Types of facial skin and their characteristics. Determining the type of facial skin. Effective skin care. Treatment for dry, oily, combination and normal skin

The skin covers our body and performs a protective function, saving us from injury and damage, prevents the penetration of pathogens. Our skin absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide, it is able to breathe, release moisture, maintain thermal conditions and regulate our body temperature. The sebaceous glands lubricate our skin with fatty grease. Skin cells are constantly renewed, but with age, the skin fades, ages, sags, becomes dry, covered with age spots and wrinkles. And in order for our skin to remain beautiful, young and elastic for longer, it needs to be carefully looked after - cleansed, toned, moisturized and nourished.

What are the types of facial skin

normal skin

Normal skin always looks healthy, fresh, smooth and firm, taut and elastic. Contains a normal amount of moisture and grease. In people with a normal skin type, pores and wrinkles are invisible, and problems such as acne and pimples, peeling and irritation are almost unfamiliar to them.

Dry skin

Dry skin is very sensitive, thinner, pores on the skin are invisible. The skin is smooth, delicate, pale in color, prone to early aging and requires proper and more thorough care. With improper care, the skin flakes, tightens, loses elasticity, becomes covered with wrinkles. Often sensitive skin is covered with small red vessels, pimples and red spots. The use of soap, cosmetics and the use of certain products cause an allergic reaction on the skin. Increased dryness of the skin may indicate a lack of vitamins, a lack of fat in the body, or diseases of the internal organs.

Oily skin

Oily skin is porous, thicker, rough, shiny even after washing, such skin has acne, which often becomes inflamed, the pores are clogged with black dots. Oily skin is less sensitive to adverse factors. Due to the abundant fat lubrication, moisture evaporates more slowly from the surface of the skin, which means that the skin remains young longer. Wrinkles on such skin form later than in people with dry skin. Oily skin is more common in teenagers and young adults, with age the oily skin type changes to a mixed type.

Combination or mixed skin

Most people have combination or combination skin types. Mixed skin type has a darkish tint. On some parts of the face - the skin is shiny (forehead, nose, chin) - here the skin is oily, the pores on the skin are clearly visible, acne is present. And along the edge of the face, on the cheeks, around the eyes, in the neck area, the pores are completely invisible, the skin is thin - dry, often flaky, covered with wrinkles. When caring for combination skin, two types of cosmetics should be used - for dry and oily skin. At a more mature age, the mixed skin type changes to a normal type.

How to determine the type of skin

Over time, skin of any type ages and fades. Moisture evaporates faster from the surface of the skin, the recovery process slows down, it becomes rougher, wrinkles appear. The skin sags, turns yellow, becomes lethargic.

The same negative impact on the skin has the impact of the environment, severe frost, wind. Excessive tanning under the scorching sun or in a solarium not only worsens the condition of the skin, causing burns, allergic rashes, itching and peeling, pigmentation, but can also lead to skin cancer.

In order for the skin of the face and body to remain young and beautiful longer, you need to carefully look after it, select cosmetics according to your skin type. You can independently determine the type of your skin according to the descriptions above, or you can consult with cosmetologists. You can also determine what type of skin you have by signs that arise from exposure to soap, frost.

Oily Skin Signs- the skin does not tighten after washing with soap, the face does not freeze for a long time in the cold.

Signs of dry skin- after washing, it strongly tightens the skin, the feeling of "tightness" remains until you lubricate your face with cream. In the cold, the skin of the face does not turn red and does not weather, it freezes slightly.

Signs of normal skin- after the soap, the skin slightly tightens, but after 1-2 hours the skin returns to normal, in the cold the face quickly freezes and turns red, windswept and flaky.

How to properly care for your skin

No matter what type of skin you have, your skin needs daily care. To look young and attractive, the face needs to be cleansed, toned, nourished, moisturized using special cosmetics.

Skin cleansing

Washing with ordinary water - you cleanse the skin, washing off dust, cosmetics, removing particles of the stratum corneum, toxins and sweat.

It is better to wash with warm, clean and soft water, lightly stroking, clapping your face with your fingertips or palms. Such a light massage will enhance the cleansing effect of water, improve nutrition and blood circulation of the skin.

In the morning, cosmetologists advise to wash your face only with water without soap - soap can dry out the skin. In the evening, for cleansing, it is better to use milk, emulsion, foam and gels for washing. Periodically, you can cleanse the skin with masks, scrubs, which can be purchased at the store or prepared by yourself.

After washing, the face should be gently blotted with a towel, vigorous rubbing can damage the skin.

You can also cleanse your skin with home remedies.

For dry skin

Dry skin can be cleansed with oils - olive, coconut, sunflower. Moisten a cotton swab with water, wring it out, wipe the face and neck, then soak the swab in oil, and wipe the skin. After a minute, remove the oil with a swab dipped in black or green tea. You can also cleanse the skin with milk diluted with water (1:1).

For oily skin

If you are the owner of oily skin - you better wash your face with cool water and soap, soap will dry the skin. Use dairy products to cleanse your face. In the evening, after washing, wipe your face with a cotton swab moistened with sour milk or kefir, after 5 minutes, smear your face with cream.

You can use a scrub to remove blackheads. Prepare soap foam, pour fine salt into it, moisten a swab and rub your face in circular motions for 2 minutes. Rinse off the scrub with cool water, and then wipe your face with water with lemon juice or calendula tincture.

Lotions for oily skin.


Strawberries - half a glass, knead well, pour 1 glass of vodka. Insist month. Strain and dilute with water (1:1).

Grate cucumber - 1 cup. Pour a glass of vodka and leave for a month. Strain. And wash your face regularly.

For normal skin

To cleanse normal skin after washing, you can use lotions, infusions of herbs, flowers.

From rose petals.

Rose petals - 2 tablespoons pour 1 cup boiling water. Insist 1 hour. Strain. Wipe face and neck. A decoction of chamomile, linden is also prepared.

Skin toning

After you have thoroughly washed and cleansed your skin, you need to apply a tonic for your skin type to your face and neck. When using tonic agents, skin tone increases, complexion improves, polluted pores are cleansed, acid-base balance is restored, fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Applying tonics and lotions, you can get rid of redness, acne and black spots, from excessive greasiness of the skin.
rice mask
Toning masks

We offer you the simplest recipes for masks that can be easily prepared at home, well toning and nourishing the skin of the face and neck. Apply masks to cleansed skin.

For dry skin

Sour cream mask.

Beat one yolk, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream, mix well. Apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Oatmeal mask with honey.

One yolk, 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and half a teaspoon of honey, mix well, pour in half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a little lemon juice, mix well again. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes, wash with cool water.

For normal skin

Grapefruit mask.

Beat the egg yolk, add the mashed grapefruit pulp - 1 tablespoon and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Mix well. Apply the mask on clean skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes, then wash your face.

Cabbage mask.

Pass cabbage leaves through a meat grinder. Add 1 yolk. Mix well. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

For oily skin.

Sea salt compress.

In 1 liter of cold water, add 1 tablespoon of sea salt, stir, wet a napkin or towel, apply on the face for 5 minutes, then moisten the napkin in hot infusions of chamomile or mint and apply on the face for 2 minutes. Then moisten the washcloth again in cold water and apply to the face for 5 minutes.

Cucumber mask.

Grate the cucumber, add 1 teaspoon of cream and a few drops of lemon or grapefruit juice. Apply the mass on the skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.

apple mask

Grate the apple, add the whipped protein, stir well. Apply to face and neck. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water.

Berry masks.

Any berries - 2 tablespoons, grind well, add a teaspoon of starch and a teaspoon of vegetable oil, whipped protein. To stir thoroughly. Lubricate the face and neck with this mixture. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water, and then rinse your face and neck with cool water.

Skin hydration

In order for the skin of the face and neck to look young and fresh, it needs to be moisturized. Under the influence of the sun, wind, moisture evaporates, dehydration of the skin occurs, the face becomes dry and wrinkles and peeling appear. And to avoid such troubles, moisturizers should be used.

You can use store-bought creams, or you can prepare moisturizing lotions and masks with your own hands.

Don't forget about the easiest way to moisturize your skin - drinking water. Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water daily. Drinking water will help to avoid dehydration of the whole body and moisturize your skin from the inside, nourish it with moisture and smooth out wrinkles.

Mint milk.

To prepare mint milk, we need a bunch of fresh mint or dry - 2 tablespoons, half a glass of milk. Bring the milk to a boil and pour over the mint. When the infusion has cooled, it must be filtered. Soak a cotton swab in milk and wipe the skin. Wash off with warm water after half an hour. Good moisturizer for all skin types.

Honey mask with oatmeal.

Mix one egg white, add mashed oatmeal, honey and vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon each. Mix and apply on face. After 20 minutes, soak a washcloth in hot water and wipe your face, then soak a washcloth in cold water and apply to your face for 5 minutes. Suitable for any skin type.

For dry skin

Zucchini mask.

Grate the zucchini, apply on the face and neck. After 20 minutes, wash with cool water.

Curd mask

Mash a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a spoonful of milk and a spoonful of olive or coconut oil. Add a little fine salt to the mass. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water without soap.

For oily skin

Lactic acid mask

Mash 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of kefir. Apply the mixture on the face for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Moisten a napkin in milk whey or kefir, apply to the face for 10 minutes, wash with warm water.

Skin nutrition

Nourishing the skin is an important facial treatment. Unfavorable natural and ecological conditions, everyday stress, bad habits, unhealthy diet adversely affect the condition of our skin.

Yes, and with age, the skin does not get younger, and in order to prolong youth and have a fresh complexion, we need to not only wash ourselves, but also nourish the skin of the face and neck. For these purposes, it is proposed to use nutritious cosmetics - these are day and night creams, vitamin and softening, anti-aging creams - they will speed up the metabolism of the skin, restore its acid-base balance, and protect it from environmental influences.

Aloe juice nourishing mask (for all skin types).

Wash the aloe leaf well, squeeze the juice. Rub the juice on your face and neck. After 15 minutes, wash your face with warm water and apply any nourishing cream for your skin type. You can also add aloe juice to your nourishing cream.

For dry skin

Vitamin mask from the pulp of berries and fruits.

Mash berries, fruits - apricots, lingonberries, black currants, bananas, persimmons - any that are at hand - 1 tablespoon, and mix with olive or other vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon. Mix and apply on face and neck for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Vitamin mask from vegetables.

Raw vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots) - finely grate. Add a tablespoon of sunflower oil to the mixture. Mix and apply on face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Nourishing cottage cheese mask.

Grind 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add egg yolk, mix well. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For oily skin

Carrot mask.

Grate carrots on a fine grater, add semolina and olive oil - 1 tablespoon each. Mix the mass well and apply on the face. After 5 minutes, wipe the mass from the face with a cotton swab. Wash your face with warm water and apply any nourishing cream.

Kefir mask.

Grind oatmeal -1 tablespoon, add kefir and sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon each. Mix and apply on face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

For normal skin

Apple mask.

Grate an apple - add starch, sour cream and any vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon each. Apply the paste on the face and neck. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Vitamin mask.

Squeeze juice from fresh lettuce or dill leaves, add a few drops of berry juice (strawberries, currants or lingonberries), and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, linseed, coconut) - mix. Soak a cotton swab in the mass and apply on the face and neck. Wash off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

Masks prepared at home are not expensive and very effective. Use only freshly prepared masks, apply them to cleansed skin. If there is inflamed acne on the face, or irritation, it is better to refrain from using masks so as not to spread the infection all over the face. Do not keep masks longer than the time indicated in the recipe. After applying the mask, lie down, relax, rest.

In order to look young and attractive, it is not enough just to take care of the skin of the face, you need to eat right and fully, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, do not give up milk and lactic acid products, meat, fish, eat less smoked meats, pickles and sweets.

Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports and walk in the fresh air, move more, give up bad habits, quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

Love yourself, take care of your face and body!

How important it is for every woman to know her skin type, says at least the fact that the choice of even the most elementary cosmetics depends on it. Almost all women believe that they know their skin type - however, not everyone knows exactly how to determine the type of facial skin.
In addition, facial skin types can change with age, and sometimes these changes are not so easy to detect.

Of course, the very structure of the skin in all people is approximately the same, only the intensity of the sebaceous glands differs. It depends on what your skin looks like, what type of skin you have and what kind of care it needs.
Let's look at skin types and their characteristics.
Traditionally, there are four types of facial skin
Dry skin type
Dry skin looks very beautiful - it is matte and delicate, it does not have a greasy sheen, and the pores are almost invisible. However, dry skin is very sensitive not only to weather conditions (sun, wind), but also reacts extremely negatively to improper care.

A change in the weather immediately affects the peeling of the skin, with age, irritations become more noticeable, wrinkles appear early, the skin practically does not retain much-needed moisture. In addition, dry skin is very sensitive even to specialized cosmetics and requires careful constant care.
Oily skin type
The most common skin type is oily. The problem of oily skin appears in adolescence, and what skin care will be, for the most part, depends on the change in its type in the future. Oily skin is also characteristic of people who abuse fatty foods, alcohol; for those who suffer from hormonal imbalance; for obese people and people with impaired metabolism.

As skin care, in addition to cosmetics, a diet that excludes fats, carbohydrates, spices, etc. is obligatory. But it often happens that this type of skin occurs due to improper care, for example, the abuse of oily creams. Oily skin is characterized by shine, enlarged pores, acne, visible capillaries; unlike dry skin, oily skin is practically insensitive to the weather.
Normal skin type
Normal skin type is the most problem-free. The skin of an even, matte color does not have any pronounced defects, practically does not cause problems either when the weather changes or under other conditions, and needs the most minimal care.

The main thing is not to bring down the natural fat balance by clogging the pores, which can happen with the abuse of creams. Combined facial skin type
The fourth type of skin is combination or mixed. It is characterized by the presence of different skin types in different facial areas. Most often, in the "T" zone (nose, forehead and chin) there is oily skin, in other areas - either normal or dry. In this case, each zone needs its own, individual care, depending on its skin type.

In order to correctly determine in which specific areas oily skin predominates, it is enough to attach and carefully press a napkin to your face in the morning. Fat spots that appear on the paper will accurately determine the presence of problem areas.
Even knowing the characteristics of each skin type, it is not always possible to adequately determine your own skin type. At the same time, determining the type of skin is very important not only in order to look good, but also in order for proper care to help keep your skin fresh and healthy for longer.
How to determine the type of facial skin?
It's simple enough. Determination of the type of facial skin can be carried out independently, the main thing is to carefully observe and follow all the steps:
Thoroughly cleanse the skin from cosmetics and pollution.
Give your skin a rest for two or three hours.
In daylight, using a magnifying mirror, take a close look at the skin for enlarged pores, peeling, oily sheen.
Applying a dry cloth to the skin, you can judge whether your skin is oily or not. If greasy spots appear on the napkin, the skin has increased sebum secretion.

Test: Determining the type of facial skin

Such a test can give an adequate answer to the question - how to find out the type of facial skin. And properly selected after it creams, lotions, masks and other cosmetics will allow you to keep the natural beauty of your skin longer, feel always young and satisfied with your appearance.

The desire to have flawless skin has always pushed me to try all the means and ways of caring for it.

But in pursuit of a miracle, we forget that many more factors affect our skin: the environment, poor nutrition, caffeine intake, improper sleep patterns, lack of movement, and others. But it is they who, as a rule, become decisive in the formation of our skin type.

The main types of facial skin: description

In order for the dream of beautiful skin to come true, you need to provide regular care appropriate for its type, and for this you need to know what type your skin has.
We will look at the 5 main types of facial skin.

Characteristics of oily skin type

Shine, porosity, frequent blackheads and pimples. It has a grayish color. The advantages of such skin are that it is elastic, better hydrated, well protected from the environment due to the film created by fat, wrinkles on such skin appear later than those of other skin types.

Dry skin type: signs

Thin and delicate skin, prone to premature aging, has low elasticity, often flakes, reddens, cracks, becomes inflamed, acne rarely appears on it, but it is highly susceptible to external factors.

normal skin type

The rarest type. The skin is almost flawless, moderately sensitive, elastic, matte, the pores are almost invisible. Over time, dryness, wrinkles and cracks may appear.

Combined skin type: features

This type is more common than others, its peculiarity is that different areas on the face have different skin types, for example, the skin on the cheekbones is dry, and the skin on the forehead, nose, and chin is oily. This skin is allergic, prone to acne and irritation.

sensitive type

This is skin that, due to external factors, itches, feels dry, reddens, and becomes inflamed. She does not respond well to the use of aggressive cosmetics. Such skin is less elastic and less hydrated than other types of skin, and has weak protective properties.

How to determine skin type: test

Knowing the visual description of skin types, you can determine your type yourself in 2 stages:
with cosmetic wipes
take the test by answering the questions.

Oily skin often changes its type and becomes combination over time, it is important not to miss this moment to make changes in care.

Daily skin care includes:

  • cleansing,
  • toning,
  • hydration and nutrition

Cleanse skin in the morning and evening, using milk, a special gel or other product, preferably water-based, it is good if the composition contains goat's milk. For washing, you can use hot water with soap, but after, to restore the balance of the skin, be sure to wash your face with cold water with table vinegar or lemon juice (1 tbsp in 2 cups of water).
tone up skin after cleansing is recommended by wiping the face with an ice cube with chamomile or using a tonic with calendula extract.

After toning apply:

  • in the morning - a daytime moisturizer or nourishing cream with UV protection;
  • in the evening - nourishing night cream, which contains D-panthenol, rosehip extract, aloe vera. During the day, if possible, wipe oily skin with various infusions of herbs (sage, St. John's wort or calendula).

Necessarily, in addition to daily care do the following procedures:

  • Peeling with apricot kernels and chamomile extract 1-2 times in 6-8 days. Massage the skin gently so as not to injure it.
  • After peeling, use masks: to reduce pores and make matte - with kaolin; for moisturizing or nourishing - with cornflower or calendula extract.

Dry skin care

Dry skin without proper care can become rough, tight, irritated. In addition, it is prone to the formation of cracks, the appearance of wrinkles ahead of time. Therefore, when choosing care products, focus on her nutrition and hydration, but do not overload her with care products and do not often experiment with new ones.

cleansing carry out with water at room temperature using a gel or foam. To get the peeling effect, wash off the gel using a sponge. To avoid peeling, do not wash your face with toilet soap. After the procedure, blot your face with a napkin.

Toning spend after cleansing, using 2 types of tonic: in the T-zone - for oily skin, and in the cheeks and neck - for dry skin. If there is inflammation, treat these places with an antibacterial agent, it is possible with alcohol content.

After toning apply cream. Use 2 products for different skin types or use one special cream for the entire face area.

In addition to daily care, pamper your skin and other mandatory procedures:

  • For good cleansing of skin pores and improvement of vascular function, do cranberry and lemon steam baths once every 10-14 days.
  • To reduce skin greasiness, exfoliate the T-zone once every 5 days for 1-3 minutes, trying not to affect dry areas of the skin. Do not leave the house for 3-4 hours after the procedure to avoid infection of microtraumas received during the peeling.
  • A compress (hot) on the whole face will be very helpful before cleansing or masking.
    compress (cold) - a good remedy for reducing pores and soothing the skin after exposure to procedures, recommended for areas with oily skin. A good effect is obtained if the compresses are alternated.
  • Masks are a very effective remedy for oily skin problems, do them every 4-5 days: for the T-zone, use a cleansing mask, for dry areas, a moisturizing mask.

Helpful Hints:

  • Don't use powder. Mixing with sebum, the powder completely clogs pores and stimulates inflammation. Use a foundation labeled "non-oil" or "oil-free" (water-based).
  • Pay attention to the skin of the eyelids daily, as “dry” eyelids are a concomitant problem for owners of combination skin.

Features of care for sensitive skin

In cosmetology, sensitive skin is distinguished as a separate skin type, but it is always combined with some basic type, for example, there may be dry sensitive skin.

Another feature of such skin is that it belongs to the risk group for the development of skin (dermatological) diseases, so before you start caring for such skin on your own, get your doctor's recommendations.

Moisturizing will give the skin a special day cream with UV protection and minerals. Night cream should be with vitamins A and E, it may contain panthenol and kawain. Apply night cream in a thin layer and only in case of tightness of the skin. Cosmetics should not contain fruit acids.
Nutrition for sensitive skin, face masks are provided, do them 1 time in 7-10 days, after applying the mask, cover your face with a film so that it does not dry out. Choose masks with natural ingredients, it is good to use plasticizing masks. Cleanse your face from the mask with warm boiled water.
Protection- This is an obligatory final stage of care. In summer, use thermal water with UV protection to protect your skin, in winter, foundations for sensitive skin.
Other care:
Peeling is carried out no more than 1 time in 10-15 days, select based on the main type of your skin.

Any skin undoubtedly needs regular, proper care, but remember that the condition of your skin is just a reflection of the state of your body, in addition to daily external care, take care of your internal health, prevent diseases of internal organs, exercise, temper yourself, watch your diet . The beauty of your skin is in your hands!

Skin type changes with age, but with proper hygiene care, it can remain in good condition for a long time. In order to determine the type of skin, it must first be thoroughly cleansed, removing all remnants of makeup, while not using tonics or moisturizer. The skin should rest for several hours without makeup. Then you need to carefully examine it in natural daylight using a simple or magnifying mirror. The basic structure of the skin is, of course, the same in all people. The difference lies in how intensively the sebaceous glands secrete sebum and in which parts of the face they are most active.

Depending on the amount of fatty secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands, there are normal, dry, oily and combination skin.

This is how skin types are determined.

normal skin Unfortunately, it is rare and usually occurs at a young age. Such skin looks smooth, elastic, evenly colored, its pores are hardly noticeable and not polluted. It is elastic in appearance and to the touch, looks clean and fresh; devoid of such shortcomings as peeling, acne, dilated blood vessels, etc. Normally reacts to any temperature changes, tolerates washing with soap and water, various cosmetics, decorative cosmetics. The first wrinkles on such skin appear only after 35 years.

Dry skin quite common and literally looks dry, sometimes flaky and often feels tight. There are practically no visible pores on it, and unlike oily skin, the growth of vellus hair is rarely observed, as well as the formation of moles and warts. You can determine that you have dry skin if, after pressing hard with your fingers on the skin of the face, the trace does not disappear for a long time.

Due to the lack of a protective layer (sebum), such skin reacts strongly to temperature changes. People with protruding ruptured blood vessels often have dry skin because their capillaries are close to the surface, and this contributes to a faster loss of moisture.

On dry skin, pimples appear less often than on oily skin, but it cracks and coarsens more easily, especially in the air. Dry skin requires especially skillful and careful care, as it is very sensitive to adverse effects, it quickly ages.

Dry skin arises from insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands and increased evaporation of moisture from the surface. In young women, dry skin has a pleasant appearance, looks tender, thin, smooth and matte. Subsequently, especially with insufficient or improper care, the skin becomes dry, flaky, loses elasticity. On such skin, wrinkles appear earlier than on its other types. Dry skin occurs in many women after forty years. Areas around the eyes, mouth, and neck age especially quickly.

Oily skin shines, has a pale (grayish; color and rough structure, in which the mouths of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, or pores, are especially noticeable. Shine is caused by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Sometimes this skin looks like an orange peel. Excessive sebum, combined with torn off skin flakes and dust, forms plugs in the openings of the sebaceous glands - “black dots". If the process continues, fat accumulates in the excretory ducts and sebaceous plugs appear - comedones that have a dark brown or black color (the result of mixing dust, dead parts of cells and brown pigment). In the absence of facial care, comedones increase, stretch the excretory ducts of the gland. An infection penetrates into them, and they become inflamed, acne forms. Places of increased sebum secretion are the forehead, nose, chin, back of the neck, places between the shoulder blades, sternum area, large skin folds, armpits, inguinal folds, scalp.

For all its shortcomings, oily skin has one clear advantage - excess sebum prevents it from drying out. Wrinkles in owners of oily skin appear much later than in those with dry skin.

Combination skin(mixed type) is most common and is characterized by a rather oily central part, including the forehead, nose, chin, and dry skin on the cheeks, around the eyes and on the neck. To determine whether you have oily or dry skin in a given area of ​​your face, test it as suggested above. It should be remembered that mixed skin type requires different ways of caring for different parts of the face.

  • How to determine your skin type
  • Care for different skin types
  • Overview of funds

The main types of facial skin and their signs

The beauty of the skin is impossible without competent care, but it will give results only if the cosmetics match your skin type.

Normal skin type

People with normal skin can be envied - they do not have black dots and oily sheen, they are unfamiliar with peeling and a feeling of tightness. To care for such skin, you need a little:

    daily cleansing;

    regular exfoliation;


Dry skin type

Understanding that you have dry skin is easy. Most often, pores are practically not visible on it and there is no oily sheen. On the one hand, it's great: no shine - no problem. And on the other hand, this is the problem: the sebaceous glands do not work well, hence the acute lack of lipids, and therefore protection. Dry skin characteristics:

  • with a noticeable network of capillaries;

  • sensitive to temperature changes.

The four main skin types are dry, oily, normal and combination. © iStock

Oily skin type

It is impossible to confuse this type of skin with another. More often:

    oily skin begins to shine almost immediately after washing;

    enlarged pores are noticeable on it;

    there is a tendency to rashes and inflammation.

Combined skin type

This type of skin is found in most people. You are one of them if you:

    oily skin in the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin);

    in other areas - normal.

Sensitive skin type

It can be recognized by the following features:

    characterized by increased irritability;

    reacts to most cosmetic products with redness;

    negatively tolerates temperature changes;

    reveals peeling, a feeling of tightness, itching.

How to determine your skin type

To find out exactly what type of skin you have, just sit in front of a mirror and carefully examine your reflection.

    Enlarged pores and many blackheads on the T-zone? Most likely skin oily.

    The pores are almost invisible, and the areas on the cheeks are dry? Dry.

    Pores are not visible on the face, but are clearly visible on the T-zone? These are the signs combined skin.

    None of the above found? Super! Your skin is close to perfect - that is normal.

There are many ways to determine skin type. © iStock

However, there are a couple of simple tests to determine the type of skin.

    If, holding the skin on the cheek between your fingers, you saw that small wrinkles appeared on it, then there is a lack of moisture, and the skin is dry.

    Apply a mattifying pad to your face. Does it have greasy marks? You most likely have oily or combination skin. If there are no traces - dry, normal or sensitive.

And this is a small test in case you still have doubts.

Skin type test table

Skin condition after washing Skin condition without moisturizer Pore ​​condition Reaction to food
A. Tightened A. Dry and tight. A. Invisible. A. Drinking alcohol causes tightness and dryness.
B. Slightly shiny B. Fat. B. Expanded. B. After fried and spicy foods, the skin begins to shine.
B. Looks healthy and smooth B. Looks healthy. B. Noticeable, but moderate in width. B. There is no specific reaction.
G. Slightly shiny in the T-zone, normal on the cheeks G. Shines in the T-zone. D. Well visible in the T-zone. D. Due to the lack of vegetables, rashes appear in the T-zone.
D. A little annoyed D. Irritated, with redness. E. One of the items listed in this column applies. D. After taking spicy food, the skin becomes irritated and reddens.


    More Answers A: Dry skin.

    More answers B: oily skin.

    More answers Q: normal skin.

    More answers G: combination skin.

    More answers D: sensitive skin.

Oily skin needs deep cleansing. © iStock

Care for different skin types

Whatever your skin type, care should include three main steps:




Combination skin

Dry skin needs gentle cleansing and moisturizing. © iStock

Dry skin

Care steps What means to use Application frequency
make-up removal Micellar water, make-up remover milk, special eye make-up removers. daily
gentle cleansing Cream-based exfoliants with small, rounded polymer particles. daily morning/evening
toning Tonic or lotion for dry skin. daily after every wash
cleansing, nutrition Moisturizing and nourishing creams with hyaluronic acid, oils, antioxidants, SPF. daily in the morning and evening, apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream depending on the condition of the skin
extra care Masks: moisturizing and nourishing. 1-2 times a week

Normal skin needs basic care. © iStock

normal skin

Care steps What means to use Application frequency
make-up removal Micellar water, eye make-up remover, makeup remover milk or lotion. daily
cleansing Gels, mousses, foams, soft exfoliants. daily, deeper cleansing with exfoliants - 1-2 times a week depending on skin condition
toning Tonic or moisturizing lotion for normal skin. daily after washing
hydration, nutrition Moisturizing and nourishing creams, protective balms, depending on the season and skin condition. daily morning and evening

Overview of funds

For combination and oily skin