What oils are suitable for colored hair. Why is it better to dye your hair with special oil

Many girls like to experiment with their appearance, especially with their hair: a new haircut, a different length, fashionable styling and, of course, an unusual, bright color shade. Hair coloring oil is an ideal option for fashionistas who care not only about their appearance, but also about the health of their curls. Moreover, healthy hair is always beautiful hair.

Disadvantages of chemical dyes

  1. The composition of such coloring agents usually includes ammonia. It causes considerable damage to curls: they grow poorly, lose strength and natural shine, become lethargic and lifeless.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide is also not the best component for hair care. It makes the hair dry and brittle, and they become thinner, begin to fall out more often and more abundantly.
  3. To wash off the ammonia-based paint from the hairline, you need to use a special chemical agent, which does not have a good effect on the hair.
  4. Hair dye containing ammonia should not be applied to the hair more than once in three months. Otherwise, the structure of the hairline will be severely damaged and will require significant efforts to restore.

Benefits of natural oil-based dyes

  • Oil for coloring hair protects them from harmful effects, restores the natural structure, nourishes and moisturizes.
  • Such paint penetrates deep into each hair, which provides a bright shade that stays on the curls without fading for a long time.
  • Oil dye is convenient to apply, it does not flow or drip on the neck, but is firmly fixed on the head.
  • The oil has an excellent conditioning property, the hair becomes silky after dyeing, pleasant to the touch, acquires a rich shine.
  • Curls dyed with a similar dye do not need additional restorative care and nutrition in the form of special balms, they are easy to comb and do not tangle.
  • To apply a different shade to previously dyed hair, you do not need to use a chemical wash. The oil perfectly washes off the original color and saturates the curls with a new shade.
  • Hair coloring oil can and even desirable (to maintain a lasting shade) be used often (up to once a month).
  • To wash off the shade you don’t like, you need to use a special shampoo that is harmless to the hairline.

Tips for caring for dyed curls

  1. Always use products from the same cosmetic company for your hair. They are perfectly combined with each other, complement each other and increase the overall effectiveness of the impact.
  2. Take care of your curls: avoid frequent drying with a hair dryer, do not abuse electric curling irons, straighteners, tongs. Do not expose your hair to the open rays of the bright sun, especially in hot weather.
  3. Do not wash your hair with too hot water, it can cause excessive dryness of the strands, as well as wash out natural-based dyes.
  4. If you have recently dyed your curls, it is worth giving up swimming in the pool for at least two weeks.

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

A little about the benefits of natural oils

Oil can be used not only for coloring hair, but also after it. There are special oil products designed specifically for the care of dyed hair. This will be especially true for those who used the usual old ammonia dye for painting. Take, for example, Elsev Loreal oil. This product is enriched with a formula of six different oils from plants such as flax (seed), chamomile, rose, cinnamon, lotus, Thiale flower. It perfectly cares for dyed hair, restoring their structure, and also has a very pleasant oriental aroma.

Also today there is an oil-based drug that is designed to lighten strands. It has a positive effect on curls, gives a pleasant warm shade, close to the natural color. This oil creates a persistent and long-lasting effect. You can maintain the desired shade by adding two to three drops of clarifying agent to your regular shampoo for washing your hair.

You can lighten your hair by 4-6 tones, while giving them shine and a deep saturated color. There is no unpleasant yellowness. The resulting shade cannot be accurately predicted, for each type of hairline it will be different, but always attractive and natural.

Lightening oil should not be used on color-treated hair, only on your natural hair color, and it does not affect gray hair at all. A quality product is produced by the Italians (Farma Vita), as well as the French (Eugene Perma).

If for some reason you still use a regular ammonia-based dye, you can add any natural oil (burdock, olive, coconut, avocado, rosemary) to it. In this case, the aggressiveness of the effects of ammonia on the hairline is significantly reduced. The oil has a positive effect on the internal structure of the hair and its root system.

Flaxseed oil contains vitamin F, useful for hair follicles. It is advisable to use it for dull strands with weak roots. It will provide curls with nutrition, moisture, and heal them.

Burdock oil has a set of useful trace elements and vitamins, accelerates hair growth, restores its structure.

Olive oil can be eaten, so you can also have a beneficial effect on the hairline. When rubbed into the scalp, it removes dead cells, moisturizes well and stabilizes the secretion of fat by the sebaceous glands.

Dry curls love peach, coconut, argan, castor oil.

For fatty, grape, sea buckthorn, orange, avocado oil is perfect.

Some useful rules

  • Do not dye your hair too often (more than three times in four weeks).
  • Use natural-based paints containing an oil component.
  • Do not create a stressful situation for curls: for example, dyeing and curling at the same time.
  • It would be useful to treat your hair with a special balm after dyeing, especially if you dyed your hair with a chemical dye.
  • Feeding freshly dyed hair will be simply necessary, it should contain zinc and biotin in its composition.
  • It is advisable to wash your hair after dyeing no earlier than three days later.

How to choose among the abundance of the proposed means, which is the best way to dye your hair? If you are at a loss with an answer, remember that a natural-based drug will be the best.

There are many good reviews on the Internet about Constant delight dye. This is a product of an Italian company, made on the basis of olive oil. You can choose one of forty possible shades. The dye gives the hairstyle a well-groomed look, has a pleasant smell, the color is saturated, the curls are obedient and shiny.

For painting with this tool, it is imperative to use an oxidizing agent, which is sold separately. The same company offers a choice of 3%, 6% and 9% oxygen. This is an oxidizing emulsion, contains hydrogen peroxide and hair care products, used for coloring and bleaching.

Painting algorithm

  1. Dilute the coloring solution (oxidant plus oil in a 1:1 ratio).
  2. Apply the solution to the hair with a brush, starting from the tips, gradually moving towards the crown.
  3. Keep on hair for about half an hour.
  4. Wash off with running water.
  5. It is advisable to apply a restorative hair balm at the end of the procedure.

How lucky are modern women! If you want to change your image or hide the gray hair that has appeared, you just need to dye your hair and the curls will acquire the desired shade. Unfortunately, even the softest and most delicate paint can harm the strands. After dyeing, they become drier and more brittle, and a radical one sometimes turns the once soft and silky curls into straw. In order for the hair to remain beautiful after dyeing, it is necessary to choose the right care for them.

Essential oils for damaged hair

Today, there are a lot of ready-made products for the care of dyed curls: special shampoos, masks, balms. Their names are familiar to many, but whether they are effective is a big question. An excellent alternative to these drugs can serve as essential oils for colored hair.

These drugs have a huge number of useful properties. For colored hair, the oils of the following plants are ideal.

  • Cedar. This tool is called the most effective for the treatment of damaged strands. It helps to restore the hair structure, accelerate growth. After applying this product, the curls return their natural shine, become soft and silky. It is also great for fighting hair loss and dandruff. Pairs well with grapefruit.
  • Ylang-ylang. The use of this product is necessary to restore thinned, brittle, prone to hair loss. This tool helps to smooth the strands, make them shiny and elastic. Pairs well with lemon extract.
  • Fir. This preparation has nutritional properties, helps to eliminate irritation of the scalp and hair growth.
  • Sandalwood. Its extract helps to restore a healthy look of curls, relieves irritation,.
  • Vetiver This drug helps protect the strands from all sorts of harmful effects, promotes recovery, evens curls.
  • Mandarin. This oil is suitable for thin and dry hair, and will also help to cope with split ends.
  • Chamomile. This tool helps stimulate growth, makes strands stronger, and also perfectly moisturizes.

Which one is better for colored hair is up to you. Each of them perfectly copes with the task, both independently and in tandem with other means.

How to use them?

There are many ways to use essential oils.

  • The simplest way is the so-called aroma combing. This very simple procedure will help heal the curls, improve their structure, and also improve the blood circulation of the scalp. Also, this process will help to calm down or, conversely, cheer up - the effect depends on which drug was chosen. So, to improve your hair with this wonderful procedure, you need to apply a few drops of the selected oil (2-5) on a wooden brush and comb thoroughly for several minutes. Regular use of this method will make curls much healthier.
  • The second most popular, however, rather controversial way of using plant extracts can be adding them to ready-made paints, shampoos, masks and balms. Most of the reviews about this method of hair care declare its effectiveness. However, some doubt whether it is possible to mix the finished product, the composition of which is not entirely clear, with potent concentrated products. If you decide to try, then keep in mind: these funds should be used in a very small amount, no more than 5 drops.
  • An alternative to the previous method is to add plant extracts to homemade masks and shampoos. Of course, this is more difficult and takes more time, but it is most effective. To do this, you need to add a small amount of suitable oils (for example, tangerine and sandalwood) to any nourishing mask that suits you (for example, with honey and egg), and apply the mask to your hair, following the recipe.

Read also: How to paint a blonde with henna: practical tips

Using plant extracts to treat damaged strands is not at all difficult. However, you need to remember some nuances:

  • Do not get carried away with adding oils - 2-5 drops of each will be enough.
  • Be sure to check the individual predisposition of each of the components. It is advisable to do this a day before the start of use.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. A damaged component can cause severe irritation.
  • Some oils cause a slight tingling or a barely perceptible burning sensation. This is quite normal if the sensations do not cause discomfort and last no more than 2 minutes. Otherwise, the product should not be used.

Making our hair beautiful with hair vitamins

Beautiful dyed hair always looks spectacular, but only girls who have dyed their hair know how hard it is to take care of hair after dyeing. After all, after dyeing, the hair is damaged in any case, regardless of which paint you choose. When you dye your hair, the top layer of the hair is broken, the dye lifts the hair scales in order to penetrate the hair structure and color it. Therefore, after dyeing, the hair becomes weak and defenseless against any negative impact on them, they necessarily require special gentle care.

Gentle care for colored hair

After dyeing, it is advisable to purchase a special shampoo for colored hair or for weakened damaged hair. Such a shampoo will gently cleanse the hair and scalp without overdrying them, and will also smooth the hair scales. In addition, try not to wash your entire head with shampoo, it will be enough to lather the roots, and when you wash off the shampoo, it will drain and wash the length. Do not wash your hair with hot water, it will further damage your hair.

Be sure to buy a good mask for hair length care (it is better if it is professional).

After each wash, apply a mask or conditioner to the length of the hair, series suitable for colored hair: a special series for colored hair, a repair series aimed at caring for damaged hair and a nourishing series suitable for dry and brittle hair.

In the summer, be sure to protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation, it dries your hair and at the same time the color fades faster. Hair needs protection from sunlight and heat no less than from cold frost.

Leave-in care (oil, serum, spray, fluid) should become a mandatory step in hair care. They will not restore split hair, but they will help protect the hair from dryness, thermal damage and give the hair a healthy look.

Be sure to use a heat protectant before drying with a hair dryer, iron or curling iron (pay attention to the composition to include components that prolong color fastness, as well as oils that will take care of the length).

If after dyeing the scalp is dry or itchy, you can eliminate it with the help of oils, and they are also indispensable for caring for hair length, we have collected for you the best natural oils that are suitable for caring for colored hair.


Oil must be of good quality, and quality oil cannot be cheap.

The benefits of oil will be if you choose unrefined and cold-pressed.

The oil must not contain any additives.

To enhance the effect of the oil, it can be heated in a water bath.

Mix and prepare masks with oil, just before application.

So that blonde hair does not turn yellow from oil, you need to add 5-8 drops of essential oil of lemon or chamomile.

Argan oil for all hair types

Argan oil is the most original oil that suits any hair, its properties are legendary, it has been harvested in Morocco for over a thousand years, and every cosmetic company strives to use argan oil in their products. You need to carefully choose argan oil, because there are a lot of fakes, the oil is expensive and is produced only in one region, so often argan oil is diluted with some cheap oil and sold as pure argan oil.

Argan oil is 80% unsaturated fatty acids, including about 35% linoleic acid, which is not produced in the body and can only be obtained from outside. The oil also contains rare sterols not found in any other vegetable oil, which have anti-inflammatory properties and make argan oil unique. The oil contains a large amount of vitamins E and F, providing tonic, regenerating and rejuvenating properties.

Argan oil can be used in its pure form: rub a small amount of oil between the palms and apply to the length of the hair, walk for 40-60 minutes and wash your hair as usual, you can apply a little oil on the scalp to massage well, leave for 30-40 minutes and wash head. And you can add argan oil to homemade hair masks:

Mask with argan oil for colored hair

  • 1 teaspoon argan oil;
  • 1 teaspoon camellia oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 5-8 drops of lavender essential oil.

Mix all the oils and heat in a water bath, and at the end add essential oil, apply to the length of the hair, leave for 1-2 hours and wash your hair using shampoo several times (2-3) and apply conditioner at the end.

Hemp oil for hair care

Few people know that hemp oil is one of the best oils for color-treated hair. The oil is not greasy at all, it is easily applied to the hair and is instantly absorbed. Its composition has a beneficial effect on the restoration and healing of hair, especially the oil is good for hair that is often dyed (fatty acids, vitamins A, E, C, K, B, minerals, antioxidants).

Hemp oil perfectly moisturizes hair, especially in winter and in hot summers, protecting the tips from dehydration, making hair supple and elastic. The oil strengthens hair, awakens hair to active growth, treats dandruff and seborrhea, so it can be safely used to care for the scalp.

Mask recipe for colored hair

  • 1 teaspoon hemp oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of linseed oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 2 teaspoons of aloe juice (can be replaced with ampoules);
  • 5 drops of vitamin A in oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin E in oil;
  • 1 yolk.

Mix all the ingredients and can be heated to a comfortable temperature. Apply the mask to the roots (make a light massage) and spread over the entire length. Hold the mask for about an hour and wash off with shampoo, such a mask can be done once a week.

Jojoba oil has a unique composition: fatty acids, fatty acid esters, amino acids, micro and macro elements, vitamins, collagen, the composition of jojoba oil is unique compared to other natural vegetable oils.

The texture of jojoba oil is light, so it is well distributed through the hair, quickly absorbed and washed off. The oil can be used in its pure form, in the composition of masks or as a finishing agent to give hair shine and smoothness.

Revitalizing mask for colored hair

  • 1-2 tablespoons of jojoba oil;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil;
  • 5-8 drops of vitamin A and E in oil.

Mix the oils in a glass bowl and heat in a water bath. The mask is applied to the length of the hair before washing, somewhere for 1-2 hours, and then wash your hair.

Broccoli oil for color-treated hair

Broccoli oil is rightfully considered a natural silicone for hair, so it is indispensable for the care of colored hair. The composition of the oil includes vitamins A, E, C, K, trace elements: calcium, iron, potassium, as well as fatty acids that make this oil unique in composition: linoleic, erucic, eicosene, α-linolenic, oleic, stearic, palmitic. Read more about oil in the article.

The mask is designed for shoulder length, if the hair is long, then you need to increase the ratio of base oils.

mask recipe

  • 1 teaspoon of broccoli oil;
  • 1 tablespoon shea butter (shea butter);
  • 3-5 drops of vitamin A in oil;
  • 3-5 drops of vitamin E in oil.

Mix base oils and heat in a water bath, add vitamins A and E to warm oils. Apply the mixture to the length of the hair and insulate. Leave the mask for 1-2 hours and rinse well with shampoo.

Universal olive oil

Olive oil penetrates into the hair follicle and scalp cells, that is, it nourishes the hair with useful substances from the inside, and the oil well envelops the hair shaft itself and due to this, the hair structure improves. The oil nourishes the hair roots and promotes the growth of new healthy hair, helps to cope with itching and dryness of the scalp, but at the same time it is also well suited for oily scalp. Also, the oil improves the structure of the hair, prevents the appearance of split ends and gives the hair softness, elasticity and shine.

Nourishing mask

  • teaspoon of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of burdock oil;
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of linseed oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A in oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin E in oil;
  • 1 yolk.

The proportions of oils can be reduced depending on the length of the hair (these proportions are a length below the shoulder blades). The mask is applied to wet washed hair along the entire length, slightly retreating from the roots. We leave the mask for 1 hour, you can warm it, and then wash it off with shampoo and apply a balm.

Macadamia oil is instantly absorbed by the hair, gives them volume, shine, smoothness, and facilitates combing. The oil penetrates the scalp and nourishes the hair follicles, preventing hair loss, restoring the hair structure, making them healthy in a short time. The main advantage of the oil is that it nourishes the hair from roots to ends.

The oil is suitable for dry, porous, damaged hair after dyeing, chemistry, as well as thin and weakened. The oil can be used before washing the hair, doing massage or masks, or after washing - rub a couple of drops of oil in the palms of your hands and apply to the ends of the hair, instead of indelible purchased products.

Mask with macadamia oil for colored hair

  • 1 teaspoon macadamia oil;
  • 1 teaspoon camellia oil;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B12;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B6;
  • 5 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the length of the hair, if the scalp is not oily, you can also apply to the scalp, the mask should be insulated and held for 40-60 minutes and wash your hair (once or twice with shampoo).

Unique camellia oil for color-treated hair

Exotic camellia oil has been used by Asian women for more than a thousand years, today it is becoming popular with us. The composition of the oil includes 12 types of unsaturated fatty acids, a complex of vitamins, trace elements and proteins to maintain the health and beauty of hair. The oil has excellent penetrating power, is easily distributed through the hair and is quickly absorbed. Due to its properties, camellia oil is indispensable in hair care.

With camellia oil, you can do wraps, massage the scalp, use it as a final leave-in hair oil, and of course it can be added to any homemade hair masks (we wrote some recipes above).

After dyeing, the hair needs additional care and nutrition. These are indispensable conditions for maintaining their health and beauty.

How coloring affects the condition of the hair

During the dyeing process, a variety of chemicals are exposed to the hair. As a result, the acid-base balance of the scalp changes, which causes irritation. In addition, the hair loses moisture, the internal structure of the hair shaft is disturbed. Its scales open, the hair gets tangled faster, becomes brittle and lifeless.

Proper care is the key to healthy hair

  • Choose your hair color carefully. It is advisable to use an oil-based formulation. Such paint is the least harmful.
  • For the first week after coloring, use "acid shampoos" to neutralize the alkali residue in the hair and scalp. Such compositions can be purchased in the departments of professional cosmetics. They cost more than conventional means, but aren't our health and beauty priceless?
  • Ordinary shampoos, even those chosen for your hair type, are not enough to keep your hairline healthy. Use only special hair care products for colored hair.
  • Choose care products depending on the tone of your hair. Today, customers are offered a line of cosmetics for the care of light, dark and red hair. Such compositions add shine to the hair, keep the bright tone of the hair as long as possible, as they contain tint ingredients.
  • Choose the same brand of care products. They are well balanced in composition and enhance each other's action. Ideally, paint and care products should be from the same company.
  • Literally from the first days after dyeing, apply moisturizing and nourishing hair masks. These measures will help restore the hair structure and promote healthy hair growth.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water. This leads to washing out of the paint and overdrying of the hair shafts.
  • Do not brush wet hair. Dry them in a towel for 10-15 minutes, and then proceed to styling.
  • Comb your hair with wide-toothed wooden combs or soft-bristled brushes. Do not tear your hair, avoid rough mechanical impacts.
  • Try to use the hair dryer and styling tools as little as possible. Use hot styling sprays regularly to protect your hair from heat.
  • Trim the ends of your hair regularly as they become especially brittle. Use formulations for dry hair ends, such as serum or sprays, which are offered by various companies.
  • Do not visit the pool for the first 14 days after coloring.
  • Take care to protect your hair from the sun.
  • Buy shampoos that contain herbal extracts, seaweed extract, rosemary extract, vitamins A and E, B5 and B12, antioxidants, UV filters, menthol, scuvolan, alginic acid.
  • Masks for colored hair should contain essential oils and jojoba oil, amino acids, hydrolyzed silk, proteins and ceramides, glycine, fruit acids, keratin.
  • Do not use homemade masks from burdock, olive, castor and coconut oils, honey. They contribute to the rapid washing out of color. For the same reason, avoid clay masks.

Masks for colored hair

  1. Mask with cognac. Beat one yolk and add to it from 50 to 100 gr. cognac (the amount depends on the length of the hair). Apply the mixture to your hair, wrap your head with a towel. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water.
  2. Low-fat kefir mask. Distribute kefir over the entire length of the hair and lightly rub into the scalp. Wrap your head with a film and a towel. Wash off the mask after an hour with warm water.
  3. Citrus juice mask. Mix one yolk with 2 tbsp. l. citrus juice. It can be tangerine, orange or grapefruit (lemon for blond hair). Add 1-2 drops of jojoba, lavender, neroli, rose or cedar oil. Apply the mask to your hair. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.

Essential oils for colored hair

Essential oils can be added to masks and shampoos for more thorough care and nutrition. For colored hair, use orange, patchouli, ylang-ylang, rosemary, rosewood oils. For blond hair, in addition to the indicated oils, lemon and chamomile oils are also used.

If you have a desire to change your image, then there are many opportunities for this, including hair coloring. But you need to remember that after such a procedure, the hair requires increased attention. And if you neglect the care of dyed hair, you can lose beautiful and flirty strands for a long time.