Facial cleansing in the morning and evening. Daily and in-salon facial cleansing

If you only have money for one beauty product, buy something to cleanse your skin,- says Olivier Courtin-Clarence, son of the founder famous brand. It is fully supported by eminent experts who will tell you what to do with the purchase next:

  • Yoko Tanji - Head of Cosmetology and Training at Wamiles
  • Oleg Varaskin - cosmetologist at the cosmetology center "Epilcity"
  • Elena Grishechkina - Clinique Training Specialist
  • Elena Eliseeva - cosmetologist

Myth #1 - Skin cleansing is secondary, all the power is in the active ingredients of my cream

The basis of cosmetology is cleansing. If you do not remove the dust settled during the day from the surface of the face, useful components serums and creams will not reach the deep layers of the skin. This is especially true for residents of the metropolis. Probably everyone has seen the greyish layers of dirt on the walls of buildings in the center of big cities? Approximately the same, if we correlate the scale, our skin is also covered by the end of the working day.

Sometimes all this muck can come into play with care components. chemical reaction, which means modifying the action of the product and, even worse, interfering with the life of skin cells. And this is instead of healing and rejuvenating us!

Myth #2 - Washing with hot/cold water is good for you

And here it is not. The temperature of the water with which we rinse our face should be at room temperature, not exceed 22 degrees and not fall below 18. Overdo it a little - and the blood will instantly rush to the face, and the superficial muscles responsible for skin tone will relax. If this happens to them systematically, you can forget about the elasticity of the epidermis.

In addition, hot water expands holes, and this can only be beneficial to a beautician who is going to take on. If you have a tendency to rosacea, it is better to wash your face with ice water than scalding water. True, not everything is rosy here either: cold constricts blood vessels, which means it worsens the blood supply to the skin, sebaceous glands may begin to work sluggishly, and the face - to dry and peel off.

Myth #3 - You can forget milk and tonic in the morning

In this matter, cosmetologists are categorical and unanimous: “cleaners” should be used twice a day. In the evening, they will help to wash off makeup and free the skin from urban evil spirits. And no excuses! Even if on this day we did not put on makeup and did not get out of the house, it is necessary to thoroughly but delicately cleanse the skin before going to bed.

The sebaceous glands work around the clock, accumulate on the surface of the epidermis dead cells that mix with sebum and bacteria. Will you dream after this information good dreams if you don't take off your makeup? At night, vital activity continues, so in the morning it is also worth wiping your face with a cotton pad moistened with milk or lotion.

In the evening, you can already use two types of cleansers: first, go over the skin with milk to remove makeup, including from the eyes, and then with a classic wash. You can’t limit yourself to the latter, because such a product, unlike make-up remover, will not completely dissolve the fats that are in the composition of the decor.

Myth #4 - Toilet soap is the best at removing stains.

Well, we can agree with this, but with one caveat - the alkali with which it is stuffed instantly dries out the skin. Besides, toilet soap will never completely wash away decorative cosmetics. It makes sense to pay attention to modern products: they do not smell of alkali, they easily cope with any pollution and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

The main thing is to choose suitable remedy. For dry skin and those prone to dryness, creamy textures or foams are suitable. Hydrophilic oils for washing (many brands have them, for example, Lancome, Dior, Neutrogena) are also good. And do not be afraid of their texture: oil in this case does not clog pores, but on the contrary, delicately cleanses them. The gel-like consistency is indicated for combination and oily skin. These products are often very light, do not contain fat and are very refreshing.

Myth #5 - Sensitive skin and exfoliation don't mix.

Exfoliation is an essential part of any cleansing program. Soft peeling(and at home it cannot be different) ennobles the skin of all types. Dry, it will help to better perceive moisturizing ingredients, normal and combined will return healthy color. Doing peels regularly, you can forget about inflammation and acne, unless they are caused hormonal failure. Oily skin after scrub deep cleansing it will also rise: it will be freed from excess fat, dirt, dead cells.

Uneven tone? Peelings succeeded here too: they do a good job with age spots if they appeared due to ultraviolet radiation or as a response to acne. Mature ladies do not need to forget about scrubs either, because abrasive particles accelerate the process of cell regeneration, which slows down over the years.

Myth #6 - The composition of a cleansing product doesn't matter, it's not a skin care product.

The composition of any cosmetic product that comes into contact with the skin, it would be nice to study with predilection. It’s worth starting right in the store: having found lauryl sulfate, alcohol, parabens, dyes in the list of ingredients in small print, we return the jar to the shelf.

And do not underestimate the caring properties of cleansing products. For example, glycolic or salicylic acids in the composition remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. But there is no use for vitamin C and A (retinol) in this case: in order to have a positive effect on the skin, these components must interact with it long time, and not a miserable 30 seconds, as happens during washing.

Myth No. 7 - Cleansing brushes are a complete replacement for high-quality peeling

Neither tame nor fashionable electric brushes can't compare, with all due respect professional procedure skin cleansing. Yes, it's better to arm yourself with a typewriter than to crush pores dirty hands, but the epidermis will first have to be accustomed to the aggregate. He will most likely take the first meeting with the device with hostility and respond with irritation. However, it will pass.

Gadgets with vibrating brushes have both enemies and fans: the former believe that such devices are unreasonably expensive and injure the skin, the latter claim that the devices pull dirt and blackheads out of the skin without even stretching it. Be that as it may, you should not abandon the usual skin cleansing schemes in any case.

Myth #8 - Oily skin needs to be exfoliated every day.

In no case. This will deprive it of its protective lipid layer and force it to defend itself with all its strength - to produce sebum in double volume, driving itself into vicious circle. Cosmetologists advise girls with dry skin to use peeling every two weeks, with oily skin - with an interval of three to four days. Recall that it is not customary to exfoliate the area around the eyes, although today some brands make peelings for it as well. However, is there any point in experimenting? Let the newfangled inventions stand the test of time.

Products with a coarse abrasive are losing their positions: instead of a scrub with apricot or grape seeds, a progressive product with acids is perfect, the main thing is to make sure that the concentration of the latter does not exceed 5%.

Myth #9 - Moisturizers should be applied to completely dry skin.

Of course, after cleansing, it would be nice to blot your face with a towel, but there is no need to wait until the skin is completely dry. If you apply some kind of cream on it, slightly damp, it will seal the drops invisible to our eyes in the upper layers and prevent them from evaporating. By the way, the same story with the tonic - even if by the time of the meeting with the cream it is not completely absorbed, the care product will only become more effective from this.

Myth #10 - It's best to cleanse your skin without water.

Our experts consider such a measure to be necessary. An allergy to a new cream or serum began, the water supply was cut off, there are no questions - we are switching to micellar. After all, it is not actually water, but a clear solution of fatty acid esters. The secret to the success of the liquid is in micelles - special molecules that, like a magnet, attract any impurities from the surface of the skin. However, even these products do not leave behind a feeling of absolute purity. Well, why not hold back! You can wash your face with tap water, ideally filtered or boiled, or stock up on bottled water.

The question of how to clean your face at home is very popular among the beautiful half of humanity, since in this case large financial investments are not needed. Also, facial cleansing at home gives excellent results not very different from the results after going to beauty salons.

Modern girls and women very often suffer from lack of sleep and stress, eat the wrong food. All this negatively affects the condition of their facial skin. As a result, the complexion becomes unhealthy, wrinkles, pimples, black spots, blackheads appear.

Sometimes, even when using branded expensive products, it is not always possible to achieve desired result. In this situation, facial cleansing will help, which can be carried out not only in beauty salons, but also at home, without extra financial costs.

Tonic, as well as facial wash, do not help to get rid of 100% black dots that are in the deep layers of the skin. As a result, dust and sebum accumulate in the pores, the process of inflammation begins, which leads to the appearance of acne.

Deep cleansing of the skin of the face will help remove dirt accumulated in them in the pores.

The advantages of such a procedure are in the following:

  • microbes do not penetrate into the blood;
  • subcutaneous microcirculation will improve;
  • vessels will be effectively strengthened;
  • gently and intensively cleansed contaminated pores;
  • inflammation will be removed;
  • the protective functions of cells will increase.
  • complexion will acquire a healthy radiant appearance.

Cosmetologists recommend facial cleansing not only in cases of deep contamination, but also as a preventive measure, because every day our skin is exposed to external irritants: dirt, dust, sebum.

Preparatory stage for facial cleansing at home

Preparation for facial skin cleansing is based on the following important point. You need to clearly know your skin type: oily, dry or combination.

If you have dry skin, then it must be cleaned with extreme care and frugality. And here oily skin on the contrary, you should try to clean as thoroughly and intensively as possible.

How to clean the skin of the face at home?

You can clean your skin at home different ways, which are no less effective than those that cosmetologists will pick up for you in the salon.

Consider two of the most known methods facial skin cleansing at home.

Using natural masks

This cleaning method skin suit for those who want to cleanse the skin deeply, but at the same time very gently. These masks include oatmeal mask, a clay mask, a bodyaga mask, a soda scrub mask with salt and a honey mask.

Let's consider in more detail.

  • . Oatmeal is a very rich product in vitamins and minerals. A big plus of this mask is that, thanks to its components, it will not only exfoliate the skin, but also absorb all the fat. This mask is more suitable for oily skin types. Cooking: Pour 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with milk so that it completely covers cereals. Cover the resulting mixture for 7-10 minutes with a lid. The mask is ready.
  • clay mask. The most effective clay is black. It perfectly cleanses the pores of blackheads, while pulling out toxins from the skin. And most importantly, it is suitable for all skin types, whether oily, dry or combination skin. Cooking: dissolve black clay warm water and add sour cream. Stir the resulting consistency and can be applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • Body mask. Bodyaga when cleaning the skin of the face is considered the most powerful vasodilator, it very intensively smoothes fine wrinkles. In addition, it exfoliates the skin very well. This mask can be used if your skin is not prone to irritation. Cooking: it is necessary to mix bodyagi powder with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, stir well and apply thin layer on the face for 15 minutes.
  • Soda scrub mask with salt. This mask It is customary to use during the appearance of black dots (1 time per week). If you regularly make such a mask, then the skin of the face will become smooth and clean. Suitable for all skin types. Cooking: the first thing to do is lather your face with soap to form foam. Then, in small proportions, dilute salt with soda in water and apply the resulting mixture on the face, massaging the face in places where black dots accumulate. Leave for 5-10 minutes.

The use of folk remedies

Among the folk remedies for cleansing the skin include egg yolk, sour milk, vegetable oil, bran, fresh milk.

  • Ideal for all skin types. It is necessary to place 1 raw yolk in a small container, add 1 teaspoon of lemon and grapefruit juice. All this is thoroughly mixed. Then divide the resulting consistency into 2 parts: one will be used for cleansing, and the second can be put in the refrigerator to use next time. Application done with a cotton pad. A cotton pad is slightly moistened with water, then the prepared mixture is collected with a cotton pad and applied to the face with quick movements of the hand and rubbed until foam appears. After just a few minutes, you can wash your face and apply a nourishing cream.
  • Spoiled milk. It can be used at any time of the year, and this method is also suitable for any skin type. Very effective remedy in order to lighten freckles. As a result, freckles become lighter, and the face acquires a fresh and well-groomed appearance. If you have normal and oily skin, then just washing with whey will suffice. Application carried out with a clean cotton pad. A cotton pad is soaked in sour milk, and then the skin of the face is rubbed with it. If the skin is heavily soiled, it will be necessary to use several cotton pads. Last cotton pad carefully wring out, then you can remove the remnants sour milk from the skin. After the procedure, the skin should be moist, for this, a nourishing cream should be applied to the face.
  • Vegetable oil. A few tablespoons should be placed in glass container and put the container with oil in hot water for 2 minutes. When the oil becomes slightly warm, you can take a cotton swab and wipe your face. Then the oil can be removed from the skin with a cotton pad dipped in tea or lotion.
  • Bran. Oat, rice and wheat bran is perfect for using this method. You can also use a crumb of black bread. Before applying the bran mixture, wet your face with warm water. Then you can start applying the mixture of bran. 1 tablespoon of flakes (bran) is mixed with a small amount of liquid and applied to the skin of the face. After bran begins to be felt, you need to wash off the bran mixture from your face with water. To achieve a good result, you need to repeat this procedure for a month, at night. If you have oily skin, then once a week will be enough.
  • Fresh milk. Excellent remedy for dry and irritated skin. Milk is diluted in hot water. With the help of a cotton pad, the skin is moistened with milk. The skin is then lightly dried with a soft towel.

By taking care of your skin, you are taking care of your entire body. With regular skin care, your skin will look fresh, healthy, cleansed, velvety and soft.

Most people spend a lot of time doing all sorts of treatments to improve the look of their skin. Whether it's a sudden breakout or an ongoing problem, acne is the last thing you want to worry about on the eve of your upcoming prom or wedding. To keep the skin clean, you need to systematically care for it. Luckily, there are plenty of tips to help you improve your condition quickly.


Using store-bought products

    Buy everything you need. If you want to improve the condition of your skin short term, best solution there will be a trip to the store and the study of the range of products. Although in desperation you will want to buy the most expensive remedy, however, it is not always better than what is more expensive. For a weekly cleansing course, you will need:

    • Good cleanser.
    • Chemical peeling.
    • An astringent or alcohol-free toner (depending on skin type).
  1. Apply cleanser. A good cleanser will effectively remove dirt and bacteria from your skin. You might want to go to the dermatologist for a facial, but a cleanser from the supermarket can do the job just as well. Squeeze a little cleanser onto your hands and rub it on your face for one minute. To evenly distribute the cleanser, apply it in small in a circular motion. Rinse your face with hot water after the cleanser is evenly distributed.

    • If you don't have a cleanser on hand, use an antibacterial soap as an alternative.
  2. Exfoliate your skin. While the cleanser fights bacteria on your skin, exfoliation will help remove all dead skin cells and leave your skin smooth. This step follows after washing with a cleanser. This exposes the cells that need to be exfoliated. There are several ways how this can be done:

    Use a facial toner. Tonic is used to further cleanse the skin and tighten pores. good tonic Helps restore your skin's natural pH balance and is used after cleansing and exfoliating. Tonic can be applied with a cotton swab. Like the previous remedies, the tonic can be used:

    • If you have oily skin, an astringent toner will help remove excess oil, keeping your skin clear. Astringent tonics often contain alcohol and salicylic acid and can be purchased at a pharmacy or store.
    • For dry skin, alcohol-free tonics are used. The use of astringent tonics threatens with overdrying of the skin, as it lacks natural oils. Consult a dermatologist if you are not sure which tonic is right for you.
  3. Repeat the skin cleansing procedure twice a day for a week. If you want to improve the condition of the skin, carry out the procedures twice a day, in the morning and before bedtime. This will not only double the number of cleansing, but also your face will not be dirty during sleep.

    Home Care

    1. Wash your face with hot water every morning. You may want to try one of the at-home skin care methods before buying a beauty product, especially if money is involved. Washing is a surprisingly effective way to cleanse the skin of the face. For a more thorough removal of dirt from the pores, you can open them with hot water. Use a wet face towel. The water should be hot, but not too hot so as not to cause pain.

      Prepare a sugar-based cleansing facial scrub. Most likely, you already have everything you need to make a scrub at home! You need to mix 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. After stirring the mixture, add another tablespoon of sugar and mix again. Drain excess water from your sugar mixture. After that, wet your face with water and apply the scrub on each cheek, massaging in circular motions for one minute.

Facial cleansing is a procedure that is difficult to do without if you want your skin to please looking healthy and beauty. And simple morning washing or before going to bed is by no means enough. There are several methods effective cleansing, and almost all of them are suitable for doing at home. However, in this case, much depends on the type, as well as the condition of the skin. The procedure must be carried out at least once a month, and even better twice.

make-up removal

How to clean the skin of the face at home, every self-respecting girl who wants to look young should know old age. The procedure takes place in several stages, as in the conditions professional salon. First you need to perform make-up removal. Even decorative cosmetics on the face, then the skin must be cleaned of impurities formed during the day in the form of dust, dirt and sebaceous fat. For these purposes, gels, foams for washing or special fluid and milk.

The first two options are preferable for those whose skin belongs to fat type. And for dry and sensitive the best choice is cosmetic milk, sometimes a cleansing tonic or lotion does a good job. When preparatory stage completed, you can proceed directly to clean the pores of the face at home.


All methods can be conditionally divided into several groups depending on the mechanism of action on the skin. The most common way to cleanse the skin of the face is peeling. Exists:

  • mechanical;
  • acid;
  • enzymatic.

Description of the first method

The first type is affordable and very safe to carry out at home. Its action is due mechanical removal keratinized particles of the upper layer of the skin. How to effectively clean your face at home and what is needed for this? Many of the foods that we are accustomed to eating will do. To begin with, it should be understood that those ingredients that perfectly cleanse oily skin can damage sensitive and dry skin. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define your type. For oily skin, fine sea salt is an excellent remedy for removing sebum from the pores. However, its use is not recommended if there are any injuries, abrasions or inflammation.


A cleansing scrub is made with just two ingredients - a teaspoon of fine sea salt and a tablespoon of honey. They must be mixed and applied to the face, carefully treating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wings of the nose, forehead and chin. Gently massaging for two minutes, the mixture should be washed off with warm water. The surface of the skin will become smooth and clean. Sea salt contains a record amount of microelements that help increase turgor and elasticity, and honey is an excellent nutritious and emollient.

Scrub with coffee

The second method, which is suitable for both normal skin, and for dry - this is scrubbing with ground coffee. This product is rich in essential oils and beneficial trace elements. It is enough to mix one teaspoon with a cleansing gel and apply to the skin of the face with massaging movements. After careful study of problem areas, the mixture must be washed off in several stages. In this case, it is also necessary to perform massaging. When all particles are removed, the face should be rinsed with cool water. This will soothe the skin and ensure blood flow. After this procedure, the pores will be clean, keratinized and dry particles will be removed, and the face will acquire a healthy and radiant appearance.

Manual cleaning

TO mechanical mind the well-known manual cleaning also applies. You can clean your face from acne at home using this method. Before the procedure, you should purchase a solution called "Chatterbox" at the pharmacy in advance. It contains antiseptics that will help disinfect the skin to prevent inflammation. The face is pre-treated with lotion or milk, and the hands with alcohol. Then it is desirable to steam the skin over a water bath. It is also recommended to add herbs with cleansing and antiseptic properties to it. For example, calendula, pharmacy chamomile, mint. They will not only help cleanse the skin, but also perfectly soothe it.

How to clean your face at home using this method? In half a liter of boiling water, add a tablespoon of pharmaceutical herbs. When the broth is a little infused, you need to hold your face over the steam for several minutes. Care must be taken not to get burned. When the face is steamed, the pores will open and you can proceed to the procedure. A cotton swab or disc should be soaked with a pharmacy talker and treated with problem areas. Black dots will be cleared without difficulty, but abscesses will have to be fought mechanically. After their removal, the skin must be treated with a solution salicylic acid. At the end of the procedure, it is useful to lubricate the face with a decoction of herbs, which by this time has already cooled down.

acid cleansing

How to clean your face at home using acid exposure? Easily! Berries will come to the rescue. This method suitable for oily and combination skin. A teaspoon of cranberry, red currant or strawberry puree should be mixed with the same amount of calendula decoction. Apply to the skin, wait about 10 minutes, then remove the bulk. Take a small piece of gauze, fold it several times and use the resulting piece to walk over the skin, removing dead skin particles. Then wash your face well with cool water. Professional peels based fruit acids are intended for use in the beauty parlor only.

Enzyme scrub

Almost every woman knows how to clean her face at home with an enzyme scrub. In fact, this name hides the usual lactic acid bacteria contained in kefir or sour cream. And their women very often use in home cosmetics. Similar method cleaning suitable for normal, dry and sensitive skin. For the procedure, you will need any fermented milk product. The preferred oil content depends on the type of skin. For dry, sour cream is suitable, and for normal - kefir or yogurt. Well, if this product is slightly fermented, then the effect will increase.

How to clean the skin of the face at home? The fermented milk product should be applied to the face with a piece of gauze, making massaging movements. After treating the entire skin, you need to wait about 5 minutes, and then wash your face. Sometimes after this procedure remains bad smell on the skin. To avoid this, it is necessary to add to kefir baking soda. It neutralizes odor and does the job perfectly.


How to clean your face at home with baking soda? You can add it to enzyme peeling or use on its own. On wet skin, apply a small amount of powder and gently massage problem areas. After treatment, you need to wash with cool water.


Knowing how to clean your face at home, you can prolong the youthfulness of the skin and give it a healthy and radiant look, as well as get rid of imperfections. After all, beauty begins with purity.

Hello my dear reader!

In this article I want to raise a very important topic for our beauty. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin structures will become useless, or even dangerous, procedures if we do not remove all impurities from the face, including sebum. Stage facial skin cleansing special cleansers should not be ignored in any case, otherwise the price for such an attitude will be disproportionately high! Dust, toxins from smoky air, sebum must be completely removed in the evening, and in the morning - to remove the waste of night cell regeneration.

The upper layer of the epidermis that has not been cleaned properly and the pores clogged with sebum will not give moisturizing and nutrients creams penetrate deep into the dermis and skin care will not give any result. Moreover, apart from daily cleansing skin in the morning and in the evening, we must make masks every 3-5 days or carry out procedures for exfoliating dead cells (peeling). Only the cleansed epidermis will allow the active ingredients cosmetics penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, receive moisture and oxygen, and nothing else!

How to properly cleanse your face

Cleansers should be selected according to your skin type. It is very important! If you use aggressive gels and foams for your dry skin, then dry and thin the epidermis even more and break the already very vulnerable acid protective mantle on the face. If oily skin quickly restores it, then dry skin cannot do it quickly. Its dehydration begins abruptly and a network of wrinkles appears, and collagen loses its elasticity.

Therefore, do not listen to the advice of your friends, but choose the right product for your skin. Read the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging carefully.

Many manufacturers recommend removing the cleansing composition from the surface of the face with napkins, but no matter how soft the formula is, it must be washed off with plenty of neutral temperature water, and finish the procedure by toning the epidermis with a tonic (better than your own production).

by the most universal remedy For gentle cleansing skin are vegetable oils rich in fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants. The most commonly used cleansing cream is extra virgin olive oil, oil grape seeds or other basic fixed oils, for example, tamanu oil, black cumin or macerates: aloe, chamomile, succession, etc. medicinal herbs.

How to remove makeup with oil

  1. You don't have to wash your face before applying the oil! To comfortably remove makeup and impurities from the face, first moisten the cotton pad a little by dropping a little water into the center of the pad. Then apply oil on it (2-3 drops).
  2. We start with the eye area. We put a disc with oil on the eye, press it a little and wait 5-10 seconds until the oil dissolves the mascara, pencil and shadows. With light patting movements, remove makeup in the direction from the top (from the eyebrows) down (to the cheeks). We change the contaminated disc to a new one, repeating the wetting procedure with water and oil.
  3. Cleanse the epidermis massage lines. Change cotton pads until they are clean. Only then can you be sure that you have cleansed your skin. Subsequent rinsing of the face with water is not required!

Girls with oily skin mistakenly believe that oils will make their oily skin even oilier. But this is a myth! On the contrary, oils qualitatively dissolve sebum and oxidized secretions in the pores. The pores become clean, "plugs" dissolve, black dots disappear. As a result, the pores are narrowed, and secretion is gradually normalized. Girls, use oils - you will be surprised at the result!

morning routine

Just rinsing your face in the morning is not enough. clean water. At night, our skin is vigorously renewed, active metabolic processes, cleansing of toxins, the birth of new cells. Therefore, in the morning, all products of nocturnal activity, such as dead cells, sebum, toxins, sweat, must be removed from the face. Whatever skin type you have, water alone will not help. Cleaners must be used.

All processes of regeneration (renewal) of skin structures and tissues occur from 11 pm to 4 am, and then only if you are really sleeping. During a night's sleep, growth hormone is produced, which improves skin condition. It is in youth that the skin reacts slowly to lack of sleep, but by the age of 30 each a sleepless night reflected in our faces.

Great for dry skin olive oil. The face will shine with freshness and youth! If for some reason you prefer factory products, then choose formulations for dry sensitive skin - they usually contain moisturizing and softening ingredients. As a rule, these are cleansing creams or milks.

For oily and problem skin good decision there will be tamanu oil. IN traditional medicine and cosmetology, it is used to treat skin with acne, since it has very high antibacterial properties. Tamanu copes well with sebum, stops the development of bacteria in the sebaceous ducts and controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Also good effect gives washing of oily and problematic skin with clay, moreover, any clay is suitable for this.

How to wash with clay?

More simple and effective way cleansing and narrowing the pores is difficult to come up with! Clay perfectly mattifies the skin, brightens it, fights bacteria and nourishes it. ABOUT useful properties clay you can read in the article "".

Pour dry clay into a convenient jar with a lid and put a small spoon inside the jar (for ease of use, take a disposable plastic one and shorten it to desired length). For one wash, half a spoon is enough.

Pour clay into the palm of your hand, add warm water in a thin stream, stir with your finger until the consistency of sour cream, rub the composition between the palms and wash yourself with this solution. Try not to get clay particles in your eyes! Leave the clay on your face while you brush your teeth or take a shower. Wash off with warm water.

To dilute clay instead of water, you can use lemon juice, infusion of medicinal herbs, infusion of green tea leaves. At problematic skin, peeling and frequent irritations, it is very effective to drop into the clay essential oil tea tree or lavender or any other.

After a short period of time, you will see a very good result: inflammation and pimples will gradually disappear - not even traces will remain! The skin on the face will become dull, the pores will gradually narrow, comedones (black dots) will disappear and the tone and color of the skin will noticeably even out.

It should also be borne in mind that frequent washing with clay of dry skin can dry it out even more. You can not leave it on your face, but immediately wash it off. Since clay particles exfoliate dead epidermal cells, care must be taken with dry skin type. Dry skin is so thin. Consider this feature!

Evening treatments

In the evening face skin cleansing has a very importance for subsequent care. In the evening, we cleanse the skin of makeup, sebum, dead epidermal cells, dust, dirt, decay products chemical substances in the air on the gassed streets, cigarette smoke etc.

Active Ingredients cleansing cream enter into a chemical reaction with all of the above substances, pull them out of the pores, dissolving. Then you wash off all this “compote” from the surface of the skin with water. don't believe simple recommendations manufacturers who write that it is enough just to remove the cleansing cream with a napkin. No, not enough! Only water!

In the evening face skin cleansing should be phased.

1. First, gently remove makeup from the eye area. Eye cleansers are specially formulated because skin around the eyes very soft, thin and dry. Best fit liquid products- two-phase and lotions. After moistening a cotton pad, simply apply it to the eye. good remedy dissolves eye makeup (any mascara, shadows, pencil or eyeliner) in seconds.

If you do not use waterproof mascara and do not apply mascara too thickly, then the oil will do a great job of cleansing the eye area. Simply place a damp cotton pad with oil on the eyelid and after 5-10 seconds, easily remove the make-up. Although ... oils perfectly dissolve waterproof mascara! Try it!

Remember the golden rule:never rub, do not stretch the skin around the eyes! In the eye area, the dermis is very thin, has almost no subcutaneous fatty tissue, elastin fibers quickly lose their elasticity. That is why premature wrinkles are the first to appear around the eyes. Cleansing procedures in this area should be very gentle: only light patting and blotting movements! Directions of movement on upper eyelid- from inner corner eyes to the outer, and under the eye, on the contrary - from the outer to the inner. You must follow this rule strictly!

For the initial dissolution and removal of mascara, a cotton pad soaked in lotion or oil is moved with light pressure in the direction from the eyebrow to the supra-cheekbone cavity.

Finish the skin cleansing procedure by toning it with thawed or mineral or lemon-acidified water, or with an ice cube or a decoction of chamomile, sage, rose leaves, rose hips or string.

Remember my advice:

Any cleansing cream should be washed off with water at a neutral temperature of 30-35 degrees.

We took a closer look at the importance of cleansing the skin of the face and neck, and learned how to properly cleanse the skin of the face, and how to care for the face with scrubs and masks - in the next article!

Love your skin and it will glow from within!