Option for folding napkins for table setting. An ideal pinwheel made of paper or fabric. How to festively fold paper napkins: tie

Exquisite and stylish table setting is an indispensable attribute of any feast or celebration. One of key points To create an atmosphere of celebration is to decorate the table with napkins. With their help, you can not only effectively decorate the table and dishes, but also set color scheme and the mood of the event itself. To fold simple figures, no special equipment or special skills are required. In addition, in addition to the aesthetic properties, napkins also have a purely utilitarian practical application.


There are two types of napkins used for serving: paper and fabric.

  1. Fabric products designed for individual use, they are laid out near or on top of each guest’s plate so that it is convenient for him to unfold and place the napkin on his lap at the beginning of the meal.
  2. Paper models should be placed so that guests sitting nearby can easily reach them if necessary.

Usually both varieties are shaped like a square, so general principles the folding for them is not very different. The main difference between paper napkins is their greater fragility and smaller size, which does not allow the production of some particularly complex shapes.

The main advantage of paper napkins is their availability and richness of colors and textures, which allows you to serve the table with them in any situation. You can simply lay out the napkins on napkin holders, improvise with the shapes and twist simple cute shapes, or even lay out something enchanting. The choice depends only on personal skills, wishes and preferences.

Properly serving napkins to the table is an art that requires taking into account a number of points. The color, shape and overall creative concept must correspond to the theme and style of the event, in harmony with the tablecloth and dishes on the table. Also important is the ease of addition.

No matter how elegant the shape, the main purpose of a napkin on the table remains its direct practical purpose, so the guest should not spend a lot of time pulling out and unfolding the napkin.

How to fold it yourself: master class

Collapse paper napkins in beautiful and unusual figures not as difficult as it seems. Of course, as in any other matter, in order to achieve mastery, it is recommended to go step by step - from simple option to the complex. But the charm of origami allows you to create true masterpieces even with a minimum of effort. Even children can make simple decorations, this process develops fine motor skills, increases intelligence and allows you to turn the chores before guests arrive into a real family holiday.

To make decorations from napkins, it is best to use ready-made instructions – diagrams that describe the stages of work step by step and various ways folding. Often beginners are lost, not knowing how to read such diagrams, but in reality everything is quite simple: dotted line folds are indicated, straight lines are cuts, and arrows indicate the direction in which the paper is folded. A semicircular arrow symbolizes a fold in the indicated direction, a zigzag arrow indicates the z-type of fold known as an accordion, and an arrow that curls in the middle into a ring indicates the need to turn the product over.

There are two main ways to decorate a table with paper napkins: put an individual figurine on each plate for each guest or put several pieces in a napkin holder.

Both can be designed in an interesting and creative way.

There are napkin holders different forms, but the main one among them is the classic semicircle. However, a scattering of napkins can be placed in any available utensils: glasses, glasses, small flowerpots or even a simple plate.

The basic rule that should be followed is that the corners should stick out in such a way that the products can be easily reached without destroying the entire structure.

  • The most common and widely known figure is single or double fan. To create it, each napkin should be folded in half to form a triangle, and by placing the resulting triangles on top of each other, shifting the outer corner by about one centimeter, form a fan. A single fan is folded from the central triangle to the edges, and a double fan is formed in two rows directed towards each other. The accordion folding method also looks interesting. The napkin is assembled into an accordion in increments of one or two centimeters, folded in half and inserted into the napkin holder.

  • You can simply place a napkin in a glass using method of rolling into a tube. In this case, the napkin is folded in half, positioned base down and neatly rolled up, starting from the right corner. For convenience, it is recommended to first wrap the napkin around your fingers. The upper third of the resulting tube is bent, after which the product is placed in a glass.
  • Interesting and in an unusual way The arrangement of paper napkins in the napkin holder is "bird". The opposite corners of a square napkin are bent a few centimeters, after which the part is bent in half with the curved corners inward, and a trapezoid is formed. The bird's tail is formed from several nested and slightly extended trapezoids. The head is made from a napkin rolled into a tube, the tip of which is slightly bent to the side. This model will look especially advantageous if you use napkins of different colors for the tail.

  • If you use an ordinary wide cup as a napkin holder, you can make an original and bright "two-sided waterfall". In this case, the napkins are unfolded so that the original square becomes a rectangle, which, depending on the size of the dishes, can be folded lengthwise one or two more times. The rectangles are stacked on top of each other, leveled and folded in the middle. The middle is recessed in the cup, after which all that remains is to straighten the hanging sheets. Origami figures placed on a plate can be divided into two types. One includes direct figures - flowers, animals, leaves, while the other type includes napkin-pockets in which you can wrap or put cutlery, fresh flowers or branches.

  • Napkins are very popular among children and youth in the form of rabbits. The napkin is folded in half twice, edges up, resulting in a long, narrow strip. The edges of the strip are grabbed and simultaneously bent down so that an angle is formed at the upper middle point of the strip. The next step is to bend the lower edges one after another towards the center, and then fold them in half, forming the ears. Then the central upper triangle is bent back, and one of the ears is tucked into the pocket of the other, after which all that remains is to turn over and smooth out the rabbit.

  • Another interesting wayfan folding. The napkin is unfolded and folded in half so that the front side is on the outside. Next, about three-quarters of the length, a not very large accordion is made. The next step is to bend the origami in half, the tail that is not folded like an accordion is bent inward, and the figure is placed on the surface.
  • To make envelope, it is advisable to take larger and denser napkins. The napkin is laid in a diamond shape so that the corner with single layers faces to the right, then it is folded in half twice and unfurled back to the diamond. Then take the topmost layer of the napkin on the right and bend it in half three times so that as a result it passes through the middle line of the figure. The next layer is folded twice in a similar way, reaching midline, after which the figure is turned inside out and rotated to a square. The sides of the square are bent towards the middle, the figure in last time turns over the other side, and an envelope with two pockets is formed.

Table decor experts believe that the color scheme and method of folding napkins should match the theme of the event. And if for friendly party or feasts in narrow circle Simply serve paper napkins in a napkin holder or glass, then set the table for gala event and the reception of guests follows more refined figures.

An important point is the color scheme:

  1. For a children's party or youth party a good option There will be bright plain napkins or products decorated with an interesting gradient, cheerful print or pattern.
  2. A family celebration will be decorated with discreet pastel and beige tones.
  3. On official event It is preferable to choose plain models or napkins with a minimal, strict print.

Thematic colors do not lose their relevance. On New Year The red-green and burgundy-gold tones look win-win, traditional spring colors are shades of pink, light green and blue, and autumn is associated with crimson, sunny yellow and a shade of ocher. For romantic dinner It’s better to stay with classic white, red and pink tones. However, atypical combinations can become the highlight of the evening, the main thing is not to overdo it with experiments.

It is better to fold napkins in advance, because, despite the apparent simplicity, this process takes quite a lot of time.

You should practice in advance and roll several napkins the day before to remember the folding methods and the features of creating the shape. IN as a last resort, if there was no opportunity to train, the planned form does not work out or there is simply no time left, the simplest of possible ways is to place napkins in a stack on a plate.

For greater aesthetics, you can lay each subsequent product with a slight shift, so that the result is a multi-pointed star.

Such an easy and elegant method will not only help in Hard time, but it will also look quite decent, not inferior to exquisite serving options.

Beautiful examples and options

Despite the fact that there are a number of traditional patterns and options that are usually used for table setting, if desired and with proper preparation, you can use paper napkins to fold almost any figure from the huge arsenal of origami. Of course, you will have to invest a lot of time and effort, because such work can only be done by a person who already has experience in creating origami.

How to fold a paper napkin beautifully festive table so that it can be used both for hygiene and aesthetic purposes and created positive attitude? This dilemma can only interest a true housewife, whose home always has a cozy atmosphere, even in the smallest details. To bring original look paper or woven napkin, there is no need to be an origami expert. You can use fairly easy circuits.

First of all, it is worth noting that serving napkins come not only from paper, but also from fabric. The second option creates splendor and adds detail. But it will not always be advisable to use them. If you plan to organize a friendly skit party, children's party or dinner in a close circle of relatives, it would be optimal to use colorful original napkins, originally folded in an unusual way, and suitable for a formal theme.

When thinking about how to fold paper napkins for table settings, you should consider several criteria thanks to which you can achieve a brilliant result. These products should be folded so that those present at the table do not have to unwrap them long before they are used for their intended purpose.

Napkins must be chosen in harmony with the colors of the tablecloth, napkin holders and other attributes that are on the festive table. In addition, you should practice in advance so that you get the hang of it, and this activity does not take up much time and effort during the pre-holiday hassle.

  • How to fold fabric napkins
  • Napkin "Starfish"
  • Napkin "Shirt"
  • Napkin "Fish"
  • Napkin "Hourglass"
  • Napkin "Royal Lily"
  • Napkin "Royal Robe"
  • Napkin “Fan in a ring”
  • Napkin "Handbag"
  • Napkin "Flame"
  • Napkin "Sea urchin"
  • Napkin "Everest"
  • Napkin "Trail"
  • Napkin "Asian fan"
  • Napkin "Easter Bunny"
  • Napkin "Diagonal sachet"
  • Napkin "Gate Arch"
  • Napkin "Star fan"
  • Napkin "Table fan"
  • Napkin "Jabot"
  • Napkin "Artichoke"

How to beautifully fold paper napkins into a napkin holder

It’s impossible to even imagine table setting without napkins. Particularly common products are disposable napkins. They are characterized by practicality and are inexpensive. Of course, these products do not look as durable and formal as elegant fabric models, but they can be used. All you have to do is choose original version how to fold paper napkins for table setting.

IN Lately Housewives put napkin holders on the table instead of vessels - because they are very convenient, practical and functional. The main thing is to place the napkins not only in an unusual and attractive way, but also so that they can be easily removed and not pulled out all at once.

How to fold fabric napkins

It is worth noting that the procedure for folding fabric napkins and serving them on a holiday table is more labor-intensive than paper ones and requires slightly longer preparation. Let's start with being prepared cloth napkins- They need to be well starched and ironed.
And to make fabric napkins look impressive in napkin holders or vessels, you can add fresh flowers to them. These products, folded in an original way, it is desirable that they harmonize with the tablecloth. Various simple diagrams will help you understand how to beautifully fold fabric napkins.

How to beautifully fold paper napkins on a holiday table diagrams

If the hostess does not know how to fold paper napkins for table setting, then she is quite capable of using various schemes. Originally folded products are perfect for any festive occasion.

Napkin "Starfish"

The napkin should be folded in the shape of an accordion, in six stripes, the top of which should be directed away from you. Place the top right corner inside. The same actions must be done with the two corners located below. Just place all three corners to the left. And the third part of the figure on the left needs to be bent to the right. Half of the folded part must be bent to the left. Do the same for the right side. The corners are raised from above. There you go.

Napkin "Shirt"

You need to place the napkin face down on the surface and the backside up. All four corners must be folded into the center of the napkin. The right and left sides are folded inward toward the center. Next, you need to turn the napkin and bend the top part about two centimeters. Then you need to turn the napkin over again and tilt the corners towards the middle so that they touch each other. Next, the lower parts of the product are turned away, and the “sleeves” of the product are obtained. Raise the lower part and push it under the collar of the “shirt”. All is ready.

Napkin "Fish"

The product folds diagonally and has a fold at the top. The bottom corner tilts up. The left curved corner is tilted. Do the same with the right angle. The left side must be bent towards the middle vertical line of the product. On the right you need to do similar actions. At the end, you need to turn the figurine over to the other side so that the fish is ready.

Napkin "Hourglass"

You need to fold the napkin in half with the inside out. Fold the center of the top corners. Similar actions are done with the bottom, bend them to the center. Now wrap the resulting corners towards the middle so that the vertices are connected.

Napkin "Royal Lily"

The napkin is folded diagonally. The left and right corners are combined with the top side of the triangle. Next, you need to fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis. Reject the top. The right corner is connected to the left one behind the product, placed one inside the other, and the upper corners are turned inward. At the end, you will need to place the figurine vertically so that the flower is ready.

Napkin "Royal Robe"

Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally downward. Align the left and right corners with the vertex of the triangle. Then they will need to be bent. The top of the lower triangle slopes upward towards the middle. Next, fold in half again, moving to the top half of the napkin. Bottom part bend back. Lock the side corners together and pull out the “mantle” points that fold over and attach behind the welt.

Napkin “Fan in a ring”

Initially, the napkin is placed face down on the surface in a straightened form. Next, you need to fold the product into an accordion shape. Fold it in half in the middle. Fill the napkin into a ring (or place it in a drinking vessel) and straighten out the “fan.”

And here is the diagram of the napkin "Column"

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Napkin "Flip-flop with a train"

Initially, the napkin is folded in half, inside out. Its two upper corners fold into the middle. Next, you need to fold the top part of the bend. Turn the napkin to face away from you and re-fold the top corners towards the middle. Turn the figure over from you and fold the folds from the bottom. Then you will need to place the folds under the square, pressing them with your fingers in the middle, and unravel the resulting “fan” on both sides.

Napkin "Handbag"

Initially, the napkin lies on the surface with the wrong side out. Then it will need to be folded in half along the vertical axis, and then in half again along the horizontal. The fold must be made at the bottom. The top two corners are folded into the center. And then you will need to bend the top layer in half. The rest of the product also slopes towards the middle. Fold the resulting corner down on the first triangle. The figurine is ready!

Napkin "Flame"

Place the napkin face down on the surface and fold it diagonally. Next, you need to bend it into an accordion shape, starting from the long side, and not from the small corner. Then you need to leave a small part not assembled into an accordion. The formed top must be used to fix the accordion, in other words, we wrap the corner so that it is on the top of the accordion. Keep your finger in the middle and fold the product in half. Carefully arrange the folds. And if you secure the resulting flame figurine with a napkin ring or some decorative object, it will become even nicer!

Napkin "Sea urchin"

You need to fold the napkin like an accordion into six stripes, with the top facing away from you. Place the top right corner inside. Do the same with the two corners below. Similarly, place all three corners on the left side. The third part of the figure on the left should be bent to the right. Fold half of the folded part to the left. Repeat the same operation with right side. Raise the corners up.

Napkin "Everest"

Initially, the napkin is folded half horizontally. The upper corners along the diagonal axis are folded towards the center. The sides of the triangle are aligned so that the sharp corners are at the bottom. Turn the shape and bend the ends that will support it. The fold of the vertical axis is directed inward. Place the figure vertically so that it really looks like a slide.

Napkin "Trail"

You need to fold the napkin along a diagonal axis. The left and right corners of the formed triangle are aligned with its vertex. Fold the figure in half horizontally. Attach the right corner to the left behind the figure, place one inside the other. Rotate and pull the sharp corners to the right and left. Place the resulting figurine vertically.

Napkin "Asian fan"

Initially, the napkin lies inside out. About one-fourth of the top is folded over. Turn it over. About one third of the bottom is bent upward. Fold the product in half from bottom to top. Fold like an accordion to make five identical folds. By clasping the open side with your fingers, pull the pleats to opposite sides and secure them. Open the resulting fan.

Napkin “Flower of the East” in video

Napkin "Easter Bunny"

First you need to fold the napkin diagonally upward. Roll the triangle into a tube, starting from the bottom. Wrap the product in the middle. Lift both ends up like ears. From the center of the napkin, build a ring into which you need to insert an egg. Tie the “ears” with a ribbon above the ring. By the way, there is a detailed one.

Napkin "Diagonal sachet"

Initially, you need to fold the napkin in half, inside out, and then in half again. Next, you will need to bend the upper right corner towards the central part by approximately five centimeters. Then, along with the curved corner, the top layer will need to be bent along the diagonal axis. And now on the second layer of the product, the upper right corner needs to be wrapped inward, also about five centimeters. Next, the left edge of the figure is folded underneath. The same actions are carried out with the right edge. Next, once the sachet is ready, all that remains is to put a knife and fork into it.

Napkin "Gate Arch"

Initially, the napkin is folded diagonally. The two side corners are aligned with top part triangle. Fold this figure horizontally, tightening bottom corner ok down. The side corners lean forward. So the “arch” has taken shape.

Napkin "Star fan"

Initially, the napkin is on the wrong side facing out. The top and bottom edges fold towards the middle. The lower part is folded upward, holding the fold tightly. Form the napkin like an accordion (at least four and no more than six). Hold the upper part of the figure with your fingers and pull the lower folds forward. Place the "fan".

Napkin "Horizontal sachet"

Initially, the napkin is folded into two, facing inward (folded down). Fold one third of the top layer down, creating a crease in the middle. Turn the opposite side towards you. Fold the sides so that they touch the middle. Fold it again. And after the sachet is ready, you can put forks and knives in it.

Napkin "Table fan"

Initially, the napkin is folded half outward (up). Three quarters of its length are gathered in the form of an accordion, bending the first fold down. Fold this product in half so that the folds are on the outside on the left side, and the unfolded part is on the right. Next, you need to take the napkin in your hand so that the open ends of the folds rise up. Fold part of the product along a diagonal axis to make a kind of stand. Next, you will need to tuck the resulting stand between the folds and place the figurine on the table.

The “Slanted Pocket” napkin is presented in the video

Royal lily

1. The original shape of the napkin lies front side down.
2. Bend all its corners one by one towards the center.
3. Turn the napkin over.
4. Fold the corners towards the center again.
5. Holding the corners in the center, pull out the corners from below so that they form “petals.”

Royal Robe

1. The initial shape of the napkin is folded diagonally with the angle down.
2. Align the left and right corners with the vertex of the triangle.
3. Bend them up.
4. Fold the top of the top of the two bottom triangles up to the middle.
5. ... in half again and again, going to the top half of the napkin. Bend the lower part (the remaining triangle) back. Fasten the side corners to each other and pull out the points.
6. Points royal robe» Bend it down and secure it behind the welt.


1. The original shape of the napkin is folded in half along the vertical axis (fold on the left)
2. Fold the upper left and right corners down.
3. Bend the left and right bottom corners up.
4. Bend the top triangle down and the bottom triangle up.


2. Fold the resulting triangle like an accordion, leaving a small triangle on top.
3. Secure the accordion with the top.
4. ...and fold the figure in half.
5. The resulting figure can be secured with a ring or decorative elements.


1. The original shape of the napkin is folded diagonally.
2. Fold up a small strip of fabric at the base of the triangle and turn the napkin over so the right side is facing away from you.
3. Fold the right corner down to the left, and the left corner down to the right.
4. Straighten the corners strictly symmetrically and bend the bottom edge back. The “shirt” can be decorated
bow or candy.


1. The original shape of the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the top).
2. Bend the bottom corner up.
3. Bend the left protruding corner down.
4. Fold the right corner in the same way.
5. Fold the left side towards the middle vertical line of the figure. Fold the right side in the same way.
6. Turn the shape over and decorate it with a small shell.

Sasha corners

1. The original form of the napkin is folded in four with the right side facing out (open corners in the upper right part)
2. Fold the first layer of napkin fabric diagonally so that the corner is at the bottom left point.
3. Fold the second layer of fabric so that its corner touches the central fold. Fold the first corner from below so that it touches the corner at the central fold.
4. Fold the bottom right and top left corners back.
5. Place the napkin on the table in a vertical orientation.

Flip-flop with a train

1. The original shape of the napkin is folded in half wrong side inside. Fold both upper corners of the napkin towards the middle.
2. Bend the resulting top down.
3. Turn the napkin over with the front side facing away from you and fold the top corners toward the middle again.
4. Turn the napkin again away from you and bottom edge fold in folds.
5. Place the folds under the square, holding it in the center with your fingers, and spread it out on both sides
like a fan.

Tiara and lily

1. The original shape of the napkin is folded diagonally (fold at the bottom)
2. Align the two side corners with the top.
3. Fold the napkin so that the bottom corner is 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the top.
4. Bend the top corner down to the fold.
5a. Fold the sides back and insert one into the other to form a circle at the base.
5 B. Place the napkin straight.
6. Lily style
We perform operations 1-5 (see above). To fold the napkin in the lily style, fold the top two corners down.

Tiered corners

1. The original shape of the napkin is folded in four.
2. Fold the first layer of napkin fabric diagonally so that the corner is at the left point. Fold the second layer back so that the second corner is 1 inch (2.5 cm) from the first.
3. Repeat the above with the third and fourth layers of fabric so that all corners are 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart.
4. Fold the sides down and place the napkin on the table.

Princess Frog

The original form of the napkin lies face down.
1. Fold the top quarter of the napkin down and the bottom quarter up.
2. Turn the napkin away from you and fold it in half along the horizontal axis towards you.
3. Bend the upper right corner down.
4. Place the next corner inside.
5. Fold the last right corner back under the figure.
6. Do the same with the left corners.
7. Fold the figure in the middle.
8. Place it on the folded corners. Instead of eyes, stick circles of confetti.

Tsar's bun

1. The original shape of the napkin lies with the wrong side up.
2. Fold all other corners towards the center.
3. Turn the napkin over and fold all the corners towards the center again.
4. Turn the napkin over. Fold all corners toward the center again.
5. Bend the four corners inward from the center.
6. Fold all corners to the center again and turn the napkin over.
7. Straighten the bent corners.

Hat with lapel

1. The original shape of the napkin is folded with the wrong side inward (fold on the left).
2. Fold the napkin in half again to form a square (fold at the bottom).
3. Fold the lower left corner, leaving 2-3 cm to the top.
4. Bend the side corners inward and secure them to each other.
5. Place the napkin vertically to form a “hat” with a folding collar; bend one of the upper peaks down.

Bishop's Hat

1. The original shape of the napkin is folded in half (fold at the bottom).
2. Fold the top left and bottom right corners diagonally towards the middle. Flip the napkin so that the top right corner is at the bottom left.
3. Fold the figure in half along the horizontal axis, freeing the left triangles.
4. Right side bend the shapes to the left and place them under the left triangle.
5. And finally, turn the napkin over and place it left side under the right triangle. Secure the corners.


1. The original shape of the napkin is folded horizontally in half (fold at the top).
2. Fold the napkin into a triangle (align the lower left corner with the lower right corner).
3. Move the right corner of the resulting triangle to the left.
4. Repeat steps 2, after which move the lower right corner to the left.
5. Bend the right half of the triangle to the left and place the napkin so that the edges do not wrinkle.

Twisted tent

1. The original shape of the napkin is folded in half (fold at the top).
2. Align the lower left corner of the napkin with its lower right part to form an isosceles triangle on top.
3. Move the right corner to the right.
4. Repeat step 2, move the lower right corner to the left.
5. Bend the right half of the triangle to the left.
6. Roll the napkin from left to right.
7. Give a napkin vertical position, without completely unfolding it.

There is such an anecdote: a client in a restaurant asks why the napkins are greasy, and the waiter says, I’m sorry, but you don’t need to wipe yourself with pancakes.

It's funny, but once upon a time thin, low-fat pancakes like lavash were actually used as napkins. For the same purpose in different time Fig leaves, rice paper, sleeves and even the hair of court boys were used.

The first fabric napkins appeared among the ancient Romans. Large rectangular cloths protected the bed from contamination (the patricians ate their meals lying down), and they also blotted their lips and hands.

In Russia, the nobility was encouraged to use these hygiene products by the decree of Peter the Great; since then it was forbidden to wipe with a sleeve or tablecloth. The paper napkins familiar to us were patented in the 19th century, and their in-line production began only in the 70s of the last century.

Today, when setting a banquet table, cloth and paper napkins are used. The first ones are designed to protect clothes from contamination; wiping oily hands or lips with them is now not accepted. Although it is correct to blot your lips with a cloth after drinking or touch it with slightly dirty fingers.

In order to create festive mood and surprise your guests, you can use square napkins to wrap and twist the most incredible shapes. The fabric needs to be starched after washing - this way it holds its shape better.

Impressive compositions are constructed in napkin holders and from ordinary paper products, cutlery is wrapped in them, and in a cafe or restaurant many young people try to roll up a napkin rose for their lady.

The art of folding original paper figures - origami - was born in Japan. This skill was a sign good manners and was mandatory for the upper classes. According to one version, origami has its roots in the Asian art of draping fabrics for religious rituals.

We are not Japanese aristocrats, but we are able to decorate the table and lift the spirits of our loved ones. We present you a variety of ways to fold napkins with your own hands. Step by step instructions are attached. With a little practice, you will be able to give lessons to others.


Start with a simple pattern that doesn't require time or skill. Wrap the napkin in a tube (for convenience, you can wrap it around a pencil and then remove it) and place it in a glass or glass. Appropriate design home evening, New Year's holiday, dinner with your loved one. It's quick, easy, and sophisticated, so your guests don't have to guess how to unwrap. By the way, if you arrange a master class for children, they will then be happy to take on this function.

Christmas tree

Coniferous tree is a companion of New Year and Christmas. Christmas trees made from napkins will look beautiful on the table; they are not difficult to make. Such option will do and for children's birthdays celebrated in winter. Place the Christmas trees on plates, and on top you can put a bow or star-shaped cookies on top for decoration.

4 flower arrangement schemes: lotus, tulip, rose, lily

In any decor, a floral theme traditionally leads, table setting is no exception. Try to “grow” a lotus, tulip, rose or lily step by step according to our recipes. The table will turn out very elegant.


The flower, sacred in many religions, always keeps the flowers and leaves clean. A symbol of divine power (the Egyptian god Ra was born from a lotus), purity, warmth and fertility.

A serving napkin folded in this way will decorate any holiday. If the hero of the occasion is a man, choose shades of blue color, if a woman – pink or lilac. For wedding table White or red lotuses will do. White color is generally universal; such “flowers” ​​are also good for a business lunch.


Symbol of spring, beauty, perfect love. According to established custom, these flowers are given to women on March 8th. You can also decorate the table with napkins in the shape of tulips.

White color symbolizes purity of thoughts and trust - for business negotiations, decorate the table with appropriate napkins as a sign of the openness of your intentions.

Red tulips mean love, passion and fidelity - use this symbolism in table setting for another anniversary family life.

If you have decided to break up with your partner and want to have a farewell dinner, here you go yellow tulips. Although in the East yellow tulips another meaning is attributed - it is a compliment: “Your smile is like the sun!”

Dark purple color- royal blood, nobility, nobility. These tulip napkins can be used to decorate a status table: for the occasion solid anniversary, receiving significant guests, celebrating major projects with serious partners...


Queen of Flowers. In Ayurveda it is considered beneficial along with the lotus. Symbolizes divine ideals and earthly passions, innocence and fertility, the triumph of life and the mystery of death.

Napkins folded in the shape of roses will be a wonderful decoration. wedding banquet, Valentine's Day, any women's holiday. My daughter will be happy pink roses, your spouse will appreciate red flowers, which tell her about the strength of your feelings. But you shouldn’t give a man roses for his celebration, even from napkins.


The lily has conflicting meanings. Slavic women's amulet, European royal flower... But during the Renaissance, rulers branded criminals with their emblem - probably everyone remembers the “Three Musketeers”.

Lilies white They symbolize purity and innocence, which is why they are often given as wedding gifts. But - also for mourning days, since these flowers also mean life “on the other side” and atonement for sins.

Accordingly, lily napkins will be appropriate on both the festive and funeral tables. If there is Lily among your family and friends, decorate the table on her holiday with her namesake flowers.


The folding method is close to the lily. Suitable for any event, just choose colors in the appropriate style. By the way, if you have napkins that match the tablecloth, try to make them from a thinner material - it will look better.


Everything is clear here: love, Valentine's Day and just a way to tell your partner, mother or child about your feelings. See an example of how you can set a table using this diagram.


A universal option. Bright napkins are suitable for a warm dinner with friends or family; a cheerful design can be placed on children's table, white ones will add solemnity to the moment. And these step by step photos- to help you!


A gentleman's accessory. Place the butterfly on a plate for February 23rd or for the birthday of a boy or man. If a representative of the stronger half of humanity is stern and serious, choose a strict color.


Perky rag bunnies will delight children and adults, suitable for Easter, Valentine's Day ( long ears also for rabbits, and they are a symbol of reproduction), and indeed for any holiday in a close circle. For official receptions and sad occasions, hares are, of course, inappropriate.

If it’s a little difficult, watch the video instructions that even a child can learn:

With space for a guest card: 2 schemes

Napkins folded according to the following two patterns provide space for business card. First of all, these options are good for business lunches and dinners: at some conferences, events where there are a lot of people unfamiliar with each other.

With these napkins you can decorate a large family celebration– an anniversary or a wedding, if you are planning in advance who to sit with whom. Little guests will also enjoy children's day birthday - just choose a bright color, and Instead of a business card, you can put a photo of the child and candy.

With napkin ring

If you are wondering how to beautifully fold napkins on a festive table for the most solemn occasion, stop at this elegant option. Such stylish decor worthy of a wedding, an anniversary, a graduation, and even a summit.

Previously, napkins were hung by the collar, now they are placed on the knees. Moreover, the owners should do this first, so they give the signal for the start of the meal.

“Under devices”: bag and envelope

The last two schemes use paper napkins from which to roll up a bag and an envelope for a spoon, fork and knife.

A table without fabric napkins is suitable for a buffet celebration or informal meetings in a close circle.

Napkin - required attribute any feast, and many housewives want to decorate these items as original as possible. Diagrams that show how to beautifully fold paper napkins on a holiday table help with this. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to master the art of origami. In this article we will look at illustrative examples, how you can use the simplest forms and choose the right color.

Table Decoration Basics

There are many options for beautifully folding paper napkins. To choose the most suitable one, you need to start from the main principles:

  • Napkins should be folded simply so that they do not have to be unrolled or unfolded for a long time before use.
  • Their shape is chosen based on the age of the guests and the holiday.
  • The color should be organically combined with the serving items, especially the tablecloth.
  • They can be placed on a plate, napkin holder, or simply placed in a glass.
  • Before setting the table, all napkins should be folded and prepared in advance.

If the housewife has never done anything like this, she doesn’t have to start with complex schemes from the Internet. To begin with, you can master the simplest shapes: a corner, an accordion or a tube. By playing with colors and having a sense of taste, you can decorate your holiday table even with the help of such simple shapes.

Let's look at how to arrange a paper napkin into a glass:

  • Lay out the napkin completely.
  • Bend it diagonally so that it takes the shape of a triangle.
  • Place the triangle with the base facing you.
  • Next, you need to carefully roll the figure into a tube.
  • Pinch the right corner of the figure between two fingers, then simultaneously roll the napkin around three fingers.
  • The bottom edge of the tube should be smooth, and the top edge should be uneven.
  • Bend the upper part of the tube outward (about 1/3).
  • Place the figure in the glass.

If there is a napkin holder on the table, paper napkins can be folded into a corner or accordion shape.

Easiest to do corner. To do this you need to take square napkin and fold it diagonally - we get an isosceles triangle, which is folded in half until the desired size is reached.

The design looks much more interesting in the form accordions. To obtain this form, follow the following algorithm.

  • If the napkin is small (25x25 cm), it should be completely unfolded. At large sizes(from 33x33 cm) fold it in four.
  • Give the item an accordion shape. When folding, it is enough to maintain a step of 1-2 cm.
  • Now bend the figure in half and place it in the napkin holder.

Let's get creative

Often, when preparing for a celebration, there is simply not enough time to learn complex schemes festive table setting. However, when creative approach and a competent choice of color, the housewife can achieve original design even with the simplest forms of paper napkin folding.

The colors should match the holiday and the surrounding items, especially the tablecloth. Let's look at the main examples:

  • New Year: You can combine green and golden colors.
  • Halloween: The main colors of the holiday are black and orange.
  • Valentine's Day: make simple shapes in red or pink.
  • Birth of a child: if the baby is a boy, use a combination of white and blue color; When a girl is born, take as a basis a combination of white and pink colors.
  • Children's holiday: Take napkins of several colors and decorate them with an accordion - you get a rainbow. Additionally, you can take orange napkins, twist them into a tube (this method is discussed above) and tie them with green ribbon to make a carrot.

Examples of figures

If you really want original jewelry, it is worth turning to diagrams with more intricate figures. Such napkins are guaranteed to become a decoration for any holiday feast. Let's look at a few examples.

Figure "Peacock's Tail"