Herbal face masks are the best recipes. Tonic for tired, aging skin. Herbs for rejuvenation - precautions

It is difficult now to find a person who does not use caring cosmetics to solve certain skin problems. Medicinal herbs are an excellent alternative to modern cosmetics. It is natural and environmentally friendly pure product, which is very important for allergy sufferers and problematic skin. And the effect of their use is more stable and durable.

Herbs for specific skin types

Using herbal infusions and masks, you need to determine your skin type, since improper use of herbs for the face can not get rid of the problem, but, on the contrary, aggravate it.

For dry skin

For dry skin, use oregano or thyme as moisturizers, chamomile as a remedy that relieves irritation and restores natural protection. The most useful will be the collection of these three herbs, taken in equal proportions. You can make a lotion for gentle cleansing, brewing in a glass of water 3 tbsp. l. collection. An infusion of olive oil is effective for removing flaking of hyperdry skin and normalizing its condition.

For problem skin

For rashes, pustules, itching, grass and tricolor violet flowers are used. The grass is especially useful for girls to fight teenage rashes; when taken orally, it supports the processes occurring in female body during puberty. An anti-inflammatory agent that accelerates healing, regeneration during mechanical and other skin lesions is St. John's wort. The tannins contained in the herb suppress oily sheen, trace elements contribute to the normalization of excretion sebum, tone and moisturize the skin.

Calendula is useful for rashes of any nature and for allergies. This herb is good for the face, moisturizes, soothes the skin of the face. The pharmacy version of the alcohol tincture of calendula will help in many cases - from relieving irritation when a pimple appears to removing peeling, getting rid of the effects of a sunburn.

Burdock root treats common acne, prevents the appearance of new ones. Designed for oily problematic skin prone to frequent appearances boils. For prevention, infusions and decoctions of herbs are enough, with more serious problems masks must be added to skin care. In this case, the raw material is brewed in milk, mixed with oatmeal to a mushy consistency.

Elecampane root is used to remove acne, blackheads, peeling. Suitable for all skin types, especially dry and problematic. Roots infused with white wine (3 tablespoons per 500 ml of wine) will give the skin firmness and elasticity.

Chamomile is the best natural antiseptic, restores the natural protective mantle of the skin, slows down aging. universal grass for any type. Regular application to the skin of a mash, consisting of a decoction of chamomile and mint with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. vodka, 2 tbsp. l. glycerin, visibly brightens it, relieves fatigue, gives radiance.

The series is an anti-allergic agent. Lightens rashes, stops itching and swelling. Suitable for any skin type. In combination with chamomile and nettle, brewed in a ratio of 1:1:1 per glass of boiling water, it can be an excellent tonic if you freeze the infusion and use it as home cryotherapy. These herbs for the face brighten the skin, relieve inflammation, and even out the color.

For oily skin

Nettle has cleansing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, improves blood circulation. Suitable for all skin types, especially oily. It is enough to wash your face daily with an infusion of herbs or wipe your face with ice cubes from its decoction to noticeably improve skin condition and even out turgor, removing mimic wrinkles.

Peppermint normalizes the secretion of sebum, eliminates oily sheen. Ideal for oily skin prone to acne formation. A large amount of vitamins in the grass helps to improve the condition of any skin, even age-related, normalizes and restores metabolic and regenerative processes, removes signs of fatigue.

Motherwort is most suitable for oily skin, especially prone to acne. An infusion of herbs can be used to narrow the pores on the face after mechanical cleaning.

Improve complexion, whiten, anti-aging

Parsley leaves have a bleaching effect. Suitable for lightening freckles and age-related pigmentation, UV protection, even out complexion. Fresh parsley can be used as masks, ground with oatmeal, or as lotions and ice cubes from an aqueous infusion.

Sage is a powerful phytohormone. Struggling with age problems, is used to improve the color and condition of tired, exhausted facial skin.

Recipes of famous herbalists for facial care

Rarely, when the skin can have one flaw. Often companions of acne are greasy shine and enlarged pores. And dry skin in most cases is dehydrated, very sensitive, prone to peeling. Therefore, when comprehensive care it is better to use herbs for the face that complement each other.

Mask for oily skin

St. John's wort, nettle - 2 tbsp. l.
Sage, thyme, parsley - 1 tbsp. l.
Glass of water
Olive oil - 150 ml
Raw egg - 1 pc.

Chop and mix herbs. Pour in hot boiled water. Leave for at least half an hour. Strain the cooled infusion, add oil and egg, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply a mask thin layer. After drying, do not rinse, apply a second layer. And so - until the remedy is over. Sweep warm water after the last layer has dried. Use as needed.

For the skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is different from other areas. It does not have a fatty layer, so it needs a different, individual care.

1 st. l. chamomile, sage, linden flowers, tricolor violet ( pansies) mix, pour 0.5 l hot water. Cook herbs in a water bath for half an hour. Remove from fire, strain. Moisten a napkin in a cooled down pleasant warmth decoction, apply to the area around the eyes and to the neck for 10 minutes. No need to rinse.

Herbs for rosacea prone skin

If the face appeared spider veins, the skin quickly turns red from temperature changes, you must use this mask regularly. With a cooled infusion of green tea leaves, pour ascorutin tablets, ground into powder, until the consistency of a creamy slurry. Apply to face, leave until complete drying, rinse with warm water.

With a tendency to form acne of any nature

Mix in equal proportions nettle grass, lemon balm, sage and birch leaves. 1 st. l. brew herbs in a glass of boiling water. Wipe the face, take inside.

Mask for oily skin

Mint, motherwort, chamomile - 1 tbsp. l.
Hercules ground - 3 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey - 2 tsp

Mix the herbs, pour ½ cup of hot water, insist under the lid for half an hour. Strain the finished infusion hot. Add hercules, olive oil, honey. Apply to pre-cleansed and steamed face skin for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm then cold water. Use 1-2 times a week.

Herbs to fight wrinkles

Chamomile - 3 tsp
Motherwort - 1 tsp
Water - ½ cup
Yeast 10 g
Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.

From herbs and water, make an infusion according to the principle of tea brewing. After 30 minutes of infusion, strain under the lid. 2 tbsp. l. grind warm infusion with yeast, pour in oil. Apply to face, leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week, alternating with other masks.

The need to cleanse the skin before any skin care

Preliminary cleansing of the skin before any procedure is a guarantee of its high efficiency. The agent that was applied will get into the deeper layers, and not coupled with pollution from the external environment.

Simply washing your face will not be as effective as using cosmetics or herbal infusions. And washing with toilet soap will become stressful for the skin, especially sensitive and problematic. She will direct all her strength not to treatment, but to restore the natural water-alkaline balance.

To thoroughly cleanse the skin before applying cosmetics and care products, you can use an aqueous or alcoholic infusion of herbs. Mix chamomile, nettle, linden flowers in equal proportions. Brew herbs in a proportion of 2 tbsp. l. collection on a glass of water. Leave for at least half an hour. Strain. For a single use, moisten a cotton swab with this liquid, wipe the skin. For daily use pour the infusion of herbs into ice containers, put in the freezer. Wipe the skin of the face instead of washing, for cleaning after the street and before applying cosmetics. Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive and thin.

For high-quality washing of oily and with visible blood vessels skin 2 tsp. motherwort herb tincture mixed with 100 ml of white wine. Keep refrigerated. Before use required amount mix the products with water in a ratio of 1: 1, wipe the face.


Outdoor use medicinal herbs has fewer contraindications than their oral administration. First of all, it is the individual intolerance of some of them. If an unsuitable herb is included in the collection, it can be excluded. It won't change much healing properties drugs.

They say that beauty and youth are given to us only once in a lifetime, and no one will ever return you even a hundredth of a second of lost time. Agree that the years go by quickly, and although we can not do anything, you can still try to stop the time, keeping your skin youthful. Herbal face masks will help to cope with such a goal like nothing else.

Why herbs? Of course, no one will convince you that these are the most effective mixtures, and others like them are not a match, but it is worth noting that they have their clear advantages:

  • They contain only environmentally friendly ingredients.
  • They help keep skin youthful for years to come.
  • Such masses are easy to prepare and pleasant to use.
  • They preserve not only beauty, but also health.

Herbal face masks: choosing the right herbs

There is a set of herbs for different types skin:

  1. Dry type: St. John's wort, mint, dandelion, horsetail, parsley, rose and peony petals, chamomile officinalis, lime blossom and coltsfoot.
  2. Fat type: oak bark, string, sage, celandine, silver wormwood, calendula, lingonberry and strawberry leaves, cinquefoil.
  3. Combined type: V this case you will need to alternately mix the herbs.
  4. Problem type: aloe, chamomile, horsetail, St. John's wort, raspberry, burdock root, mint, sage, chamomile, plantain.

Rules for using herbal face masks

If you do not want to harm your skin while using these homemade mixtures, it is better to heed our advice.

Tip 1. Remember that some herbs contain very active substances that can harm sensitive type. Before applying, test it on your wrist.

Tip 2. Store decoctions in the refrigerator, but not longer than 2-3 days. The best option- use the prepared broth immediately.

Tip 3. Contraindications for use - fresh scars, scars, tumors, diseases of the capillaries and the circulatory system. Also recent salon procedures and cosmetic surgeries.

Tip 4. Do not use the prepared mixture for longer than half an hour.

Tip 5 Repeat the course once every 3 days. It is better to stretch the entire course (about 8 procedures) for 3-4 weeks.

The most useful face masks. What are they?

Based on dill

This simple plant can be found in the kitchen of any housewife. Dill helps to whiten the skin, and also helps to get rid of freckles and puffiness under the eyes. Chopped up dill and combined with other ingredients, you get one of the most beneficial herbal mixtures.

Regardless of skin type, the following recipe will suit you: chop dill (2 tablespoons) and mix it with 1 tsp. olive oil and 1 tsp. oat flour. Mix everything thoroughly and apply for 15 minutes. Wash off the residue with warm water.

Mint based

Few people know that mint is one of the main components of beneficial herbal mixtures that soothe the skin, making it more elastic and soft, clearing various minor defects. Use mint for fresh, and on winter period you can freeze some leaves in the refrigerator.

To cook, chop a few leaves and pour boiling water over them. Bring the mixture to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Soak cheesecloth in warm water and leave for 25 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Repeat this course 3 times a week for one month.

Based on chamomile

Wealthy in abundance useful properties. They relieve irritation, tone up, and also restore natural level elasticity.

The recipe for this medicinal mixture pretty simple: pour 2 tbsp. chamomile flowers 200 ml. boiling water and wait 20 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Soak a layer of cotton wool in the infusion and leave for 20 minutes. Cover the cotton with a terry towel to keep warm. Wash with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Based on plantain

Surprised? But it will make your skin clean and well-groomed. Rinse the fresh leaves of the main ingredient with boiled water, pass them through a meat grinder and squeeze. Lubricate the skin fresh juice in the morning and in the evening. This will help to narrow the pores, as well as relieve inflammation. If you can't get rid of acne, rub the juice regularly.

based on calendula

What are calendula preparations known for? They are considered very effective in helping to cope with freckles, wrinkles, age spots, inflammation and acne. That's why you can trust.

Pour 1 tsp. dry marigolds 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Cold infusion use during the morning wash.

based on rose

Rose petals have become quite widespread in cosmetology. They help fight aging by improving the appearance. will be especially useful for those who are struggling with excess oily sheen.

Mash the petals with a mortar, add rose water, cosmetic clay and a couple of drops of rose oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the skin. Wait until the mixture dries (no more than 20 minutes), and then wash everything off first with warm and then cool water.

based on celery

Enriched with very important substances that are necessary for the proper functioning of the skin. They can also slow down the aging process.

To prepare such a therapeutic mass, it is enough to grind the stems and leaves of the plant (2 tablespoons), add 150 gr. milk and bring the ingredients to a boil. Cool the broth and strain it. Apply celery on the face, neck and décolleté for a quarter of an hour, and after application, simply rinse with running water. The result will not keep you waiting.

As you can see, preparing and applying such mixtures is simple. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and monitor the regularity. So you will not make time stop, but you can stop the aging process.

Medicinal herbs have been used in alternative medicine and cosmetology since ancient times.

They have found particular application in facial skin care, because decoctions from medicinal plants helped not only to give the skin smoothness and elasticity, but also contributed to the solution of many skin problems and shortcomings.

Herbs for the face to this day remain a faithful assistant and friend of every beauty who cares about appearance your skin.

And therefore, in today's article, the Pantry of Beauty decided to recall which herbs are used in folk recipes for facial skin care more often than others, what properties they have, and why they remain in demand, despite all the achievements of modern cosmetology.

Herbs for the face: cosmetic properties

Healing herbs are a real treasure of cosmetology.

If you pay attention to the composition of popular skin care cosmetics, you will notice that many of them contain extracts of certain herbs. Exactly cosmetic products with the content of plant extracts in the last decade are in greatest demand. And this is not surprising!

Medicinal herbs are a gift to your skin, which is difficult to overestimate. At correct selection, herbs for the face solve many issues related to competent skin care.

Excessive oiliness or dryness of the skin, inflammation or peeling, skin allergies or. And most importantly, they are easy to use.

More often than others, home cosmetology use a decoction of herbs, which can be both a means of cleansing and a means of moisturizing the skin.

Of course, herbs for the face are also used as infusions, or homemade. alcohol lotions, but such funds often require the addition of other components (products)

How to use herbs for the face? Universal Recipe

As already mentioned, a decoction of herbs for the face is the most popular recipe for folk cosmetology.

For its preparation in classic version 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, after which they insist for 10-15 minutes. Apply to wipe the skin of the face in the morning and evening.

It should be noted that the classic recipe is not at all the only way using herbs for skin care. In some cases, the concentration of plants is increased, or vice versa, reduced to achieve desired effect. And some herbs even recommend boiling!

All these methods are absolutely justified and have the right to exist. Moreover, some beauties literally “feel” the reaction of the skin, and can independently create the necessary recipes, guided by common sense and intuition.

What herbs for the face are used in folk recipes?

Chamomile for the face

We decided to top our list with chamomile. It is chamomile for the face that is loved by many and popular in recipes for all ages. Chamomile is recommended for inflammatory processes on the skin, with minor injuries and wounds.

Chamomile decoction is suitable for sensitive skin and does not cause allergies. With the systematic use of a decoction of chamomile for the face, the skin acquires dullness and elasticity.

Calendula for the face

Calendula is another popular medicinal plant. Its flowers, in the preparation of a decoction, are good for inflamed skin.

According to statistics, the number of harmful chemical elements from cosmetics used by women daily reaches 168. They reduce immunity, weaken endocrine system organism. However, there is a solution from this situation - herbs for facial skin rejuvenation. If you follow the recommendations for the collection, storage, preparation of herbal cosmetics, this amount can be significantly reduced, while improving and rejuvenating the epidermis and the body as a whole.

Healing effect of herbs

Herbal cosmetics contain most of the minerals, organic acids and other elements necessary for the full functioning of epithelial tissues.

Cosmetologists divided herbs into groups based on type, problems skin. Traditional medicine knows more than 2 thousand varieties medicinal plants, at home medical cosmetics 20 items are used, among them:

  • nettle, plantain, mint are more suitable for oily skin;
  • thyme, oregano, calendula are best used by women with a dry type of surface;
  • parsley, dandelion, celandine have bleaching properties;
  • soothe, relieve inflammation will help oak bark, chamomile, calendula or string;
  • rosemary with sage will get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, wrinkles on the forehead;
  • linden, St. John's wort contribute to the narrowing of pores, tone up the epidermis, remove oily sheen;
  • reviews of kelp for facial rejuvenation and - sea grass, praise its unique effect on the skin.

Advantages of medical cosmetics

The contribution of plants to skin rejuvenation is colossal. Many factors contribute to this:

  • naturalness, environmental friendliness of components;
  • deep action of masks, decoctions;
  • richness, variety of plants allows you to choose the right recipe for any type;
  • slow down aging, intensively moisturize, give elasticity, healthy color, it is possible without fear for the health of the body, avoiding irritation, inflammation;
  • medicinal herbs are absorbed by cells by 100%, unlike cosmetic preparations with chemical ingredients.

When to use and contraindications

Herbs can be used to combat deficiencies:

  • inflammation, acne;
  • multiple dark spots;
  • the formation of new wrinkles;
  • excessive dryness, peeling of the skin
  • allergic reactions, itching, redness;
  • puffiness, blueness in the eye area;
  • oily sheen, dull color of the epidermis.

There are several contraindications to the use of herbal cosmetics:

  • individual allergy to the drug;
  • diseases associated with the circulatory system, oncology;
  • postoperative condition (presence of fresh wounds).

Recipes that will restore youth and beauty of the face

Cleanse, replenish the water balance of cells will help tonic based on lime blossom. You need 2 tbsp. flowers, pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover the container, strain after half an hour. Wipe the skin in the morning and evening.

Exclusively for cleansing oily skin, use 1 tsp. a complex of herbs (calendula flowers, cornflower, violets) and 1 tbsp. chamomile, which pour boiling water (0.5 l). The next day, wipe the problem areas with a decoction. The tool will remove impurities, refresh the skin.

Get rid of wrinkles around the eyes will help the mask of aloe juice and oatmeal. Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 2: 1, apply the mixture in a thin layer for 10 minutes. Remove the rest with a cotton pad.

Another proven version of the mask for rejuvenation is prepared from the slurry of nettle leaves, St. collection per 0.5 l of liquid. Infuse the product for about 3 hours, crush to a homogeneous consistency (if possible), then distribute the mass on cleansed skin. Wash off the residue after half an hour.

Return healthy shine, the elasticity of the epidermis will help a mask of peppermint and green tea (1 tablespoon of each component). Pour boiling water over the mixture for a while. Then drain the water (can be used as a tonic, ice base), lay the herbs themselves on the surface. After 15 minutes, remove the slurry.

If you still do not trust the rejuvenating power of herbs, then we recommend reading our article about pharmacy face products, perhaps methods traditional medicine suit you better.

This is what you need to know when rejuvenating with herbs!

  • Some herbs are allergens. Before using a cosmetic product, conduct a trial test.
  • IN cosmetic purposes use plants purchased at a pharmacy (its quality is guaranteed) or collected in proven, environmentally friendly areas.
  • Study the features, properties of each component, they should be aimed at solving the problem, according to the type of surface.
  • Prepare decoctions for a maximum of 3 days of use, store mushy mixtures for no more than 2 days.
  • To achieve a greater effect, do not forget to include in your daily diet

    Despite the fact that phytotherapy is considered an industry traditional medicine, it is recognized as official and is used by doctors in the treatment of many diseases. Cosmetology also actively uses herbs, including them in manufactured products. Since naturalness is in trend today, it is difficult to find a cream or mask that does not include extracts of medicinal plants.

    The most attractive thing about them is that the raw materials can be collected independently and without any chemical impurities to prepare a real lotion or scrub from these leaves and flowers. You just need to become a herbalist for a while and learn to understand all this.

    Herbs Overview

    Undoubtedly, Altai herbs are the most beneficial for facial skin. They are used by many Russian cosmeceutical brands - Bark, Chistaya Liniya, Natura Siberica, Planeta Organika, Grandmother Agafia's Recipes, etc. But even if you do not live in Altai, believe me: there are many medicinal plants around you that can be used for cooking homemade 100% natural cosmetics.

    With the properties of the most common, you can get acquainted right now:

    • marshmallow - improves the color of the skin, makes it radiant and healthy;
    • aloe - from acne, greasy shine, for healing wounds;
    • butterbur - for oily skin care;
    • immortelle - from inflammation (acne, acne, furunculosis);
    • birch - to improve complexion and control the sebaceous glands;
    • oak - has matting properties;
    • oregano - from dryness of the skin;
    • St. John's wort - is prescribed for extensive inflammatory processes;
    • - has a lot of useful properties for the skin: soothes inflammation and irritation, eliminates rashes, treats allergies, moisturizes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
    • nettle - cleanses, improves the condition of oily skin;
    • lavender - soothes irritated, refreshes tired skin;
    • linden - mattifies, controls sebaceous glands, soothes, eliminates couperous mesh;
    • burdock - dries;
    • coltsfoot - eliminates rashes, makes the relief even, smoothes wrinkles;
    • mint - soothes, improves the condition of oily skin;
    • - whitens age spots and dark circles under the eyes;
    • plantain - used to treat acne and heal microcracks (including seizures in the corners of the eyes);
    • dandelion - brightens pigmentation;
    • wheatgrass - treats rosacea;
    • rosemary - smoothes wrinkles, has a rejuvenating effect;
    • - an ideal anti-inflammatory agent: slows down the aging process, smoothes wrinkles, heals acne and wounds, improves blood circulation;
    • mountain ash - has a cleansing effect: eliminates black dots;
    • yarrow - gives a healthy glow, removes yellowness and dullness, eliminates dark circles under the eyes, improves blood circulation;
    • thyme - moisturizes dry skin;
    • a series - is prescribed for the treatment of allergies and acne;
    • celandine - has excellent cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties;
    • sage - gives the products a lifting effect, tightening the skin, making it supple and young;
    • horsetail - used to care for oily skin, improves the condition of blood vessels.

    If on your suburban area grow any of these herbs, be sure to use the gifts of nature. They make excellent cosmetic products for the skin of the face. This list is also useful for the competent choice of a branded cream or mask, so that you probably know what effect to expect from it, depending on the composition.


    The second list is compiled in the opposite direction: from the problem to the grass. If the skin suffers from acne, age spots, swelling and other misfortunes, select the appropriate plant to eliminate them. And then, according to the previous scheme - prepare home remedies or buy branded ones.

    Let's go to the list:

    • for dry skin: thyme, oregano, calendula;
    • to improve complexion: birch, marshmallow, yarrow;
    • from on the face: immortelle, St. John's wort, aloe, calendula, lavender, plantain, chamomile, coltsfoot, succession, celandine;
    • cleans from black dots: nettle, mountain ash, celandine;
    • from allergies on the face: calendula, chamomile, string;
    • from: linden, calendula, chamomile, horse chestnut, yarrow, wheatgrass, horsetail;
    • anti-aging: rosemary, chamomile, coltsfoot, sage;
    • whiten pigmentation: parsley, dandelion;
    • for oily skin: aloe, butterbur, oak, nettle, birch, linden, burdock, horsetail, mint;
    • for the skin around the eyes: parsley, dill;
    • from: parsley, cumin, cranberries, pine buds, green tea, sage;
    • accelerating wound healing: aloe, plantain, chamomile.

    For achievement maximum effect, herbs are commonly mixed in cosmetics.

    Brand rating

    Many modern beauty brands use herbs to produce their best product lines. The range is very wide, the choice is rich. You can find expensive and cheap drugs, 100% natural and enriched with synthetic formulas, foreign and domestic - to solve a variety of skin problems.

    1. Energy lotion based on herbs from Erborian (South Korea). $38.78.
    2. Moisturizing antioxidant cream with a unique natural Alpaflor complex from Alpine herbs from Kora (Russia). $12.84
    3. Herbal gold thermo herb - face mask with gold and herbs from Khadi Natural (India). $10.32.
    4. Deep cleansing - warming facial scrub based on the complex medicinal herbs#54 by Dr. Konopka's (Estonia). $6.53
    5. Herbal facial tonic from Ke ai de (China). $4.1
    6. Cleansing fluid for washing the face with extracts of wild herbs of the Far East and Siberia from Natura Siberica (Russia). $4.08
    7. Phyto-cleansing refreshing herbal facial wash from Belita-Vitex (Belarus). $3.83.
    8. Soothing ice for the face in the form of a lotion with plantain, lime blossom, cornflower, chamomile, parsley, etc. from Dermcare (Russia). $2.5.
    9. Cleansing phyto-milk for the face from Good Herbs (Russia). $1.83
    10. Tibetan herbs - sheet mask for eyes from Secrets Lan (China). $0.81.

    As you can see, there should be no difficulty in choosing herbal remedies.

    Application methods

    If you use herbs for the face yourself, you need to know how to do it so that their benefits do not turn into harm. Eat different ways Applications:

    • it is best to use fresh plants, which contain the maximum amount of nutrients;
    • you can squeeze the juice and use it for lotions on problem parts of the face (pigment spots, acne);
    • dry raw materials are also useful, but not for masks, but for infusions and decoctions that are used to wash the face;
    • you can make cosmetic ice;
    • as an option - pharmacy fees and phyto-packages, which are very convenient to brew and use for cosmetic purposes;
    • and can be prepared from decoctions and raw materials, on alcohol (for oily skin) and water;
    • creams - their recipes are the most complex, they usually turn out to be greasy and are not always good for home experiments, but are stored for only up to 3-5 days;
    • the best option is to make either a gruel for lotions and applications.

    When choosing how to use herbs for the face, focus on individual characteristics skin and cosmetic problem that you need to solve.


    Some useful tips, how to collect herbs and prepare facial cosmetics from them, will help you avoid mistakes and do everything right.

    • Collection

    If you decide to use dried plants in your home laboratory and stock up on medicinal raw materials yourself, do it in accordance with all the rules, otherwise there will be no sense from them, but here side effects there will be many.

    You can collect it in a field, forest, at a summer cottage, but far from the city, industrial zones, factories and highways. Dry - in a ventilated, dry area, no direct contact sun rays. It is necessary to constantly stir up the collected material, make sure that it does not stale or become moldy. It is better to store cardboard boxes or paper bags.

    • Preparation

    Despite all the benefits of medicinal plants, they are a concentrate of active substances, which in in large numbers affect the skin and can even harm it. Allergies to them are not uncommon, so in without fail before such a therapeutic cleansing, check how your skin reacts to a particular decoction.

    • Steaming

    Herbs are very useful to use before cleansing procedures. In the pelvis (cup or steam bath) pour 1-2 cups of broth and dilute it with a liter of boiling water. Next, bow your head (pin your hair first) over the container so as not to burn yourself with steam, but put it on top terry towel. For 5-7 minutes of this procedure, the pores open and are saturated with beneficial vapors. After that, you do not need to wipe dry. Let the moisture be absorbed into the skin.

    • Shelf life

    Fresh cosmetic product preferably used immediately after preparation, within 1 day. Lotions and creams can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, liquids with alcohol - up to 2 weeks. Dry plants in boxes and paper bags can be kept for no more than 2 years.

    • Cooking rules

    To prepare a decoction or infusion, the plant needs to be crushed: fresh grass - with a knife, just rub the dry one in your hands. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of the resulting raw material in a glass (possibly ceramic) dish with a glass of boiling water. Next to choose from:

    1. Close the lid, leave for half an hour, strain and get an infusion at the exit.
    2. Put a container with steamed crushed water in a water bath, simmer for 10-15 minutes, leave it under the lid for half an hour, strain. This is a decoction recipe. Instead of a water bath, you can simply put the healing liquid on fire, but reduce the cooking time to 5-7 minutes.

    • Application frequency

    Herbal masks for problem skin can be done every other day, for oily (from greasy sheen) - 2 times a week, for dry and sensitive - once a week. As a preventive measure - and even less often: once every 10 days. Lotions and applications, washing with decoctions and rubbing with lotions - twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Herbal steam baths do not need to be done too often. The best option is once every 7-10 days, depending on the degree of contamination of the face.

    homemade recipes

    On the web you can find a huge variety of recipes for cooking home cosmetics from herbs. Use them and enjoy the results.

    • Whitening mask for age spots

    Dilute 50 g of crushed dandelion leaves with 30 g of water, add 20 ml of honey. For thickening, you can use parsley gruel.

    • Acne mask

    Cosmetic ice made from lingonberries and cumin seeds can have exactly the same effect (you don’t need to prepare decoctions from them - just put either 1 lingonberry berry or 2-3 grams of cumin seeds in each mold.

    • Cream with chamomile and coltsfoot

    If you want to really rejuvenate your skin, try making the following cream at home, which has a lifting effect and smoothes wrinkles. It may not work out the first time, but it's worth trying.

    The first part of the cream. 15 g of crushed dry chamomile flowers and coltsfoot leaves pour 100 ml of boiling water. Hold in a water bath for no more than 10 minutes. Strain well so that small particles of grass do not get into the cream. Mix 50 ml of the resulting broth with 10 g of honey. Add 10 ml of glycerin. Stir until the mass becomes liquid.

    The second part of the cream (prepared separately). Mix 20 g warmed up to 40 ° C creamy and olive oil, cool slightly, add 15 g of camphor oil, raw whipped yolk.

    Combine both parts of the cream, beat thoroughly.

    As practice shows, it is difficult to find something more effective than natural cosmetic for the face on herbs. Firstly, it does not contain the notorious chemistry, the harmfulness of which is being repeated at every turn today. Secondly, a very wide choice of raw materials and means allows you to choose the best option for solving literally any problem. And, of course, a huge number of biologically active substances simply transform the skin that receives from them good nutrition and flourishes, despite the age.