half an hour for myself. We produce collagen and elastin. How to Boost Your Collagen Naturally

This protein, consisting of three polypeptide chains folded into a spiral, forms a lattice structure of the extracellular matrix. The connective tissue is dominated by type I and III collagen, while the basement membrane is dominated by type IV and V collagen.

It has been shown that fibroblasts synthesize tropocollagen molecules and release them into the matrix, and only here collagen fibers are assembled.

Fibroblasts also produce other structural skin proteins such as elastin and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). To signal or initiate the production of structural proteins in the skin, fibroblast cells have specially shaped receptors on their outer membranes that act as binding sites into which appropriately shaped signaling molecules can fit. When receptors bind with right combination signaling molecules (called fibroblast growth factors), the fibroblast starts producing collagen and the structural proteins of the dermis. The enzyme capable of dissolving the collagen thread due to partial hydrolysis is collagenase.

The purpose of collagenase is to “unravel collagen filaments, facilitating the process of their renewal, since collagenase, together with proteolytic enzymes, degrades the collagen molecule to low molecular weight peptides, which again return as the starting material to fibroblasts, in which the synthesis of new collagen precursors takes place.

It is generally accepted that with age, the destructive processes of collagen breakdown in the skin begin to prevail over synthetic ones, from which it logically follows that the stimulation of its synthesis is the most the right way to restore skin elasticity.

However, studies carried out in last years, showed that in aging skin, collagen production is often retained for quite a long time. high level, and the total amount of collagen does not always decrease, but sometimes, on the contrary, increases. How, then, to explain the decrease in skin elasticity, loss of tone, elasticity, the appearance of dynamic mimic and static wrinkles? It turns out that the amount of collagen is not everything. Its quality plays a significant role. But it inevitably decreases with age. This is partly due to collagen damage. external factors such as UV radiation and free radicals. But there are also internal causes decrease in the quality of collagen. One of them is a violation of the collagen assembly process, resulting in the accumulation of defective fibers that do not have the necessary elasticity.

Thus, the cosmetologist faces two preventive tasks - to prevent and delay structural changes in collagen as much as possible. And therapeutic - restoration of lost volumes of collagen and replenishment of the dermal matrix.

On currently preventive procedures include:

  • Application application of collagen (collagen serums, masks, creams with a high content of hydrolysates of this protein).
  • Physiotherapeutic effects aimed at maintaining the native structure of collagen characteristic of young skin (light energy, microcurrent exposure, radio frequency energy).
  • Appointment of micronized forms of collagen in the form of nutritional supplements, protein shakes.

Procedures aimed at neocollagenogenesis and restoration of lost collagen volumes include:

  • Fractional (ablative and non-ablative) photothermolysis.
  • Animal collagen injections.

It is very important for both the cosmetologist and the patient to decide on the choice of method at each life stage of aging and to develop tactics for stimulating collagen production and maintaining the quality of its structural fibers. Let's take a closer look at some of the methods to achieve the goal.

External use of collagen

Collagen and its hydrolysates are often included in the formulation of various creams and serums as moisture-retaining and nutritional components. The effectiveness of such cosmetics due to the fact that the hygroscopic collagen film acts like a wet compress. This means that transepidermal water loss by the skin is reduced. Due to the hygroscopic properties of collagen, the moisture content of the stratum corneum of the skin increases.

Being a thermolabile protein, collagen, in contact with the skin, under the influence of body temperature and high moisture content, can undergo partial proteolysis, forming water-soluble low-molecular components, which, with the help of enhancers present in the cream, are able to penetrate the stratum corneum and engage in metabolic reactions, stimulating metabolic processes in the dermis.

Broadband pulsed light

Photorejuvenation is a modern popular method widely used along with collagen injections. Manufacturers of devices sometimes indicate the production of collagen as an option. But it is difficult to fully agree with this.

Broadband pulsed light (IPL) penetrates the skin and selectively, without damaging the epidermis, is absorbed by the vessels, melanin of pigmented formations or collagen.

Rejuvenation technology is based on the effect of pulsed light on collagen, causing it to heat up. Due to endogenous heat, collagen is retracted, the photorejuvenation procedure cannot increase the amount of collagen, but its texture improves, the rejuvenation effect occurs due to smoothing the skin relief, improving its texture. One of the chromophores of incoherent pulsed light is melanin, therefore, due to the clarification and destruction of superficial telangiectasias, we can talk about the effect of rejuvenation, but we can talk about true rejuvenation and neocollagenogenesis in this case do not have to.

Collagenarium and collagen lamps

Under the auspices of photorejuvenation, new inventions appear, such as collagen lamps. These devices promise the production of collagen not only in the face, neck and décolleté. But also the whole body. This makes collagen lamps attractive in the eyes of the patient. 15 minutes of relaxed rest and here it is the coveted new collagen. But unfortunately everything is not so simple.

Manufacturers and suppliers of collagenaria claim that there are 2 types of collagen lamps - blue and red light.

Blue light lamps have a range of 415 nm.
Blue light has an antimicrobial effect on the body, improves the condition immune systems., Unlike other ranges, blue light is more intensely absorbed by many skin photoreceptors, porphyrins, which release oxygen that kills bacteria (after 3 days of exposure to a dose of 320 J / sq. cm, their content decreases by 99%).

In fact, blue-violet spectrum is used in dermatological practice. visible light, to fight the bacteria Propionibacterium acne, which is one of the main pathogens in acne vulgaris.

Red light lamps with a range of 633 nm.
Red light lamps are designed to improve the texture and relief of the skin due to the production of collagen. The idea is quite simple: red light with a wavelength of 633 nm. Penetrates to a depth of 8-10 millimeters and reaches the subcutaneous fat, red light in the skin cells is converted into photosynthesis energy, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.

So, the two main points that you should pay attention to, the first is that there should be enough building material in the skin (in the form of amino acids) and the second, it takes time to rejuvenate the collagen structure under the action of red light - more than ten weeks.

The purpose of this article is not to attempt to debunk the myth of possible collagen synthesis and replenishment of the dermal matrix scaffold using various physical agents.

Red and blue light have historically and very successfully proven themselves in physiotherapy and cosmetology, but doctors and specialists have always approached the appointment of these procedures with an understanding of what this principle of therapy is used for, carefully collecting an anamnesis, finding out contraindications, individually selecting the exposure time and the organ or body area or the person who will be exposed.

Today, the situation is developing in such a way that anyone can "give yourself the happiness of new collagen" in just 20 minutes a week, just pay for a subscription to a beauty salon.

If advertising slogans turned out to be tempting, you should definitely remember that before visiting, you need to consult a doctor and listen to his recommendations about the frequency and time of the procedure, be sure to protect your eyes and the breast area and remember about absolute contraindications to this procedure.

collagen injections

Collagen type I, obtained from the skin of cattle, in its composition and structure is as close as possible to human collagen, purified from allergens and prions, and has a pronounced biological activity. Most often, an animal product is used for collagen injections. For a long time it was read that collagen of animal origin has a maximum allergic load, before the procedure it is necessary to conduct a skin test in the area of ​​​​the forearm, according to the size of the papule and the corolla of hyperemia, the doctor determines whether to inject or not after 2-3 days.

Before injecting collagen, the doctor usually marks on the skin the places where the gel will be injected and decides how much gel is needed. The gel itself contains saline sodium chloride, in which collagen is dissolved. Therefore, the first time after the injection, the skin may look somewhat edematous. Through a short time this swelling goes away. The duration of the effect of bovine collagen is approximately 4 to 6 months. Then it gradually resolves and new injections of collagen are needed. In more cases, bovine collagen preparations can be used in people who have undergone an allergy test for this filler.

Amino acid replacement therapy is a new concept in collagen synthesis. It is based on the principle of replenishment of amino acids as structural elements for the synthesis of a new dermal matrix. Age changes in the structure of collagen are determined not only genetic reasons. To maintain collagen production, skin cells - fibroblasts - need amino acids, primarily glycine, lysine, proline, leucine. Therefore, one of the ways to combat collagen aging is to provide the dermis with essential amino acids. Moreover, it is important that these are left-handed isomers of amino acids (L-forms) in a certain proportional ratio. In order to nourish the skin with amino acids, it may take 3 to 6 sessions, once a week.

Procedures of amino acid replacement therapy (AZT) can be recommended both independently and in combination with physiotherapy procedures aimed at active collagen synthesis.

The combination of AZT with fractional photothermolysis is becoming increasingly popular among patients and doctors.

Amino acid replacement therapy is performed on days 3, 7 and 21 before fractional photothermolysis.

collagen shakes

Here it is impossible not to talk about collagen cocktails, the basic principle of these biologically active cocktails is similar to the principle of amino replacement therapy. Maximally supply the skin with essential amino acids. And if in the case of collagen injections, the introduction of left-handed isomers is pretty clear.

That mechanism of delivery of amino acids in unchanged form, past the stages of digestion in the dermis remains open. At the same time, it is impossible to call collagen cocktails, powders and pills a useless invention. After all, collagen is not only a dermal matrix, but also tendons, connective tissue and even the cornea of ​​​​the eye. These drugs can be recommended for the purpose of general improvement of the body.

Fractional photothermolysis

A few words about fractional photothermolysis as one of the etiopathogenetic ways to combat aging.

High-intensity laser microbeams penetrate to a depth of 1mm, forming microcoagulation columns. Process starts natural recovery tissue to form new collagen. Due to the fractionation (separation) of the laser beam, islands of intact tissue remain in the skin, from which healing proceeds. The regenerative resource of the skin is preserved, and this ensures rehabilitation within 1-2 days, which is an undoubted plus in the rhythm of life in a big city.

The fractional non-ablative laser uses much more energy per microbeam (up to 100 mJ) than any other system, making fractional laser rejuvenation effective therapeutic technique.

Youth is becoming more active fashion trend. The phrases synthesis of collagen and elastin, stimulation of fibroblasts does not cause the slightest fear and doubt in anyone. Biological processes occurring in the body, including the skin, are subject to certain rhythms and patterns.

In the pursuit of youth, both specialists and patients should not forget that the “medicine” should not be stronger than the “disease”. And the safety of procedures for the production of collagen should be evaluated as carefully as the effectiveness.

Each woman, when buying another cosmetic product, looks for the content of collagen in the annotation. What is collagen and is it really necessary for the skin? Collagen is a protein that is a structural component of the skin and is responsible for its elasticity and density. For this reason, women are so concerned about its content and recovery in the skin.

Over time, collagen is destroyed, but slowing down this process is possible. For this, stimulation of skin cells is used, aimed at the synthesis of collagen. Synthesis is carried out in a remarkable way using natural substances. A striking example is the use of avocado, the pulp of which, in combination with sour cream, works wonders. By applying such a mask on the skin of the face for only 20 minutes, you can notice an effect that no other cosmetic product can provide.

Experienced cosmetologists recommend using live masks containing substances for collagen production. They most often contain seaweed. But good result can only be achieved regular use masks. One-time procedures will not give desired result skin rejuvenation.

One of the main components of anti-aging agents is spirulina. It is actively used in cosmetic preparations as well as in therapeutic. Due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, spirulina is just a godsend for skin care.

In addition to the use of cosmetics, nutrition also matters. Collagen synthesis can also be provided by consumed leafy vegetables. IN summer period spinach, lettuce and greens should be present in the diet. IN winter period It is recommended to use cabbage as often as possible. Flaxseed oil is perfect as a salad dressing.

The area around the eyes deserves special attention in facial skin care. This area is covered with a network of wrinkles in the first place and needs to be given more attention. Significantly help to reduce the number of fine wrinkles lymphomassage. Such massage can be performed at home with a special massager. With regular performance of the procedure, the result will not be long in coming.

With the help of collagen restoration, the fight against age-related changes is possible in combination with healthy eating and skin care. At first, it may be difficult to comply with a set of recommendations, but positive result will be a great stimulus for further work on yourself.

There is tissue in the human body that is found everywhere. Somewhere it is dense, somewhere loose, in some places it is more, in others less.

This is a connective tissue, which is a very complex structure, which occupies almost 70% of the weight of the entire body.

One third of the body's proteins are collagen. Almost every person, and especially women, know what collagen is and how to restore skin elasticity, its silkiness, youth and elasticity. To make the face stay young and attractive longer, cosmetics help in this.

But time is running and the skin loses elastin, that is, the protein due to which cells are actively restored.

This connecting component is responsible not only for the skin, but also affects the condition of the hair. This means that the body must without fail maintain elastin content. A wrap is used to strengthen the hair. In this case, a red lamp is used, which emits a light flux and stimulates protein synthesis. A molecule of such an important protein for humans is found in connective tissue.

This fact may also indicate that the absence or reduction of elastin has a detrimental effect even on the joint, more precisely on the entire joint system. The basis of the protein is glycerol, which can be restored. Then the face and the whole body will regain elasticity. Today, almost every pharmacy sells anti-wrinkle serum around the eyes. It is also known that a remedy such as capsules or tablets containing collagen will help to cope with the problem.

As an additive, you can use food collagen and marine, the form of release of such funds is most often ampoules. Thanks to such components, the dermis quickly returns its elasticity and firmness. In addition, among the varieties of collagen, gel can be distinguished, masks and face sprays are also popular. The photos of the results are amazing. The skin really gets healthier and tighter.

Such important protein It has a lot of functions, the main ones are:

  1. Organization of the framework of organs and tissues.
  2. "Biological glue" for cells.
  3. It affects the formation of structures such as cartilage, membranes, teeth, tendons, etc.
  4. Acts as a component for the normalization of water and salt metabolism.

How collagen is formed in the skin

The organization of this protein comes from AMK. Its primary structure is glycine, alanine, proline and others. In a living organism, the formation of collagen is produced by the breakdown of peptide bonds of procollagen. Synthesis of skin collagen has 8 stages, 5 of which take place in fibroblasts, the remaining extracellular. Vitamin C and the adrenal glands have an effect on division.

Factors affecting collagen synthesis

It is not enough to understand what collagen is, it is important to know what factors affect its destruction and skin aging. This:

  1. UV irradiation.
  2. Little amount of moisture.
  3. Smoking.
  4. Alcohol.
  5. stressful situations.
  6. Not proper nutrition.
  7. Immune diseases of the connective tissue.

Collagen fibers: types and cosmetic products with collagen

Synthesis of the substance occurs on the ribosomes of the endoplasmic reticulum of fibroblasts. Collagen fibers are the basis of connective tissue. And it is this fibrous structural protein that gives the nucleus to the entire group of collagen structures. Collagen has about 20 types, each type has differences in molecular organization and belonging to either tissue or organ.

Let's name the main ones:

The main component that is included in the collagen fibers is the fibril, and it is present in its composition. Fibrils act as diametrical structures, the thickness of which varies from 20 to 100 nm.

It gives the main strength to our skin. The fibers can form a bundle, its thickness reaches 150 microns, and proteoglycans are involved in this process. It turns out a very large and strong protein, able to produce collagen provide a slowdown in the aging process.

In addition, this fact may be a guarantee that it will not be possible to allow a rupture of the collagen fiber. Such phenomena are described in the section of biology - histology, which studies not only the structure of tissues, but also their formation and the process of life.

The use of collagen in cosmetology

Often in cosmetology, a beauty injection is used, which helps to correct facial contours and fill wrinkles. In this matter, collagen is injected as a gel under the skin.

A lifting procedure is also carried out, which requires regular repetition. popular contour plastic, thanks to which you can increase the lips and change their shape. The introduction of collagen (mesotherapy) allows you to reproduce your own protein. But before the manipulations, you should undergo an examination, as there have been cases of allergies.

In cosmetology, collagen is used for the following purposes:

  • improvement of hair, skin, nails;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • replenishment of the body with protein;
  • weight loss
  • treatment of diseased joints and skeletal system;
  • getting rid of ailments vascular system And internal organs;
  • recovery after operations.

Collagen for the skin in cosmetic products and how to restore collagen in the body

The body is capable of regenerating its own collagen.

To do this, the following practices and methods should be applied:

For facial skin, collagen performs several main functions at once, namely:

  1. Support - support the shape of organs and their fastening, strengthens bone and cartilage.
  2. Protective - the strength of tissues, protecting them from mechanical damage.
  3. Recovery - regeneration at the cellular level.

In cosmetology, collagen is widely used to restore youth to the skin. Today, 2 directions can be distinguished, these are technological collagen and the production of your own collagen. As a rule, collagen for the skin is used in cosmetology of three types: animal, vegetable and marine. The first type of collagen is considered the most affordable pricing policy. It is obtained in the form of hydrolysates from the skin of cattle.

It is mainly used to create a cream for moisturizing and nourishing. But it is worth knowing that animal collagen molecules have enough big size, therefore, they are not able to penetrate the stratum corneum and often even cause allergic reactions. Vegetable collagen for the skin is based on wheat proteins, this is a component that rarely gives allergies and is well absorbed by the human cell.

The complexity of the technology for obtaining such a component makes this product very expensive. Marine is obtained from fish skin. It has the greatest proximity to human collagen in its structure. The downside can be considered that when collagen is extracted from freshwater fish, the introduction into the human body ends with the destruction of the protein into amino acids, which in turn participate in the construction of the epidermis.

Cosmetologists practice 2 main ways to use collagen: external and injectable. External use of collagen for the skin causes the use of masks, gels and creams containing protein.

This process is less effective, since filling occurs only on the surface of the skin, smoothing out microcracks and irregularities for a short time. This method is often used, as it has an excellent moisturizing effect, because a film is formed on the skin that can protect the surface of the dermis.

But there is a minus here: this phenomenon does not allow moisture to evaporate from the skin. The use of aggregates is due to injection plastics and cocktails containing hyaluronic acid. This product perfectly synthesizes its own collagen. Injections are used to correct defects, correct lips, age-related changes in the face, and saturate the skin with moisture. The effect is visible immediately and the duration is from six months to a year.

Collagen and elastin are two proteins that keep skin firm and looking younger. As the body ages, collagen production decreases, hence the first signs of aging appear – wrinkles. The decrease in collagen production is hormonally determined, because. in the production of collagen key role play hormones thyroid gland, growth hormone, insulin.

From the age of 25, the skin loses 1% of collagen every year. After 60 years, the production of collagen and elastin almost completely stops. As a result of this, problems with joints, bones, eyes can arise, the skin becomes more and more wrinkled or loses its elasticity. It should be remembered that collagen is one of the main proteins in the human body, because. it is found in connective tissue (25% skin, muscles, tendons).

With age, due to the loss of collagen, wrinkles, noticeable flabbiness, thinning, dark and uneven textures appear on the skin, age spots. How to stop this process and increase collagen production in the skin? To do this, many experts advise using natural substances that will stimulate the natural production of collagen.

Natural stimulation of collagen and elastin production

Collagen and elastin are the building blocks of our skin. To support their production, it is necessary to conduct healthy lifestyle life, eat right, do not smoke. It is impossible to provide the skin with collagen from the outside, because. its molecules are too large and unable to penetrate the epidermal barrier. To stimulate the production of this protein, you should include plant foods in your diet: green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, asparagus, because. they contain lutein, which helps in building collagen fibers in the skin.

Increase your intake of amino acids. In this way, you can effectively increase collagen production. Lysine is one of the most important amino acids in food products rich in: red meat, pork, poultry, cheese, parmesan, cod, nuts, eggs, and soy. Proline (amino acid) found in egg whites and wheat germ.

In addition, you need to include beans and beets in your diet, which are a source of hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the elasticity and hydration of the skin. Beets also contain silicon, which has a positive effect on the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers.

Many dermatologists recommend eating foods rich in vitamin C to increase collagen production. It is best to eat apples, citrus fruits, black currants, peppers, broccoli. There are also a number of cosmetic procedures that can help natural production collagen in the skin. One such method is to heat the skin using infrared light or NIR. face lifting to stimulate the production of new collagen fibers. Another popular method is mesotherapy, which stimulates the regeneration, renewal and creation of new collagen fibers.

But remember that a healthy diet and proper care ha skin are a prerequisite for increasing the production of collagen and elastin.

Today, there are many different creams with collagen, nutritional supplements, which, according to the manufacturer, can improve skin condition. However, it must always be remembered that this protein does not penetrate the skin, and when applying such a cream, its molecules will remain on the surface.

In addition, there are various pills to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which, as a rule, do not work. Hence, nutritional supplements and creams are not an option. The only right solution is to stimulate the production of this protein by the body itself.

To stimulate the body to produce the building blocks of the skin, for example, functional keratin should be used. This material is a combination of proteins and peptides found in nature and the body. With age, natural keratin stores tend to decrease, which is one of the reasons for the appearance of signs of aging.

Cynergy TK- a substance that helps produce collagen, maintains moisture levels, thereby keeping the skin supple. Cynergy TK is also rich in copper and zinc. Studies show that this substance is suitable for skin care, because. it increases the moisture content of the skin and helps produce more collagen and elastin. As a result, wrinkles become less noticeable, the skin becomes smoother.

Coenzyme Q10 is an ideal substance for stimulating the production of collagen and elastin in the body. Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that is able to protect and activate skin cells, ie. restore her youth, elasticity, health.

If the skin is frequently exposed to UV radiation, this antioxidant Q10 is depleted in the body, which further leads to the destruction of collagen and elastin (signs of skin aging). Therefore, for skin care, you can use a cream containing coenzyme Q10 to keep it young and beautiful for as long as possible.

If you regularly use a skin care product that contains Cynergy TK or Coenzyme Q10, then the skin's ability to produce collagen and elastin is increased (these substances have been clinically tested).

Also include retinol, which is found in many skin care products. Retinol is an active derivative of vitamin A.

Natural Collagen Shake

Almost all experts believe that proper nutrition plays important role in maintaining healthy and youthful skin. Genes certainly influence, but there are people who look much younger in their 60s due to a balanced diet.

Some products contain compounds that stimulate the production of collagen, the main connective tissue protein responsible for skin firmness, water binding and hydration, regeneration and rejuvenation, among other things.

Such foods include: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, wheat germ, nuts, cinnamon, almonds, blueberries, cherries, oatmeal, green tea, cabbage, beets, garlic, lentils, olive oil, buckwheat, eggs, green leafy vegetables, cabbage. With the use of such products, you can prepare a "cocktail of youth."


  • ½ cup blueberries;
  • ½ cup strawberries;
  • ¼ cup almond milk;
  • 3 teaspoons ground walnuts or hazelnuts;
  • 2 teaspoons crushed pumpkin seeds;
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseed;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon.

All components must be combined, chopped in a blender. This cocktail should be taken in daytime. You can use rice milk instead of almond milk.

Do you want to arrange the production of collagen and elastin at home just like a girl's??!!!

This absolutely amazing process of rejuvenation and renewal of our skin will take only 5-10 minutes!!!

HOW TO ENHANCE THE EFFECT OF A MECHANICAL PEELING (SCRUB) and turn it into an amazing cosmetic procedure at home!

First, rub the skin with a scrub - gently, but be sure to redden.

What's happening?

We thoroughly cleanse the skin and injure it a little. And here to "save" our skin amazing MACROPHAGE cells are thrown from our vessels, which are responsible for the fight against foreign bacteria.

And here is the main thing!

Immediately after peeling, apply to the skin any fermented milk product with live bacteria (no sugar or other additives). There are few such bacteria - thermophilic streptococcus and sour milk bacillus - this is in any LIVE yogurt.

So this yogurt serves as a BAIT for our macrophage rescuers! They approach our skin even more, they devour the bacteria in yogurt and at the moment of "swallowing" these bacteria, our macrophages throw out GROWTH FACTORS!!! COLLAGEN AND ELASTIN Growth Factors!!!

This is an absolutely amazing process of rejuvenation and renewal of our skin!

Keep yogurt for 5-10 minutes and rinse.
Effect - instant (cleansing of the skin from dead cells) and prolonged (synthesis of collagen and elastin, which takes time).

That's it, I went to the supermarket for live yogurt!)))

PS. Ideally, make yogurt yogurts yourself on special starter cultures, such as "Narine". Then you will definitely be sure of its quality.

Connective tissue occurs first, and only then epithelialization occurs. Proper repair of connective tissue fibers reduces the likelihood of skin roughness and rough scarring after injury or diseases such as acne. Collagen forms small fibers distributed in mesh structures. The probability of formation of folds and wrinkles on the skin depends on the usefulness and density of collagen. Age-related changes in collagen lead to sagging skin. Age is not at all an indicator of the condition of the skin and there are some ways to add to its health. These methods are not an end in themselves and do not require any special actions, but fit into the actions of normal everyday life.

Step 1

Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. Water is very beneficial for your skin, which is the largest organ in your body. Water flushes out toxins from the skin and promotes the formation of collagen fibers. The fluid maintains skin turgor. But remember that with some diseases (heart, kidney, etc.), a large intake of fluid into the body is undesirable.

Step 2

Consume at least 10 mg of vitamin E per day, vitamin E is essential for collagen repair. It is included in the chain of processes of absorption and delivery of auxiliary nutrients, a building material necessary for the production of collagen. Vitamin rich in many vegetables, oils, seeds and nuts.

Step 3

Use creams that contain retinol and have a moisturizing effect after a shower or exfoliation. Retinol, or vitamin A, is responsible for the formation of collagen fibers. A Retinol Moisturizing Cream containing alpha hydroxy acids is especially helpful. The diet should also have a lot of vitamin A, it is found in carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin.

Step 4

Consume foods high in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, and dairy products. Vitamin C is an antioxidant essential for skin health and collagen production.

Step 5

Collagen-producing cells are responsive to copper-containing peptides. Therefore, products containing copper-rich serum are useful for the skin. The use of such serum increases the density of collagen. The consumption of copper-rich foods and supplements also contributes to this. There is a lot of copper in dark chocolate, cashews, oysters, sunflower seeds. Remember that copper is a heavy metal and its excess in the body can cause poisoning.

Step 6

You can inject collagen into problem areas. In addition to smoothing wrinkles, it is delivered directly to the skin construction material collagen. Treatment results are temporary and require monthly injections.

In addition:

Avoid creams that claim to contain collagen. Collagen cannot penetrate the skin, therefore, such creams are useless. It is better to eat more food containing cartilaginous tissue - thick broths from meat with a bone, jelly, etc.