Face mask. Face mask, nourishing, with avocado and banana. Mud pharmacy - tightening nourishing clay masks

Velvet skin, an even tone and a slight blush is an attainable dream for everyone. Proper care will allow you to enjoy a flowering reflection even in adulthood. To do this, it is not necessary to leave fabulous sums in beauty salons. Everything for the preservation of beautiful, well-groomed skin has already been created by nature and is available in unlimited quantities. Recipes for making nourishing face masks are easy to do with your own hands at home.

Benefits of nourishing face masks

The face is a reflection of lifestyle, nutrition, stress, workdays and adherence to the regime. Nourishing face masks help:

  • Improve turgor;
  • Fight wrinkles;
  • Saturate the skin with essential vitamins, micro-, macroelements;
  • Restore water balance;
  • Align the tone, refresh the color;
  • Gently cleanse without damaging or irritating the cells of the epidermis;
  • Remove signs of fatigue, puffiness;
  • Activate intracellular processes.

At home, it is easy to prepare a magical remedy that is not inferior to advertised brands. All skin types, including combination and oily, need regular moisturizing. Otherwise, under the influence of sunlight, temperature changes, gusts of wind, wilting processes can start much earlier.

Proper care - cleansing, toning and nutrition. It would seem: why do we need a nourishing mask for young skin? Starting from adolescence, it is necessary to carry out full-fledged care, which will significantly slow down the aging process.

And, after 25 years, it is necessary to nourish and moisturize the face and décolleté at least 1-2 times a week. A variety of fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, valuable vegetable oils, herbal and medicinal collections help create various combinations of magical beauty products.

Indications for the use of a nourishing mask:

  • Limited sleep, malnutrition and low fluid intake.
  • Pregnancy, feeding, hormonal changes.
  • Work associated with regular exposure to the sun, wind, low / high temperatures.
  • Stress, difficult environmental situation, lack of proper rest.
  • Winter and spring periods are often accompanied by beriberi, which immediately affects the condition of the skin.

Rules for the use of nourishing face masks

To ensure the maximum effect at home will help the observance of the main steps:

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. Cleansing - consists not only in the removal of decorative cosmetics, but also in deeper peeling. For sensitive skin, it is better to use herbs crushed on a coffee grinder (thyme, chamomile, plantain), for deeper cleaning - coffee, honey, salt in combination with oils.
  2. Apply the mask only along the massage lines (from the center), avoiding the delicate area around the eyes and lips.
  3. The entire period of time while the mask is working, you need to relax your face as much as possible, do not talk, squint and smile.
  4. You can remove it with warm water, a soft sponge, napkins, also observing the massage lines. Washing ends with cool water to close the pores.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, an organic cream is applied according to the skin type.
  6. Use only fresh, high quality ingredients. You should not cook large volumes, folk masks have a fairly short shelf life. Dry raw materials - herbs, kelp, flour can be stored in a clean, hermetically sealed container for several months.
  7. To give the various ingredients the necessary consistency, you will need a ceramic bowl, whisk, coffee grinder, blender, mortar and pestle.

Contraindications for the use of nourishing masks may be an allergic reaction to one of the components. It is better to apply the mass first on the wrist and wait 7-8 minutes, if irritation appears, the composition of the mask must be changed.

10 best recipes for nourishing face masks at home

Nourishing mask for dry skin

You will need:

  • 20 ml. a glass of milk;
  • 20 ml. unrefined olive oil;
  • 10 ml. avocado or jojoba oils;
  • 10 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 1/2 boiled carrot.

Dry skin nutrition should be carried out at least 2 times in 8 days in summer, and 2 times more often in winter. A simple mask will help protect the skin from dehydration and fill it with vitamins of youth as much as possible. Combine all liquid components and heat in a water bath to 40o. Carrots (can be replaced with baked pumpkin) crushed in a mortar, then introduce cottage cheese to obtain a uniform texture. Then add warm milk with oils, mix everything well and apply on a previously cleansed face and neck. After 8–9 minutes, gently remove the residue with a tissue and wash your face with cool water. Apply preferably in the evening 3 times a week.

Nourishing mask for oily skin

You will need:

  • 10 ml. almond oil;
  • 15 gr. oatmeal;
  • Nettle decoction;
  • The pulp of half a banana;
  • Essential oil of bergamot/tea tree.

A nourishing mask for oily skin should still play the role of an antiseptic, bergamot oil will help normalize the secretions of the sebaceous glands, and herbal decoction will soothe inflammation. Mash a ripe banana on a fine sieve, add butter and flour. Dilute the resulting mass with a decoction of nettle or plantain to the consistency of softened butter. Last add the essential oil. Apply a thick layer of mask on steamed skin for 10-14 minutes. Then remove the mass with a sponge and wash with warm green tea. Moisturizing and nourishing oily and combination types is as important as cleansing and toning. It is enough to carry out a cosmetic procedure 1-2 times a week in winter, in summer it is enough 2 times in 21 days.

Nourishing face mask in winter

You will need:

  • Ripe persimmon;
  • 20 ml. linseed oil;
  • 10 ml. grape seed oils;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 10–11 gr. corn starch.

Grate half the persimmon pulp on a fine grater, add oil, yolk. The starch will help make the skin soft and velvety, acting as a thickener as well. Wipe the face with a hot decoction of chamomile to maximize the upper layers of the epidermis, and apply the mask along the massage lines. After 8 minutes, rinse and moisturize with a natural cream. In winter, the skin especially needs additional nutrition, the procedure can be carried out in a twelve-day course both for recovery and for the prevention of premature wrinkles.

Nourishing face mask with honey

You will need:

  • 20 gr. liquid honey;
  • 20 ml. sesame oil;
  • Half a fresh cucumber;
  • 15 gr. pulp of rye bread.

Peel the cucumber from the skin and grate on a fine grater. Rye bread cut into small pieces and pour cucumber juice with pulp, mix everything thoroughly with a fork. Then introduce honey and oil, cleanse the skin and apply on the face and neck. After 12 minutes, wash off with a decoction of plantain and thyme with the addition of lavender essential oil. It is impossible to use such a mask for skin with manifestations of rosacea, and prone to allergic reactions. The best nourishing masks are handmade from fresh, proven ingredients.

Nourishing mask for mature skin

You will need:

  • Medium potato;
  • 30 ml. olive oil;
  • 20 ml. sour cream;
  • Yolk;
  • Parsley and fennel greens.

Bake or boil potatoes, peel and grate on a fine grater. Add butter, sour cream, greens rich in vitamins and microelements, crush with a pestle in a mortar. Apply to the face, while slightly squeezing the plastic mass, forming and tightening the oval. After 30 years, using such a mask, you can forget about morning puffiness and traces of lack of sleep. After 40 years, it is desirable to undergo the procedure for a ten-day course.

Nourishing face mask with kelp

You will need:

  • 15–25 gr. kelp powder;
  • 1 teaspoons peach kernel oil;
  • 2 coffee spoons of rye flour;
  • Vitamins A, E.

Grind dry kelp in a coffee grinder. Pour 2.5 tbsp. spoons of hot green tea and leave for 5-7 minutes. Then add flour, butter and 2 drops of each vitamin. It is convenient to apply with a sponge or a brush, avoiding sensitive areas of the eyes and lips. After half an hour, remove the remnants of the mask with a napkin. After 50 years, it is better to replace peach seed oil with olive or sea buckthorn oil, this procedure is also known for its rejuvenating effect.

Nourishing mask for combination skin

You will need:

  • 25 gr. applesauce;
  • Yolk;
  • 5 ml cream;
  • 10 gr. potato starch;
  • Essential oil of grapefruit.

You can buy ready-made applesauce from a series of baby food, or make it yourself (from baked apples). To improve the complexion, especially after a sunny summer, add 3-5 drops of lime or grapefruit to apples. Combine the yolk with cream and beat with a whisk, then add the starch, puree, the last - essential oil. Apply to the skin in a dense layer, it is desirable to spend the entire time of action (10-12 minutes) of the components lying down. This mask can be used an hour before going outside. It refreshes the skin, nourishes it enough and improves its tone.

Nourishing mask for skin rejuvenation

You will need:

  • 10 gr. gelatin;
  • 20 ml of infusion of linden flowers;
  • Vitamins E, C.

Brew linden flowers and insist for half an hour. After strain and heat in a water bath. Pour gelatin with warm infusion, stir until the lumps disappear completely. Add 2 drops of each vitamin, using a wide brush, apply the mask on the face in layers. Avoid contact with eyebrows and skin along the hairline. The more layers you get, the more effective the mask will be. When the mass is completely absorbed and dried, it must be carefully removed like a film. It is not necessary to wash or wipe your face, so as not to wash off the unabsorbed natural collagen.

Nourishing beeswax face mask

You will need:

  • 20 ml. walnut oil;
  • 2-3 drops of patchouli oil.

This mask is suitable if there is no reaction to bee products and if there are no problems with blood vessels on the face. Grind the wax on a grater and melt in a water bath, add walnut oil, when it cools down a little, add essential oil. Using a brush, apply to the face along the massage lines. Cover your face with a warm towel and keep the mask on for 12-14 minutes. Carefully remove exfoliated, cooled wax, do not rinse with water. If you apply the nourishing mask correctly, you can forever forget about dry, tightened skin.

Nourishing face mask universal for all skin types

You will need:

  • 1 egg;
  • 25 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 20 ml. sour cream;
  • 15 ml of aloe juice.

Grind the cottage cheese on a fine sieve, add the egg, sour cream and freshly squeezed aloe juice. Cleanse and steam the skin, apply the resulting mixture in a thick layer for 25 minutes. Remove the mask with a wet swab along the massage lines. Feedback on the application among owners of various skin types is positive. The mild effect of the ingredients improves the complexion, normalizes the sebaceous glands and activates the protective properties of the epidermis. Such a mask can be used for a two-week course to achieve a lifting effect, for the prevention of dehydration and beriberi, 1 time per week is enough.

Video recipe: DIY homemade nourishing face mask

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the Academy of Beauty Industry "LOKON". Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in

Nourishing face masks increase skin turgor, eliminate small creases and mimic wrinkles, saturate the dermis with useful elements. Also, the funds restore the balance of the liquid, remove salt, give a blush and velvety. Thanks to the activation of all metabolic processes, excessive puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, signs of fatigue and stress are eliminated.

Indications for the use of nourishing masks

  • severe violation of the regime of work and rest;
  • insomnia, short sleep (less than 3 hours a day);
  • malnutrition;
  • constant stress;
  • frequent change of residence (business trips);
  • beriberi in the offseason;
  • bad ecology;
  • dryness, peeling, cracking of the skin;
  • general dehydration of the body;
  • hormonal disruptions in adolescents;
  • breastfeeding, pregnancy, menopause;
  • regular exposure to the skin of wind, sun, frost.

Features of the use of nourishing masks

  1. Before applying the composition, remove decorative cosmetics. Wash your face, steam the skin over the bath to open the pores. Perform deep scrubbing (peeling) to remove greasy plugs and dirt.
  2. Do not apply the prepared product on the lips and around the eyes. Spread the composition with a cosmetic brush, fingertips or sponge.
  3. Provide yourself with maximum peace for the duration of the mask. Lie down on the couch, relax your muscles and close your eyes. Don't blink, don't talk, don't laugh.
  4. Remove the spent composition first with cosmetic sponges, then wash your face with warm water. Finish off with a cold rinse to close the pores.
  5. After removing the mask, wait a while, it is allotted to restore the epidermis. After 1 hour, lubricate the skin with a light cream or serum.
  6. Folk remedies have a limited shelf life, so you can not procure them for the future. Mix fresh ingredients just before applying them to the skin, discard any leftovers.
  7. If crushed herbs, seaweed and other bulk raw materials are used for the mask, make a separate suitcase. Keep the components in it for no longer than 2 months.
  8. Almost all of the following ingredients must be ground to a homogeneous consistency. Take care in advance of having a blender or meat grinder, mortar and pestle, mixer, ceramic or glassware, coffee grinder.
  9. Nourishing masks have contraindications - individual intolerance, rosacea (not all recipes). Before use, do a test by applying part of the composition on the wrist. If there is no itching, proceed to manipulation.

Honey and strawberries

  1. Select 10 fresh strawberries. Rinse them, mash with a fork or pass through a blender. Enter 35 gr. candied honey and 30 gr. regular face cream (oily).
  2. Prepare the skin, steam and exfoliate. On a clean, dry face, apply the mass, rub. Hold the composition for at least 30 minutes, remove with cotton pads.
  3. Now dip the sponge in cool milk, wipe the skin. Wait a third of an hour, wash your face in the usual way. To enhance the effect, you can do a light facial massage.

Cereals and hot milk

  1. To prepare an effective composition, take ground oatmeal or bran (wheat, rye). Dilute them with hot milk, insist under polyethylene for 20 minutes until swelling.
  2. While the mask is being prepared, cleanse your face of cosmetics, steam over the bath. Scrub, then use the product. Apply it on the neck, décolleté and all over the face. Keep 40 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide and cottage cheese

  1. To prepare the composition, it is better to take a peroxide solution with a concentration of 3%, no more. The mask is contraindicated for people with rosacea and overly sensitive skin.
  2. Pass through a 70 gr sieve. high-fat cottage cheese. Add 40 gr. heavy cream, stir. Enter 5 ml. peroxide, bring the product to a creamy consistency.
  3. Treat with the composition not only the skin of the face, but also the neck. Hold the mask for 15 minutes, remove with sponges. Rinse your face, in addition, wipe it with ice cubes.

Potatoes and cream

  1. Boil a couple of potatoes in their skins. Do not cool them, immediately turn them into a puree with a blender. Separately, heat high-fat cream, add to the potatoes, mix everything thoroughly again.
  2. Send the yolk to the container, the protein is not required. Whisk, stir into potato mixture. Cleanse your face, use a mask. Keep it on for at least 40 minutes.

Bread and cucumber

  1. Remove the peel from the vegetable, chop off the “butts”. Cut into cubes, place in a blender bowl or grate. Throw the resulting slurry on a gauze cloth, squeeze the juice.
  2. Warm up 30 gr. honey, add to the cucumber liquid. Pour in half a teaspoon of sesame or almond oil. Separately, soak a slice of black bread in milk.
  3. Combine all the ingredients, but mash the bread crumb without milk. Spread over a clean face and neck, hold for half an hour. Then wash your face with a cold decoction of medicinal plants.

Black clay and aloe vera

  1. If you have aloe vera at home, use it. Cut off 3 stems of the plant, grate, squeeze out the juice. To this liquid mix 25 gr. honey and 40 gr. black clay.
  2. Let the mask stand for about 20 minutes, then knead it. Spread a homogeneous gruel over the face, hold until dry. Wash off with warm water.

Yogurt and yeast

  1. The composition mattifies the skin, eliminates sebaceous plugs, moisturizes and nourishes. For cooking, use baker's yeast. Product in the amount of 20 gr. dilute with warm milk and let it brew.
  2. After about 20 minutes, heat up 30 ml. curdled milk, mix with yeast. Use the resulting slurry for its intended purpose, treating the face and neck.
  3. After half an hour of exposure, exfoliate, massaging the skin. Rinse off with warm water, wipe your face with cosmetic ice from sage or nettle.

Radish and sour cream

  1. Rinse a quarter of the radish, grate it. Lay back on a bandage to squeeze out the juice. To this liquid add 40 gr. fat sour cream and 35 gr. honey. Mix to a smooth paste.
  2. Now steam the skin to open the pores. Spread the product in a thick layer, cover it with gauze. Hold for 10 minutes, remove with sponges and water.

Apple and chicken yolk

  1. For this mask, choose green varieties of apples that have a share of sourness. Take 2 fruits, remove the middle and stalks from them. Grate the pulp along with the peel.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix 2 yolks (raw), 10 gr. corn starch, 3 drops of grapefruit oil, 25 ml. cream. Turn the mixture into a homogeneous gruel, add to the apples.
  3. Apply the mask on a cleansed face in a very thick layer. Maintain the composition in a supine position with the muscles as relaxed as possible. Wash off after 40 minutes.

Lemon juice and egg

  1. Warm up 50 ml. olive oil up to 45 degrees. Pour in 15 gr. gelatin and add some hot water. Let the product stand for half an hour. During this period, grind into a paste 40 gr. sugar and 1 egg.
  2. Combine the components, squeeze the juice from half a lemon, pour into the mask. Apply the product all over the face, décolleté and neck. Do not touch the eye area. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Greens and potatoes

  1. Rinse under the tap 25 gr. fresh dill and 30 gr. parsley. Dry, grind in a blender along with the stems. Put the prepared puree on cheesecloth, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Wash a fresh potato, grate it, squeeze out the juice with a bandage. Mix in the first composition. Enter 30 gr. high-fat sour cream, raw yolk.
  3. Apply a homogeneous paste on the face in a dense layer. In addition, place a piece of gauze on the composition so that the mixture does not fall off. Keep it for 25 minutes, remove.

Chicken egg and peach

  1. If it's peach/nectarine season, take advantage of this. Otherwise, replace the component with a banana. Mash 1 fruit into porridge, enter a couple of eggs.
  2. Beat the contents of the container with a mixer or a whisk, apply to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Rub in circular motions, leave for a third of an hour.

Almond and banana

  1. Fry a handful of almonds or hazelnuts in a dry frying pan without adding oil. After 7 minutes, cool the nuts, grind them with a coffee grinder into crumbs.
  2. Separately, mash 1 banana with a blender or fork, combine with the nut mass. Drop 1 ml. bergamot oil, pour 10 gr. rye bran and 2 gr. ground cinnamon.
  3. It is important that the composition becomes completely homogeneous and moderately thick. Apply it on your face in an even layer. Keep for at least 25 minutes, after this time, remove with cotton pads and water.

Green tea and hercules

  1. Prepare a strong tea brew from green leaves, leave it to cool. At this time, grind a handful of oatmeal, pour them into tea.
  2. The mask should be pasty. Otherwise, adjust the consistency with oatmeal/tea. Apply the mass on the skin, soak for a third of an hour.

Egg white and aloe vera

  1. Rub the cooled cottage cheese with a sieve so that the grains separate. Enter 1 protein, mix. Now add 30 gr. sour cream. Choose a couple of fleshy aloe stalks, squeeze the juice out of them.
  2. Mix all available ingredients. For more skin nutrition, you can add 15 ml. grape or almond oil. Make a uniform mask.
  3. Spread the product over the skin, lie down to rest. Relax the muscles as much as possible, rinse off after 35 minutes. Wipe the skin with ice, apply cream.

Red caviar and olive oil

  1. Mash a tablespoon of caviar with a fork until gruel. Dilute 20 ml. warm olive or vegetable oil. Apply to the skin of the face, rub with massaging movements.
  2. The product can be kept for 30 to 60 minutes. It is not necessary to rinse off, it is enough to wipe the skin with cosmetic disks or napkins. The second procedure is carried out after 2 days.

Seaweed and Tocopherol

  1. Before preparing the mask, read the list of ingredients. You will need tocopherol, vitamin A (retinol), seaweed powder.
  2. All components are sold in a pharmacy for a relatively small cost. Measure out a couple of ampoules of retinol, 1 ml. tocopherol, 25 gr. kelp (algae).
  3. Mix the ingredients. If the composition is too thick, add more tocopherol. Apply only to clean face skin, massage in circular motions. Hold for 25 minutes.

Carrot juice and honey

  1. For the mask, you need to use only fresh carrot juice, which you will have to squeeze out yourself from 1 root crop. Mix in the composition of 40 gr. honey, warm up.
  2. In a warm state, apply the mask all over the face, avoiding hypersensitive areas (zone under the eyes, eyelids, lips). Wash off after 35 minutes.

persimmon and starch

  1. Give preference to persimmon varieties "King". Cut off half of the fruit, remove the peel, grate the pulp. Enter 20 ml. linseed oil, raw yolk, 8-10 gr. potato starch.
  2. Send the dishes with the composition to the microwave, heat for 15 seconds at an average rate. After this time, rinse and scrub your face.
  3. Spread the product on dry skin with massaging movements. Cover your face with foil and lie down to rest. After 25 minutes, remove the product with cotton pads and water.

Yogurt and grapefruit

  1. To make an effective home remedy, you need to use only natural yogurt with a high percentage of fat. Sour cream is suitable (from 25%).
  2. Measure out 50 gr. composition, add 30 ml to it. freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Add some flour or starch to thicken. The mask is ready, apply it, remove it after half an hour.

Gelatin and ampoule vitamins

  1. Buy vitamin E (tocopherol) in the pharmacy in the amount of 2 ampoules. You will also need 1 piece of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Connect these drugs together.
  2. Separately, brew chamomile or linden blossoms with boiling water. Infuse for 40 minutes, then filter several times. Measure out 80 gr. infusion, pour 1 pack of gelatin.
  3. Stir the product well, wait a quarter of an hour. After this time, add the vitamin mixture. Begin application avoiding the eye and lip area. Keep the mask on for 45 minutes.

beeswax and walnut

  1. Melt the beeswax cube to a liquid consistency. Add a handful of shelled, roasted and ground walnuts. Stir the contents, pour in 30 ml. almond oil.
  2. In a warm (almost hot) state, apply the mask to your face. Hold until hardened, then remove in one piece. Don't wash your face for half an hour.

Directional masks not only nourish the skin, but also moisturize it as deeply as possible. It is recommended to apply the compositions before going to bed or after waking up in the morning. These watches are considered ideal for beauty treatments. Consider the most popular recipes, choose your favorite options. Repeat manipulations every 3 days for 2 months, then take a break.

Video: nourishing mask for dry skin

Nutrient mixtures for the face are necessary at any age. Cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition are important links in the same chain. Remove one of them - and skin care will not bring the desired result.

How to prepare nourishing face masks at home? No special skills required! Choose the available components, study the proposed recipes, carefully read the advice of cosmetologists. Compositions from natural ingredients will give an attractive, well-groomed look to your skin.

The benefits of nourishing masks

An active effect on the epidermis is possible due to properly selected components. The composition includes:

  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • eggs;
  • cereals;
  • oil solutions of vitamins;
  • vegetable oils;
  • aloe pulp;
  • citrus fruits and other useful components.

Pre-cleansed skin easily absorbs all the most valuable contained in natural products. Penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis:

  • fatty, fruit, lactic acids;
  • biologically active substances;
  • trace elements;
  • vitamins;
  • water;
  • natural immunostimulants.

The result of the action of the complex of active components:

  • the epidermis is smoothed;
  • the face freshens, acquires a pleasant tone;
  • improves cellular metabolism;
  • shallow wrinkles are smoothed;
  • peeling is reduced;
  • decreases;
  • each cell of the epidermis is saturated with moisture;
  • slow down the aging process.

Such good results are no accident. Often, the composition of the nutrient includes components that affect the skin from several sides. The benefits of using homemade nutrients are multiplied many times over.

Take note:

  • only regular use of mixtures made from natural products will give freshness and radiance to your skin;
  • perform procedures twice a week;
  • the course requires 10-15 sessions, then take a break for a month;
  • alternate different compositions, do not accustom the skin to a certain type of mask - addiction will come;
  • select compositions taking into account the condition of the epidermis, age, skin type;
  • nourish your face in the morning or evening. Immediately after dinner, tired skin absorbs active substances worse;
  • to achieve the effect, adhere to the proportions;
  • most nutritional formulations leave on the skin for 20 minutes.

Popular and effective recipes

You do not have to look for a suitable tool for a long time. Check out the section that matches your age. There you will find interesting affordable recipes from different components.

Prepare two or three remedies, observe how the epidermis reacts. Perhaps some composition will not suit you. After a week, try other formulations. Experimentally, you will definitely select several products that best meet the needs of your epidermis.

Compositions for the skin after 20

Many girls at this age have combination skin:

  • on the cheeks, temples, near the eyes there is dryness;
  • in the T-zone (forehead and nose), enlarged pores, increased fat content, often appear.

This type of epidermis lasts up to 25 years. Then the shift to one side begins. The skin gradually becomes dry or, conversely, oily throughout the face. (We have an article about oily facial skin).

Masks for combination skin:

  • cabbage. Wash a couple of juicy leaves, grind in a blender. To a tablespoon of puree, add half a teaspoon of linseed oil;
  • tea and honey. Brew quality green tea. Grind to powder 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, pour in 1 tbsp. l. high-quality honey, the same amount of tea leaves, grind. Add some boiled water;
  • egg. Pound one yolk, combine with 1 des. l. freshly squeezed carrot or apple juice;
  • berry. Crush a few raspberries, strawberries, black or red currants, strawberries. Take 2 tbsp. l. berry mass, combine with 1 tbsp. l. homemade cottage cheese;
  • carrot-cabbage with cream. In a blender, chop medium carrots, a couple of leaves of cabbage, squeeze out excess juice. To two dessert spoons of puree, add the same amount of cream and light honey.

Note! Many girls have oily or normal skin types. The proposed masks based on berries, vegetables, fruit juices, delicate oatmeal are also suitable for them. The components will saturate the epidermis with useful substances, at the same time moisturize and refresh the face.

Recipes for masks after 30

You can’t do without nourishing homemade masks at this age. Be sure to saturate the epidermis with useful minerals, biologically active ingredients, vitamins for youth and skin elasticity 2 times a week.

Proven Recipes:

  • yeast. Suitable for high fat content. In a container, mix camphor oil, 25 g of pressed yeast, 20 ml of sauerkraut juice, an oil solution of vitamins A and E. Let the mixture brew for 15 minutes;
  • gelatinous. With dryness of the epidermis. It will take 10 g of gelatin crystals, grated pulp of an average cucumber, 15 g of strong tea from good green tea. Let the mixture stand for half an hour, heat until the crystals are completely dissolved, add 10 ml of aloe juice;
  • miracle remedy with radish. Grate the root crop, squeeze the juice. Combine the same amount of heavy cream, honey, add the same amount of radish juice. Cover the face with mass. Add a new layer every 5 minutes. Repeat the operation three times;
  • nourishing mask with sour cream. Suitable for any type of skin. The drier the epidermis, the higher the percentage of fat content of the fermented milk product. Combine warmed honey, sour cream in equal proportions, mix well;
  • potato. For normal skin. Put powdered milk - 15 g, yolk, boiled potatoes - 50 g, sea salt - 10 g, lime or lemon juice - 20 ml into the blender bowl. An excellent effect will be given by treating the skin with a cube of herbal ice from a decoction of chamomile or yarrow.

Recipes for skin after 40

At this age, the result is clearly visible, it can be easily determined whether a woman cared for her face or not. If you still have not had enough time or desire to preserve youth and beauty, urgently rebuild.

In 10 years, it will be difficult for you to maintain a pleasant appearance even with the help of expensive innovative facial care products. Think!

The best recipes for nourishing masks:

  • effective mixture with honey. Beat the protein, combine with 2 tbsp. l liquid light honey, oatmeal;
  • aloe mask. With increased fat content. Keep thick leaves in the refrigerator, pre-wrapped in paper. Deadline is a week. Pass the pulp through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Take 1 tbsp. l. tender mass, add 4 drops of lemon or lime juice;
  • mask with aloe and olive oil. With dryness of the epidermis. Take each component equally, mix. Prepare aloe for nutrient mixtures according to the recipe above;
  • orange mask for dry, wrinkled skin. Grind ripe sea buckthorn berries with seeds in a blender. The mixture perfectly nourishes, rejuvenates, gives a pleasant shade;
  • mask with honey and glycerin. Combine the proposed components in a 1: 1 ratio, add a little oatmeal, add water for the desired consistency;
  • shea butter mask A natural product, extracted from a unique shea tree, perfectly nourishes and rejuvenates the epidermis. Heated valuable oil can be applied undiluted with massage movements or mixed with other components;
  • shea butter + honey. With excessive dryness. Prepare a mixture of shea butter and jojoba butter. Take each 1 des. l. Add so much light liquid honey, a dessert spoon of chopped avocado pulp (banana or persimmon).

Note! Shea butter contains natural latex. Are you allergic to this ingredient? Give it up. Use sea buckthorn or almond oil.

For mature epidermis after 50

Mature epidermis needs special attention, careful care and attention. By this age, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes covered with a network of wrinkles, often peels off, the contours “blur”. Without regular nutrition, the condition of the epidermis will deteriorate rapidly.

Problems are especially noticeable in women with dry skin type. Homemade beauty recipes will support the water-fat balance, “cheer up” tired skin.

Choose the right recipe for nourishing masks:

  • egg. For oily skin. Mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice, whipped protein. Cover the face with a protein mixture, rinse immediately after drying. Immediately, apply a nutrient mixture of yolk, olive oil (20 ml), three drops of lemon juice;
  • the easiest recipe. Lightly heat a good quality flaxseed, olive, almond or coconut oil. Moisten the gauze, put it on your face. After 15 minutes, wash your face, apply a nourishing cream;
  • with shea butter. Melt the unique shea butter, take 1 dessert spoon of it, the same amount of olive oil, add the mashed yolk;
  • potato. Prepare fresh mashed potatoes and baked milk, grind one yolk, add to the potato mass. Apply the mass in a thick layer, put a dense fabric on top, after cutting holes for the eyes and lips;
  • vitamin. Nutrition + hydration. Grind 1 kiwi, 6 strawberries, a small peeled cucumber, add a little oatmeal. After 10 minutes, cover your face with a thickened mass;
  • mask with sour cream and oatmeal. Pour 1 tbsp. l. finely ground flakes with hot milk. After 7-10 minutes, put 1 tbsp. l. sour cream (fat percentage depends on skin type);
  • orange-almond mixture. It will take 50 g of sour cream, 5 ml of almond oil, 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed orange juice. Excellent nutrition for aging epidermis.

Find out more recipes for anti-aging masks for mature skin at the address.

Agree, preparing nourishing face masks on your own is easy and fast. The effect of the procedures is amazing. Find "your" masks, and your skin will say "Thank you!". Do not hesitate, looking at your well-groomed face, others will admire your beautiful appearance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

From the following video you can find another recipe for a homemade nourishing face mask:

Sudden weather changes, temperature changes, stress, hard work negatively affect our skin.

To keep the epidermis in good shape and give it a radiant look, nourishing masks are used.

They are very easy to make and use at home.

Proper selection of a mask, depending on the type of skin and the needs of the body, affects the success of the procedures.

You need to know the rules and features of their application.

Why it is better to collect nourishing masks at home:

Ease of preparation;

Low cost;

The ability to vary the composition (supplement with vitamins).

In winter, masks should contain the greatest amount of vitamins..

It is better to include the following ingredients:

Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes);

Fruits (bananas, lemons, apples, avocados);

Dairy products (kefir, sour cream, cream, yogurt);

Decoctions of herbs (chamomile);

Oils (vegetable, cosmetic, essential);


For masks in the summer, you can include the following components:





Nourishing face mask at home: basic principles of application

Getting an excellent result from a nourishing mask is not so difficult if you first familiarize yourself with the features of preparation and use.

For dry epidermis, ingredients are used:

Dairy production;

It is better to nourish oily skin:


Skimmed milk.

Suitable for normal skin

Liquid - decoctions of herbs.

Oil and honey are slightly heated before use, and eggs and essential oils do not tolerate high temperatures, as they lose their properties.

It is better to use wooden or ceramic dishes, but a glass bowl would be ideal, it is better to refuse metal.

Be sure to check your body's reaction to the mask. This can be done by lubricating the wrist with the prepared solution and looking at the skin's response to exposure during the day. Itching and redness are a sign of the onset of an allergic reaction, i.e. the components of the nourishing mask are incompatible with your skin.

The application of the mask is carried out with massage movements. It is unacceptable to rub the mixture into the skin. The movements should be light and smooth, corresponding to the contours of the face.

The optimal contact time of the mask with the skin is 10-30 minutes, where the minimum period (10 minutes) is intended for exposure to sensitive epidermis, and the maximum (30 minutes) for oily ones.

To remove the mask, use warm milk or a decoction of herbs.

A nourishing mask should be used no more than twice a week.

The benefits of nourishing masks

When the skin lacks nourishment, it begins to lose its healthy appearance and look worse. Therefore, the epidermis, especially in the winter-spring period, must be given additional substances and vitamins. Nutritional masks help maintain health.

They perform the functions:

Deliver useful substances;

Increase the supply of oxygen;

Increase blood flow to the skin;

Restoration of damaged cells;

Protection from the negative impact of the environment.

The result of regular use of masks is an improvement in the appearance of the skin and the restoration of its health.

When is it preferable to use nourishing masks:

Winter-spring period (prevention of beriberi);

Conditions of sudden temperature changes;

stressful situations;

Hard work;

Work in the chemical industry.

Nourishing masks increase the elasticity of the skin and deliver beneficial substances to the cells. Without such prevention, the skin ages faster.

Winter - involve the use of an oil base.

Spring - based on the use of fruits and vegetables.

Application rules:

1. make-up removal. Thoroughly cleanse the skin.

2. Applying a mask. massage movements. The face can be covered with cloth or foil.

3. Withdrawal. When the mask is based on oil components, remove it with a cotton pad. In all other cases - a decoction of herbs. After grease with cream.

Time spending

It is important to carry out cosmetic procedures at the most favorable time. There are hours when the use of nourishing masks is useless. Therefore, it is worth knowing the mode of life of the skin:

8-10: you can make any masks;

11-12: nourish oily skin;

15-18: food is useless;

18-23: cleansing and nourishing the skin;

23-24: ideal time for nourishing masks.

It is very important to use only fresh products.

Nourishing face mask at home: for dry skin

The mask is created on the basis of ingredients containing fats. It is very important to nourish dry skin in winter.

Honey masks

Honey is a unique natural product. Founder mask nourishes dry epidermis. It can also be used for combination skin types.

Honey is a strong allergen. Before use, check the reaction on the wrist. Can not be used for diabetes and dilated vessels on the face.

Mask recipes:

1. Components: olive oil (5 ml), buckwheat honey (12 g), egg yolk, oatmeal (8 g), lemon juice (6 drops). Mix and beat until foam appears.

2. Ingredients: half the yolk, grape seed oil, honey (30 g), carrot juice (20 ml).

3. Components: milk (20 ml), wheat flour (10 g), honey (30 g), quail egg. Mix milk and wheat flour, add honey to the resulting mixture.

fruit masks

Fruits are an indispensable product in the spring months, as they have an amazing amount of vitamins so necessary for dry skin during this period.


Need fresh and ripe fruit;

The mixture is not stored;

After the cream is not applied;

Evening application.

Mask recipes:

1. Components: strawberry juice (48 ml), oatmeal (15 g), lanolin (8 g). Lanolin is heated before use. Juice and flour - mix.

2. Components: melon and plum pulp, vegetable oil. Fruit must be peeled, the ingredients are mixed.

3. Components: sweet fruit juice (16 ml), sour cream (9 ml), vegetable oil (5 ml), egg yolk, barley flour.

Nourishing face mask at home: for oily skin

One of the main tasks of the mask for oily skin is the normalization of the sebaceous glands. It should not only nourish the epidermis, but also cleanse, soothe and heal it.

Protein masks

Protein is part of the egg, is the building material for cells. Protein masks nourish, dry and reduce pores. The action takes place as quickly as possible. After the first time you will feel the effect.

Mask recipes:

1. Components: protein, lemon juice (3 ml). Whisks to a foamy state. The application is made in several layers, the mask is washed off by brewing tea.

2. Components: protein, sour apple, starch. The apple is mixed with protein, previously whipped into foam, potato starch is added to the resulting solution.

3. Components: protein (2 eggs), honey (30 g), peach oil, oatmeal (50 g).

Yeast masks

Only baker's yeast is used, dry yeast is unsuitable. The mask should dry on the face. Takes off with water.

Mask recipes:

1. Components: yeast, curdled milk, plantain juice.

2. Components: hydrogen peroxide (3%), yeast. Apply in a thick layer.

3. Components: yeast, flour (rye). Mix and leave overnight in a dark place.

Nourishing face mask at home: for normal skin

Essential base of the mask

Essential oils are great for nourishing normal skin types.

Components: fruit puree, yolk, decoction of hercules flakes, essential oil (any of: spruce -2 caps, rosewood - 4 caps, orange - 2 caps). It is good to add soap foam to the mixture.

Nourishing face mask at home: for aging skin

With age, the skin needs to be given more time and attention, as regeneration processes slow down and cell metabolism changes.

For dry skin, a mask of components is suitable:

Honey (2 tablespoons);

Infused green tea;

Hercules flakes.

Honey and green tea are mixed together and flakes and water are added. The resulting solution was placed in a water bath. Apply the mask warm, then cover the face with either a napkin or a terry towel. The mask lasts 20 minutes and is washed off with water.

For skin that has lost elasticity, a mask of components is perfect:

Honey (h. Spoon);


Mix the ingredients.

White yogurt (100 gr)

Honey (tbsp)

grapefruit peel

Mix. Keep for 15 minutes and wash off with green tea.

Nourishing face mask at home: tricks and tips

Useful notes in the application of masks.

You can change the composition of the masks depending on which vitamin the skin lacks:

Rash (retinol);

Change in elasticity (tocopherol);

Dermatitis (niacin);

Paleness (cyanocobalamin);

Redness and peeling (riboflavin).

The desired effect of the mask is achieved by adding vitamins to the composition, since most of the nutrients pass into the cells.

Strengthening the action involves the following steps:

Proper nutrition;

Proper amount of sleep;

Take vitamins (especially in spring and autumn);

Beware of stress.

It is important to remember that if there is no mention of vitamins in the recipe, then you can safely add them.

To keep your skin young and beautiful, use nourishing face masks. It's not hard to make them at home. The main thing to know: recipes, skin features and applications. Also, do not forget to test the resulting mixture on your wrist to detect allergic reactions. These tips will help keep your skin in amazing condition.

Our body is perfect, but it is too sensitive and reacts to everything: weather conditions, stress, fatigue, not to mention age. All this is reflected in the state of the epidermis. But we can maintain the beauty of the face, give the skin a lost tone and a healthy look. Our faithful assistant is nourishing masks. They can easily be done at home.

Magic procedures

Nourishing masks are a very effective way to give the epidermis beauty and youth. The effectiveness of care depends on the right choice of recipes and a competent approach. All nourishing masks are conditionally divided into the following categories:

  1. Spring. They are based on vegetables and fruits. Such procedures thoroughly work on improving the metabolic process, remove fatigue, return the epidermis to a healthy, radiant appearance, tighten it and stimulate the work of epidermal cells.
  2. Winter. They are focused primarily on the needs of sensitive, dry, thinned epidermis. As a rule, nourishing face masks in winter have an oily base (oils, yolk, glycerin, honey, etc.).

Success Criteria

A nourishing face mask at home should be on a par with such familiar procedures as washing and brushing your teeth. From the age of 25 (according to leading cosmetologists), nutritional care should be carried out regularly.

  • At a young age, nourishing masks can be done once a week.
  • Over the years, the intensity of the procedures increases (after 30 years, you need to please the skin with additional nutrition already 2 times a week).
  • And the epidermis is very mature (after 40 years), such care should be arranged three times a week.

Making a nourishing face mask at home is not just diluting a healing mixture and applying it to the skin. There is a simple regulation of actions, adhering to which, we will significantly increase the effect of home procedures. Beauty rules:

  1. cleansing

Before any procedure, the skin of the face must be thoroughly cleansed. You can use:

  • soft peels for oily skin;
  • hot compresses for dry;
  • steam baths for normal epidermis.
  1. Application

Only on massage lines! After application, it will be good if you cover your face with aluminum foil or warm terry cloth. Duration of nutritional procedures: 15-20 minutes.

  1. Withdrawal

If the nourishing mask has an oily base, you need to remove it with a moistened cotton swab. In other cases, rinse your face with herbal decoction (preferably chamomile). At the final stage, lubricate the epidermis with the usual cream.

  1. Time

Choose the right time for the behavior of the procedures. There are hours in which the dermis is completely immune to nutrients. Our skin has the following regimen:

  • 8-10 am: the right period for absolutely all masks;
  • 11-12 am: Oily skin responds best to nourishing care;
  • 15-18 days: zero time, during these hours it is useless to carry out any masks;
  • 18-23 pm: good hours for cleansing and nourishing procedures;
  • 23-24 pm: the most ideal time for nourishing masks.

It is very important to follow the recipes of nourishing face masks at home correctly. Be especially careful when choosing a mask, it is necessary that it suits your skin type, otherwise we will not see improvements. Use only fresh ingredients.

Nutrition for dry skin

The best nourishing dry face masks are made from fatty, nutrient-rich foods. Especially important is the nutrition of dry skin in winter.

Honey enrichment

Honey is a unique creation of nature. Nourishing face mask with honey at a deep level nourishes dry skin. Honey care is also suitable for combination skin.

Attention! Honey is an allergen - check the epidermis for sensitivity to it. It is impossible to carry out honey care with dilated vessels (rosacea) and diabetes mellitus.

Recipe 1. Mix the yolk with olive oil (5 ml), lemon juice (6 drops) and liquid buckwheat honey (12 g). Beat everything into foam and add oatmeal (8 gr).

Recipe 2. Let's make a nutrient mixture of melted honey (30 g), ½ yolk (5 ml), carrot juice (20 ml).

Recipe 3. Add milk (20 ml), quail egg and thick honey (30 g) to wheat flour (10 g). First, mix flour and milk thoroughly, then add honey.

Fruit mix

Fruit nutrition is simply necessary in the spring period of beriberi, when the condition of the dry epidermis worsens even more. But there are some conditions for these masks:

  1. Take only ripe, fresh fruits for masks;
  2. It is impossible to store fruit mixtures - they are used immediately;
  3. After fruit procedures, additional application of the cream is not required;
  4. Fruit acids increase the sensitivity of the dermis to ultraviolet radiation, so it is better to use fruit masks in the evening.

Recipe 1. Mix freshly squeezed strawberry juice (48 ml) with oatmeal (15 g) and lanolin (8 g). Lanolin must first be melted for a couple.

Recipe 2. Let's make a healing mass from the pulp of plums, melons and vegetable oil (in equal proportions). Fruits are pre-peeled.

Recipe 3. We make a mixture of yolk, fresh juice of any sweet fruit: banana, pear, apple, grapes (16 ml), sour cream (9 ml) and vegetable oil (5 ml). For density, you can add barley flour or wheat bread crumb.

Oil treatments

An oil nourishing mask for aging facial skin at home requires the use of oils of a light consistency. They penetrate the epidermal structure of the skin, moisturize it well. Due to this, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin.

For a dry face, oils are ideal: avocado, jojoba, apricot, peach, wheat germ, almond, chamomile, wild carrot, ylang-ylang, jasmine, lavender, frankincense.

A nourishing mask for dry skin at home with an oil base can include either a single oil or a combination of different types.

Recipe 1. Mix any oil (16 ml) with sour cream (25 g). Apply a thick layer on the face.

Recipe 2. Pour boiling water (16 ml). We hold the mass for 20 minutes so that it is infused. Then add heavy cream (18 ml) to it.

Recipe 3. Add liquid honey (12 g) to milk (42 ml). We will gradually heat this mixture until the honey is completely dissolved. Then add homemade fatty cottage cheese (25 g) and sea buckthorn oil (16 ml).

Nutrition for oily skin

The ideal nourishing mask for oily skin at home is aimed at stabilizing the work of the sebaceous glands, in addition to nutrition, it also perfectly cleanses the pores of the skin, helps to reduce shine, relieve inflammation and.

Protein beauty

Protein is a very important component of the body, without it our body cannot function normally. Also, protein in its pure form is found in the composition of a chicken egg. Protein products not only perfectly nourish oily skin, but also dry it, narrow pores and brighten the face.

The advantage of protein care is that it works instantly. After the first procedure, the condition of the oily epidermis improves significantly.

Recipe 1. Beat the protein into the foam and stir in the lemon juice (3 ml). This tool is applied in several layers, and the remnants of the funds are washed off with strong tea leaves.

Recipe 2. Grate half a sour apple into small chips and add it to the whipped protein. Stir in potato starch (10 g). At the end, wipe the skin with an ice cube.

Recipe 3. We need to make a mixture of two proteins, melted honey (30 g) and peach or almond oil (3 ml). Add powdered oatmeal (50 gr) to the mass. The remains are removed with a warm, then a cool compress.

Yeast helpers

For masks, it is necessary to take "live" baker's yeast. Those that are sold in bags will not work for us.

Yeast homemade nourishing face mask is kept until completely dry, it is removed with contrast water.

Recipe 1. Add yogurt to yeast (10 g), bringing the mixture to a mushy state, then stir in any juice from berries or plantain leaves (5 ml).

Recipe 2. Mix yeast (20 g) with hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) to the consistency of porridge. Apply to the skin in a thick layer.

Recipe 3. We make a mixture of yeast (50 gr) and rye flour. When the concentration of the mass reaches the density of sour cream, cover the container and put it in a dark, warm place. We keep the mixture there for a day, apply a dense layer to the skin.

curd joy

In addition to good nutritional properties, natural cottage cheese improves blood circulation, removes inflammation, deeply moisturizes, softens and soothes.

For use in masks designed to nourish the oily dermis, the cottage cheese must be taken fat-free.

Recipe 1. Mix kefir (25 gr) with cottage cheese (18 ml), add a little salt. After removing the remnants of the mask, wipe the face with an ice cube.

Recipe 2. In equal proportions, we make a mixture of: cottage cheese, vegetable oil, carrot juice and milk. Apply the mixture on the face in a thick layer.

Recipe 3. Cottage cheese (50 gr) is rubbed with melted honey (3 ml), we mix the egg with them.

Nutrition for normal skin

Normal, young skin also requires prevention. Especially in modern life, when constant fatigue, stress, lack of sleep are walking nearby. These factors can unexpectedly affect the face with early wrinkles, lethargy, peeling and loss of a healthy look.

Ethereal magic

For normal facial skin, nourishing care with essential oils is very useful. As a basis, take fruit or berry puree, egg yolk, or a decoction of oatmeal flakes. Add one of the following ethers to the base (10 g):

  • verbena - 1 drop;
  • ate - 2 drops;
  • orange - 2 drops;
  • myrtle - 3 drops;
  • rosewood - 4 drops.

If the skin needs to be not only nourished, but also cleansed, add soap suds (16 ml) to the mixture.

fruit kingdom

In advance, you need to prepare a piece of gauze with holes cut on it for the eyes and mouth. Moisten gauze in one of the freshly squeezed juices or soak with gruel from mashed fruits:

  • raspberry - cleanses the epidermis well and moisturizes it;
  • strawberry - deeply nourishes the skin;
  • red currant has a whitening effect;
  • grapefruit - perfectly tones the dermis;
  • peach refreshes the dermis and increases its turgor;
  • orange fortifies;
  • grapes prevent wrinkles;
  • pear gives the face a velvety look;
  • banana improves skin color, helps to increase elasticity.

You can add a few drops of essential oils suitable for nourishing normal skin to fruit puree: lemon, juniper, rosemary, jasmine, rose, mint, chamomile, lavender, orange and tea tree.

Be beautiful!