Rose hydrosol or rose water is the secret of beauty from Cleopatra to the present day. Body care. Tired eyes after being in front of a computer for a long time


Beauty 12/16/2017

Dear readers, we are increasingly attracted to natural cosmetics, because no other, even the most expensive cosmetic products contain as many benefits as they do. That is why we will talk about rose water today.

Her name is so poetic, like some kind of potion from a fairy tale, but let it not deceive us. Rose water brings us so many practical benefits. And our guests, representatives of the online store House of Nature, will tell you exactly what useful properties it has pink water how it can be used to nourish, moisturize and restore the skin, what skin problems it helps to eliminate. I give them the floor.

Good afternoon, readers of Irina's blog! Now you can get lost in stores among the shelves with an incredible variety of cosmetics. Bright labels urge us to purchase one or another product that promises instant results. However, to achieve the effect in skin care is possible only with regular use the right care product.

The keywords in this case are the right ones. Indeed, there is no need to sort through artificially created cosmetical tools when nature itself presents its gifts to us. Let's go back to the roots and discover the world together natural cosmetics.

A bit of history

Few people know that rose water for the face has been used in home cosmetology since ancient times. In fact, the use of this tool goes back to the reign of the Queen of Egypt - Cleopatra, whose beauty was sung in myths. She couldn't imagine her day without pink tonic, which is not surprising, because the air temperature reached + 50˚С, and this remedy perfectly refreshed the skin.

In the ancient manuscripts of Hippocrates there are references to the fact that healing properties water made from rose petals is better preserved, which explains its popularity in those days. In the Middle East, this product was used in cooking as an exquisite addition to the main course.

In the 8th and 9th centuries the largest number rose water was produced in the Persian valley of Gulistan, and the founder of Baghdad received 30 thousand vessels with flower extract annually. The production of this product in the Soviet Union was concentrated in the Crimea, where tea roses grew on extensive plantations. Still later, rose oil from Bulgaria, which has a refined aroma, gained worldwide popularity.

Today, this tool is added to many cosmetic products and is used to soften the skin, give it a healthy glow, tone. Let's see what rose water is for and why it is considered so important for the skin.

Manufacturing technology

A few years ago there was a real boom in cosmetology. daily use pharmacy thermal water. We, as representatives of an online store of natural cosmetics, insist on the use of natural hydrolates. Many women who used thermal water later noted that their skin condition was getting worse. Moreover, if you refuse to use it, then there is an acute need for it, as the number of acne eruptions increases.

Without going into details chemical processes, one conclusion can be drawn.

Unlike thermal water, floral waters do not contain mineral salts and really nourish the skin, and not just moisturize the upper layer of the epidermis.

During the steam distillation of essential oils, a hydrosol is formed, which, in fact, is a by-product. Rose water is one of the most valuable hydrolats. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is not a by-product of production - a special production has been established to obtain it.

It all starts from the moment of procurement of raw materials. Flower petals are harvested in the morning during the flowering phase. Gotta remember it's heavy manual labor, so the final product High Quality cannot be cheap. After harvesting, the rose is poured with water and heated with steam until it boils.

With constant stirring, water vapor is released, saturated with pink oily esters. The primary distillate is cooled to 45°C and mixed with rose oil. After 15 days of infusion, the cosmetic product is ready for use.

From 1 kg of flower petals, 1 liter of hydrolate is obtained, which contains 300 mg of natural essential oils.

In view of this natural composition this tool has become an integral component of Ayurvedic culture.

Benefits of rose water for skin

Hydrolat, unlike essential oils, does not cause irritation, burns, but only gently affects the skin. The use of rose water is safe even on the delicate areas of the face - the area around the eyes.

Beauticians recommend using rose water because it is beneficial for all skin types. There is no need to buy more and more jars of creams when you can simply put a vessel with a healing liquid on the shelf.

It helps to soothe redness, reduce sebum production, improve skin condition mature skin, improves tone, has pronounced antiseptic properties. Rose water is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants that combine to give a healthy glow to the skin.

Let's take a closer look beneficial features this skin care product.

pH Normalization

Remember, a few years ago there was a popular advertisement for toothpaste, in which the phrase about the importance of maintaining the level of acid-base balance in the oral cavity was constantly heard? This indicator also applies to the condition of the skin. Violations of the pH level cause active reproduction of pathogenic microflora. That is why the skin becomes inflamed and covered with red acne. In the worst case, there is a risk of acne that is difficult to treat.

The balance of the acid-base level of the skin normally ranges from 4 to 6.5. With excessive use of soap, cleansers, this figure drops. Positive reviews about rose water for the face are explained by the fact that the product has a pH level of 5.5, which helps to eliminate the existing violations in the layers of the epidermis.

Skin tone

All women are well aware of the four milestones care: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. Most of us tend to neglect the toning step, not realizing that in this step we are removing the rest of the dirt, makeup. Rose flower water is an excellent natural toner due to its pH normalizing properties. It is this tool that cleanses the skin and prepares it for the next care procedures.

Natural hydration

There is a misconception that tonics dry out and tighten the skin. This is not the case if you use natural and soft means such as pure rose water. It provides the cells of the epidermis with mild hydration. The effect is not immediately noticeable, but in the end, the condition of dehydrated skin improves a lot.

Make-up removal

If you are a connoisseur of natural cosmetics, then you know that coconut and olive oil are the best natural products used in daily cleansing skin. However, not everyone likes such an oily consistency. So if you want to try another natural way remove make-up, you should use a pink hydrolat. To do this, the product must be applied to a cotton swab and clean the face with gentle massage movements.

Looking for a spa treatment for your skin? Dampen a cotton napkin rose water, apply no a large number of warm coconut oil and apply on the face, leaving for 2-3 minutes. This procedure not only effectively removes dirt, makeup, but also has a positive effect on skin nutrition. Remember that in order to keep your natural beauty, in no case should you stretch the skin when cleansing.

Eternal youth

Scientists have proven that aggressive impact ultraviolet rays lead to early aging of the skin. But this happens not only with the abuse of tanning, but also with unhealthy way life, air pollution, frequent stress. These factors in a single complex contribute to the appearance of free radicals and damage the appearance.

Rose water due to the high concentration of natural antioxidants in the composition helps to gently cope with the problem. early aging skin, neutralizing free radicals and keeping the epidermis healthy.

acne remedy

Everyone at least once faced with acne and knows firsthand that acne appears unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. And if in adulthood we can already calmly relate to such a reaction of the body, then for adolescents this becomes a real problem.

For clarification true reason the appearance of acne, you need to contact a dermatologist and undergo a thorough diagnosis, but already at home you can start fighting skin defects using natural ingredients in pure form. If you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, or spot rashes, rose water can help.

The cooling properties of rose water, together with its anti-inflammatory action, soothe irritation, eliminate redness, aggravated by skin diseases.

Health benefits of rose water

As we can see, rose water is an excellent skin care product, helping to moisturize, cleanse, nourish, and rejuvenate it. But in addition, this product has many other healing properties, and due to its characteristics, it is suitable not only for adults, but also for the elderly, and for children.

So, what is rose water used for, what are its benefits for our health? The range of its application is wide:

  • treatment sunburn, insect bites;
  • treatment of eye infections;
  • gargling with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat;
  • elimination PMS symptoms, menopause due to balancing the hormonal background;
  • anti-stress therapy;
  • reduction of painful spasms during menstrual cycle using aromatherapy;
  • improvement of mood, emotional state;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • relief of toothache when used in the form of compresses;
  • adding shine to hair;
  • elimination of disorders of the digestive tract;
  • help with stool disorders in the form of diarrhea;
  • use in aromatherapy in the treatment of viral diseases;
  • the use of rose water in cooking - it is used to prepare an aromatic tea that eliminates infections Bladder and skin.

How to use

Since rose water has a large number of useful properties, you can use it most different ways and for different purposes.

For face

A great way to use flower hydrosol is to wash your face before bed to cleanse your skin of dirt and make-up. In our online store, you can buy rose water for the face already with a built-in sprayer, which makes it very convenient to carry this product in your purse and refresh your skin throughout the day. Many makeup artists use hydrolat as a cosmetic fixative. decorative cosmetics, spraying it with a thin haze.

To reduce the production of skin sebum, due to which pores become clogged and black spots appear, it is recommended to make a mask. To do this, mix water from rose petals with white or blue clay and apply with a cosmetic brush on the face until dry. Men can also use this natural product to relieve irritation after shaving.

We highly recommend purchasing rose water for those who work in poorly ventilated offices with central heating, air conditioning constantly on. Under such conditions, the skin quickly becomes tight, dehydrated, and the face takes on a tired look. You can prevent such consequences by spraying the hydrolat on the face 2-3 times a day.

Rose water compresses on the eyes help eliminate puffiness, dark circles. For better absorption cosmetic creams it is recommended to wash your face with a hydrolat, which will open the pores, and the effect will appear faster.

For hair

If you have dry unruly hair, then cosmetologists recommend making a mask by mixing rose hydrosol and any natural oil(coconut, shi). The mixture must be slightly heated and applied to the hair roots, massaging the scalp for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your hair after half an hour.

According to Ayurveda, it is useful to rinse hair with water mixed with rose extract to give it shine and elasticity.

For body

Hydrolat can be sprayed not only on the face, but also on the body as a means of stimulating blood circulation, to give a feeling of freshness. In addition, this product is able to replace toilet water or deodorant, thanks to him the whole day you will be in a perfumed flower cloud.

Relaxing baths infused with rose water are popular at spas to scent, hydrate, and soften skin.

The guarantee of the result is high quality

Dear readers, now you know the ways to use rose water for the face at home, as well as for many other things, but in order for all procedures to really bring only benefits, it is important to choose a good product. The healing effect will depend directly on the quality of the cosmetic product.

House of Nature has been cooperating with more than 20 manufacturing companies for several years, and therefore we have accumulated a lot of experience that we share with you.

Authentic rose hydrosol, made according to right technology, can not cost 150 rubles. In ancient times, only rich people could afford this product, given the complexity of its production technology. You can buy it for 300 rubles in Bulgaria or Egypt, but not in Russia, because you need to take into account transport costs.

Inexpensive floral waters do not meet the declared quality, because the concentration of rose essential oil is too low in them. It's like mixing 200 ml of water and a drop of ether on your own. Negative reviews about rose water are associated precisely with its low quality, it is these hydrosols that dry out and tighten the face.

When choosing a product, pay attention that the composition does not contain nitrates and alcohol - then it will moisturize and tone the skin.

The shelf life of the hydrolat is 2 years, during which the odor intensity may slightly decrease. This is observed in cases where flower water was made from dry petals.

Domestic manufacturers offer big choice floral waters, about which you can read a lot of rave reviews. However, in our opinion, they are inferior in quality to products from India, Bulgaria, Jordan, and Morocco.

Today, hydrosols are widely used in the cosmetic industry. They are added to acid tonics, creams, alcohol-free lotions. However, if you are a connoisseur of natural cosmetics, we recommend using pure rose water.

If you want to buy rose water, the consultants of the "House of Nature" will definitely help you in choosing suitable means and talk about popular ways to use it.

Buy rose waterHow and why you need to drink water

Rose water is obtained from rose petals, which is considered the most beautiful flower in the world. Back in the eighth and ninth centuries, rose water was important subject trade between the Byzantine and Chinese empires. The benefits of natural rose water are still undeniable. And the breadth of its application surprises and pleases.

Useful properties of rose water

Rose water contains concentrated rose oil and distilled water. The process of its production is quite complex and lengthy. Rose water retains the properties of the rose and is well known for its healing and cosmetic properties. Rose water can be used in different ways:

  • In hair care. Rose water is well known by hairdressers for its beneficial properties for hair. It is one of the main ingredients in all kinds of hair care products. If you regularly apply rose water on the scalp and hair, it will definitely improve their condition. Rose water reduces inflammation, speeds up the blood circulation of the scalp and promotes good growth hair.
  • In relieving stress and fatigue. If you add rose water to the bath, it will help you relieve fatigue and cheer you up.
  • IN medicinal purposes. Rose water also has medicinal properties, it can be used to gargle a sore throat. With inflammation of the tonsils, you can apply a cotton swab dipped in rose water to them.
  • Eye benefits. Rose water can even be used as eye drops to relieve eye fatigue. People who work a lot at the computer should regularly use such drops.
  • Benefits for teeth. Rose water is very beneficial for teeth. Dentists use it to treat dental problems such as periodontal disease. For inflamed gums, you can apply cotton swabs soaked in rose water to them. You can also rinse your mouth with warm rose water to soothe sore gums. Regular use of rose water will help you alleviate and cure gum pain, strengthen your teeth and get rid of bad smell from mouth.
  • With a headache. If you have a headache, then apply a cold compress based on rose water and leave it for forty-five minutes. The pain should subside.

Rose water is sold in many stores and is inexpensive. Instead of spending a lot of money on expensive beauty products, buy yourself a bottle of good rose water and you will soon see results from its use.

How to use rose water

Rose water is derived from rose oil and is most commonly used in perfumes and skin care products. You can make your own rose water or buy ready-made rose water from specialty stores or gourmet departments to use for natural rose water. medicinal products for skin care. With a pleasant aroma and natural healing properties, rose water can be used for various purposes:

  • Add five drops of jasmine to a quarter cup of rose water for a light and refreshing perfume. Store them in dark glass with a tight-fitting lid and enjoy the aroma every day.
  • Add pure rose water to a spray bottle for a fragrant body spray. Such a spray is not only good for normal skin, but also reduces sunburn and gently disinfects the skin, preventing infection and irritation. It can also be used as an air freshener and to sanitize bathrooms, places where pets sleep, and even carpets.
  • Replace plain water the pink in your cream and lotion you made yourself. Rose water helps maintain pH levels, helping to control both dry and oily skin. In addition, rose water can soothe many types of dermatitis.

How to make your own rose water

Rose water is used in cosmetics due to its pleasant smell, but also because of the light astringent properties. Being the most gentle astringent, rose water is often used as a tonic for fair and dry skin.

Be careful when buying rose water to buy the real one. Very often what is sold in pharmacies and even in stores natural products, is actually synthetic rose oil mixed with water and preservatives. Real rose water is usually obtained by distillation, it has a concentrated smell and a pleasant taste.

In addition to stores selling health products and medicinal herbs You can find rose water in delicatessen stores as it is used as a seasoning in baked goods, puddings and cakes.

There is quite traditional recipe preparation of rose water. And although it is a little complicated, it is still interesting, and the results are simply amazing. You can get over a liter of excellent quality rose water in just forty minutes. But if you simmer the water for too long, you will end up with just distilled water, and the rose essence will weaken. Your rose water will smell more like regular purified water than concentrated rose essence.

To prepare rose water, you will need a brick and a heat-resistant glass or metal vessel without rust. You will also need two to three liters fresh roses or rose petals, water, ice cubes or crushed ice.

Place a firebrick in the center of a large saucepan with a lid upside down. Place a vessel on top of the brick. Place the rose petals in the pot so that they reach the top of the brick. Then pour water into the pot so that the roses are completely covered with it. The water should also cover the top of the brick. Place the upside down lid on top. Turn on the stove, bring everything to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. As soon as the water starts to boil, drop two or three ice cubes on the lid. You have a home distillation apparatus. As the water boils, the steam rises, reaches the ice-cooled lid, and collects in condensate. It then flows into the center of the lid and drips into the vessel. Lift the lid every twenty minutes and take out one or two tablespoons of the resulting rose water. You can stop the process when you have about half a liter of water that smells and tastes like roses.

No wonder the rose is considered the most beautiful plant, because it is from its petals that they create rose water. In the 8th-9th centuries, rose water was one of the most sought after commodities in China and Byzantium. Since then, the popularity of this magical liquid has only grown, and the breadth of its use pleasantly surprises. What exactly are the beneficial properties of rose petal water? How to use it correctly and in what cases to apply? Is it possible and how to make rose water on one's own?
I invite you to the group on Folk Wisdom, Medicine and Experience

rose water application

Positive properties of rose water

This miraculous liquid is made up of oil and water. It takes quite a lot of time and effort to create a solution from flower petals.

There is in this and positive side, because such water will retain useful qualities for a long time beautiful flower. The rose has numerous cosmetic and healing qualities.

For outer beauty

Water renders positive influence on the skin. It is not for nothing that this magical solution is added to many creams and masks. It does not really matter what kind of skin you have: normal, dry or oily. Liquid any will do beauty! Owners normal skin with it, they can simply cleanse the face.

If you have oily skin, use the solution as a tonic, controlling the appearance of excess sebum. Dry skin, known for its sensitivity, with the help of rose water is transformed, becoming smooth and even. Rose water also helps with wounds, cuts and abrasions. It can even treat sunburn!

By the way, not only women can use such water, but also men. For example, if there are any irritations on the face after shaving.

Hairdressers know firsthand about the miraculous qualities of the pink liquid, because it is she who occupies a leading position in the compositions various masks, balms and other hair and scalp care products. If you regularly use rose water, hair will be healthy, strong and shiny! And as a bonus, the blood circulation of the scalp will also improve, as well as various inflammations will be removed (if any, of course, there are).

For internal health

The liquid made from these beautiful flowers can be used both to maintain external beauty and to restore physical condition.

  • For example, rose water can be safely treated sore throat or, if your tonsils are inflamed, use a swab soaked in the solution.
  • Rose water can be used instead of eye drops. If your eyes regularly get tired, try it, and you will immediately feel a pleasant relaxation. People whose work is closely related to the computer, take note!
  • Water from the petals is used not only by hairdressers, but also by … dentists! What did you think? Such a magic liquid can be used everywhere. Rose water is not just good for the mouth, it can even cure such serious illness teeth like periodontal disease!
  • It also helps inflamed gums. If you have these, moisten the tampons with liquid and apply them regularly to problem areas.
  • If this method does not suit you, there is another. It is universal. You just need to take water and rinse your mouth with it. This method will remove pain, relieve inflammation (when it comes to gums) and strengthen teeth. Yes, rose water also fights odor in the mouth. Miracle, right?
  • If your head aches for no reason, apply a cold compress soaked in a liquid based on rose water to it and lie down with it for half an hour, and preferably forty minutes.

How to use rose water?

This liquid is made from the oil found in the petals and is commonly used to make a variety of perfumes and beauty products. You can create your own rose water bottle or purchase finished product in the shop.

Regardless of your choice, the solution will have the same positive traits. Use this tool in a variety of ways. The choice is yours!


You will need:

  • 1/4 cup rose water;
  • 8 drops of glycerin;
  • 3/4 cup virgin hazel.


  1. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a dark glass bottle.
  3. Shake the bottle well before using the tonic.
  4. Use a soft cloth to apply.

Use a toner daily to clear up breakouts (and prevent new ones), shrink enlarged pores, and smooth out fine lines.


You will need:

  • a glass of rose water;
  • 2 tsp glycerin;
  • 10 drops of concentrated rose oil.

This tool can be used immediately after thoroughly mixing all the ingredients. The components included in the lotion make the skin clear and wrinkles less noticeable. By the way, the oil improves the quality of the lotion, allowing it to be stored longer.


You will need:

  • 5 drops of jasmine;
  • 1/4 cup water from the petals.


Pour jasmine into water for an amazing perfume! Store it in a dark glass container. Don't forget the lid that closes tightly! Do you want to enjoy the aroma as if you are doing it for the first time?

How to make rose water at home?

The water from the petals is often used in the production of cosmetics. This is explained by the fact that the liquid light fragrance and has astringent properties. Rose water is a very gentle remedy. Even those with dry skin can easily use it.

Choose rose water with care, beware of fakes! It often happens that even pharmacies do not sell natural water, but artificial oil diluted with water (often also containing preservatives). Natural water is produced by distillation. Such a liquid is always distinguished by a special aroma and pleasant taste.

You can not buy rose water, but prepare it yourself. Of course, it is easier to buy it (but not a fact, because you also need to choose carefully) than to make it yourself. However, the procedure of creating something of your own is always exciting! Just one time you can create about a liter of excellent quality rose water. And it only takes a couple of hours! Amazing, right? But do not forget that even here accuracy and attentiveness are important.

You will need:

  • brick;
  • a heat-resistant vessel made of glass or metal (make sure that there is no rust on it);
  • 2-3 liters of petals;
  • water;
  • ice chips (or cubes).


  1. Place a firebrick in the center of the pot with the lid upside down. Place the vessel on the brick.
  2. Pour the flower petals into a bowl. Make sure they reach the brick. Fill the pot with water so that the petals are completely covered. Water should also cover the top of the brick. Place the inverted lid on top.
  3. Turn on the stove, wait for the water to boil, then reduce the heat to the minimum level. When the water starts to boil, throw a couple of ice cubes on the lid. Now you have a real distillation apparatus!
  4. Every time the water boils, the steam rises up to the lid. After cooling with ice, it turns into condensate. It then flows down to the center of the lid, dripping into the vessel. Every 20 minutes, lift the lid, taking a couple of tablespoons of the resulting water.
  5. Stop the process when you get the amount of liquid you need.

Conclusion about rose water

Positive traits rose water cannot be overestimated. It is used both to maintain natural beauty and to restore internal health. This tool available on the shelves of most stores. It costs, by the way, mere pennies.

In addition, now you know how to make rose water with your own hands. Therefore, instead of another campaign for expensive cosmetics, take a closer look at high-quality liquid, which is based on the most beautiful flower.


Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an adjunct to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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Rose water gives the skin of the face natural beauty. It is great for cleansing and facial care in the morning and evening. Rose flowers are amazingly beautiful, but in addition to beauty, they can give us hydration, protection and nourishment of the skin if rose water is prepared from them. This water is easy to make at home. To do this, you just need to have fresh rose petals and purified water. Just a few drops of this water is enough to moisturize and cleanse the face.

The natural product obtained after the distillation of rose petals is often added to various cosmetics, makeup removers, face masks, tonics, etc.

Rose water for the face, which can be purchased at any cosmetics store, is ideal for dry skin, combination. She takes great care of her face after removing makeup.

Benefits of rose water for the face

Pink water - perfect option for moisturizing, cleansing the face in the evening. Rose flowers have been used since ancient times to narrow pores, eliminate rarefaction on the skin, regulate sebum production, prevent acne, early wrinkles.

The main advantage of rose water is the anti-aging effect due to the presence of fatty acids, vitamins that nourish, tone, smooth and firm the skin.

Therefore, it is useful to use this water to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, eliminate signs of fatigue on the face, and cleanse.

How to use rose water?

Application: Every morning, before applying the cream, apply a few drops of rose water to the skin of the face. In this case, you should use cotton pad. This will help remove the remaining dirt, refresh the complexion, and protect against the appearance of signs of aging.

In the evening, after removing makeup, apply water to a cotton pad and wipe your face to remove makeup residue. This will ensure natural regeneration and hydration of the face during the night.

Benefits of beauty products from roses

It is products from roses that should be in the bathroom of every woman. The rose has been used since ancient times to improve the condition of the skin, preserve youth and beauty. The most popular rose product today is rose water, which can be purchased at cosmetics stores.

Also, this flower can be found in many creams, gels, shampoos, tonics, hydrosols, and other products.

Of course, rose water is always better to have in your bathroom, because. it is versatile and useful cosmetic product which suits almost everyone.

It can be used both for cleansing and for moisturizing and nourishing the face. It is especially suitable for dry and combination skin which requires special attention.

This water can be used at any time of the year. Its main advantages: softening, moisturizing, toning, cleansing.

An important plus, of course, is cleansing, which is ideal for oily skin. In addition, it perfectly tightens pores, prevents the appearance of black spots, and makes the skin clear.

Also, as already mentioned, rose water is suitable for those who are trying to preserve their youth and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, this product is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin. It perfectly relieves irritation, inflammation, soothes even the most sensitive skin faces.

Hint: this water should be stored in the refrigerator, i.e. it keeps its freshness longer. The shelf life is usually 6 months.


  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • tones;
  • refreshes;
  • soothes dry and sensitive skin;
  • narrows pores;
  • cleans and regulates sebum production due to its astringent properties;
  • softens;
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles;
  • regenerates.

rose water masks

This cosmetic water can be used to make face masks. The classic recipe is: rose water + argan oil 3 - 5 drops. Apply the mixture on your face for about 15 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

To restore and nourish the skin, prepare the following mask: mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt with rose water and a spoonful of honey. Apply the mask on your face for about 20 minutes, then wash off.

For oily skin: rose water + 3 tbsp. spoons of green clay. Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Homemade rose petal water

Take rose petals (10 - 20 pieces), pour 500 ml of purified water (mineral without gas) and cook for about 10 minutes over low heat. After that, remove from heat, let cool. Then strain the liquid, pour into a clean, dry glass jar and put in the refrigerator. Use this homemade product daily in the morning and evening before bed to cleanse your face. With regular use of rose water, your skin will become fresher, acne will disappear, pores will narrow.

The rose is the queen of flowers, a symbol of beauty and health, the healing properties of this beautiful flower were known even to the healers of ancient times. Rose water for the first time water solution from rose essential oil, or rather, the method of its preparation, is mentioned in the records of the Arab philosopher Khaldun, who lived in the 10th century AD. This product at that time was considered one of the most important goods that China traded with Byzantium. In those days, the healing solution was prepared by distillation, and today you cannot make rose water by simply mixing oil and ordinary water, although these are the two main components. Today, rose water is produced using stills. Steam passes through a mass of rose petals, which enters a special tube, where it cools and becomes liquid.

The benefits of rose water

Rose water is used in many areas of life: it is added to culinary products, used to treat diseases of the eyes, throat, mouth, intestines, used in hairdressing. Water with rose essential oil has traditionally been used as a cosmetic product since ancient times. Its main advantage is that it perfectly cleanses the face: it makes the skin of the face supple, fresh, removes peeling, irritation, inflammation. Rose water soothes and cools the skin, removes dark circles under the eyes, protects the skin from exposure sun rays. It was with this amazing distillate that Cleopatra washed her face to give her skin a radiant and healthy look.

Rose water is added to face creams, masks, tonics, gels and other cosmetics, and it is also used separately for facial skin care.

Rose water lassi

  • Go to recipe

Rose water has many benefits over many other types of facial cosmetics. It is suitable for any type of skin, eliminating existing imperfections and emphasizing the advantages (if your skin is prone to dryness, then rose water will moisturize it and eliminate the feeling of tightness, if your skin is oily, then essential oils roses will remove inflammation, eliminate oily sheen and give the skin matte shade, because thanks to rose oil, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized).

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of water stimulate fast healing wounds and scratches on the skin. Rose water tightens pores, preventing dirt and pathogenic bacteria from entering the skin. This distillate is great for aging skin due to its rejuvenating effect. It maintains the acid-base balance of the skin. Enhances the effect of make-up removers and other liquids chemical substances. It is a natural, hypoallergenic and safe cosmetic product.

You can buy rose water in cosmetic stores or pharmacies.

Application of rose water

Apply rose water to your face with a clean cotton swab, after removing makeup and washing your face. To enhance the effect of water with rose oil, you need to make a face mask - for this, take a soft piece of cloth, soak it in water and put it on the desired parts of the face for a few minutes. Relax your muscles, lie on your back, inhale the smell of a rose - this is not only pleasant, but also useful.

If you put pieces of fabric on the area under the eyes, you can remove bruises, darkening and "bags"

By mixing rose water with other products, you can get excellent creams and masks for different types skin. For example, prepare a mask for oily skin by mixing one tablespoon egg white, two tablespoons of rose water, a teaspoon of honey and a little wheat flour or white clay. Apply the resulting mass to the skin for twenty minutes, then rinse with water. For dry skin, it will be more useful to mix two or three tablespoons of rose water with cream and banana pulp.

At home, you can prepare a lotion for oily and mixed skin: add one teaspoon to a glass of rose water apple cider vinegar, a pinch of salt, two tablespoons of berry, grape or apple juice. Apply this lotion to your face twice a day, morning and evening. If you add a couple of spoons of glycerin to it, then the lotion can be used for dry skin.

Rose water can be added to cream or other skin care products. To do this, put natural oil in the cream (you can use high quality olive oil) and add rose water until the cream acquires the desired consistency. To enhance the smell of roses, you can drop a drop of essential oil.