height of the foot and the length of the bend. On paper, draw a line equal to the height of the foot, divide it in half and draw a perpendicular from the middle equal to the length of the bend of the foot. Connect the three points with a rounded smooth line, you will get the exact top part.

Cut out the details from the leather and lining fabric. Fur can be used as a lining, in this case the pattern should be enlarged. Glue the lining fabric to the top. Make a three-layer sole: leather, felt insole, lining. Cut out fabric piping, matching or contrasting, and sew along the edge of the upper and around the perimeter of the sole. The parts are ready, now they need to be assembled.

Fasten the upper piece and the sole by gluing them together. For a secure connection and decor, braid the slippers with a leather cord. To do this, cut out narrow, 0.5 cm strips of leather, punch holes in the sole and upper part (there is no punch - pierce with an awl) and lay the braid.

Light slippers for summer cottages

You can make men's light open slippers-flip-flops out of leather. Draw the sole, draw two rectangles 10 cm long and 6-8 cm wide to the sole, you should get the letter T, cut out the details. Duplicate them with lining material. Connect the base and lining, sheathe with a piping or braid. Lock the side parts into a ring and sew them, or connect with a braid, or fasten with buttons, as your fantasy tells you.