Grapefruit essential oil for face and body. Properties. Application. The use of grapefruit oil as an indispensable remedy for the skin

Our nature is inexhaustible for wonderful gifts for our skin. Do you know herbal bittersweet, refreshing aroma with orange and lemon notes? Grapefruit, an amateur fruit, as they say about it. This unusual hybrid of orange and lemon has one magical gift - a unique essential oil, one of the most healing among citrus extracts.

The secret power of grapefruit

Dieters come across this fruit closely - grapefruit helps to liquefy body fat. By the way, its oily substrate has the same properties. Grapefruit oil for the face is not cheap, to make a liter of healing mixture, you need to use about 100 kg of peel. But how can the beauty of the face be appreciated? What is the price:

  • skin elasticity, good collagen levels;
  • even, smooth surface of the face;
  • radiant color of the epidermis;
  • velvety cheeks without signs of inflammation;
  • radiance of the eyes without bruising and bags on the eyelids;
  • delicate skin texture without age spots.

It costs many times more than a small bottle of grapefruit essential substrate, which in a matter of days is able not only to improve the face for a while, but to present eternal youth as a gift. This unique remedy will make you forget that there are wrinkles, acne, inflammation, oily sheen, dryness and flaking, lethargy and weakening of the facial muscles.

The composition of the oil of youth

Grapefruit essential oil for the face rightfully occupies one of the leading positions among anti-aging facial care products, due to its excellent, powerful composition.

  • A lot of vitamins will strengthen skin vessels, stimulate cells to actively produce collagen, heal microcracks, and remove bruises under the eyes.
  • A good supply of organic acids will deeply moisturize the skin, adjust the salt balance, relieve the face of edema, and come to grips with the rejuvenation of the entire cellular structure.
  • A rich amount of minerals and trace elements will reliably protect the epidermis from the effects of negative factors (drying frost in winter, debilitating sunlight in hot summer).

Are you ready to become a young beauty with delicate, sensual, delightful skin? Then let's start.

The best recipes for rejuvenation

First of all, we want to warn you, to say that the use of grapefruit oil for the face in very rare cases can be the culprit of an allergic reaction. Therefore, be sure to check the skin of the face for susceptibility to citrus ether.

Grapefruit ethereal blends perfectly with cinnamon, lavender, nutmeg, sage, almost all basic fruit oils (peach, apricot, grape, jojoba), perfectly complements any coniferous extracts.

Enrichment. Make your usual creams, lotions, tonics, mousses, gels richer. Add to them a few drops of natural miracle oil at the rate of 5 drops of grapefruit oily substrate per 15 ml of any care product.

cleansing. To narrow and clean enlarged pores in oily and prone skin, make a healing mask. Add milk (32 ml), liquid honey (6 ml), bergamot (2 drops), lemon balm (1 drop) and grapefruit (3 drops) to blue clay (50 g). Mix the ingredients thoroughly and keep on your face for a quarter of an hour.

Whitening. Mix almond oil (30 ml) and rosewood ethers, grapefruit (3 drops each), ginger (4 drops) and lemon (2 drops). Rest with the healing mass for 10-12 minutes.

Wellness. This recipe is made for oily skin. Pamper your face with steam baths that will remove excess gloss, reduce sebum secretion and have a good effect on the general condition of the epidermis. For ½ liter of water, take grapefruit ether (4 drops) and lemon balm with bergamot (2 drops each). Warm your face over the hot healing mixture for half an hour. Do not remove the remaining moisture, let the skin absorb completely the precious drops of youth.

Nutrition. Restore dry epidermis with the following remedy. Dilute liquid honey (12 g) in boiled, warm water (32 ml) and add grapefruit ethers (3 drops) and (2 drops) to the mixture. Before applying the mass to the face, steam the skin. Apply a thin layer of the mask on the epidermis and rest with it for a quarter of an hour.

Treatment. Grapefruit essential substrate can be applied in its pure form to problem areas of the skin (areas of inflammation, acne, severe peeling). Gently lubricate these areas with a healing extract and hold until completely absorbed.

Grapefruit peel oil extract is one of the few products that can be used safely for a long time every day. It is very useful to take a bath every evening with the addition of a few drops of grapefruit ether. In addition to high-quality care, your skin will also receive a great relaxing holiday.

Grapefruit essential oil is a powerful natural "weapon" against cellulite and age-related changes. Ether has drainage, regenerating properties, is an effective antidepressant.


  • Grapefruit essential oil - description and properties

    This is a fairly young representative in the family of ethers, but in terms of properties it is in no way inferior to the “oldies”. Grapefruit essential oil is rich in vitamins A, B, C, PP. The ether also contains carotene, potassium, calcium, sugars and organic acids.
    Most of the chemical composition is occupied by hydrocarbons (limonene, pinene, limonene) and alcohols (geraniol, linalool).
    You can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties of grapefruit oil, consider the most basic ones:
    • Stimulates the digestive tract, lymphatic system of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys
    • Has a tonic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect
    • Powerful "tool" against cellulite
    • Has the ability to relieve stress, increased irritability
    • Effective prevention of colds
    • Has regenerative abilities during the rehabilitation period after operations
    • Normalizes the work of sebaceous and sweat glands

    Grapefruit Oil Applications

    The applications for grapefruit essential oil are impressive. In cosmetology, it is used for the manufacture of products for the face, hair, as well as massage mixtures. Many massage therapists prefer this particular ether, as it has healing properties and does an excellent job with cellulite.
    In medicine, it is used both for oral administration and for inhalation for colds. Grapefruit essential oil relieves sore throats and nasal congestion.
    For hair, special restorative products are made (gels, shampoos, masks, veils, etc.). In addition, the ether has proven itself as an effective restorative agent for nails.
    Many people add a few drops of ether to the aroma lamp. This allows you to quickly neutralize unpleasant odors in the room and saturate the air with pleasant citrus vapors.
    Important. Oil should not be applied to the skin in hot weather, you can get burns. During pregnancy, you should consult your doctor before using the ether. And in case of individual intolerance to the components, it is better to refrain from using this oil.

    Grapefruit Facial Oil

    Grapefruit oil for the face is used both in its pure form and in combination with creams, masks, foams for washing. Most of all, the ether is suitable for oily and combination skin prone to oiliness.
    The tool perfectly narrows pores, stimulates cell regeneration, restores the natural tone of the skin, improves blood circulation. During the application of masks, the skin is saturated with useful substances, deeply moisturized.
    To achieve the desired results, cosmetologists recommend using the following therapeutic formulations:
    • Cream (nutrition, restoration, improvement of complexion). 5 drops of ether are added to the usual cream for 1 serving of the product, applied in the morning and evening
    • Cleansing baths with ether. Pour hot water into a clean container and add grapefruit oil at the rate of 2 drops per 1 liter of water. As additional components, you can add esters of lemon balm, bergamot or cedar. This procedure is well suited for problematic skin. Eliminates various rashes, redness, peeling
    • Mask (nutrition, restoration, moisturizing, elimination of cosmetic defects, skin radiance). Mix 20 g of sour cream or yogurt, 1 egg yolk, 10 g of melted honey, add 3-4 drops of ether. Before starting the procedure, the skin must be steamed out, and only then apply the mask with massaging movements. Then let stand for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Sessions are recommended 2-3 times a week.
    • Whitening mask. For 20 ml of linseed or almond oil, add 1 drop of esters, ginger, patchouli, grapefruit. The mask is applied 1-2 times a week for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water.
    Note. If sour cream or cream is used as a base, then their fat content must be selected according to the type of skin. For dry and combination, prone to dryness 25% fat content. If the skin is oily or combination, prone to oiliness, then the base is better to use fat-free. Oversaturation of the skin with moisture will not lead to anything good.

    grapefruit oil for hair

    This ether is of great value for hair. It is used for the preparation of restorative and strengthening agents. Suitable for all types and can restore health even to severely damaged hair.
    During the application of hair masks with grapefruit oil, the scalp is deeply nourished, the hair structure is restored and the roots are strengthened. Ascorbic acid, which is part of the ester, eliminates dandruff, relieves inflammation, and improves blood circulation.
    For effective hair restoration, cosmetologists recommend:
    • Wash your hair with shampoos, balms and conditioners with the addition of ether (2 drops per 20 ml of the main product)
    • Aroma combing sessions. For the procedure, you need a comb with rare teeth, it is best to use a wooden one. Before starting the session, you need to carefully untangle the hairs. Then apply grapefruit oil along the teeth of the comb and slowly comb through the hair 3-4 times from roots to ends.
    • Apply masks with the addition of ether (5 drops per 50 ml of the main product). Apply for 40-50 minutes 2 times a week. The mask is washed off with warm water. Dry your hair naturally without using a hair dryer
    This is interesting. You can make a restorative mask yourself. To do this, add 2 drops of grapefruit, ylang-ylang and coriander esters to 50 ml of the base. Mix the mixture thoroughly, apply to the hair, rubbing into the roots with massaging movements.
    After that, wrap your head with cling film, and on top with a towel, leave for 40 minutes. After maintaining the specified time, rinse with warm water using a balm. As a base, you can use linseed oil, sesame or burdock.

    Grapefruit oil against cellulite

    The fight against cellulite requires a lot of effort. To do this, use various scrubs, creams, lotions. One of the effective remedies is citrus essential oil, including grapefruit. It is used as an additional component for anti-cellulite products or as an independent tool.
    Procedures can be carried out not only in cosmetology clinics, but also at home. The most effective remedy is wrapping with grapefruit ether. To do this, it is necessary to steam the skin, apply an anti-cellulite composition to the problem areas (100 g of liquid honey, 50 ml of olive oil, 10 drops of grapefruit ether), wrap with cling film.
    For the best effect, you need to lie under the covers, hold for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The procedure is repeated 2 times a week.
    During sessions to get rid of cellulite, grapefruit oil can:
    • Break down fats and remove their excess from the body
    • improve lymph flow
    • Remove excess fluid from cells
    • Normalize metabolism
    • Remove waste and toxins from the body
    • Stimulate the process of cell regeneration
    • Accelerate the production of elastin and collagen

    Grapefruit oil for weight loss

    Grapefruit oil for weight loss is considered one of the best remedies. During diets, it can be added to dishes 1-2 drops per serving. Also effective methods are taking baths with the addition of ether or aromatherapy.
    During the use of grapefruit oil for weight loss, the following occurs:
    • Decreased appetite, improved digestion
    • Metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, which contributes to the removal of toxins and toxins
    • Eliminates feeling of heaviness after eating
    • Accelerates the process of burning excess body fat
    Diet is frequent meals in small quantities. As another light snack, you can eat a crust of dark wholemeal bread soaked in grapefruit essential oil (2-3 drops). This will help to satisfy the feeling of hunger and wait for the next meal without much discomfort.
  • Many Russians underestimate the properties and possibilities of essential oils. And some citizens even consider them useless. But it's not. We are ready to talk about what grapefruit essential oil (EMG) is, what properties it has and where it is used.


    In 1933, grapefruit oil began to be obtained industrially. Delicate and at the same time bitter aroma of this unusual representative of the citrus family cannot but attract attention. For several years, grapefruit-based oil has been used to make cosmetics (soaps, shampoos, and creams).

    What is a fruit? It is a hybrid of an orange. And the oil from it is obtained in two ways - steam distillation and cold pressing.

    Why is grapefruit essential oil valued? Properties

    A person who buys grapefruit ester in a store should know for what purposes it is used. If you do not follow certain recommendations and dosages, you can harm yourself.

    We list the beneficial properties of grapefruit EO:

    Spasmolytic effect;
    improving the condition of the hair. Oil normalizes the sebaceous glands. And it also strengthens the hair structure, restores its former elasticity;
    promotes the elimination of toxins accumulated by the body;
    normalizes cholesterol levels;
    has a bile and diuretic effect;
    is an excellent assistant in the fight against cellulite;
    eliminates drowsiness;
    improves brain activity;
    helps to get rid of depression;
    whiten the skin of the face, relieves it of oily sheen;
    eliminates inflammatory processes;
    has an antiseptic effect.

    grapefruit essential oil for hair

    Does your hair get dirty quickly? On the 2nd day after washing, does the hair look oily and greasy? Grapefruit oil can solve this problem. It minimizes the activity of the sebaceous glands located on the head. The easiest way is to add a little oil to the shampoo that you usually use.

    Can be applied before washing hair special mask. She does it like this:

    1. In a shallow bowl, mix grapefruit oils (5 drops) and almond oils (1 tbsp. L).

    2. Rub the resulting mass with fingertips into a pre-washed and dried head. Tie a towel over the top.

    3. After 2 hours, wash off the mask with tap water. We do not use shampoo.

    Another mask recipe

    In one bowl, mix rosemary, grapefruit and sage oils. We take them 3 drops. Then add 1 tbsp. l grape seed oil. It will serve as the base element.

    The resulting mixture is rubbed into the roots of the hair, performing massage movements. We repeat the procedure every three days. Soon you will notice that the hair has become shiny and incredibly smooth.

    grapefruit essential oil for nails

    The problem of brittleness and delamination of nails is familiar to many women. If folk remedies and expensive drugs do not help you, then it's time to try grapefruit oil. It has a pleasant aroma, in which notes of lemon and orange are felt.

    Well-known companies produce hand and nail creams based on grapefruit essential oil. These funds are incredibly popular with women of all ages. But for serious problems with nails, it is best to buy grapefruit oil in its pure form. It can be applied in different ways. For example, make compresses, add to hand baths and simply apply to nails.

    Grapefruit ether whitens the nail plate, moisturizes it and adds extra shine. With regular use of this tool, you will forget about burrs and delamination of marigolds for a long time. Your manicure will be flawless.

    Grapefruit essential oil for acne

    Tired of fighting inflammation, comedones or acne? Chances are you just haven't tried grapefruit EO. It evens out the skin texture, removes oily sheen and various defects.

    To combat acne, it is necessary to apply oil pointwise to problem areas. We do this once a day. The result will be in 1-2 weeks.

    Grapefruit ester contains a fairly large amount of ascorbic acid. Therefore, for applying masks, it should not be used in its pure form, but in combination with other oils. Otherwise, burns may appear on the face. In ready-made creams, add 1-2 drops of oil.

    Want to brighten up your skin a little? Then prepare such a mixture consisting of grapefruit oils (2-3 drops) and sea buckthorn oils (1 tbsp. L). Apply daily to the skin. Wash off with water after half an hour.

    grapefruit essential oil for cellulite

    Wraps with grapefruit oil and other ingredients will help eliminate the “orange peel”. To get visible results, you need to take a course consisting of 10-15 procedures.


    Packaging of blue clay (available in any pharmacy);
    3-5 drops grapefruit EO.

    Practical part:

    1. Take a deep bowl. Pour blue clay into it. Fill with water and mix. It is necessary to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream.

    2. Add the above amount of grapefruit EO to the clay bowl.

    3. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin affected by cellulite.

    4. We wrap ourselves with cling film. To enhance the effect, you need to make 2-3 layers. In addition, you can not eat 2 hours before and at least an hour after the procedure.

    5. Lie down under a warm blanket. We mark 20-30 minutes. Then we go for a warm shower.

    Another method of combating cellulite is massage. You can do it by hand, but it is best to use vacuum jars. We perform movements from the bottom up. They will force the stagnant lymph to work. Fat cells will gradually break down. After the massage procedure, we apply a cream to the skin with the addition of a few drops of grapefruit ether.

    Deciding to take advantage of the beneficial properties of grapefruit oil, you must know that grapefruit essential oil will cost an order of magnitude higher than other oils. Indeed, it is harder and more expensive to extract this oil than from other citrus fruits.

    From grapefruit, 1 liter is obtained from 100 kg of peel, but this is much less than from the progenitors of orange and pomelo.

    The price of the product justifies expectations, the oil really has a lot of useful properties that are used not only in aromatherapy, but also satisfy many requests for healing and maintaining beauty.

    Composition of grapefruit essential oil

    The main chemical components of grapefruit essential oil are geraniol, limonene, linalol, miocene, pinene, citral.

    Grapefruit oil is rich in vitamins C, B2, PP, provitamin A (carotene), potassium, calcium, organic acids.

    Grapefruit essential oil is yellowish in color, light and viscous in consistency.

    The aroma of the oil is fresh, coldish, with a gentle light bitterness.

    Useful properties of grapefruit oil

    The oil has a disinfectant, antiseptic, tonic, lymphatic effect.

    It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiviral properties.

    Grapefruit oil is good for oily skin and oily hair.

    The oil normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and increases the tone of the hair follicles.

    Narrows the pores on the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

    Essential oil prevents the formation of blackheads and comedones, tones the skin.

    Grapefruit oil cleanses and whitens the skin of the face.

    Increases skin elasticity and firmness.

    Fights the first signs of aging.

    In addition, grapefruit essential oil improves immunity, increases the body's resistance to infectious and viral diseases.

    Apply this oil in the "weight loss program".

    Oil normalizes fat metabolism in the body. Grapefruit oil cleanses the skin of toxins and toxins.

    The oil stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells, improves blood circulation.

    Face masks with grapefruit essential oil

    Mask to brighten the skin

    To brighten the skin of the face and prevent the appearance of acne, grapefruit oil mixed with sea buckthorn oil will help. After combining a few drops of each, apply the liquid with a cotton pad on the skin of the face, no rinsing is required. It is best to carry out such a procedure before going to bed, it will not only heal you, but also help you fall asleep.

    cosmetic ice

    Cosmetic ice made from natural ingredients with the addition of grapefruit oil will help to refresh tired skin, remove bags under the eyes after lack of sleep. You will need 1 teaspoon of honey and 5 drops of oil, which are dissolved in a glass of water, this mixture is placed in the freezer and the face, décolleté and neck are wiped with the resulting ice cubes.

    Mask for dry skin

    Take 20 grams of grapefruit juice and mix them with 1 teaspoon of honey. To this mixture add 1 egg yolk (previously beaten). This mask should be applied to the face for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, it is necessary to wash off the mask with plain warm water.

    Grapefruit oil mask for acne

    You probably already know that essential oils cannot be used in their pure form. But as always there are exceptions to the rule. And one of them is that grapefruit oil can be used in its pure form in the fight against acne - namely, use it pointwise.

    To prepare an anti-acne mask, take:

    - 30 - 35 g of green clay;

    - 3 tablespoons of aloe vera juice;

    - 1 teaspoon of orange juice;

    - 2 drops of lavender essential oil;

    - 1 drop of tea tree oil;

    - 1 drop of grapefruit essential oil.

    Nourishing mask


    - honey - 1 tablespoon,

    - milk - 1 teaspoon,

    - grapefruit oil - 2 drops,

    - rosemary oil - 2 drops.

    Melt honey in a water bath, add milk and essential oils. Before applying the mask, the face must be steamed. Apply the mask for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    Face cream

    In order to save time, grapefruit essential oil for the sake of the face can be added to an ordinary moisturizing day cream. Quite five or six drops for a full jar. The main thing, after scrupulously all the same, mix.

    It is allowed to use this method on a daily basis, for no reason, since the saturation of the oil is quite small, and this will not lead to excessive dryness.

    Only in this case, you will have to abandon the masks with grapefruit oil, or do them no more than once a week.

    In addition to time, this method will save money. You need less oil in a cream than in masks, and grapefruit oil is not an inexpensive delight.


    Contraindications for grapefruit essential oil are quite standard: these are allergies and individual intolerance.

    Therefore, be sure to try before using a drop of oil on the inner crook of the elbow. But don't confuse an allergy with a natural reaction! Pure grapefruit oil, on contact with the skin, always gives a slight burning sensation, which itself disappears after a couple of minutes.

    With caution, you should take grapefruit oil inside: only after meals, no more than 3 drops per day and always dissolved in honey.

    Also, do not apply grapefruit oil to the skin before going out into the sun: grapefruit is phototoxic.

    Using essential oils for the face

    Grapefruit Face Masks

    Olive oil in cosmetology

    Apricot kernel oil for face

    Protein face masks

    Vitamin cocktail for the face


    Grapefruit essential oil for face

    Although grapefruit oil has been relatively recently discovered as a cosmetic product, it is widely used and recommended by skin care professionals.

    It is recognized as really effective due to its rich biochemical composition and properties. However, for successful use, you need to understand exactly when and how to do it correctly.

    Composition and properties

    Grapefruit oil is a yellow liquid. The aroma consists of several notes: from pronounced sweet to woody. You can get such a product from the peel of the fruit by cold pressing.

    The composition includes:

    • vitamins: A and groups B, C, PP;
    • minerals: copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, etc.;
    • organic acids;
    • chemicals: pinene, geraniol, limonene, citral, etc.
    • protects the skin from the harmful effects of natural factors (frost, ultraviolet, wind, etc.);
    • retains moisture in the cells of the dermis;
    • promotes rapid skin regeneration;
    • eliminates pigmentation and has a whitening effect;
    • makes the skin more elastic;
    • promotes the production of its own collagen;
    • has an antiseptic effect;
    • eliminates swelling;
    • regulates the sebaceous glands and prevents inflammation.

    For what skin and what problems is it suitable for?

    The use of grapefruit oil for the face is suitable for various skin types, and in any case, it solves certain problems:

    1. Normal. Supplemental nutrition with vitamins and other useful substances. As a result of regular use, the skin retains elasticity and youth for longer.
    2. Oily. The tool helps to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and narrow the pores. The skin acquires a healthy matte tone.
    3. Dry and aging. Grapefruit oil helps replenish collagen, which declines with age. This prevents the appearance of small wrinkles and helps to smooth existing ones. The ability of the product to retain moisture allows you to save the skin from drying out.
    4. Problematic. In this case, the ether point eliminates inflammation and reduces pigmentation.


    In its purest form

    Grapefruit oil is saturated with active substances that act so powerfully on skin cells that it can do more harm than good. For example, you can easily get burned or provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, it should not be used in its pure form.

    As an additive

    The agent is added to any base oil with a less pronounced effect (for example, peach, sea buckthorn, shea, jojoba, etc.). For such an application, the recommended proportion is: a couple of drops of oil per full tablespoon of the main one.

    One easy way to use grapefruit essential oil for your face is to add it to your base skincare routine. 3-5 drops are enough for the skin to receive citrus vitamins.

    Another variation of the application is cosmetic ice for washing. Suitable for neck, face and décolleté. To prepare, you need to mix 6 drops of ether, 1 glass of pure water and a spoonful of flower honey.

    Pour the resulting mixture into molds and send to the freezer.


    Mattifying mask

    • 2 drops of grapefruit and lavender oil;
    • aloe;
    • orange juice 50 ml;
    • green clay 40 grams.

    Get juice from aloe (about ¼ cup). Mix everything and apply the mixture on the face, except for the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips. Wash off the mask after 10-15 minutes.

    For dry skin

    You will need:

    • egg yolk;
    • 15 grams of honey;
    • 2-3 drops of grapefruit oil.

    Beat the yolk lightly. Mix honey with butter, and then add the yolk. The mask is evenly distributed and allowed to soak for several minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    For aging skin


    • milk 30 ml;
    • honey 30 grams;
    • 3-5 drops of rose oil and grapefruit ether.

    Combine everything and heat the resulting mass to a homogeneous consistency. Allow the product to cool and apply to problem areas for 10-15 minutes.

    Against pigmentation

    • ginger juice 15 ml;
    • almond oil 20 ml;
    • rosemary oil and grapefruit ether 2-3 drops each.

    Mix the ingredients and spread on the face. Leave for 15 minutes.

    For any skin as an additional nutrition


    • medium-fat sour cream 1 tablespoon;
    • honey 30 grams;
    • egg white;
    • 2 drops of grapefruit oil;
    • wheat or corn flour (for consistency).

    Beat the protein to light peaks. Mix sour cream and honey, then add the egg. At the end add butter and flour. Apply this mask for 20-30 minutes.


    Although grapefruit oil is recognized as a highly effective natural cosmetic product, it is better to familiarize yourself with the contraindications before use. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

    • Individual intolerance. If you are not sure, you can pre-apply a cream with 1 drop of oil on the crook of your elbow and observe the reaction during the day.
    • Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women (grapefruit, like any citrus fruit, is an allergen).
    • You can not go out into the sun immediately after using the product on the skin: burns and irritation may appear on the face.
    • Severe inflammation. Grapefruit contains many active substances, and its use for serious problems can only aggravate the situation.

    Thus, grapefruit oil for the face is a great helper in home skin care. Its action is targeted, which contributes to the point solution of the problem and the improvement of the appearance of the skin. However, you should also remember about precautionary measures in order to avoid worsening the situation.

    Mask recipe for oily skin.


    grapefruit face oil

    Grapefruit is an amazing hybrid obtained by crossing a lemon and an orange, which has not only an unusual taste, but also a unique chemical composition.

    In particular, this fruit, or more precisely, its essential oil, has a very beneficial effect on oily skin, but when used correctly, it can also relieve dryness, peeling, age-related changes in the epidermis and many other defects.

    Benefits of grapefruit oil for face

    Grapefruit essential oil boasts an abundance of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, pectins, aldehydes, hydrocarbons and terpenoids. And all this thanks to the way it is obtained.

    Grapefruit oil is extracted from the peel by cold pressing. As a result of this process, a substance with a yellowish tint and a slightly bitter aroma is formed, the composition of which is identical to the original raw material.

    That is why it is so highly valued in the cosmetic industry. Using it in facial care, you can:

    • Eliminate acne and prevent their recurrence. Grapefruit oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent, therefore, under its influence, inflammatory processes calm down, and the skin recovers faster. Grapefruit ether also plays the role of an antiseptic - it suppresses the process of reproduction of pathogenic microflora, thus preventing the formation of new rashes.
    • Get rid of unwanted pigmentation, as grapefruit essential oil contains substances that have bleaching properties. Under their influence, the pigmented areas of the epidermis will lighten, which means that the complexion will become more even.
    • Restore the elasticity of the skin. The components of grapefruit oil, penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, renew the cells of the epidermis. Moreover, they are actively involved in the production of fibers responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. The consequence of the above processes is an increase in skin turgor, a decrease in deep wrinkles and the disappearance of fine wrinkles.
    • Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Grapefruit oil reduces the amount of sebum produced by the glands, which makes the epidermis no longer shiny. And this product helps to narrow the pores and cleanse them.
    • Protect the skin of the face from factors that negatively affect its condition. These factors include: wind, frost, ultraviolet.
    • Strengthen blood vessels and increase the speed of blood circulation. The first is a good prevention of rosacea, and the second helps to improve the nutrition of the epidermis.
    • Deeply moisturize the skin.
    • Remove bruises under the eyes. Grapefruit ether normalizes the outflow of lymph, that is, removes excess fluid from the intercellular space. As a result, puffiness of the face disappears.

    Tips for Using Grapefruit Facial Oil

    • The first thing to do is to test for intolerance to grapefruit oil. The test is very simple: lubricate the skin with 1-2 drops of ether where it is most sensitive, such as behind the ear. Observe the behavior of the epidermis for at least 30 minutes. If during the specified time changes appear on the skin, that is, it becomes red and irritated, the product must be washed off and henceforth not used. In the absence of the described changes, respectively, the product is suitable for further use.
    • Furocoumarins contained in grapefruit oil, under the influence of ultraviolet light, can cause pigmentation and skin burns. For this reason, this oil is not recommended if you are going for a walk in sunny weather or going to the solarium in the near future.
    • Grapefruit ester is mainly used in a diluted state. The proportions should be as follows: 2-3 drops of ether per tablespoon of the base component. In its pure form, they lubricate areas of the skin affected by acne.
    • Before using products with grapefruit essential oil, cleanse the skin of cosmetics, dirt and dust accumulated during the day. Also, do not forget to steam the skin. By carrying out these simple manipulations, you significantly increase the susceptibility of the epidermis to the ingredients of the healing composition, which means that the first results will not be long in coming.
    • When using home cosmetics, one should strictly adhere to the frequency of procedures, because this is the only way to achieve the desired effect. It is optimal to apply masks with grapefruit oil 1-2 times a week for 30-60 days.
    • If you suffer from hypertension, epileptic seizures or are pregnant, grapefruit ester is contraindicated for you.

    Face mask recipes

    Note! For the preparation of cosmetic mixtures, you should take dishes made of ceramics, glass or porcelain. Metal containers neutralize the properties of products, so they are not suitable for this purpose. Also keep in mind that home remedies spoil quickly, so you should always prepare as much of the mask as will be used at a time.

    Mask for oily skin

    What you need:

    • honey - 4 teaspoons;
    • alcohol, boiled water - 1 teaspoon each;
    • tea tree ether, grapefruit ether - 2 drops each.

    How to cook:

    • Combine honey, water and alcohol in one bowl. If the honey is thickened, first melt it in a water or steam bath.
    • Add essential oils to the resulting composition. Mix everything until the consistency of the mask is homogeneous.

    The agent, spreading over the epidermis, soak for about 15 minutes. Wash your face after the time is up. Washing water should be at room temperature. The mask made according to this recipe helps to cope with the problems that oily skin is prone to, that is, acne and oily sheen.

    Mask for normal and dry skin

    What you need:

    • banana - 1 pc.;
    • fat sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
    • grapefruit oil - 2-3 drops.

    How to cook:

    • Remove the skin from the fruit and mash to a puree. It is better to take a ripe banana.
    • Then add the rest of the ingredients to the banana pulp. Mix everything well. By the way, instead of sour cream, you can use cream, but they should also be with a high percentage of fat.

    Apply the mask on your face and wait for 20 minutes to pass. After the set period, remove the composition from the skin with a cotton pad moistened with warm water. After this procedure, the skin becomes soft and moisturized. She also receives a lot of nutrients. All this is favorably reflected in her appearance - she becomes smooth, comes in tone, looks fresh and rested.

    Mask for aging skin

    What you need:

    • milk - 1/2 tablespoon;
    • honey - 1 tablespoon;
    • egg yolk - 1/2 pc.;
    • wheat germ oil - 1 teaspoon;
    • grapefruit ether - 4-5 drops.

    How to cook:

    • Warm the milk to a temperature comfortable for the skin of the face.
    • Next, add honey with a liquid consistency and half an egg yolk to it.
    • After thoroughly mixing the resulting mixture, add oils to the same place. Mix everything again.

    Apply the mask to the skin of the face. After 15 minutes, it should be washed off with cool water. This composition perfectly fights the signs of aging - wrinkles and flabbiness of the epidermis. Moreover, it saturates it with moisture and vitamins, which relieves the face of dullness and dullness.

    Scrub mask

    What you need:

    • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 tablespoon;
    • coffee beans - 2 teaspoons;
    • grapefruit oil - 3-4 drops.

    How to cook:

    • Grind coffee beans with a coffee grinder.
    • Then combine them with slightly warm sea buckthorn oil and grapefruit essential oil. Mix the composition until smooth.

    After applying a scrubbing agent to the skin of the face, massage it with smooth circular movements for 1-2 minutes. After that, wash with warm water. The scrub perfectly cleanses the epidermis of dead cells and sebaceous plugs. Due to this, the skin tone increases, its relief is leveled and the complexion improves.

    Grapefruit oil is a time-tested natural product that allows the fair sex to shine with youth and beauty of the skin of the face, regardless of age. Trust him, and you will see this from your own experience!


    Grapefruit face masks - oil and juice for the skin

    The favorite fruit of all nutritionists, it rapidly reduces the number of centimeters at the waist. Grapefruit is also an unsurpassed remedy in the fight for youth and beauty of the face.

    Grapefruit benefits for skin

    The fruit contains:

    • pectins;
    • citric acid;
    • vitamins of group B, A, C, PP;
    • naringin;
    • essential oil;
    • minerals.

    Useful properties of juicy citrus help:

    1. Give the skin a uniform tone, remove pigmentation;
    2. Strengthen blood vessels, reduce the manifestations of rosacea;
    3. Soothe irritated dermis;
    4. Reduce inflammation, cure acne;
    5. Accelerate regeneration processes;
    6. Reduce wrinkles.

    Indications - for the care of flabby age-related dermis, the treatment of acne, acne. Contraindications - the presence of cracks, wounds on the skin, individual sensitivity, thin skin prone to allergic manifestations.

    Grapefruit for the face

    In cosmetology, citrus is used in anti-aging and corrective masks, and is effective in lymphatic drainage procedures.

    Important advice from the editor

    If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate.

    These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances.

    Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store

    If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

    For face care of normal, oily and combined types, you can wipe your face with grapefruit, make decoctions from the peel, add citrus juice to a tonic. A refreshing spray based on grapefruit peel will replace the best scented water. Use three/five times during the day.

    grapefruit face oil

    Grapefruit oil is used in masks, lotions, tonics and scrubs. Only five / seven drops per 10 ml of the basic composition to strengthen blood vessels, reduce the number of wrinkles. Apply grapefruit ether pointwise to the face, treating inflammation, pigmented formations.

    Harm is possible if used before going out, direct sunlight provokes photosensitivity.

    Best Homemade Grapefruit Face Mask Recipes

    grapefruit acne mask

    Result: stops the spread of infection, soothes redness citrus mask.


    • grapefruit essential oil;
    • 10 gr. black / green clay;
    • 5 gr. zinc ointment.

    Preparation and method of application: dilute cosmetic healing clay with infused green tea.

    Add grapefruit oil to the zinc ointment. Steam the face with a plantain compress, apply the mass in a dense, thick layer. After twenty minutes of action, rinse with lemon water.

    Treat acne and acne with a gel with mint extract.

    grapefruit wrinkle mask

    Result: grapefruit face masks stimulate epidermal renewal processes, remove free radicals, and prevent the formation of mimic wrinkles. Apply home remedies after 40 years in a fifteen-day course.


    • grapefruit ester;
    • 10 gr. alginate powder;
    • 5 ml of tocopherol.

    Preparation and method of application: after diluting the alginate with distilled water, wait five / seven minutes for the formation of a gel-like structure.

    Combine grapefruit oil with vitamin E and with the resulting mass. Wipe the face with micellar liquid, apply with a spatula from the bottom up, smoothing movements.

    Leave for forty minutes, then gently rinse and moisturize with a concentrate with peptides.

    grapefruit and banana face mask

    Result: grapefruit-banana skin care recipes refresh the face, nourish and tone. To restore the properties of elasticity, use a natural mask two to three times a week.


    • grapefruit essential oil;
    • banana;
    • 10 ml cream.

    Preparation and method of application: combine fresh, chilled cream with banana puree and grapefruit oil.

    Steam the surface of the skin with a hot compress for five minutes, apply the mass on the face, avoiding contact with the eyelids.

    After fifteen minutes, remove the mask, wipe the skin with water and strawberry juice.

    Grapefruit and honey mask

    Result: whiten the surface of the face, saturate the epidermis with acids and vitamins of the mask with grapefruit.


    • 5 ml grapefruit juice;
    • 10 gr. honey;
    • 5 ml green tea extract.

    Preparation and method of application: add freshly squeezed citrus juice and liquid extract into the candied bee product. Remove make-up with thermal liquid, rub into the surface of facial tissues with soft circular movements. Rinse after ten minutes and apply a nourishing retinol cream.

    Mask for oily skin

    Result: Using grapefruit for oily skin can prevent acne, narrow and clear comedones.


    • 10 gr. grapefruit pulp;
    • 10 gr. brewer's yeast with sulfur;
    • 5 ml pomegranate oil.

    Preparation and method of application: grind the pulp with a hand blender, add beer mushrooms and pomegranate nourishing oil.

    Carry out preliminary scrubbing with pea flour, then apply the composition with a brush, filling the entire surface of the face except for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids and mouth.

    After a quarter of an hour, wash off the mask and treat the skin with a matting cream with Dead Sea algae extract.

    Mask for dry skin

    Result: effective recipes for home cosmetology compensate for the lack of moisture, organic acids and vitamins.


    • grapefruit ester;
    • yolk;
    • avocado.

    Preparation and method of application: grind a quarter of the fruit in a kitchen machine, add chicken yolk and citrus oil.

    Cleanse the skin from makeup with cosmetic milk, distribute the composition in a dense layer, treat the eyelid area with a gel with hyaluronic acid. Enjoy the action of the nourishing procedure for at least half an hour.

    Then remove the remnants with napkins.

    Rejuvenating mask

    Result: grapefruit juice for the face helps to whiten and reduce the appearance of static wrinkles. For stress and overwork, use the procedure before going to bed.


    • 10 ml grapefruit juice;
    • 15 gr. beeswax;
    • 5 ml argan oil.

    Preparation and method of application: melt natural wax in a water bath, add moisturizing oil and fresh citrus juice.

    Apply with a brush while the mass has not cooled down, put a hot towel on top of the face. The procedure lasts for half an hour, then carefully remove the mask-film and treat with a night-time emulsion.

    Moisturizing mask

    Result: it is easy to prepare at home a moisturizing mask that improves oxygen respiration and compensates for the lack of collagen.


    • grapefruit oil;
    • 5 ml peach oil;
    • 5 ml of olive oil;
    • 10 gr. rice starch.

    Preparation and method of application: add moisturizing vegetable oils and grapefruit ether to cereal starch. After mixing well, apply to the steamed dermis along the lines of the lymphatic flow.

    After twenty minutes, wash off with a decoction of hibiscus, use a multivitamin serum for additional nutrition.

    Exfoliating mask

    Result: as part of a scrub mask, grapefruit oil for the face helps to remove the upper layer of the epidermis, accelerating the renewal process.


    • grapefruit ester;
    • 10 gr. almond flour;
    • 5 gr. coffee grounds;
    • 10 ml sea buckthorn oil.

    Preparation and method of application: combine almond powder with coffee grounds, mix thoroughly, introduce berry and aroma oil.

    Moisten the surface of the skin with a decoction of chamomile, distribute the composition, rubbing, but not stretching the skin. After five/six minutes, rinse off and apply mattifying cream with white clay.

    Grapefruit is an amazing hybrid obtained by crossing a lemon and an orange, which has not only an unusual taste, but also a unique chemical composition. The substances contained in it make it an indispensable assistant in the fight for the beauty of the skin of the face. In particular, this fruit, or more precisely, its essential oil, has a very beneficial effect on oily skin, but when used correctly, it can also relieve dryness, peeling, age-related changes in the epidermis and many other defects.

    Benefits of grapefruit oil for face

    Grapefruit essential oil boasts an abundance of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, pectins, aldehydes, hydrocarbons and terpenoids. And all this thanks to the way it is obtained. Grapefruit oil is extracted from the peel by cold pressing. As a result of this process, a substance with a yellowish tint and a slightly bitter aroma is formed, the composition of which is identical to the original raw material. That is why it is so highly valued in the cosmetic industry. Using it in facial care, you can:

    • Eliminate acne and prevent their recurrence. Grapefruit oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent, therefore, under its influence, inflammatory processes calm down, and the skin recovers faster. Grapefruit ether also plays the role of an antiseptic - it suppresses the process of reproduction of pathogenic microflora, thus preventing the formation of new rashes.
    • Get rid of unwanted pigmentation, as grapefruit essential oil contains substances that have bleaching properties. Under their influence, the pigmented areas of the epidermis will lighten, which means that the complexion will become more even.
    • Restore the elasticity of the skin. The components of grapefruit oil, penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, renew the cells of the epidermis. Moreover, they are actively involved in the production of fibers responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. The consequence of the above processes is an increase in skin turgor, a decrease in deep wrinkles and the disappearance of fine wrinkles.
    • Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Grapefruit oil reduces the amount of sebum produced by the glands, which makes the epidermis no longer shiny. And this product helps to narrow the pores and cleanse them.
    • Protect the skin of the face from factors that negatively affect its condition. These factors include: wind, frost, ultraviolet.
    • Strengthen blood vessels and increase the speed of blood circulation. The first is a good prevention of rosacea, and the second helps to improve the nutrition of the epidermis.
    • Deeply moisturize the skin.
    • Remove bruises under the eyes. Grapefruit ether normalizes the outflow of lymph, that is, removes excess fluid from the intercellular space. As a result, puffiness of the face disappears.

    Tips for Using Grapefruit Facial Oil

    • The first thing to do is to test for intolerance to grapefruit oil. The test is very simple: lubricate the skin with 1-2 drops of ether where it is most sensitive, such as behind the ear. Observe the behavior of the epidermis for at least 30 minutes. If during the specified time changes appear on the skin, that is, it becomes red and irritated, the product must be washed off and henceforth not used. In the absence of the described changes, respectively, the product is suitable for further use.
    • Furocoumarins contained in grapefruit oil, under the influence of ultraviolet light, can cause pigmentation and skin burns. For this reason, this oil is not recommended if you are going for a walk in sunny weather or going to the solarium in the near future.
    • Grapefruit ester is mainly used in a diluted state. The proportions should be as follows: 2-3 drops of ether per tablespoon of the base component. In its pure form, they lubricate areas of the skin affected by acne.
    • Before using products with grapefruit essential oil, cleanse the skin of cosmetics, dirt and dust accumulated during the day. Also, do not forget to steam the skin. By carrying out these simple manipulations, you significantly increase the susceptibility of the epidermis to the ingredients of the healing composition, which means that the first results will not be long in coming.
    • When using home cosmetics, one should strictly adhere to the frequency of procedures, because this is the only way to achieve the desired effect. It is optimal to apply masks with grapefruit oil 1-2 times a week for 30-60 days.
    • If you suffer from hypertension, epileptic seizures or are pregnant, grapefruit ester is contraindicated for you.

    Face mask recipes

    Note! For the preparation of cosmetic mixtures, you should take dishes made of ceramics, glass or porcelain. Metal containers neutralize the properties of products, so they are not suitable for this purpose. Also keep in mind that home remedies spoil quickly, so you should always prepare as much of the mask as will be used at a time.

    Mask for oily skin

    What you need:

    • honey - 4 teaspoons;
    • alcohol, boiled water - 1 teaspoon each;
    • tea tree ether, grapefruit ether - 2 drops each.

    How to cook:

    • Combine honey, water and alcohol in one bowl. If the honey is thickened, first melt it in a water or steam bath.
    • Add essential oils to the resulting composition. Mix everything until the consistency of the mask is homogeneous.

    The agent, spreading over the epidermis, soak for about 15 minutes. Wash your face after the time is up. Washing water should be at room temperature. The mask made according to this recipe helps to cope with the problems that oily skin is prone to, that is, acne and oily sheen.

    Mask for normal and dry skin

    What you need:

    • banana - 1 pc.;
    • fat sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
    • grapefruit oil - 2-3 drops.

    How to cook:

    • Remove the skin from the fruit and mash to a puree. It is better to take a ripe banana.
    • Then add the rest of the ingredients to the banana pulp. Mix everything well. By the way, instead of sour cream, you can use cream, but they should also be with a high percentage of fat.

    Apply the mask on your face and wait for 20 minutes to pass. After the set period, remove the composition from the skin with a cotton pad moistened with warm water. After this procedure, the skin becomes soft and moisturized. She also receives a lot of nutrients. All this is favorably reflected in her appearance - she becomes smooth, comes in tone, looks fresh and rested.

    Mask for aging skin

    What you need:

    • milk - 1/2 tablespoon;
    • honey - 1 tablespoon;
    • egg yolk - 1/2 pc.;
    • wheat germ oil - 1 teaspoon;
    • grapefruit ether - 4-5 drops.

    How to cook:

    • Warm the milk to a temperature comfortable for the skin of the face.
    • Next, add honey with a liquid consistency and half an egg yolk to it.
    • After thoroughly mixing the resulting mixture, add oils to the same place. Mix everything again.

    Apply the mask to the skin of the face. After 15 minutes, it should be washed off with cool water. This composition perfectly fights the signs of aging - wrinkles and flabbiness of the epidermis. Moreover, it saturates it with moisture and vitamins, which relieves the face of dullness and dullness.

    Scrub mask

    What you need:

    • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 1 tablespoon;
    • coffee beans - 2 teaspoons;
    • grapefruit oil - 3-4 drops.

    How to cook:

    • Grind coffee beans with a coffee grinder.
    • Then combine them with slightly warm sea buckthorn oil and grapefruit essential oil. Mix the composition until smooth.

    After applying a scrubbing agent to the skin of the face, massage it with smooth circular movements for 1-2 minutes. After that, wash with warm water. The scrub perfectly cleanses the epidermis of dead cells and sebaceous plugs. Due to this, the skin tone increases, its relief is leveled and the complexion improves.

    Grapefruit oil is a time-tested natural product that allows the fair sex to shine with youth and beauty of the skin of the face, regardless of age. Trust him, and you will see this from your own experience!