Toast for a man's 50th birthday from his wife. – a solid anniversary

You are 50 today -
What a date has arrived!
And I look, I look back,
Where did our meeting take place?

Thank you, honey, for the love,
For your golden hands,
There are not enough words in this world,
To tell you what they are like!

And there is no one dearer
The years have come together
After all, true love
She always loved us the most.

Happy birthday greetings to husband on his 50th anniversary

My husband is at the parade today,
Celebrates anniversary
Pride and joy in his gaze,
He became older and wiser

Fifty to you, my love,
The hair has turned grey,
But it hasn't changed at all
Pristine beauty

Your shoulders are broad
Very kind, sweet look,
We will light candles with you,
Just like many years ago!

Congratulations to my husband on his 50th birthday

Beloved husband, dear and dear,
Happy anniversary, dear!
Half a century is so wonderful
Extend your palm!

Let's be quiet quietly
Let's remember all our moments,
Then you'll wrap me in your arms,
And we will fulfill the weight of desire!

Touching congratulations to my husband on his 50th birthday

With you, we share all the troubles in half,
And we have believed in miracles for a long time.
I consider you my miracle
My husband is with you, I don’t lose heart.
You're fifty today
Let your eyes sparkle with happiness.
I love you very much
And thank you for everything.

Let paradise come to life,
And you, dear, don’t be discouraged.
Happy anniversary,
And I bless you for good luck.

Congratulations to my husband on his 50th anniversary from his wife

All postcards say five zero,
And this means an anniversary,
So that happiness would not be unsteady,
Wine, husband, quickly pour it,

Make the best toast
And wish me health
I have to, you know, you're loved,
Undoubtedly, to all my wife,

I love you, I protect you,
I've been proud of you for a long time,
And for the sins that were in the past,
I’m almost not angry anymore!

Congratulations to my husband on his 50th anniversary in verse

My dear and most beloved husband,
On this day your gaze is radiant,
And an invisible angel stands nearby...
Congratulations on your 50th birthday!

There is no falsehood in our relationship,
We always respect each other.
Be strong and strong as before,
Regardless, husband, of the years!

Cool congratulations on the 50th anniversary to my husband

Number 5 on the postcard
So there will be an anniversary,
Congratulations, beloved husband,
Only mine, no one else's,

You've become a little wiser
My dear has become more serious,
I'm very pleased, honey,
That you are next to me,

They shared the joy in half,
And adversity in half,
There are bonds between us, loyalty,
We'll be together, you know it yourself!

Beautiful congratulations to my husband on his 50th anniversary

Soul filled with love
And tenderness and kindness,
I wish you health
And a lot of happiness, my dear.

I want to wish you, my husband,
You exchanged fifty dollars,
In any sorrow and bad weather,
So that you never lose heart.

And youthful enthusiasm,
Always and everywhere in time,
My beloved, my support,
I want to hug you quickly.

Congratulations to my husband on his 50th birthday

I wish my husband joy and happiness,
A calm life without empty worries,
Let there be a lot of endless passion,
And may you be lucky in all your endeavors!

Let our children delight with success,
We get younger by believing in miracles,
I wish you sincere laughter in life,
And so that your eyes warm with love!

Congratulations to my husband on his 50th birthday from his wife

I wish my beloved husband
At sixty wonderful years
So that a doctor is never needed,
And you did not know sorrows and troubles.

May the anniversary bring only happiness,
And he will gather your friends into a circle.
Gives respect and power,
And it will relieve you of all worries.

Beautiful congratulations to my husband on his 50th birthday

My dear half,
I love you more than life itself,
And composing a poem for the spouse,
I give him congratulations.

Happiness exists, and it’s on the pillow
The one next door is quietly snoring.
At fifty I am for my husband
She’s ready to overthrow mountains – and he honors that.

Touching congratulations to my husband on his 50th birthday

60th anniversary
Together we celebrate
He will take it away, I know for sure,
All your sorrows

Will bring good luck, happiness,
Joy, understanding,
I am your husband, I wish you
Confessions from relatives

Don't be sad, don't complain,
Be more optimistic
Know that my love for you is
Darling, limitless!

Congratulations to my husband on his 50th birthday in verse

Here, dear, already fifty,
Your eyes still sparkle.
Happy anniversary dear husband,
Let there be no cold in life.
Let there be only a lot of laughter,
And life is so much fun.
I wish you to enjoy life,
It's nothing, don't be sour.

Let life sparkle with new colors,
May happiness never forget to come to you.
Let everything come true today,
And the dream comes true.

Congratulate your husband on his 50th anniversary

A familiar gesture, an open look,
The eyes have favorite wrinkles,
You are fifty today
My dazzling man!

How nice it is to have a shoulder
Reliable, dear.
It's good that there is a wall
And I'm always at peace.
Thank you, dear, dear,
What is always nearby in life.
You are peace and life for me,
The highest reward!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy great anniversary.
Health, happiness and love.
We have everything with you!
Let your eyes shine with happiness,
To enjoy life.
You are the best husband, my family
And the meaning of my whole life!

Happy anniversary, beloved husband,
The glorious date is fifty.
Be protected from troubles by fate,
Let the path be without obstacles.
I wish you happiness
Peace, joy, warmth.
Be a reliable support for me,
Gentle, kind, as always.
Let fifty dollars add strength,
Gives a boost of energy.
Stay optimistic
Many more years in a row.

How strange... They flew by quickly
Already past years.
And we didn’t have time to look back,
How our youth passed!
For example, for you today
Already as much as fifty.
Just look, the “hundred” will rush by,
Like in about five minutes!
But don't you dare get upset,
My beloved and dear husband,
To meet you at seventy
I'll go to the seashore.
Or maybe we'll look into the grove,
Where did our youth go?
And let's become romantics again,
How were those last years?
And believe me - life is beautiful,
As at twenty, so at fifty,
And still so diverse,
That the eyes are already burning with might and main!
Live and just enjoy
With what you have now,
Smile as often as possible
At any moment, moment, hour!

You're fifty today
Beloved husband, dear, priceless.
You and I have been together for a long time.
I wish you, precious
Do not grow old with your soul, love
And remain the best.
I'm glad that a long time ago
A happy accident brought us together!

You are a man in your prime:
Strong, smart, irresistible!
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
I hug you tightly, my love!
To my wonderful, only husband
On this day I need to wish from the bottom of my heart:
Health, happiness, positivity,
Let everything in life be beautiful!

Darling, congratulations on your anniversary,
With a beautiful round date - fifty.
You look great, without a doubt
And your gaze is captivating for me.
Let the gray hair turn silver,
But is this worth being sad about?
You are the best and dearest man,
I wish you to be happy!

My dear husband, my dear,
We've been with you for a long time
Lived in love and happiness,
Survived the thunder of bad weather...
“50” is not a deadline,
Another lesson from fate
which you will overcome,
And you will warm your soul with joy.
I wish you on life's journey
Walk without all worries...
Reliably protect the family,
Thank my wife for everything
And in old age, without fuss,
Let your dreams come true!

My dear husband, I will say the word,
As your beloved wife,
For me you are the most precious,
My one and only you.
Your age only attracts me
Every year you become wiser,
I wish you strength, my dear,
And the two of us can stay together quickly...
I wish you have enough money
To all my feminine whims,
And then I tell you very often,
I will only make pleasant surprises.
You are my wall, you are my fortress,
Protect you from the wind and cold,
Always be happy with me,
Happy birthday to you, beloved husband.

Dear, beloved, happy birthday!
After all, the years adorn you,
The most tender and most beloved,
Happy 50th birthday to you!
And for every moment of our life -
I appreciate you gratefully!
And health and fiery strength
I wish you and love you!
Always remain so sensitive
You are my support, my whole life!
And good health to you and good luck
May your dreams always come true!

Dear husband, you are fifty,
And not a little, dear, and not a lot,
The years fly by quickly, alas,
But our roads have not been traveled.
There are still so many times ahead
I'll tell you what I love
What is the light of your kind eyes,
I thank the Almighty.
Happy birthday to you, dear!
May your Guardian Angel be with you,
You are the only one in the world,
The fulfillment of all my wishes!

You are 50 today -
What a date has arrived!
And I look, I look back,
Where did our meeting take place?
Thank you, honey, for the love,
For your golden hands,
There are not enough words in this world,
To tell you what they are like!
And there is no one dearer
The years have come together
After all, true love
She always loved us the most.

We celebrate the holiday in the family,
You've turned half a century old.
Congratulations on your anniversary
Dear person.
Darling, I wish you -
Don't be sick for a minute.
Be happier every year
More fun and healthier.
I wish, my dear,
May the Lord protect you.
And with your invisible wing
It will protect you from all illnesses.

Your birthday has crept up,
Half a century is behind you,
But you look without regret
For the lived part of the journey.
I can say with confidence how your wife is,
You overcome failures with dignity.
Good health for many years to come
And more energy in the morning!

When this number comes,
You know it's like a deadline
Of course it may be too early
To sum up life,
But you're doing great
Family, work, children, me,
You always look decent
And this is my merit,
Well, my dear, I wish you
At least another hundred
And congratulations on your anniversary,
I'll say two words for a toast,
Listen, my dear, congratulations,
I was in a hurry to read to you,
And even a thousand shipments,
I was able to give it via SMS.

Happy Anniversary to you, my dear man!
You didn’t spend your fifty dollars in the world in vain.
There are wonderful children and I am happy!
We wish you to be like this for a whole century.
So that you can do everything you set out to do,
May your work bring you joy.
Remember, we all love you so much!
Please accept congratulations from our entire family.

My dear, beloved, only one,
The years fly by quickly, yes.
Yesterday you were a frantic boy,
And today he is an older man.
Don't be sad that your hair is white
Noble is your gray hair!
And your eyes are the same as before
They emit a lot of heat.
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
And I wish to live another hundred years,
At fifty people dream a lot,
So be able to make all your dreams come true!

Dear, we lived together
For many, many years...
With you, as in heaven,
Adversity is unknown to me!
Today is your anniversary,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
You are dearer to me than all men,
I love you and wish you!
You are young, beloved, at heart,
You are happy, successful, beautiful -
I always admire you...
Gallant, polite, courteous!
With you I feel calm, comfortable,
Live another century!
I'll tell you this morning
That you are the best person.

The years have no power over you,
I’ll press my cheek to yours, dear,
And I will repeat for a long time -
People like you cannot be lost.
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
And I wish you a lot of happiness.

Anniversary feast
It starts in the morning.
Dear husband, get ready,
It's time to congratulate you.
Happy Birthday! As they want
50 are flying towards you,
Your enthusiasm and your courage
You won't give it to anyone.
My man is in full force
I wish you a long life
I wish you a bright life,
I will always be a gift.
May Fate protect you
And he tells me to be happy,
And healthy and successful,
Attractive in appearance.

My dear, beloved husband - I congratulate you on your 50th anniversary. You are my man in the prime of life, so I wish you to be irresistible, successful, beautiful, modern, sophisticated, desirable, the best husband, an impeccable father, beyond all praise.

I don’t regret wishes
I'm ready for the anniversary!
My dear husband, dear,
We've been together for a hundred years.
And I want to confess to you
I continue to fall in love.
How many years have already flown by?
I haven't lost interest in you.
Our grandchildren are growing up
And they adore grandpa.
This is the truth without dispute -
You are a support for the whole family.

My dear beloved husband,
For me, you are the only one.
I wish you a happy birthday,
I wish you, my love.
Live at least a hundred years
Not to know sorrows, sorrows and misfortunes.
You look great at your age
And in life you are no longer afraid of anything.
Accept my congratulations as soon as possible,
And 50 candles for your birthday cake.

You are my soulmate
My beloved husband,
Like on an old record
The circle of life has begun.
Holiday in our family
Let's celebrate the anniversary together,
50 glorious years
Let's celebrate your life!
I wish, my dear,
Don't grow old, don't get sick,
Don't lose your strength
And drive away sorrows!

My respectable man dear,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Husband, I am very happy with you,
I don’t grow old in spirit with you,
Fifty is just a number
For me, you only become more beautiful with age,
So that you are lucky in life -
I wish, thank you for our
Very strong love with you,
I wish you health, my love,
You strive only forward - for your dreams,
Be sure to become the happiest!

On the anniversary evening
I'll wink at my husband
Candles warm the cake,
He's fifty!
I wish with my heart
Never grow old
To have his wife
Eternal beauty.
Friends didn't forget
Your simple number
Came to visit
Joyful crowd!

Happy Anniversary, my dear man,
Happy Anniversary, my dear,
Let friends come for no reason
And only warm words sound.
May good luck flourish in the family,
There will only always be success in the house,
Let the fire of tenderness burn fiercely,
And the ringing laughter does not stop!

Soul filled with love
And tenderness and kindness,
I wish you health
And a lot of happiness, my dear.
I want to wish you, my husband,
You exchanged fifty dollars,
In any sorrow and bad weather,
So that you never lose heart.
And youthful enthusiasm,
Always and everywhere in time,
My beloved, my support,
I want to hug you quickly.

My dear husband,
Look around.
And there you will see
The inscription suddenly.
What is your jam day today?
It's time to put the treats on the table.
I’m giving you a gift on time,
And in this I will write congratulations
I only love you very much
And I will never deceive you.

The wind of your life blows
He is already fifty years old
The wind of your life blows
He doesn't feel sorry for people.
Happy birthday,
My husband, dear,
I dedicate my congratulations,
Only for you, dear.

Charming, smart,
Your charm conquers
And perfume worth a million
Feelings inspire!
Encouragement and strength,
And the sweetness of delight
I want you to bring
Everyone is a joy to you!
My dear husband, dear,
Fifty is the beginning
And golden luck
Your life sounded
And now the days will come
Happy events
The lights will sparkle instantly
Life discoveries!

My husband, on a beautiful anniversary
Drink glasses of joy,
After all, at fifty the soul sings
And continues its flight!
May the goldfish be happy
He will give you the key to heaven,
He will generously bestow health,
Success will shine brightly!
Let the sweet-sounding wave
Comfort brings you home
Good luck to flatter you obediently,
Colleagues are listening, no doubt!

You are the oasis of my life
My dear, bright husband!
You inspire my thoughts
Protect me from the cold!
On your beautiful anniversary
I will give you joy
I will gather my family, friends,
And I will relieve your fatigue!
Let the compass of happiness indicate
Your life is on the right path,
Peace, tranquility, comfort and affection
Your heart is protected!
Let your ideas be everywhere
A swarm of butterflies soar,
And wonderful sketches
They'll play at fifty!

My dear, beloved, responsible husband,
I congratulate you at fifty with a smile,
I want to hit the jackpot of pleasure,
Be a cheerful example for young children!
Let a star guard in the sky,
Enveloped in cozy care in fate,
Success spreads its sails
Wonderful days presenting to you!
Bet freely, without regretting anything,
And do only what makes you happy
For joy, open the door to the anniversary,
And unexpected enthusiasm will give you happiness!

Here, dear, already fifty,
Your eyes still sparkle.
Happy anniversary dear husband,
Let there be no cold in life.
Let there be only a lot of laughter,
And life is so much fun.
I wish you to enjoy life,
It's nothing, don't be sour.
Let life sparkle with new colors,
May happiness never forget to come to you.
Let everything come true today,
And the dream comes true.

My husband, today is his birthday,
And you’re already fifty dollars.
Happy anniversary dear,
My hubby is naughty.
I wish you not to make mistakes in life,
And always just smile.
I wish you to start the day with a smile,
And without a single mistake.
Happy anniversary I shout
And from my husband, I really stick out.
Let's start having fun
Let the holiday not stop.

Is it really true
There were times -
Once upon a time you
Did you live without me?
I don't want to know
These times
I haven't lived at all
Not a day without you!
Your personal anniversary -
Prize for both:
For you - half your life,
For me it's my whole life.
Guests will gather
And they will bring flowers.
There will be a lot of toasts
Noise, din, bustle.
But the guests will leave,
Flowers will fly around
And we will be again -
Just me and you.

List your merits
It probably doesn't even make sense:
You are a master of “golden hands”,
You bring warmth and light to the family.
We cannot enter the river twice,
Don’t regret what happened!
And invite me in half a century
On the glorious hundredth anniversary.

We lived half our lives with you,
You are fifty today.
I'm behind you, like behind a wall,
But the years fly by so quickly.
Let joy fill your soul,
Health is only increasing
May love forever warm your soul,
She will never grow old.

My beloved husband is already 50,
And it's hard to believe
Today I want to wish you
Goodness and career growth,
Always take care of your health,
To admire your family,
And throw all your troubles off your shoulders,
After all, it's time to say goodbye to them!

Congratulations on the anniversary
Your dear -
After all, more beloved and sweeter
There is no one for me!
Fifty! And this means -
You have become more experienced, wiser,
And I hope you will come more often
Indulge your wife!

Fifty is such a date
Eh, just five more zeros,
So that you live richly,
Better than any kings!
Congratulations on your anniversary
And I wish you at fifty
Look one hundred... percent,
Like students in a construction brigade!

Wonderful day, wonderful anniversary,
Darling, how did this happen?
Where did these fifty come from?
After all, it seems like we just got married yesterday.
I wish you happiness, dear,
Warmth, care - everything that is in my power.
I want to live another hundred years with you,
You gave me true happiness.

Today I congratulate my husband,
And at 50 I wish you,
So that you value your relatives,
To always love your wife,
So that you never know problems,
Helped family and friends
Live in the world for many years
And never know troubles.

My dear husband, fifty is glorious,
On this day I wish you lovingly,
Everything should be in fate, what you consider to be the main thing,
Let life spoil you with every moment!
Let calm, good everyday life come,
Well, the holidays are in style, and so much more fun!
No matter how hard life is sometimes for you,
There will be many more glorious days ahead!

The wind of your life blows
He is already fifty years old
The wind of your life blows
He doesn't feel sorry for people.
Happy birthday,
My husband, dear,
I dedicate my poem,
Only for you, dear.

The man who occupies everything
In my thoughts, advisor, beloved,
In life you are a native shoulder
And my other half!
I wish you useful ideas,
Fresh thoughts, space for desires,
Charming, kind friends
And with everyone on the path of understanding!
Fifty limitless peaks
Fifty more years, no doubt.
You are one of the few men
Earned my respect!

The years have no power over you,
You're two and twenty-five,
I want health, happiness,
Definitely wish!
About this half,
I dreamed from an early age
You brought happiness with you,

I love you, you know
Everything will work out for us,
May it be successful, interesting,
Will be in life every hour!

I'll let you down on your birthday,
Like at a session - the result,
How much are you for your fifty dollars?
Could I do it in my life?!
He fell in love with me, got married,
A son was born, then a daughter,
So the grandchildren run to their grandfather,
With a wish to help!
Everything will be fine with us,
Just don't hurt me,
Be happy and successful
And live with friends!

The calendar is on fire
Work quickly,
My husband is exactly fifty
He's been puffing and sweating since morning!
In every business I have,
He is a helper and adviser,
He is cheerful, my dear,
The kindest person!
I want your life
I have not known defeat,
And at point number five,
I wasn’t looking for adventure!

The years have no power over you,
You're two and twenty-five,
I want health, happiness,
Definitely wish!
About this half,
I dreamed from an early age
You brought happiness with you,
Dawn has come to a boring world!
I love you, you know
Everything will work out for us,
May it be successful, interesting,
Will be in life every hour!

Anniversary Birthday,
You celebrate, on this day,
Let it dissolve today
A shadow from adversity and sorrow!
Fifty to you, my love,
This is just your dawn
May you be my healthy husband,
Just so many more years!
May success, luck, happiness,
Walking next to you
Live in abundance until you are a hundred years old,
My beloved and dear!

Nothing is more important today
How to celebrate your husband's 50th birthday
Happy birthday my dear
I love you more than life itself, dear.
Remain the same gallant man
Strong, courageous, invincible
You are the best family man
We are proud of such a father and children.
I will love you forever
Forever you are in my heart
You are my man, my hero
I am forever yours and with you.

Fifty years is a great milestone
Make an audit in your life.
You are as confident and fresh as before,
And you will pass any commission!
Let health open the way
Towards new goals and beginnings.
Fifty years are still ahead!
Husband, I wish you prosperity.

A kind, sweet, glorious husband
I want to sincerely congratulate you
And tell you the most important thing:
“May everything be within your reach!”
Happy wonderful anniversary!
At fifty, the world is welcoming and bright.
Today we will give the whole family
The most valuable, useful gift!

Beautiful congratulations to my husband on his 50th birthday

Charming, smart,
Your charm conquers
And perfume worth a million
Feelings inspire!
Encouragement and strength,
And the sweetness of delight
I want you to bring
Everyone is a joy to you!
My dear husband, dear,
Fifty is the beginning
And golden luck
Your life sounded
And now the days will come
Happy events
The lights will sparkle instantly
Life discoveries!

My dear husband, fifty is glorious,
On this day I wish you lovingly,
Everything should be in fate, what you consider to be the main thing,
Let life spoil you with every moment!
Let calm, good everyday life come,
Well, the holidays are in style, and so much more fun!
No matter how hard life is sometimes for you,
There will be many more glorious days ahead!

Darling, I thank fate
For such a wonderful companion.
I offer my heartfelt congratulations
The only one, tender, dear...
I assure you, fifty is not an age.
I wish everything planned to happen in time.
Even if everything in our lives is sometimes difficult,
Let's overcome difficulties together!

Happy 50th birthday, my beloved husband!
Let there be no cold in your life,
I wish you joy, good luck and hope,
Let them love each other as before!
So that love flares up with renewed vigor,
And so that it does not fade away again!
I always wish you on your way
Find your dream soon!

My beloved, my dear!
Fifty is the age
That all paths are open
See for yourself where to go!
You can go south
(Don't forget me).
You can open your own business
It's important for you to be the boss!
Large bills in pockets.
I am planning to go to the Maldives.
Yes, a new fur coat for my wife
So that he could completely afford it!

My dear hubby,
My Romeo, my hero!
Congratulations on your milestone anniversary!
Be happy, be rich!
On the fifth anniversary
Forget about work!
Have fun and relax!
Yes, welcome your guests soon!
Don't let the neighbor bother you.
Let your soul sing!
May your eyes always sparkle.
Everything will be fine at work!

There is no person dearer to me
Celebrating your 50th birthday
Happy Birthday sweetheart
Today you are the most irresistible to me.
I wish to live to be a hundred years old
And I will still be there, my grandfather
After all, you are my other half
My life is unbearable without you.
I want you to always know
Our family with you is forever
Together we will go through everything and we will pass,
If we always stick together.

Happy anniversary, beloved husband,
The glorious date is fifty.
Be protected from troubles by fate,
Let the path be without obstacles.
I wish you happiness
Peace, joy, warmth.
Be a reliable support for me,
Gentle, kind, as always.
Let fifty dollars add strength,
Gives a boost of energy.
Stay optimistic
Many more years in a row.

Congratulations for my husband on his 50th birthday

How nice it is to have a shoulder
Reliable, dear.
It's good that there is a wall
And I'm always at peace.
Thank you, dear, dear,
What is always nearby in life.
You are peace and life for me,
The highest reward!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy great anniversary.
Health, happiness and love.
We have everything with you!
Let your eyes shine with happiness,
To enjoy life.
You are the best husband, my family
And the meaning of my whole life!

My husband is priceless and beloved,
You're fifty today
You are just as sweet to me
Like many, many years ago.
Always smart and strict
Active and tireless
Our roads have converged forever
And you can't be replaced by anyone.
May the anniversary give you
The comfort of pleasant, warm meetings,
May it protect you from adversity,
The world that we were able to save!

Dear husband, you are fifty.
And not a little, dear, and not a lot!
The years fly by so quickly, alas,
But our roads have not been traveled.
There are still a hundred thousand times ahead
I'll whisper to you that I love you,
What is the light of your sincere eyes
I thank the Almighty.
Happy birthday to you, dear!
May your guardian angel be with you,
You are the only one in the world -
The fulfillment of all my wishes!

My dear, my beloved man,
On your anniversary I want to tell you,
That all your dreams are possible,
You can still take yours in life!
The main thing, dear, is that you are healthy,
And he lived, well, at least a hundred years!
And may there always be a reason for happiness,
After all, you have no reason to be sad!

Here, dear, already fifty,
Your eyes still sparkle.
Happy anniversary dear husband,
Let there be no cold in life.
Let there be only a lot of laughter,
And life is so much fun.
I wish you to enjoy life,
It's nothing, don't be sour.
Let life sparkle with new colors,
May happiness never forget to come to you.
Let everything come true today,
And the dream comes true.

Wonderful day, wonderful anniversary,
Darling, how did this happen?
Where did these fifty come from?
After all, it seems like we just got married yesterday.
I wish you happiness, dear,
Warmth, care - everything that is in my power.
I want to live another hundred years with you,
You gave me true happiness.

Happy Anniversary to you, my dear man!
You didn’t spend your fifty dollars in the world in vain.
There are wonderful children and I am happy!
We wish you to be like this for a whole century.
So that you can do everything you set out to do,
May your work bring you joy.
Remember, we all love you so much!
Please accept a poem from our entire family.

You are 50 today -
What a date has arrived!
And I look, I look back,
Where did our meeting take place?
Thank you, honey, for the love,
For your golden hands,
There are not enough words in this world,
To tell you what they are like!
And there is no one dearer
The years have come together
After all, true love
She always loved us the most.

Congratulations to husband on his 50th birthday from his wife
Darling, congratulations on your anniversary,
With a beautiful round date - fifty.
You look great, without a doubt
And your gaze is captivating for me.
Let the gray hair turn silver,
But is this worth being sad about?
You are the best and dearest man,
I wish you to be happy!

My beloved husband is already 50,
And it's hard to believe
Today I want to wish you
Goodness and career growth,
Always take care of your health,
To admire your family,
And throw all your troubles off your shoulders,
After all, it's time to say goodbye to them!

Toasts to my husband on his 50th birthday. Your spouse’s hair may be whitened with gray, but for you he is still the same passionately in love young man who carried your briefcase from school and protected you from the local hooligans. Hug him tighter and tell him that his years are his wealth, that he has become even better, dearer and closer to you than on the day you received your marriage certificate. He has become your real “soul mate”.

In verse

  • My husband and I are very lucky
  • He is capable of mastering any craft.
  • He's talented and good-looking
  • And he is also my favorite!
  • At fifty, don’t think about growing old,
  • And there is no need to regret the past.
  • I drink to what lies ahead
  • Look forward to the future with joy!
  • My husband is my support, and we have no discord.
  • My husband and I live happily.
  • We walk through life hand in hand.
  • And on this day, beloved birthday boy.
  • Today, my dear, you get fifty dollars.
  • But, you are as before, my dear.
  • I'm glad I'm lucky to have you.
  • I hug you tenderly
  • And I raise a glass in honor of you!
  • Everything works out in your life,
  • Our family admires you.
  • You are a wonderful husband, you are a beloved father.
  • In general, you are handsome and just great.
  • I congratulate you on your fifty years.
  • I drink so that you avoid all troubles.
  • You remain my love longer,
  • And don’t doubt my loyalty one bit!
  • Today is the red day of the calendar,
  • Thanks to my husband. He is today
  • It’s the birthday boy, he celebrates fifty dollars.
  • My husband, please accept my congratulations.
  • I want to give you my love.
  • With you I feel good, reliable and pleasant
  • And sometimes it seems that our life is incredible,
  • To you, happy birthday, happy anniversary!
  • It's nice to congratulate your husband.
  • I'll cook him a sumptuous dinner.
  • I'll invite guests home
  • I will bring him good news.
  • My husband celebrates fifty today.
  • But, as in his youth, his eyes sparkle.
  • He is a wonderful family man
  • And in my life I have one.
  • May illnesses not come to you.
  • Know that people at home love you and are waiting for you.
  • You and I still have a lot to do,
  • I drink to you and the glass will be broken!
  • How good it is for me to be your wife.
  • With you I will be forever young.
  • With you I'm not afraid of difficulties.
  • When you're fifty, I'll fall in love with you again.
  • You and I have experienced a lot in life.
  • We went on hikes, we flew across the sky.
  • We were able to have children with you,
  • From our great love.
  • It's nice for me to grow old with you.
  • It's not scary to die with you, darling.
  • But you and I will have to live for a long time.
  • I hasten to pour wine into a glass for our future!

In prose in your own words

Expensive! I was really looking forward to this wonderful date!
Because men reach the peak of health, heroic strength and confidence in the future only at 50 years old.
I like to watch how you change, how dignity and restraint are added to your usual behavior. You are so important now!
I see love and respect in our son's eyes when you talk to him.
I also love you very, very much and I’m proud that I’ve been living with you like this for many years and not many years yet.
Have free movement on the roads, don’t let traffic jams stop you on the way to your home, and the traffic lights only have green lights!

My beloved husband! You remind me a lot of our cat! Do you like to sleep longer or just lie on the couch?, you don’t like it when I splash on the beach and you funny don’t dare to dive because the water seems cold at first!
You have a resilient, slender body, and when life tries to throw you off the heights you have achieved, you land on your feet as deftly as a cat and quickly get used to any new place, as long as your family is nearby!
And today, on your fiftieth anniversary, you already look like a learned cat who walks around his property before going to bed and knows many interesting and important things!
Happy holiday, my cat!

Today life rated you five. Today you are a hero of the day with a solid 50 years of experience. This is truly a wonderful date that allows you to finish one chapter of the book of life and start a friend. No less interesting and rich. Fifty is a great age for a man. You are now in the prime of your life. You already know all the laws of life and you can even write them yourself. I am glad to celebrate this date with you. You and I have gone through decades. There were different things in our lives. But, you are definitely the best husband in the world. Therefore, my dear husband is the hero of the day for you!

Half a century is an excellent age. Perhaps this sounds scary, or perhaps it is so little. The years are passing quickly. But, I’m glad that my years flew by next to you, with my husband. Our planet has existed for millions of years. Therefore, fifty years is a grain of sand in the desert. For your health, my beloved husband!