Sensitive scalp. Sensitivity types. How do I choose the right care for myself? Why does the scalp hurt? Causes of scalp disease

Good for those who can simply wash their hair with any shampoo and do not experience any discomfort. But this is not always the case. IN Lately All more women, and even men, complain that they have sensitive scalp. And sensitivity is not just an increased reaction to touch. IN this case This serious problem causing a lot of trouble.

Problems with increased sensitivity of the scalp

First of all, it is a huge difficulty in choosing cosmetics. Finding a shampoo or balm that does not cause irritation is a problem. Even expensive products labeled "For sensitive skin" can cause irritation. People experience discomfort, burning sensation, inability to comb normally.

And then there is what many take for dandruff, although the skin is flaky for other reasons. It is easy to distinguish between dandruff and just peeling. In the first case, large particles of dead skin constantly fall on the shoulders, neck, and dot the clothes. If peeling occurs due to hypersensitivity, the scales remain in the hair.

Over time, the problem worsens, constant scratching leads to inflammation. Appear, in severe cases - boils. Work changes too sebaceous glands, they produce more sebum which leads to oily hair.

Increased sensitivity of the scalp negatively affects the condition of the hair. Their nutrition worsens, which leads to brittleness, dryness of the rods, weakening of the roots. As a result, the hair thins and loses its attractiveness.

What is the cause of hypersensitivity

Increased sensitivity is the result of dry skin, permanent and prolonged lack moisture. Because of this, the epidermis becomes more thin, weakened, unprotected from negative external influences.

As for the reasons for this phenomenon, there are many:

  1. The most common is not proper care. The use of harsh shampoos, the neglect of cosmetics, the abuse of styling products - all this dries out the skin, gradually increasing its sensitivity.
  2. Frequent thermal styling, perm, dyeing.
  3. Abuse sunbathing with bare head. A hat, panama, cap are not just beauty hats on the beach or on the street, they are indispensable protection on a hot sunny day. If it is not used, burns will appear, and such damage to the skin is fraught with an increase in its sensitivity.
  4. , some diseases internal organs.
  5. Inadequate nutrition.

In some cases, several factors act at once, which leads to problems.

How to get your skin back to normal

The first step is to find out the exact reason why the epidermis has become dry, thin, irritable. If the main factor is illness or hormonal imbalance, the treatment will be difficult and lengthy, but even in this case, competent care for sensitive scalp will give a good result.

It is recommended to choose suitable shampoo. It is quite an inexpensive, but sulfate-free option. There are many of these today, ranging from quite budget brands to elite organic cosmetics. What to choose, everyone decides for himself, based on his beliefs and preferences, but there is a main rule: all surfactants at the heart of the product should be soft.

In addition, the shampoo should be moisturizing and soothing, containing plant extracts, oils, glycerin or panthenol, allantoin.

A product for sensitive scalp will not contain silicones, especially those that can accumulate. organic cosmetics free from such components, so you can safely choose one of these shampoos, although in the end everything is decided by the reaction of the skin to a specific type of cosmetics.

Worth making friends with natural oils, aloe, herbs that will help get rid of the problem. A simple inexpensive decoction of nettle, mint, burdock root, calamus, oak bark or birch leaves are sometimes capable of more than expensive cosmetics. It is worth rinsing your hair after each wash with such decoctions, and the result will be noticeable very soon.

As for masks, oil ones are especially good. , coconut and cocoa, linen or nut, olive. Any of the oils has good moisturizing properties, contains a lot of useful substances. Homemade oil masks restore the water balance in the skin, provide its nutrition and restoration, and at the same time take care of the hair.

Advice! The broth must be acidified lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Because even the mildest shampoo is alkaline or neutral. And the optimal reaction for the skin is acidic. Acidified home rinse, can be achieved good effect moisture.

Oils are often mixed with yolks, honey, aloe juice. And if honey is not suitable for everyone, then aloe juice is one of the necessary, useful ingredients. If the agave does not grow at home, aloe extract in ampoules is bought at the pharmacy. This is a powerful moisturizing, regenerating agent available to everyone.

Another one, a good product- kefir or sour cream. Acidic reaction, calming effect, rich composition - fermented milk products are recognized leaders in the care of capricious scalp and hair.

Concerning industrial facilities, then they should be chosen carefully, since many of them, in addition to useful components, may contain too many emulsifiers, silicones - all that gives the product good consumer properties, but does not bring any benefit.

But only products for sensitive scalp will not be effective enough to solve the problem once and for all. You need to remember about UV protection and wear hats in the summer. Do not get carried away with perms, coloring, other procedures that harm the hair. Eating well with a large number of vegetables, fruits, do not give up cereals, fermented milk products and quality meat and fish. Naturally, you should take care of your sleep, avoid stress.

Everything that in one way or another harms the body affects not only the state of internal organs. First of all, appearance suffers, so a sudden increase in skin sensitivity may simply be a reaction to unfavourable conditions. Care should begin with taking good care of yourself. And the masks the right shampoos, conditioners - an important, but still an additional item.

Problematic hair spoils the appearance, but if the scalp is “naughty”, then this requires increased attention.

strike a balance

The characteristic symptoms characteristic of sensitive skin are not always a manifestation of any disease. If the specialist ruled out its presence, the cause should be sought
in your Everyday life. After all, the increased sensitivity of the scalp is the result of a number of aggressive factors that weaken its natural defenses, primarily stress and environmental conditions. As a result, a film of harmful substances forms on the surface of the scalp. chemical substances. All this leads to increased production of free radicals, the physiological microflora of the skin changes, natural immunity decreases, pathogenic microorganisms actively begin to multiply on the skin. Unbalanced diet, frequent drying and styling with a hair dryer, wearing tight and airtight hats, aggressive lightening and frequent dyeing, ultraviolet radiation, as well as improper daily care have a similar negative impact.
“The scalp requires attention no less than the face,” says Olga Antonova, stylist-technologist at Charm Distribution. - It also needs to be properly cleansed, moisturized, nourished and protected from the effects of any aggressive factors that destroy the natural hydro-lipid barrier, consisting of lipids. They are found directly in the skin itself, as well as in the natural lubricant secreted by the sebaceous ducts of the scalp, providing not only elasticity, but also reliable protection. When it is disturbed, the physiological microflora of the skin changes, as a result, natural immunity decreases, the skin becomes vulnerable to pathogens. Restoring this barrier is much more difficult than breaking it (and breaking happens almost every day). A classic example is frequent hair washing, which many clients like to abuse. At the same time, they consider it their duty to wash their hair literally to a squeak, leaving them completely defenseless against the environment. Many hair washes are also aggressive, as they contain a large amount of sulfates, parabens and surfactants, which, together with chlorinated water, is a very powerful blow. Remember the main rule: you should wash your hair only as needed, and not following a specific ritual (for example, every morning). Be sure to use a pH-neutral shampoo that is as mild as possible to keep your scalp in optimal condition. For example, Bosley Professional Strenght's Nourishing Shampoo Visibly Thinning Non-Color Treated Hair gently cleanses, repairs and rejuvenates hair and scalp without causing irritation. Detoxifies for a healthy hair and scalp environment with LifeXtend™ Complex to improve lipid, collagen and elastin production. Be sure to use a conditioner (imagine that you cleansed your face with a foam or gel and did not use a cream). There are conditioners that are specifically designed to care for sensitive scalp, maintaining its optimal pH balance, so they can be safely applied both along the entire length of the hair and on the scalp. This procedure becomes especially relevant after repeated staining or lightening, as well as after perm, because the composition of any (even the highest quality) preparations instantly violates the integrity of the hydrolipid film, causes unpleasant itching and burning. For example, Joico's K-Pak intensive moisturizer solves all problems caused by chemical processing, thermal damage and the negative impact of factors. environment, as 80 percent consists of moisturizing ingredients, including macadamia and shea oils, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. This drug will relieve unpleasant itching in a matter of minutes, provide maximum comfort to sensitive and irritated skin. Another product, Volumizing Conditioner Visibly Thinning Non-Color Treated Hair, can be used daily, immediately after shampooing. Algae extract helps protect against photoaging, frequent washing And mechanical damage as a result of scratching. Contains LifeXtend™ complex to help stimulate keratin protein production in the follicle and strengthen hair structure.

Caring every day

If your daily procedure is washing your hair with a mild shampoo, after which you limit yourself to natural drying and gentle combing, most likely the problems of the scalp will no longer bother you, of course, in the absence of aggressive factors. Those who experiment with styling will have to accept additional measures precautions. First of all, review your arsenal of styling products. Not recommended for sensitive scalp styling products containing alcohol, says Olga Antonova. - This is typical for preparations that are in a container under pressure, for example, dry varnishes, mousses and foams. Consider switching to mechanical pump liquids or liquid hairsprays, such as SexyHair's Spritz and Stay Non-Aerosol Hairspray. Fine spray, even distribution of the varnish through the hair, does not leave white plaque. Alcohol-free, protects hair and skin from negative impact environment, dries quickly, gives intense shine and silkiness.
In the presence of severe itching and feeling of tightness, refuse for a while from using devices for hot styling. These include hair dryers, straighteners, stylers and curling irons. The hot air from these appliances dries out the scalp even more, and the same applies to the water you use to wash your hair. Let her be nice room temperature, or even better - install a special cleaning filter or use drinking water from bottles, especially during an exacerbation. Remember that hair brushes with plastic or metal bristles can also damage sensitive scalps. It is better to use a soft brush with a fairly thick natural bristles, it will have a beneficial effect on both hair and skin.
To ensure the normal functioning of the scalp, try to eat a balanced diet. The most important component for maintaining an optimal balance is fatty acids, which come from oily marine fish such as tuna, salmon, herring, sardine or mackerel. Plant foods include seeds, nuts, olives, and avocados. One of the most important fatty acids found in vitamin F, it helps maintain the integrity of the hydrolipidic film. Lots of vitamin F in flaxseed and sunflower oils, soybeans, nuts (especially walnuts and almonds) and seeds, as well as in fish and seafood. Sources of vitamin A are considered fish fat, beef liver, egg yolks, cream, whole milk and dairy products, green and yellow vegetables contain a lot of this vitamin - carrots, pumpkin, sweet peppers, broccoli, green onion and parsley. Such a “menu” will help you not only maintain healthy condition scalp, but will also ensure the growth of strong and strong hair.

Tenderness for the head

“The SILICIUM+ Tenderness treatment ritual soothes sensitive scalp, gives a feeling of freshness and gives shine and tone to dull and weakened hair,” says Eduard Shishlov, hair stylist at the Black Swan salon. - At the first stage, we prepare the hair and scalp for subsequent care. Wash your hair with a caring shampoo frequent use then rinse thoroughly and apply daily lotion. Application technique: light rubbing with an initial massage. The master makes sliding pressure with his fingertips from the back of the head to the top of the head. The palm moves the scalp in place. The massage ends with smoothing the hair along the entire length. This phase allows you to stimulate the scalp and prepare the hair for further care. This stage gives a feeling of freshness and calmness, revitalizes and allows you to gently start the care. The "heart" of the treatment - the specialist applies a refreshing treatment and massages the scalp under steam. Makes smoothing drainage massage. Then spray the daily lotion over the entire length of the hair and leave (uncovered) for ten minutes. Washes hair with shampoo according to hair type and rinses gently for five minutes. Finally, apply a detangling spray or smoothing milk (depending on hair type). Styling hair at the request of the client.

Hair care

13.01.16 02:23

The appearance of itching, intense peeling of the epidermis, hyperemia are symptoms that sensitive scalp is famous for. Don't hope everything will work out unpleasant sensations, without appropriate treatment, such a problem can lead to the development serious pathologies up to focal alopecia. Contrary to popular belief, hypersensitivity can develop not only in owners of dry type hair, everyone is at risk without exception. Prolonged exposure to the sun or frosty air hormonal disbalance, violation of the technique of performing daily caring manipulations, seasonal vitamin deficiency are the most common factors provoking tissue reactivity.

Sensitive scalp - signs of the condition and principles of difference from an allergic reaction

  1. On initial stage sensitivity symptoms appear only in response to the action of the stimulus, but over time the phenomenon becomes chronic view with rare moments of relief.
  2. Peeling, characteristic of tissue reactivity, must be able to distinguish from ordinary dandruff. In the first case, the lesion is localized, the scales accumulate on the surface of the head and do not crumble on clothes. Dandruff affects the entire scalp and actively crumbles.
  3. While the allergy comes on suddenly and goes away within a few hours or days, the hypersensitivity is smoother and lasts longer. long time and does not go away without treatment.
  4. Often, the condition leads to a change in the type of scalp. Trying to protect itself from irritants, the epidermis begins to produce more and more sebum, turning normal or dry skin into oily.

Ingredients to include in sensitive scalp products

  • Aloe. Activates protective properties tissues, has a softening and moisturizing effect, covers the epidermis with a thin film that allows moisture to accumulate in the cells.
  • Macadamia, jojoba, calophyllum, shea butter. Moisturize and relieve symptoms inflammatory processes minimizing discomfort.
  • Extract peppermint. Cools due to the presence of menthol skin covering, instantly soothes tissues and neutralizes discomfort.
  • Glycerol. Moisturizing product that stimulates tissue regeneration.
  • Lavender extract. Calms the inflamed epidermis, eliminates irritation.

Homemade formulations, after which the sensitive scalp will recover and get rid of increased reactivity

Oil mask for hypersensitivity dry scalp

  • We take a tablespoon of the following oils: jojoba, coconut and almond.
  • The components are combined, slightly warmed up and gently rubbed into the scalp. If the sensations are painful, then we apply the composition with a soft sponge, as if wetting the scalp. We leave the mask for an hour or even all night, wrapping cling film and a towel. Wash off immediately if any discomfort occurs.

Composition with birch tar to eliminate the reactivity of the epidermis of the fatty type

  • We take a small piece tar soap and a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • We rub the soap on a fine grater, we should get about two tablespoons of the composition. Add oil to the mass, knead and heat in a water bath until dissolved and homogeneous. The product is cooled to a slightly warm state and applied to the scalp. Wash off after half an hour.

One of the common reasons is hormonal changes in organism. In the normal state, estrogen, the female sex hormone, is responsible for the density and health of hair (for example, during pregnancy in women, hair volume can increase several times). Androgens - hormones - are also found in small amounts in the female body, but they do not affect hair growth in any way. Under the influence of stress, both men and women produce androgens. Hormonal imbalance leads to hair loss. Hair loss and scalp sensitivity can be caused by changes in work thyroid gland. In addition, recovery female body after childbirth, it can also be accompanied by temporary physiological hair loss. To overcome hormonal hair loss will help properly selected medications, vitamin intake and a balanced diet.

No less detrimental to hair and scalp improper care behind the hair. Despite the high endurance of hair, chemical or thermal influences, such as bleaching, dyeing, curling, using a flat iron, make them brittle and brittle. Weakened hair will split not only at the ends, but also at the roots. If the cause of baldness is this (for example, chemical agent for a curl has been in contact with the scalp for a long time), you just need to let the skin and hair “rest” until they are completely healed. Naturally, you will have to abandon all aggressive styling manipulations, wash your hair less often and, if possible, use restorative cosmetic procedures: , balms, lamination, glazing, etc.

Vitamin deficiency can become stressful for the body. As a result, the scalp becomes more sensitive and hair loss becomes unpleasant. side effect beriberi. An unbalanced diet can provoke hair loss, low calorie diets, vegetarianism, etc. It is enough to change the diet, include in the menu fruits, vegetables, foods rich in proteins (lean meat, fish, dairy products), cereals, nuts and vegetable oils and things will change for the better.

The condition of the hair and scalp can be affected by past diseases and taking medical preparations. For example, "flowability" can be the result of an infection. The cause of spring hair loss is most often ARVI transferred in winter. Everything returns to normal after an average of three months - this period is enough to restore damaged roots.

Treatment of weakened hair is not only an effect on the roots and structure of the hair, but also on the scalp. It is important to ensure that not only do not fall out, but also recover and grow actively. The growing strands should be strong and healthy, and the scalp should be less sensitive, not prone to irritation and itching. In order to restore beauty on the head, if the causes of the problem are not clear, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo full course treatment.

Hello, friends!

Today we will talk about soreness of the scalp. The problem can be caused by a number of things, ranging from simple dandruff, infection, or infestation (diseases caused by pathogens).

Many people equate scalp disease with hypersensitivity, but this is not always the case. The manifestations of the disease are very different: tingling, burning in any part of the scalp (on the top of the head, under the hair, on the right, on the left, on the side of the ear), peeling, itching.

The causes of skin sensitivity can vary.

Causes of scalp disease


Skin inflammation can be caused by dermatitis. Its signs are: rash, itching, swollen or reddened skin with blisters, crust or scales. Symptoms are caused by contact with many ordinary things, such as:

  • some metals;
  • certain types of soap;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • pollution;
  • water;
  • detergents for washing;
  • some hair products.

People with allergies or asthma are more likely to develop dermatitis.


Folliculitis, furunculosis and carbunculosis are all infections hair follicle that can cause scalp pain. They are painful and problem area- hot to the touch. The back of the neck, head, or armpits are often affected. Sometimes pus may ooze from the affected area. . Treatment is warm compresses and antibiotics.

Fungal infections of the scalp, such as shingles of the scalp, are most common in children and can lead to hair loss. Shingles is a yeast infection of the skin. The area is treated with a special shampoo for several days in a row, and then once a month.


Have you noticed dandruff flakes? But it could be lice. If you have itching or red bumps, scabs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Lice are highly contagious and can live up to 30 days on the scalp or body. Lice eggs live even longer. Lotions and shampoos are common treatment options.


Tension headache causes scalp sensitivity, but is not the cause. Stress, depression or anxiety can cause or worsen symptoms, keep muscles tense. A scalp massage or over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin may provide relief.

Temporal arteritis

Temporary arteritis is a condition where an artery blood vessel, located in the head area in front of the ear, becomes inflamed. Arises headache, soreness of the jaw and blurred vision. The disease most commonly affects the elderly and is usually treated with corticosteroids. If temporal arteritis is left untreated, blindness may result.

Other reasons

Soreness of the scalp can also cause other reasons:

  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • heat;
  • cold;
  • wind.

How to treat sore scalp

Depending on the causes or symptoms, treatment may vary. Special shampoos containing selenium sulfide or zinc pyrithione will relieve itching, dryness, and flaking of the scalp. Ibuprofen or similar over-the-counter medicines can help reduce inflammation, headaches, and scalp soreness.

Some essential oils, such as lavender or rosemary will help heal ulcers, causing pain scalp. But, be careful! Using too much oil can aggravate symptoms. Take a glass warm water, add ½ teaspoon of oil, mix well and gently massage the mixture into the scalp. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off.

If self-treatment does not eliminate irritation, contact a specialist, he will prescribe you more strong medicine, a special shampoo or refer you to a dermatologist.

Although some people from birth soft skin head, but individual signs may indicate the presence of a disease. And, if you can’t cope with them on your own for several days, be sure to consult a doctor.