Rose petal tonic (rose water) and recipes with roses. Mask for aging skin. How to store rose water

When a woman is told that her skin is as soft as rose petals, it is a wonderful compliment for her. The comparison of skin with the petals of this flower did not appear by chance. Rose water, masks and lotions made from garden rose petals really make the skin soft, velvety and youthful.

From the petals of this beautiful flower You can make your own tonics, masks, lotions, creams. But you should only use roses grown in a natural way, not store-bought ones. Store-bought roses are treated with pesticides, so for cooking home cosmetics they are not suitable.

Rose petals for the face. Home Recipes

Recipes for homemade rose petal masks

In such masks, pink infusion is most often used. To prepare this infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of rose petals with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Based on this infusion you can make different masks, for example, a mask to relieve peeling and irritation with To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of starch with a warm infusion until a paste is obtained and apply to the face for 20 minutes.

Nourishing, refreshing, smoothing mask

Take 5 buds of wilted roses, put them in a glass jar and pour a glass of hot mineral water, let stand for about 30 minutes. Then strain and dilute 1 tablespoon of crushed rolled oats with this infusion until you get a paste and add a teaspoon of honey (if you are not allergic). Apply this mixture to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, massaging the skin for 1-2 minutes and then leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off the mask with the remaining infusion. This mask is suitable for all skin types.

Emergency mask

The following mask of rose petals significantly refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, making it soft and smooth. Dry the rose petals and grind them in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Take 1 teaspoon of this “flour”, add to it 1 dessert spoon of cream or sour cream and one teaspoon egg white. Mix everything very thoroughly and apply to the skin for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water, then wipe your face with tonic.

If you have oily skin, then the sour cream should be low-fat, and add twice as much protein. For very dry skin, the sour cream should be rich, and use yolk instead of white.

Mask for aging skin

Add rose flour to your everyday cream at the rate of 1 teaspoon of flour to 1 teaspoon of cream. This can be done twice a week.

Firming, softening mask

Take one teaspoon of boiled yolk and grind it with two teaspoons rose infusion. Add one teaspoon of honey and olive oil, mix and apply to skin for 30 minutes.

Homemade Rose Lotions Recipes

Rose petal lotion for oily skin

Place one glass of rose petals in a glass jar and fill them with one glass of cologne (or vodka). Close the jar, shake well and place in a dark place for 10 days. Then strain and add 2 tablespoons of boiled (cold) water.

This lotion softens the skin and gives it healthy looking and tightens pores.

Lotion for dry and sensitive skin

Take half a glass of wilted rose petals and pour boiling water over them (up to a full glass). Leave it to sit for a day. Then strain the infusion and add 1 teaspoon of sorbitol diluted in 1 tablespoon of hot water. The lotion can be used instead of washing; it will cleanse the skin and make it smooth.

Tonic compress

Rose petal cream

Rose petal oil

Cleansing, toning and nourishing oil

Pour a glass of dry rose petals into an enamel bowl, add a glass of vegetable (preferably olive) oil and place in a water bath for two hours. Then cool the rose oil and strain. Store in the refrigerator in a dark place in a glass container.

Oil for dry skin

Fill dry rose petals with peach or almond oil so that it completely covers them. Place the mixture in a water bath and heat until the petals are completely discolored. Cool, strain and pour into glassware. Store in the refrigerator. This oil can not only soften dry skin, but also be used to remove makeup from any type of skin.

Spring is just around the corner, and summer is here. Don't be lazy, try using these homemade beauty recipes and your skin will become soft and velvety like rose petals!

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Don’t rush to throw away roses that have withered after the holiday; their petals can be used to prepare a variety of cosmetics(lotion, mask, rose oil, cream). After all, roses are included in many preparations that can prolong the youth and beauty of the skin. I suggest making cosmetics at home from roses donated or grown in your own garden that will delight our chemical-laden skin.

How to do mask for any skin type from rose petals, which moisturizes and softens dull skin:

You will need - glass jar, 5 roses, a glass of mineral or boiled water, rice flour or crushed rolled oats.

Place the rose flowers in a jar and pour a glass of mineral water (or boiled water), let it brew for about half an hour and strain. Then add a small amount to the infusion rice flour(or rolled oats) to make a paste. Pink mask ready for use, apply it to a cleansed face and neck, lie down and relax for 30 minutes, then rinse warm water, pat dry with a towel and apply your favorite cream to your face.

How to do lotion for oily and problem skin faces from rose petals:

Take crushed petals and vodka in proportions of 1:1, i.e. half a glass of petals and half a glass of vodka, cover and leave in a dark place for 10 days, then strain and add 1 teaspoon of boiled water. Pour into an easy-to-use bottle and wipe your face with the pink lotion instead of washing your face.

How to do lotion for dry and sensitive skin from rose petals:

Prepare finely chopped rose petals in the amount of 2 tablespoons and pour a glass of boiling water over them, cover and keep warm for 30 minutes, then strain and wipe the skin to give tone and freshness. This rose water can be frozen in molds and used morning and evening to wipe the face or skin around the eyebrows for painless relief, as well as to relieve redness and irritation of the skin.

Great for dry skin a mixture will do rose water (see recipe above) with milk in equal proportions. This mixture is recommended for use in the evening.

How to make rose oil to nourish and add elasticity to dry and normal skin:

Place a glass of dry rose petals in an enamel bowl and pour them into the glass vegetable oil(better than olive). Heat water in a saucepan and place an enamel bowl with the prepared mixture in it, bring the water to a boil and leave on low heat for 2 hours. Cool, strain and use the resulting rose oil to nourish dry and normal skin. You can use rose oil for a bath by adding a few spoons to water, this will make your skin soft and supple, especially in winter.

How to do cream for chapped hands and lips:

Option 1. Mix equal parts glycerin and rose water.

Option 2. Grind rose petals in a mortar and mix with lard in the proportion of 2 parts petals and one part lard.

Option 3. Instructions for helping chapped lips

In medicine, rose petals are used as an astringent, tonic and hemostatic agent; for these purposes, it is best to prepare the buds on a cool and dry morning, dry them in dry shade and store them in a sealed container.

Cosmetic recipes beauty from rose petal at home

Healing and magical properties roses. Symbolism of the rose. Pink love spell. Pink . Cosmetic beauty recipes from rose petals at home: rose oil, pink cream, pink lotion. Rose in cooking. Rose syrup recipe.

In earlier times, there was a whole series of cosmetics based on rose petals. This pink water, rose oil and even rose honey. To increase effectiveness, rose cosmetics were made during the waxing moon.

Cooking recipes natural cosmetics from rose petals means the use of garden or wild ones, or rosehip petals, but in no case purchased, Dutch roses.
Lotions, decoctions and tinctures of rose petals have a positive effect on the skin, giving it freshness and elasticity.

Recipe 1. Rose water

You will need petals of at least four roses (red or burgundy) per 0.5 - 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for two hours, then shake and strain. Wash face rose water in the morning and in the evening. Keep refrigerated. The shelf life of water is no more than three days.
Rose water can be poured into molds and frozen. Wipe your face with ice cubes.

Recipe 2. Rose petal cream mask

Pass 4-6 rose buds through a meat grinder. Melt 50 grams butter or margarine in a water bath. Mix with the resulting pink mass. Add vitamin A solution and dry solution citric acid(or a few drops of fresh lemon). Transfer the mixture into a sterile jar with a tight lid.
Store in a cool place.
The shelf life of the cream is no more than 3–4 days.

Recipe 3. Egyptian cream “Cleopatra” (for dry skin)

This is a remedy for dry skin, as well as a preventative against premature wrinkles.
Squeeze juice from two aloe leaves, add 2 tbsp. rose water (recipe 1) and? teaspoon beeswax. Heat the mixture in a water bath, gradually adding 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter. Place the resulting mass in a sterile jar (non-metallic), add 2 drops essential oil roses, 3 drops of propolis alcohol tincture and close the lid tightly.
Application: apply cream thin layer on the face. Shelf life: 1 week in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4. Rose oil

Pour red rose petals with olive, almond, sesame, peach or grape oil so as to cover them. Place the mixture on steam bath and heat until the petals discolor.
Infuse for 2-3 weeks in a sterile jar in a cool, dark place. It is necessary to shake the jar from time to time. Strain the resulting oil and use it for cosmetic purposes.

Another, more labor-intensive way to prepare rose oil is to infuse fresh rose petals in the above types of oils without preheating. In this case, the vessel is placed in the light until pink petals will not turn white. When the petals “give” their pleasant pink pigment to the oil, they are squeezed out of the oil and thrown away, then a new portion of pink petals is added. This is done up to seven times, as a result of which the oil acquires a fragrance.

Rose oil is an excellent product for softening and rejuvenating the skin, as well as for removing makeup from the face.
Rubbing with rose oil after a bath or shower makes the skin soft and silky. In addition, rose oil is used for anti-cellulite massage.

Recipe 5. Pink lotion

Mix peach or avocado pulp with four petals big roses or two glasses of pink rosehip petals. Pour half a liter of vodka and let it brew for 3 weeks in a dark place. Strain the resulting infusion and place it back into the vessel (bottle).
Application: pour a little infusion into a saucer, dilute with one tablespoon lemon juice and glycerin. Wet a cotton swab and wipe your face. This lotion nourishes and refreshes the skin, preventing the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Recipe 6. Pink tonic

Pour the petals of four large roses or two glasses of pink rosehip petals into a liter apple cider vinegar. Infuse in a glass vessel with a closed lid, in a dark place for three weeks. Strain the infusion and dilute with an equal amount of water. The toner is suitable for all skin types, cleanses and tones well.

Pink cooking

Roses are used in cooking as a delicious rose petal dessert and also as a flavoring agent. Especially popular are rose petal jam, rose honey and rose wine. If you pour rose petals with good vodka and leave in a dark place for a month, you will get a beautiful aromatic liqueur pink shade!
The aroma of rose goes well with the taste of ice cream, confectionery, cottage cheese and yogurt.

Rose jam
* lemon juice
* rose or red rose petals - 300 grams
* granulated sugar - 700 grams
* filtered water - 2 glasses.

Boil syrup from sugar and water, after boiling, remove the grayish foam and add the petals. Bring to a boil again and cook, stirring over low heat for 20-25 minutes, removing the film. The grayish-pink syrup should turn into bright pink before your eyes. As soon as the syrup becomes completely thick, pour in 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or half a teaspoon of citric acid.
Pour into sterile jars and roll up. Before this, the finished jam can be strained or the petals removed from it, but this is not necessary. Petals, folded separately in a jar, can be used for filling baklava and cookies.

Rose petals used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory, healing agent. Rose petals are used for bathing and cleansing the skin. In masks, tonics, creams.
To prepare homemade cosmetics, use fresh roses, it is better if they are homemade, just picked from the garden. The beauty of a flower can not only please the eye, but also benefit your beauty and health. The most popular cosmetics made from rose petals are rose water (tonic), tincture, and oil. They are also used to make masks and lotions.

Rose Cleansing Toner (Rose Water)

cleansing facial toner | rose, pink petals | normal skin

Pour boiling water over large fragrant red roses at the rate of 4 roses and 200 g of sugar per 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. Then shake and strain. Store in a bottle in a dark and cool place.
Attention! Do not wipe skin with protruding blood vessels, since rose tonic has a tonic effect.

How to make rose petal tincture

rejuvenating facial tincture | rose, alcohol | aging skin

A half-liter bottle is filled with fresh rose petals and filled to the top with vodka. Leave in a dark place for a month. Then the tincture is filtered and wiped over the face. This rejuvenates it and makes it elastic.

Flower infusion for skin cleansing

cleansing infusion for face | chamomile, linden, rose | normal skin

In 2 tbsp. spoons mix dried chamomile, linden and rose flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 1 hour in a sealed container. Strain the infusion and wipe your face.

Lotion for normal skin based on rose petals

cleansing facial lotion | cucumber, St. John's wort, rose | normal skin

Make a decoction of St. John's wort and an infusion of rose petals. Mix 50 ml cucumber juice, 50 ml of decoction and 25 ml of rose water. For St. John's wort decoction 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of St. John's wort into 100 ml of boiled water, leave in a water bath for 30 minutes and cool.

Apple and rose mask

toning face mask | apple, rose, honey | normal skin

Peel the apple and grate it on a grater, always a plastic one. Grind 10 fresh rose petals and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Add the mixture to the apple and pour 1 tbsp. spoon boiling water to obtain a puree consistency. Leave to brew for 20 minutes and add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil. Gently apply the mixture to your face for 18 minutes. The apple mask tones and gives freshness and a healthy appearance to the skin.

Pink cream

nourishing face cream | rose, beeswax, butter | dry skin

The petals of 5 fresh roses are carefully crushed. Melt 10 g of beeswax in a water bath, add 50 g of fresh butter and rose petals, stir thoroughly and remove from heat. Then add 1 teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution, mix again and allow the cream to cool.

Rose tincture

facial cleansing tincture | rose | oily porous skin

20 g of dry rose petals pour 200 ml of vodka (or fill a bottle fresh petals and fill to the top with vodka) and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking daily. Then filter and store in a tightly sealed container. This tincture is used to wipe oily facial skin with enlarged pores. It has an astringent and antiseptic effect, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Lotion made from fresh rose petals for problem skin

toning facial lotion | rose, rose petals | problematic skin

Boil water and pour 100 ml of boiling water over a handful of fresh rose petals. Leave to brew for 20-30 minutes and strain. Add 1 teaspoon copper and 5 drops lemon juice and mix well. The lotion is used for problematic inflamed facial skin. Get wet cotton pad, wipe your face and rinse off any residue with cool water. The lotion perfectly refreshes and relieves inflammation.

Dry rose petal lotion for oily skin

medicated facial lotion | rose, mineral water, kombucha | oily skin

Pour a handful of dry rose petals into 100 ml of infusion kombucha, add 70 ml of mineral water. Infuse in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks in a tightly sealed container. Strain and apply lotion morning and evening on oily skin prone to inflammation.

Floral lotion

cleansing facial lotion | rose, linden, lemon | problematic skin

1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed dry rose petals, linden flowers, nasturtium, blue cornflower, taken in equal parts, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours, filter and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. This lotion is used morning and evening to wipe sensitive skin prone to irritation.

Rose petal mask

nourishing face mask | rose, yoghurt/sour cream, rose water | problematic skin

1 tbsp. A spoonful of powdered dry rose petals is mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons natural yogurt(for oily skin) or sour cream (for dry skin) and apply the mixture to cleansed facial skin. Keep the mask on for 20-30 minutes, then remove it with a napkin and wipe your face with a cotton swab moistened with rose water. This mask nourishes, softens and also tones the skin.

Hello my dear readers and guests women's blog For dear Ladies!. Today we will talk to you about the benefits of pink cosmetics, because pink petals not only smell wonderful, but also help preserve beauty. Roses have calming, restorative properties, antiseptic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. They are also rich. When preparing cosmetics at home, it is best to use fragrant varieties of wild garden roses.

Rejuvenating compress of rose petals

Rose petal compress is suitable for all skin types. Improves complexion.

To prepare it you will need: 1 tbsp. l. rose petals, 1 tsp. flax seeds, 1 tbsp. l. tricolor violet petals, half a teaspoon potato starch and half a glass of milk.

Boil flax seed in 150 ml of water. Pour boiling milk over rose and violet petals and add flour. Combine both liquids and stir. Dampen a towel with the prepared solution and place it on your face. In 20 minutes. wash your face and apply cream.

Cream for smooth skin

This cream will make your skin smooth and velvety. Pour 3 tbsp. l. olive oil in a jar. Heat in a water bath. Throw pink petals in there, screw the jar on and leave for 2 weeks. Melt 1 tsp in a saucepan. beeswax, add strained olive oil and 1 tsp. mineral water. Stir until thickened. Pour into a jar. When cool, place in the refrigerator. Apply to skin before bed.

Scented rose petal peeling

Helps remove dead skin cells from elbows, knees and feet.

List of ingredients: 2 tbsp. l. fresh tea rose petals, 1 tbsp. l. natural honey (better than flower honey), 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar.

Grind all the ingredients together until a thick paste forms. Apply it all over your body. Rub harder where hard skin, grayish tint. Then rinse your body with warm water, but not hot water and apply nourishing balm or oil. The effect is guaranteed!

Rose petal toner

This simple rose petal toner will help clear up normal, oily and combination skin.

List of ingredients: rose petals, 200 ml water, 20 ml alcohol.

Fill the petals cold water, cover with a lid and put on fire. Preheat for about 30 minutes. without bringing to a boil. When the specified time has passed, remove the pan from the heat and strain the liquid. Accurately measure 100 ml, pour into a clean bottle, and when it cools, combine with 20 ml of alcohol. Close the bottle. The tonic prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for even 3 months.) Apply to clean skin. To make the effect more noticeable, wipe your face and décolleté area with toner at least 2 times a day (morning and evening).

Revitalizing rose petal mask

This rose petal mask is perfect for tired skin. The skin will become elastic and radiant.

To prepare the drug use: 4 large handfuls of fresh rose petals, 1 tsp. milk, 4 tsp. rose water, 1 tsp. olive oil., 1 tsp almond oil.

Grind the petals in a blender. If it's not the season, fresh flowers replace with dry ones (then take only 5 tsp of dry raw materials). Add the remaining ingredients and mix until a thick, homogeneous mass is formed. After in a circular motion Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin and leave for approximately 15 minutes. Wash off the mask later mineral water and apply moisturizer. The mask is suitable for all skin types. Within a month, the skin will become more toned, radiant, fresh, and the complexion will improve.

The most best cosmetics, it's natural. Pink cosmetics will help you become more beautiful. Recommended for all women. And, if anyone is interested in this topic, then read the article for your body. And I say goodbye to you, see you again, and I wish you to always be beautiful.