Treat problematic skin at home with face masks. Lotion of fresh rose petals for problem skin. Indications and contraindications

Skin prone to oiliness and excessive dryness(in other words, problematic) gives its owner the most trouble. A gray tint, persistent peeling, inflamed areas with acne, pimples, enlarged pores, comedones cannot be hidden under any cosmetics. But it's too early to despair. With proper and competent care at home, we are able to solve any problems with our face.

3 best mask bases

To defeat such a dermis, it is necessary to approach it comprehensively. Properly selected cosmetics, healthy food, regular masks for problematic skin faces at home are able to quickly return to a healthy look.

  • Cosmetic clay.
  • Natural honey.
  • Egg white.

These are the most effective components for the basis of care products. It is advisable to carry them out 2-3 times a week. An additional benefit in healing problem skin is played by vegetable and essential oils, which are included in almost all recipes.

Recipes with clay

Cosmetic clay is one of the best healing remedies for the treatment of the epidermis. Clay face masks for problematic skin perfectly cleanse it, absorbing all toxins, fats and cell waste. There is a complete destruction of bacteria, inflammation and acne go away.

  • blue

Effectively disinfects the skin, cleanses it and relieves inflammation. Masks with it well align the epidermis, improve metabolic processes, give fresh look skin and perfectly tone it.

IN blue clay(30 gr.) add lemon juice (5 ml), alcohol tincture of calendula (16 ml). Dilute the mixture with boiled water until thickened. Mask time 10 minutes.

  • Green

Its goal is polluted pores and oily sheen. It is from this that she relieves problematic skin. This clay has an excellent drying and tightening effect. Regulates water balance and improves blood circulation.

Mix clay powder (45 gr.) with hazelnut oil (15 ml) and still mineral water (5 ml). The session lasts 20 minutes.

  • White (kaolin)

It has an increased supply of trace elements. It is an excellent antiseptic and regenerating agent. From it are obtained perfect masks for problem skin with acne at home.

We make a mixture of clay powder (15 gr.), Cucumber juice (20 ml) and essential oil lemon (3 drops). Keep the mask for 12 minutes.

  • Red

It has a calming effect, copes well with redness, itching, heals minor damage to the epidermis. It is suitable for dry problematic skin.

In water (16 ml), dilute clay powder (15 g) and warm liquid honey (6 ml). Stand for a mass of 10 minutes and stir in geranium and chamomile ethers (5 drops each). Keep 10 minutes.

  • yellow

This species is considered rare. But you can find it for the sake of excellent saturation of the cells of the dermis with oxygen. Yellow clay masks for problem skin are very useful for oily, shiny dermis.

Add lemon juice (5 ml) and apple cider vinegar (7 ml) to yellow clay powder (16 gr.). We hold this remedy for a quarter of an hour.

  • Black

Perfectly tones and moisturizes the epidermis. It is excellent for dry, dehydrated skin. And oily will help to narrow pores and heal acne. This type of clay is considered the best for treating problematic dermis.

1. For oily skin . We make a mixture of clay powder (15 gr.), apple cider vinegar(5 ml), oils tea tree(2 drops). Dilute the mass with water until thick and apply. Hold for 10 minutes.

2. For dry dermis. Pour dry chamomile (20 gr.) With boiling water (100 ml) and leave for half an hour. Add clay powder (30 gr.) to the filtered broth.

Can be mixed different types clay, change recipes. Experiment and combine for greater effect.

Recipes with honey

For a healing effect on problem skin, it is best to take buckwheat, dark honey. If it is not liquid or candied enough, melt it in a water bath. This excellent composition natural remedy solves many problems of unhealthy epidermis. These masks are especially useful for problematic dry skin.

  • Cleansing and polishing the skin

mix coffee grounds(20 gr.) and honey (18 ml). Apply the mixture with massage movements, leave for a quarter of an hour.

  • For oily skin

We make a mixture of honey (18 ml), yeast (15 gr.), Whipped protein and olive oil (7 ml). The session is designed for 20 minutes.

  • For dry epidermis

Mix crushed into flour cereals(15 gr.) and honey (28 gr.). The procedure time is 20-25 minutes.

Attention! Honey is a strong allergen. If there is a reaction to this remedy, as well as with rosacea, it is better to refuse honey masks.

Protein Recipes

Protein masks are considered one of the easiest products to prepare. But they require careful preparation faces before the procedure. Be sure to clean it and warm it up with the help of steam healing baths (with the addition of medicinal herbs).

  • For oily skin

Add lemon juice (7 ml) and a pinch of soda to the whipped protein. Whisk again and apply immediately to the face. The tool is applied 3-4 times and lasts a quarter of an hour.

  • For dry epidermis

Mix honey (12 gr.), concentrated Aloe juice (16 ml) and oil grape seeds(5 ml). We also apply in 3-4 layers. Session time is 20 minutes.

  • Universal

Mash half a ripe banana and stir in olive oil(10 drops) and whipped protein. Instead of a banana, you can use the pulp of sea buckthorn, apricot, apple or cranberry. The session lasts 15-20 minutes.

Pimples, blackheads, rashes, constant inflammation on the face disturb many beautiful ladies. I want to get rid of the external barrier as soon as possible, which gets in the way when there is an important meeting, date or other outing.

In order for the face to respond with a pleasant blush and velvety, you need to take care of it regularly. To do this, you need to choose an individual solution, because what suits one type of skin can negatively affect another.

The concept of "problem skin" includes three main types: dry, oily and combination. For each type, a specific comprehensive care. The main assistants in the fight against skin problems are all kinds of face masks - cleansing, moisturizing, healing, nourishing.

Ready-made masks for problem skin

Cettua mask - perfect solution for problem skin

Masks for problem skin can be purchased at the pharmacy in ready-made or make your own at home. From ready-made masks of particular note is Cettua's best-selling tea tree oil product and Bark mask.

Cettua is suitable for problematic skin suffering from various kinds of rashes. Thanks to tea tree oil, proven to be an excellent antibacterial agent, Cettua not only quickly relieves inflammation and removes acne, but also prevents new ones from appearing. Massaging problem areas, gently treat the cleansed face with a mask and hold for 20-30 minutes. There is no need to rinse it off. The result is noticeable immediately after use - the pores are narrowed, the complexion becomes more even, and the skin is smoother.

mask with fruit acids The bark quickly tidies up problem skin prone to inflammation, acne and pimples. In addition, it perfectly improves elasticity, evens out complexion, prevents premature aging. Citric and lactic acid in the composition cleanse and tone the skin. Thanks to grape seed oil, small wrinkles are removed, the face acquires a healthy shade. In order to achieve desired effect, the product is recommended to be used no more than 2 times a week in courses of 15 procedures. Apply the product in a thin layer on a prepared and cleansed face, hold for no more than 8 minutes and rinse warm water.

However, finished products are not suitable for everyone, since intolerance to any component may appear at any time. That's why in the best possible way taking care of one's appearance is individual choice ingredients, available at home to each. Here are some available recipes masks for the care of dry, oily and mixed skin faces that can be prepared at home from existing products.

Cora brand remedy will fight back acne and inflammation

To choose the right product for oily skin type, it is necessary to eliminate the problems that contribute to increased secretion sebaceous glands. Most importantly, you need to exclude common factors - malnutrition and poor care. If we talk about external care, then first of all it is necessary to remove oily sheen, narrow pores and relieve inflammation.

Homemade masks for oily skin

The most popular components in the composition of masks for problematic facial skin prone to oily sheen are distinguished by the presence of skin-drying ingredients:

  • yeast;
  • sour berries and fruits;
  • clay;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • egg white.

One of the unique products for oily skin is a steaming mask:

  • oatmeal (about 1 tablespoon);
  • 1/2 spoon of soda;
  • some milk.

Oatmeal nourishes, moisturizes and cleanses the skin

Mix cereal and soda, add warm milk, dilute the mixture to a tender consistency. Massage with the resulting mass problem areas, do not wash off for 15-20 minutes. This remedy is especially effective for enlarged pores, acne, pimples and inflammation.

Clay and mud masksthe best helpers oily skin care.

To make a clay mask you will need:

  • 2 spoons of clay in powder form (you can take white or blue clay separately or mix them in equal proportions);
  • some water;
  • a few drops of hydrogen peroxide;
  • a few drops of tea tree oil.

Clay mixtures have an excellent drying effect.

Mix all ingredients until creamy. Treat the face, let the mixture soak in for about 30 minutes. Rinse your face.

The mud mask will soothe and saturate oily skin with beneficial trace elements. The mud of the Dead Sea or the mud of the Tambukan Lake has proven itself perfectly. Thanks to unique natural properties of these funds, acne is quickly dried and inflammation is removed. A mud mask can be made not only in the salon, but also at home. To do this, just buy the desired powder in a pharmacy and dilute it in water. Before using the mud, the face must be prepared - cleaned with a scrub and steamed over herbal bath. The mud remedy should be kept on the face for no longer than 20-30 minutes, rinsed with warm water. Before applying the mud mask, you need to treat small plot to test skin sensitivity.

For oily skin covered with acne, a yeast mask is perfect:

  • ½ pack of fresh yeast;
  • boiled water.

Mix a piece of yeast with water until a mushy state. The resulting mixture should not spread or be too thick. Apply the mask on your face and leave to soak for about 20 minutes. Remove the dried yeast in pieces, then rinse with water. It is useful to make such a mixture 1 time in 3-4 days until the pimples disappear.

Homemade masks for dry skin

Masks for problem skin with constant dryness, peeling should contain moisturizing or nourishing ingredients from the list:

  • oil (any cosmetic or olive);
  • high-fat dairy products;
  • juices of vegetables and non-acidic fruits, puree from them;
  • egg yolk.

Perfectly moisturize dry skin mask based on apple and milk:

  • one small apple;
  • a glass of milk.

Green apple with milk - ideal mask ingredients for dry skin

Peel the apple, cut it, boil it in milk, mash it with a spoon to a puree state, let it cool until comfortable temperature, treat the face with a mixture, hold for about 30 minutes. With dryness and peeling, you can also use fresh apples, grated. In this case, you can soften the sour apple juice with a spoonful of sour cream. In addition to the moisturizing effect, apple-based masks perfectly tone the skin and remove signs of fatigue.

Clay helps to take care of problem skin prone to dryness and irritation. For example, a cleansing mask made from red or black clay is ideal for hypersensitivity and peeling. It is enough just to buy powdered clay at the pharmacy desired color and dilute it in water to a mushy state. You can keep this remedy for 20-30 minutes. Rinse your face with water and enjoy the result.

In the cool season, dry and sensitive skin lack of nutrition and vitamins. In this case, a nutritional supplement would be an excellent solution. vitamin mask for problem skin with persimmon:

  • 1 spoon of persimmon pulp;
  • 1 spoon of butter;
  • 1 yolk;
  • ½ spoon of honey.

Persimmon nourishes and saturates the skin with vitamins

Mix all the ingredients until smooth, treat the face with the resulting mixture, do not rinse for 15-20 minutes. Persimmon has good protective properties, which is especially important when adverse conditions outside the window.

Homemade masks for mixed skin types

Mixed facial skin is especially capricious, so choose a mask for effective care it's not so easy for her.

A nourishing mask for combination skin is easily prepared from berries and cottage cheese:

  • a few strawberries or raspberries;
  • 1 spoon of cottage cheese.

Mash the berries with a spoon and mix with cottage cheese until puree. Apply the mixture to the face, except for the area of ​​the lips and eyes, do not rinse for 15-20 minutes. Thanks to berry juice, the face will be saturated with vitamins and get rid of oily sheen, and cottage cheese will perfectly moisturize dry areas.

Well tones and restores the protective functions of combination skin moisturizing mixture based on apple and honey:

  • 1 apple;
  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 1 spoon of oatmeal.

Finely grate the apple, mix with floured oatmeal and honey. An apple saturates the face with vitamins, flour dries out fatty areas, and honey tones and gives a healthy look.

To give combination skin firmness and elasticity, you can use a soothing mask from herbal collection:

  • 1 spoon of sage
  • 1 spoon of mint;
  • 1 spoon of wild rose;
  • half a lemon.

Herbal masks will relieve common skin problems and saturate it with vitamins

Mix herbs, pour hot water, insist on a water bath for 30-40 minutes, cool, mix with the juice of half a lemon. Do not strain the mixture. Apply to face through gauze. Herbal mask is very effective for various problems skin, it helps not only cleanse, but also refresh and soothe the face.

In order for masks for problem skin to provide maximum benefit and give a feeling of freshness and well-groomed appearance to your appearance, follow some simple tips:

  1. Before any procedure related to the treatment of the facial area, it is necessary to consult with a beautician.
  2. When choosing a useful mixture for the face, you need to monitor the individual reaction to certain components.
  3. You do not need to use the same mask, it is better to choose 2-3 types and alternate the ones you like the most.
  4. Face masks are recommended to be done no more than once a week.
  5. Before applying the prepared mixture, the face must be cleaned of impurities and steamed.
  6. After removing the product, wipe the face with a tonic or moisturize with a cream.

Homemade face masks are quite effective in combating various skin problems. At regular use they will help not only to eliminate external unpleasant factors (acne, acne, inflammation), but also to preserve youth and attractiveness for many years.

Problematic skin requires more time for care. Daily masks and specially selected creams are the minimum on the list in the fight against acne, black dots, peeling and blackheads.

Mask for problem skin at home

Caring for a problematic (oily and overly dry) surface of the face can cause a lot of problems. You get covered with pimples, experience constant peeling - it's hard and ineffective to hide under cosmetics. It's time to do something about it! The following are best recipes products for problem skin.

Mask recipe for problem skin with acne

Numerous reviews say that the aspirin mask - perfect way fight acne. Aspirin has salicylic acid favorably acting on the surface of the face. It's not hard to make this at home.

The recipe for this remedy is:
Three aspirin tablets;
a tablespoon of honey;
10 drops of water;
10 drops of jojoba oil.

Mix everything except the tablets and hold in a water bath. Powder aspirin and add to the resulting remedy.

On the steamed surface of the face, carefully apply the resulting remedy to combat acne. After 10-15 minutes, rinse it off and wipe it with a napkin. Reviews of this mixture confirm its effectiveness.

As for specialized products, ChocoLatte Green Fresh mixture for problematic microflora will come to the rescue in the fight against acne, give you shine and cleanliness! Reviews for products are only positive.

The Propeller gel is also in demand, which is left overnight - after it the epidermis will also cease to be gray.

Oatmeal moisturizing mask for combination problem skin

A homemade remedy with a simple composition: mix a large spoonful of olive oil, honey, orange juice and oatmeal. You can also add salt, sugar, pour the tea tree oil mixture into the recipe. She will help out from pigmentation. Please note: the girls suffering from dryness added in the reviews that they took the yolk instead of the protein, and replaced the salt with sugar.

Mix all this and hold for half an hour and wash yourself with green tea.

Purifying mask for problematic dry and combination skin

Effective preparations are mixtures based on special clay, which have an anti-acne effect and receive from users mainly positive reviews. The use of such mixtures double action(moisturizing and cleansing) will have a positive effect on your appearance.

Let's take a look effective types clay:
For oily and problematic surfaces facial fit white (kaolin), green or blue clay. Pink clay is used to cleanse areas of combination (mixed) skin.

Dry and sensitive surfaces are treated at home with red clay, and for aging skin, yellow clay should be chosen.

As the reviews say, the simplest cleansing clay recipe is to dilute it with water, get a homogeneous mass, apply it. It is necessary to keep it for about 15 minutes, after which it is time to thoroughly wash and treat yourself with a moisturizer.

Recipes with honey

Homemade face masks for problem skin are especially easy to make using honey.

Here is a mask useful for problem skin:
Oriental honey and persimmon mask helped southern beauties to take care of themselves. It is necessary to crush the fruit and mix it with honey. Apply a dense mass on the face, hold for 40 minutes, then clean with water. Nutrients contained in such a mixture will help at home to improve your appearance.

Clay mask for oily skin

If there are no funds to buy cosmetic preparation in the store - use the recipe for a similar home-made product - an alginate mask.

It is quite easy to prepare by mixing:
2 g sodium alginate;
4 g of kaolin clay;
2 g shiitake powder;
45 ml of water;
Ampoule of calcium salt of hydrochloric acid.

The surface of the face will no longer be oily, and will not become too dry. Reviews for this recipe are only positive - so it's time to start trying!

Overnight moisturizing face mask at home for problem skin

An easy-to-make-at-home overnight facial blend will help maintain beauty and health. Reviews for the recipe below are purely positive.

Classic soda + salt mask:
Add a teaspoon of water and a pinch each of salt and baking soda to your facial cleanser (2 tablespoons) and work the mixture into a lather. Such a face mask will cleanse its surface and fight acne.

Oak bark is an interesting ingredient that has a drying effect. Try the recipe: brew it and hold it for at least one hour, then take a tablespoon of the broth and add a teaspoon to it oat flour and honey. Apply before bed.

Oily skin is a real nuisance. However, the insanely difficult care for her can be reduced only to the weekly application of the “correct” cosmetic masks, daily use"correct" fat-dissolving tonics.
How to prepare a simple but very effective mask for oily skin?

Choose suitable option from the presented heap of recipes will be easy. Below are collected many times rechecked and worthy of the most spoiled girls compositions.

Cleansing mask for oily and problem skin from acne

From the ingredients here:

  • onion gruel is a strong antiseptic;
  • pea flour - soft sorbent;
  • turmeric - ready natural composition deep penetration with tinting effect.

IMPORTANT: Grind, mix, hold for 10-15 minutes, rinse. Just be sure to remember that any "color" compositions should be applied to the face 10-20 hours before going out.

This purifying mask for oily and problem skin can drastically change the tone of the face in a negligible amount of time. Destroys the pathogenic flora as deep as possible in the pores, accelerates the removal of accumulated toxins.

Moisturizing and nourishing mask for oily skin

We connect the components in it:

  • rose water - a natural soothing tonic;
  • aloe gruel - an extreme moisturizer with a tightening effect;
  • cornmeal - a matting vitamin complex.

This is a means of exclusive regeneration for tired and sun-dried epidermis. As positive as possible moisturizing and nourishing mask for oily skin face acts on the processes of tissue metabolism and cell division.

IMPORTANT: The mixture is rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as a set of 25 superactive amino acids.

A lifting and rejuvenating mask for oily skin

Mixing ingredients:

  • applesauce is one of the most affordable sources of ascorbic acid;
  • wheat flour is a valuable reservoir of copper, choline and vitamin PP;
  • grated sea buckthorn is a storehouse of antioxidant bioflavonoids.

IMPORTANT: This three-component tightening and rejuvenating mask for oily skin provokes accelerated collagen synthesis, while increasing capillary blood flow and normalizing increased sebum secretion. The tool is just as effective for color alignment. skin.

Natural masks: simple masks for oily skin

Monomasks are distinguished by ease of preparation and good comparative efficiency. Here are some of them:

  • peach - nourishes, gives lung effect lifting;
  • from tar soap- deeply cleanses and strongly dries, used to treat acne;
  • tomato - tones, eliminates oily sheen;
  • from sauerkraut - gives a visible rejuvenating effect.

However, keep in mind: natural maskssimple masks for oily skin individuals more often than their composite "brothers" provoke allergic reactions. The selection of suitable monovariants should be done with great care.

Night masks for oily skin from wrinkles

An ideal soothing option for use during sleep, we will prepare from:

  • potato juice - a good sorbent of mud particles and a vitaminizer;
  • grated bell pepper - an effective enhancer of the synthesis of natural collagen;
  • crushed kelp algae - an active regenerator of cellular structures;
  • rice flour - a source of a large set of essential and non-essential amino acids.

Plus a chic variation for protein amplification, saline And vitamin metabolism from:

  • live beer - portions of useful macronutrients;
  • cranberries - an activator of the growth rate of healthy cells with active participation manganese, copper, vitamins C, B5, B6;
  • dill - supplier folic acid, which is a universal building block at the cellular level;
  • potato starch - a neutral thickener with a certain set of macronutrients.

Overnight face mask

Represented night masks for oily skin from wrinkles cook both with a dry component and without it.

It should also be noted that it is unlikely that it will be possible to leave clean bedding when using these compositions.

We use proven components for generations:

  • lime juice - the perfect inclusion for a gentle chemical peel;
  • cabbage juice - a catalyst for metabolic processes;
  • buckwheat flour - an absorbent with record-breaking mineral and amino acid composition.

The ingredients balance each other and form great result through the "mechanics" of rapid shedding and building up of cell layers.

Whitening mask for oily skin aged 20-25 minutes. It is desirable to finish the procedure with a soft soothing tonic.

Ideal components of winter care:

  • tea tree oil - a strong multicomponent bactericide;
  • tooth powder - an effective cleaner of the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • apple cider vinegar - fat regulator;
  • black bread made from coarse flour - a storehouse of amino acids, B vitamins and minerals;
  • pumpkin - a universal nutrient thinner;
  • soda is a drying, anti-acidotic agent.

winter mask from oily face

Summer provides a wide range of vitamin ingredients. For example: strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants will strip the skin excess fat enriching it with rare vitamins.
And plantain, lilac and green pea- treat, help get rid of serious dermatological problems.

IMPORTANT: Winter and summer masks for oily skin contain all the possibilities of seasonal nutrition of cells.

Do not neglect the opportunity to really preen without much effort.

Exfoliating procedures are extremely popular among the female half of humanity. They create silky and velvety structures of the skin, resist the uncontrolled reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the pores.

  • One of the simplest and healthy recipes exfoliation includes:
  • coffee grounds - a mass of microparticles for mechanical peeling;
  • salt extrusion - a natural mineral balm for healing microtraumas;
  • parsley gruel - a storehouse of chemical compounds urgently restoring the skin.

Renewing peeling mask for oily skin applied to a well-cleansed and slightly steamed face with hot water.
The exposure time of the composition is 25 minutes. The frequency of massaging the treated areas is 5 minutes. Rinse the mixture without soap.

Creams, lotions and tonics should not be used immediately after treatment.

Getting rid of the greasiness of the skin involves the use of products that dry out each layer of the epidermis. In this case, the traumatization of cellular structures should be minimal.

Composition that perfectly meets the requirements:

  • disinfecting gruel from spruce needles;
  • nourishing deep and drying the upper layers of the skin orange juice;
  • decongestant and anti-inflammatory sesame oil;
  • restoring and supporting potassium metabolism, crushed tablet of asparkam.

Spruce needles - the active ingredient of the scrub mask

Drying scrub mask for oily skin It is applied in a dense layer and aged for at least 40 minutes. The composition should be washed off good soap several times in a row.

Egg mask for oily skin

The synergistic combination of life-giving components gives a wonderful rejuvenating effect. Fabrics are quickly updated under the action of the mixture:

  • superbly nourishing and narrowing the pores of the egg;
  • delivering impressive doses of vitamins A and C oxalic gruel;
  • removing excess fat and increasing skin immunity yogurt.

This egg mask for oily skin Good for combination skin as well.

Deep restorative functions balance the slight drying effect. Waste sludge should be washed off cold water.

Oatmeal mask for oily skin

Oatmeal is a powerful source of minerals and amino acids.

  • The gelatinous mass formed after the swelling of its flakes easily gives everything useful material tissues.
  • Complemented by strong brewing of black tea and
  • fir oil gruel

can be indispensable tool weekly skin care with increased sebum secretion.

The oil is an excellent disinfectant, and the tea has a strong astringent effect.
Together they significantly limit the development of nutrient media for pathogens.

This oatmeal mask for oily skin can be used with the same efficiency both in summer and winter.

IMPORTANT: The absence of "acidic" components allows us to recommend it even for skin care. combined type skin covers.

Clay masks for oily skin

Nature endowed man with at least a family medicinal varieties this sedimentary rock:

  • White - an excellent sorbing substance that draws destructive free radicals from the body.
  • Blue - a luxurious bactericidal mixture of microparticles that removes excess moisture from tissues.
  • Green - a panacea for many dermatological problems, healing with a rich metal composition.

Green and yellow clay applied to the face
  • Red or brown - a saving material for restoring the tone of extremely sensitive skin.
  • Pink - universal cosmetic base to prepare hundreds of corrective masks.
  • Yellow is a productive detoxifier, a good thickener for poultices.
  • Sulfur - an indispensable source of rare minerals that provoke visible contouring of the face.
  • Black - the best remedy from acne.

All clay masks for oily skin have an extremely productive scrubbing effect.
To expand the characteristics of skin nutrition, to play with the potential for drying and cleaning, you can mix clays of different colors, adding other active ingredients.

Simple unicellular fungi Saccharomycetes can be a great help in the fight for attractiveness. They have good indicators of the inclusion of individual minerals phosphorus, potassium, manganese (P, K, Mn) and contain almost all known amino acids and B vitamins.

In the compositions against fat content, we will supplement the yeast with acidic and intensively penetrating components.

Option number 1. Kiwi and milk.
Option number 2. Grapefruit and mint.

Both recipes remove fat, saturate with vitamin C, and intensively rejuvenate.

Yeast masks for oily skin can be kept for 60 minutes or more.
After washing off the proposed compositions, the epidermis remains moisturized for quite a long time.

Both monofloral and mixed versions of honey forms are equally often used for cosmetic purposes. This product is respected for its beneficial viscosity and ability to enhance the microcirculation of body fluids.

In recipes for increased fat secretion, it is desirable to supplement honey with conditionally acidic, irritating or antiseptic ingredients.

Example 1. cocoa plus spoiled milk. A wonderful composition for accelerating the maturation of purulent rashes. It is good to alternate with black clay treatments.

Example 2 Eucalyptus oil plus pineapple puree. Such gruel deeply moisturizes and at the same time disinfects well.

Face masks with honey for oily skin intensify metabolic processes in the treated tissues, stimulate the accelerated removal of toxins through the pores.

With excess fat on the face, rubbed into a homogeneous mass perfectly cope:

  • sour cream - a product that supports the rapid regeneration of the skin;
  • unconcentrated clove oil - a strong antiseptic;
  • spinach is the exclusive supplier of amino acids and vitamin C.

Kefir as the basis of medical masks

AND good alternative"sour cream" version. We mix:

  • kefir - a very acidic substance, perfectly cleansing and whitening;
  • crushed wheat bran - a massive source of potassium and vitamin E;
  • sesame flour - fatty, but extremely effective nutrient.

Masks with sour cream and kefir for oily skin give the covers a velvety, minimize the likelihood of a rash.

The proposed mixtures are aged no more than 30 minutes.

Carrot mask for oily skin

This set of ingredients is loved by many professional cosmetologists:

  • anti-inflammatory and tonic carrot puree;
  • whitening, sebum-regulating lemon juice;
  • gruel from germinated wheat stimulating regeneration processes.

Carrot mask for oily sheen

Such carrot mask for oily skin practically does not stain the epidermis, leaving only a slight shade of freshness on the face. Simultaneous prophylactic application of the gruel on the neck and décolleté is recommended. The composition is washed off 15-30 minutes after application.

The water balance is extremely important indicator the condition of the skin, directly affects their appearance. Both swelling and dehydration do not allow inflammation to subside for sufficiently long periods of time.

To regain control in such situations, we use a mask mixed from:

  • banana - astringent, removing even strong irritations of the base;
  • pomegranate - an excellent moisturizer and peeling agent;
  • olive oil - a hydrophobic substance that makes the skin elastic.

Banana face mask for oily skin contributes to the rapid resumption of the protective functions of the treated areas. She prepares the covers for active interaction with more aggressive reducing agents.

When an oily face needs aggressive hydration, this recipe works flawlessly. Mix in a blender:

  • homemade cottage cheese - whitening and nourishing sorbent;
  • basil gruel - an effective moisturizer of the upper skin layers;
  • cucumber puree - a hydroactive substance that moisturizes the deep layers of the skin.

We apply the composition on the face and wait at least 40 minutes.

We wash it off with cold water without soap and categorically do not use any cosmetics for another 6 hours.

Amazing visual effect guaranteed.

Curd face mask for oily skin shown primarily to people who significantly restrict the flow of fluid into the body. The mixture will also be useful for beachgoers and owners of combination skin types.

Mask with gelatin for oily skin

Gelatinous cosmetic formulations popular among young people. The absence of obvious problems of lethargy and flabbiness of the face suggests a complete focus on the convenience of cleansing the pores.

The effectiveness of activated charcoal gelatin mask is legendary on the Internet. Before solidification, it acts as effective scrub, and after - removes all black dots without additional mechanical cleanings.

Apply the composition to slightly steamed skin. We improve the already excellent performance of deep processing of the face.

In addition, any gelatin mask for oily skin removed in one piece. This is very convenient for those who do not like intense or frequent washes.

However, there is a substance that is at the same time effective not only in cleansing, but also in saturating the deepest layers of the skin with vital minerals and amino acids.

frozen protein chicken egg when dried, it tightly holds together all the dirt of the existing oily sheen, simultaneously transferring to the cells the maximum number of useful molecules of the created mixture.

Protein attack will become even more effective if there are two additional components: hibiscus powder and oatmeal. The first is responsible for the regeneration and cessation of inflammatory reactions. The second is for saturation with a wide range of useful substances.

Protein mask for oily skin always used for the purpose deep cleansing covers without the threat of intense dehydration or loss of tone. The benefits of such care can hardly be overestimated.

You can get a powerful charge of vivacity either directly at the mud deposit, or from a tube carefully filled by a conscious entrepreneur.

Silt, peat, sapropel and hilly muds are mined in different natural environments, therefore they have a heterogeneous elemental composition.

  • Silt - moisturize.
  • Peat - dry.
  • Sapropelic - tone up.
  • Sopochnye - relieve inflammation.

Mud masks for oily skin apply:

  • diluted with water or milk;
  • enriched with medicines or natural foods;
  • composed of materials from different deposits;
  • supplemented with natural essential oils.

Reusable use of the same volume of natural mud is allowed.

Maria. I really like the recipe using onion, olive oil, tea tree oil and starch. With the help of this mask, I completely got rid of teenage acne. Well, you need to eat less sugar.

Lera. I suffer from allergies since childhood. Many store funds Facial skincare products are not for me at all. I got used to refreshing myself with spinach, oatmeal and milk. This is by far the best I have found for my skin. Bananas and orange juice give me a small rash. And I'm afraid to even look at clove oil!

Anna. The compositions of the masks must be selected individually by the method of scientific poke. Not every acidic product will be perceived by oily skin as salvation. I am generally silent about the external use of yeast.

margarita. Girls! Never experiment with carrot masks before the release! The presence of turmeric, borage juice, pomegranate and cranberries should also be alarming. Learn from other people's mistakes! You can try to wash off the stubborn pigment with lemon juice, kefir or vinegar.

Olya. Black clay really works wonders. Although it dries the skin very much, it relieves acne quickly. Pink water help soften the blow. It turns out a very effective and inexpensive treatment.

Anna. I love gelatin masks! I have already tried adding baby powder, egg yolk and bergamot oil to the gelatin. Most of all I liked the aromatic version. It turned out very similar to ready-made masks.

Oksana. Every day I use a tonic from a decoction of dill. Once a week - a mask of sesame flour, kefir and pumpkin. As a result, I have a pleasant complexion. Get rid of excess sebum.

Masks for oily skin: reviews and tips Runet users are mostly constructive. Great demand for recipes testifies to the real value cosmetics home cooking.

Video: Beautiful and healthy skin. Mask for oily skin

Video: Effective mask for problematic and oily skin

Video: Mask for oily skin from acne

Skin prone to oily and excessive dryness (in other words, problematic) gives its owner the most trouble. A gray tint, persistent peeling, inflamed areas with acne, pimples, enlarged pores, comedones cannot be hidden under any cosmetics. But it's too early to despair. With proper and competent care at home, we are able to solve any problems with our face.

3 best mask bases

To defeat such a dermis, it is necessary to approach it comprehensively. Properly selected cosmetics, healthy food, regular masks for problem skin at home can quickly restore a healthy look.

  • Cosmetic clay.
  • Natural honey.
  • Egg white.

These are the most effective components for the basis of care products. It is advisable to carry them out 2-3 times a week. An additional benefit in healing problem skin is played by vegetable and essential oils, which are included in almost all recipes.

Recipes with clay

Cosmetic clay is one of the best healing remedies for the treatment of the epidermis. Clay face masks for problematic skin perfectly cleanse it, absorbing all toxins, fats and cell waste. There is a complete destruction of bacteria, inflammation and acne go away.

  • blue

Effectively disinfects the skin, cleanses it and relieves inflammation. Masks with it well align the epidermis, improve metabolic processes, give a fresh look to the skin and perfectly tone it up.

Add lemon juice (5 ml), alcohol tincture of calendula (16 ml) to blue clay (30 gr.). Dilute the mixture with boiled water until thickened. Mask time 10 minutes.

  • Green

Its goal is polluted pores and oily sheen. It is from this that she relieves problematic skin. This clay has an excellent drying and tightening effect. Regulates water balance and improves blood circulation.

Mix clay powder (45 gr.) with hazelnut oil (15 ml) and still mineral water (5 ml). The session lasts 20 minutes.

  • White (kaolin)

It has an increased supply of trace elements. It is an excellent antiseptic and regenerating agent. It makes ideal masks for problem skin with acne at home.

We make a mixture of clay powder (15 gr.), Cucumber juice (20 ml) and lemon essential oil (3 drops). Keep the mask for 12 minutes.

  • Red

It has a calming effect, copes well with redness, itching, heals minor damage to the epidermis. It is suitable for dry problematic skin.

In water (16 ml), dilute clay powder (15 g) and warm liquid honey (6 ml). Stand for a mass of 10 minutes and stir in geranium and chamomile ethers (5 drops each). Keep 10 minutes.

  • yellow

This species is considered rare. But you can find it for the sake of excellent saturation of the cells of the dermis with oxygen. Yellow clay masks for problem skin are very useful for oily, shiny dermis.

Add lemon juice (5 ml) and apple cider vinegar (7 ml) to yellow clay powder (16 gr.). We hold this remedy for a quarter of an hour.

  • Black

Perfectly tones and moisturizes the epidermis. It is excellent for dry, dehydrated skin. And oily will help narrow the pores and heal acne. This type of clay is considered the best for treating problematic dermis.

1. For oily skin. We make a mixture of clay powder (15 gr.), Apple cider vinegar (5 ml), tea tree oil (2 drops). Dilute the mass with water until thick and apply. Hold for 10 minutes.

2. For dry dermis. Pour dry chamomile (20 gr.) With boiling water (100 ml) and leave for half an hour. Add clay powder (30 gr.) to the filtered broth.

You can mix different types of clay, change recipes. Experiment and combine for greater effect.

Recipes with honey

For a healing effect on problem skin, it is best to take buckwheat, dark honey. If it is not liquid or candied enough, melt it in a water bath. The excellent composition of this natural remedy solves many problems of unhealthy epidermis. These masks are especially useful for problematic dry skin.

  • Cleansing and polishing the skin

Mix coffee grounds (20 gr.) And honey (18 ml). Apply the mixture with massage movements, leave for a quarter of an hour.

  • For oily skin

We make a mixture of honey (18 ml), yeast (15 gr.), Whipped protein and olive oil (7 ml). The session is designed for 20 minutes.

  • For dry epidermis

Mix floured oatmeal (15 gr.) And honey (28 gr.). The procedure time is 20-25 minutes.

Attention! Honey is a strong allergen. If there is a reaction to this remedy, as well as with rosacea, it is better to refuse honey masks.

Protein Recipes

They are considered to be one of the easiest to prepare. But they require careful preparation of the face before the procedure. Be sure to clean it and warm it up with the help of steam healing baths (with the addition of medicinal herbs).

  • For oily skin

Add lemon juice (7 ml) and a pinch of soda to the whipped protein. Whisk again and apply immediately to the face. The tool is applied 3-4 times and lasts a quarter of an hour.

  • For dry epidermis

Mix honey (12 gr.), concentrated Aloe juice (16 ml) and grape seed oil (5 ml). We also apply in 3-4 layers. Session time is 20 minutes.

  • Universal

Mash half a ripe banana and stir in olive oil (10 drops) and whipped egg white. Instead of a banana, you can use the pulp of sea buckthorn, apricot, apple or cranberry. The session lasts 15-20 minutes.