When is the best time to clean up for well-being

Therefore, the question is often asked whether it is possible to clean on such a day, whether housework would not be a sin.

A detailed answer to it, as well as a commentary by the clergyman, are given below.

Is it possible to clean an apartment on Good Friday: arguments against

Good Friday comes on the eve of Easter. This year it is April 26, 2019. And, as usual, several questions arise at once. One of them is related to whether it is possible to work around the house at all, to clean up (not only on Good Friday, but also on a quiet Saturday).

Looking ahead, we can say that the church does not give any categorical prohibitions. But on the other hand, if possible, it is better to do all the household chores in advance.

There are several arguments in favor of this position:

  1. First of all, both Good Friday and Great (quiet) Saturday on the eve bright resurrection These are sad, tragic days. After all, it was at this time that the Savior was crucified on the cross and died. His body lay in the tomb until sunday when the great miracle happened. That's why believers try to give Special attention God to share the suffering of Christ.
  2. In addition, these days there are special memorial services in all the churches of the country. For example, on Friday, after dinner (about 15 o'clock), they take out, which symbolizes the body of the deceased Lord. Therefore, the Orthodox tend to go to the service without fail, even if they have to take time off from work. By the way, on Holy Week in many countries (Great Britain, Australia, Italy, etc.), Friday, Saturday, Easter itself and even Monday are days off.
  3. Finally, Friday and Saturday are the strictest days of Lent, when in fact only bread and water are allowed. And before the removal of the shroud, one should not take any food at all, even drink water. It is clear that such strict restrictions weaken the body, so the forces for cleaning may simply not be enough.

Thus, the atmosphere of Good Friday gives a general idea of ​​whether it is possible to clean the apartment on such a day, do household chores, and even more so go to parties, have fun. Of course, if possible it is better to refrain from all the hassle, routine affairs. Not only do they take up quite a lot of time, but they also distract the believer from spiritual reflection, prayer, Bible reading, and church attendance.

It is clear that if you start cleaning at home, you will hardly be able to feel the atmosphere of this day. And can you be sure that there will be enough time for more important activities? Usually, after all, it happens that a person takes on one thing, remembers another, and then he himself does not notice how the cleaning took a good 2-3 hours.

That is why it is undesirable to clean the house on Good Friday, and if you can do it at another time, it is better to do so.

Is it possible to do cleaning on Good Friday: arguments "for"

Of course, there are also arguments "for". The only exceptions are those cases when cleaning is simply necessary, and it is not possible to schedule it for another day. Yes, and forced situations arise when you don’t think about them.

What to do if, for example, a child spilled soup on the carpet? Or the glass fell and broke? Of course, it is impossible to leave dirt, fragments, food waste.

Therefore, if the matter is urgent, you can clean up the house on Good Friday. After all, one can hardly blame a person for being in an unforeseen situation.

Of course, we must do our best to last days before Easter in silence and service to the Lord. But if circumstances require our participation, then we need to take up the correction of the situation without hesitation.

Is it possible to clean the house on Good Friday: the opinion of the church

If there is any doubt, you can always consult a priest. Church representatives, answering the question of whether it is possible to clean an apartment on Good Friday, usually say that there is no sin in this. But it is better to refrain from the usual activities, moving them to another day.

And it is absolutely unacceptable to engage in routine on a quiet Saturday, when all believers mourn for the dead Lord. And most importantly, household duties should not prevent a person from coming to the temple, saying a prayer and tuning in to fast attack Happy Easter.

Thus, there is no categorical ban on cleaning the house. But it is obvious that both Friday and are special days. All believers are waiting for a great miracle - the resurrection of Christ. And in these mournful hours, the Orthodox remember his sufferings (passions) and earthly death.

That's why best solution- plan your time so that you can do everything homework and tidy up on other days. And if there are any doubts about this, you can always consult with a spiritual mature man or with a priest.

Even though we live in modern world, in which much can be explained in terms of science, many people will continue to believe in various superstitions. Returning home from work, we do not sit in our favorite chair in front of the TV, but start doing household chores. Most likely, many have heard that you can not clean up after or take out the trash. But what if, for example, a child left traces of dirt on the floor tiles? Can floors be washed at night? We propose to understand.

What did our ancestors think about it?

The older generation certainly knows whether it is possible to wash the floors in the evening. From time immemorial, people believed that doing such chores after sunset was a bad omen. It was believed that with the onset of darkness activated devilry who seeks to apply their knowledge. Witches began to conjure, inflict damage and evil eye on people. And the one who decided to wash the floors, unconsciously filmed energy protection your home.

In the dwelling of such a hostess, evil spirits or negative energy which will bring quarrels, illnesses, disappointment and poverty. As a rule, in houses where the owners did not know whether it was possible to wash the floors in the evening, the children grew up ill-mannered and naughty, had serious problems with health.

In a room where people live, any object, even garbage, contains a certain part of the energy, releasing it only in the morning. As a folk sign says, washing floors in the evening is washing out positive emotions.

Taboo on wet cleaning before a long journey

In addition to the above signs, our ancestors believed that it was impossible to wash the floors if one of your relatives was going on the road. Cleaning is left until the person reaches their destination. Since earlier it was not possible to call and inform about your arrival, and you had to travel for a long time, the floors were not washed for three days after departure.

Who came to the house

Among Slavic peoples there is a belief that you can neither wash the floors nor sweep them until the people who were visiting the owner come to their homes. It is believed that in this way you can call trouble on guests. Sweeping debris will cling to them and will certainly bring a lot of trouble.

You can wash floors and sweep in the evening only if you have been uninvited guests, people you dislike. Sweeping after such a visit, you get rid of the energy left by them. Typically, after this a simple ritual- the effect is amazing. These people will never return to your home.

Taboo by day of the week

Our ancestors strictly followed the signs and knew whether it was possible to wash the floors in the evening. There are days on which you can not do wet cleaning day or night. For example, it is strictly forbidden to wash the floors on Friday and Monday, as it is believed that on these days you can wash all the wealth, leave the family without a livelihood. On Sunday, it is also not recommended to wash the floor and do other household chores.

From the point of view of modern man

If you are skeptical about all kinds of superstitions and signs, you can try to find a logical answer to the question "Can I wash the floors in the evening?". If you are going to clean up after work, remember that your manipulations will lead to high humidity in a room where you will be resting very soon. You may feel uncomfortable in a room where the air is damp and cool.

You do not need to do this cleaning if you are going to use chemical detergents. You will not be able to completely wash them off the floor, and after some time the evaporation process will begin. Perhaps you will already be sleeping peacefully and will not feel anything at all. However, couples chemicals very dangerous not only for respiratory tract, but also for the whole human body, especially for children.

If you live in an apartment building, then your evening cleaning may not please the neighbors. No one will be happy with a vacuum cleaner, dishwasher or automatic machine turned on behind the wall, which can vibrate strongly, creating deaf and unpleasant sounds. Many people, while cleaning, prefer to listen to loud music that cheers them up. Your neighbors won't appreciate it either.

If you are familiar with this sign, then it is better to refrain from evening cleaning, leaving it in the morning. Also, do not take out the trash at night. Whether you get rid of favorable energy or not is unknown, but you can find unnecessary adventures. As a rule, not very adequate companies go around at night, which can provoke you into a verbal skirmish, a fight.

From the point of view of doctors

Professional psychotherapists have their own opinion about this sign and explain why you can’t wash the floors in the evening. According to unofficial statistics - women who do household chores after work, as a rule, are more likely to suffer from tantrums and nervous breakdowns. Doctors came to this conclusion after studying the statistics of visits to psychiatrists and psychologists.

Aesculapius recommend not to do evening cleaning for those women who work. Why it is impossible to wash the floors in the evening - doctors explain that after a hard day the body must rest, and excessive loads lead only to excessive stress. Best time to do household chores - morning. It is better to sacrifice a few minutes of your sleep and get up early so that there is time to mop the floors and take out the trash. If you change your habits and refuse to clean the house in the evening, then you will often be in a good mood, less likely to break loose on your spouse and children. In your family there is a place for harmony and mutual understanding.

Each housewife strives to make her home attractive, keep it clean and tidy, but ... Not all of us know that cleaning done on the wrong day can deprive us of prosperity, and vice versa, sweeping the floor at the “right” time will contribute to well-being.

So, in order to sweep away negativity, illness and negative energy, it is recommended to sweep the whole house with a broom on the waning moon.

At the same time, sweep all the garbage to the very threshold. The threshold is traditionally considered the boundary between two worlds. Collect all the garbage in a scoop, throw it out of the scoop into a bag and immediately cross the threshold of your house with it, saying: “Garbage to garbage, good to good. I don’t need someone else’s evil, I send it to where it came from. ” Take the garbage out into the street with a broom and throw it away. Go home without looking back.

In the event that you want to not only clean up your house, but also attract prosperity, follow the advice of our ancestors regarding which days to clean.

On Monday, revenge is impossible - you can lose money.

On Tuesday of revenge - to find money. On this day, thanks to cleaning, you can most often find last year's stash or lost money.

On Wednesday cleaning - trade will go smartly. It is believed that by sweeping the floor on this day, you can bring good luck in business.

On Thursday, the lack of money is swept away. To do this, open all windows and doors when cleaning.

Sweep on Friday - lose money.

On Saturday, wave a broom - call for money.

On Sunday of revenge - to rake problems. Sunday is a day strictly not intended for cleaning.

It is also worth remembering a number of beliefs that were passed down to us by our ancestors, who believed in the awakening of dark forces and evil spirits in dark time. It was also believed that witches perform their rituals at night, collecting material for them (hair, thread, etc. from the clothes of the victims)

So, what should not be done in the evening if you do not want to invite trouble:

Don't clean the house. There is a sign that cleaning at night could bring poverty to the inhabitants of the house. Washing floors or sweeping in the evening means washing wealth out of the house, especially on Monday, Friday and Sunday.

Don't take out the trash. This sign has two explanations. Firstly, after sunset, an evil spirit comes out for a walk, which can pick up the things you threw away and use them in their dark rituals. And secondly, some of the things you threw away may be needed by your housekeeper, who will carefully sort the garbage left in the house at night.

Don't lend or borrow. Without exception, all evening manipulations related to money lead to losses and damages. Evening is the time when money "rests", so do not disturb it.

Do not give anything from your house in the evening, especially bread or salt. It is believed that along with this you give away your luck and well-being.

Conspiracy to protect the house.

Amulet on the threshold:

Carry, Lord, past my house
All enemies whom I know and whom I do not know,
Who do I expect and who do I expect.
My word is the first, the last word of the enemy.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The call not on church holidays goes back to the wording of the fourth commandment, which reads "... do six days, and do all your works in them, but the seventh day, Saturday, to the Lord your God." On the seventh day, it was supposed to do works of mercy, study the Word of God, visit temples - live a spiritual life, take care of your soul. Those dedicated to events from the Bible also fall into the same category.

In September, the Orthodox Church also commemorates the two Great Twelve.

So, on September 21, the Church celebrates the Mother of God. The holiday is called the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. This day was especially revered for, since it is believed that Rus' is one of the lot of the Mother of God.

September 27 is another red day church calendar, marked by fasting. On this day in all Orthodox churches divine services are held in honor of the Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. The history of the holiday goes back to the 4th century, when the Empress Helena (mother of the king of Constantinople Constantinople) found in Jerusalem the cross on which Christ was crucified. On September 27, in Constantinople, with a huge gathering of the people, the cross of the Savior was erected for worship by the faithful. On this day, the Church also commemorates the sufferings of Christ. That is why the Orthodox prescribes strict fasting on September 27th.

In addition to these main holidays, there are other church celebrations in September. For example, September 14th - the beginning church year(New Year), September 19 is the memory of the Archangel Michael (his miracle in Khonekh is remembered), and on September 30 the Church celebrates the day of memory of the martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

All dates church holidays specified in the new style

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In November, several major church holidays are celebrated, which are especially revered by the Russian people. Despite the fact that there are no twelfth holidays in this month, a believing Christian should be aware of special solemn days October Orthodox calendar.

One of the most revered images Holy Mother of God is God's Kazan. Otherwise, this image is called All-Russian. Celebrations in honor of the Mother of God of Kazan are celebrated on November 4th. The holiday was established in 1621 in memory of the deliverance of Russia from the invasion of the Polish conquerors. It is believed that the Mother of God especially helped the Russian soldiers and militia fighters, who prayed before her wonderful Kazan icon.

Another special church day is November 21st. This is the date of the celebration of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and all the heavenly armies. This day is dedicated to all angels. It is believed that this date is a personal holiday for each baptized, since the latter has his own.

On November 26, the memory of St. John Chrysostom is celebrated. This great saint lived in the 4th-5th centuries. John Chrysostom is known for his great sermons and holy life. He is the author of numerous theological and liturgical works. He composed the divine, wrote many prayers and morals to Christians.

In addition, on November 8, the martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica is remembered, on November 10 - Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

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January is a special month in the life of an Orthodox Christian. It is at this time that one of the greatest feasts of the Lord is celebrated in the Church. In addition to the Nativity of Christ and Baptism, there are other memorable dates V Orthodox calendar under January numbers.

One of the greatest holidays throughout the Christian Church, Christmas is celebrated in Russia on January 7th. Divine services are performed on the night of January 6th to 7th in every Orthodox church. The service has a special solemnity, the ruling bishop and patriarch are read to the faithful. The afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ in the Church is carried out right up to the beginning Epiphany Christmas Eve(January 18). The days of the afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ are popularly called Christmas time. The feast of the Nativity of Christ is the twelfth (he is one of the 12 major Christian celebrations).

On January 14, the Church celebrates another feast - the Circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Basil the Great. On the eighth day after the birth (in Hebrew), the baby Jesus was brought to the Temple in Jerusalem and committed over him. In this the Church sees that Christ not only brought new law love to people, but even during his lifetime he did not reject the old law.

Saint Basil the Great is known as a great teacher and hierarch of the Christian Church, who lived in the 4th century. Basil the Great wrote many prayers and is known as the author of theological and liturgical texts. He composed the order of a special liturgy named after him.

The second great twelfth in January is the Baptism of the Lord. It is celebrated on January 19th. On this day, believing Christians especially strive to go to churches to collect real holy baptismal water. The event of Christ's baptism is seen as the fulfillment by Jesus of the old law. In addition, the Savior, entering the waters of the Jordan, the watery nature and shows baptism to all those who recognize him as God. Otherwise, the feast of Baptism is called Theophany or Enlightenment.

In addition, there are others in January. So, the day after Christmas

Pure (Great) Thursday is the fourth day of Holy Week. exact date he doesn't, because Maundy Thursday depends on what date Easter is. In 2018 Maundy Thursday falls on April 5th. We offer to figure out what the essence of Pure Thursday is and how to spend it correctly.

1. What event is Maundy Thursday dedicated to?

On this day, the Orthodox remember the Last Supper, during which Jesus Christ established the main church sacrament- Participle. In addition, Christ washed the feet of the disciples, showing an example of humility and caring attitude towards loved ones.

2. What can not be done on Maundy Thursday?

  • You can't quarrel and quarrel.
  • Contrary to the established tradition, cleaning should not be done to the detriment of attending a church service.
  • You can't drink alcohol.
  • There is a popular belief that from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday, you should not leave dirty dishes and soaked linen.
  • There is also such a sign: on Pure Thursday you can’t give anything of value from home, as well as lend money. Thus, you allegedly give away your well-being.

3. What can you do on Maundy Thursday?

On April 5, it is advisable to attend a church service, confess and take communion. Thus, believers are preparing for Easter. On this day, there are no restrictions on work, trips to the cemetery, or the performance of church rites.

4. Why did the tradition of cleaning up on Maundy Thursday appear?

Most likely, this happened because of the custom to baptize people on the eve of Easter - on Holy Saturday. People cut their hair and bathed on Thursday so as not to be distracted by this for the next two days. Both washing and cutting used to be quite laborious. This was perceived as work, and it was not customary to work on a holiday.

5. Is it possible to cut hair on Maundy Thursday?

There is no ban on cutting hair on Maundy Thursday. Bring your appearance in order for Easter - good.

6. Is it possible to clean up on Maundy Thursday?

Yes, you can clean up on Maundy Thursday. The Church warns against making cleaning the main event of the day.

7. What time do you need to swim on Maundy Thursday?

The custom of having a haircut and bathing on Maundy Thursday came from those times when it was a laborious task. Therefore, bathing was considered a great work, and it is not worth working on a holiday. Today, taking a shower is a matter of five minutes, so it doesn’t matter what time a person does these procedures.

8. Is it possible to drink wine on Maundy Thursday?

You can’t drink wine on Maundy Thursday, because Holy Week- the time of strict fasting.

9. Signs associated with Maundy Thursday

There are many folk signs having pagan roots. For example, it was believed that if a girl cannot get married for a long time, on Maundy Thursday she needs to wash and dry herself with a towel, which, along with eggs and Easter cake, should be given as alms on Easter. In addition, sites on the Internet are filled with conspiracies and sentences, but Orthodox Church treats this very negatively and does not recommend such practices.