Oatmeal face masks. For aging skin. Indications and contraindications of oatmeal face masks

Oatmeal face masks are a true find for every woman. I can’t even believe that simple oatmeal, from which you can make excellent masks at home, will help get rid of a variety of skin problems, from improving complexion to fighting age-related changes.

In our article, you will find out why oatmeal face masks owe such a wide range of actions, in which situation oatmeal face masks can help out and, finally, you will find out the recipes for the most effective oatmeal face masks.

When will oatmeal face masks help?

In fact, oatmeal face masks can deal with any problem that can happen to your skin.

  • For dry skin - will provide the necessary nutrition and lack of protection.
  • For sensitive skin - relieves itching and flaking, restoring natural radiance and complexion.
  • For problematic skin prone to various kinds of rashes and acne, an oatmeal mask will cleanse the pores of pollution, remove blackheads and dry up pimples.
  • For oily and combination skin - it will help to cope with oily sheen and normalize the production of sebum, as well as narrow enlarged pores.
  • For normal facial skin - will help maintain and improve natural performance.
  • Oatmeal face masks are shown even with mature facial skin, oatmeal masks can tighten and make aging skin elastic, cope with wrinkles. Now it’s clear why oatmeal face masks are so loved by many women.

Oatmeal face masks - how to prepare the base for an oatmeal mask.

As a basis for oatmeal face masks, you can use ordinary oatmeal or Hercules, which, if desired, can be ground in a coffee grinder or ground in a mortar, oatmeal is also suitable for masks. Having decided on the feedstock, then we take oatmeal in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. spoons and pour boiling water so that the water slightly covers the oat product on top and let it brew for 10 minutes. The basis for oatmeal face masks is ready. You can use this base on your own, or you can add some ingredients that will enhance the effect of oatmeal masks - see recipes for oatmeal masks for the face.

However, as they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Therefore, we shot a video where we will tell you in detail how to prepare, apply on the face and wash off the oatmeal mask - see it at the bottom of the page. And now the recipes...

Oatmeal face masks - what you can do at home

We bring to your attention the recipes for oatmeal face masks that have received the best reviews among those tested by our readers at home.

Oatmeal and clay face masks for acne and blackheads.
In this recipe, the partners of oatmeal are clay, which is also famous for its cleansing properties, and lemon juice - a drying effect. To prepare the mask, take an oatmeal base, add 1 tbsp. l. blue clay (green and black are also suitable) and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Stir and apply to cleansed face, after the mask dries, rinse it off with warm water. Use this mask 2 times a week for a month.

Oatmeal mask for dry skin with honey.
This is a deeply nourishing and hydrating oatmeal facial mask that is suitable for all skin types, but especially for very dry skin. Pour hot milk over oatmeal, then add 1 tbsp. l. a spoonful of liquid honey and 1 tsp. sour cream and softened butter. Mix everything thoroughly, apply on face for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Oatmeal mask with avocado for delicate skin
If you want your skin to be especially tender and beautiful after the mask, use a combination of oatmeal and avocado pulp. For two tablespoons of oatmeal, you need the pulp of half an avocado. We mix everything thoroughly, slightly steam the face with a towel, which was previously immersed in hot water, apply the composition on the face and gently massage for 2-3 minutes in the direction of the massage lines of the face, after which we leave the composition on the skin for about 15 minutes. This is the best time to take it easy. The mask is removed with water at body temperature, after which you need to wash yourself with mineral water.

Oatmeal face mask for oily skin.
Oatmeal face masks are well used to deal with problems with large pores and excessive sebum production, so they are often used to tidy up oily facial skin. Pour oats with either sour fruit or berry juice, or kefir. Let it brew, and then apply oatmeal on your face, after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and wipe with lotion for oily skin.

A rejuvenating oatmeal face mask.
An oatmeal mask with egg and other herbal ingredients will help to rejuvenate and cope with wrinkles. To the finished oatmeal, add the yolk of one chicken egg, 1 tsp. olive oil and 2-3 drops of rosemary essential oil. Mix everything and apply on the skin of the face, and after 30 minutes, rinse with warm water and use an anti-aging cream.

Oatmeal mask with persimmon pulp and beer for rejuvenation
A very interesting mask was offered to us by a reader from Sochi. She claims that for many years she has been supporting youthful facial skin with an oatmeal mask with the addition of persimmon and beer. Pour one tablespoon of oatmeal with three tablespoons of boiling water and cover with a lid. The resulting gruel must be cooled and add one yolk, one tablespoon of persimmon pulp and one tablespoon of beer. We mix the mass and apply it on the face for 15 minutes, after which we first wash ourselves with warm and then cool water. If there is no persimmon, you can replace it with green grapes or pears.

Oatmeal mask with orange for young skin
Orange perfectly helps young skin - a homemade mask, which combines oatmeal and orange juice, will emphasize your youth and beauty. Take two tablespoons of oatmeal base for the mask, mix it with the pulp of half an orange, add a teaspoon of honey for stickiness and spread the mask over the surface of the face. If you feel a slight tingle, it's even good, the pores have opened. You need to wait about 20 minutes for the skin to absorb a lot of useful substances, after which this oatmeal mask can be washed off. For home conditions and young skin, it is recommended to use 1 time per week.

Anti-aging oatmeal mask with starch
The combination of oatmeal and potato starch gives a powerful anti-aging effect, softens and nourishes the skin of the face. To prepare the mask, prepare an oatmeal base using milk. Next, dilute in 2 tbsp. l. mineral water 1 tbsp. l. starch. Combine starch and oatmeal, add 1 tsp. wheat germ oil (can be replaced with any available), put in a water bath and, with constant stirring, thicken the mass. The mask should be slightly thick, watch this very carefully - the starch quickly turns into a thick paste. The mask is applied warm and kept until dry, about 7-10 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Moisturizing oatmeal face mask.
This oatmeal mask has a deep moisturizing effect, thanks to which the skin will regain a healthy and toned appearance. For the mask, you need to mix the base of oatmeal with 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese and 1 tsp. banana or apple gruel. If the mask turns out to be too thick, the site writes, then dilute it either with any fruit juice if you want to get a tightening effect, or with cream or milk if you want to make your skin soft. The oatmeal mask should be kept on the face for 20-30 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Vitamin oatmeal face mask.
This oatmeal mask is suitable for any type of face - it will refresh, improve color and help rejuvenate. To prepare it, add the pulp of kiwi and carrots to oatmeal steamed with milk (1 tsp of both ingredients will be enough) and 1 tsp. honey, mix and apply on face for about 30 minutes. You can alternate the compositions - make one oatmeal mask with carrots, the next with kiwi.

Soft oatmeal mask-scrub for face cleansing.
This oatmeal mask has a gentle exfoliating effect, so it will be especially useful for dry and sensitive skin. To prepare it, lightly grind oatmeal to make small fragments (1 tbsp.), Add 2 tbsp. l. kefir and 1 tsp. liquid honey. Mix all the components of the mask and scrub your face for 5-7 minutes, after which you can leave the mask for another 5-10 minutes. If you have normal skin or oily skin, then 1 tsp should be added to the composition of the oatmeal mask. cinnamon.

Olga Spasskaya All rights reserved

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Oatmeal Face Mask - Tutorial Video

What is famous for oats?

This cereal includes in its chemical composition the most necessary elements of the periodic table for the human body: manganese, iodine, potassium, chromium, phosphorus, zinc and others.

Oats are rich in vitamin groups, are the best supplier of fiber, carbohydrates and proteins.

In addition to all these useful components, oats are also an antioxidant that cleanses the body, and hence the skin, from many toxic substances that bring a lot of negativity both for health and appearance.

For the natural beauty of the skin, good functionality of the stomach is important. Oatmeal helps the entire gastrointestinal tract, leads to the activation of metabolic processes and, by cleansing the body, rejuvenates it from the outside.

Benefits of oatmeal face masks

The benefits of masks from this cereal have long been known, their beneficial cleansing effect has been appreciated since ancient times.

The effect of oatmeal on the skin?

Oatmeal heals the skin, restoring and maintaining its water balance. It is known that the skin, devoid of moisture and vitamins, begins to become irritated, a rash or peeling occurs on it.

Oats will help cleanse the body not only from the inside, it works great when used externally. Oatmeal gruel will free the skin of toxins and allow it to breathe.

A mask of oatmeal, crushed in a blender, makes the skin younger, is a cure for some dermatological diseases. Oats will soothe the areas of inflammation and anesthetize them.

Coarsely ground, slightly steamed, it will relieve the skin of dead cells, working like a scrub.

The main advantage of the oatmeal mask is its versatility, it is great for both oily and dry skin.

Homemade "oatmeal" facial skin therapy

There are many extremely useful products in nature, and they cannot be replaced by artificial additives and preservatives, which are present in abundance in purchased cosmetics.

Not only that, chemical components do not have real benefits, they can also adversely affect the skin, causing allergic reactions. But using other products donated by nature along with oatmeal, you can achieve excellent results in smoothing wrinkles and rejuvenating your face.

Probably, it will not be difficult for anyone to apply one of the proposed masks - this is quite inexpensive, and it will not take much time.

Anti-inflammatory mask

For this mask, no additives are needed, just oatmeal gruel made with boiled water is enough. It should be on the face for about twenty minutes, then you need to wash it off with not very cold water. It is better to do this procedure every day or every other day.

Mask for cleansing the skin

For her, you will need products that are in any home - this is oatmeal, lemon, soda and kefir.

Mix juice with kefir 2:1 and separately one and a half large spoons of oatmeal with ¾ tablespoons of baking soda. Next, pour this liquid into a dry mixture, make a composition acceptable for spreading on the skin. In the process of mixing soda and sour juice, a reaction occurs with the separation of gas bubbles, they clean the pores, and the oatmeal absorbs and retains dirt until washed off with a pre-prepared chamomile broth.

Composition for getting rid of acne and blackheads

To treat this fairly common and very unpleasant phenomenon on the face, boiled oatmeal flakes are suitable.

When the porridge has cooled, it must be applied pointwise to problem areas on the face. A quarter of an hour will be enough, then it will be very good to wash yourself with a decoction of chamomile.

Skin rejuvenating masks

1. To smooth wrinkles and for skin elasticity, a mask of this composition is suitable: honey, lemon juice, almond and jojoba oil are added to oatmeal in the form of flour, kneaded until a homogeneous mass and applied to the skin.

After 15 minutes, they wash themselves with a warm decoction of green tea, then with boiled water.

2. Pour 1/3 tbsp into oatmeal. milk, leave to swell. Then you need to drop ten drops of lemon juice into the mixture - and the composition is ready. It should stay on the skin for up to half an hour.

After rinsing, you can immediately see the initial result. If the mask is applied regularly, real skin rejuvenation will not take long.

This recipe is suitable for aging skin, women after forty

1. In crushed cereal (1/3 cup is needed), pour 20 grams of beer and a small spoonful of avocado puree. The mask should be on the face for 15 minutes, then it is removed with green tea. This extraordinary composition extremely effectively nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

2. Pour boiling water over a large spoonful of oatmeal, after swelling and cooling, add a spoonful of natural sour cream, then apply to the skin. Then, after 20 min. it is washed off with warm water. Elastic skin is guaranteed!

Oatmeal mask with instant effect

The mask will help to put your face in order in a short period of time, for example, you have an unexpected meeting, but there is a catastrophic lack of time.

For the mask, you need ground oatmeal, diluted to a gruel with freshly squeezed orange juice + a small spoonful of honey. After kneading, apply to the skin for 15 minutes. While the mask is working, brew chamomile tea - it's great for rinsing. The result will surely please you.

More useful face mask recipes

1. Oatmeal flakes soaked in white grape juice, combined with egg yolk and olive oil (two tablespoons) will give a wonderful mask for rejuvenation. It perfectly smoothes superficial wrinkles.

2. A mask of one small spoon of cornmeal and oatmeal, olive oil, and even better - sea buckthorn oil. The duration of the procedure is literally 15 minutes.

The mask of oatmeal and cornmeal is universal and suitable for all skin types, helps to smooth wrinkles and relieve inflammation, if any.

3. Honey, olive oil and sour cream are good for whitening and refreshing the skin, as additives to oatmeal. Of all the components you need to knead a thick gruel. Twenty minutes for the procedure is enough.

4. Low-fat kefir is a great addition to oatmeal and honey. The composition has a beneficial effect on the structure of the skin of the face. It makes it moist, supple and fresh.

5. Anti-aging, refreshing, cleansing and whitening mask with the addition of oatmeal, egg white, salt and lemon juice for oily skin. For dry, instead of salt, take sugar, and replace the protein with yolk. The mass must be whipped and gently rubbed into the skin, then left to dry and rinse.

6. An oatmeal mask with the addition of ground coffee, which is kneaded in boiled water, gives a tonic, cleansing and smoothing effect on the skin.
It works like a scrub, so it needs to be gently rubbed in for 3-5 minutes.
7. You can diversify masks with fruit, berry, vegetable additives - this will give an energy boost to cellular rejuvenation of the skin. Mix oatmeal with apples, bananas, pumpkin slices in a blender. The resulting puree will give an effect after being on the face for about half an hour. It is advisable to carry out such a procedure more often - only then the result will be stable.

8. The mask, which is based on strong brewed tea, tones and refreshes, gives a rejuvenating effect and gives a light tan tone. Green tea acts as a cleanser by working as an oatmeal-enhancing antioxidant. The flakes are kneaded with strong tea and applied to the face. It can be washed off after 20 minutes.

The usefulness and nutritional value of natural masks will appear and give a lasting result only after their regular and long-term use. It must be remembered that artificial cosmetic formulations also do not give an instant effect, but sometimes they act on the skin detrimentally and can cause irreparable damage to it.

Oatmeal is one of the most popular ingredients in homemade skin care products. And this is not surprising, because with the help of this product you can improve the condition of any type of skin without heroic efforts. In addition, in terms of finances, oatmeal or oatmeal are very economical beauty products.

What are the benefits of oatmeal for skin

The unique properties of oatmeal are due to the presence of a wide variety of vitamins and trace elements in its composition.

  • Zinc helps cleanse the skin and remove toxins and other harmful compounds from it. It also effectively tightens pores and has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Iron is one of the most important elements for nourishing and saturating skin cells with moisture.
  • Manganese removes puffiness and inflammation, and also promotes rapid healing of the skin after wounds, bruises, burns and other microtraumas.
  • Magnesium normalizes blood circulation and provides a pronounced renewal of skin cells.
  • Vitamin E protects the skin from harmful external factors and reduces susceptibility to sunlight.
  • B vitamins increase the content of fatty acids and ceramides, which effectively lighten age spots, eliminate dryness and regulate skin hydration.
  • Ventramide, beta-glucan and silicon have antioxidant properties that slow down the aging process of the skin and increase its elasticity, making the face firmer and firmer.

Oatmeal face masks can treat almost any skin problem

Thus, oatmeal can be used in solving the following problems:

  • Pimples and acne;
  • Age spots and freckles;
  • Excessive dryness of the skin of the face;
  • Dullness and pallor;
  • Allergy, itching and peeling;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Mimic and age wrinkles;
  • Excessive production of sebum and oily sheen;
  • Puffiness.

Oatmeal is a truly universal remedy suitable for any skin, even the most sensitive.

Difference Between Oatmeal and Hercules

Oatmeal looks like rice. It is a whole grain that takes about 40 minutes to cook.

Oat flour is very similar to rice

"Hercules" is an instant porridge, i.e. oatmeal, which takes 5-10 minutes to cook. Hercules is also made from oats (mainly of the highest grade), but in this case it goes through a more complex processing system - grinding, flattening, pressing, roasting, etc. The taste of oatmeal is significantly different from oatmeal, as a rule, it is the taste of well-roasted grains.

Oatmeal is a great face scrub

What to choose for face care

Despite the fact that oatmeal is made using a complex technology, all the beneficial substances for the skin remain in them. Therefore, both oatmeal and oatmeal can be used as the basis for oatmeal masks. Some recipes call for oatmeal whole, while other recipes require it to be ground.

The main advantage of using oatmeal for the face is the scrubbing effect. Whole or crushed grains very gently cleanse even the deepest layers of the skin from cosmetics, fine dirt and dust.

How to prepare the base for the mask

To prepare the base for the mask, it is enough to pour 2-3 tbsp. l. oat product with boiling water so that the water only slightly covers the ingredient. Next, the resulting mixture is infused for 5–10 minutes so that the oatmeal absorbs the liquid. Such a base can be used on its own, or mixed with other additional components that will only enhance its effect. The mass is kept on the face until it dries. It is recommended to wash off the classic composition with warm water.

Recipes for masks and other products

When applying, avoid the area around the eyes, otherwise the skin here will quickly become overdried.

Mask for acne and blackheads

To eliminate these problems, it is necessary to combine the oatmeal base with 1 tbsp. l. blue or black clay and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. You can apply a mask both on the whole face and on individual problem areas. After drying, the mixture is washed off with warm water or infusion of any medicinal herbs. It is advisable to use the remedy 2 times a week, the general course is 1 month.

Moisturizers for dry skin

  • 1 st. l. ground oatmeal, dilute with hot milk so that a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then add 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 0.5 tsp. sour cream and 0.5 tsp. softened butter. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply on the face and neck for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash with warm water.
  • 1 st. l. oatmeal, grind well in a mortar and mix with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. honey and 0.5 tsp. salt. Apply the scrub mask in circular motions for 3-5 minutes. Wash off with cool water after drying.

From the first signs of aging

Get rid of age and mimic wrinkles will help a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, 1 chicken yolk, 2 tsp. olive oil and 2-3 drops of rosemary oil. Apply the composition to the face pre-moistened with water and leave for half an hour. Remove with warm water diluted with a few drops of lemon juice.

Mask with beer for skin rejuvenation

In this recipe, oatmeal partners will be beer, egg yolk and fruit pulp (persimmon, melon or apricot). Mix all the ingredients in approximately equal proportions and evenly apply the mass on the steamed face. After 15-20 minutes, wash your face with cool water and moisturize your skin with an anti-aging cream.

The ancient intoxicating drink has a pronounced rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Lifting mask for sagging and aging skin

You can transform aging skin with 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, filled with 2 tsp. hot black tea and 1 tsp. lemon or orange juice. For best results, you can also add 0.5 tsp. liquid honey. Apply the mask with massage movements. Wash off after 20 minutes, first with warm and then cool water. The skin of the face is noticeably tightened after 2-3 procedures.

Cleansing scrubs with banana or kefir and honey

  • Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal with one teaspoon of heavy cream and pre-mashed banana. Apply the mass on the face and décolleté and hold for at least 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply a thin layer of moisturizer. The scrub perfectly cleanses the skin and evens out its tone.
  • To combat the peeling of dry skin, you need 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, lightly crank in a blender to a state of small cereals, and then add 2 tbsp. l. kefir and 1 tsp. honey. All components of the mask are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face with rubbing movements. After 15 minutes, the excess is washed off with a cloth moistened with warm water.

From age spots and freckles

If you want to lighten age spots, use the recipe for the following mask: 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and add 2 tsp. lemon juice. Active exposure time - 20 minutes, then rinse off with warm water. Apply the mixture daily until the pigmentation disappears.

Improve complexion with oatmeal and baking soda

Pour 2 tsp into the oatmeal base for the mask. of drinking soda and apply the mixture on the face, bypassing the areas around the eyes, and wait for the product to dry. You will notice the effect instantly as soon as you wash off the mask from your face. Redness, acne marks and oily sheen will disappear, leaving behind a clean and fresh skin with a pleasant shade.

Soda normalizes blood circulation, improving the appearance of facial skin.

Nourishing mask with revitalizing properties

The ingredients for this mask are purchased at the pharmacy - liquid vitamins A and C are sold in concentrated form or in ampoules, and aspirin tablets can also be found there. The first step is to carefully grind 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 4 aspirin tablets in a mortar. After that, 2 drops of vitamin A and 2-3 drops of vitamin C are added to the resulting powder. The finished mixture is applied to the face with patting movements and left for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Caring for oily skin

Grind 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and dilute them with a pre-prepared calendula decoction (insist a tablespoon of flowers with a glass of boiling water in a thermos) so that the mask is thick. The resulting slurry is applied to the face in the morning. When the product dries and cracks, it is removed in a circular motion. The result is matte skin without excess shine all day long.

Video: How to make an anti-wrinkle mask for oily skin

Helpful way to shrink pores

For deep cleansing and narrowing of enlarged pores, it is recommended to apply a product on the face 1-2 times a month, which contains crushed oatmeal (1 tbsp.), Medium-ground coffee beans (1 tbsp.) And distilled warm water ( 2 tablespoons). First, oatmeal is thoroughly mixed with coffee, and then the mixture is diluted with water and infused for about 10 minutes. The mask is kept on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water or infusion of medicinal chamomile (a tablespoon of chamomile, poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Strain before use).

Universal face mask

In the morning, it is very useful to wash your face with oatmeal. Gently mix a handful of ground flakes with warm water in the palm of your hand and distribute the gruel over the entire surface of the face with massaging movements. After 2-3 minutes of the “oatmeal” massage, rinse your face with warm water and dry yourself with a clean towel. An improvement in the general condition of the skin can be noticed after the first such procedure, but in order to achieve a sustainable result, this procedure will have to be carried out regularly.

This is interesting: The recipe for washing with oatmeal has been tested by more than one generation of women, even cosmetologists with many years of experience are convinced of its effectiveness.

Video: How else to use oatmeal for the face


Since oatmeal is a pure, natural product, there are no contraindications to its use in its pure form. If the mask contains other ingredients, be careful: individual intolerance may be to one of the components.

Before using the finished composition of the mask, do not forget to do a test to prevent an allergic reaction.

Greetings, my friends!

Youthfulness and an attractive appearance are achieved with systematic facial care.

All procedures can be carried out at home, using simple and affordable components.

One of the best remedies are oatmeal face masks. Let's take a closer look at the best and proven recipes.

From this article you will learn:

Oatmeal face masks - benefits and uses

What are the benefits of oatmeal for the face?

High concentrations of minerals, vitamins, protein substances cause a beneficial effect of oatmeal on the skin:

  • The development of a full-fledged protective barrier is based on the content of B vitamins.
  • The epidermis is saturated with fatty acids and ceramides, dehydration and the formation of age spots are blocked. These properties are especially relevant for dry, sensitive skin.
  • Vitamin E provides maximum hydration and UV protection. It is an antioxidant that destroys free radicals.
  • Small granules of oatmeal act like a scrub, getting rid of coarse particles.
  • The complex composition and the introduction of additional components into the mask formulation allows you to achieve full saturation with nutrients, a lifting effect.

Oatmeal face masks - effective recipes

Below I will list special cosmetic mixtures, the use of which will achieve the desired result.

The basis of any recipe is flour obtained from oatmeal flakes. You can get the ingredient at home by grinding the cereal in a coffee grinder.

Classic oatmeal face mask recipe

The mixture is moderately diluted with a strong infusion of chamomile and used as a mask with a scrubbing effect.

Skin nutrition with oatmeal in winter

A recipe with honey and royal jelly provides a full-fledged in frosty winter, when the epidermis becomes thinner and becomes especially susceptible to negative influences.

For cooking use flour - 25 g, - 10 g, - 5 g.

How to apply honey-oatmeal emulsion?

A well-kneaded mixture is placed on the face, covered with cling film, a towel and aged for 25 minutes.

Dry, flaky skin care with oatmeal

A recipe with sour cream, even after a single use, effectively eliminates the flaking and dehydration inherent in dry skin.

This property is especially useful during the summer.

A homogenized mixture based on flour and the fattest sour cream (25-30 g / 10-15 ml) is distributed over the skin and kept for at least 20 minutes.

Oatmeal care for face, neck and décolleté

Masks with egg white and oatmeal will allow you to organize express care before any important event.

Hands must be immersed in a homogeneous mass for 20 minutes, which will eliminate dryness, a tendency to crack, restore beauty and aesthetic appearance.

I periodically make just such a mask for hands - after it the skin is simply velvety to the touch.

Face cleansing with oatmeal - video

Contraindications to the use of oatmeal masks

Any drugs should not be applied in the presence of acute inflammatory processes and severe violations of the integrity of the skin - it is recommended to wait for their complete elimination (under medical supervision).

Some recipes contain potential allergens, so if you are prone to developing negative reactions, be sure to test for an allergic reaction.

Oatmeal face masks are widely used by women for skin care of any type: oily, dry, combination, sensitive and prone to irritation, problem or aging.

For everything in this simple product, there are useful substances that can restore smoothness and silkiness to the skin.

This cereal has a truly unique composition, it is rich in vitamins (B, E), trace elements and minerals (magnesium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, chromium), amino acids and starch. Therefore, since ancient times, it has been widely used by women in caring for their appearance.

You can easily prepare a caring mask from oats. It is self-sufficient in itself and there is nothing easier than just brewing flakes and using it for your skin. But it is good to include other natural ingredients in the oatmeal mask: honey, egg, dairy products (kefir, milk, natural yogurt), vegetable oils, freshly squeezed juices or puree of berries, fruits, vegetables, and much more.

You can experiment with additives yourself, choosing masks according to your taste and purpose. If, for example, you have dry skin, then it is good to add vegetable oil, cream or fatty cottage cheese to oatmeal. better suited kefir, egg white or lemon juice.

How does an oatmeal mask work on the skin of the face

Masks and, prepared at home based on oatmeal, act on the skin of the face in a complex way:

  • cleanse, moisturize and nourish;
  • remove dead dead cells and accelerate the regeneration of new ones;
  • restore firmness and elasticity to skin cells, significantly reducing fine wrinkles;
  • regulate the production of sebum, eliminate oily sheen and contribute to the disappearance of small pimples and blackheads;
  • rejuvenate and whiten the skin, improving complexion.

We have already said that mask recipes based on oatmeal are suitable for all skin types and this is its main advantage.

Oatmeal recipes for all skin types

Exfoliating mask

This composition of the mask cleanses the skin well, gently exfoliating dead skin cells of the dermis. Take oatmeal and not very fatty sour cream in equal proportions, grind the flakes in a blender beforehand, but not very much. Add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the resulting gruel. Apply the scrub mask to the skin with your fingertips, lightly massaging in circular motions and focusing on the massage lines of the face. Be careful with dry, irritated skin. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask and rinse your face with cool water.

Orange with cereal and honey

This mask will nourish your skin with vitamins and antioxidants. Take a tablespoon of freshly squeezed orange juice and mix with oatmeal, add a teaspoon of natural honey. Apply the resulting mixture on the face, do not forget the neck and décolleté. After 15-20 minutes of the procedure, wash your face with cool water or chamomile infusion.

Recipes for normal and combination skin

Oatmeal with kefir and honey

For normal skin type, you can use an oatmeal mask with kefir and honey. Pour 2 tablespoons of hercules with a small amount of warm kefir and insist until it swells. Then add a teaspoon of liquid honey and mix everything. Apply the mixture on the face and hold for 15-20 minutes; then carefully remove everything and rinse your face with cool water.

Oatmeal mask with yogurt

An oatmeal mask with the addition of yogurt and olive oil is suitable for both normal and combination skin. Pour one tablespoon of ground oatmeal with yogurt, so that after mixing you get a not very thick slurry. Add a teaspoon of olive oil and mix all the ingredients again. Apply the composition on the face for 15-20 minutes, and then remove everything and wash with a little cool water.

Oatmeal with apple cider vinegar

For mixed skin types, an apple cider vinegar mask is suitable. Take two tablespoons of oatmeal, grind it in a blender or coffee grinder and add a dessert spoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of sour cream to it. After holding the composition on the face for 15-20 minutes, wash your face with water at room temperature. Your skin will be clean, toned and matte.

Oatmeal Recipes for Oily Skin

Oatmeal and milk

An oatmeal mask with milk is perfect for oily skin, it cleans the pores well, dries slightly and then nourishes the skin. Pour 2 tablespoons of hercules flakes with a small amount of hot milk and leave to swell. Once the flakes become soft, the mask is ready to use. Apply it on the prepared face for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water, then rinse your face with cool water.

From oily sheen

An excellent mask for oily skin is obtained by adding egg white and lemon juice to oatmeal. It removes oily sheen, refreshes and nourishes. Suitable for combination skin, especially in the T-zone. Mix 2 tablespoons of ground flakes with beaten chicken protein and add 5 drops of lemon juice. Mix and apply the composition on the face in two steps: first, the first layer, and after it dries, another one. Leave after applying the second layer for another 10-15 minutes and rinse, then rinse your face with water and a little lemon.

Oatmeal with curdled milk

A mask with curdled milk or sour milk not only cleanses the skin well and removes oily sheen, it gives the face a haze. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of cereal into a small amount of fermented milk product and leave to swell for 10 minutes. Apply the mask on your face with light massaging movements and leave until it dries. Then wash with cool water.

Fruit and oatmeal mask

A mask of oatmeal and juice of any sour berries and fruits cleans the pores from excess fat, and nourishes with vitamins, so necessary for such skin. Take finely ground oatmeal or oatmeal and mix with juice in a ratio of 1:2. Instead of juice, you can take fresh puree from these berries or fruits. Apply the resulting mixture on your face and until it dries, lightly massage the skin with your fingertips along the massage lines. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes.

Oatmeal for dry and irritated skin

Intensive skin nutrition

Oatmeal masks should include more nutritious ingredients: cream, fatty cottage cheese, egg yolk, vegetable oils (olive, almond, peach, jojoba, wheat germ oil, grape seed, etc.), fruits such as banana, avocado, persimmon.

Nourishing mask with sour cream

Try this composition: pour a spoonful of cereal with two tablespoons of fat sour cream and add a teaspoon of any oil that you have. Let the composition swell and then apply on the face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Carefully wash off and lubricate the skin with a drop of the same oil instead of cream.

Cereal with carrot juice

A mask with carrot juice will nourish and heal skin prone to dryness and irritation. Pour a spoonful of finely ground flakes with hot milk and let it brew. Grate some carrots, squeeze out a spoonful of juice and add to the mixture. It's good to add a few drops of pharmacy vitamin A. Hold the well-mixed mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes and wash your face with water at room temperature.

Oatmeal for problem skin

From acne

The mask for acne on the face does not require any special tricks. Just pour a tablespoon of cereal with hot water and leave to swell. When the mixture becomes slightly warm, apply it on your face and leave until it dries. Wash off with room temperature water.

Anti-inflammatory mask

If a pronounced inflammatory process occurs on oily skin, make a mask with soda. To do this, steam a spoonful of cereal with hot water and, after swelling, add a teaspoon of baking soda there. Apply the composition to problem areas or to the entire face until completely dry. Then wash off the mask with cool water. This mask dries out a little and tightens the pores.

from black dots

A mask with oats, hydrogen peroxide and soda will help get rid of black dots and acne on the face. Grind oats in a coffee grinder or in a blender (1 tablespoon), add a spoonful of baking soda and pour a spoonful of peroxide. If necessary, slightly dilute with boiled water. Apply the prepared composition to problem areas, hold for 10 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature.

Oat mask with aspirin

A mask with aspirin and oats perfectly helps to cope with inflammation of the skin, tightens it and tightens pores. Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with boiling water and steam. Grind 6-8 aspirin tablets and add to the cooled oatmeal along with 2-3 drops of pharmacy vitamin E. Gently spread the resulting mixture on your face, rinse with slightly cool water after 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure after 2-3 days.

Oatmeal masks for wrinkles

Prevention of aging

To prevent aging, prepare the following mixture and wipe your face with it before going to bed, the skin will become velvety and smooth. Take two tablespoons of oats per liter of water and boil it for 10 minutes. The resulting solution and use daily, morning and evening.

From wrinkles

The recipe for this mask is an excellent remedy for fighting wrinkles, whitening the skin and narrowing the pores. To prepare it, grind the cereal in a blender or use ready-made oatmeal. Take a teaspoon of flour, honey, milk and lemon juice, mix everything and add beaten egg white to them. Keep the mask on your face for about 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.

From fading skin

If you add honey, olive oil, natural yogurt (or kefir) in equal proportions to oatmeal, you get a wonderful nourishing mask for aging skin. It will whiten well, supply the dermis with vitamins A and E and smooth out fine wrinkles.

From pigmentation

To whiten the skin and get rid of pigmentation, prepare a mixture of oats, pink clay and lemon juice. Take the ingredients in equal proportions, mix and dilute a little with water to a slurry state. Leave this mixture on your face until it dries and then wash your face with cool water.

Hydration and nutrition

The perfect anti-aging mask for aging skin comes from oatmeal, beer and avocado. It tones, moisturizes and nourishes the weakened dermis. Take a spoonful of avocado pulp, add egg yolk and a tablespoon of beer to it, mix everything thoroughly. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal or oatmeal into the resulting mass. Mix everything again and apply on the skin for 20 minutes.

Refreshing mask

A mask with pumpkin and oats will refresh, nourish and tighten tired skin of the face and neck. Finely grate pumpkin pulp, about 2 tablespoons, and mix with 2 tablespoons of ground flakes. Leave the nourishing mixture on the skin for 20-25 minutes and rinse with cool water.

How to whiten your face at home with a super mask of oatmeal, parsley and sour cream:

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