Scenario of the holiday "Christmas carols. The scenario of the folklore holiday "Christmas carols

"Christmas Carols"

Holiday scenario for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old).

Target. Expanding children's knowledge about Russian folk traditions.

Introduce Christmas carols.

Learn ritual songs - carols.

(The hall is festively decorated, there is a New Year tree in the center).

Leading. Hello guys, hello dear guests! We are glad to see you at our holiday. Most recently, we celebrated the autumn holidays, and now Zimushka - Winter itself has come to visit us.

(Winter comes out).

Winter. Hello guys.

I, winter is beauty

Ice Spit

In a white coat to toe

I will entertain all the guys!

Leading. Zimushka - winter, what did you bring us?

Winter. deep snows,

Holy Evenings

christmas, carol

A day with a chicken heel.

Leading. Winter is for frosts, and a man is for holidays.

Guys, let's remember them.

Children's answers.

Winter. First we met the New Year, and then Christmas. Christmas time comes after Christmas. They are celebrated for two weeks from January 7 to 19.

On holy days, people congratulated each other, went to visit.

Leading. But sewing, knitting, spinning, weaving was forbidden, because these days were holy.

These days it was customary to carol.

Winter. Guys, have you heard what carols are?

Well, I'll have to tell you and, of course, show you.

Leading. Carols are special songs in which they glorified Christ, wishes for a rich harvest, health and happiness to people. Few people know these songs now, but still, folk traditions are returning.

Winter.In the old days, people dressed up: as a bear, as an old man, as a goat, as Petrushka, and went from house to house, where they sang songs - carols, and the owners treated the costumed people with cookies, gingerbread, sweets.

Leading. Zimushka, sit down, rest, let's see how our guys went caroling.

The carolers come out, approach the screen, knock.

hostess. Who's there?

Children. Carol came, on the eve of Christmas

Kolyada, carol, open the gate!

Open chests

Give me piglets!

hostess. Go home, I won't give you anything.

Children. Ivan has a wife, she was very greedy

She has no coat

And the shirt is not sewn

Yes, and the husband is not hefty, lazy clumsy.

hostess.What do you, what do you stay, what you want to help yourself.

Children. We are glorious carolers

They came to glorify, and praise the owners.

Live to you up to 100 years, always healthy!

Mistress. Hello good people

Wow, what a good carol they sang

Here's a treat for you, cheese and cookies

Sweets, nuts, gingerbread, candy

Help yourself, dear guests.

Children. Happy New Year, you hostess! God bless whoever is in this house!

You and porridge is thick, you and honey on your lips!

Now let's go to Ivanov's yard. (Go to another screen).

Carol, carol!

Open the gate.

We were looking for carols in Ivanov Dvor

How frost freezes the nose on the street

Doesn't tell you to stand for a long time, tells you to serve soon

Get out the chests

Give patches.

At least cut, at least a nickel,

Let's not leave home like this!

Grandfather. Well done! Here's a treat for you - gingerbread, sweets, eat kids.

Children. Live without trouble for many, many years.

Leading.(Turning to the mummers) Thank you for the good mood! Take a treat from us! (the presenter gives a tray of cookies and sweets to the mummers).

Children. Good luck in the New Year and have fun!

Winter. Thank you for the invitation. And now it's time to do your own thing, to see your possessions.

Leading. We wish everyone a good mood, make your wish and may it come true.

Christmas carols (script).
Holiday » Christmas
On the side walls of the hall there are planar houses. They represent a village street.
Children enter after the Russian dance song leading to the melody. The leader and children are dressed in
Russian folk costumes. They stop near the houses, dance. Part of the children
- owners, mistresses, a cat, a dog - go to their "huts". Caroling with the host
become a semicircle near the houses. The carolers have in their hands a solar disk made of cardboard,
attached to a stick and decorated with ribbons and paper flowers - a symbol of carols.

Here comes Mother Winter.
Gate opener!
A carol also came, but from Novgorod.
Children walk, hand in hand, snake through the hall and sing.
Christmas carol came
On the eve of Christmas.
Who will give the pie
That is why the barn is full of cattle,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail.
Let's go to uncle Miron to carol.
Children come to Miron's house, sing carols.
Rolled young!
We found a carol
In the Mironov yard.
Hey, uncle Myron,
Take out the good in the yard.
Like it's cold outside
Freezes the nose
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to serve soon.
Sergevna's light came out,
I collected pearls for my earrings,
Carol, carol, give me a pie!
If you don't serve a pie, we'll take the cow by the horns!
Serve a pie - the rye will be thick,
The rye will be clean, threshed,
It will be from the ear for bread,
From grain to pie.
The owner, the mistress and the cat come out, which washes up the guests.
Please, guests, I was waiting for you, my house is spacious, my cabbage soup is fat.

Sweet cakes do not climb into the window.
The host and hostess treat the guests. Mekhonosha - a girl with a big purse in her hands -
accepts gifts. Carolers praise the hosts.
1st child.
God bless that
Who is in this house!
2nd child.
You and buns with cottage cheese.
And a house full of kids.
The hosts go into the house, and the carolers go further.
Let's go caroling to Uncle Nikolai.
Children follow the leader in a chain and sing.
The carol came on the eve of Christmas.
We walked, we were looking for a holy carol.
We found a carol at Nikolin's yard.
Nikolin's yard - iron tyn,
Three towers stand in the middle of the courtyard.
In the first tower - the red sun,
In the second tower - the moon is bright,
In the third tower - asterisks are frequent.
The red sun is the hostess,
The moon is bright - then the owner is here,
Asterisks are frequent - children are small.
The carolers stop at Nikolai's house and knock on the window.
Carolers (speaking).
Hello owner and hostess.
Happy holiday! Happy New Year, with all kind!
Open the chest - get a piglet!
Nobody is answering. With a loud bark, the dog runs out and again returns to the hut.
Maybe Uncle Nikolai is fast asleep?
Let's sing a carol to him.
oatmeal, oatmeal,
You walked all over
Through the alleyways, through the lanes.
To whom we sing songs - it will come true,
That will come true, it will not pass.
Come out, master, come out, boyar,
Receive guests from all volosts!

Uncle Nikolai comes out, yawns and stretches.
Who's yelling here
Doesn't let you sleep?
We are the carolers!
And do you want to get up from the warm stove in such a frost, sing and carol? (Goes into the house).
Caroling (blame talking).
Well, you won't have any luck.
One was a cow - and she is not healthy,
one was a rooster - and that one was busy,
one was a mare - and she forgot God.
At the mean man
(points to Nikolai's house)
Born good rye -
An ear is empty,
Straw thick.
Everyone goes to another yard with the song "Ovsen, Ovsen." They stop at Ivanov Dvor.
1st child.
Ivan has three towers in his yard.
2nd child.
Ivan himself is the master of the bright moon.
3rd child.
The red sun is his Varvarushka.
4th child.
Frequent stars - his kids.
The owner and the hostess come out to knock. The hostess has a doll in her hands, a child in diapers.
Hello good people
Here's a treat for you -
Cheese and cookies.
Gingerbread, sweets
Eat up, kids!
Carolers take everything, put it in a bag.
Thank you, owner and hostess,
Happy holiday to you, with a ruble and fifty dollars.
You for fun, us for nuts.
1st child.
Ivan Ivanovich lives a hundred years!
2nd child.

His little wife is always healthy!
3rd child.
And to all the kids:
Sons, daughters, ladies!
Live together for up to two hundred years!
So that your field is green,
And the cattle didn't get sick!
Well, that's enough, guys. A full bag was caroled! Let's go to Aunt Arina in the hut
The children approach Aunt Arina's house.
Aunt Arina, let me get warm!
You are welcome, good people, come in!
We will while away the evening, sing songs and dance.
All children who take part in the ritual action go out and become wide
semicircle. Sing about winter.
White flakes are flying
It got colder
Only, winter, guys
You didn't scare.
No! No! You didn't scare.
No! No! You didn't scare.
Children read a poem by A. Prokofiev.
Who is on the hill, on the mountain,
In the wide yard?
Who is skiing
Who is taller
Who on the run
Who's on the ice
Who in the snow
Down the hill - wow!
Up the hill - wow!
Wow! Breathtaking!
The girls gather in a circle, whisper, then scatter and announce: "Chatushki".
Playful, balalaika,
Balalaika - three strings!
Sing along, don't yawn
Come out, dancers.
Hey, stomp your foot
Stomp, right.

I'm going to dance
Even if it's small!
I didn't want to dance
Standing and shy
And the harmonica played -
I couldn't resist!
I walked through the village
And I saw Vanyusha
Sitting under a bush and crying -
The chicken hurt!
I am a little girl,
I don't go to school
Buy me sandals
I'm getting married.
Oh, I'm stomping my foot
Let me drown another
I can't resist
What a character!
We are always like this everywhere -
Morning, evening and afternoon
Because we are ditties
Cheerful eat.
Break out, people
The dance takes me;
I'll go, I'll dance
I will show myself to people.
There is a glass on the table
And in a glass - the dough;
Goodbye mom and dad
I am already a bride.
The ditty has a beginning
The ditty has an end
Who listened to our ditties,
Let's just say - well done!
During ditties, boys play rattles, spoons, other percussion instruments, and
girls wave handkerchiefs.
What's with the legs, I do not understand!
Worn to the right,
They don't stand still

So they ask for a quadrille!
Boys invite girls to quadrille, dance. Then they line up and go
on the spectators.
1st child.
To all good people
We wish you well, gold, silver!
2nd child.
fluffy pies,
Soft pancakes!
3rd child.
Good health!
Butter cow!
To whom we sing songs, it will come true,
That will come true, it will not pass.
Children leave the hall to the sound of a Russian folk melody in the recording.
The course of the holiday can be arbitrarily changed. New
participants, in the content - familiar games, songs, dances. For example, the end option
this scenario could be as follows.
Having visited Ivanov Dvor, carolers want to get to the girls at a party. Under the quiet
the sounding tune of a Russian folk melody comes out from different sides of the girl. They bow
each other, greet each other, sit down on the benches. Carolers knock on them.
Carol, carol, holy Christmas.
Permission, masters, carols.
Let's go, we'll be happy to sing.
The frost is great, it does not order to stand!
Girls. Frost, frost! Don't freeze our oats.
Come into the house, dear guests.
Like Christ Christmas
It rolled under the window.
Our carol
Not small, not big.
She sews under the window
He serves pies.
Here in the master's house
They will give you a pancake in honey.
1st caroler (speaking).
Who will give the pie -
That's why the rye is thick,
From a seed pie,

From a semi-grain - a pancake.
2nd caroler (shouts).
Who will give the pie, -
Therefore, the yard of the abdomen,
Sheep with oats
A stallion with a tail.
3rd caroler.
Who will not give a pie -
To that chicken leg,
Yes, a shovel, a hunchback cow.
What do you girls give us?
(They ask in turn.)
Money bag or porridge pot?
A jug of milk or a piece of cake?
Pennies for candy
Or hryvnias for gingerbread?
You are smart guys
Guess the riddle!
(Girls vying with each other guess riddles).
patch in front,
back hook,
middle back,
There is a bristle on the back.
(Carolers guess: piglet).
Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up.
(The carolers guess again: a rooster).
little boy
In a gray coat
Wandering across the field
Stealing hemp!
Flies through the yards
Collects crumbs!
(Carolers are thinking ... Sparrow)!
Caroling. And now we have a riddle
You tell us the answer.
You won’t guess - you’ll give a gingerbread.
Humpback cat
The girls rub their shoulders.
In the morning
Went out of the yard
Lying on the shore
Didn't swim in the water!
Girls find it difficult to answer.
Tuktuk in the forest
Lyaplyap in the hut,

In the hands of the ding ding,
On the floor - toptop.
(Girls answer: "Balalaika").
He knows his business!
She is in Vanya's hands
Plays fun.
Then ditties begin, and the holiday continues: round dances sound, games are held.

Raisa Kozinets

To Russian folk music, children enter and sit down.

The buffoon boys come out:

1. Congratulations! Christmas time has come

From Christmas and before Epiphany

People start everything carols,

Houses are filled with fun!

2. Childish sonorous laughter sounds,

And the heart beats happily!

In the soul a special mood

Mark our holy day!

3. Well, what is Christmas time?

Haven't you guys heard?

The holiday is the longest

It's funny and old fashioned.

4. From Christmas and before Epiphany

Having prepared a treat

sang different carols

Dressed up and joked

The holiday was expected and loved

5. So let's go now

We will meet him at our place.

Buffoons - SPOONS PERFORM "Peddlers"



Come out mummers with drums tools:

1. mummer:

Kolyada, carol,

the day before Christmas

Kolyada has come,

Christmas brought.

2 mummers:

came Kolyada

the day before Christmas

Who will give the pie -

That is why the barn is full of cattle.

Rye with oats, a stallion with a tail.

3 mummers:

Master, hostess, be cordial to us.

What is rich in the house, then give us.

Pie and porridge, and upstairs - goat,

And under the bottom - a penny, a coin.

4 mummers:

Who will give the pie

To that - the barn is full of cattle,

Sheep with oats, a stallion with a tail.

A good man has rye good:

A spikelet is thick, a straw is empty.

5 mummers:

Whoever does not give a pie, to him - a chicken leg,

A pestle and a shovel, a hunchback cow!

A stingy man gives birth to rye bad:

The spikelet is empty, the straw is thick.

6 mummers: rolled carol,

Kolyada is young,

What a glorious day

Get into a round dance

We'll walk around

Let the guys have fun!

KHOROVOD: "Oh, Zainka"


1 child:

Night. Freezing. The stars are sparkling

From above heaven.

All covered in snow, as in ermines,

A quiet forest slumbers.

Silence around. glade

Sleeping in the arms of sleep

Emerges from the forest

Watch the moon.

The stars are fading. Are pouring from the sky

pale rays,

Frosty snow sparkled

Brocade silver.

2 child:

Branches spread wide

In a snow coat

Christmas tree in the middle of the meadow

Up went an arrow.

To the beauty of the forest

The moonlight has fallen

And the lights of ice crystals

Played in the branches.

3 child:

Diamond threads

Weaving in the needles

Emeralds and rubies

They lit up in the snow.

A clear star at the Christmas tree

Head lights up.

The great day is coming

Christmas holiday!

Children sing a song: "It's come Christmas» .

The host invites the children to play.

1. Game "Chickens and cockerels"

Three pairs collect grains within one minute (beans, peas, pumpkin seeds, scattered on 3 tables in disposable cups. Those who have collected more win. They play 2 times.

2. Game "Golden Gate"

Golden Gate

They don't always miss!

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second is prohibited

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

After these words, the music stops, "collars" drop their hands sharply, and those children who were caught also become "collars". Gradually quantity "gate" increases and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children are "gate".

3 Game "We'll Hang Balloons"


1. Once a Epiphany evening.

The girls guessed.

Shoe behind the gate

Taking it off their feet, they threw it.

Guys, do you want to guess?

2. Pouch with tops

Tell us friend

What will come true, will become

Let the bad stay.

The girls pass through the hall, the children take turns getting out of the bag

Pictures depicting various objects

If, from the bag is taken out towel:

1. The towel spreads far ... the road, the journey awaits you ...

2. If a roll is taken out of the bag - The mouse runs in the upper room, the loaf puffs in the stove. There will be prosperity in your house!

3. If a ring is taken out of the bag - Sow flour, bake pies. The guests are coming soon. Big holiday will be here!

4. If he takes out a button from the bag, this year you will have a new caftan and a beautiful sundress!

5. If music is taken out of the bag. instrument - turn on the music hurry up, have fun, sing and dance!

All children take out fortune-telling items.

1 mummer: Happy Christmas! And God bless you, gentlemen, for many years to come!

2 mummers: The Lord would give you life and life, and wealth in everything!

3 mummers: Let all the people rejoice,

Let everyone smile!

Let them dance and sing

Everything in the world!

In the world, joys live adults and children!

The children leave the room.

Related publications:

Scenario of a children's folklore holiday for children of the middle group "Christmas carols" Entertainment for children of the middle group "Christmas.

The scenario of folklore entertainment for preschoolers "Christmas carols""Christmas carols". Scenario of folklore entertainment for preschoolers. Author of the work: Leontyeva Anna Vitalievna, educator 1st.

Purpose: to preserve Russian folk traditions and customs; cultivate love and interest in folk holidays. Tasks: to introduce children to the origins.

The script of the holiday in the second junior group "Christmas carols" Compiled by: Kovaleva O. A., Vazhenina O. A. Purpose: To acquaint preschoolers with Russian folk traditions (caroling, divination, folk games.).

I bring to your attention the scenario of the holiday "Christmas carols" This event is traditionally held in our kindergarten, and charges.

Mother winter carols.Christmas script. On the side walls of the hall there are planar houses. They represent a village street. Children enter after the Russian dance song leading to the melody. The host and the children are dressed in Russian folk costumes. They stop near the houses, dance. Part of the children

Owners, mistresses, cat, dog

They go to their "huts". The carolers with the host become a semicircle near the houses. Carolers in their hands

Solar disk made of cardboard, attached to a stick and decorated with ribbons and paper flowers

Carol symbol.


Here comes Mother Winter.

Open the gate!

A carol also came, but from Novgorod.

Children walk, hand in hand, snake through the hall and sing.

Christmas carol came

On the eve of Christmas.

Who will give the pie

That is why the barn is full of cattle,

Sheep with oats

A stallion with a tail.


Let's go to uncle Miron to carol.

Children come to Miron's house, sing carols.


Rolled young!

We found a carol

In the Mironov yard.

Hey, uncle Myron,

Take out the good in the yard.

Like it's cold outside

Freezes the nose

Does not tell you to stand for a long time,

Orders to serve soon.

Sergevna's light came out,

I collected pearls for my earrings,

Carol, carol, give me a pie!

Don't serve a pie

Let's take the cow by the horns!

Serve a pie

The rye will be thick

The rye will be clean, threshed,

It will be from the ear for bread,

From grain to pie.

The owner, the mistress and the cat come out, which washes up the guests.

Please, guests, I was waiting for you, my house is spacious, my cabbage soup is fat.


Sweet cakes do not climb into the window.

The host and hostess treat the guests. Mekhonosha

Girl with a big bag in her hands

Accepts gifts. Carolers praise the hosts.

1st child.

God bless that

Who is in this house!

2nd child.

You and buns with cottage cheese.

And a house full of kids.

The hosts go into the house, and the carolers go further.


Let's go caroling to Uncle Nikolai.

Children follow the leader in a chain and sing.

The carol came on the eve of Christmas.

We walked, we were looking for a holy carol.

We found a carol at Nikolin's yard.

Nikolin yard

iron tyn,

Three towers stand in the middle of the courtyard.

In the first tower

red sun,

In the second tower

bright moon,

In the third tower

Often asterisks.

red sun

That is the hostess

The moon was shining

The owner is here

Frequent asterisks

Little kids.

The carolers stop at Nikolai's house and knock on the window.

Carolers (speaking).

Hello owner and hostess.

Happy holiday! Happy New Year, with all kind!

Open the chest

Get a piglet!

Nobody is answering. With a loud bark, the dog runs out and again returns to the hut.


Maybe Uncle Nikolai is fast asleep?

Let's sing a carol to him.

oatmeal, oatmeal,

You walked all over

Through the alleyways, through the lanes.

To whom we sing songs

That will come true

That will come true, it will not pass.

Come out, master, come out, boyar,

Receive guests from all volosts!

Uncle Nikolai comes out, yawns and stretches.


Who's yelling here

Doesn't let you sleep?



And do you want to get up from the warm stove in such a frost, sing and carol? (Goes into the house).

Caroling (blame talking).

Well, you won't have any luck.

One was a cow

And she's not healthy

one was a rooster

And that troublemaker

one was a mare

And she forgot God.


At the mean man

(points to Nikolai's house)

Born good rye

An ear is empty,

Straw thick.

Everyone goes to another yard with the song "Ovsen, Ovsen." They stop at Ivanov Dvor.

1st child.

Ivan has three towers in his yard.

2nd child.

Ivan himself

Lord of the bright moon.

3rd child.

red sun

His Varvarushka.

4th child.

Frequent asterisks

His kids.

The owner and the hostess come out to knock. The hostess is holding a baby doll in swaddling clothes.

Hello good people

Here's a treat for you

Cheese and cookies.


Gingerbread, sweets

Eat up, kids!

Carolers take everything, put it in a bag.


Thank you, owner and hostess,

Happy holiday to you, with a ruble and fifty dollars.

You for fun, us for nuts.

1st child.

Ivan Ivanovich lives a hundred years!

2nd child.

his little wife

Always hello!

3rd child.

And to all the kids:

Sons, daughters, young ladies!

Live together for up to two hundred years!

So that your field is green,

And the cattle didn't get sick!


Well, that's enough, guys. A full bag was caroled! Let's go to Aunt Arina's hut to warm up.

The children approach Aunt Arina's house.

Aunt Arina, let me get warm!

You are welcome, good people, come in!

We will while away the evening, sing songs and dance.

All the children taking part in the ritual act come out and become a wide semicircle. Sing about winter.

White flakes are flying

It got colder

Only, winter, guys

You didn't scare.

No! No! You didn't scare.

No! No! You didn't scare.

Children read a poem by A. Prokofiev.

Who is on the hill, on the mountain,

In the wide yard?

Who is skiing

Who is taller

Who on the run

Who's on the ice

Who in the snow

Up the hill

Wow! Breathtaking!

The girls gather in a circle, whisper, then scatter and announce: "Chatushki".

Play it, balalaika


Three strings!

Sing along, don't yawn

Come out, dancers.

Hey, stomp your foot

Stomp, right.

I'm going to dance

Even if it's small!

I didn't want to dance

Standing and shy

And the harmonica played

I couldn't resist!

I walked through the village

And I saw Vanyusha

Sitting under a bush and crying

The chicken hurt!

I am a little girl,

I don't go to school

Buy me sandals

I'm getting married.

Oh, I'm stomping my foot

Let me drown another

I can't resist

What a character!

We are always like this

Morning, evening and afternoon

Because we are ditties

Cheerful eat.

Break out, people

The dance takes me;

I'll go, I'll dance

I will show myself to people.

There is a glass on the table

And in a glass

Goodbye mom and dad

I am already a bride.

The ditty has a beginning

The ditty has an end

Who listened to our ditties,

Let's just say

Well done!

During ditties, boys play rattles, spoons, and other percussion instruments, and girls wave handkerchiefs.


What's with the legs, I do not understand!

Right and left are worn,

They don't stand still

So they ask for a quadrille!

Boys invite girls to quadrille, dance. Then they line up and go to the audience.

1st child.

To all good people

We wish you well, gold, silver!

2nd child.

fluffy pies,

Soft pancakes!

3rd child.

Good health!

Butter cow!

To whom we sing songs, it will come true,

That will come true, it will not pass.

Children leave the hall to the sound of a Russian folk melody in the recording.


The course of the holiday can be arbitrarily changed. New participants can be included in the action, content

Familiar games, songs, dances. For example, the scenario for completing this script might be as follows.

Having visited Ivanov Dvor, carolers want to get to the girls at a party. To the low-sounding tune of a Russian folk melody, the girls come out from different sides. They bow to each other, greet each other, sit down on the benches. Carolers knock on them.


Carol, carol, holy Christmas.

Permission, masters, carols.


Let's go, we'll be happy to sing.


The frost is great, it does not order to stand!


Frost, frost! Don't freeze our oats.

Come into the house, dear guests.


Like Christ Christmas

It rolled under the window.

Our carol

Not small, not big.

She sews under the window

He serves pies.

Here in the master's house

They will give you a pancake in honey.

1st caroler (speaking).

Who will give the cake

That's why the rye is thick,

From a seed pie,

From a half grain


2nd caroler (shouts).

Who will give the pie

Therefore, the yard of the abdomen,

Sheep with oats

A stallion with a tail.

3rd caroler.

Who won't give a pie

To that chicken leg,

Yes, a shovel, a hunchback cow.

What do you girls give us?

(They ask in turn.)

Money bag or porridge pot?

A jug of milk or a piece of cake?

Pennies for candy

Or hryvnias for gingerbread?


You are smart guys

Guess the riddles!

(Girls vying with each other guess riddles).

patch in front,

back hook,

middle back,

On the back


(Carolers guess: piglet).

Not a rider, but with spurs,

Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up.

(The carolers guess again: a rooster).

little boy

In a gray coat

Wandering across the field

Stealing hemp!

Flies through the yards

Collects crumbs!

(Carolers are thinking ... Sparrow)!


And now we have a riddle

You tell us the answer.

You won't guess

Give me a gingerbread.

Humpback cat

The girls rub their shoulders.

In the morning

Went out of the yard

Lying on the shore

Didn't swim in the water!


Girls find it difficult to answer.

Knock knock in the forest

In the hut blunder blunder,

In the hands of the ring-ring,

Top top.

(The girls answer: "Balalaika").



He knows his business!

She is in Vanya's hands

  • Nativity of Christ - script for a theatrical holiday for older preschoolers
  • Christmas gatherings - script for children of the senior and preparatory groups
  • Christmas festivities - script for Christmas
  • Kolyada has come - open the gate - a script for children of the senior and preparatory groups
  • New Year's Eve - a scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups
  • Under the Christmas star - holiday script
  • Nikola Zimniy - conversation session for children of the senior and preparatory groups
  • Carols of mother winter - script
  • Kolyada in kindergarten - Christmas script
  • Christmas trip - for students in grades 4-6. Christmas script
  • Happy Christmas - script in English. Christmas script
  • Kolyada came to visit - a script for children of the senior and preparatory groups
  • Night of Bethlehem - a play for the school theater
  • Holiday "Christmas carols"

    Scenario for children of the preparatory group

    Introducing children to the origins of Russian national culture.
    - introduce the concept of Christmas Eve and the content of the Christmas holiday;
    - introduce the ritual of caroling;
    - introduce children to folk games, songs, carols, ditties, dances;
    - develop emotional responsiveness, attention. To cultivate interest and respect for the past, for the history and culture of their people.
    Sports chips, 2 panicles, 2 flat horses, gymnastic sticks 5-6 pieces.
    Event progress:

    Children enter the hall to the music "Let's meet the new year." They stand in a circle.
    Host host:
    Hello dear guests! There are a lot of holidays in winter. One of them is Christmas, Christmas Carols and Christmas Christmas time.
    Children! Ordered for you
    Bring the decree at this hour,
    prepared by myself,
    Our mother - in winter!
    "Every year, this day,
    As the sign says,
    People are always told
    Come to the holiday!
    And of course everyone should
    Be at the Winter Festival!

    Mother - Winter "

    Host - Hostess:
    Hey, hurry up everyone here!
    Kolyada came to visit.
    We will joke, dance,
    Run, play fun.
    Oh, we will not be bored, Let's dance together!

    Dance "Christmas tree, balls, crackers"

    host - hostess
    To us at Christmas time,
    Carols have arrived!
    Happy New Year!
    We wish you all happiness!
    My dear guests
    We gathered for a conversation,
    We are here for fun!
    As once our great-grandfathers,
    Well, our great-grandmothers are with them!
    Came to the merry Christmas time,
    To the songs of the whole world and riddles!

    What is Saints?
    This holiday is the longest.
    It's funny and old fashioned.
    Our ancestors drank, ate,
    We had fun for two weeks.
    From Christmas to Baptism
    Having prepared a meal
    Sang various carols
    We went around the yards to Svyatki.
    Dressed up and joked
    The holiday was expected and loved.
    So let's go now
    We will meet him at our place!

    Song - dance "Christmas and Christmas time" Accompanied by a noise orchestra (tambourine, rattles, wooden spoons, whistles), carolers in masks and costumes enter.

    Host - Hostess:
    The carolers did not bypass our kindergarten either. Meet!
    Carolers knock on the door
    Come in, dear guests!
    Carolers in chorus: (Goat, bear, children 4 people)
    Hello hostess! Carol was born on the eve of Christmas!
    Carol came, open the gate
    Kolyada, young
    Carol needs food
    God bless whoever is in this house!
    Goat :
    Holy day, good day, good health to the good owner!
    We do not go ourselves, we lead a goat!
    Where the goat is like, there it will give birth to life! (stomp feet)
    (The goat bows, comes forward and everyone bows to the mistress)
    Carolers in chorus: (goat and bear)
    Sow, sow, sow, Happy New Year!
    Let me come in to you - a year at the carol on the way.
    Hostess, can you sing carols?
    Carolers in chorus: children
    1. What, hostess, will you give us?
    What, hostess, will you give us?
    2. Milk jug or porridge pot?
    Piece of cake or money bag?
    They didn't dance or sing
    Did you want treats?
    Wait, wait
    Dance and sing!
    We will sing to youcomic ditties - carols Goat: carol, carol
    There is food on the table
    oatmeal porridge,
    pig's head
    Bear: carol, carol
    The star rolled
    To us here for the holidays,
    Burnt heels

    carol, carol,
    Grandpa has a beard.
    A cheerful cockerel
    Wearing a red comb!
    carol, carol,
    Serve food here
    candy boxes
    Just in time for the New Year!

    Who gave the pie
    That's why the rye is thick,
    Half grain pie.
    Wide from the top!

    Chorus carolers:
    3.Happy New Year,
    With all kind!
    To be healthy
    Lived for many years.
    4. Urodis you have wheat,
    There is always cake on the table
    Lungs are always dear to you!
    Greetings in turn:
    We wish you a Happy New Year, in all endeavors
    Bear: Good weather, may everything that you have in mind come true
    Goat: Let children honor their parents
    Let grief bypass the hut
    Let the song live easily and richly!
    Host - Hostess:
    Oh thank you guys
    What came to our house for Christmas!
    Wish us well!
    Here's a treat for you -
    delicious cookies
    sweet candy,
    Eat up, kids!

    Thank you hostess
    Happy holiday to you
    With a ruble and a fifty
    You for fun, us for nuts!
    Host - Hostess:
    Well, what is a Christmas holiday without jokes, jokes, without fun competitions? At gatherings, guys always competed with girls, they boasted of their intelligence and ingenuity.
    Look how many kids we have, both girls and boys. Let there be two teams - "Jolly Girls" and the brave "Well Done Daredevils". So we'll see who is smarter, but it will be more fun.

    Girls stand by the goat, boys stand by the bear.

    They pass a broom decorated with a bow while the music plays. Whoever has a broom in his hands after the end of the music, he comes out and dances.

    Leading hostess:
    Carols, carols, these are our children.
    We went to the station
    Yes, we found a carol.
    carol, carol,
    Called all the children
    Don't sit, don't get bored
    And everyone has fun playing!

    Game "Golden Gate"
    "Gate" pronounce:
    Golden Gate
    They don't always miss!
    Saying goodbye for the first time
    The second is prohibited
    And for the third time
    We won't miss you!
    According to the principle of a stream, the hostess leads the children at the end of the words, the gates with the mummers are closed and the children are not allowed through Lead hostess:
    The carol has gone
    Yes, walk the streets
    Happy New Year everyone!

    2. GAME COMPETITION "Chatushki"

    Chastushki (odd girls sing, even boys sing)

    1. I start to sing a ditty

    First, initial

    I want to cheer

    The public is sad!

    2. Give out, people,

    Now the dance is on!

    I'll go, I'll dance

    I'll look at the people!

    3. Our girls are small,

    A little more felt boots

    Everyone in the area will be surprised!

    4. Ohanki yes akhanki,

    What guys are tiny

    Because of the bumps, because of the stumps

    Don't see our boys!

    5. And I'll put on boots.

    I'll drink curdled milk

    All soul yearned

    For beloved Masha

    6. My darling is small

    puts on boots,

    And when he puts on

    How the bubble will inflate!

    7. Oh, the floor failed,

    The ceiling collapsed

    I'll stay on the board

    I will not part with the ditty!

    8. We sang and danced for you,

    Dear public,

    Don't hold on to your pockets

    We won't take a dime!

    Lead hostess:
    Well done "girly-cheerful" yes brave "Well done-dared"

    Children sit down

    carolers (Goat, Bear)

    They throw grain in different directions, saying.
    We sow, we sow
    Happy new year congratulations!
    By guessing wish now!

    Lead hostess:
    On holy evenings, people caroled and wondered. You want to tell fortunes, but to know your fate.

    The light is turned off, a pot of cereals is taken out, various things are hidden in it. The hostess sits down on a chair in the middle of the hall and says:

    "A pot with tops,

    Tell us buddy

    What will come true, will become

    Let the bad stay!

    Call the children in turn, they take out one item.

    Ribbon - for new clothes, they will buy you a lot

    new things, clothes.

    Carrot cabbage - to health, all year round

    you won't get sick.

    Button - you will have it this year

    brother or sister.

    Pencil - academic success.

    bell - the whole year is waiting for you only

    good news.

    Comb - you will be walking all year round

    neat and beautiful.

    Nail - often you will have a guest,

    Or you will visit often.

    Two linked paper clips - you will have

    new friends this year.

    beads - receive this year

    many gifts.

    Candy You will eat sweets all year long.

    Threads - there will be a lot this year


    Candle - You will be hardworking.

    Scissors children - hairdresser

    Centimeter – tailor

    Book - Writer, scientist

    musical instrument - musician

    Paints - artist

    Thermometer - doctor

    Car - driver

    Coin - accountant, cashier, banker.

    Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas,
    And at Christmas time everything happens,
    Any fairy tale comes to life!
    To us for the holiday slowly, from far, far away
    Welcome guest is coming!
    Father Frost:
    Hello, here I am

    Happy New Year to you friends!
    I decided on holy days
    Once again visit you
    play pranks
    And then after the baptism
    It's time for me to go to the forest
    Frost add
    Forge ice bridges on rivers
    Sweep more snow on the fields
    To make Mother Earth bigger
    I gave the harvest.
    Near the green Christmas tree
    I call you to dance
    Let the holiday be merry
    There will be a wonderful dance.

    Song "Hot Time" Father Frost:
    I see friendly guys gathered in this hall
    Show strength agility
    Surprise me old man.
    Come on, well done, show dexterity and speed while riding a "horse".

    Father Frost:
    And now I offer you a game,
    Measure strength, as happened in the old days.
    I invite the strongest guys,
    Come on, become strong men in a funny row.
    The carol came
    Brought joy to everyone
    Start, children, round dance
    Let's continue to celebrate the new year.
    Dance "Dance with me my friend"
    Carolers in chorus: (Goat, Bear)
    We walked, we walked
    According to Holy Rus'.
    congratulated, praised
    Good luck to everyone.
    Host - Hostess:
    Kolyada has come
    Brought fun to everyone
    Don't sit, don't be bored
    Get treats.

    Hostess, bear, goat distribute treats on trays

    Carolers in chorus: (Goat, Bear)
    Happy New Year!
    To be healthy, live for many years!
    Happiness will be your mountain, the harvest is big.
    Ugly you have oats, so that two meters in height.
    Harvest you wheat, and peas, and lentils.
    So that there are a lot of guests, it was in the house for a whole year!
    There is always a pie on the table, lungs are always dear to you!
    They bow and leave the hall to cheerful music. Father Frost:
    Well, a miracle - a treat!
    Goodbye hostess
    Goodbye guys until next year.

    Leaves to the music

    Host - hostess:

    Our holiday has come to an end
    Be healthy, be happy
    Live without trouble for many, many years!

    To the cheerful music, the children leave the hall