What will save you from constipation during pregnancy. Causes of constipation in the early weeks of pregnancy. Some herbs enhance intestinal motility and are part of pharmacy laxatives and herbal preparations.

After learning about pregnancy, every woman experiences a lot of positive emotions: the first ultrasound, the first movement. But for 9 months of waiting for the long-awaited meeting with the baby, in addition to happy moments, the expectant mother will have to face various unpleasant surprises, one of which is constipation.

Difficulties with bowel movements occur in 70% of women in position. And most importantly, such an uncomfortable condition is dangerous for pregnant women and their babies, so it is important to take timely measures to eliminate it.

Symptoms and causes of constipation during pregnancy

The disease is characterized by slow, difficult or systematically insufficient bowel movements. Many pregnant women experience pain in the abdomen and pelvis during constipation, and blood streaks are observed in the feces during bowel movements. Also, symptoms of impaired bowel function are:

  • itching and burning after defecation in the anus;
  • bouts of nausea not associated with toxicosis;
  • flatulence ();
  • bitter taste in the mouth.

There can be several reasons for problematic bowel movements:

  1. Enlargement of the uterus. The baby grows, so the uterus begins to increase in size, and there is additional pressure on the intestines, as a result of which there is a difficult excretion of feces, accompanied by venous congestion. Very often, this phenomenon ends with the development of hemorrhoids.
  2. Violation of the hormonal background. During pregnancy, hormonal disruptions occur in a woman's body, which, due to an excess of progesterone, slow down the digestion process. The consequence of this condition is the deterioration of peristalsis and the occurrence of constipation.
  3. Iron and calcium deficiency. The lack of these micronutrients can cause stool retention. To eliminate this problem, doctors prescribe special vitamin preparations.
  4. Insufficient fluid in the body It can also cause problems with bowel movements.
  5. Low physical activity. Many women in position lead an inactive lifestyle, which often causes problems with bowel movements.
  6. Diseases of the anus(hemorrhoids, fissures) often cause constipation, as they impede the process of removing feces.
  7. Stress. During pregnancy, physiological changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. In addition, every woman in a position fearfully expects childbirth and the birth of a child. Fear, worries and nervousness negatively affect the frequency of bowel movements.

Constipation is a dangerous pathology that is accompanied by serious complications, so women who are expecting a baby should consult with their doctor to determine methods to eliminate this unpleasant problem.

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy: proper nutrition

To get rid of the problem, you need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. However, the first thing a doctor can recommend is an adjustment in the nutritious diet, since the foods consumed by a pregnant woman (however, like any other person) affect the process of digestion and defecation. That is why the expectant mother should include in her menu dishes and foods that contribute to normal bowel movement:

  • raw fruit and vegetable products;
  • vegetable oils;
  • dried fruits (especially prunes);
  • black bread;
  • cereals:, oatmeal, barley porridge;
  • fermented milk products (ryazhenka, kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese);
  • meat with a sufficient content of connective tissue.

In addition to healthy foods, pregnant women need to be aware of those that can provoke constipation. During pregnancy, you should reduce the amount or completely eliminate semolina, rice, cabbage, nuts, beans, sorrel, spinach, and white bread from the diet.

As for the drinking regimen, a woman in position should drink up to 2 liters of liquid throughout the day: water, natural juices and compotes, fermented milk drinks. However, if you have problems with swelling, then the amount of fluid you drink per day should be reduced.

But such drinks as strong tea and cocoa should be excluded from the diet, as they make the process of defecation much more difficult.

Medical solution to the problem

If nutritional adjustment does not bring the desired result, and the disease progresses, then medication is necessary. But I would immediately like to note that such therapy should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since self-treatment can have unpredictable consequences for both the pregnant woman and her baby. Only a doctor can determine whether medical treatment is needed at all, and will select the right remedy. In addition, most drugs have many contraindications and limitations.

Specialists often in such situations prescribe suppositories for constipation, which act locally. But during pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully use such medications, since they not only eliminate problematic fecal excretion, but can also tone the uterus, and this is already a threat of abortion. The safest for women in position are glycerin suppositories and papaverine. Their use helps soften feces and relax the intestines.

Vaseline oil, which is used for topical treatment, also helps to cope with constipation. However, it is not recommended to use it for a long period of time, since the agent has the ability to accumulate in organs and disrupt vitamin absorption.

Tablet preparations (Mukofalk, Firelex and the like) also help to eliminate an unpleasant problem, but we recall once again that it is forbidden to use such drugs during pregnancy without a doctor's prescription.

Folk remedies for constipation

Traditional medicine is famous for many recipes for constipation, but at the same time, not all recipes can be used during pregnancy. For example, it is forbidden for women in position to use herbal decoctions of senna, buckthorn, rhubarb and joster fruits.

Future mothers can prepare a healing remedy from honey and dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Mix 100 grams of twisted dry fruits and two tablespoons of bee product. The resulting mixture should be consumed at night, two teaspoons.

The following decoction recipe also effectively relieves constipation and improves peristalsis. Mix in equal proportions (100 g each) prunes, oatmeal and beets and pour two liters of water. Then put the pot with the contents on the fire and simmer over low heat for an hour. The cooled and filtered broth should be stored in the refrigerator and taken in a glass before bedtime.

Prevention of constipation during pregnancy

Preventive measures are protection for the health of a woman in position and a little man under her heart. Compliance with the following recommendations will help prevent the appearance of an unpleasant and dangerous problem:

  1. Eat right.
  2. Eliminate from your nutritious diet foods that can adversely affect the digestive system.
  3. Observe the drinking regime.
  4. Lead (as far as possible) an active and mobile lifestyle.
  5. Avoid stressful situations and try not to be nervous.

Constipation usually means incomplete emptying of the intestine from feces, or the absence of this phenomenon for at least a few days. In most girls in position, constipation is accompanied by pain in the abdomen on the left side, as well as a pulling feeling in the pelvic area. In some cases, the removed feces may be streaked with blood, and after the defecation process, the woman experiences a burning sensation in the rectal area and severe itching of the anal sphincter. In addition, the patient is often worried about non-toxic nausea, rumbling in the stomach, bloating and bitterness on the taste buds.


There can be several reasons for constipation in a pregnant woman:

  • Enlarged uterus. The uterus, under the influence of fetal growth, stretches, increases in size and begins to put pressure on the intestines, which worsens the process of excretion of feces, provokes venous stasis, and ultimately can lead to hemorrhoids.
  • Hormonal background. During pregnancy, women experience a serious hormonal shift that slows down the digestive processes in the body due to excess progesterone. Thus, peristalsis also deteriorates.
  • Autoimmune and allergic processes. The aforementioned systemic processes in the body play their role in stool retention.
  • Stress. Pregnancy is not only the joy of motherhood, but also the strongest stress, which can cause problems with bowel movements.

What to do? Treatment

Just to endure this condition is not only very difficult, but also harmful - it is urgently needed to be treated!

Remedies for constipation during pregnancy

It is advisable to give preference to natural remedies and only in case of emergency, use medications.

In no case do not use classic laxatives, especially those based on sena - they provoke the development of malformations in the fetus. Ordinary enemas only cleanse the intestines, but also activate the muscular activity of the uterus, bringing it into tone, which in turn can provoke a miscarriage. Also, folk remedies such as joster, buckthorn, rhubarb, commonly used to facilitate the process of defecation, can harm the mother and unborn child. So what to do?

There are several relatively safe remedies that can be used by the fair sex in an interesting position.


In this case, it would be appropriate to use a small syringe, while only ordinary clean water should be injected into the anal passage without the addition of other means. It is worth remembering that such a procedure can only be used once, since the enema washes away beneficial substances from the body and destroys the positive microflora, which leads to dysbacteriosis.


Laxatives Firelex, Mucofalk and others that gently increase peristalsis. Such drugs contain enzymes and fatty acids that have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract of a pregnant woman. The effect of them does not come immediately, but after some time has passed - as a rule, it is 5-7 days.

Osmotic drugs

This type of drug softens the stool and facilitates the process of defecation without additional muscle stimulation. These types of medicines include Forlax, magnesium sulfate, Tranzipeg, Karlovy Vary salt. You can use them from the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy.

Probiotics with laxative effect

Dufalac, a laxative with a probiotic effect, is considered quite effective and safe for a pregnant woman. It not only helps to quickly free the intestines from feces, but also reduces the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines, replacing it with beneficial lacto- and bifidus-microorganisms.

Vaseline oil

The use of vaseline oil at the local level (in the anus and at its contours) will help get rid of severe constipation, although it is not recommended to use it for a long period of time, since the active component disrupts the absorption of vitamins and can accumulate in organs.

Candles for constipation

Candles are a convenient and functional anti-constipation remedy that works locally. However, in case of pregnancy, it is necessary to use these drugs with caution: many of them can activate not only peristalsis, but also uterine contractions, and this is already a threat of miscarriage. Of the relatively safe means for pregnant women, we can recommend classic glycerin suppositories without additives and papaverine - the first helps soften feces and remove them, and the second relaxes the intestinal walls, reducing the resistance to defecation.

Healthy foods

Do not use if pregnant with constipation rice, semolina, white bread, nuts in any form. In addition, it is undesirable to include strongly strong tea, hard cheese, bran, legumes, currants and strawberries in the diet.

The optimal foods to help relax the intestines and facilitate the process of bowel movements:

  • Black bread and its derivatives;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Muesli and buckwheat;
  • Fruits, vegetables and herbs, fresh or boiled (for example,);
  • Sour-milk products (except hard cheese);
  • Barley and millet;
  • Decoctions with gooseberries, fennel;
  • Cellulose;
  • Dried fruits (and so forth);
  • Cold water on an empty stomach.


It is better to prevent a problem than to deal with its manifestations later! Prevention of constipation in a pregnant woman is an important element in protecting the health of the future mother and baby.

Diet food

Proper nutrition during pregnancy will help solve a number of problems. Be sure to include vegetables in your diet, preferably steamed or boiled. Consume liquid meals daily in the form of simple soups and borscht. Do not forget about the liquid, though if you have problems with swelling (and they are present in a number of ladies in an interesting position), then you should rationally approach consumption by regulating the amount of water entering the body.

Do not get carried away with fatty broths, fried foods - it is better to replace them with sour-milk and vegetable foods rich in fiber. An excellent laxative is oatmeal with prunes, as well as other dried fruits.


Literally every pregnant woman faces a difficult dilemma - you consume a lot of fluid, and edema appears, and little - constipation begins. We recommend leaving the usual daily volume of water intake, but at the same time limiting the use of salt, if possible, completely eliminating it from the diet, because it is it that delays the withdrawal of water and predetermines the development of edema, especially in the last stages of pregnancy.

Active life

Move more and more often, do not stay on the couch for days, because movement is life! Walk in the fresh air, solve household chores, go to work, go shopping if possible, just don't overburden yourself with huge bags of groceries.

Alternative therapy

Alternative therapy is an excellent prophylactic against constipation in pregnant women! Drink teas with mallow and dandelion extracts, organize aromatherapy sessions, take bubble baths, go for acupuncture massages that are not contraindicated for women in position. Use safe homeopathy and consume approved vitamin and mineral supplements, if you have a tendency to anemia, take up special therapeutic yoga for pregnant women.

Useful video

One of the typical problems that pregnant women face is difficulty with bowel movements (in other words, constipation).


  • During pregnancy, especially in the second half, the intestines are compressed by the enlarging uterus. This leads to a violation of the outflow of blood and the occurrence of venous stasis in the vessels of the small pelvis. As a result, hemorrhoids can develop - an expansion of the veins of the rectum and, as a result, constipation.
  • The human body produces special substances that stimulate intestinal contractions. During pregnancy, the susceptibility of the intestinal musculature to such stimulants is significantly reduced. Nature "disposed" very reasonably - after all, the intestines and the uterus have a common innervation, so any excessive activation of intestinal motility can stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus, causing a threat of abortion. Unfortunately, this positive defensive reaction also has undesirable consequences - constipation in pregnant women.
  • The development of constipation is facilitated by hormonal changes that occur in pregnant women. In particular, the digestive process slows down under the influence of the pregnancy hormone, progesterone.
  • It is no secret that pregnant women are often emotionally unstable, stressed, and suffer from unreasonable fears. Modern medicine has come to the conclusion that constipation in general and - in particular - constipation in pregnant women are often caused by stress and other psychological factors. Women after childbirth are less likely to suffer from constipation - perhaps because their psycho-emotional state after delivery quickly and significantly improves.
  • Allergic, autoimmune processes also play a certain role in the development of constipation.

Pregnancy and constipation. How do constipations manifest?

Constipation is the absence of a bowel movement for three days or more. In pregnant women, constipation may be accompanied by a feeling of incomplete release, pain in the abdomen (often in the left half). With hemorrhoids, streaks of blood may be present in the stool. Some women, along with abdominal pain, feel a burning sensation in the rectum and itching in the anus. With constipation, nausea, bitterness in the mouth, bloating, rumbling in the stomach can also disturb.


Diet helps to cope with constipation. The intestines should receive as much fiber as possible. It is not digested, but only swells, increasing the volume of feces and promoting bowel movements. Therefore, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, apples, as well as wholemeal bread and dried fruits should be included in the diet. Often, fermented milk products give a good laxative effect: kefir, curdled milk, as well as kvass, sour cabbage soup. Vegetable fats are useful: when split, they form fatty acids that stimulate peristalsis.

Prunes are best used as an infusion: pour 100 g of fruits with two cups of boiling water, add a little sugar, cover with a lid and leave for 10-12 hours. It is better to do it in the evening. The next day, they drink half a glass of infusion before meals, and eat plums. Another remedy for constipation is to drink a glass of cold water on an empty stomach. You can add a spoonful of honey to it.

You should not get carried away with strong tea, black coffee, cocoa, chocolate, white bread, flour and slimy soups, semolina, blueberries. All these products, as well as dry food, have a fixing effect.

With severe bloating, it is allowed to take infusions of chamomile flowers, mint leaves, caraway seeds, dill, and carbolen (activated charcoal). But only in the amounts recommended by the doctor.

You should also try not to stand for a long time, not to lift weights, to do gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. By the way, exercise will help increase intestinal motility.

How not to treat constipation during pregnancy?

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment (novocaine electrophoresis, inductothermy, electrical stimulation, diadynamic currents, sinusoidal modulated currents), often used for constipation, are contraindicated for pregnant women: there is a great danger of stimulating the contractile activity of the uterus, sensitizing the body (i.e. increasing its sensitivity to various stimuli), adverse effects on the fetus.

It is undesirable to take laxatives because of the possible termination of pregnancy. Especially with constipation in early pregnancy, if there is a threat of miscarriage. This applies not only to such potent drugs as magnesium sulfate, Karlovy Vary salt, castor oil, but also to weaker ones - buckthorn bark, rhubarb, joster fruits, senna leaves. Cafeol, besacodyl drugs cause cramping pain in the abdomen, frequent loose stools. Therefore, it is better to avoid laxatives, limiting yourself to foods rich in fiber.

Pregnancy is at risk for the development of constipation, as well as other diseases. More than 50% of women experience a violation of regular stool during the period of bearing children. Discomfort, a feeling of fullness and pain in the abdomen may not be the most unpleasant consequences of constipation. In severe cases, a systematic long-term absence of bowel movements ends in the development of serious complications for the mother and her unborn baby.

What to do with constipation during pregnancy? First of all, one should not try to ignore this delicate problem and hope that it will resolve itself. Treatment of violations of regular stool during pregnancy can present certain difficulties, since the choice of drugs approved for use by women during this period is limited. In most cases, such a problem in a pregnant woman can be solved with the help of changes in diet and lifestyle.

Treatment of constipation in pregnant women

Constipation during pregnancy is one of the problems requiring medical attention. Compliance with a special diet and diet is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract as a whole. It is with this that treatment in pregnant women begins. In the absence of contraindications, an increase in the woman's motor activity is also recommended. The use of laxative drugs is one of the last resorts in the treatment of constipation in pregnant women, but in some cases it is really necessary.


Treatment of the problem of constipation during pregnancy is carried out in a complex manner and begins with the implementation of dietary recommendations. Nutrition that promotes normal bowel function is indicated not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of constipation in women during pregnancy.

The diet of a pregnant woman should contain a lot of foods rich in coarse vegetable fiber. A feature of this food component is that it is not digested under the action of gastrointestinal enzymes and contributes to the formation of soft and loose feces due to swelling upon contact with water. All this speeds up and facilitates bowel movements.

Fiber-rich foods for constipation during pregnancy include:

  • vegetables tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, pumpkin, eggplant, peppers, beets, carrots, potatoes;
  • fruit apples, dried fruits, plums, apricots, grapes, peaches;
  • berries - currants, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, gooseberries;
  • cereals and legumes - beans, oats, buckwheat, peas, corn, barley;
  • bran, black bread and wholemeal bread.

Nutrition for pregnant women with constipation should be fractional. You need to eat every 3 hours, but in small portions. You can not allow the state of hunger or overeating. Meat and vegetables should be coarsely chopped and not overcooked, which will further stimulate the intestines. Vegetables and fruits are preferable to eat raw than thermally processed. Also, the diet of a pregnant woman must necessarily include first courses.

What else can you do with constipation in pregnancy? Fermented milk products, especially kefir and yogurt, which contain bifidobacteria, have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines. For the normal functioning of the intestines, a sufficient amount of vegetable fats is necessary, from which fatty acids are formed in the body that stimulate peristalsis.

  • coffee, chocolate, strong black tea;
  • white bread and rich bakery products;
  • fatty foods;
  • rice and semolina porridge;
  • slimy soups.

If a woman suffers from increased gas formation in the intestines and flatulence, then she should exclude beans, cabbage, spinach and sorrel from her diet.

Of great importance for the work of the intestine is the correct drinking regimen. In the absence of restrictions due to a tendency to edema, high blood pressure and kidney disease, a total of at least one and a half liters of fluid should enter the body of a pregnant woman per day.

Important: In addition to diet, you can activate the work of the intestines with the help of exercise. Swimming, walking and daily exercise in the absence of contraindications will help a pregnant woman solve the problem of irregular stools.


Treatment of constipation during pregnancy with the help of laxatives is used if the correction of nutrition and lifestyle has not brought the desired results. Given that most drugs have serious side effects, including embryotoxicity and teratogenicity, only a doctor should prescribe them after balancing the benefits of their use and possible risks to the fetus.

The mechanism of action of many constipation tablets is to increase intestinal motility. However, in pregnant women, their intake also causes an increase in the tone of the uterus and enhances its contractility, which is fraught, depending on the timing of pregnancy, with premature birth or miscarriage.

How then to treat constipation during pregnancy? There are some products for rectal and oral use that are safe for the health of the expectant mother and baby. These include:

  • Rectal suppositories with glycerin. They have a weak irritating effect on the receptors of the rectum and at the same time do not affect the tone of the uterus;
  • Preparations for internal use based on lactulose. They are not absorbed into the blood, retain water in the intestines, which increases the volume of feces, softens them and stimulates intestinal motility and evacuation function. In addition, the intake of these funds contributes to the normalization of the intestinal microflora. These drugs include Prelax;
  • Microclysters (Microlax). Characterized by the rapid onset of a laxative effect;
  • . When ingested, it is evenly distributed over the surface of the intestine, helps to soften the consistency of stool and facilitate their promotion.

Duphalac is an effective remedy for the treatment of constipation, which is not addictive with prolonged use.

Important: In some pregnant women, constipation is the result of psychological causes. In this case, the help of a psychotherapist may be needed to solve the problem.

Folk remedies

There are many popular recipes for constipation. However, while carrying a baby, they must be used with caution and after consulting a doctor, since many plants can have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy and pose a threat to the health of the fetus.

An effective remedy is a decoction of prunes for constipation during pregnancy. It is prepared in the following way:

  1. Rinse 100 g of prunes, beets and oatmeal flakes, mix thoroughly, place in a large saucepan and pour two liters of water.
  2. Boil the resulting mixture over low heat for one hour.
  3. Cool the broth, strain and refrigerate for storage.
  4. For the treatment of constipation at night, you need to drink 1 glass of this decoction.

Another recipe based on prunes for the treatment of constipation:

  1. Prepare 100 g of prunes, raisins and dried apricots, washing them with water.
  2. Prepared dried fruits are crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder.
  3. In the mixture obtained after grinding, add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and mix thoroughly.
  4. To restore normal bowel function at night, take two teaspoons of the resulting remedy with warm water.

Prunes help to cope with constipation during pregnancy

You can also prepare an infusion of prunes. To do this, 125 g of dried plums are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, sugar is added if desired, covered with a lid and left to infuse for about 12 hours. Before eating each time take 100 ml of infusion. Dried fruits obtained after draining the infusion are eaten.

An effective and absolutely safe remedy for constipation is a glass of cold water. It must be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach every day. Cold water irritates the intestinal walls and increases peristalsis.

Important: Treatment with folk recipes containing senna grass, joster fruits or buckthorn bark is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, as they can have a teratogenic effect.

Intestinal disorders in pregnant women are a fairly common and dangerous phenomenon for the body in this position. Constipation is incomplete and difficult emptying, which is systematic. If the delay in stool exceeds the interval of three days a week, the situation should be taken under control. Problems of this kind are found in most pregnant women. After childbirth, some of them have a normal bowel movement, but a certain percentage of women in labor continue to suffer from constipation as mothers.

Risk of constipation during pregnancy

Future mothers are often embarrassed to admit to such trouble, but everything can only become a temporary phenomenon if you find out the reasons and take action in time. Otherwise, constipation during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the future woman in labor, but also for the fetus, and the list of consequences for this is quite large.

  1. After consumption, the food is processed and should leave the body in about a day. In chronic constipation, these norms can be exceeded up to 120 hours, this leads to the accumulation of toxins that affect the functioning of all organs. Thus, the organism is poisoned.
  2. Bitterness is felt in the mouth, and a feeling of heaviness appears in the stomach.
  3. Sleep is disturbed, efficiency decreases. Regular headaches occur.
  4. The body has to fight hard with accumulated toxic substances, which leads to a decrease in immunity, and therefore susceptibility to various diseases.
  5. Constipation is the first step to the appearance of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.
  6. And, perhaps, the worst thing is the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

The first symptoms of constipation:

  • there is pain in the abdomen;
  • during defecation, discomfort occurs, and feces become dry and hard;
  • possible rectal bleeding as a result of problems with bowel movements;
  • defecation occurs less frequently than every four days.

Any of these symptoms should alert the future woman in labor, and if a problem arises, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Causes of constipation in expectant mothers

Pregnant women suffer from constipation much more often than other categories of people. The enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy is a natural physiological process, but it puts pressure on the intestines and makes it difficult for normal digestion.

If the problem occurs in the early stages with an insufficiently large uterus, most likely the cause of difficult stool lies in the hormonal changes of the pregnant woman. This refers to an increase in progesterone (hormone), which brings the smooth muscles of the intestine into a relaxed state and prevents the free passage of food through it. It is impossible to influence this process, since it does not depend on nutrition and lifestyle.

In addition, reduced physical activity, psycho-emotional instability, fears and worries, often unfounded, contribute to constipation, and stress resistance decreases in women in anticipation of a child.

Pregnancy is the period when it is necessary to revise the diet. It is not easy to decide on this when you are constantly drawn to tasty, but forbidden. Try to remember about the unborn child and that the restrictions are temporary. You should reduce the consumption of sweets, rich products, smoked meats, spices and spices. Promotes constipation and abuse of chocolate, coffee, tea. Fiber deficiency in the diet of expectant mothers plays an important role in problems with stool.

Taking medications for women expecting a baby should be excluded or limited as much as possible. This also applies to antidepressants, sleeping pills, and diuretics.

There are relatively safe bowel movements that pregnant women can use.

Laxative drugs
These include "Mukofalk", "Fiberleks" and some other similar mild action. They contain fatty acids and enzymes that have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The only drawback is that the effect occurs in about a week.

In this case, use a small syringe filled with clean water without additional additives. Just remember that this method cannot be a system, a one-time use is allowed, since useful substances are washed out of the body and the microflora is destroyed.

Laxative suppositories
This is a convenient remedy for ordinary people, and pregnant women should use it with caution. The safest are glycerin suppositories and papaverine. This classic version softens stagnant feces and reduces the resistance to defecation.

Laxatives include Duphalac, which has a probiotic effect. It contributes to the rapid release of the intestine and reduces the development of pathogenic microflora in it.

Recipes for the daily fight against constipation

On the basis of dried fruits, you can prepare mixtures not just as a salvation from an ailment, but also as a delicious, healthy dessert with the presence of vitamins. These tools are the perfect solution to the problem. These include dried apricots and prunes, figs, as well as carrots and beets. Fermented milk products will also solve the problem, the main thing is that from the date of their manufacture to the moment of admission, the period does not exceed three days. And it is better to exclude milk, as a product that promotes fermentation.

And other foods rich in fiber should be included in the daily diet of a pregnant woman.

The process of digestion slows down with insufficient water intake, and as a result, the work of the intestines is complicated, and defecation becomes less and less frequent.

An even simpler remedy is to start a new day with a glass of warm water with the addition of honey and lemon juice. Drinking on an empty stomach regulates metabolism and normalizes the digestive tract.

Feasible physical activity after consultation with a doctor will be another method for regulating stool. Light walking, morning exercises, going to the pool will help the intestines work and will affect the improvement of well-being.

Folk ways to solve the problem with constipation

Based on natural products, it is quite simple to prepare a laxative at home.

  1. A mixture of oatmeal, beets and prunes in equal proportions (take 300 g each), pour 2 liters of water, boil and keep on low heat for one hour. Cooled and filtered broth take a glass at night.
  2. Grind 100 g of prunes, dried apricots and raisins, add 2 tablespoons of honey. Eat 2 teaspoons before going to bed with warm water.
  3. Crush plantain seeds and 1 tbsp. l pour 100 ml of boiling water. After insisting a couple of hours, you can take it twice a day on an empty stomach.

Prohibited methods to solve the problem

It is not enough to recommend ways to deal with difficult stools without warning against unacceptable methods. You can not independently prescribe laxatives for yourself, especially such as buckthorn or senna. They can negatively affect the development of the fetus and contribute to miscarriage.

The use of an enema in general can cause premature labor. This classic remedy is permissible when the probability of the birth of a premature baby has passed, that is, in the prenatal period.

Oil laxatives, for example, vaseline oil and castor oil, belong to the mild category, but are not recommended due to their high fat content, and this is an additional burden on the liver, digestive tract, and pancreas.

The doctor who controls the course of pregnancy, in each case, will more competently select a method with a mild laxative effect to overcome constipation, which will be safe for the unborn child.

It is impossible to offer a universal remedy for dealing with difficult stools. Sometimes a pregnant woman herself, knowing the individuality of her body, in conjunction with the doctor's recommendations, can develop a treatment regimen. The main thing is to discard constraint and quickly respond to a malfunction in the intestines.

Video: how to help yourself with constipation